A . v It i Sr :...0-. f ( , VOL XXII. Pries, 49 Carts t XeA CONCORD. N. Cv MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13.1911 '8ta4 Octr. 0xta EXTEST! AUI3TS TODAY, .TE&XATESXS EALI&BTJ2Y MAN. t. Often Trie Deed Qlil'i Movements Ml Ob Thursday and Unearth New And a nAsaeri itium 7 . ' ' 8pectyl to Charlotte Observer. r;J EkknoariIU, Sept. 17 Monday Swill bo the day of days ia the Myrtle , liawkini m order myiUry, At the ; J oronor1 inquest which is to eoo ?Tene at 3:30 o'clock, evidence will b '-r heard sufficient to cense tbo imme ; 5' diate vmt . of tbo suspecta, or tbo f authorities will announce that their ' ''-work baa boon for naught, and tbo 'ft A J ' Ml J 4 ,uwwivv uuuuu wiu y uwwu w 'posterity aa a blot oa tba 8UU of ' 1 North Carolina and tba town of Hen ; fdersenville. . '. l t ,-fI ABO MUWUUI, DUWtIM, XBW U there ia little possibility of aueh aa adiagvIt waa announced tonight i that ,tbe definite evidence which baa 'been discovered today will fasten the -1 ktmawiiu mnrdar ' nnon ' the ffniltv nes. -V-v-v " ".;-: . 1 t To a marked degree the effort! of " ?the police and detectives has been devoted today to tracing the move Jlnents of Myrtle oa Thursday after "abe left tba Hawkina borne. Witneasea . t will testify that they aaw her in com- j pany with the man already under - .suspicion at 5 o'clock that afternoon. 1 At that time abe waa in tba immediate .' tMighborhood of Lake Osceola. . 1 ana aeiecuvee ana quiouub nuw 'Bob Waddell again tkla morning and ; behind closed doors put him through - a grilling. When the two-hour exami v pation waa completed they refused to , snake public ita result. .-" $ At 9 o'clock tonight Detective : Bradford had a witness in his room, bo waa aba being put through the third degree. I " ': -r ...' It was announced that Mrs. Bessie Clark Ghnee bad not been arrested, (though efforta to locate her had not een entirely abandoned. Atlanta, Co lumbia) Spartanburg and other cities ate been given aa the points which : are being scoured. There is a true bill a tba court of Transylvania county, t Brevard, charging Mrs, Ouiee with performing ft criminal operation there soma weeks ago. Witnesses who swear (that the, woman was in Henderson ! filla Thuraday night have been found . sad the theory of the officials is that 'la waa driven in the automobile seen at 4 o'clock in the morning to a near- by aUtionfrowhere she .-mad ber . Tha- nWtedaareams heard Wa& naaday night, are not believed to have any connection" with Myrtle's mur Ur. - It ia said the authorities have com to ,tha conclusion that the girl waa murdered Thursday night,. either in a bam or in an outhouse very near, tba lake. It vu learned late tonight from re liable sources that evidence of a new and, startling nature, implicating oth- F allowed OotI And at End Offlcer round Alleged Blackbaadar. - Salisbury, 8ept 16. Under a war rant sworn out by Postofflee Inspec tor Bulla, Charles T. Btewart, a well known young Salisburian, was jailed here last night charged with using the mails for fraudulent purposes, and is being bold under a bond of $1,000 for trial next Tuesday. The affair caus ed a sensation here on account of the circumstances leading to .the arrest. It ia stated that W. F. Snider, cashier of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Com pany in Salisbury, a leading business man of the city, bad received a num ber of black hand letters during the past two. weeks. In these letters a large sum of money waa demanded un der : threata of death. No attention waa given the demands until the last one came demanding that Mb Snider appear at 9 p. nu, September IV at a certain bridge bear Salisbury, that be carry a white flag over his head and proceed along the road until a bell should ring. At this place he was to find a bag into which he should place' the money Sheriff MeKinxie, Deputy J. R. Cruse, Inspector Bulla and a number of officers lined the road last night and Deputy Frank Tolbert carried the bag as demanded until he found a bag. To the bag waa at tacked a string which the officer fol lowed to a point on the yard or. Stew art, who, it is said, waa found hold-, ing tha other end. He was taken by the officers and jailed to await trial. He claims to have been alone in the plan to rob the banker. The officers believe the evidence to be conclusive. Stewart, ia of a good family and was well known here. -1 " ' - Through the United States mail Mr. Snider during the past two weeks had received a number of blaeknand demands for a large amount of money. Each : demand was typewritten and folded in a diamond shape. Specific instructions were given in each letter as to bow and where the money must be placed. The last letter which is similar to the others and which came through the mail yesterday is as fol lows: -:;....., ;,Vv ii - Y - f ! "We aimDlv leave it to you wheth er you live or die in the next lew days, whether your family are to re main here or are going to the eeme- tory with you, they will certainly not go togeiner, pot u is a ouuwe u, you now how- soon they will be, car ried away, one at a time; -f There are enough unexplained murders in this country every day to show you how simple a matter it is for our society to fully carry out their threats and cover up their tracks. Better keep your mouth abut and have the young man to be on the minute with the roods as directed. September 15, leav . . " s A mg town at p. m. ana going sinugui ; pexsojtal Memoir. Soma of tba People Ear ami 33aa , where Waa Come and Go. - Prof. Walter Thompson spent yes terday in Stateeville. Mr. and Mrs. EL J. Braawell spent yesterday in Charlotte. . Mrs. W.' C. Carpenter is spending the day in Salisbury. . , . Mr. B. O. White, of Greenville. S. Cy ia visiting Mrs. . F. White. Mr. J. Leonard Brown is spend ing the day in Salisbury on business. Miss Mary Miller, of China Grove. is visiting bet sister, Mrs. C. B. Pless. -T,..Vw. .L Raniionlout the road towards Faith, carrying baa been directed, has been discovered vrne nag wuuouw j -tA .f th. innnnat are the simple directions he is to iol- rr-ZrT TT.r:77 n low. and you understand your part , without further explaining.; , Time's t Xaw Svidanca is Secured. no." ; ; Hendersonville, Sept. 10. Upon the Detective Bulla, Sheriff McKeniie w.; wk. it , WailnnadftT and seven other officers were station- or Thursday night of last week that ed at intervals along the main road a woman's piercing screams echoed leading, from Salisbury soon after .. -Vw mu th waters of dark last nieht.' Mr. Snider left the Lake Osceola, binges new develop- city walking and carried a small pack meats of a far-r aching nature in the age under bis arm until.met one mile Myrtle Hawkina mystery. It1 waa the from town by the detective. At this : Af ritiMi alnnr this line point Deputy Tolbert took the white which caused an adjournment of the flag carried by Mr4 Snider. LHe pro- oana, which finally died Stewart, located at the scene of the morninK;f(t St M(Q4B itillness of the night, arreat, was searchednd a newly load- p-iai,.!, - . aaystbewas greatly ed pistol- foimd.. Alv a .typewriter J ' g c.n m mnvnliur itt the Monest of ceeded on the same road until ; be Morgan Braaloro, jr vne wasning- ou h5.u. .rL ton detective who is working on the a fence post on which the 1U was ut, attaenea ana iouowea tan oeu corn AfMA. 200 feet out into a field heavily cov- .i.tj iWMnNuntiHvt this after- ered with weeds. " Flashing- his light noon that last vveanesaay'nigni u w ui tnwi uwwiwto thoneh holding the end of the cord. He was U great pain. She arose from her arrested at once and the other officers bed and went out on ner oaca porcn. ciwwu m mm mvu&u un Tba screaming ahe aays ; gradually Salisbury . jaiL Today the house of ebaogedto' moan . away in the stillness fri,-tened and .told her eon and with rpe answering the description AmntMr nf . tha MmmnM. VTaDK USCa W VDO D1BCKUU1U ltuur. Brows, a negro, living near Lake Os-art admit that he wrote the, letters, eeou, deolarea that he heard a-wo- saying ne naa neera wi bibb aflreamimr about midnkht Thure-1 proving successful and thought he . A.m f m w bihI will uvtAHtirV at could work the eame"" ' " . tba inqut Monday afternoon. Stewart gave bond tonight, Mr. Bni- m um .winuTB. ni iah vmw jdd. iuur. iw iuu wuuiu u w -.." h. UbB. is another person who ly threatened, going oa his bond. The Beard a woman e ioua ones .on- nw m - The suthonti s and mueu aiincui- ; rresjoen u w mh.his". ty in making the conflicting r state- : Detroit, Mich- Sept. 18. Michigan moots dovetail aa there are witnesses welcomed President Taft today -with who will swear that they saw Myrtle crenuine cordiality. The presidential Hawkins Thursday afternoon of last train .reached Detroit shortly before . week. :. ,..;-; : '.' 'jv.r:;-. 7. o'clock this morning and despite Na warranta have yet been served the early hour a large crowd was on In connection with the ease nor ia it hand to catch a glimpse of the na- hkeiv that such action will be taken 1 tion's chief executive. The car was before the' close of the inquest Mon- immediately switched around the city day, but -the authorities feel much and taken to Pontiac.jfhere the Pres .more confident of tangible results ident delivered a short address and thereat. , then returned to Detroit to attend I the opening of the Alichiran state Tba American National Red Cross fair. At luncheon the President was announces through the State Depart- lthe guest of the Detroit commercial me t that it is prepared to receive bodies. A ride about the city oecu- an.f forward contributions for the re-1 pied the remainder of the afternoon. li f of ti e famine sufferers in China. Mr. J.- Locke Erwin haa returned from- a business trip to Durham. Mr. J. F. Dayvault has rone to Sal. isbury on a short' bus'inns trip. - Mr.- V. L. Norman has returned from a 'business trip to Henderson ville. ' -J 1 v . , Mr. M. O. Harris, of Charlotte. spent yesterday ia the city with his family. V - , Mr. Charles Stratford, of Charlotte. spent yesterday in the city with his family. Miss Corrie Boyd has returned from Black Mountain, where she has been spending several weeks. Rev. TO. L. Hutchina left this morn ing for Raleigh, where he will spend several days with his brother. Mrs. W. J. Anderson, who has been visiting Mrs. J. C. Gibson, has re turned to her home in Washington. Miss May Fant, who has benn vis iting .Miss Eleanor Norman, has re turned to her home in Walballa, S. C. Mr. Leslie Bell, of Davidson Col lege, spent, yesterday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bell. Mr. Carl Wolff will leave tonisrht fort Newberry, where he will attend school at Newberry College this year, Miss Carrie Heilig has returned to her home in Mount Pleasant, after visiting Mrs. J. A. Peck for several day. . i Mr. and Mrs. D. N. C. Astenius, who have been visiting Rev, C. P, McLaughlin, bave returned to their he'iu Chleago"'?.1-,- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon and Miss-Laura MeGill Cannon have re turned from a week's visit to New York and Baltimore. Mrs, Plato Durham will return to Concord tomorrow from a four weeks visit to the family of her father, Rev. J. W. Cole, at Raleigh. Mr. J. B. Moose has returned from Salisbury, where he preached yester day morning and evening at St. John's Lutheran church. Messrs. D. L. Ridenhour and H. S. Petrea, of No. 8, left this morning for Newberry, S. C, where they will attend JNewberry College. Misas Maggie Bessent left Satur day afternoon for .Winston-Salem to resume her work as a member of the faculty of Salem Female Academy, Misses Mary Lou and Margaret Morris will leave tomorrow afternoon for Winston-Salem, where they will attend, school at Salem Female Acad emy. .;, Mrs. J. B. Smith hat returned to her home in Wilmington after visit ing Mrs. S. J. Lowe for several days. morning for Chapel Hill to attend his , fraternity initiation and visit friends for several days. Miss, Ashlyn Lowe has returned from a visit to friends in Columbia and Lancaster, S. U. She was ac companied home . by. Miss Jennie Woodruff, of Summerville, who left School, TKZ CCnZZl ZIvUSS LAWN. More Attention Could be raid to Beasttfylng IV-A right Kick. "I wish mora aitantioa would be paid to beaatifying' and. improving the large eourt boasf lawn," said aa observant dtiaea to-a representative of this paper. ,. Contiaaing be said, This la the only public gathering place in the city and if enough money was spent to flU np the low places in it and add a few other improvements would be a beautiful httle city park, would certainly like to see the Wo man's Betterment Association . take hold of this work. With a little time and attention devoted to it they could do the' job in a abort time.'',. "Another thing l cant - under stand," ,he continued "ia why they hold all the public i Jea directly in front of the gate an 1 -have all kinds of old furniture and other unsightly things prominently fUsplsyed along the main thoroughfare. lWhy can't they sell this old rubbish on the side street and get it 'out of the public view f Ton understand I am not at taching any blame td any officials as they are not to blarney This is a mat ter that the community haa just not taken an interest in, (and all I want to ace is the court house lawn improv ed and beautified'; rOIXST EXLL VSWS. Fafla to Pass Naval Tiraifiatioa Death of Miss Beulak riakPer- State Library 10. 56 . Unsettled and Colder. Weather. Washington, Sept. 17. More sharp changes in temperature over northern and central districts fit the country uunng me coming wcea were iore oasted in a bulletin issued tonight by Chief Willis Moore of the weather bureau. A disturbance now central over the plains states will advance eastward. It will be preceded by warm weather and followed ty a change to colder weather This pold will likely cause frosts by tomorrow or Tuesday in ' the northwestern states and by Wednesday in the lakctregion, the up per Mississippi, valley and the north ern plains states. It will be attended by showers tomorrow ithe great cen tral valleys and tomorro night or Tuesday-ia the middle; Atlantic and New England States, ! Another dis turbance .which, will probably cross the country is promised to appear in the northwest Wednesday j- It wfll move eastward, preceded, .vy name temperature, attended .by. Jpea) rains and followed "by "a pronounced ehange to lower temperature. Out Out Haxing Nuisance at David son. Davidson College, N. C, Sept. 16 The first regular meeting of the sen ior class of 1912 was held last Mon day. To this class belongs ihe pecu liar honor of having completely cut out basing at Davidson College. Al though the action waa taken by the student body as a whole, the members of the elas of 1912 were sophomores at the tune, and had undergone the trials and tribulations of the fresh- man year. Consequently when the agreement was made they were de prived of the "pleasure" of retaliat ing upon the following freshmen. However, in spite of the seeming un justness, it was done without a mur mur, and now, thanks to 1I2, tne freshmen may wander about any part of the campus at any time, unharmed and unafraid. at . Mr. D. J, Bryant waa called to Greensboro Saturday because of the eenoua illness of bis sister, whose death is hourly expected. Miss Cora Kelly is spending this week in Charlotte with friends. Mr. R. B. Buchanan haa returned to bia home in this eitv. after mend ing several months in Danville, Va. Mr. Tripp uoodman returned to Concord last week from Newport R. L, where he had reported for final examination to join the United States navy. He was rejected in this exam ination and holds ordinary discharge papers due to physical disability. Mr. P. L Smith will leave for his home in Newberry, S. C- after spend ing several months in Concord. -' Mrs. Bell Carter and son, of Fay- etteville, arrived in the city Friday and will make Concord their home, having rented a house on MeGill street. Messrs. Chas. Widenhouse, M. A. Goldston and Rasha Morris returned Saturday, after spending a few days in Richmond. The game of ball between Gibson and Locke Mills was called off in the 6th inning, due to darkness. Score, 3 to 3. Mr. W. L. Edwards, of Asheville, spent Saturday in the city with bis friend, Mr. J. C. Cook. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hurt left Sat urday for Forest City, that they might be at the bedside of Mrs. Hurt's father, Mr. J as. Francis, who is des perately ill. Mr. snd Mrs. J no. liatley and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lynch, of Spencer, spent Sunday in the eity with Mrs. J. Kuzah. The party was traveling in Mr. Hatley's Maxwell. Miss Beulah Fink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Fink, died Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock at heir home on Buffalo street. Miss Fink had been suffering with typhoid fever for sev eral weeks and the family had been optimistic for her recovery until the last few .days. Miss rink was li years old and was known and loved i i a -a. j nil. - a dv a large circle oi neuus. uv iiui- era! will take place this afternoon at o'clock at Mt. Olive ebsnfe-il auwefi . 11 '.III east oi uoneora ana near ineir oiu home. An Explanation. In namine or locating the "Alts' referred to in the note to relatives of Miss Hawkins, it seems a mistake has been made. No "Alta" exists in Concord that will fit into this part of the story, but Miss Tina Waddell, daughter of Mr. I. H Waddell, and a classmate for several yaers of Miss Hawkins, at Asnevune, lniurmn u that the "Alta" referred to is Miss Alda Therrell. of Fort Mill, S. C. The three girls were class-mates and this error must arise from the fact was the family did not know which of the two cities Alda lived in. ' FINDS WATCH AND COAT. Mr. Xamaott Tanner Raoorers Valua ble Property Through The Times - And Tribune. . Does it pay to advertise f Ask Mr. Kenneth Tanner, of Charlotte. ' Several weeks ago Mr. Tanner and a party of friends spent Sunday afternoon- here, traveling in a machine. While en route home Mr. Tanner lost a coat from the machine in the pocket of which was a handsome gold watch, valued at $150.00. As soon as he ar rived home and missed his eoat and watch he returned to Concord and made an effort to find it. He was not successful, however, and' inserted an ad. in The Tribune and The Times. Mr. Z. B. Trexler, a member of the faculty of the Collegiate Institute, waa driving along the Charlotte road tba evening the eoat was lost and found it. Be later saw the advertise ment in The Times and as soon as he did turned the watch over to Chief of Police Boeer. Mr. Tanner was communicated with and eame here to day and got his watch. Mr. Tanner offered a reward of $25.00 for the watch, but Mr. Trexler did not take the full amount, stating that he had hot experienced that much trouble in delivering the watch. Salisbury Authorities Prohibit Beat- tie Pictures. . Salisbury. Sept. 16. The Beattie pictures will not be repeated in Sal isbury tonisrht. the manager of the theater exhibiting them last night be ing notified this afternoon by the chief of police, acting under the di rection of Mayor pro tern Kesler, that if they were begun the show would be stopped. - Misses Mary Hartsell, Adele Pern- berton and Laura 'Ridenhour will leave tomorrow for' Winston-Salem, where, they will enter Salem Female Academy. Mua HartseU will be ac companied by . Mrs. I. li, Davis and suss mueuuour. wiu -De nucuiupaiuou, . . r - tw T. M 1 . 1 .! oy ner iainer, mr. is. pviuennour, 1 Mr;' and Mrs.. J. H. Witherspoon,' Mrs. Emms .Witherspoon and Master Harvey Witherspoon,- of , Lancaster, S. C, came up. yesterday in their machine and spent a few hours at Judge Montgomery 'a They, were ac companied .by Mrs. W. . Montgom ery, who bad been visiting Mrs. witn erspoon. Miss Shirley K Montgomery returned to Lancaster with them. ' At the time the society gave out a' statement of the distress and death and privation of the Chinese aa f result of the unprecedented floods. Mr. James C. Willeford. received a telegram today stating that the in fant of Mr. and Mrs. L. C Caldwell, of Statesvule, died this morning. Ttrqw Oil The Stscklcs I .. - , Baal Estate Deals. . Mr.N 8. Ll Bost haa purchased two houses and three lots opposite Furr ft Bout's store at Cannonville from Mr. J. A, Wiley. It is probable that Mr. Bost will build later on the three lots although he has' not definitely de cided to do so. - t: Mr. W. J. Hill, Jr., has purchased an 80 acre fram in No. 5 township, known as the " old Pronst place, ' ' from Mr. P. C Earnhardtj The tale waa made through tha Southern Loan ft Trust Co. t)o you expect to pay rent all your life and never own cosy , httle uomeT - : If you doi.'t, see us at the earliest posuoie moment, r or -we will help 70a rid yourself of the. irksome shackles of rent. y SAVE. That's the keynote. Bring your savings to us and Ibefore long you will begin c'butlding a home' of your own It will be the proudest moment f of your life. We are at your i"se.vicea. ' . :, 7:.y:' CABARRUS OOUNTT 8, X SAVTNOS ASSOCIATION. ' la Concord National Bank. j-t "..v 1'';. J. M. HENDRIX, See. ft Trees. VPradenl Saying." r Evangelistic Services Conducted by Ber. Wsi. Black. Large crowds attended the services Cannonville Presbyterian church yesterday that are being conducted by Rev. William Black, synodical evangelist of the Presbyterian church. Two services are held daily at 9:45 in the morning and 7:30 in the evening. Mr. Black is being assisted by his singer, Mr. Burr, of Canada, and the meetings, will be held daily at the above hour up to and including the 24th. Mr. Black is a 'preacher of great force and the indications are that the meetings will result in great good to the church and community. There will be no eourt contest of the . July 22 -State-wide prohibition election in Texas which the anti-pro- bibitionists won.- A resolution to this effect by the State-wide prohibition sub-committe was adopted baturday. Late ' Items ef Neva from Here. There and Ererywaexa. : Young Showvine Beam, of Shelby. at a watermelon several davs aco and has since been at the point of death, suffering with ptomaine poison. He was unconscious 24 hours and it was all the doctors eould do to save bia life. He ia about out ef danger, but still suffers . Not only has Raleigh heard Wood- row Wilson thia year and will hear Judson Harmon in October and . Champ Clark in November, but it baa also booked Henry Cabot Lodge, the biggest Republican senator, who will speak at the State Historical Asm- - ciation meeting in November. A special from Rocky ' Mount to the Raleigh News and Observer un der the date of September 12th aavs that the boll weevil has appeared in a cotton field near ftoeky Mount and is playing havoc with the crop . , and that three-fourths of the bolls have been destroyed by the pest - . - Three hundred and seventy-five of ' the ear shops employes of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway at Rocky Mount -." walked out on a strike Saturday. The -grievance of the men is that they are required to work on cabooee ears at the same piece rates as box-cars and ' are unable to make remunerative wages on the former. This has been the largest opening . - ever known at Lenoir College, Hick- ; ory, notwithstanding the fact that the . dry weather was very general and made things look dreary. Lenoir student body is full of life and ready for work. All the classes are full, especially the freshman, which is the largest in the history of the college. Convocation of Charlotte to Meet ia Salisbury. The Convocation of Charlotte, which includes the Episcopal minis ters of Charlotte, Greensboro, States-. -ville, Concord and Salisbury, will meet in St. Luke '8 church, Salisbury, next Tuesday and Wednesday, September 26th and 27th. Bishop J. B. Cheshire will be present and both business and religious sessions will be held and matters of mueh interest to the .church will be discussed. -. . , c Veterans Notice. The surviving members of Company H. 8th reziment. N. C, State troops, are urgently requested to assemble on the eamous of the college at Mt. Pleasant, on Saturday, 30th day of September, to celebrate the own an niversary of the organization of said eomnanv.. The history of the regi- -. - .... ment and company, as eompiiea Dy Prof. H. T. J. Ludwig and recorded in Clark's history will be read. Come and meet old comrades. J. H. MOOSE, Sec. Salisbury and Albemarle papers please copy. laasonie Notice. . Special Communication , ttok Lodge No. 32, A. F.' ft- A. M' Monday! -l i n & 1 o.u 1011 UlgUk, Dept. AOiUf XOiX, at 8 o'clock. Work ia Third Degree. : J. 8. LAFFEBTY, See. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE WITH US feel and Tuesday, Sept. 18 and 19. ) " 1 1 ..- w m d Qwrmn, ew unrt-ortft s CKMOCim ACCOUNT with rai wowir rov riMD Ktctt liir TO mdrt, oj BJMD-JVMT M VAILT TUB AHOVH1 1 yunis, wmwrun. i 1 ir i 'J KOCItMOLD F ecocwr.M roa S IBUWM-WWfl CapiMt I100.00U Surplus j(n ; CON00SD NATIONAL SANK 1 4 Per Oeat. Interest Pali aa Cm DepeslU. r 1 LA " We have FIVE HUNDRED DIFFERENT STYLES of v WOOLEN FABRICS from which you may select your . FALL SUIT. Come in and look them over. " EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED. ' H. L. Parks & Co. s"pwBsi,ej"eBe,"fwr

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