J 4....L1 Il4u.tl iiuciunioa ox Vs i MlM ' Thr Monifea to ateatk S lit VikLuiut ANaooaauKXTT 'MMidu km be at the ' 1 a clock, a. SS, . Ca4e W Thank. BatrtBS a Ba easel ud similar arllclaa are kars4 " at tk raxa of I aula see Um-mU la KntareS aa mmeaui elaa mall Butter ArU It, Ilia, at th aMteOtc at W ear N. C nar Ue act ( Mama 1 ' omt at set aa4 fcr bwH aa at tka. IkaU? , On Moata BIS Month Twelve Maataa . IN J4MM Ma OLBBJBT. CMy Wstae. Coacori, K. 0, October t, 191L One of the most important newe papar announcements, that has been made in the state in long while ap pears in the Charlotte Observer this morning. On November 1 Maj. James C. Hemphill is to become editor and afr. A. E. Gonzales publisher and managing director of that paper. Maj. Hemphill is one of the foremost edi tors in the South, and was for twenty years editor of the Charleston News and Conner. For the past two years he has had charge of the editorial de partment of the Richmond Times Dispatch. Mr. Gonzales has for a number of years been publisher of the Columbia State, and is a newspaper man of recognized ability. This an nouncement will mean much not only for the Observer but for the city of Charlotte. Next Monday, October 9, has been appointed as Fire Prevention Day, and we publish elsewhere the official notice of Fire Commissioner Jas. R. Young in regard to it. This is a most important matter. The loss by fire in the United States is many times greater than that in European coun tries, and much of it is preventable. On next Monday all property owners are asked to examine their property and see that all rubbish likely to cause a fire is moved, and also to see that flues, chimneys, etc., are in good condition. PARAGRAPHS. Marriage is a lott jy in which some people are never satisfied until they take three or four chances. The 4,245 girls who want to marry Green's boy all say that money is no object, but yon never heard of so many girls running after a poor boy, did yout .With John L. in the house the Dem ocrats will be enabled to make a fur ther economy reduction by abolishing the job of sergeant-at-arms. The Kentucky judge who ruled that a woman' hair dye bill must be paid on the ground that hair dying is a necessity may be something of a cynic but he is also a philosopher. Don't despair over the cost of liv ing. ItH soon be butchering time. Alaska has had an earthquake, but it will take more thai, that to jar the Guggenheim a loose from those coal beds. Stung by Boat, Brewer's Rheumatism ,V It Cured, gtjr. 'Ahsnia, Conn, Oct 4. Hopelessly fij crippled for two yean by rheumatism, f William P. Fitzgerald, a wealthy I? brewer bere, has been cured by daily gF exposing himself to the attack of 5- bees. Leaving a hospital a month ago, ' when all remedies failed Fitzgerald L tried the bee experiment - p A hive of bees quartered in the gar- ? ret of Fitzgerald ' borne daily di- Tided thein time between gathering ;iv boney and stinging their owner. At times the bees would sting until the j?, the pain was excruciating, but the pa X' tient suffered heroically. After, three week of the treatment he is now able Y to walk without crutches. Mr. Fits- 'gereld wilt soon leave for Hot Bpringi, Va. t( Illinois W. 0. T. XT. Meeting. ' V" Pontine, HL, Oct. 6r-Piaetically very county of Illinois ' was fepre A tented by delegates at the opening bere today of the annual state eon k vention of the Woman's Christian tf Temperance Union. : Addresses to be . delivered during the four days' sea 'l aio include the following: "Physi- f eal Culture," Miss Mary Blood of i Chicago; "The Work of the Juvenile Court," John H. Whitman of Chiea i go; "Co-operation With Missionary Societies" Rev. J. W. Eaton of Ev- l anstoB, and "Health and Heredity,',' i Jars. it. A. iranlay or savoy. - Foley's Kidney Remedy vs. a Hope- Tgi - . law Case, i Hoc. Ask. 3. E. Freeman, says: "I . lad a severe esse of kidney trouble )' and eould not work and my mum seem ad hopeless. -One large bottle of Fo ' H'l Kidney Remedy ewwrj tne and , I bave never been bothered since. I J always recommend it. Fo Sale By U. U mmb, druggist. . U2CAT0R Wta Oe Back Ax lis, f Course. Is Banking M amber ea Toct Powerful J Aeoata Ooawhtae. The sua who tkiaka Senatur Sim Buaa aa M friends ia GuiUord should revisa his opuxtoa. He was ia the city yesterday and aaobera of his meads called oa tun more thaa people thought be d ih the sa tire eounty. GreensboN RecoM. We leara from a htteh suit oat recently from Washingtua that, should the Senate become Democratic ia 1912, Senator Simmons would be come chairman of t'he most powerful eommittee in the Senate the com mittee on nuance, the resignation of Senator Bailey having made him the ranking Democratic member. That being true, why tthould e send a new man to the oenate who would xeenre Soda crackers are extremely sensitive to moisture. Before the advent of Uneeda Biscuit the only persons who ever tasted fresh, crisp soda crackers were the people in the bakeries. Imagine their trip from bakery to your table; exposed to air and moisture kept in grocers' boxesand finally in a paper bag on the shelf in your pantry. Could they be the same as they were the day they were baked? Now that we have Uneeda Biscuit we have perfectly baked soda crackers perfectly kept. No moisture can reach them no con taminating influ ences can. affect their flavor their goodness is impris oned only to be liberated by you for you when you open the package. Always in the moist ; ure proof package. Never, sold in bulk. .5 cents a package. ; NATIONAL BISCUIT; COMPANY a job oa the eeamittee oa aeoasties or the roatoiiue oa the diapoaal of wste paper r Wiaalou-Salea jjar nal. . : - SissBMiaa will re back again 1 The sturdy people of Xorlk Caroliaa will ask theaiMlves ia all aeriuBSDeai why they ahould kick Simawaa out to put ia Clark or Eitehia.- Clark aas beea highly bouored and why' aboald be waat to take the plaee if a eerreat who has made good t True, Simmons has not yet proclaimed bimaalf for woman suffrage, as Clark has done, but oa this burning inane we take it llutt there remains plenty of time to decide. North Carolina will doubt less follow Virginia and swat with unerring aim the hot-air artista who Mvk the place by assailing the well ordered conditions, and by attempt in;; to inflame the passions of the leple. Simmons has wisde food. He iJn potltiua, by ateav of his eipe- nDoe ia the beaate, to d. atiU bet ter, acd an til ha betra.rad his trust or'shawa MmJf ineanpetent there ia a. reaeua as Ood'a brifhl wwid jsy a. ahould be atood bsmI t. saac a pUee fur Kitehia or Clark. Neither at theti eaa .enir,piiih what Simmons eaa SfComplUh for the state aad the question is not debatable. Simmons has the ezperWaee ia the Senate aad stands today where either at the ether two would aottand for at least aix years. Why should North Carolina surrender a valuable eervaat to make room for mea wb. hare beea highly honored ia other positions I No reaeoa la the world, aad the voters will say so. Everything. KTTES A5D PRICKLY BXAT BB- : IJSVB& FREB. There are no condition i attached to this offer. If you are suffering with hives, prickly best, insect bites, ar any other skin afflictions, we want you to accept with our compliments a free bottle tof ZEMO, the clean liquid remedy for eczema, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. This Tree bottle is not full sue but it is lsrpe enough to show you ths wonderful healing snd soothing effee'A of ZEMO. Call today for a sample bottle of ZEMO at Marsh's Drug Store. Foley Kidney Pills Supply just the ingredients needed lo build lip, strengthen aiJ restore tlm natm-:il Action till IriittMivs and bladiler. Swially prepared for backache, lieaitnrne, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidnej, bladder and urinaiv irre-rularities. For Sale by M. L. .Marsh, dniggst. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward (or an? cut of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENET A CO- T.iledo, a We, the undersigned, have known F. . Chener for the last- IS rears, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDINO, KTIWlN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aurfsces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, Tic per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Tske Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Observe Poet Riley's Birthday. Indiunnolis. Ind., Oct. 6. In prac tically all of the public schools in Indiana special exercises were held today in celebration of the birthday anniversary of James Wliiteomb Ri ley, the "Hoosier Poet." Mr. Riley, who is slowly recovering from a long illness,' at his home in this city, will be 58 Jears old tomorrow. - . . i - To Honor Nicholas Murray Butler. New., York, Oct. 6. Ten thousand quests' have been invited to attend the testimonial dinner to be given to morrow niplit in honor of Dr. Nicliol al Murray Butler, president of Colum bia I'niversity. The affair is to mark the completion of Dr. Butler's tenth year aa administrative head of the institution.. During his incumbency the university lias frrown to be the larpest in the country in point of at tendance. T May's nn ' Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out' Is not a dye. $1 M ml s. st Drs Stares se aW sm ' rsssu f sriesssds-uler's ism BmiffiZ. teiSlaVrE1' H,T SpedsUies Co, I raa1afiaat aavVSB ALL SUBSTITUTBS unT.n aim wrnn-fcrM-naTYPrt BT GIBSON DRUO COMPANY. '.-ssi -sue m ' r.;'v; 'i To Darken tfie 'Hair and Re store Gray and Faded Hair. . ; to'lts Natural Color, It is easier to preserve the color of the hair thaa to restore it, although It Is possible to do both. Our frsnd mothers understood the secret They made : a "sage tea," and their dark, glossy hair long after middle life was doe to this fact. Our mothers have gray hairs before they are fiftjr, but they ate beginning to appreciate the wisdom of our grandmothers In oslng "sage tea" for their hair and are fast following suit - The present generstioa has the advan tage of-jtas east, hi that H caa get a ready-to-nse preparation called Wrath's Bags and Sulphur Hah- Remedy. As a scalp took aad color restorer this prep aratioa is vastly superior to the ordinary "ease tee" made by onr grandmothers. This remedy is sold nsder guarantee that the money will be refunded it it falls to do exactly as represented. If your hair Is losing color or coming ont start using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur te-dsy, snd see what a change it will make ia a few days time. This preparation fat offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all druggists. Gibson Drug Stole, Special Agents. n n 1 1 1 1 m aw - HaWftasI Soap hwmmtm stesa sad kesltar. slialorrsd, rouk shssssS hssSsssdaws. ISs.'st OtmtiSr ' GRANDMOTHERS Covarxmait" is to Aid tie Couac. Grow an. . WaJiiaploo, Oct," 4. To . aecore b''cr f rws fat eo I too fcy )mproed awthoo. f fcaaJIiag, grmdiar and arktUsg of Ue erop the UnUad Slate. Ovwriiataiit will o-oprat with prunin groweta, It is f4aa to bring to th eottou fulsera th. fall seaeflt of in created value possible through careful grading of th. op I. oiTMpoBd with aww goTeranMnt standards , Tbea. . ataadarda have, beea ia th. bands of the eottoa ez ehanget som. tint, and are reeog nised officially as etaadanla of the lred. Th. Afrirultoral Department, offi cial pUu. is to tab. the crop frnm plantatioa eealected as (experiment points. Tka government will use the most improved methods of grading, handling, bailing and selling and will make accurate returns of each opera tions for the cotton grow.'s benefit It is believed if the eottoa growers will grade the crop earefuUly ia ini tial handling its value will be greatly increased.-- . "' . .. - Farmers' Associations are being urgent to purchase rets of government standards for use in preparing cot Ion for markot. The price of the standard, has been reduced from thirty-five ta. thirty dollars for the benefit of the farmers' associations. Mayor James C. Dahkaan started liis rtroer as a cowboy, and is at present Mayor of Omaha, and bas the following record. Sheriff of Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat 'I Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and in 1910 Candi date for Governor of Nebraska. Writ ing: to Foley & Co., Chicago, he says: "I bave taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have (riven me a great deal of relief so I cheerfully recommend them." Your truly, (signed) James C. Dahlman. For Sale by M. L. Marsh, druggist. Rheumatism Relieved In 6 Hours. IiR. DRTCHON'S RKMRP FOR r.HKl'MATIBM usually relieves sever est enses In a few hours. Its action iiT'on the systetm Is remarkable snd rfftTtlve. It removes the cause nnd the iitsvie quickly rtlsnppears. First dose hen. fits. 7r,c and 11.00. Bold by M. I MARSH. Druggist. 8 a Union Street. Oct. 1-tt. A Medicine That dives Confidence Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mrs. T. J. Adams, 622 No. Kansas Ave., Columbus, Kas., writes: "For a number of years my children have Ix-eu -subject to coughs and colds. I used Foley's Honev and Tr Com ioiiiid and found that It cared their 1 coughs and colds, so.I keep it in the house all the time." Refuse substi tutes. Fiw Sale (by 3S. L. Marsh,' drug KWt. : . . WOBLD'S GREATEST CLAIR VOYANT CAUSES SENSATIONS BY HER MARVELOUS PREDIC TIONS. Without asking one question, be fore you utter a word, gives dates, facts, fifrures, tells yon of living and dead. Your secret troubles, the cause and remedy; in fact, tells ev erything; give infallible advice on all affairs of life. Financial affairs, rivals, enemies, affinities, law suits, influences, LOVE, COURTSHIP, MAKKiAUK Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. no. MORRIS BUILDINO. Second Floor, 36-37 29-tf. Flower Bulbs. HYANCINTHS, SINGLE AND DOU BLE, AND WHITE ROMAN. - HAECISSTJS " . Paper White and Double and Van r - Lion. . - TULIPS. Singla and Double, Crocus, Chinese Lilly. GIBSON CHUG ST0HE Nssli'sLlalifeeatls the but remedy lor Hneinw thai, BeJstlss, Usne Baok, Btlfl Joints and M aides. Bar Thromt, Oalds, Btrsins, Sprains, Cuts, Brnlsss, CoUe, Cramps, Noarsliik, ToottiselM, and all Nerve, Bona snd Muscle Aches and Pains. Ths awolue has Noah's Ark oa svery psclucs snd looks llks this cut , but has R E O tsutd eo front of package and ''Naek'a LMssassr alwaya In HED Ink. Bewars ot hnttsliona. Lar bottle, 3t eents, aad sold by ad Guarsntesd or money rs. funded by Cosh Remedy 'JZZS Co. Ino, KkauDooO, va. When you feelit voos, tired, worried or despondent it is a snre rgnvoa Bead MOTT'S NLRVER1NE PULLS. They renew the normal vigor and make life worth living. Be sure sad ask lor Mott's Nervertoe IVs TM.S WUXIAr ? KFO. CO., rras.. Clmksi Okie oU bj Lsvii Ersg Cwjcpaay. Mil n RHD "I I ! l1 II PI mil 2EIGLKR BROS, E. P. RED ft CO AND CROVER'S - SOP TSOLES FOR TENDER FEET. These are three celebtated makes we offer you to select ''from,'; t- - ,. .1. - is: V . .' ... i 1 . WE HAVE THE LARGEST, BEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF Women and Children's Fine Shoes EVER BROUGHT TO CONCORD. - Nothing like this variety of styles ever shown in this city before. We have them in all leathers Patent. Russia Cilf, Gun Metal, DuU Kids, Brown Kids, Black Velvets, : Brown Velvets, Suedes, White Canvas in fact everything " in all leathers and fabrics. , We consider our Women's and Children's Shoe Department one of the Best and Most Important Departments In this big store, and it is our constant aim to make it Bigger and Better each season. Come in and see if we cannot prove the above assertions. Always glad to show you. v- ' Cannon & t Beautiful 42-Piece Dinner Set and Other Valuable Presents Given Away Absolutely Free! Each time yon make a purchase at this store amounting to over one dol- 1st, the total amount of sal will be pnncbsd ont of the Contest CartL EVERY SATURDAY AT 6 O'CLOCK P. 11 YOU WILL PRESENT YODH CARD IN PERSON AT THIS STORE. Oil tllA ff atnH f has flAtlt smaWflasaayl iha nasiu a.-uiA. V.1J1 avtL - " - - - ft Ceive abSOlutalV free Of Charm, a dinner set. . , If your card does not entitle yon to the set of dishes at the flrst awarding, hold your cards for snbwqaent distribntlon u we will eon- - tlnna sHvinv mw a oa nt jidvM -..k ivi. . if soma one else does get the set of dishes one week, your card may be the " highest card some later week, so save wvery card. ; . - . as prenomuy sxatea you are entitled to a new card every time yon ' make purchases at this ston amounting to f 1.00 or more. For example suppose you purchase at one time goods amounting to f 2.75, we will than ' punch that amount ($2.75) out of your card, so that unless yon purchase more than that amount at another time, that card ($2.76) Is your high card. When vonr card aacnraa vnn a itinnm- aot it mm v. ..bi . w .mw -V. nM m HMMS S)lllimieU .by us and returned to you. You must save this curd along with any oth- - ere uat you may have as we have another big "prize" for you. . - . T! 91 Ot XXTaaV w- will trtmrm .V. 1 1 Jl , . m .. nu s nw sua iinnwu uuiaing in largess amounl of purchases during Confess a beautiful China Closet absolutely Free uuw vs uuvia u us sure rooms, uati ana see it. contest heglns Monday, October 11th, and co&Unoes 31 weeks. . , Bread! Breed! Oood Fleur always means Good Bread use Pcrcebin Fbr, and be convinced that you havs the ?EST at Low Price. Dove-Bost Co. " Phones 81 and 421. The Athletics and the Giants will play for the ehampionsbiD of the great-National Game, but you play aai'j in toe sxrenuons game oi Late, and should you slide and tear your pants send them to the expert Clean ers and Pressera of The City Pressing Club, who are the Mathewsons and Benders of their trade , D. D. FOWKLES, Proprietor' Telephons No. 188. ' FT"' Fetzcr Co. Free! Free! v ywMiws yiirreawa oos, vm Xv- ha&ntifn'l .. hand HM.ea . lo .... ..... ,1, LtrUZ TJItSERTAirThTfl XmDERTAKHTO CO. ..This week is your last chance to trt S PLATE GLASS SHELF at the Reduced Price. . - Grady-Brady Co. Dn. J, V. D.U'13, DENTIST O&ce over Marsh's ; Drag Store, FHOKE NO. 433. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY 1 Prsetlee limited, to Kva, Far, Nose and Throat and Fitting biassM, Office In ths Morris bin nana;, Room No. to over Cabarrus Bavlna hank. OiBcs hours: I to 11 a. ny and LISl DENTISiaY I m now In th Mnrr'R Pudding; tow dr. a. c. lrmr aT UWLs