'. H hi) !: M t t - voL.wxxti: Price, iO Cecil a Kaailv. CONCORD. C, WEDNESDAY: SEPTEMBER 13. 1911. Bute Copy, NO. S3 cm nruAirsa new ' v STATION. Give Thirty Days by City Aldermen -to Provide Sub. All Trains Re C euired to Stop Hera. Talk of Aa - other Railroad Here. .. The meeting of the board of alder men last" jtight wsa characterised by the definite and determined atepo the eity fathers took to remedy tho de plorable: etonditiona that exiata at tb Southern railway passenger aUtion here, . Immodiataly after tha session waa sailed to order by Mayor Wagoner ' tha following resolution waa offered . by Alderman. King fend uiianimoualy peeeed:, l Ordered by the alderman of the eity of Concord that tha Mayor, Mr. C. B. Wagoner, be and ia hereby request ed to notify epme one of the" officers of tho Southern Railway that the eity demand and expects the aaid railway to take immediate steps to ward erecting a depot in this eity at ita preaent location, ' suitable . for transacting ita large business in this town and in ease aaid railway com pany shall not take active atepa to comply with this request within thir ty days, that then the Mayor shall em ploy, at he expense of the town, euch attorneys as be may think advisable to assist the city attorney in taking such action "before the - Corporation Commission as be may think neces sary, in order to accomplish the desir ed end. ; . . , Alderman King then offered a res olution reading as follows which was also paaaea: It ia ordered by the board that W. M. Smith, Esq., be and is hereby ap pointed a committee to negotiate with any opposition line to the Southern railway and ascertain what atepa are n eesaary for the eity to take in or der to have them come to our city and that he report this finding to a later session of the board. .' Mavor Wssroner extended an invi tation to any citizens present to bring whatever business they might have to the attention of the board. Mr. D. B. Coltrane responded by saying that it was the first time he had ever appeared before the board to make eomDlaint but he did want to call their attention, as they were the gov- arnimr hodv wf?thVtown7tothe an-Jth aanitary- conditions of the lavatory in gtimulatcd . the waiting room' at tne aepot. is offensive to any man who goes in the waiting room; and as it is a pubUc place we are compelled to go in mere, and at times foxeed to stay in there, Mayor Wagoner and members of GIRL MURDERED TO the board expreaaed' tbemselvea as I CQVTIt ANOTHER CRIME moat willing to eo-operate ia any move that would secure a new railroad lor ! Sensational Turn la Hawkins Mys theeity. . - terv. Arrest af Two Prominent member of the committee, recently 1 appointed to investigate what trains! should stop at Concord. Dr. King moved that the eity attorney draw up twenty-four hours will probably bring aa ordinance requiring every trai the solution of the Myrtle Hawkina operated bv the Southern railway murder mystery. ' Detectives are at that runs through this eity to atop work and it ia rumored tonight that here. : This motion waa passed with- a young man recently married and a out a dissenting vote and the ordi-1 local physician will be drawn into diateiynanee will - become effective tne ease. ' nance will become effective imme-1 Myrtle ' Hawkina did not commit diately upon ita publication. '.- suicide. - Thia ia a aettled fact. The Dr. King reports that the ear of real story however la one of peculiar road binder material recently purchas- grief. The girl died aa the result of ed by tne eity would be used mostly la criminal operation and tne body on Scott,, Spring and East , Depot was bidden away for three days and streets. r - learned to tne lake and placed in the The board also appointed Dr. King position in which it was found. Her committee to confer with county little pocket clock was round right commissioners with regard to the at the edge of the water and it was eounty paying part of the cost of im- stopped at 9:30. This ia an incident proving Corbin street : : , - to show that the body waa taken to The board then adjourned' subject I the lake Saturday night to call. I More than one person must have been concerned in this double crime. In tha Cotton Belt IThe officers are almost sure that they Charlotte Chronicle. ' can locate the principal figure, and Reviewing the weather and the ! within, the next "I don't think ye should stand idly by an Man, One a Physician, Hourly Ex pected. . ' - Hendersonville, Sept 12. The next is spending nd sav adthiiur ibut we should raise a vigorous; protest to have the .... - ,im - a eonditiona remedied. - ine aurrouuu intr at this depot are the most offen- sive I have ever seen from at Atlantic to tha Pacific.'! Did you ever ace a railroad have so little respect for the eitiaenship of a community as to put - such a thing in the waiting room!" - "Everything Mr. Coltrane has said ia time." said Mavor Wagoner, which waa followed by worda of approval from the members of the board. Con tinuing Mr. Wagoner aaiMGentle men, the only',, way we can? get any thing from the Southern -railway is - to force them.to do it. They have sent their representatives here ; who hava talked to me 'and made nice ' promiaea ,butthey-; always want -to have a delay in anything that we pro. pose." , : Mr. W: C. Correll added a few " wards Af approval to Mr. Coltrane remarks and telosed by telling the board that it was up to them to do ' antnathinir. - V Dr. King made a motion that the eitv health officer require the railroad 1 to put the waiting room in a aanitary condition attdekeep it in such eondi- . tion or issue a warrant for them. The motion ; warapeedily passed, every ! : I -" 'i- . ' memBer voihz. m m i .. Going backjlo the subject of a new railroad for Concord, which contin ually bobs u at almost every public meeting of enykind that is held in tha eity lately, Mr,1 Coltrane told the board that I f .believed a ' railroad eould be broucrht here. ; He said that ' he had talked with the president of a road that "runs out from Thomas- villa and it 'at road waa anxious to connect wii'v the Southbound. They are also am duff to extend it to High Point and the people of that town are - making an Jefforfc to get it. ''Mr. Smith ia more familiar with the facts ' about it than-1 am, but I know we can get the road if we take hold of the matter in a businesslike way aa Busi ness men.";.-. ; "The eonnection with the propos al Mount fiilead-Norwood to Char- lntta road with proper effort eould easily be diverted to come here. In fact many of the leaders have aug - gested time, and apain to bring the road thia way. They would have ' pushed the matter before thia but for : a desire to reach the freight ship- fing points such aa Concord, Mount 'leasant and other points. It is now up to the energies of our eiticena as to whether 'they take hold of one of the other of the routes and push - them." , . PE31S05AL 'MXXTIOJr. I J0X2TT FAMILT SXimiOV. To Be Bald September S3 by The Sdrtvatt and Plan Descendants. We are asked to republish the fol lowing contribution: The Stirewalt and Pleas descen dant! will have a joint assembly at Harris Chapel, two miles north of China Grove, on Friday, Septem ber 22nd. They invite all their friends and connections sad especi ally request all attending to bring well filled baskets. The program will be published la te It ia prdbwble that a native of Salisbury, now residing eteewhere, will be one of the speakers. However, then will be ministers, lawyers and others of the vwo zamiuea wno can and will make addressee tl st day. It ia deeiriona that any one having rec ords concerning these families, that they bring them along. The chief ends of this gathering is to trace the family Jiistories to the earliest set tler. Frederick, Adam and John Stire- walt were the first of the Stirewalt name in the state. Frederick was in tho Revolutionary war and John was the builder of the organ that gave Organ.' church its name. It is not known yet if they were brothers. TTbey settled in lower Lataker township near Ebenezer church and their desoend ants, with few exceptions, are still in this county and upper Cabarrus. Henry Plesg, who married Cather ine Shive in Germany, was the. pro genitor of all of the Pleas name in North Carolina. He settled in lower Rowan. One son, Martin, went to Arkansas and another, Joseph, to In- diana. Another eon, Henry, settled just over the Cabanns line and mar ried Elizabeth Stirewalt. me ehm ren ware Jacob, John, Mary, who mar ried Jacob Shaver; Catherine, who married Henry Fun ; Elizabeth who married Jdhn Barnngor and Henry, who married Sarah Stirewalt. Of the original Henry's daughter 'c nothing is known. A auite a lareo num'ber of these family connections reside in adjoin ing counties, the prmuoters will be grateful for any publicity given this gathering by the prose in those coun ties. It is hoped that a more con- venient location con. be 4ad for fu ture reunions, but ttiie can faardlv be decided until the residence -of all the Stirewalt and.Pless tribes is ascer tained. Among the speakers will be Rev. A. J. Stirewalt, Rev. M. L. Stirewalt, of Lenoir Collage, Hickory; Rov. C. R. Plcs8, of Concord1; Hon. J. W. Pless, Marion. N. C, and others yet to be announced in the regular pro gram. Three Candidates Dropped by Presby teryRumors Against a Minister. Statesville Landmark. mi Til 1 l 1 il L. JureTioday Rifled the" poUcTofall This, contention became known oday, iSV the larger citie. ofttu .country that coming Jbers of tte ury A w George( who at St. Uo care f theg Presbytery asnisterial they had condemned the films posed The guilty party u as yet unmscoy- hM itaL ..Rndidfttea were dropped two be- foryby'BeulahBinfprd, one of the ered but the members of the family P andadates Jg" selves and one because of financial lr- Somai of tia People Kara and. Ela whara Who Comaad Go. Mr. C. R. Sean is .spending the day ia Kannapolia. i ( Rev. Dr. J? M. GrU the day ia Salisbury, Mr. H. A. Graober iej spending tha da in Charlotte. iil Mr. J. C. Willefordyipent yester day afternoon in Charfctte. i Mr. L. D. Coltrane'bu returned from a business trip to, Raleigh. - - , Mrs. J. O. King, ofCoeksville, is visiting Miss Ida May long. - Mias Rachel Borden, bf Goldsboro, is visiting Mr. F. J. Haywood, Jr. Mrs. -Richard Boyd, 'of Roanoke, Va., is visiting at the home of Mrs. M. C. Boyd. . --a- p ffcgh Miss Sallie Cox baa gone to- Lenoir, where she will inter Davenport CoW Mr. John Peck baa gone to Lancas ter, Pa., where he will ttend school this year.. -s r t Miss Nannie Crowell nag returned from a visit to Blaek Mountain and New London. . . Mrs. John Boger and' Miss Nancy Young are spending the day in Sal isbury. ; : - Miss Mary Miller, of Salisbury, is visiting Misses Jennette and Bes sie Lenta. Mrs. R. C. Litaker has gone to Richmond, where she will visit Mrs. L. R. Phillips. Rolin Caldwell has gone to Mr. k. n.o ti,. v. n. twenty-lour hours. leans PicayunTsays the week has The unfortunate girl left home shown some improvement in weather "fy her lonf eonditiona throughout the cotton belt J- . Whul The western section has received eome ""J v"mTKTmL . fr,h-, !. i.5-i, l,..- k. this long cloak. The post-mortem ex- eflciaL and showera have been leas intion developed the evidences of frequent in the central belt, where a erunuial P" but no other speU of dry weather ia desirable. In m , ,T . V thl Afi.ntf. Hnn tw. h wn may have resulted from shock, or from some improvement in weather eondi- the anesthetic. tiona. Taken aa a whole, weather in ; u" if""J, iu- o u i... i ui I intend murder but when the worst There are still quite general reports happened they hid the body of the Raleigh, where he will enter A. & M. of crop deterioration, and although poor girl until a more convenient College. these reports are without doubt much w"n Plaoed the lak? . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson are exagerated, there is, nevertheless, "l J guests of Prof .and Mm. D. Matt. some justification, aa insect damage """Thompson at Statesville. - . ji i .L. I hla rimn snH tn neonla of this conn- ilte1to y determined to find the man Mr. Harry Isenhour has gone to KR" trt " TilrJ o men who are responsible. Mount Pleasant, where he will enter rrfrZ7n L. now firmly established that the CoUegiate Institute, .ia..i;.M ;n h. ku than. miU Qnra. Miss Myrtle Hawkins was murdered Ruth Cnltrana left this morn- ly be an improvement with a spell of na prooaDiuiy more wan one w for Greensboro to attend the op- warm, dry weather. While there are J""""" uar D"m " Bmng 01 ureensDoro remaie uoiiege, anma whiAh nrao rha mMlf HoatarHI'V I ail aorta or estimates current aa to jtt; r"V Miaa 0r- vy. ,nA Mr. Jesse Mo- al. 1. LI -a.i, .1 J in LI1H MIIJUMIH CI I a,U 111HIU1V UJL IflUD ' - r' 1.,U" Jr Z7 i. - iTw Eaohern. of Mount Pleasant, - are -: 1 T . 1 , j in,w-4i.v nl ; .. St . TS 1 first killing frost The rains have " w- wtuiBjr 1 atuowu viawugr; ...latZi ..tk Af . th .taltlhave finally awakened to the realiza- nieht for SewaneeV Tenn., where he of the cotton plant at the expense of "on of their duty and something is wJ1 enter sewanee Umversity. the fruit, but with dry warm weather " f c lumbia g for a period the plant would undoubt- he gudty parties and bring them to c k 'yUiting relatives edly, fruit considerably, and the ul- justice. ttteryj m'the city is now visit4 in Kan- timate yield would ne eoresponaingiy ov nanolis .tr.tA . . and peculiarly atrocious. . uayvua. -, : ..: 1,1 1 - I The post-mortem examination by Mrs. Morris Caldwell and children, Baanlab Blnford'a Poses Tabooed by the coroner developed the fact that I of Wilmineton. are visiting at the by Censors. la criminal operation had been at- home of Mr. K. V. Caldwell in jno. w vwir Rnt 12 Tbo nntinn. tempted and death was the result js township, al board of censorship of moving pic or tne drug nsea in nn operuon. , c Lippard has gone to BACK HOMERS ORQAKIZE. Patriotic Carolialana Gathered ia Charlotte to Plan Great Movement Charlotte, Sept. 12. With a roodlv attendance of patriotic and quietly determined North Carolinians, the conference of the Back Home move ment of thia atate opened thia morn ing at 11 o'clock at the assembly ball of the Selwyn hotel. Most of the men in attendance ar the executive officers of commercial organizations, newspa per oaiiors, railway men, real estate men and merchants. It waa proposed at he meeting to day to perfect an organization, the purpose of which shall be to prosecute campaign of publicity and corre spondence to the end that natives of this tsate who have wandered astray, and not only these, but people of oth er sections, who have never aeen North Carolina, be brought here for the de velopment of the unparalleled re sources of this state. The morning session, which lasted until 1 o'clock. was taken up with short, earnest ad dresses on the proposed movement. a committee being appointed to form ulate a plan of organization. The address of welcome this morn ing waa delivered by W. C. Dowd, editor of the Charlotte News, who reviewed the objects of the proposed movements, and heartily endorsed it. H. B. Vainer, editor of the Lexing ton Dispatch, responded to the ad dress of welcome in appropriate terms and was followed by F. W. LaBaume, of the Norfolk and West ern railway, who has had much ex perience in such work as is proposed. Messrs. J. H. aine, editor of the Ashe ville Citizen, and H. B. DePriest, ed itor of the Shelby Highlander, and Z. P. Smith, secretary of the Fayette- ville chamber of commerce, also made addresses, all enthusiastically declar ing that great results could be accomplished. Hon. Lee S- Overman opened the afternoon session, delivering one of the most inspiring and intensiely pa triotic addresses ever delivered in the city of Charlotte. He extolled the past glories of the Old North State, and prophesied for her a glo rious future. His speech abounded in statistics showing the wonderful progress she has made. Organiaatiosi was perfected an.!, the name of "The North Carolina Home Makers' Aasociatioa," and tti following effieers wore elect ad; - ' ' President Senator Lee & Over man, or North l'rrJ.. -. . First Viee-PreeideBt W. C Xr of the Charlotte News. '' .' Second Vieo-Preaident--3. jP. C.llV of Fayetteville. - . . . Executive Committee Br? Z. Itt Faison, of Charlotte; Fred L. CV of Raleigh, and James H. Caia. at tke Aaheville Citizen. - Kitchin's Appointment f Vs. Tea, aheo Liva Topic. -' Special to Greensboro News, "f- .Washington, Sept. 1Z North CWr A. Una politicians here this week atZm", to think that Governor Kitcbia made r -a grave political blunder ia appoint. '. ing H. A. Fouahee, of Durham, aa ";'-? successor to Judge J. Crawford tlvYV, of the Ninth Judicial district A .. Granville eounty man aaid today that - ' uovernor Kitehia 'a appoUtaseat 4 would surely lose him Granville eooav ty to Simmons. He says that had tho governor appointed Senator Hicks be would have had a fair ehanee of ear- " . . . rying the eounty ia the senatorial primary. But it will go for Rimmoaa by a large majority. ... , "It was hardly expected." ho aaid. that the governor would giro an other appointment to the law firm of Manning and Foushee whoa so many eminently qualified lawyere were ia the field, among these being A. Wet land Cooke, of Greensboro, and Sen- ( A. Tf ' 1 . ft TT. i t . ior xiicks, 411 uranviue. ..; cainer Oi . these two men would have filled the ' position with entire satisfaction to the state. . . ' ' . "The explanation offered in Gran ville is that the governor ia appoint- . ing Foushee waa paying an old eauV" paign debt. Foushee helped the gov ernor into the governor's chair and ! his friends demanded that he appoint . r ousbee aa a reward." Local Firm Lands Contract I ' Manager J. E. Da via, of the GeaWj cord Furniture Co., has received a notice from tho treasury department J at Washington stating that his firm haa been awarded the contract to furnish Globe-Wernieka. filing t eabv -nets in the.aew govaawnent buiUinf. , in the tLTZ. h at Chesterfield, va., and requested tn JJZATZnTTrt Hnivandtv relarities. It is also understood rutnonues to iouow tne annuo 01 --. r: 7wwL ' i;,." that the Pw New York and forbid their exhibition, tensisoiy to vibu -neiguoors, ui m- m wvu w.. In ite report the board says regard- vestigation later developed inc. iaci igg Ethel Crabtree arrived this ing the pictures; that she had never reached tne neign- mornmg from Roanoke, Va., to begin s "Their sole and only appeal is to oor s nouae. j.uo mr, " t . work as teacher in the Seminary at morbid curiosity. They fail to teach here, did not notify the officers but Mt Pleasant, which opens tomorrow. any lesson 'except one or sentimeniai aw - h. . rai-ahath Parker, of Caldwell, hand. mrl who eoes noon, onorviy uwu yu , ,z TTi... u- " , 1 1.1 a .u - : -i inano. wna nu umu vjwiiuk um bio- i . ... , . ..,.,, .L any a, oroiner x u uxu --- w rnn. to We are inclined to tninK mat 11 following others, went to tne unoer- m - was a lack of sense with Beattie, oth- Sand Clav Road in Rowan. taker 'a where the body of the girl aiDemane o visn framed no i c.... aw 10 rtwinnii n7.a found in the lake that morning was Mm. Bertha Moodv. who haa been k.tf., atnrv ihn tha nn ha o-nve. mu,,U I ... ., i! XT- L-J . . -'-.r . . ir 1 """J broken yesterday tot the construe- awaiting laentincauon. o one uu visiting ner parents, air. ana mm. Durham Herald, tioa of a new sand clay road from ever thought it was the body of Mry-hy; l, Robinson, haa returned to her that the Presbytery appointed a com mission to investigate rumors of n nancial irregularities by one of the ministers. The names of the parties involved are not mentioned because The Landmark hasn't all the facts in toleration for the wrong.'' South liver. Rowan county, to Jerusa- tie Hawkins, but it was supposed that hom in Richmond. She was aecom lem, Davie eounty. xne wont wiujw wuj , , ptuueu uy juib..iwwv. The brother quickly identified . . . . . 1 1 1.1. L.Jh Anniinnn t ha Airvt niTlV ATtn I fill ankM.' aAaiM jfafawmlflAH ait inn mmla hv W KV I Trftlff. & VR&l- IUO IWMAV. atowici-- mvw-b 1 UUBB UWPU) wuw Btsoua OTkoivuauvu thy New Yorker, who haa leased 25,- ahoes. - c H0,88 something tttat wiU in a way , i.ri.i.nh, .nt Hendersonville, Sept. 12. The veil take the place of it bad as well give a t n. t mm trJa' thJ of . rflvsterv that haa surrounded the it nn aa a bad job. The state has a I construction of a good road through death of Misa-Myrtle Hawkins, . the prohibition law and there ia enough the various plantations. In addition I i-ye" k 0t senumenc m uw . w to this the people of Davie have ao- whose body was found Sunday morn- ment to see that ia is given at least cepted another proposition or Mr. "h r"M. . "Ta iair iruu. uiuniu uu. Graig to provide onejialf of the mon- ouy oeing mwa ana uiv-. er necessary to maintain a full -nine b"u f"""". ,'vwt":J7" ontha' school ia e rtain-tbwnsMps. fomng aensataonal. . las Viityurjf vi nuiuiuv um wwu To Stop Jwd Eobberiaa. , , "'.w cnTIhid- ; New York, Sept. 13.--Reproaenta-fmil.j nor nremeditated. but none Uvea of eight jewelers' societies of tua i-. mnrder and the net is fast tne united estates ana anaua mei .iinv amnnil a nrominent voune in this city today to devise plans for Dbvsician of Hendersonville; indeed the better protection of those engag- t garteA toniirht that the eoron- ed in selling jewelry and precious er wm tomorrow order arrests to be stones. ine jewcros , nava uwu majA arouaea to action oy tne unprecedent ed number of assaults and robberies reported by the trade during tho past The New York woman who has a $25,000 anklet, evidently believes on saving something for a rainy oay. . year. l is expected a large reward will ; be offered for the capture or the murderers of Adolph Stern, the clerk who waa killed in the daylight raid on a Sixth avenue jewelry store some months ago. ' --r The postofflce department at Wash ington haa announced that it will in a short time create a substation at Trinity College for tho benefit of the college patrons of the office and will put a clerk at be new office. : Mr; E. L. Pemberton, of Fayette ville, ia a business visitor in the city. Miss Hawkina' body is to be ex- hnmed and a second and more search ing autopsy is to be made. Mr. Hal Cooper, ;of Johnson City, Tenn., al prominent business man of that place, I I .i TT Li I to wnom aubb niviun v wuviu- ed. has urgently requested that-the I remains bo not interred until he ar- rives. . He ia expected to reach here tomorrow and aa the . funeral and interment haa already taken place, Mr. Cooper is expected to urge a more complete lnveatigation. . . Mias Annie Redwlne, of Monroe, la pending the day hi the city the guest . ... t .r-y ii .: T . J OI anas ireue- jacuoncoii. uw .it tinOQQA Wine is cn route to Greensboro, where Oapttal IIM.OW - she will enter the State Normal. irrr-i J ouurtoi or iMnrr-orts CKBCUMO jeeoom mtf TKM MOMMf rov mid Kiel MIF TO tdfm on KjtND-lUtT DBJm 9MLT TKI AMOUNT Htson, raanrat IT"! MOVMtUQlB jccovht ok rot urpltn 3r ft' 4 Par Cant Interest Pail oa Tina L You, Too," Can - Have a Home of ; Your Own. Dont envy other - pooplo'a good-fortune and lament your own lack of opporttmity or ill luck. v ' i!- :- :; "? " Tod can possess a homo of your own and bo just as happy and independent aa you neijh bor. ? - ' Ton haven't tha money t That makes no differenoo wa have tha plan by which you can realixe your ambition. Wo are helping tha people of Concord and vicinity grow in dependent and happy in their homes. ; Wo can help yon, too. Call write or phono. s , " CABARRUS COUNTY L. It SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. ' - In Concord National Bank. - . ...- v. , .-,; v . i ' - s"Prndont ealnl.,' 1 ' 1 "Centrally Located." k 14 ill J I 1 . d'i.' -'I ; ''XTRAGOOD ; j LUnwmi.wiwr.wM'iMW1" iiifriwn,rfitwii,-,,,M"-"-,,M"MM''1111 r "' I bood School Clothes r - EXAMINE EXTRA GOOD CLOTHES BEFORE YOU BUY. i PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST INTERIOR GOODS BY . FINDING THE EX TEA GOOD LABEL IN YOUR BOYS' CLOTHES. , WE HAVE A GREAT VARIETY FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION , SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BREASTED IN SIZES UP TO II : YEARS. L'PMCS CO..

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