I 1 - i . i-4 . en fcs b4 at tb :r run' s"-0 , ctiu r lux yma lo .1 sawna cla mall mattsr UiJ st Ihs pwaiorr . a i t.'w . C uaasr 1M Kl 4xcb. l . rlty nJ W ts r-n- va Atwalll . l .CMr Sa Concord. K. 0, October 18, 1911. . Senator Bristow, of Kaunas, reports that President Taft on ' hi recent tonr failed utterly to win support in tint state H avera that Mr. Tail's cans ia hopeless vMywhere west f I th Mississippi river and wry .weak ""TTr . I in tna midOrt wesv cnaw said: ., ' - ' .'"' - : .' ''I do not believ that President I Taft haa inQueneed a' aingla man in I Kanaaa who was not for him before. I How eould 1m T The Canadian Tecip-I ' roeity paet was unpopular in Kansas I ' from the first, a it was among thai ' ' lam majority of farmers tnrougnoui the country. Frightened because oil ; it our Deoplo sold their wheat early I ' at tow flgures. Thea when Canada I roted the treaty down, wheat went up I 1!? mnta a bushel. Naturally the I farmers of Kansas were out of pocket 'on th transaction, and naturally they I ;' blame Taft and those who helped to I pasa th pactf :!': -" --V They har , a wary mild ;,but k Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, aaidjpoaitivo aetion s upon the . organs ' Minnesota. Bourn also- had maniy,, bw, tnug overcoming- weakness, . eommunications froni - the Eocky " tr .-..j P.?fl fairritorv. Hislmor vigorous and healthy acUvity. , iThree sizes, 25c, 50c, and $1.00. B . informant. ud that while tb PL.", obtain Bexall Kenv .' readily turned out to greet wt hear I oni,at our storeThe Bexall th President of tho United bUtea, I four-flfthi of the men in his audience I ar against lim for renomination. HelFoley'a Kidney Bamedy tb. a Hope- said ha waa reminded ol wnas Bena-i '' m:i. ''." Rnnfh rmlma. aaidl v - . ' I r, ,u. .;lhad a severe ease of kadney trouble or lormex rresiue.. w -m to Uorth Carolina, when thousands ot people turned out to see ; nim.ifey'B Kidney uemedy eared me and . vYhy,1 diatinauished sonuili Carolinian, "t beve seen as many, yes, -more people t negro lynching in North Carolina, as greeted the dia- . iingnisbed Bough Eider at Aaheville last week." ' It is a distressing state of affairs in any community when ministers who attempt to do battle against lawless ness and to ereate a healthy public sentiment for law enforcement are accused of "intolerant meddling in polities,'; and are villifid , on - the street corners by people who either sympathise with the law-breakers or are indifferent as to the administra tion ot the lawi According to-these guardians of th public welfare the minsters must keep silent when sueh issues arise, no matter to what extent the moral fife of the community is .involved or no matter how much de pends on the settlement of the issues. ;- We regret to ssy that there is much V of this spirit in Concord, and the mor 1 al life of the city will never be what it should until sueh a spirit largely dis- appears., - - This is th week of . the Raleigh . Fair. , Great preparationa have been J made for the week. Gov. Harmon,! of Ohio, is" to speak Wednesday, and I there are to be many other attrac tions, not the least of which will be the flights of a Curtiss aeroplane. RaV e; h has just eompleted a maniliceut new' auditorium which is td be ppeu-l 1 CIs week with great eclat. The I o'l city has at last aroused herself,! 1 1 is going forward with great I FAKACZATZS. ' ' ' g fond t'.iii? about the football r. It doesn't last long. :':'.". . v A ; 1 niany castles in Spain sen 1 1 1 in tl.ii -r these days. , a ( Li in on the Brown ' t t'.o strid s of tne 1 toward l.;e h : 1 a i ming more n'.i rr la tv, m I "va U IVKWti j, ...li ii.at.-ut, m born .in , 1, :.:,., Uet. 14, ISiL II il school ul thn iihinrt Coile,-, graduating sruh It. l-s of 1S75. He lbs -teraj tb 1 school of liarvard l's :vrrity. He revived bis dere in ls77 Mid ia th Mm year vas ad mitted to th bar and beiraa th pre tiee of law in Springfield, Uiat. Mr. lidlott ni appointed aeaiatant attor ney general of Massachusetts in 1879 and served in that office until 1883. In 18'J0-91 be van elected a member of tb MsaanehaMtta legislator and th following year M elected to Congress oa the Republican ticket. He haa beea re-elected every two years sine. ' CAX T0T7 ASK MOKE? Tour Money Sack for th Asking. Ton Promise Hothlnf. VV a are so eonndenl tnat we can furnish relief for indigestion and dys- Pi" J1"" iht medicine free of all eoet to every on 1 who usee it according to directions Iwho ta not perfectly satisaed .with the result. W exact no promisea and put no on under any obligation what- ever. Siiraly nothing ouhi fairer. VV are located right be re where you live, and our reputation should be sufficient assurrauee of th genuine- inesa ox our oner, W want everyone who a troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia in any form to eome to our store and buy a box of Bexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home, and eive them a reasona- ble trial, aeoordmg to directions. If they don't pleas you, tell us and w will quickly , return your money. land aiding to restore the bowels to store. Oibaon'a Drug Stor. was vaaa ' Hon. Ask. 3. & Freeman, savs gnd work and my ca aeem. 1,9,,. One large bottle of Fo Dave never oeen ootnerea Bine. always reeommend it M. L. Marsh, druggist. For Sale Bvl o : FALL AND WINTER CLOTHSS '-.Vr 11. .!, S. C, ;ur4 ly u Cwl. .er, far.-t.uf lttioo th m in Vni lUii- !0 i;. a Lt, grsfier, licd in New l.vu 179 Dr. John liuotr, uo ul th world's Tctet surpctmn, d-J in Loaduo. born near Ulastow, Fro. 1?JS, . 1S0 William P. Fesaendfu, secre- ; tary uf the treasury and U. S. Senator, bora in lkcawen, K. II. Died in Portland, Me., 6p . tember 8. 1M.:9. S34 Old lluuse of Parliament in London destroyed by fire. 1&17 Beloit College, Wisconsin. oi- ' Dd. - 185 John Brown and his band seis- . ed tB arsenal at Harper 'a Fer- ' ry. --; ... -:-- 18C3 General Grant appointed to th , eommand of the western ar mies, v 189J Charles Bell Birch. uotd settlp- , tor, died in London. Born in 1832. . ' ' 190ft Mrs. Jefferson Da via, widow of : th President of the Confeder- , ate States, died in New York feiry. Born in Natehea, Miss., May 7, 1828. 191(V-The dirigible balloon "Clem- ? ' ent-Bayard," :with seven pas- aengers, made suecessful flight - from Pans to London. " ; - Toley Kidney Pills Supply just the ingrediente needed la build op, strengthen sal restore the--natural aetion of the kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for Deckaene, : neadacoe, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidnej, bladder and urinary irregularities, rot Sale by M. L. Marsh, druggst. To remove potato, onion-and other vegetable stains from the bands, rub with, ripe tomatoes - , : Rheumatism Relieved In 6 Hours. DR. DKTCHON'S JRBLrEr FOR RHEUMATISM usual IV relieves sever, st case In a law hour. Its action BDfkn th avat.tra la rmarkahl and effective. It removes tbe cause ai4 th disease 'qutcklf disappear. F1rt do benefits. 75o and tl.00. Sold b; M, U MARSH. DnicaUt, s 8. Union 8trt. . ' Oct. 1-tf. - No one knows whether Tripoli av ore-war or not, Tripoli has n-ver been consulted. . After exposure, and wten you feel a eold coming on, take Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound. It cheeks and relieves. : Ijse no substitute. The genuine in - yellow package always. X For Sale by M, L. Marsh, droggist. . ' I TJs our Penny Column it Pays. zen r.:zrj arm vcu::a- r.:zrj ... - - PrcGC .: .id. Tv" f I'owtng minister cl poepel b 1 . 1k. .-!. ol rasults, and believe ft to be a waiu , ."f lxa tlic 1 tiblicatioa ol Uwir eaUor-roents , Rev. J. aew4sndH n. Fcotov Church of Ephlf h r - Vs. Rev K L McNair, lastur 1 r-hvtrnan Church. ;ti:.a. Kcv W W Royal. Secrc-sry loarj bl Foreign fc. a. Cw.fcrence hi. . Church South, Jsi-rfoK. Va. . - Rev. Nathan Mwnard, Remrned Miwlonary from J -i, F.wm.ke. Va Rev, L. C Douthit, Walhalla. S. C Sat tvangc . 1 1 V. vyta kleibo- - dist Conference o N. C Sev. J. C Holland, Past"f Keen St Baptist Churrh. Panville. Va. Rev. H. D. Guarrsnt. Methodist Muuster, PanviUe, Vs. Tb Methodist" aurits Unas. Th Mrthii h Kever tskea Irr stora K or pnmi-d it, fnithtn, p-tcnt m. -ts.'.nea, Indeed, bwbit oi them relke at S?t. 4 ttni'r. k -venue ft no real bea'-tn kj b-jea tl.e peev oi th uror ol t(rr . . iu njMhM keea inlrod'icea ia IXin.';ererent;v mtdiciwithst. ll their. tineiir of some our best ctta r- eH. h.s cssi merit. It I lie our oe wawi w allium cava. Te?ect f tWnlWn,TK s0". those who have oeeo toducad to tr, k ha keen marvekms as restorer of health. Th company who nurnifsctures this remedr that ha, urli a trernrndrus aaie k i com posed ol r-wtemenotte highest socW and Dwral KaadKia w DaarUls. Mtattfaatsl Buy 6 bottle for $5.00 and get your : snoncy back If not benefited, i ASK YOUR DRUGGIST OR WRITS ! The Milam Medicine Co. fa. D0N7 TAKE OUR WORD X - - - -- Charlotte, K, June 24th; 191L Th T.R runnanv. Charlotte. N'C. , V . : Gntlemen About six months fallen off until I was almost skin and bones, when a friend told me. of I your Remedy and I decided te try it, as I eould find nothing that would I build m ud.' I commenced taking this medicine and in four weeks 1 1 had gained thirty-one pounds, and that of a sickly to that ol a Healthy person, ; 1 cannot praise your meui- iiva tnn hiirhlv. as t feel that it baa.aaved BUT life. : , ' - - , Thanking you for this privilege for me, and with best wisftes lor i,-1::'; , . ;...T- '. iMfi&i:M':!'-, , CLAUDE - ALEXANDER. If any person wo Jd like they me in our:omoe.vsw-'''v:.o."i;v,v1j-vi,,.,;v - -,'::.:,'',": i .- .3 Files! Pil:s! Files! WlUlama Indian Pile Ointment wilt cure Blind. Bleed! ns and Itchinc Files. It ab sorbs the tumors, allay itching- at one, acta aa a poultice, give Instant relist Williams' Indian Pll Ointment Is sra pared tor Pile and Itt-hlne; ot the private parts. Drorvtsts, mail too and tl-00. MIUUMS NFS CO, fnaa. Clsrslaad. Oak 8old by Davis Drag Oempaay. X E'.enl th atveeH. iiie', of this iweils Ins . ioreour rerm se retwisi, s ae sic that will piuv a l.Ltiu4 ta suuanua liumaiiNT. ThiscoiniSjee',"i si srrltfee wHmsl Tea er reward upon ' f- .'mur-r oi those ho bare beea Wtwai.eO. bf tua ass of th WLAMromou. Tk Baptist dm see Htlaa. - MHsni Is tb name of great rnedkHn now being ntsnii - ired in LMrmne, and Iron, th tssi ii'h " - ot sum ot our beat ' cittteeswecan - . rrcoinf. -rxl it to oiir friends who sns ,u.cmig sny of tii dissases k pnt.? to curs, t ne f n st tha bead C tne CfmranT manui -lui ii g . this medicine rn lie n fied n. -.ev. J. a. liicss.iothsb.ualjniuav. at - READ WHAT OTHERS SAY ago I was In very poor health. Had I my color waa altogether changed from I Thf telling yon what your Remedy did your suceess in oumnesa, am, - Varv ninnerelv. -.".:-:, .:: : -rV " can inspeot the original which is col : My health having improved I here. by notify my former patrons, friends I and the nubile that my services are at I their eommand tor any legal business I enbustsd to mt. W. J. MONTQ0HEBT. Attomsy ut Lae "1 J ZEiGLEii I ..... .) .-. co a:d ct.owz::z ...... so;'.. : : i c; T;i:.:r; tlzt. These are three cJ. .iUl makes we c.Tcr you to tCi from. .. . . WE HAVE THE LARGEST, EIZST AND U.CZT UP - TO-DATE OF f I ' " . " . - y t - ' f f M m jg W Wa WW -t: - -r - er . v . -. ' v- . Sesss . - - s M 'svs SMS sv) s " 1 - V ' " "-'' ---..-: L w W taM a. Waa) , - EVEJR BROUGHT TO CONCORD. Nothing like this variety of styles ever shown in this city before. : We have them in all leathers Patent, Russia Calf, Gun Metal, Dull Kids, Brown Kids, Black Velvets, Brown Velvets, Suedes, White Canvas in fact everything 'in all leathers and fabrics. We consider our Women's and Children's Shoe Department one of the Best and Most Important Departments in this : big store, and it is our constant aim to make it Bigger and : Better each season. ... Come in and see If we cannot prove the above assertions. Always glad to show. you. , 4 . - 'Vs.. .1 L-i, ! TL- j Lit a !ir"., Tltfv,r, riicrocf f' -nrproof ylaerpttt-'e SuIraL! lot eJ llnJs of bulilss. For furt!.er t!; j'.!oJ informiilion er-j ? to .. ara -- . mm a ei - . C . ,is, w V.au V -... . m-mi a -. c. .::.3,::.c. "1 I) Cold weather is now near and you are going to need a Heater or a Grate. - - v Remember we carry a big line in stock.. Open Frank 1 lin. Heaters, Round Heaters, Laundry Heaters, and Nice I " Parlor Heaters for coal, also wood Heaters, , and Oil Heaters. - . ' ".."- '" - In fact we are prepared to heat any room in your house. Ctinie to see us or 'phone 164 your wants for anything in house farni..!.ingi, we have it - - L W . fA VwJ P' , ( .! J . V at A V - 1 " "1