:ft vi v A y v" v - i , f.. ... ... VOL XXIL Price, 43 CesU a tl -X CONCORD. N. C, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20.1911 NO. C3 i ii o i i , Ui L....,jmi rnn V ID coroner's verdict retoer ; ed in hawkins' case , . .'5 ' this mornino.- Investlgation to Bs Continued And; )! Evidence to Ba Submitted to Grand . i-Jnry. . -.k : - . - . ..- -. Special to TU Tribune. , Hendenonville, Sept 20. The eor i oner's jury met thi morning at ,Y . 10 o'clock and rendered the follow-, -ing vordict in the case of the death of Miss.Myrtle Hawkina: ; ; . . i We, the jury, in the ease of the death of Myrtle Hawkins, find, from the testimony introduced that she . same to er death at the hands of some unknown person or "persons in , 4 manner and means unknown to us." -i After the verdict had been render ed Coroner Kirk made a statement . saying that the investigation would be continued and all the evidence, - would besubmitted to the grand jury. 1 i lOSS GRANT ON STAND,' ' Toung Lady '-Wrongfully Brounght ' f Into Hawkins Case Testifies. ' $ Hendenonville, Sept. 19. When, - the coroner's inquest into the death Of Hiss Myrtle Hawkins, whose body was found in Lake Osceola Sunday, September 10, was resumed at 4.40 p. m. this afternoon, Miss Eetelle Grant, a trained nurse, and niece of former Congressman J. G. Grant, took the stand.- Jfiss Grant's name , had been brought into newspaper ac counts of the ease and she desired to .testify in order to set herself right.' v 'She said that she, was at the home, of An MoCall Saturday night after the girl 'a disappearance. -' She .'stayed 'there Saturday night and left Sunday morning. The prosecution asked Miss "Grant when Ab McCall knew of flnd- , ing the girl's body, and. she said Ab. told, her, JSunday morning iboui. $ o'clock that' a body had been found in the lake. ?WAv Smithy leinael for Miss Grant, asked her questions intending tor;, set her right ofBciallyJ in view or the notonety that bas been given her in connection with this ease, ..the readers of some papers iq this ; and other states having been given I to understand that she was suspected ' of being implicated in the murder, some even going so far as to state a warrant charging first degree murder had been issued. Upon the stand this afternoon Miss Grant related her movements from Wednesday before the tragedy until i Sunday, accounting for all her time : substantially as has been related in j these dispatches. '; . ' No Additional Evidence, r Hendenonville, Sept 19. The eor ( oner's inquest into the death of Miss - Myrtle Hawkins, whose body , was i found in Lake Osceola, near here, was eontinued today. The ' proceedings during the afternoon brought out no . r additional evidence which was con- sidered of value in the unraveling of the mystery .of her death. The coroner's jury in the Hawkins , inquest refused to return a verdict at ' the close of the evidence tonight on Z the around that the members were tired, and the verdict will be announe- od at 10:30 tomorrow mornings . "i - Dance Last Night . x The handsome lodge room of the ; Elks' Home was the scene of a de- lightful informal dance last night be- - tween the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock. . ; Those dancing .were: , Misses Louise , Means, Alice and Lucy Brown, Caro i line Jones, Charlotte, Ha Thompson, Salisbury, Winnifred Bouschee, . of Austin, Texas, Wilms Correll,- Mar- guerite Brown, Mary Linn, of Salis r bury, Kate-Morrison, and .Ashlyn ' Lowe; Messrs. Fred Correll, A. ; R. Howard, T. "F. and B. L. Morrison, " " ' Earl Brown, John Porter, A. L. Tay lor, A. F. -Goodman, Luther Brown, . William Moody, Fred Patterson and " W. dL Montgomery. Jr. Chaperones: , Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Cannon, Mes dames J. W. Cannon, Jr., A. Jones Torke end 8. J. Lowe. ' T : -Quick Justice. . Warrenton. ' Sept. 10. Unprece dented in the annals of the criminal history of the state stands the speedy enrture. trial and condemnation of Norvj. 1 T r '.iall, the negro who late Pi.fiir.l,iv jl'lornonn. criminally - .as- sa,,'.t!.l I.' 3. J. E. Chapman, and wliia Ju.'.te Justice this-afternoon sentc""ed to die by electrocution Fri- c' '. ( .,!.or 29, little more than one n. ...'. f. a V e date of the commis sion of t' c: no. , . ;' , j a v m and she vill ad r c 1 t 'e. THE ?ASS-EILX. CO II? ANY. Haw Store for Concord WO Open Tomorrow Morning. Reception Tonight . ' Tomorrow will mark the birth of a new business firm in Concord, when the Parks-Belk Co. wUT open! the doors of their -department, stores To tne public or this city and section. The opening will be preceded by a reception to the public tonight which will be held in the storeroom. Music will be furnished by a brass band and the large and spacious rooms of the various departments have been attrac tively decorated for the occasion. The three bur show, windows, that . were especially designed for this firm, have been decorated by Mr; 1L P. Duff, a window decorator of Charlotte, and nave attracted no little attention. Mr. J. G. Parks will have the ac ute management 01 the firm and will be the head of the various depart ments. Mr, Lacy Dick, Misses Jesse Deaton, Bessie Lents, Myrtle Broom and Mary Cline will be on the dry goods and notions side, and Messrs. Phifer Propst, Cy White, : Walter Thornburg and Carl Broom will be on the shoes and clothing side. V The Parks-Belk Co. hss an ideal lo cation in the Lowe 4 King building, one door from the square, and their floor space is all that could be desired.- The building has been recently remodeled under the personal super vision of Mr. Parks and is modern in every particular. The ; three large plate glass show windows have greatly added to the appearance of that busi ness block, and special care will be taken by the management in decorat ing these. Mr, Parks has eone to no Uiltle expense in arranging the recep tion tonight and the public is cordial ly invited to attend. Ton will' have the opportunity of hearing good mu sic by the bandwnd inspecting the large stock of this' firm which theyj tell you 'about in a page ad. today. Mr. B. F. Matthews, of Charlotte, is here to attend the reception and assist Mr. Parks in extending a welcome to all visitors. K - , . ' Tried to PuU Girl Out of Window. : Greeasbero. Sept.-19. Last fnieht near 11:30, while Miss Isls.CauseyJ wu reaiuw.ou. !-!! .. vvasningion street, was studying her lessons she rwi -w J-t 'rtUcessiv heatU went to his room heard knocking at the wiafowdtj wha e wcovirifil ? from'iUHlness jrot 4?p..to. see. what caused - The oiner memoere 01 tne iamuy naa re tired earlier in the night, though her sister was sleeping in same room in which she was studying. When she looked at the window." much to her surprise she found the blinds" open. Raising the window she reached out to close the blind and someone caught her about the waist and attempted to draw her out the window. Owing to the fact that he top sash was lowered and the bottom one but slightljr rais ed, the villian failed in his 'design and1 desisted when Miss Causey screamed. As he ran but the side irate he was both seen and heard by members of the family, who had risen . 1.1 -m r' ri - irom oea wnen xaiss causey scream ed. , , ' . . 4 7 " ' ,' The police officers were at once no tified and they hurried to Mr. Cau sey's home. Although Miss Causey did not recognize the man. still the officers have a good idea of who he was and should they see him he is bra fair way for several years on the county roads. - - - "Blackhander: May Go to Uor&an- j ' ton Asylum. t Salisbury, Sept. XV, The case against Charles F. Stewart, for using the mails for fraudulent purposes, was called in Beeorder Miller's court in Salisbury this. 'morning and the defendant failed to appear. It is gen erally reported here that efforts wuf be made to place Stewart in the in sane asylum at Morganton, -as his mind is thought to be affected, It is common talk that Stewart's, mind is affected and that the ease against him will be suspended upon the condition that he be placed in the state hospital for twatnmt.,;'V;s-Ki'S;'i i. Killed Bald EagKvv; Mr. J. B. H. Isenhour, of No. 4 township, killed a large bird last Mon day which has been pronounced a bald eagle by those who have seen it He killed it near Trinity church while in the field picking cotton. - The bird measures about 4 feet from tip to tip. Mr. Isenhour had the bird here yesterday exhibiting it on the streets. About two years ago Mr. Have Winecoff killed a bird exactly like the one killed by Mr. Isenhour yesterday only it was a larg.r one. . i . Death of Kr. W. G. Watson. A message wss rc-'ivl hore this morning announcin.t tlie dtiih of t't. W. G. Watson, uhich occurred at Bul iabury this morning at 2 o'clock af ter an illnes of several weeks of paralysis. L'a f!an"!.' ITrs J. E. Smoot. was at l.s 1 -Ie ulen the end came. The lu:!..! v ill take place tomorrow nionuBj?. Dr. J. E. Liiioot sr ! fliilJren went to Salisbury this afternoon on No. 43. 1 . LEAD BT OWN QVTf. Dr. William A. Grahaia, of Dnrhaa, 8ulcideo. JTo Motive for Act Durham, Sept 10. The desth of Dr. William A. -Graham by his own hand today gave the city one of the rudest shocks that it has over re ceived. With a pistol in his right hand and sitting almost straight in his Morris chair, Dr. Graham was found about 1 o'clock this afternoon dead, not another eireumstanee tending to show what caused him to terminate a career that had been marked .by brilliancy all along its course. The coroner wss quickly called be fore the body waa movesvHe found a single empty shell in the revolver and the face 01 the dead man turned to ward the door. There was no doubt as to the way death came and no ac tion waa necessary. The family ac cepted the verdict of the awful cir cumstances and an undertaker took, eharge. - . . . At this time the tragedy is with out any explanation. ' There does not appear to have been any premeditat ed work about it. - Dr. Graham used bis own revolver that had been kept about the house. He hadn'tbeen well and it does appear that he was despondent the last few days. Yes terday he was heard to remark. "I am down and out Ttfat was con strued to mean that he felt ill. His practice was all that he could, have wished, he owned his beautiful home on West Chapel street, he knew that his reputation as a surgeon and prac titioner, had been made,, his family" life was avowedly ideal and the town thought ; most highly of him. The meaning of the utterance bas not been caught yet.V It is remembered only because it was unusual for him to say such things or feel that way. Former Concord Man Accidentally Kills Himself in Florida. : News was received here yesterday of the death of Mr. J. Pink Jones, which occurred Monday afternoon at Kissimmee; Fla., where - he . has been working for several months. Mr. Jones' death resulted from a wound caused . by . the accidental discharge 01 a pistol in his own hands. He had been jworkiag at his trade, that of a arpeaier, wuen nq-'oaeame ui iron . 1 1 it it is said he-.got ononis pistol and was cleaning it up when it was acci dentally 'discharged, the ball entering his abdomen. He was shot on Sep tember 12 and lived until the 18th. Mr. Jones was 46 years of age and had lived here for several years and was formerly policeman at the Brown mill, v He is survived by a wife, tour sons and two daughters. The' remains have been sent here but have not yet arrived. On this account definite ar rangements have, not been made for the luneral. lie was a Woodman and the members of this order will have eharge of the funeral. . Master Sidney Dick, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Dick, under went an operation for appendicitis at the Wbitehead-stokes sanatorium in Salisbury yesterday. The operation was successful and he is improving nicely. " - ' Real Estate. For Sale or Rent The D. P. Day- vault house, on South Union btreet, All modern conveniences. . - For Sale One 7 room ' two store house on West Depot street, close up town. For Sale One six room cottage on West Corbin street, hear new post- office. Can be bought lor Sl.uuu. For Sale.--One four room house on Loan street, $850.00. : . v Farms For oau. . 200 acres, four miles Bouth of Con cord, . fronting on public roa4 one mile; $30.0 Oper acre. s , t 100 acres, font miles soutn 01; con cord, on public road . 1 60 acres, one mile east of Jackson Training School, can be bought for ' - E. F. WHITE. Dred'.Brd! Good Flour always means Good Bread use - . , Pcrcc! fl::r : and ha convinced that yon have the BEST at a Low Price. Dove-Bost Co, ' -rhonea l anl 42L Du. J. S. LAFFERTY rrnlce ltmltpfl to Slye, Ear, Nom and anroat and Fitting Olasses, OfP'-s In tha Morris bulMtng Rooin No. IQ ever Cabarrus Savings bank. . . FEEJJC3AL lS3TI02r. Some of the People Ear aai Else where Who Coma aai Go. Mr. W. R. Johnson is spending the day in Cerseent Mrs. J. S. Lafferty k spending the day In Charlotte. ; ,j, Mr. Bay Ivey, of New Loadoa, is visiting friends in the city, i - Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Haywood are spending the day in Charlotte. Mrs. H. M. Uoodms4 a visiting Mrs. M. A. SUrewalt in China Grove. Mrs. John M. Young atid Mrs. John Boger are visiting relatives in Sal isbury. ' I v't '',. Rev. Plato Durham went to Win ston-Salem this morning, and expects to return tonight , v- - , Mr. C. W. Johnsea, fbf Charlotte, waa business vishof inthe city yes terday aiternooa. . - I 1 Attorney T. a Maneea left last night for Montgomery, Ala., o pro iessionai ousmess. - - - , . Mr. James Grier left this morning for Richmond to resume' his studies at the Union Theological Seminary. Rev. J. W. Long, who has been vis iting friends in the city, left this morning for his home ia Greensboro. Miss Caroline Jones, ho haa been visiting Miss Lucy Brown left this morning for St. Mary 'si School, Ral- feighv . 4. :. Mrs. Plato Durham Returned last night from an extended, visit to the family of her father, Ret, J. N. Cole, at Raleigh. v ;-- .i:'rfei4i ,: Mrs. B. F. Rogers wil return to night from Baltimore, where she has been visiting her daughter for sever- al weeks. ' . .-' Mr. Eusrena Bernhardt has return- ed from Chapel HilL where he has been visiting friends at the Univer- sity for several days.' :! .. . . . - 1 -!. 1... District Conventtoni Rehecca Lodge. The district convenuon 01 the Ke- u 1. j. . ri w.n :n k- iwuva luugw ot uuu ituu neio nere tonigut ana tamonow. xue district is composed of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Gaston, Lincoln, Catawba, Cleveland and Rutherfordton coun ties and "h. nutober'f "delegates are' here. . The first session of the eon vention will meet tonight at the Odd Fellow 's lodge room in the Pythian building at 8 o'clock and will be at tended only by the members of the order. The meetings wilr be presid ed over by the district president, Mrs. J. W. Sellers, of Charlotte. The as sembly president, Miss Beck, of Win ston-Salem, is also here attending the meeting. nut urogram ux mo cuuvouuuu una i not been made pubUc and wiU consist of subjects of interest to the order. The conventions will hold two sessions tomorrow. Southern Given Till October 1 to Comply With Ordinance. In order that the Southern Railway SrS fioient time to arrange any schedule that may be necessary, Mayor Wagon- or and tha eitv authorities have decid ed to eive the company until October 1st to comply with the ordinance passed by the board at the last meet ing requiring the road to stop 5 all trains at the Corbin street crossing only a few feet from the, depot Chief of Police Boger states that he will send his men to the depot on that date and the first time the ordinance is not complied with arrests will imme diately follow. f Throw 01! The Shackles ! Do you expect to pay rent all your life and never . own a cosy, little hornet If you doL't, see us at the earliest possible moment . For we will help 70a rid yourself of .the. irksome shackles of rent - ' ' ' 1 ' ' . SAVE. That's t3w keynote. Bring your savings to us and 'before long you, will -begin building a home of your own. It will be the proudest moment of your life. We are at your se. vices. . CABARRUS COUNTY B, L. & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. In Concord National Bank, J. M. HENDRIX, Sec ft Trees. "Prudent Bavini." v TRIED TO WRECK TRACT. ; Dastardly Attempt to Flaagt Passes gar Train Into Crook NoarOaa- toala. r Gastoma, Sept 19. A dastardly but nnsneeeesful attempt to wreck northbound Carolina and Northwest era railway passenger train No. 10, duo to arrive in Gastonia at 930 a. m waa made this morning by an un known person or persons. Had the plans of the would-be train wrecker not miscarried the entire train, with seorae of passengers. . would have plunged down 60 feet to the bed of Crowders creek and many persona wouia nave been instantly killed and many more doubtless severely injured. As it was no one was injured and the would-be criminal's plans were noil- ... . . -. 7 ed. The train's escape from beinir hurled from the trestle wss almost miraeuloua. The train came on to Gastonia and the local police department was at once notified of the attempted wreck. Chief of Police J. W. Carroll, Police men Hord, Craig and Conrad, togeth er with Messrs. J. W. Fletcher and Hyde Ross of the Carolina and North western J. Lean Adams, J. W, Hol land, L. C. Pegram, and others left at once for Crowders creek, taking with them a bloodhound. The posse, which went to th mn of the attempted wreck this morning, returned to Gastonia about 2 o'clock this afternoon without having obtain ed any elue to the perpetrators of the deed. There was found plenty of evi d nee that the attempt had been made but the guilty party or parties doubt less had several hours to get away, as no train had erossed the trestle since some time last night Beore Ton Beach the Limit. of physical endurance and while your condition is still rnrnhla tV Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positivO results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism, ana au kidney, Madder and urinary itiuuuies. cur erne oy m. ju. imarsn, am&n. Mr TT R Wiiiinma haa - ' ' : " Monroe on prolessional business. SEE FISHERS IT PATS. Art Department vpiii nvwirpo vivflpd a vn snanPH tw BTiMPvn LIBRARY SCARFS IN STAMPED LINEN PIECES. NOVELTY LINEN HAND BAGS WHIST BROOM HOLDERS AND CALENDERS, ALL TO BE . EMBROIDERIED IN. COLORS M. 0. IN WHICH WE uax waurux.it, awx. wi - - dHADo. WASH EMBROIDERY; STLK IN ALL COLORS AT 3c a Skein. BY TODAY'S EXPRESS NEW SHIPMENT WHITE FELT , HATS. FISHERS , ON THE SQUARE. One of the greatest Improvements anada in vcars in the family ran re it the device furnished with Cole's Hot Blast Ranze for broiling meats, game. fish and ham slices. This device consists of broiling box' which is set before an upright grill in die front of the range which forms the front of die fire box. The odor and! smoke from broiling is carried through the range and .. up the chimney. With this modern method of broil' ing the juices in the meat are- saved so that none of the flavor is lost No grease csn drop on the coals and the smoke and gases from the hre cannot come in. contact with the meat and taint it. , . - This is a patented device which can be Ved only on Cole's Hot Blast Ranee. All up-to-date house keepers will be interested in seeing it Range in operation each day at our store xror.t '18th to 2C 1. Call and bring your f . Zj. RITCZra EAUDVAILU CO. ROW ZN ALfinfftHT.ti OFFICE. Aaaiftaat Postmaster Discharged Be cause of BUteaents Mads to Xa pector. " 7 'v ' Albemarle, Stpe, 19. It' haa '.' just come into public notice here that on Saturday afternoon, when AssisUnt Postmaster J. M, Vanhoy went to leave the postoffioe, Postmsster A.' R. Kirk followed him. to the' door and demanded the keys, informing Mr. Vsnhoy that his erviees ' were " no longer needed.' This waa news to Mr. Vanhoy that hie 1 services , were no occurrence. ' !. i -. , It seems that the trouble arose ov er statements made, under oath, by Mr. Vanhoy last week, to Postmaster Inspector John W. Bulla, as a lesult of which Postmaster Kirk it is re ported, has been cited by the depart r GRAND REVIVAL OF . , ' THOMAS DIXON'S CLANS DAN PpsiUvely The lest Cppcrfcdly - " The Record-Breaking Success Specially Selected Company ' Two Car Loads of Scenery r .;: : rTroop of Cavalry Horses N. B. The Farewell Tour of "The Clansman" is limited to fhr mora important cities of the South.. Secure your seats early an; avoid tha overcharge by ticket speculators. Direction of Southern Amusement Company, George H. Brennan, Manager. , ; , tliti'-'I tir jiltiiij: "They .Look' Good To Me" ':te- M'sbhi'-li: A They are coii4c in M product for 1th loudly dressed but the. pro v. ' perly selected Toe--the smart and well-fitting, " ' ) '". that gives the iuch of good taste to the care- ,;, fully dressed .yomafi.' ' They ; show the su premacy of Jrvh;s reached by years of careful JiOhoe studyi We have these styles in Black , r ' - Suede, BlacJ. Velvet, Patent Kid with cloth ; ailjti. lyntplcid toP3 Tan Calf, Gun Metal, cloth top;. . UCJS (!i4'c' K-'l plain and tap" toe. . ! r r i We sell Shies that people like to wear and - s "?ACan afford t live in. Alwaya a pleasure to ' eVinw vnu. . 1 .;,':( M ment to show eause why hi should not bo ousUd as postmaster f jr IueotEfv teney.' Mr. Kirk is not making any statements for publication. Whew seen today Mr. Vanhoy had the following statement to make : -"I was summarily disehsrged by the postmaster for testifying, under oath. boron a- pos toffies inspector eoneern- lng certain matters effecting the ad minstration of the postofiiee at this place, which was not in aeeort with the wishes of the postmaster. Furth er than. this, I do not care to make a statement just now for publication. I might say, however, that my dismiss al from the aerviee does not end the matter by any means." Just what was disclosed by Mr. Vanhoy when examined by the post office inspector is not known, but in teresting developments are expected ' in the next week or so. - Virata 25U. V That's What Thiey AUSay Mkjt- to' bi style-not the freakish -1 in 1