i:: ::j c::ly if J. BL HLHMLU, Ja- M i BMauraoa urn Ote Vaar , -ft Montaa . Thraa aiaalha , .. Om Moatn .. . ... Itll tit . Kiuirai AJntovMCBHurr. AijTarUaia aaa ea tae It clock. a. m. Card at rbaaka, Reaaratleaa ef Re " iprrt ! almllar artlclaa ere charaa at the rata at t casta par tins caaB U ail r aaaa EDtaraS a eaeoae etaa mall Butter April 1. Ill, at tha HMiOoa i at Cwe cord. K C uadar Ua act at Marea I, Uai V w tmm aim aa taa. Daatr THkaaj wlU rraraaU On Month -JJ 81a Month! , Twalva Meaths top far the Iat iraiae. Coavooc wocld sot b satisfied vit. that Wh proeTamira town want ta rat favors 1 1. hands af Ua raura4 lT bring shoot paaaajaListaraaw, wila. U ad f tha prvper opartmact and Conaord we old m doabt profit by fol lowing tUt pi. Ckarlotta Chroa- Ceeord will V salisilad wiUi just such facilities and advantages other eitias of Hi sis ar sceorded. , It will aot ask Bor and it trill lot b satisfied with.lw. JOB L OOLJMBY, .. CtlJ UaKaa. Concord, N. C, September 23, 191. Editor Harm says in the Chron- iel of Friday: What mostly concerns us about Ed itor SberrilTs article is m misconcep tion of our temper and wrong inter pretation of our sentiment toward the town and its people. Speaking in a personal way, The Tribune says of the editor of The Chronicle: "When told that the people of Concord were surprised at his attitude of opposition to their just demands, he seems to have been in about the same frame of mind as was the elder Vanderbilt when he -xclaimed, 'The public be d d.' Mr. Hams is one of the most conservative and even tempered of writers, and rarely says anything that stings or offends." That hurts. It had been very far from our mind to have written anything that could have been construed as contempt for what we might call our own flesh and blooTl, nor did we have any idea that there was a sting or cause for offence in our pencil point. If we have said anything that hurts, Mr. Harris may be assured that it hurts us quite as much as it does him. Nothing was further from our thoughts. While w,e think he has been rather unjust to Concord, the people of which had a right to expect the usual good word for them from him. there was no thought that he acted from any ulterior motive or that, in taking the view he did, he had any thing but the kindest feelings for his native town. Tha Southern Railway ... tar tha States of Virginia Korth Caro lina, TannmM, South Carolina, Geor gia, Florida, Alabama Hiasiaaippi, and Kentucky. What ' w want . to know is this: la there a city of 12,000 people on Bay Una of .the Southern in any of these State at which all trains do not atop, with the single exception of Concord, North Carolina f This question, like the shade of Banquo, will not down. The Greensboro News sides with Major Sherrill in the matter of the stoppage of all trains atCpncord. It thinks Concord should be made a futg Although Champ Clark is from Mis souri, be doesn't need anyooay to show him how the Canadian elections went. Annual Corn Show at Mitchell. Mitchell S. D- Sept 25. Thou sands of visitors came to Mitchell to day for the opening of the thirteenth annual Corn Belt Exposition. The Corn Palace which is the prominent feature of the exposition is the only one of its kind in the world. Fine specimens of corn are on exhibition from practically all of the counties or South Dakota and from some of the neighboring States. Pumpkins weigh ing in the neighborhood of 100 pounds and numerous other farm products are exhibited in booths. It is con sidered one of the most remarkable displays of farm products ever shown in this section of the country. Foley's Kidney Remedy (liquid) Is a great medicine of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It is especially recommended to elderly people for its wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief and comfort it gives them. For sale by M. L. Marsh, druggist A man who thinks his wife ought to make her own hats would have a fit if she offered to make his ties. Is tha Oottoa Belt Cnlnnal RnnAAValt Antta nnt tiav ta give himself three guesses as to his iavonte presidential candidate. Charlotte Chronicle. The Kew Orleans Pica rue reports that ho past weak has bee a period of gwcraily favorable weather in the eottom belt The Incessant rains whieh sauted so mack anxiety la ths eentral 1 I . . I a M . 1 peu, gave piaeo 10 lair wesuar, aaa as a result there has bean an improve ment in crop proa pacts ia all quart ers. Ia. the western halt tha weather has been generally dry and hot, facil itating tha maturing of the crop and pickiag . and juarkeiiag. Picking is bow in progress all over the cotton belt and with good weather rapid pro 1 is reported. ith the return of good weather there is leas talk of crop deterioration, and the impres sion is gaining ground that the deter ioration reported during August was rather exaggerated. Even the insect damage in the eentral belt has prob ably been exaggerated, allnougu u would be idle to deny that some dam agfle has been dene- In the mean time the heavy movement of cotton to market demonstrates not merely arly maturity, hut an abundant yield as well. The estimates 01 yield prior to frost are mere guesses, hence there is little confidence to be placed in crop opinions, be they largo or small The fact must be remembered that th acreage actually cultivated in cot ton is the largest ever worked, hence with anything like an average yield a good crop will be assured. Although the future of prices is as uncertain as the sis of the crop itself, there is every reason to believe that the world s actual requirements this year will be so large that even a large' crop will be successful absorbed at paying pnees. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colds, either for children or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Comopund, and refuse substitutes, tor sale oy M. L. Marsh, druggist Oh, these housewives! Everyone of 'em making eatsup. Before Ton Beach the Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and oositive results will delight you. For backache. nervousness, rheumatism. and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. For sale oy M. 1. J&arsh druggist Foley Kidney Fills Will reach your individual case if you have any form of kidney and bladder trouble or urinary irregular- lities- For. sals yM.L Marsh, drug- gisi. OXLT GXS "BEST." Concord PaoiU Give Credit Whsr Croatia Due. . -People of Ccaaord who suffer wth kick kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy thai can be depended opan. Tb foot is Dosn's Kidney Pills, a medicine for tha kSdooys only, and from pur roots and barbs, and the o ly on that U becked by willing estioony of Ceoard reof fc Here '1 a esse: . ,2,: . r Mrs. J. N. BrowB, 168 N. Union St, OweordV N. C, says: "I had kid ney compliant Sqr several years and although I used a number of nmedies, I was not helped until I ioi Doaa ' Kidney PtOs which I gov at Gib eon's Drug Store. Tiny soon start ed my kidneys working right aoj the uri poison in my syctem was remov ed. This resulted in a general im provement publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney mis el- tnat time and I can now say tnat I still think highly f them. , 1 have had occasions to use rhis remedy off and on since then and I km ploased to say that it has never failed to give me prompt relief." r or sale by all dealers. Fnce 50e. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Ml agents for the United States. . . . ; Remember the name Do&n'a and take no other. At a meeting Wednesday afternoon of the executive committee of the North Carolina State Fair Associa tion, the committee stood pat on its former order - abolishing half-rate tickets, this action being unanimous. The opposition to the half-rate tick et was based, so members of the com mittee stated, on the fact that half price tickets caused discrimination in favor of Raleigh people and institu tions. " Everybody will have to fare alike henceforth. Common Colds Must Be Taken Seri ously - For unless cured they sap the vit ality and lower the vital resistance to more serious in infection. Protect your children and yourself by the prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note the quick and de cisive rorults. - For coughs, colds, whooping, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. For sale by M. L. Marsh, druggist. A .Harmless Remedyi - Mads trom Garden Sage, Restores -' Color to Gray Ha!r- A fnnf af sadnaas eeaetaxta the toeawr taa dm irey aaka, watch, ifortaaatalr, are looked apea a her alds ef adraaciag as. Uray hairs, aewaver. are aot always SB ladleetioa of adraacios- sia, tat saany people have gray aairs oulte early ia Ufa. Of coarse, it k UBatoraL and Indicates that there is somcthlar wroag with th individual, ' aid that Katare aacda - aaaiatance ia correctinf Um trouble. The aeate Is tro ef hair that la constantly faUiaf oat and. becoming thinner every day. It every I thing la risbt with Nature, the hair, I even ia eatnptratirety elderly people, 1 should be lone, thick and flossy, with out even a streak of gray. . ' I The Ideal aaabtaat to Natar la re itorinr and . preserving tha - hair to Wyeth's Bag and Snlphsr Hair Rem-.' edy, a cleaa and wholesome .dreealag for daily use. It aot only remove dandruff, but strengthens weak, thin and falling hair and promote its growth. A few appUcattona will r atore faded or gray hah to Its natural color. - . Get a bottle to-day. and kt It do for you what it has don for thousand of others. .v - This preparation Is -offered t the public-at fifty cents a bottle,-and Is' recommended amr sold by all dragghts. ' . "Special Agents, . GIBSON DRTJO STOEEV - - , itw aw A - - ""V. - t a ..., J 0 a -' aW , r DR. J. V. DAVIS, DENTIST Office over : Marsh's Drug ' Store. PHOKB 0. 433. NOTICE. There will be the regular election of police officers and firemen of the city at the regular meeting of the board of aldermen in October. W. H. Gibson. City Clerk. ., Even nature is in revolt against the sugar trust Peaches are said to be sweeter than usual this fall. APPLICATION ' FOB C0MMUTA- HON OF SENTENCE OF - ' J.H.CATOB. ; ; V Application will be made ' to the Governor of North Carolina for the. commutation of the sentence of J. N.- Catoe, convicted at the January term 1910, of Cabarrus Superior Court, of the crime of embesuement and sent enced to the penitentiary for a term of four years, - All persons who oppose the grant-, tog of the said pardon are invited to send their protests to the Governor without delay. - . -V1 ' Dated this 16th day of September, 191L MRS. J. N. CATOE. 18 2w. . T ' " A brick atore heme for rent oppo site Brown Bros, stable a good . stand for business, Jno, K. Pat-' tersonl if. - . r y 0 a , - - - , W a t-- -rf t-.fc No TTcrk cbci:. t' : r.::r' cri Ilrl priced' Th.3 pr::3 r :J -. public x-socuritsnt3--have'Cc7cd .2 cczt . V Ttcrs cecotntita pay no nlcr.Calt'ti . prices.. A3- they ccrs thout ks n o . CUTGZ3, c:-J5'aw.'."!J JTl. - .; care ticut Is to put juct S3 ch ValaxX 63 muchLtyla snd. - Comibrt end Wear C3 they - . can cheers hto each shoe ' .. : ' The, thing mmm' J . r - . cere about la Mg waff . . ". A ehose Bssaaty, - ai , J thai , prie 1 A-v yoVee . . re Isi la i ''Itegsls.'! $35 C?tC3 J 1 V . mm 1x2 izzt 1 - ' " ' ' ' ' ' " . - , V Leading GIolKxcra and Gcnfc, r';- ; . Fiiihers.v "-t- ; Concorde NorlliiCoIma; Use war Penny ColumnIt payt. Set the Times tot FtiBnaV (G IRA M D 1EEV 1-' AJL 4 ,y---:,i uu 0 ' V ) 1, -'-' '.' fi I - - L 1 : I -a Positively the Last Opportunity to ; Ssb the Record : Drcsllin -Succc:3i sSd?i lpoc3iic2lIli7- OolootiOvSl? CDomaTOCiisirT BBBfBaUBaWaWaBBWal '"i- -IV-t .V-JW. -1 :.'t -Sl i- '.i.'f-'i-' "-fit"-- s. 'IS N. Ba The FarewelhTour of "THE CLANSMAN" is Limited to the More Important Cities bf tho South. ouuuro iuui qwi5 cany anu mvoiq me uvercnarge Dy: 1 icKet opecuiators. , 1 ir I 1 .IIIJll UMI, I "I I.L.. ;1 DIRECTION SOUTHERN AMUSEMENT COMPANY, GEORGE H. Br.IrJAN. l'zrT. I J h - J J. Ji. Jl li-:. I t . H 1 H 4i k" . - !