ft A&S, Ay VOL. XXII"7ric40CentiMoniii. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1911. ; Single Copy, Five Cents. NO. 88 v 'I THE QOODMAB" CASS. 'beer stead for his grandfather mad Lipe, Blackwelder, Saint, Peonis- Ivm praaent at th tunof th kiUiag.lgw. Bo4 M4 vyMU. Jiff Witness Tot ths State, Wse'His testimony differed from that of! Where were Plott tad Motley Gives Important Testimony. BUU Lather Penninger wss the first wit . seas called at the afternoon session. . Penninger 's evidence revested no new tacts in ths ease. Ha testified that as was ia tbe ftora at the time of tha .shooting aad gave tba names of tba others there, naming tha eama onaa previously mentioned by ' tha other " witnesses. Ha waa qneationed partie larty by both Attorney! Means and Osborne ss to whether Motley and Plott vera on tba Inside of tha store .at tha tima of tba shooting and re plied that ha waa- not sure bat that .ha believed they ware. Tha witness -ssid that they war all talking of go - ing home and that Bod Goodman ask ed them, including Motley aad Plott, ' to spend tba night with him. Ha said that when Bod got oat tba door he said ha "thought it was Bob that was shot but it ia Sid." : . ' "Did you see anybody leave the store just before tha shooting I ask ed Mr. Means., ' v "I saw Bob and Sid go out.V ' On further examination the wit ness aid' that he did not know who fired tha shot. , Mr. C. F. Ritebie, of the Ritchie Hardware Co., testified that ha sold Motley 25 Colt pistol on the morn-ins- before Barrier was shot but did not sell him any abetls at tba tima be es use ha did not think they bad any then. He was shown tba bullet that " killed Barrier and said that tha gun be sold Motley did not, shoot that "kind -of a ball. . Mr. Ritehie was not cross examined. Lewis Boat, a small boy. in knee , trousers, waa tha next witness. Boat's evidence was entirely new and had never been presented at tba coroner's investigations. He was examined by Mr. Means. ' Ware you present when Bob Good man made certain remarks about Sid Bsrrisrf ' .!:- I waa, y'--What did ba-aavf ' Ha said "I will put one in Sid Bar rier yet so that he will .never walk." Where did the conversation take niece f At a picnic at Cross Roads ehnreh in No. 3 township. J- -. Wbenf ' About a year ago last summer. He was ' examined by Judge Os borne, r ' How near did you 'live to Sidney Barrier T -About one mile, Did you aver have any trouble with Bob at a bail gameT No air. Who waa present when the venation took place f Waited Safrit. Was not Albert Odell present No sir. ' Did not Albert Odell and Sid have : fussf I heard about it but did not see it. What tima waa itt July ar August.' ,, . . Why did ha make tha statement t I don't know. He was talking to ' me and Walter Safrit, Safrit was called to tha atand and ; testified that he was- present when the conversation took place but that ha did not remember exactly what was said but that it was in effect what Boat had said. Smith Scott .was tha next witness. Ha testified that be went to tha beer atand with Sheriff Honeycutt after tba news of the murder had reached the eitv. The witness said that he saw Bob Goodman and saw him go to tha spring. When asked if be was drinking he Teplied that be supposed ha was. that he bad hiccoughs. On cross examination ha reiterated ' his statement that Goodman went to the spring and said he waa with others of the, crowd and that they had a lantern' at be time. . At the conclusion of bis evidence 1 tha State rested its case. Witnesses for tba Defense. ' T. D. S. Ludwig was tba first wit ness- for the defense. He was exam- , ined bv Mr. -HartselLi.VV .,:;; I Do you know the general eharee- - tor of Robert Uoodmaal ; ; rvf,,&- r ;Yes. It is good. .- ' ' , . , How long have you known bimt ' . About seventeen or eighteen years. ' Where do yon reside t asked Mr. . : Means. . 1 " ' In Rowan county. , Abont eighteen ' v- milea from here. Then vou don't know what bis ' neighbors say about himf - Tha witness replied that he did not. Luther Goodman waa then called and examined by Judge Osborne. The witness said that be waa no relation tn tha defendant. Witness said that ha bad known Robert Goodman tinee ha was a bov and wouldn't say that bis character was "good or wouldn't aay it was bsd. -X ' . Ellis Ritchie said thst so tar as he knew the defendant's character was food. the others who were present in the tore when the shot was fired in what might be termed tha most important detail. Tba witness testified positive ly that Plott and Motley were on the outside of tba store at tba tima when the shot waa fired. Ha also taatifled that Barrier and Safrit got into an irmmnt and that Motlev waa flash-1 coin out tha door and ebootinc ing his pistol around and that tbit Bob waa standing near tba door and caused him and Black welder to have las Sid went out he caught him by tba few words and that be told them arm and just aa ha stepped on tba they could not have any trouble, tn ground the shot waa Bred. there and that if thev wantl to fliiot wno snot mm I they would have to get on the out- sidL He said thst he went to Sid and 8afrit to part them and that then Sid dared Safnt on the outside and I dont know. I did not see the flash of tha piatoL - On eroas examination by Mr. Means the witness said that he would not went out the door. At the time Sid say- whether Plott and Motley ware went out the door Robert Goodman on tha inside or not. ' " was standing at be doorway, tbe wit- Conard Lipe, who waa also' at the nsaa testified..' :V: ' beer stand was called. He testified Where were Plott and Motley when that be waa at the beer stand when the abot waa fired f They were on tha outside. Did you see who shot himf No sir. - ' State whether or not your brother shot himT No sir. I don't believe be could have shot him. Solicitor Wilson conducted the ex amination for the State. the outside at tbe time of the shoot ing t Tea air. Didn't you tell Eugene Barrier the Sunday that Sidney Barrier was kill ed that you were talking to Plott and Motley just in front of the when the shot waa fired f .No sir. What did you do after the kill ing t ' I eama to Concord and Went to Charlotte Monday night. tbe timet I dont know, -v i Did Motley have a pistol f . I doa't know. What did Bob Goodman do before tba killing! . . .. - . , Didst do anything. V ' - -v" Tall what you know about Barrier the shooting occurred and gave the names of tha men on the inside when the shooting occurred but did not in clude the names of Plott and Motley. On cross examination witness ssid that be did not know whether Motley and Plott were on the outside or not. Luther Hendrix testified that be was in the City Cafe the night Sidney Barrier was killed and at that about Did yon see Plott and Motley on 12 o'clock Plott and Motley came in. He said that he was asking Robert Sutber, the clerk,- about the killing and that Plott spoke up and said that we were out there unhitching our mule and he fell right under my mule 'a bead," On Cross examination stove I tha witness waa asked by Mr, Means if be remembered what time it was and be ssid tbat he did not, it might have been in 1910. Robert Sutber testified that ha was conducting the City Cafe at the time of the killing tbat that about 12 Didnt you try to employ counsel to 'clock Motley eama in and told him here before that T . that Sidney Barrier had been ahot and I went to Mr. Means before going cava him his pistol to keep, saying to Charlotte but ha said tbat ha waa that he waa afraid they might "pull" already employed as Mrs. Barrier 'a him for havings concealed weapon. counsel. . " ., ', ,.. I asked him whs did tba lulling and There waa so chares ajrainst 'anv I he uht that he did not know. Plott of you aH; why did you employ conn- ssid thst he was shot while they were aelt V ' - ? 4 V I setting ready to ko horn. The witness Because Recce Long told me they was cross examined as to the kind of were going to lay it on Bob. ' , ' pistol and ssid it wss s 25 Colt suto- w ben asked u he bad ever been in matie. trouble the witness, said that he had! R. C. Benfield, a policeman, said in tha. city court snd thst he under- thst he was on the night shift thst stood there wss s charge in the su- night snd that be and Chief Boger perior court against him now. " were at the corner near the National t. O. Earnhardt, a brother-in-law bank, when Motley and Penninger of tha defendant, testified as to find- drove up snd said that Sid Barrier ing a pistol in s field near the beer had been killed. I asked bim who did stand tha mornin? after tha murder, tbe klUins snd be said be did not He said that be picked it up s short "ow. i siso aweo. mm wnere ne was Ai.t. h. .ml,.nut nn. at the time of the killing snd he said posits the beer stand snd that while J " tasids of the beer holding it in hi. hsnd Bud Goodmsn tamt WM "time saw it from his house I j short distsnee r A M Brown 1 testified thst swsy sna sem nis u or,er xr ChlrIes character it snd thst be sent it to bim. The lst- good. ter turned the gun over to the coroner : Mr- J Boger wss called snd his snd it wss in evidence st the trisi testimony. wss practically the same When asked by Judge Osborne if Bob u that of Policeman Benfield 's. Goodman snd Plott csme to bis house John Kwart te&tifled that he was that night he answered that tbey did traveling along the road near tba beer not come there together, . but that stand near sundown of the evening Plott came and woke bim up snd ssid 0f the killing snd saw Plott Vnd Mot that s mule had been shot down there. ,T the road and that Plott uad a About that tima the witness said that nutol holdins it nn. Just aa he nass- Conrad Lipe came up snd ssid that I e(j the witness testified that romeone it was not s mule but bid earner ont to Plott thst there wss s hsd been shot. - ' ! man snd Plott said, well, if I shoot -He m examined by Mr. Means him his life is insured. IstoppeJsnd snd when ssked if he did not buy pj0tt asked me what I would lake for the pistol that was in evidence there my life and I told him that it was not from Earle Blackwelder be said that I fot Mle. The witness said this con he did not. The witness . admitted versa tion occurred about 600 yards that he had been in court on oneifrom the beer stand. On eroas ex- charge. . " lamination the witness aaid that Mrs. Earnhardt waa also called and had been in court four or five times corroborated her husband's testimony Uor Sealing in whiskey, and that there aa to Plott and Conard laps being w. now iisnended indirement there and the statements they msde. a(raint him.' Ramsay- Ewart, his John Safrit, constable of No. y0Ung son, corroborated bis testimony, township, wno waa in ine oeer siauu i , j .hen th. .hootinc took Dlace was call- ' The Defendant Examined. ed. He told of the . argument that Bob Goodman, the defendant, was took place between himself and Bar- the next witness. His being called rier snd between Motley snd Black- was a surprise to many of his follow- welder. ; When asked if Bob Good- era of tbe case as it has been the gen man and Barrier bad any scuffle as Ural opinion that be would not go on they went out the door he said tbat tbe witness stent. He was examined thev 'did sot but that they did have I by Judge usborne. their hands on escb other. : . State what took place st .the beer When the shot wss fired were Mot- stand that night. ley and Plott between yon snd the) Motley and Blackwelder had soma doort ' - - j.-1" I words and Sid and Safrit had an ar- I did not see them. '.. i. 's fgument.. Sid dared Safnt on tbe out Mr. Means conducted the examine-1 side and went out tbe door. I was tion for tha State. standing in the door and hs went out Will yon swear Plott and Motley he touched me on the arm snd tried were outside when the shot wss fir-1 to jerk me out. I esnght with one ed t - i hand by the side of the door and only No sir. I won't say. - . v stepped one foot out. Just as be Yon did see Bob and Sid have their stepped out the shot was fired. hsnds on each other when' they went Did you snoot bimT out the door 7 r Yes ' ' Morning 8ession Today. Jim Blackwelder was the first wit ness esamined at the mornina aeasion. TT wsa at the hear stand the nlorht of were' you looking t fh hAtinff and saiif that Motlev and Toward the rear of the store. Blsekwelder snd Bsrrier snd Safrit I Do you know which way that shot ' Did yon have say trouble with him previous to the killing t He knocked my bat oaT aad tramp ed as it st s party about six swaths before.. ; . Do yen remember s eonversatios at s picnic with the little boy named Bostf ; . - . I did aay I was going to stick him but I did not say what with. -. State what your dealings with Sid were. ; ' -'4 Ws had played ball together and treated each other st the soda foun tains and be bad been st my boms s number of times with me. Were-yon perfectly friendly with him or nott Yea air, Where was it thst Sid kicked your hatofff . At an ios cream supper st Doe Fsg- gsrt's. - v- .- v'.V1, - After be had kicked your hat off didn't yon go down the road and shoot at Sidney T , . . i, .. Mo air.' Who did the shooting t Homer Ritchie. - - Where is bet At school in Mount Pleasant About two weeks ago didst you make a young lady go home with you from as ice cream supper after she had come there with Earl Blackwel der, known as Petet " ' I Uid not make her go back with me. She came back with me snd an other girl. .. ,!; i j What about s conversation you had with Roy Walker bars about the kill ing T' " ; '!'-": I never hsd any. " -, , Where ia Roy Walker nowf Hs is in Virginia where he has mov ed. P,V ..... Didn't you tell him it would cost AsOror $50 for him to some back snd testify'.;' ;VY. No air. V The witness ssid thst he went home the next day and told his mother abont tbe shooting and told her be did not know who fired the shot. All the evidence will be concluded this afternoon snd the case will prob ably; go to tbe jury tomorrow morn int'. Several apeeebea will be made this afternoon. A remarkable thing about the trial is that not s single objection by counsel has been filed the record. The Tribune railed to state yesterday in giving tbe names of the counsel that ex-Judge w. J Montgomery is appearing for the State. '. 1 . 1 1 '::f:,; Services st Bsntist Churen. ' . Tbe Rev. C. A. Jones, who will eon- duct a revival in the First Baptist church, preached bis first sermon there last mght to S large and apprecia tive andMnee. JUr. Jones is s strong, snd forceful, yet simple gospel preacher, presenting the great truths of the gospel in such s wsy as to reach tho besets of his n carers. There will be services every dsy st two o'clock, p. m., s cordial invi tation to ail to come and taks part in all the servics. iHr. Jones' ser mon last night was founded on tbe 51st Psalm. - - ' Rnnunsg Ssls. The Woman's Horns Mission snd Aid Society of Central Methodist church will have s Rummage ssls next Saturday. October 28th, in tbe room formerly occupied by Dr. Arcbey as his office.. They will have many nice things to sell. All ladies of the church are ssked to get up articles lor tbe sale snd the collector will . come sround Friday to get them. The Hon. Joe Brown says he will run for governor of Georgis out or sense of duty. Also from fores of habit.".- . :- ''''""" ' -'V No sir. Do you know where Plott and Mot ley were at the timet They were outside. When he pulled you ont which way bad some words. His testimony in MAv1infr 4 Ha dimntM between the I men wss ths same as that given by H. A. Goodman, s brother of Rob- the other witnesses present, art Goodmsn, wss the next witness, Who were on ths inside st the time He ssid thst he wss conducting the ths shot wss fired f came fromt , ' No, tbe sound earns from where the mula was hitched. At the time Sid Barrier was killed did you have any malice toward bimt No sir. M2SBI0NA1Y JUSTUS. Te Be Kali ts Central Chart HoTember 7. . A jubilee I Yes. s missionary jubi lee is eelebrstios of tba fiftieth snai- ersary of tb beginning of missionary work by tbe women or una country. This movement was inaugurated last year by Mrs. Henry W. Pesbody, Chairman of the Central Committee on United Study of Missions, Beverly, isae. She conceived ths ides of S nation ! eelebrstios by reading s book, Western Women in Eastern Lands," written by Helen , Barrett Montgomery, and tbe smile of tbe Lord has rested on the movent nt form its very beginning. Many earnest women, some of them of national reputation, have united in arousing interest and in conducting meetings, the first of which waa beld in Oakland, CaL, on October 12, 1910, and from which place s wsve of mis sionary enthusiasm bss rolled over the entire country, awakening ths ad miration and warm desire of the wom en of every denomination to unite in the celebration of the jubilee. It ia an undenominational concert of action stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The societies of Con cord, including those of every denomi nation, are preparing to hold a jubi lee meeting Tuesday, the seventh day of November, in Central Methodist church, st which there wilLbe reports from these societies, music snd mis sionary addresses. Further informa tion will be given in the columns of this paper. Committee: Mrs. J. B. Bhemll, Mrs. J. E. Smoot, Mrs. R. S. Hams. . .- ; Baily Insists That Ha WiU Retire. Washington, Oct. 25. Emphatically denying reports that be had changed his mind about retiring to private life, Senator Joseph W. Bailey, of Texas, in an interview bete stated thst his decision of leaving lbs senate at the expiration of his present term in 1913 was irrevocable. Wilkesbbro' Chronicle: "Concord is getting after its blind tiger clubs. If it goes after them like it did tbe railroad it will get them." PZSSOVAI, MXHTION. of ths People Ears Ami where Who Come And Os. Mr. Ed. Lady, of Salisbury. bars last night. . , who baa been sick for several days, is better today. . Mr. J. 8. Harris went over to Char lotte thai ssorning on Ne. H. Mr. Clifford Pearson, of Greens boro, is in Concord today. Mr. iM. L Eudy, of Charlotte, is hers to attend tbe Petres-Mills wed ding tonight. ' , Mr. C. M., Isenhour went to Cham lotte this morning to see tbe bird man fly. Miss Annie Laurie Ramsey, who baa been visiting Mrs. J. P. Allison, has returned to her borne in Salisbury. Mrs. I. L Davis will go to Winstos Salem Saturday to visit tier sister, who is s student st Salem academy. Tbe condition of Mis. W. J. Glass, Msrriage This Evening. A wedding of much interest to s large circle of friends will take place this evening at 8:15 o'clock, when Mr. Frank Petrea will lead to the altar Miss Cornelis Odell Mills. The cere mony will take place at 8:15 o'clock at the home of the bride 'a father, Mr. W T. Mills, on Church street, snd will be performed by Rev. 8. N. Wat son assisted by Rev. W. L. Hutchina. The bridesmaids will be: Misses Maggie Mills, Carrie Petrea, Ads snd Mattie Jones, snd Miss Mary Jonas will be maid of honor. Tha groom's beat man will be Mr. Connie Bunn, and his attendants will be: Messrs. Fred Mills, W. A, Helderman, L. R. Crooks snd M. L. Eudy. The bride will be given swsy by her brother, Mr. Lee Mills. The wedding march will be rendered by Mr. R. P. Benson. Tbe bride and groom expect to leave in the morning on s tour to' Bat timore snd Washington. , -. ' ' ' " r ' "Somebody. Eaainfrouced.tts word 'wicket-sham' as a verb." Tor' some time in some quarters' it has been regarded as s 'vatt" word. ' Footwear That Sets The Pace. . . . . . Headers' of Mehj Save Their Money ' '' ::';-V;" , The men of influence in -every community are the men iwho have saved their earnings . not necessarily those ..who drew the fattest pay envelopes every Saturday nightA'v :v These men began young-the best time in ths world to culti vate the habit of thrift snd they have followed it svsry since. , - ".V'TC " Yon 11 be surprised to find how easy it is to save and bow i much pleasure yon will derive. Well tell you HOW YOXT , can rise to the tot , own your . home and lb independent if lyou will call, write or.Vnone TODAY. . 0ABA5&TJ8 COUNTY B, I ft SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. Ia Concord National Bank. .. "Prudent Saving. " There's soma satisfaction in selling s line of LADIES' FINE SHOES that canst a gasp of admiration svsry tima they are shown to s inscriminat Ing buyer. . THE FAMOUS SELBY models havs always been popular leadsrs with ths trade but never before in our his tory havs ws been able to show such a bunch of winners as is entered in this season's style race. Black Suede snd Velvet in Button with tip or plain too fi.00 Skillfully Designed, . Beautifully Made Shoes Patent Kid with Kid or Cloth Tops, Button or Lacs f 2.50 TO 13.50 Tan Button, Vid Kid, button or lace; Gun Metal, button or lace 12.50 TO 13.60 Misses' Patent Button, cloth tops, sixes 2V W 6, low heel ........ t2.00 TO 12.60 Sams in ' VW Kid, button or lacs 5 .12.00 TO 12.60 Don't miss this opportunity to in spect this showing of Fall Styles. There's character in every pair from tart to finish. - . , MAY WE BHOWYOUt 0. L PES G 60. V A - 'l 1 'A. It ft,