r VOL. XXII Price. 43 Cants t Month. . concord.n: a. saturday, October 21.1911" VSliU Copy, Flva Certs. ko.'SC TB3 CIRCUS IS C2ARL0TTE. Concert CiUxea Roasts CUrlotte Ami Its Mayor en Aeoout ef tea Abominable Streets, ' Editor Tribune: Yes, we went to tbe circus all right ! Left oar sleaa little Unm oa Monday ' Mil ItUoi time Found Charlotte aa-usual Monday. Tuesday "La Bella Charlotte" wai oa ear aaoal be- - hariour. Who aver knew Charlotte to be anything bat "easeed" oa great y days, Fair Days," "Show Daya," . "Presidential Daya," eta, ate t" The ' moraine waa distinctly dull, a "leed ' en" iky rery threatening. Bnt hope ss usual flickered in tbe hearts of many, erowda of people; white and ; black, and every intermediate eoloT : thronged tbe streets, filled the door t ways and invaded even the porches of . the houeea of worship on Try on tract. Children . all bopa squalled on . the - aide of tbe atreeta in erowda as early aa 10 a. m. Tbe parade waa to be at ; 10:30 or 11 a. ea. Shortly after ten, ; just aa the people and children were ' nicely settled and ready to be taken advantage of, the elouda over "Miea Charlotte" began to dampen their ': ardoar, drixxling rain. By onea and twoe the poor kida gave np their eeata .'or stands. By 11:00 o'clock moetyf them were wet, by 11:30 soaked '. through. About 12 noon, the faded, washed out, ' second-best-attired pro ' oeaaion came into view; Even the band men could not blow a blast and the (, drama were altogether beyond beat ing., The horses, elephants, camels ware worth seeing, but ladies in rain , coats and under parasols, although on gilded chariots looked dreary. By 5 12:30, thousanda were off to the show . ground. - The rain poured down, and the mudt Waa there ever such mud aa Charlotte's? Over the soles, ankles, ,i tops pf the boots, right half way up " to the knees, men's pants were plast ered red, red clay mud it sticks, un, the shame of it, men, boys, women and - children compelled to wade through yards and yards of liquid mud; there was no escape if yon wanted to see ,, tlis showyoa had paid your money "to see, down town. It waa and is a ''disgrace to any city (f) calling itself civilised. At the entrance of the show v ground there is not even a pathway, , not a planks supping and sliding m- 10 J- oa ana ins neavene openeu euu iu8Dite was for rain- : rain atreamed down to beat any band. ; "Sir-ens',? waa therVwledy-ua'' and . thousand? of other eusses snd cussing. ' Wet and covered with mud, the crowd . at last got into the "largest tent on -' earth", every seat of which was as : t sm aiai im e Iimssa kaiil iitall ViSnM ' it I tu. i.-jrSj. Tl.l tIi We-8rBt of a number of pre-nuptial ?5 !XTs ljiivnta P'"" fa honor, given the Wesn ths roof ! itvery large, nV. Gibson at her attra- ' ana rain acomea torouKB vru m iwu ' . , . mi . j J m I note. lue msjor iua imm vi - eiaia wbo. oaa ooueowu uorij t i in uWhad ths .P"VThs prise for ths highest score, a deck .ana see mu im idcuuvbiuouot mwji ... , .-. i onld have l M8 3 o. , maae a painwajr wwuu u wiwuu; : been glaringly wanted for ths last 6 years. Well, perhaps, when there is a vacancy again, tba people will have tba sense to select a "horse" instead ' of a"mayor"to earryout their wishes C and until-they have the sense to make ' roads and paths for people to travel (oa foot); or cease to boost ths glo ii riea of this Queen eity (t) i - :$: X s VISITOR. I NvB.Tot will notiea the Chsrlotts papers ar quits silent aa to ths eon ? ditions esisting, ars they afraid to 's apeak f or is there some other reason f f That 1868 Ooia Jka U Worth 13,500. h In yesierdty's paper ws publisbed a disDsteb from Atlanta stating that ; a polieeinsn there has a half dollar at ths coinage of 18S3 that is worth 82,500. A short time after ths paper aDDeared Re: Dr. J. C. Davis brought r Id our office a 60 cent coin bearing this date, which he said he had been ' earrvinK :in bia pocket for 40 years. Ths : good , Doctor then ' explained ; to. ns that on the three aoina made which ars now so valuable there were - - no rsys around ths esgls, no arrows "in bia claws, and under him there waa small o. For some reason only three of these coins were mads and - each ia iorth 8200. For fear that there, might be many others of our readers -who possess these coins and , that tneirexpeetationsmightbsheight ' . anad onlv to br shattored, We publish this fact. If your half dollar of 1863 - has the. marks above indicated, you may as well go ahead and buy sonje- J: thing with it.- ' '' . ; '. "Hot Visible la America. Washington, D. G, Oct. 20. Amer ican sky-gasere are not directly in - tersstsd in ths annular eclipse of : -the sun Which takes place tomorrow, for in this section of the world tbe phenomena will not, be visible. The path of ths annulus will begin on the east eoast of the ses of Aral and mov ' ing in a southeast direction will pass over the islands of Hainan and New Guinea- and- terminate in the Sonth Pacific ocean. As a- partial eclipse it will be visible over nearly all Asia, Australia and ins nonnern pen w New Zealand,1! vx a .'v;:i KO OATS AOADT TODAT. I . WIS the lain Never Cease 1 Every Day Adds Is Giants' Chances.: Tbe ball gams between tbe Giants snd Atleties scheduled for today in Philadelphia has been again postpon ed on account of rain,- making the fourth straight gams to be postponed on this account FAJTS KNEE-DEEP EC ' DESPAIR- HO OAKS. . aaaiams - - a " Bala 8UQ Slops Down Over Phila delphia And the Hoses of AIL V Philadelphia, . Oct. 20. "Rain, rain, please go sway I" bagged Con nie Mask today; but there was no an swer to bis prayar, and tha ' fourth world series game was officially call ed oS at 10 o'clock. ; , Tha rains descended and tba floods earns, and tba owners of Stubs Park wars requested to name their figure lor leasing the park to a Venetian amusement company, while soma of tha big shipbuilding yards hers want ed to nae the newly made natatorium for trying out new battleships. . Shibe Park waa knee-deep and getting deep er. - It wss rain, rain,' rain. -. And every day of delay adda great ly to Giant chances, and to tha same extent dee rases Athletic hopes. For rest will give Manager MeGraw a re juvenated pitching staff. . It will make it possible for Msthewson to do slab duty again tomorrow, ehould be be needed, and it will give Rube Mar quard sufficient strength to take up tba Oianta' burden if he is sailed up on, -f '';jv - -:-v:.-.- ; - And ths oftener Matty can pitch the oftener MeGraw figures he can MeGraw went into this series with two pitchers upon whom be had pinn ed his faith only two. Msthewson had never been beaten in world se ries. Marquard bad brought tha Na tional League pennant to New York. Of course, there were Ames , and Wiltss and Crandall, but MeGraw did not count on them in his plsn of bat tle about Marquard and Msthewson. But the two twirlers couldn't go in every other day; time was needed for them to regain their strength spits was for rain copious rain to lalkT .And tba nun came. 4t asms aa a blessing to ths Oisnt leader, :' Delightful Luncheon. : Miss Grace Brown was ths honoree at a delightful Bridge bufet luncheon, ' w wVH wawu J 4, i . i l. - -e - ,i i ui omnia wan awanwa w nn. u a. iBogar, and the guest of honor prise, datoty .mbroidered apron, waa pre- . - . w . , sentsd to Miss Brown. Mrs. Gibson's guests were: Meedsmes J. L. Brown, E. T. Cannon, L. E. Boger, E. A. Moss, L.T.Hartsell,A.E.Lents, Hugh Props t, Ralph Cline, Hisses uraea and Mauds Brown, Elisabeth Gibson, Miss Grey, Mabel Means, Wilms Correll, Margar et Lents and Louise Means. Misses Frances Craig, of Columbia,' Tenn, and M. Lanier Fountain, of Alabama, and Mrs, E. C. Bernhardt dropped in for lunch after the game. ' An. Error Corrected. In our short comment in yester day ' paper on ths law aa to sd testifi candum proceedings ws fell into an error in stating : "It will be noted that he law says that ha court (magistrate, polios just-, iee. mayor of judge, as ths ease may be) most have good 'reason to believe' that a particular person at violating ths law before ad testificandum pro ceedings can be instituted against him." Ths law does not contemplate this but states that when tha court baa good reason to believe that any per son within his jurisdiction baa knowl edge of any faro-bank or faro-table, or gaming tables, prohibited by this chapter or pises where intoxicating liquors ars sold contrary to law, then it shall be lawful to summon snob per son before him. to give evidence as to what he may know, Fox Hunt at Landla. Rowan Record. ; Parties from Landis) China Grove, Concord, Salisbury and Mooresville met at Landis Wednesday night to take part in a fox ehass. There were about 100 parties and 36 or 40 dogs, left Landis shoot ten o'clock and go ing west struck trail near Saw and a chase of about an hour and a half was had. The fox led them toward Enoehville snd then turned back but did not get far until hs wss captured. He had been turned loose ths evening before and of course wss an sssy cap ture although Reynard gays the boys lot of fins sport. Hs wss esught in Bn open cotton field. I , Penaj Ooluma Ada, are 0AS3. MA. rXAYX TEETEB'I SCHEME. Ts Build a Town Between lecky BIt ar and Ooddls Creek. Mr. Wads H. Harris, in bis Char lotte CVoniels of Thursday, has the following : ; ,,. Big dsralopmenU are oa foot in ths short stretch of territory between Newell 's snd Bocky River, on the Southern Road, all within lass than 18 miles of Charlotte. A short distance north of Newell and within a few rods of Back Creek church, ths South ern soma time ago established a block house. Travelers have noticed that a store and several new reaidenees have been bulk there and that leads us ap to what is eommg. Tha block station is called Hahn's. The fiuoth ern is to build a depot there, and a Charlotte merchant, 'Mr. McLaughlin, is to build a roller flour milL Land boot Halm's is selling at $300 an acre. , " . Bat a greater development scheme is that planned by Mr. Frank Teeter, at a point between Rocky river and Coddle creek. Mr. Teeter is going to found a town there. First, bo will establish a bank for tbe benefit of the farming community. Then be will build a power plant at Lipa'a mill, on Rocky river, a mile distant, and invite manufacturing Industries. Mr. Teeter, who ie going to found this modern 'industrial town, last year made 240 bales of cotton. Twenty years ago be moved from No. 9 town ship in Csbsrrns to his present locs tion, rented a one-horse farm and began Ufa. He is now worth about 173,000. He made it out of tbe ground raising crops, and on the ground, raising esttle, sheep aud hogi Near Harriabiirg is a mineral wa ter known aa Teeter's spring. - The water is similar to that of Soasamon's spring. The Htfrisburg people, head ed, by Mr. Ed. Harris, ore planning to build a sanatorium at Teefar's spring and found a pleasure and health resort A stock company to carry out tbo project is now being formed. This development tone represents one of ths richest snd most thickly settled parts of Jfecklenburg'and Ca barrus counties. Teeter's Bank will be the financial center between Con cord and Charlotte. - IMPfiRLU. TROOPS ROUTED BY REBELS. Overwhelming Defeat of Government Forces in Kinkiang Battle, Peking, Oct. 20. Tbe rebels over whelmingly defeated the Imperial troops at Hankow yesterday, accord ing to a messsge received here today from -tba scene of bsttle by way of Kiukiang. . - "" Direct telegraphic communication with Hankow is tsill interrupted and few details are. known. It is said the Imperial forces losses were very heavy snd that hs rebels are in com plete control at Hankow. The victorious rebels arc reported to be ransacking Hankow now for Msnchus andmercilessly killing them wherever found. Not even babies are spared. . The Chinese seem fairly mad with hatred of the alien race which has so long dominated their govern ment and oppressed the country. Diplomats hers do not believe that foreigners at Hankow are in much danger, aa accommodation can easily be found for all of them aboard the 10 or 12 cruisers and gunboats off the city, but it is feared they may suf fer heavy property loss if forced to abandon their homes snd places of business. The authorities are massiug troops to defend the approaches to Peking at present, but dissatisfaction is so gen eral there is hardly a regiment in the entire army: which can be relied on. Scores of mutinies occur daily. Baker Wins 81,000. Frank Baker is the happiest man in Philadelphia. He will be happier before the end of the week, for the good fsns of that eity are arranging a testimonial with a purse of gold at tached lor ths two good blows that havs broken np as many games. Bak er carries his honors modestly, ' Hs is more tickled than anything that they earned him about 1,000 on the side, A friend of Baker who lives in Bal timore and who is a rabid Giant root- bet Baker ISOOto 8250 that the-l elonter would not get a home run off tbe Giant pitchers. After Baker pick ed the "fast, straight one to the in side" off Marquard, this friend agreed to bet right back oa tbe same propo sition, snd Baker let the bet ride. Con sequently, his second blow, tbe besrt breaker for Matty, was good for tl, 000. Baker agreed to make it 82,000 or nothing,' but tbe friend declined. Greensboro News, 21st: Mrs. J. W, Menefee and W. E. White came over from. Graham -via automobile, yester day morning to meet Mrs. J. M. Odell of Concord, and Misses Caroline and AnnieXee Carlton, of Richmond, Va., who were going to Graham to attend the wedding of Miss Madeline White to Wbilip Carlton. KBW1 TORT ? AST F01 ' . . tZZ JC0MDIO WEEK. Washington, D. C- Oct 2L Re turning from ths Wast, President Tsft will cross South Dakota, Minnesota and Wtseonaia, closing ths week in Chicago where be will arrive Satur day for a stay of three days. The im portant points at which he will stop during the week will include Aber deen, Mankato, Minneapolis snd St. Paul, Green Bay, Appleton, Osbkosh, rood da Lee, Milwaukee and Racine. - Governors of sll ' the Southern states havs been invited to meet at Dallas Monday to. discuss the cotton market situation and agree upon some concerted action looking to increasing tbe price of the stasia. . A primary eleetioa is to be held in Anions Tuesday to noounete candi dates for governor and other stste of ficialSveongreesmen, judges snd coun ty officers to be Toted for at ths first state election next December. Tbe Episcopal House of Bishops is to meet in special session in New York Thursday to choose five new bishops for missionary districts. Ths Memorial Church of the Advo cate, in Philadelphia, will be tbe scene of a notable dual ceremony Saturday, when tbe Rev. Dr. Philip M. Rhine lander will be consecrated as bishop co-sdjutor, and tbe Rev.. Dr. Thomas J. Garland, as suffragan bishop of the Episcopal 'dioeeeh . of Pennsyl vania. ' ' Notable gatherings of the week will include the annual convention of the National W. C. T. at Milwau kee; the Upper Mississippi River Im provement Association, at Alton, HI.; the Catholic Young "MeWs Nstional Union, in Washington; D. C; tha In ternational American Parity Congress in Columbus, 0.,'and the first national conference on civil and social develop ment, at Madison, Wja. ir ' n Hands Woman Her I'Rats" Before Whole OarPnlL Atlanta, Oct. 20.-eminine read ers will shudder and Sympathize with Mrs. Msry A. Barnl who has filed suit it ths Pullman Company, charging t ths porter and conductor, after itting her in the wrong berth, madi her get np snd marcb into Another caa baaafented and clad only in her night-gown and a kimona. But that wasn't the worst, the Oth er ear was brilliantly lighted snd full of people who hsdn't gone to bed. They laughed at Mrs. BranhilL- And even that was not the culmi nation of the tragedy. Mrs. Barn hill waa so perturbed thst she left her switch snd puffs snd "rats" be hind in the other berth, and sent the porter snd conductor back after them. She charges that when they brought the hair to her they presented it with such formality that the other passen gers were filled with unseemly merri ment. ; ' , Dance Last . Right Misses Frances Craig,' of Columbia, Tenn., Ha Thompson, of, Salisbury, and Elisabeth McMaster, of Winns- boro, S. C, were the honorees at a delightful dance at be Eliks' Home last ; night. ; Those dancing - ware: Miss Elizabeth McMaster and R; L. Morrison, Miss Mrytle Pemberton and Eugene Bernhardt, Miss Frances Craig and Frank Morrison, Miss lis Thompson and William Moody, Miss Alice Brown and Fred Patterson. Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs.'-E. T. Cannon, Mesdames S. J. Lowe, E. A. Moss and E. C. Bernhardt. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson denies rumors afloat to ths effect that he had handed his resignation to Pres- id nt Tsft, to take effect November 16 or as soon thereafter as suitable. Addie Bagley Daniels, the 11-day 6ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jose phus Daniels, of Raleigh, died Friday morning at 2 o'clock. ft n i QomioH or unrr-orm anauHa dcaoutn warn TM MONMT no rinp ntct tjr ro H4r oa HAHO-40BT D4 pAlLT THM JUOUX9 KBtom. rTSJ: ir A MOOtiHOLD Account oa rot UUaOOBD NATIONAL BANS Capital 1100.000 Surplus IS? 4 Par Cant Interest Paid ea Ttae Depestta, ., , It """' L i-:.,: PX110HA1 MXVTXO. ef the People Ears And Else- waere Was Dome Aad Oe. Mrs. Gowaa Dnaenbery is visiting men as la LHariotte, Miss Lola Jay Harris has retonted from a visit to Charlotte. Mua Hiui KMn lift mu t,t Hickory to visit Mrs. E. & Jones. , Miss Lelia White has gone to Greensboro to anend Snadlv with friends. Miss Da Thompson, of Salisbury, is visiting at ths home of Mr. A. Jones Yorke, Mrs. J. M. Stewsrt, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gibson. Mrs. Lucia Parka Stenhene hu re turned from Stateaville, where aha baa been visiting relatives for several weeks. . Mrs. Kemn Alennifar. who hu been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. P. Alexander, has returned to her home in Asbeboro. Miss Msrgnrite Brown and Mrs. Claude Ramaanr will go to Charlotte this afternoon to witness "The Girl in the Taxi." Miss Annie Laurie Ramsay, of Sal isbury, and Miss Susie Hutchinson, of Chsrlotts, will srrive Mondsy to visit Mrs. J. P. Allison. Miss Myrtle Pemberton and truest. Miss Elizabeth McMaster, have gone to Charlotte to witness the Davidson Carolina football game. Miss Msry King has returned from Charlotte, where she recently under went an operation for appendicitis at the Presbyterian hospital. Little Miss Evelyn Kibler, who hss been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Fisher, has returned to her home in Spartanburg. She was accompanied by Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. E. C. Bernhardt, E. A. Moss, S. J. Lowe and Mr. E. C. Bernhardt left this morning for Charlotte to witness the football game, traveling in Mr. Bernhardt 'a machine. Miss Ells Belle Shirev. of' the fae- nlty of Lenoir College, and Miss Ethe- lyn Urabtree, of the faculty of Mont Amonena Seminary, are spending the week-end in the city, the guests of Mrs. John M. Cook. Wm. R. Hearst Back in tha fold. New York, Oct. 20. Out of Wil liam R. Hearst's announcement that he wss back in the regular democratic fold there grew much speculation to day regarding the fate of the Inde pendence League. This organization was founded by Mr. Hearst and nomi nated candidates supported by him in the last nstionsl snd state campaigns. The question now is, to what extent if at all, he will use tbe league in coming political battles. . - Mr. Hesrst declared himself last night st the opening rally of the local lusion campaign. 1 am preparing," be, said. " as a good citizen, I hope,, and also as a good Democrat. Mr. Murphy and his kind drove me out of tbe Democratic party five years ago but the commend able course of tbe national Democracy nas orongbt me back into tbe told." He declared he would cintinue his fight against the "undemocratic prin ciples" of Tammany Hall But that the greatest benefit loyal Democrats could confer upon the nstional De mocracy wss to free it of the "hin drance and handicap of Murnhv and m .... . " lammsny tiau." .:"::;, . j-. .... ..... Leaders of Men .Save Their Money . . . . . . v" .'"he men of influence in ev ery community are the men IwllO hsvs Saved thsir h not necessarily those who drew tbe fattest pay snvslopes every Saturday night These men began young ths best time in the world to culti vate the habit of thrift and they have followed it every since, . Yonll fee surprised to find how easy it is to save and how much pleasure you will derive. WsH tsll you BOW YOU , esn rise to ths to; , ewa your home and lie Independent if yon will call, write or phone CABARRUS 00UHTT , L. SAVxaroa AS30CIATXCX la Coaeord National Bank. "Praoent baving. atSCXLENBTJXa tkXk BUILD 1508 DESTROYED. Oraad Stead Aad rioral EaQ Betk Oeasamed by PJre ef Mysterioas Origin. Chariot U, Oct 20. Fire finished tonight what the fates had begun for ins Mecklenburg County fair, when it wiped out every exhibit building en the grounds and left the big area in tbe suburbs a blackened mass three days prior to tbs opening. Tbe first blow to the enterprise eem yesterday with ths announcement of the tragic death of Aviator Ely, at Macon, after i ne lair directors bsd been advertis ing extensively aa a drawing card. Tonight fire of unknown origin dis covered in tbe grandstand, destroyed everything inflammable in the grounds. Workmen were busy put ting the buildings and exhibits in shsps for the fair, which .opens Mon day. Tbe loss cannot be estimated at this time. Undaunted, the directors announced tonight that he fair will be held according to program. The directors of tbe fair desire t Tuesday snd continued ss originally planned with the exception of tbe ex hibits that have heretofore had places in the floral hall consisting of ladies' fancy workfi painting, art, pantry sup plies and farm products, snd the poul try exhibits beneath the grandstand. These exhibits will be omitted for lsck of spsee. Tbe regular exhibit of love stock, farm and agricultural implements and the midway will be continued ss pre viously snnounced. The races will be pulled off ss booked, the entries be ing very fast and large. There will be no curtailment of free attractions, which will consist of aviation flights, concert by United States Marine band and other stunts. Children's Day Tuesday will be car ried out as scheduled. Vice President Sherman is said to have walked through the Waldorf- Astoria hotel, in New York, recently and was unrecognized except by a newspaper correspondent and a Cleve land man, and The New York Sun de clares that the Cleveland man could n't recall hie name. . ' . . , ine aireciors oi tne I sir desire to I;1""" um, xanai stste that the fair will be opened" Linnell might interfere with the Something Doing Every Day Special Holiday Attractions ! New lot of Ladies' Jabots, aide effects 25c and 60c The latest In Dutch and Coat . Lace Collars, 26c, 39c, 60c np Boys Guaranteed Hosiery 10c, 16c and S6c Pair Ladies' 60c, black only, Silk Hodsry, Monday . . . .26c Pair 100 Pieces of Mexican Drawn Work, slightly soiled, the price is cut deep to clean up Mon day.. Pillow Tops and other Art Needle Work Monday - Spe cial ,. .19c, 29c and 89c Trident Embroidery Cotton, usually sold for Jc skein Monday lc Brsinerd 4s Armstrong's Filo Wash Embroidery Silk, never old for less thaa lc skein, all colors Monday only, at 15 skeins for ............ ...J5c Ladies' Kid Gloves in Black, . Tea and White, $1.26 values; ' strictly first anility; erery pair guaranteed te wear $1.00 Pair " Ons lot of 12 and It Button . White Gloves, slightly soiled pedal for Monday. ONE BARREL OF OUT GLASS, no two pieces alike Monday underpriced $146 np te $3.06 Aviation Caps In all Combina tion of colors. -8pedsl in Millinery Depart ment Monday Underpricad 25c, 32 and 8c taJa Laa u -rJ ( ) Ua , - THE HOME OP GOOD MERCHANDISE. ' XTJriSTEX HELD 0 ICURSZB, Arretted for Poisoning a Tseng Ve--aa Witt DeeAlr Dreg! Boston, Oct 2fcArreoteJ at .the home ef Miss Violet Edmanda, . sa heiress be was to have led te the al tar ia less thaa a fortnight, Rev. Dr. Riebeson, pastor of a fashionable Bap tist church at Cambridge, today wss formally charged with tbe murder ef Miss Avis LinnelL who believed she was te have beea tbe minister's bride. Miss Linnell wss buried today." Her wedding gown became her shroud. A - warrant for his formal arrest wss issued by Judge Duff, ef the - criminal eoart, after William lit ha a, a druggist ef Newton, Mesa, posi tively identified Rieheeoa as the man to who be sold a quantity of cyanide of potassium last week. : -' In Newton, Bieheson first studied for ths ministry ths same town ia which tbs police say be pure'iaaed tbe drug that ended the life ef the - girl who worshipped him. . Tne police ascribe two possible mo tives for the murder; first, fearing approaching marriage with Hiss Ed- ' mands, the heiress, Rieheeoa set about with rare cunning to kill ths girl An other is thst she purchased the drug for Miss Linnell, that she might end her own life when she learned tbe men she loved bad become the hus band of another. The police claim to have a strong ease against the pastor. Hs hss beea identified ss the man who purchased cyanide aad is known to hsve met Miss Linnell st the South station in Boston Friday night Ths police charge it wss there he gave her the drug, telling her it wasja harmless headache powder. Saturday night , the girl died of its effects. c All the real and other property of the Smith Cotton Mills. Company of Bessemer City have been sold by ths American Trust Company, as - trus tee and commissioner, to Mr. W.,J. Saunders, ths consideration . being. $20,000. : Mr. William Moody has gone to . Greensboro to spend Sunday with ' friends. , ' .,. t, -v. New lot of Red Robin Hoed ' Felt Hate for childreji....8e New lot of all colors la Satin Ribbon, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 -Priced ..lc, 2c, Sc. ee, e Tl Ohlldrea't $2.50 Bear Skin " Coats, aU colon .$L89 Extra Special Silk Value for Monday. 36-inch Mescaline black and an colon, guaranteed uality.' Special ............88c Yard $1.26 Guaranteed 36-inch in Black Taffeta. Monday, ,98s $1.60 Guaranteed Black Taf- fata ;........w....$UI- 36-inch Foulards, $L50 talus, .Monday ..,.. .We Tard Tea figured 50c quality Keavy Pongee Special Monday - ....26e Tard: Satin, 3 Inches' wide, ml heavy, $1.00 quality, black and all colon, for coat linings Monday ...... 89o Tard Forest Hffls Uadenrear for infanta, childm aad ladles. 15c Children's Hose Support ers, black and white ....10s 25c Onildren's 8iQt Web 8up aorten 15c and 18c Pair Bsantifttl- line f 75c and $1.. Crib Blanksts, pink aad bine. Monday .........49c aad 9c : ,,. i ... ... ... . .. .'Ask for what yea want Ws have tt . . ". u'.