II f y it t:;:::j . a. su KMjaiix, Mm aa rnnium Ore Tir i Ynrw taonika . i Om Hooik . . iin it - niuuwi aJicnujr. A4vrtttn rates ana ke ha4 at Um It . a. a. av . rM. Thuikn Waaolatieaa of F.e- ev- aa almllar arUalae ar (ku4 at tke rale ot k Hill M una oaaa aa Kniem aa Me oat alas mall matter ArU J. Ill at tbe pooie ai vn eord. K C, aaaor U act at kterea I at mi fka My an ny nan tka UUmrm. Ona Montk nil Moathe lwalre Meath , oaVM H. i Cnty akMte. Concord, X. a October!; 1111. " Concord has been asking th Sonth ' ru for tn passenger station and the need will not be questioned by anyone wbo hu Men the Coneord sta tion but the leanest ra nnh(pdad. Itaally patience teased to be a virtue and toe Coneord aldermen dureelpd that attorney take np th matter ' With tbe Corporation Commission on lest the Southern got busy within 30 ' days? and an ordinance was also - pa xl requiring all passenger trains to stop in Coneord ( last trains don't stop there). Then the Southern be gan to sit np and take notke and Gen eral Superintendent Foracne, of the : Southern, visited Coneord and assur ed the officials and citizens that a new station would be built, one that "will t a credit to the municipal ity," and that plans will be made right away. The Southern will build - the station now that it has to. Statesville Landmark. We reproduce the above for the purpose of correcting the impression created by the Landmark in the words, "fast trains do not stop there." All of the fast trains of the Southern, including Nos. 29 and 30, 37, 33, 43, 31 and 32 have been stopping at Con eord, under certain conditions, but the people of Concord thought the city was one of sufficient importance as to demand the stopping of all trains here, especially as the city was the only one on the Southern lines of the sue at which all trains do not stop. Their demands were granted and hereafter all trains will stop to - receive or discharge passengers to and from regular stops. ' ". Concord is putting fortyfforts to secure the Raleigh and Charlotte Bail 'roed, having addressed E. C. Duncan, ,4who is under negotiations for tbe charter of company, Mr. Duncan's purchase will be closed early in Oc s. tober, if arrangements are carried - out, or else be will forfeit the earnest ' money which he placed down. Proe- pects. for the .building of this road appear to be bright, and it is to prove one of the most eonspicinous links in tjthe State's development. Albemarle 4 Enterprise. t What this eity should do is to go after this road with Business in the ;? eye. We need it and we can get it if we make the proper effort. in:. Month's- Cotton Decline Smallest in Ten Yean. 2 New York, Sept 29.--The eondi tion of cotton on an average date of September 22, as ascertained from the V replies of 1$00 special correspondents i of tbe Journal of Commerce and Conv S mercial Bulletin, is 70 & per cent r" .ninflt 1X H nw naVif a ittnnfk aon at a decline of IB-points -for the pe riod under review. A year ago at 1 this time the condition was 65.7 per w cant or 5JL points below this month; in 1900 it was 6&5 per cent; in 1908 it was 711 per cent; in 1907 it was 66.5 per cent, and fox. the ten-year average it was 61.7 per cent, while the average deterioration for the ten- year period is 6.2 points; , -'After the record decline of a month ago of 14J points, the loss is 13 points this month is, as might have been expected, a moderate one, being the smallest in the past ten years. Texas is eonspieuoua aa being the on ly state showing an advance, gaining fcZ points. ir,".v -.-....- : All other states lost from I to Hear ty 8 points, the principal ones being Alabama, 64 points; Mississippi, 7 2 points; Arkansas, 12 points, and Ten nessee, 7. 6 points. Tbe chief factor In deterioration was the wide preval eaee of insects, chiefly worms which .stripped the plant or leaves, causing rapid opening and largely destroying the prospects or a top crop. Weekly Report of tbe Coneord Public Library. Ko books taken out by adults. 112 No. books taken out by children 76 ' Total No.: books out 'today,. .( 188 ... 188 AO. books presented ir. v .jj.j 21 16 MRS. J. D. LENTZ, Librariaa. Foley Kidney Pills TTl'l reach your individual ease if "i have any form of kidney and Uer trouble or urinary irregular- itast a two weiks. Already 7 AntomoVUit Save Ea v tare In tUiddea Ten. , Sew York, Sept 29. More than 70 aiitoobils ealhusiasta will gather here two weeks beaee for tbe start of th 1811 Gliddea tow of the Assart on AateasobUt Asnooistina from Kew York te Atlanta and Jaeksoovilla Though tbe entry hats are aot oAdal rjr cloned until Oeteber 1, more Uaa 79 Basses have bean reivd ap to tonight, including those of Got. Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Mayor C. 8. Winn, of Atlanta. Other eouteatants eome from Jaekaoorilla, Ha.; Indian apolis, Iad.1 Atlanta and other Geor gia cities Detroit, Mien.; Waltham, hi asa, and New York eity. A late en try is om by tbe Winston-Salem, N. C, board of trade. One the night of October 14 tbe contestant will be nests of tbe Auto- mobile club of America, at a smoker and entertainment in this eity. They will, start the next day on a L300 mile trip to Jacksonville, where they are scheduled to reach on October 26. It ft Possible That Myrtle Hawkins is Still AltvsT Asbevill Citisen. A theory which has been advanced in regard to the Myrtle Hawkins mys tery at Henderson ville by many peo ple of this eity who hare watched the ease closely, is that the young lady alive today and that tbe body which was found in Lake Osceola on which were found her clothes and jewels had been placed there by some one other than a "murderer." Many reasons are advanced for this belief among them bainir that sfvrtla never wore the cloak in which the body supposed to be hers was found and that it was Another is the one expressed by local physician to the effect that the body would not be so decomposed to be unrecognizable in tbe space three days, as the body which is to be bars was. It is believed by gentleman who expressed this opin ion yesterday that the body vuieh was found in the lake on whinn was round her clothes and jewe, was an exhumed one which had bX-n plac ed there for a "blind." he body was identified only by im clothing and jewelry, it will be retailed. Foley! Honey and Tar Compound 6 till retainj its high place as the best houseLold remedy for all coughs and colds, either for children, or grown persons. Prevents serious results from a cold. Take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Comopund, and refuse substitutes. For sale by IS. L. Marsh, druggist After a deliberation of 30 minutes, tbe jury in the ease of Julia Sims, colored, eharged with the attempted burning of the store of Mr. J. W. Padgett, of Charlotte, decided that the defendant was guilty of tbe count, She was sentenced by Judge Adams to a term of two years, to be served in the state penitentiary. Before You Beach tka Limit of physical endurance and while your condition is stul curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive resuIU will delight yon. D or backache, nervousness, rheumatism, and all aidney, bladder and urinary troubles. For sale by M. L. Marsh, druggist ' ' - . Former Secretary B. A. Bellinger, who threatened legal action against Oifford Pinehot in tbe beat of the Alaska coal land controversy, and whose friends, he says, : have b en urging him to sue the former nation- lorester upon the latter s arrival at Seattle from Alaska, announced Friday that he bad decided not to make a legal attack. r--''--: w-- Ws Dr. Woods Hutchinson, considered one of the i Dr. Woods Hutchinson, considered one of the most brilliant writers on modern therapeutics, t says "richness and freshness Richhecsand ' and vigor of circulation. A good complexKJO exphatically comes from : wiuun; only imitations and : ones at that can be painted, plas tered or rubbed on from without To look well you must be wett." If you want the clean, dear complex. Ion glowing with tha crlmaon of pure bkx4 the bright sparkling aye . and the happy expression that comes from vigorous healthy blood, Get Yocr ror.;y , ' JV alcohol or ether towtasTOXi. ' The health of this aooimuuty is very goud. No aickneaS te report tVkuf eoitoa M the daily work. . We are (lad to have with' as araia, MeaaTa. Murphy and Harry wagoner. These two brothers peat tix stasias ia eoaeol ia Philadelphia. The latter brother will orate ia b pea ear and the other in Newton. ' - ' Mns Kate Kmtti baa retaraea to Charlotte. - , Mr. O. A. Fiaber has a smile on his face now. It is a rui . Mr. Lather Petrea bas a new dub. washer at his boose. 'A There will be eemmanioa service at Lowerstone and Harvest Botae also next Sanday. We are sorry te bear that Jar. Dave Fiaber baa decided to leave the fans. Mr. Fisher was married 18 months ago, and his wife wants to live in town. Mr. Fisher's brother, Bufna, will eome home to live with bis fath er and mother. Mr. Fisher is a sin gle fellow and will probably catch a bird in the future. Mr. Fisher haaiPrinee of Wales on the occasion of been in public business for the past 6ve years, saw-milling, wheat thresh ing and eorn shredling, and brick making, and has many friends. Mr. Bikle K-nehardt bas put up oats and theyare looking fine. Mr. James Jxlutti has been running two teams the past few days, prepar ing land for wheat and oats. Mr. Klutti is k fine young fellow. This is what vf need, more young men on the farm who don't go to' town for good lime. SCHOOL BOY. Stanly County News. All marie Enterprise. 'he annual district meeting of the oman's Foreign Missionary Society the Salisbury district M. K. church, uth, will be held in Central church, Albemarle, October 5 and 6. A full delegation is expected. The Monroe hnquirer tells or the death of Boy Blakeney, a colored boy of 8, who beard that gasoline would burn, and to prove it he saturated his clothes with gasoline and applied a match. The boy lived in agony for two or three hours. Tbe city electrical department will enforce payment of bills due for elec- tnoity used, charging la per cent additional when not paid in ten days. Patrons are given till October 25 to meet all bills without the additional charge. At the evening service bunday at the Lutheran church. Pastor McCul- lough preached his farewell sermon. The several churches of this place held no services at that hour, in hon or of the occasion, and the beautiful Lutheran church was so crewded in its capacity that is proved nothing short ol am ovation te Mr. McCul- lough. Miss Annie Tucker, of Granite Quarry, who is a sister of our towns man Rev. P. W. Tucker, was a pas senger on Southern Railway train No. 11, which was wrecked in the sub urbs of Atlanta on Friday, in which two cnginemen were killed and pas sengers injured. Miss Tucker was on her wsy to Atlanta where she bas a position as milliner. Tbe report says that she sustained injuries to ber chin and teeth. . Foley's Kidney Bemedy (Liquid) Is a great medicine of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It is especially recommended to elderly people for its wonderful tome and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief and comfort it gives them. For sale by M. L. Marah, druggist ! Tbe convocation of Charlotte Arch deaconry is to be held in Salisbury on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 3, 4, and 5. Tbe Rev. W. IL Ball will represent Coneord parish. Perfect Skin of color are - Purify of Blood I i ask four draiorist about Milam. A I :' blood purifier and reconstructive , " tonic standing alone and without . competition. If you suspect any; other preparation of being in its ' ' dass we ask that you read the : labels. Tbe pure food law protects ooly those who rend the labels. ' No blood remedy ahoukl contain : ' slcohor e false stimulant and urict : 'acid producer. ? .v , v ;; ,v - Cack 17 not Denefltad iavmut or halil forming THIS 13 MY CtTH BIST ED AY. October t " Sir Jasvea WhiUey. ' ' Sir Jaates Whitaey, oreauar of Oa- Oat, October 2, 1543. end received ha) eeweatioo in tbe pahlie oebeole of Cornwall. He waa admitted to the I bar ia m and tea years later made fadepeedable -ad safebowel rag hla debet ia puliUea aa aa ukaawas .U4 -. .j u ful eandidste for tbe Ontario kgk latnre. Two years later be waa elect ed to tbe legislator and since that time he has bee regularly returned at each feeeral election. He waa eboa. on leader of tbe Opposition in lSiW. In 1905, upon tbe defeat of tbe Ross government be was called apoa to form a government and assumed tbe office of attorney general ia addition to that of prime minister. Subse quently he reCnqqjsbcd the office of attorney general and assumed tbe presidency of tbe executive council. Sir James, upon whom the honor of knighthood was conferred by tbe the Quebec Tereentary celebration in 1908, -has received honorary degrees from several of tbe leading universi ties of Canada. HOW'S TEST We eSar On HanAraa Dollars Re ward tor anr eaaa of Catarrh that eaa- aot bo euree fcy Hall'e Catarrh Cure, r. J. CHKNET CO, T.IIMO, (X Wa tha nderattaao. have known I. Chenev lor tha laat lk veara. ana believe hlrn pert ectly honorable in all boalBaes transactions, and fliuuwla)l4r able to carry oat any abllsmtlona Sanaa by hla Arm. waliUini amnin at makviii, Wholesale Draairlita. Toledo, O. Rail's Catarrh Cora la taken later- nnlly, actios; etreetly open the blood and moeoae surfaces of tha ontaai. Testimonial sent free. Prlea, Tie. par bottle. Bold by all Droswlsta Tnke Hall's family Pllla for consti pation. A WEL'JOME CHAJTCB TO THOSE WHO 8TJFFEB. Coming to Coneord, North Carolina, on Wednesday, October 4th, to Stay at Hotel et Cloud. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD, OF 0EEE5SB0R0. IT. a Ocnsalailoa and Examination Conn dtnttaL Invited and FREE, v One Day Only. fna a Um axyato To see all of hla regular FsHsals and snch new Cases, as may wish to siosalt him. Dr.Pncknrdenjoysaststewide reputaUon, among the profceaioa and the fmhlic ol North Carolina, where tot more than tS yoarsbe has dneeted his smln lima to the Stady.Trnlnninl and Care of Cbiunlu Tkmm., Umm 1uJ ........ . ihinnan anffama MiT.Wnnin asnl Chit droau The Paiiaaca he bas reatorad to Health aftar tbey had fivea ap aU bop jf naang varea are naanbarod by the b)He ia a kind, evnerous. democratic gentleman to meet, of high T lnTK1;e"u f "etoring and pre acbolarlT attainments, and dignified per- eervbw the hair. No one yoong ee old, eooality. Coupled with a Brotherly Inter. J" aj4- '' weak, thla or est, in all who seen his eavice, fie does not take a Patient for Treatment anient he can foresee a Car of the Cue. a The 1 niiaililils fulms nf til auk. and one that appaale to the rtfintf aick is the fart of Ills tbnrgss bains is within the reach of oven the very Door. At no time do tbe charges amount to more than KM month or about tLjO a week.) He gives hi own Plrdidnea, and there are no extra Charges. It takes mm never more than from lour to nU Months to Care a Case under Treatment All Cases, even, those who have been riven np sa Incnrnbl or Hapileia, have beam Cared and seatored to nnifmt haaitb by this Brilliant Fhyelrlan and the wonUrral akstbod he owoWi, - j -If yon want to meet him and have htm examine yon, go to sea him, and talk the matter over with him. It will cost yon thing If be does not vat yon under irmiat If be (ska your case, ft will scot yon a vny saul toast with f Remember the Oate Wednesday, Oct 4th, and com early. , . " .. ; Wood's Fdl j Seed Catslcne : 1 just Utued tella wKat cropa yoa can pot in to make tna . 4 quickest grazing, or hay, to 1 help out the short feed crop,,, Also tell about both j - 1 Veist&Ue on'tf . 'FArm ;iSeeds ;', ') that can ho planted in tha fall ; ; to advantase and profit Irery Fanner, Earket C rower and Gardener should have a ' copy oi thia catalog. ' , ; v ; It Is th best and most corn plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Vfnl for it ' KO XULSCS TCZ IZ7Z1 A Sutemeat of TicU by s : Strong Cuaraatee. 'We gaamtee oomplat rUf to CI la every vimr, ttil v, Vii , ,-- f, suf ply tbe ...n ti-i. m . u -f re estshliih aature'a fuoetiooa ia a quiet, easy way. Tbey do not cause1 any ineonvonienee, griping or Moses, They are so plesssnt to take and work so easily that tbey amy bo taken by anyone at nay time. Tbey thorough ly tone ap the whole system to heal thy activity. i Rexall Orderlies are nnsurpssoaU and ideal for tbe nee of sail Jren, old folks aad deli onto pareoL. We can-! not too highly teoosnmead thesa to all sufferers from any form of con stipation aad its attendant evils. Three sises, lOe 25. and 60. Re member, yon can obtain Bexall Rome dies only in this ooaom unity at onr latore The Bexall Store. Gibson Drug Store.' ' 4. Common Oolda Km Be Taken Seri- -. veajsly ' For unless cured they sap the vit ality and lower the vital resistance to more serious in - infection. -. Protect vour children and yourself by the prompt us of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound aad note the quick aad de cisive rafalta. For coughs, colds, whooping, bronchitis and affections of tbe throat chest and lungs it an ever ready aad valuable remedy. ' For sale by M. LMarah, druggist 11 Es would be a hearUsw father la- deed, who did not alay baby's anflar. lug as did Mr. IS. H Bogaa of Enter prise, Kin. Es says: 'My baby was troubled wit break- tag out something like bs van-year ttcb. ' We used ill ordinary romsdles. but nothing seemed to do any good until I tried ETJBT'S CUBE and in a few days all symptoms -disappeared and now baby It enjoying the beat of health.". Frloe 60c per box. : Manufactured and Ouaranteed V A. B. Bicnorda Medicin Company, . , r Sherman, Texaa. SOU) BT OTBSOK. DBTJQ STOBE, OOHOOBD, a. C WW . HEALTHY IIAIR Use Wyeth'sSage and Sulphur. ;'f A Harmless Remedy That : Makes the Hair Grow. . n ami pur Kin oDserve se manv 1 with thin and faded hair and then "!e.U,at bf S'fJ' b,T . hy need ol I hair wwni out w wmpta -anaa f 01 svandmotiien, comMMH with hmuui w uj uvuu m i1" " -oroold but as Wreth'. , ttd Bulphur Hair Bemedy. - On " - poaaibla to have ' healthr, aicorooe hair, of perfect eetor, I appuoaaons Of this rmar BTBi i rns ana Baipnnr nsn Bern ery quickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp chan and healthy, promotes the growth of the hair and restores tbe nat ural color of the hair which bas faded or grsy. , It Is a dean, wholesome dreaming, which may be need at any time aad with perfect eafetr. Don't nectect your hair. Start today- with- Wrath's Bare aad Sulphur." This preparation ; Is offend . to tbe public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by aU draffUta. , Spedal Agentf, - GrB80W DBUO' BTOBS. NaaVitinlaienllKs bwl reaio.y tor Kkrania. tixa, nonuca, Laaisuaea, Stiff lointa ar i Moxtaa,. Sore Throat, (all, Btralnv 8nmla Cola, Bralae Colic, Craoia, Hrunlfla, Tootlmcha, ana all Krm,, Bona aad ktuacla Aekei iwd Patna TMgwaiui h Noah'e Ark on iw ntrtir end k k co, tot kaa tXO Ua oa trout ol peekato and ' KkVi Unaaait araayi it urn aik. Hmti e' I --sv hnkatlnaa, Larr krttlaJ 'A craita, and eold i t all do at era lamadlcla GianaaMd or nT r. fuodfd by Nnah hmrt . 110.00 BEWAED. , A reward, bf $10.00 wil be paid for information to oonvict tbe party or parties who removed tha lanterns from the newer ditches near tbe Can non Hills Saturday and Sunday nights. There is an ordinance againut such off eneee. - ' J. UBOUEK, , 25-Ct Chief of Police. GP avw, a ej Sk Im b a 1 1 i 0 d - I v i:;::t' r- J 'And it La't Etrptd : public csccunt2r:i3 hsxz f-JUTCd ti3 ccst iho FiL J ; jr Ccr.L Cc.-n.Tiri -.x ' ; These suxoisitanta pay no tttisntiaa to the old-fashioned superstition of f even raccey" prices. ' Ail tney care aoout is an at curat, closflt3ns price. The chief thing that Redesners care about is to -put just as much ' lVaue just as touch Style and Comfort nd Wear as they r xaxk ntjuueze into each shoe. f ' The thing eare about ah6ns nsmsly. value m a flfllug prise- you're ant to lad la Kegala. . , f. fcT Leading tClptKiera and ;Furriichers. Concord, ; No2ihCar6!ina. You Ought :to : Alalia Up Your , Mind Right Now : ! , . " - - - ' What yon ar going to km ia your brae this ran and Win. r ter, and taen yon ought to om right along this way and look over toil stock of ours, Ar yon going to entertain your -ffenda in the aam obi cnairs, at ta aamt old Ublsa, anA an . thr saaie old . rugst Way aot bay tbinga fmh and nw ' Keeln't buy all at onco-get 4 pieor now and a piee a' lltti Utar, If yon ray bars, tbe first pisca wffl be u good tbtf la pise. .5. - , .HEW GOODS ABBIYDW EVEBT DAT. Let ns fuxnlab 0 yon with your rOBITlTDBS SEEDS. Just remvd--A lot of Beautiful Hall and Lac Oartaiui -Als Brasa Beds and On Enadxad Bocktra, Otyrboaa-0. Pmtlaj BM&a Tcru.i!3 - Vcx . and be convlttccd that yon iT tha ZZZT at a Low Prioa j ' Dove.Cc3i Co;: - Tlcmm 1 ni 421. , f -ll.aaaJli.il t mm now la Mnrr- PnUdlug, ovr th Cettof-r-ui fvin - lra 21 Oe a.1 yl l.t.l CAc oyer ' ITmli'a ! T:x Ctora over ITirtVn .' Trzg work about th;z3 csw Ths prba ia ctrrtd ca un'Jl cLirtcrcd awsi 'J , In atone. , BTgbt 7bonea-159 and 326 , - SETS vfannknaninn ,f f , WHITE BEB3IUDA, . WlilTB rSAL, " - " , WEJTE EILVO E3EI, t V' , ;-':ii3ir9wA3nrEss. ' . ALSO, LETTUC'lSTAID AT3 CAE3AGSKT3. I. k- j laJ . -W. J ! The Athletics and th Gianta will play for tb ebampionship of th great National Oame, but you play daily in the strenuous game of Life, and should yon slide and tear your pants send them to the expert Clean ers and Pressors of The Cly Tree- : Club, who are the Mathewsona a. 1 Bender of their trade ' D. B. F0WKLE3, Proprietor. TelepboEi Co. VX O D" J'Sa LAFl'iLi.ai ll lr-lira llrr." t . T -r, Koaa an.1 'i in -.'-t .( " i j, -a it t 4. h trr.i i- Wnam No. 14 ovr i wKiirua k v u .rt. Ouioo kuura; I to 11 a. a, au t to t . For sale by M. L. alarsh, drug- Taaa iAnn , rac iWitlwuJU WWf . Sceicxcn, tUtaoa 3, Ta. - j ' lw h Im ft mint I'U . w-atiksrrsaai.'-i:'i a .. V k r. y Cwon AJs. art CAX