J I n twiumoi um , 09 14. M - A TnrM 'iuta ruuMMi jwoe A M.uia' llM IU fc4 t tM a a Ma a. Mfe - Cardi af Tkanka, BlaaoreMaaa at MM u similar article ar attars at tha rata oi t casta par Uaa ait la . " karata aacoa ela fnU April ft, HI, at tha poalolBca at Va aom. K.C. aaaar Um aot at Marea a, ml at akaattr aa4 ta praaaa aa tka. DaUy Ooa Maath Six ataniha Twalra Mont ha . .CMy KViMaa. . Coacord, X. C October 81, lU. aBBBBBBSBSS1aaBMBaaaBMaiM A trtsiwly of rather unusual human MMr tM 1H ! . l4aMar jB.ncuajl AAtial llsarfthlA fttlF 111 th itiatnitr ah i nriMLon iraBi- -1 Newark, tha other day. David Lasko "' will, th owner of several tenement booses, visited one of bis houses to , aolleet the rent from his tenants. A few days before he had ordered the eviction of one of his tenants, a mar- lied man with two little children, wbo . waa dying of tuberculosis and who was one month behind in the payment of his rent Charitable neighbors took in the family and a few hours af ter his removal the patient died. The hardbeartedness of the landlord who had driven a dying man and his poor family ont of their home for the sake of a few dollars, had caused consider able bard feeling among the tenants. esDeciallv among the women, who sympathized with the widow and chil dren of. the dead consumptive. When Laskowita arrived at the house, the women surrounded him, calling him "murderer" and "bloodsucker" and threatening him with heaven's ven geance. Laskowitz retreated and slip ped quietly away through a side street. He had walked about two blocks, when he felt so weak that he bad to sit down on a doorstep. Sud denly ho pressed his hand to his heart and toppled over unto the sidewalk. A doctor was called, but when he ar rived he found Laskowitz dead from heart-disease. The women of the dis trict feel quite certain that Lasko- wjta'a sudden death, waa the punish- merit for his hardheartedness. Casper Robling, a farmer and chick en raiser near Bloomfleld, N. J., is be yond doubt a lucky man. For some time he had been missing chickens and the other day one of his prize winning roosters waa gone. Vowing - vengeance, Robling armed himself with a loaded shotgun and went in ' ambush for tbe depredator of his poul try yard. After waiting in vain for several hours he say a neighbor's dog ttear the chicken coop. He started in such haste to pursue the dog, that he tripped and fell The shotgun was discharged and several of the shots entered' Robling 's hand. As he arose to his feet he saw lying in front of him a dead mink, which had been feeding on the prize rooster and which was killed by the accidental discharge of Robling 's gun. Willie Hearst, who kicked out of . the Democratic traces five years ago and organized th Independent Lea gue,, gay his followers a great sur priso in. New .York Thursday night .when he announced his return to the fold. "I am speaking," he said, "as good citizen, I hope, and also as a good Democrat. Murphy and his kind drove me out of the Democratic par- . ty flva yaars ago but the commendable : ;eourse of the national Democracy has Brought me back into the fold." It's all right, Willie; be good henceforth, and ail will bo forgiven. f ' ; ,11', I . ' ' i PARAGRAPHS. ' . - ; Choosing between Pop Brown and Joe Brown for governor, tbe Georgia Democrats may awake with real , brown taste on th morning after the primary. . - : I'' Edison says h likes America better than he does Europe. Americas should : b content, even while losing its As ton and its Crockerg, if it ean keep Its Edison. t linrokon is tha oditor of one' of the - old New York papers who is defend ing the Payne-Aldnch law. " It was pretty rough on th Russian aliAniatia ATnarlm tKat thv wam iinl "fiven n opportunity to "show their lirniu" and try to obfuscate the r im-t Ly attempting io prove that i iolyphia's assassin was suffering 1om a brainstorm. -' 7." t an inferior mas seeks is in " ; what a superior man seeks is Li i. uaalf, Bulwer Lytton. , . Tiara Are 771 Co ttoa UUli a Sotrtfc- er i. ! Wiih 182,827 Uoau A4 !-4JiS Bpiadiae. - ' WaUB4-toa, D. C. Oct 20. The Land aad ladaatriai Dapartsxai af tha aWulaara Railway sad taa-atatuW ad Ohio Bad war as mat iasaad its annual textile directory, which point Nt In a eoadaatvo aaaar lb grow ing impart of -taw tndaatrr ta th South. Tha bouklat show a grand total of 778 textile culls with 192,382 loots aad 8,450,12 spiadias.ia opera tioa in tbe territory sanrad by tb syajfetaa Jaaaary 1, with sareat stills in ourae of ooatraetion. Th location, name, eharaeter and eanaetty of aaeh mill in points along tha . Southern Railway and tbe Mobil and Unio railroad are enumerated, and in this table th interesting fact is shown that in 252 cities and town there are located 606 eottoa mills alone. Figur es are also given in detail as to the knitting mills and 39 woolen nulls. A summary of the eotton 'tills shows their location in tbe different state as follows: Alabama, 49; Georgia, 94; Indiana, 3; Kentucky, 3; Mississippi. 11; Missouri, 2; North Carolina, 246; South Carolina, 158; Tennessee,, 20; Virginia, 18. Attention is called to the superla tive advantages to be found in the South for the location of textile plants and the booklet will be given wide distribution in an effort to at tract more manufacturers to this sec tion. The Southern Railway and the Mo bile and Ohio Railroad are getting out this directory in following out their work of helping in the develop ment of the territory they serve. Land and Industrial Agent M. Y. Richards, Washington, D. C, will be glad to furnish a copy of the directory free on application to him. China Grove News. Rowan Record. Geo. M. Bos tain, who was so serious ly injured at Roanoke College, Salem Va., Monday of last week, is very much improved. He is still in the hos pital however, but it is hoped that he will soon be out. The many friends of W. J. Swink, one of leading citizens, will regret to learn that he is kept in his room and is quite ill. All hope that he will soon be out and in his accustomed good health. The directors of the China Grove Bank met in the bank office Friday night and after going over tbe affairs of the bank and finding them in the usual excellent condition, the semi' annual dividend oi o per cent, was declared. Mrs. Bostian, children and neigh bors gave a birthday dinner to our townsman, James M. Bostian, Tues day. It was Mr. Bostian s 68th birth day and there were about 65 or 75 mends and relatives present, includ ing Revs. M. L. Ridenhour and C. A. Brown who were especially invited. The dinner was a very bountiful and most excellent one. Everybody en- enjoyed themselves fully, especially Mr. Bostian. Mr. Bostian was the recipient of a number of presents. The Overcash reunion took place at Enochville yesterday and of course there was a big crowd present and a very enjoyable time had to say noth ing or tbe splendid dinner. Mr. Green's Idea of the Cotton Sit uation. Marshville Home. Being asked what he thinks of the cotton situation State Organizer-Lec turer J. Z. Green, of the Farmers Un ion, said to The Home reporter: ' ' Then isn't anything the matter with the cotton market except heavy sell ing in September. The farmers them selves an responsible and every man who has put a bale of eotton a fall ing market has helped to depress the price.. Tbey have simply allowed themselves to be stampeded that's alL When we learn to feed the eot ton market just as fast as the market is hungry for cotton, and no faster, these extreme fluctuations in the price of eotton will be a thing of th past. Ths only way to get the price of eot ton back np to fifteen cent is to keep it off the market until th marget gets hungry enough to pay that pne. And sines the eraxy rush of eotton to market has been stopped we begin to see tbe effects, even in ten days tune. The price on the New Orleans market advanced two dollars a bale yesterday, An intelligent farmer, who has any of tbe elements of manhood about him,, ought to be ashamed to be seen on the streets with a bale of eotton, at present prices." 'The Shelby Star says Rev. B. L. Padgett, tb Holiness minister who was arrested' in Atlanta, Ga., recent ly, charged with kidnapping young Miss Carri Stockton, . of :. -King's Mountain, has been -Drought to Cleve land county for trial and will have a hearing at the November term oi court. ; ' ' A Bit Shaky? , i . Pc3 Ycsnelf Tcjelier, , On iPOSTU II la place of eoff I "turn fha tnck" nicely T a4 3 A lLaMa.M' . iJ tss tzotzx cottux. If ormaiioa ef Priealm Vila to E ery Caswd; c.iisaa. -Eow to act in aa , enemac i i kaowladf as laastuaaale warU. aa via it paxtiaularty tra of tha duat aad Uia of kfao bum body, if yoe. smaar wita f . anaarr di dor, or aay 2am ol tidmj tnwUl. la ad via oantaiMd, la liw JoUovxx aUtaBont-sriU add a aaluahia-aaaat to your ttort of knowiadft. Waal eould a bm aoaaiaeiBg proof of the afflcianey of Doaas Kidney Pills tbaa taaUtoa)at af Concord attiaaas wha aav bora pormanoatly ordt ' Mr. U M. Uotor. 243 N. Union St.. Concord, N. C, sayti "I hare aaed Doan's Kidney Pills and in return for th benefit thoy brought me, I s.rorgly enlorie thctn. I wsa is poor health and was suffering from symp toms ox iany complaint vben I ?u Doan Kidney Pills at Gibson 's Drug Store. They eared me and at that time I publicly reeomatanded them. During th past three yean I bar en dorsed this preparation at every op portunity and have considered it a pleasur to do-to.". For Sal iy all dealer. Prie 50 eeuts. FogtwvJiSburo Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember th name Doan's and take no other. youth who fired on some men who attacked his uncle, J. A. Moose, in Charlotte in the night of September 19, and seriously wounded Clif Ellis, was tried in the recorder's court in Charlotte last weeek and acquitted. FAMOUS DQCTCafS f I DPFcrpirrrri a uavvuH s iwass TaT " pop . :rXa'a. -mi HfVARRHfilSTOMBj j , . HUNT'S OIL iittniit Is th one unfailing scientific dress-' ing which instantly relieves and per manently cures all hurts, euts, burns, sprains and wounds of every kind. Pain leaves at once because the air is excluded, and the oil covering acts as artificial skin. The quickest, fast est tealing oil known HUNT'S LIGHTNING OIL. 25 cents and 50 eents bottles. TOR SALE BT GIBSON DRUG STORE, Concord, IT. a Ufgd. by A. B. Richards Medicine Company, Sherman, Texas. DON'T SUFFER WITH REiouniQfisui K fcisdw moat diaMaaing and , diaeaaragiii of all tnublaa, , Nina caaas out o tan caa ba -. cored by Noah's Imliniat. , ' Whara ther ia no awallina s i or (aver few appScatioaa wiO ' rehara yea, k piiaatratiia . . doa not evaporate hk other ; ramadi rair btla : robbing. - fhaVi lint I tha barl nraady lot Rhaiaiatiam, Bolatlga, Lama Back, Still Joaiti aatf KoatiNt Bora Thmt, fMda, otnunaj Dpmiaa, una Bralwa, CoUo, Cram pa, Maoralgia, Tootbaoaa, and all Narra, Bona and Xnet Acfaes and Pfttna Tl BMinmaliat Moak'i Ark on mrf liaakain and knki Ilka thla cut, but hMRtU baad Ott frnnt of paoku aga and Haaa't LlM. mmmr alnja ktiu.i hot. Btaara at bnlta tkxiaj lara botUa, 9S ornta, and KM by ait dmian tn madlelaa. Ouamntcad or BHmy ralnadad by Xnaa Baoiady Cck, luo, Hktunood, Va, 1 rx : - irr --;; 4 J a L v- - J 0e Ttem alwan is as 04 and Va eaavlaoad taat yvt kavt tas SSST It ft Xatw Woa. Dove-Bost, Co. :- ulkd sale. : : Comrnisaiooan of Cabarrus eountr will reeaiv sealed bids an til Novem ber 6th, 1911, for tan acres of land off of tbe toath of ths county boat tract opposite th residence of B. L. Um- berger. Plat of same may b seen ia th office of Register of Deeds. Right to reject all bids reserved. Money to be expended in improving county horn. By order of Board, - 14-td . J. & McAllister, cierk. riQTICE! W will ' accent vonr eotton at Platform Waurht and advance too 8 eents per, pound on tarns, charging you ia eents per montn lo cover bauung, insurance and storage and 6 per cent, on the money advanced. CANNON MFG. CO. Per N. A. ARCHIBAIJ). Rnvar Res. Phono 65. Office Phone 338. 10-18-1 w. Fanny Column Ads. an CASH. ! Free! Free! Beautiful 42-Piece -Valuable Presents Given Away Absolutely Free! Each time yon make a purchase at this stor amonnting to over ont dol lar, th total amount of sale will he punched out of th Contest Card EVERY SATURDAY AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. YOU WILL PRESENT YOUR CARD JS PERSON At TBZS 8TORE. On ths day and the hour spsdfleed the person present holding ths Card which shows th largest amount of purchases punched out, will rs ceivs absolutely free of charge, a beautiful hand decorated . 42-piscs dinner set. . ... If your card does not entitle yon to the set of dishss at th first swacding, hold your cards for Bubaeouent distribution as we will eoni tinna giving away a set of dishes each week for thirty weeks, so even if sour on slse doss get the set of dishes ont week, your card may bt th highest eard som later week, so save every card. 'A prwrionsly stated you sre entitled to a new card every time yon' make ynTchaseg as this store amounting to 11.00 or more.1 For example suppose yon purchase at one time goods amounting to 13.76, we "will then punch that amount ($2.75) out of your card, so that unless yon purchase more thaa that amount at another time, that card 82.75) is your high card. ' When your card secures yon a dinner set it will be marked "cancelbsd" by us and returned to yon. Yon must save this card along with any oth ers that yos may have as we have another big "prise" for yon. . - The 31st Week w will give to the person holding the largest amount of purchase daring Contest a beautiful China Closet absolutely Free It is now on display In our store rooms. Call and see it. Contest begin Monday, October 11th, .and continues 31 weeks. Craven Bros rSSSSA co. PIANO CONTEST! THE PIANO CONTEST WILL CLOSE ON NOV. 15TH S AT 9 P.M. ' I ONLY 28 DAYS TO VOTE I V Beginning today we will give a bonus of 6,000 Yotes for every dollar paid on accounts made previous to Octobers 18th, 1911. We will also give 4,000 Votes with every 50c cash, purchase of Digestit ' , ,; We will give 2,000 Votes for every 50c cash' purchase i made in out store from now until close of our contest. : ; ' Bavis'iteg-'.Gpa Septernber 18th", 1911. A- '' Qllcn All Nn ff 72;it b E-t I j Kecc; toryears a the p , v rr w- v-. r appooM aad caadaekd Bad as aaaUaU ayakn i Hoaal ' ''""Saart that U U( otoad to puLCe duad. f va. t-"Ta. rcrrcTiaw at JV BOOKLET ETF'.'IL - f - t - LtiiUL. H.a.1.. Restore Faded and Gray H:,' to Natural Color Dandruff -: Quickly Removed. . " Tkar Is aotaiac aw abaot tt Idea of axlag sag for raatortag ta rotor el ta aalr. Our gmt-graadBrotkar kp4 tarir rack aaft, dark aad gtaaay tt aatag a aa taa." Waaaara taetr kair ra oat ar took oa a dull, faded or strtaked appear ace tay aud a braw of tag teares aad appliad tt t their aalr, with weadarfolly BaoatMal afrert Nowwdar w doa't kara to reaert t aM-tioja. Xtraaon SMthads af gaikariDg taa brrbs aad Baking th taa. Thia ta dose by akUlral rbrauata brMer thaa wa ceaM do tt aarartraa. and all wa aav ta do ta to call far th mdy-aia1e product, Wyeth' Kaga and Balphor Hair Rem edy, ceataininr ag ia th propec ttmigth. with tba addltioa of alihr, aaother old-tin araiji.ramrdy. - Tha maaafaetarar of this reawdy aulborba draggktt to sell It asdsr guar ante that th mosey will ba refunded if It fails to do exactly aa represented. Don't neglect jroor hair. Gat a bottle of Wjvth's Sage aad Bulphur to-day, aad aotk th dUStreac after a few dart' Baa, . . Thia praparatio b offered to th public at fifty cants a bottle, and la (ecommendad and sold by all druggiata. OlbaoB Drug Store, Special Agents. DENTISTRY I am now In th Morris Building, over tha Cabarrus Savings, Bank. : . SB. H. 0. HKRBJNG. 0s .our Penny Colnmn It pays. Dinner Set and Other b Ilcicl Life M head -uarten of New York's ) nu; auuo ia toe union. cc:3tet hates ' r 2EIQLES BROS, E. P. REED ft CO AND G ROVER'S : : SOF TSOLES FOR TENDER FEET. "'''".'. ... .- -. . These are three celebtated makes) w offer you tQ select., ' from, ':;'. ' -": ..,.'.'. -.(r. ' ' ',- . r WE HAVE THE' LARGEST,- BEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF .V ''Wcinsn trd . " . EVER BROUGHT TO CONCORD - Si"'.. . .: j", , "" . - . - . ." I " Nothing like this variety of styles ever shown in this city". ; before, i We have them ia all leathers Patent, Russia r - Ct.lt. fSiin Mfftal Ttiilt YlAm T)v inj. CI..L xr-l .- ; Brown Velvets, Suedes, White Canvas in fact everything in all trattwr anrl fahrW : We consider our Women's and Children's Shoe Department s one of the Best and Most Important Departments In this big store, -and it is our constant aim to make it, Bigger and ' ; Better each season. ' " fc Come in and aee if we cannot prove the above assertions. Always glad to show you. Druggets We have fust received a lot . of i, Bmg-&fmMi," ; .Velvet ..Ajaniaifters aad Wflton's-4ought "at a BABOAIH, ' and wfll.b sold at k BARGAIN. Do yoa WastO 'S one t -share ia these BAEGADW .Better eonu ftnickl ' A Beantifnl Una of Kegs to select, from at the XOWEST f Price, Better see us before yea buy. iBaili;: The Cheapest rurnitur Store in Town in the Big Brick Build ing, Forest B3H. , Vl i , . 7?, . , - , I j P. S. .. WE SELL CAMERON RANGES. J . - . i. . r-t i , .-, rrrna PI. ' The Athletics and the Giants wiU nbtV fop -.tha atiamninnatiSn' a great National Qame, but you play daily in the strenuous game of Life, and should you" slide and tear your pants send them to the expert Clean ers and Pressors of Tbe City Pressing Club, who are the Matbewsons and tsenaers oi tnetr trade - '-, ; D. B. FOWKLES, Proprltor.' 1 Telephone Ke. 181 " v.. l f.i, L,..w' ixj Chartotta, M, C Asm S, 1U. . JEflS of. ohdu, BBABOARD AIB UN B. vaetlva aooa Sundar, April . waalhound . trains leav . Caarlotta No. lit. dHlly, 10.M a. n. Ma, 47, dailv, 4.4t p. HV . . ' Eaalbound. 0iliy: No. 4i), dally, i.M a. m, " ' . No, 4, dBiir. 7:1 a. m. . No. 44, dllr, t:0 B. m. . - ho. Ui, dallr, 7. . m. Tralna arrive In Charlotte aa fellsw from tha aaat: No. lit, .((, a. m. No. 46. 11:01 Boon. . No. II. 10 6 p. m. No. 4. t:tl p. m. Arrlv from the wast: . . No. 4. 10 00 a. m. No. J.U, T-C'S p. m. tt a LtuA&u, L,.'. a, Iiialb. N. b. ju. teas, it, t. . a, . , Ciiariviia, HQ 1 . I at " : ' 3 K::2ren's-:':-;-w;- ! Draggets ! 7 ' u H K 3 Dt,l j ' .- aJj U.a . ' ;V,.yrt5 forni .L. .aiiLt, a f Best location in city; ; Steam heat, light ; an& Janitor, aerrice " free. Alao eleenintr moms. hnth light an J , janitor ; eervioe " free. ''.. : ' .! Phone no-CD ,'' UV: '::' ;-- a w t itf a... Jm