- " - T" ' EOSTOS TClZOn XTSTE-T. It j b..Ll I ...... -t I, 1 Tttna - - - A llHini M TY.i ' a IVUCRITTM avara. ' " T.' 'fS rea l . . , . 1 1 j tak aad eentiaod to mH the tt.U auaiater. efee treooeallj Ttaiud km Bostoa later Aad Barred mTVU at Bit ludgioga and went oat w.U hist. Clt;EnKntlMhiTm thswejo eX OeC It, eM rra- Rtoa f ' W 27.Xot far I MttW lein U4 BBout M Boa jrare Ui Bca kwt m UonxMj -" r- nt h tt. M aimuwi it POtUKM Ud Ua Pou- ST Said to rk. riaalk. tarn rv al Ai I aa ' l iu i invu niLuiui ajsc-Ja-- wtUta rata a B. Cart Of TK.kL SUaBtvtl - ana mmmr wmw t tlx rat ( t -M ....J dU Mil Ml I. ..v f - mmtmt IB BCt. lUNi . a V Mr - . ill inwli . " On MMtk .... Six Month Tw.lv BUataa I J .- 1M M Bb tWIMT. Coacord, K. 0, October 88. 1911, V TO ADVERTISERS. . i i Ws always endeaTor to be as se- sommodatiiiff to advertisers as ia pos sible, bat art obliged to ask them to bav eopjr ia the offlee by 10 o'clock Ana Ltaotll, a youuf aa4 a at Jul atsdeal at la Mt Snalaad Cuoaerratory of aiasie ta thie aity, who died from pouoa ta tbe bathroosi of tbo Yoocf Womaa'a Cariatiaa Aa- retatio. todfibf doom oa Wsrraartoa street oa tea ovtaiof of fiatarday, October Uth. At Brat little attaatioa vat paid to the ease, aa it araa Wiie ed Ual the death W tbe fui was by a fatal aaiatake or that she had eoDtaitted ewieiiie. But tbe aeoaatiuaal featorea which. at flrst. aeeiaed to bo laekinr ware eooa (applied when the autopsy of the gwt a body y the oiedieal exam iner diselosed tbe fact that the girl was in a. delicate condition at the time of her death. The report that Jliaa Lionell bad for two years been engaged to tbe Rer. Clarence V. T, parcbaeed a qoaauty of tea fwieoj las day teler too (wi s deals. JT'B Axwxrt IXSi . Taa Seat af Back An Ba4 Whea Taey Axka, ill Csavcord Feopie bow a. A bad back ia always bed. Bad at might whoa bed Us Jast as bad la tbe aranxuur. Ever try Doom's Kidaey Ptlla for itT Know they are for beekeebe other kidBOT iUsT If yoa doal som (Jooeord people ad. Read a eaas of it W. H. Parry, 182 Young St, Con cord, N. says: "A few years ago I noticed that my health was running Rkheon, formerly of Hyanniaport, Uwn. My back was lama and pain- Masa- but now pastor of. the Imman- uel Baptiet church, Cambridge, and that quite recently the engagement tf the young pastor to Miss Violet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moee ful and though I took a number of remedies, I did not improve. About six months ago, I became a great deal worse and I was alarmed, seeing Doan'a Kidney Pills highly advertis ed. I got a box at Gibson's Drug 8 tor and they so completely eared mo that I have not been troubled since. Doan s have my ... . i .i J., n . rj i r d 1. 1 : 1 i m. Utnerwise Cuauge ior mo uj I vsmiik riuaiunus ui oruu&.iiiw, wu eannet be made. This is an absolute- ""i-""- th. V , .! ... .... Ih.v. rfotea menv column. dlrto Kidney Pills wUl always of advertising we nave to nanaie eacni - . . . a-. I heartiest endorsement. o- . I i ..i. w. .11 tail connected with the mraterious " " ""- ease and to accounts of the nows de velopments from day to day. From the very beginning, almost, (here bad been hint.; that possibly the Rev. Clarence V. T. Richeoon know more about the circumstances surrounding the death of Miss Avis linnell than he chose to admit. As .t- j - i dency. The only possible thing that '"' - J K . c r l-iipicioii aixjse that the young pastor can prevent vue mcuuu " i'omu-. had n m sonM) way tonnectej wlth eratia president in 1912 in the Dem-lthe death of his former nance and .fo i,m.lirA The nnnortnnitv I few persons who bad followed the day. ""; The Democrats, according to even Republican newspapers, ought to win in M12. All the? have to do is to organise and pull together. The Re- nnbliean nartv can not defeat the Democratic candidate for the presi- is here, and from all parts of the country reports are reaching head anarters that the Democrats realize developments of the case as reported by the newspapers, were surprised when, a week ago today. Rev. Riche- son was arrested at the Edmunds man- it and are already laying plans forlsion in Brookline upon the charge of a campaign that will rcsuU in their "r.. sweeping the country in 1912. There it ig known M the present( m-esente Price 50. Foster-Milbarn Co Buffalo, New fork, solo agents for the United State. Remember the name Doan a and take no other. Aviation Meet in Salisbury. Spencer, Oct. 27. A big aviation meet has been arranged for Salisbury November 17 and 18, when exhibi tions will be given by the Curti"8 Aviation Company. The Curtiss ma chine will be used and ths daily flights will be made from Fair park under the auspices of the Salisbnry-Speacer Street Railway Company. It is ex pected that several hundred visitors will be in Salisbury for the event TEX3 CATS Ef E3T0IT. ' Oct tt. j 1701 Pi)ad.iAr vaa Ins oaartar- ad by V.Las Poeav 170-JoU LMia, salshrslhad Ea- Uah pUc. sbor, dMd. rs Aug-tt t. 1631 175 Uorr Jaerjaas Daatoa. eVeaah rcrvlitoomr lea iter, wan. Lad Apnl k 17-4. 177 nu4 ars&y aader How drove Waahiagta.'a any frosa tu poaitioa at 'VTbiU Plains. 1544 TU Royal Zokanra, Loadoa, opened by Quasa Virtona. 1S51 Soothers aottoa plaatats -tst is Jiaeoa aeviso a p t w prareat floetaatiooa ta the pries af tbs staple. 1895 AaaoaneeCMUt made of tbe be trothal of Prineeaa Ma ad of Wales and Priors Charles of ' Denmark. 1900 Prof. Max Ifuller. s leader in tbs science of laiigmtgee, died at Oxford. England. Bora la Germany. December 6, 1823. 1910 Ths Portagaess government de creed ths separation of taureh and State. THIS 18 XT WTH BT&TEDAT. Oct tS. Wmiaa V. Hartahorn. William N. Hartahorn, who ia pres ident of ths International 8unday School Association, waa bora ' in Greenville, N. H October 28, 1843. After leaving school be went to Bo: ton, where be later accumulated large fortune la tbe publishing busi ness. Of lata years Mr. Hartshorn haa devoted nearly the whole of his time to ths promotion of Sunday school work, lie was first sleeted president of the international organ isation at be - Denver convention in 1902. He also has served as presi dent of the Massachusetts association. Two years ago ha led a delegation of eight hundred . American Sunday school workers to Jerusalem, where an international convention was held at his suggestion. rimers' Cnioa Wl Cpf Trw &uwatfrk-;a lUa. of tbe ilooM of iirtTXMKittUiMi f. JuitieS rtBRMd to OlWMiwW U-t tifhX sttar a oafrM r vt.b g Woodard, ox. VS uwa, us T'-. e! blah at that thy har agreed to r-n Saturday for Xew Tort Hy to Ui aaad ta tbs publie aearinc aad C-ti soaaeeuoa witk tea oppomtioa t tbs adoprioa of ths proposed plaa of diaiatacratisa) for the) inssrissl To baaeo Company. Tbey ro as sooMil for tbs north Carolina termers' la ioa, bsinf retained by President H. Q AWxaader aader instrwtinsi from the farmora' aoeveatioa, held hers dur- ... i . .a. lag stale airBeeK, is tats ears oi intereat sof ths tobaeee growers. Mr. Joatiea could giro ao todiea- tiM as to what action they would tab, except that they go to fight ia very way tbey eaa ths pending plan as a subterfuge and a real argrava- tioa of ths trust oppreeaioa evil that be disuitegraboa is supposed ta cure. are. Justice and woodard indi es ta that bey are ia hearty sympathy with the fight that ti n Attorney Uen rals of North aad South Carolina and Virginia are bow making against ths. putting into offset of this objee- seems to be no way for the Republi esns to avoid defeat if the Democrats get together and work, as they are now starting out to do. If. Mr. Taft ia re-nominated the insurgents will slash him, and if Senator LaFollette is nominated tbe "old guard" will slash him. The Department of Agriculture fre quently issues a small pamphlet, telling of ths ontcome of suits filed by tbs department against violators of ths pure food laws. One of these pamphlets, No. 1103, tells of a New Theological Seminary, where he corn York soneern having plead guilty to ploted his studies in tbe fall of 1909. .... . . , About one vear before he had been asm areenie m to manufactured ,o tbe :Hvannis B.ptist elHlreh a food product known as "Light mA ne remained in charge of that many features of uncommon interest. The Rev. Claren?e Vigil Thompson Richeson was born in Rose HilL Vs., about 35 years ago. Be come from a family of devout Baptists, many of whom are engaged in church and mis sionary work in various parts of tbe world. Young Kicbeson received a good academic education and, having prepared himself for the ministry at the William Jewel College at Liber ty, Mo. A woman school teacher in Liberty, who took great interest in the bright and ambitious student, lent him the funds which he needed to com plete his education at William Jew ell College and later at the Newton Woodrow Wilson, governor of New Jersey, was acclaimed the next pres ident of the I nited states by Demo crats of Wisconsin Thursday after noon. He was their guest at a rally held in the university gymnasium. He spoke or the present trend ro toe Held of politics. Shads Egg Color." The food poison ing firm was fined $25. Pamphlet No. 1100 tells of a concern pleading guilty to foisting upon the public a ehurch until he resigned in April, 1910, to take charge of Immanuel Baptist church, Cambridge. When Richeson became pastor of the Hyan nis church Avis Linnell was a student food product consisting in part of I at the Hyannis High Ccborl. She "dirt and eggshells" and "a filthy,! bad fine voice and used to sing in decomposed and putrid animal sub- ?ich,e8on'g ?haf The yl,n. nd . . , I handsome minister became acquainted stance." 'Ibis manufacturer was nneai witl) beautiful and charming CIO I Now that these staggering blows I young school girl snd associated with ... u.n omir ;t i not lifcolv that I b a great deal. The attentions of other food dopers -will eease admin istering arsenic and "putrid animal matter" in food products! "The high tariff benefits nobody j but the sugar trust. Were it not for ths sugar tariff this package ths young minister to Avis Linnell, the daughter of a fairly-well-to-do carpenter at Hyannis, were so marked that nobody was surprised when the girl disi layed a handsome diamond ring upon her engagement finger and admitted to her friends that sho was engaged to Richeson. When Rev. Richeson left Hyannis James 0. Dahlman, "Cowboy" May or of Omaha, "Throws ths Lariat'' Mayor James C. Dahlman started hia career aa a cowboy, and is at present Mayor of Omaha, and has tbe following record. Sheriff oi Dawes Co., Neb., three terms; Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Natl Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six years, and in 1910 Candi- ate for Governor of Nebraska. Writ ing to Foley 4 Co., Chicago, he says: 1 bars taken Foley Kidney fills and they have given me a great deal of relief so I cheerfully recommend them." Your truly, (signed) James C. Dahlman. For Sale by M. L. Marsh, druggist. India is garrisoned by 318,000 men, whose duty is to protest a territory of 1,773 square miles. I Take Tour Common Colds Seriously. Commou colds, severs and frequent, lay ths foundation of chrome disease 1 conditions ox tbe nose and throat, and may develop into bronchitis, pneu monia, and consumption. For all I coughs and colds in children and tn grown persons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. For sals by M. L. Marsh, druggist WAGONER SCHOOL HOUSE. The box supper st the Wagoner school house Saturday night was en joyed by everybody. Boxes brought good prices, sos brought as much as $1.75. This one was bought by the girl's best beaux. We hops to- learn ths names of the thieves who took from the baggy belonging to Mr. Greens some nice fruits and candies. Tbey also too the nice coat belonging to Miss Annie Smith. Ws hops our visitors to No. will be treated nicer ths next time. Mr. Joe Green, of Mount Pleasant, waa visiting Mr. F. A. K. Smith Sat urday night and Sunday. Seasons are good and the farmers are hustling to get ths work done, 'Possum hunting is the great sport for ths boys. Some hunt on Sundsy, can't get enough through the week. uet s hear from our other writers, and read tbs Concord . Times to get full information about the country and everything that is going on. It has the news. Mr. Ed. Honeyeutt, of Mt. Pleas ant, has gone to Blaett Falls to work, would cost 2 cento a pound less. Urp church in Cambridge, Avis Linnell your congressman to repeal the tariff followed him to Boston. She entered n sugar." This is not an extract h Conservatory as a voice student .... , . t . and lived at ths Y. W. C. A. horns on irom . pouucai sp"- " - Wllprenton gtreet m,n in Burnt of fact by Pittsburg grocers tolformed tbat jj Richeson 's engags- their consumers to show the When a man is bis own enemy be anH w.m. nfr if ti,. Tm.nnoi lean's help from winning ths fight t- io man nas so many onera oi as sistance as ths man who needs none. I by local applications, rs thy can not reach the diseased portion of th cat. Thra Is calr on war to cur Oafncs. latter ment to Miss Edmunds, the daughter 5 ""I!!!,:', 7 'nnSmZ. e2!Xl"l, who ii not to Warns for the robbery0' wealthy family in Brookline, I J".Jh" ,to. 'Jn.fl' . . i nnn rwnn rnrmnnv ttnrtnnnAAn. n. via ' w w - barges on sugar, lne quoted para- T . ... . . - . . graph is printed on me paper nags i T oVtT in which the grocers put up sugar. Ths effect of the inscription on a 25 pound bag is significant. It means "that ths tariff has cost 50 cents on that one purchase. She said, it must bo a mis- I fact hearing. I slad, Dafn Gastonia is moving for a Y. M. C. A. building. In its last issue the Progress publishes a ent of a build-1 thing. ing on which . is written the words I "Y. M. C. A." and underneath which I ia ths question, "Ia it only a dreamt' ' If tbs proposed building is to be any thing . like the one the Progress I SHUT If Your Food Fails to Sustain Yon,; .. ' Cbaafsi Ons sort of diet may make a per son despondent depressed aad blue and a change to ths kind of food the body demands will changs tbs whole A vounar woman from Phila. aaval - . i .. . For several years I kept ia a ran-1 tnem psiots. and whan It ta antlnly is u rasait. ana mi. th innamatlon can b takn o and tola tub rwtorad to Ita arn. aandltloa. haarlns will b dastrera. Aravar: bib eaaa oat er ten ar caused by Catarrh, which Is BOthlog hut aa mnamafl eoaoiuoa si to muooua but. wt will give un unnarea iwiibi for in earn at Daf ons eaoed by atarrh) that cannot b cored by Hall's Catarrh yur. nana tor circular, ire. Bold y oratntna, ie. Tak HaU's Haaillr Pllla for Constt- pattaav . .- . Jfost new schemes and devices are new because nobody ever thought of I down, miserable sort of condition, was I Foley') tfntjr Bsmady k Eopa- aepressea ana apprenensivs oi uw-i , tt ois. i ios nean in a oisxrswngway Hon. Ask. J. B. Freeman, sayst "I land, seemed in a perpetual sort of I ..j 11. fmnvi. artist has eonjnrsd up, it U earnestly dreamy aightmars. No ons serious dis-1 and TOuW work ay aataoah athiar rl 1 tint lha si 1 Lrv7 ' anar I . . . .. w to be hoDsd that It wiU be "only i r ". '. "r" .- id ik pe leas, una largo eotus si o- j-m - I T'Z. iL j 1 x i7 KMnsy Bsmedy cured ms and dream. - I "Finallv. between ths doctor and 1 1 i 1 1 v.Uv i .: i I father. I was not on GraDS-Nuta and I .i JL.-a The public is already about as I cream, as it waa decided I most bavu Manh drusvia wearr of seeing ths Richeaon-Linnell I nounsuing Ioodtbat ths body coma I pictws. in th. newm.per. - m-Tbnderful chang.'k.t mmiJXSJSSi of ths Beattie-Binford pictures whanle.w m was not like Jonah'. gord,a saUry of 110,000 a year. . Henry Beattie 's famous ease was on I the growth of a single night and yetl ,r . , , , "r - ... ths boards. , , l am) witn a rapidity mat aaton-i AfUr azposure, and wen you feel iianea ms. England has a number of rat and sparrow clubs, organised for the ex tenuation of these peata. Ths Chinese postal rates are among ths lowest in the world. chicaco i.e:::.a9it , TOES STATEMENT. After Spending Tlumsandi of Dollars and Consulting ths aUatEmuiant lTiyii(iians,lIsWsaIssrs . CHICAGO, ILL8. I Mr. l. Q. Becker, of 134 Van Bursn St., a - - well-known wholesale dry goods -i . . . . v oeaier, stales aa follows: "I bars had catarrh for mors than thirty yaara.7 Havs triad everything a earth and spent thousands of dollar, for other medicines and with physicians, without getting any lasting re lief, and can any to you that I have found Paruna ths only ram ady that has cured ma per manently. ' j;.-, . ; . Psruna ha. also curwd my wife of catarrh. 8hs always kseps It In ths houts for an attack of cold, which it Invariably cures in a v7 short time." . SAGE TEA 17ILL pi. rolsy Eldas POls Supply just .ths ingredients needed Is build up. strengiiiea so.' restore the natural action of th kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for baekache, headache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidnej, bladder and urinary irregularities. For Sale by M. L. Marsh, drnggst SHE GAVE UP ALL HOPE Physicians FaSed To Belp Mn Green, Bat She nnally Found KeneT la CardaL Mestxe. Va. Mrs. J. a Oreen of this place, says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit up. Two of ths best doctors In our town treated me. and I tried different medi cines, until I gars ap all hops of ever letting well.. ons nay. i decided to try some car- am. it did so mncn lor ms tnst ordered some mors, and It cured mel Today. I feel aa well as I ever did la my Ufa, Ths pains and tns trouble are an gone. I feel like anotner persoa in every way. I wish every sufferer could know what Cardnt will do for sick women." A fsw doses of Cardul at ths right time, will save many a big doctor bilk. bt nreventlnc serious sickness. It tones un tns nervous system, ana hsiM make Dale cheek, treen and rosy, Thousands ot weak women nave seen restored to health and happiness by ulna- Cardul. Suddoss you try it It may be Just ths medicine yon need. M Wtild Sv Aavborr Dart.. Chatta. tosa awatda Co- Chanaaooaa, t ea .. fcr Sxnal iiMi Klmi, i M-pan toak. noa ii DAff EJTllE 111 mM ffrnninff on. tk FoIat HokV GriiiUrkM yv DtddM Hit I p - g-unca in iey and Tr iotnpotind. it cbttki aim . m i. .M. - m " jJ .- r-" raiiDt a. U awn uv -lavati luiai . aw llanon, & u, btar. i worid w,,, took brighter and more I mmnin in vallow rjaekara alwara. tiry t 1.U at thai . . 1ST 7 . . . . 1 . , . " --uiBuatoxa, waa 1 worm wnue. .. i i rr hia nvai.ii. siru. amnnsi. Marion opera house on Monday even-l a this baa sontinoed steadily,! . inir to ons of the largest and most I till now. after th na of OraDS-KutSl T. annnuna annrt nf Waat Vinnnia arpreciatiTS andienees of tbs season, I for only a few weeks, I am perfectly I has decided that poker ehip. are real and leu an napr ""s 'iweu, reel spienaiaiy, lax: a uveiy m-1 money. membered oy au woso pr-wnt. ""itereat in everything, and am a Shang entire company was composed of la-led person in every wsy." Name given dies 1 guutiemon oi rennemeni anUiD poRtura Co., Battle Ciwtr, j -h. iti'nd tns little dook, me j I to Wellville," in pkgs. "I here "a a I reason." Ever read tie abors ktiorf A rew Iocs a 1 iroa ks w - -:y . . i , . . .. i T.u always os patron-1 are fwuiiis, srus, aii. iu vi aumi . ... , , End menos in juariuu r i y choo". to return. Asl ., it was genreally conceded I : niiRtnrk" was one of the! of ths season. Suchl TO CUES A COLD IX 0X2 DAT. TnVs LAXATIVE F-TCTO Quinino i., I . '..Isr' 1 r . r p .1- y if it fa-s to c irB. 1,. V.'.L.OVfa'.S siyimture is on tu.. a lx. Restore Fa3ed and Gray Hair to Natural Color Dandruff , Quickly Removedt ' ' There Is aothlaf new sbont the Idea of asms sac tor mtorlng the color of the hair. Oar areat-graadmotliars kept their locks soft, dark and glossy by using a "sage tea," Whenever taelr hair fell sot er took oa a dull, faded or streaked appearance they made a brew of sage Icavea and applied it to their hair, with wmderrally Beneficial effect Nowadays w doa't havs to resort to old-tim, tiraamn method of gathering the herb snd making ta tea. This is don by skillful chemists better thaa we could do M oarmlve, and all w have te 1 do I to call for the readr-mailo product. Wyeta s Kaaa and fiulpaur Hair Rem edy, - containing sag ia ' the proper strength, with th addition of sulphur, another old-tim scalp remedy. - Th manufacturers of this remedy tutborls druggists to sell It under gr antce that th money will be refunded if It fail to do exactly as reprearntrd. Tno't n""'irt ynnr bulr. Ot a DON'T SUFFER WITH 1T 1 weuraiem af U a 25 cant bottle of NoaVe Uaiaaeaa is roaraatoedto drive tlua terror away -ot money rs funded. At th nt rwjnge, appbed as directed, Noah's I jnimant will (r inunediat aad eaWval relief, k quiet th Broand Kattars th 000. al. penetrate and requira hole rubbing. Naah'i lliilut b th beat T nedy lor Bhtomatlam, BciaUoa, tame Baak, BUS lotnU and Mnacka, Son Thmat, CnMa, Btralna, BprakM, Cuts, Bniiaaa, OoUe, Cnuapa, Maonlgla, Tootliaafas, and all Nam, Bon and afnarf AchaMBd FaBU. Th tenoto haa Hoah'a Afk ea vry paekaa sad looks Ilk tbM out, but ha BSD band oa Iraot ef paekag and "NaeVa ll.l.iiat" aU 7ta BED ink. Ba. war ot Imltatioiu. Urg bottle, eaata BdaoUhyaaaaala-ki Biedldna. Guaranteed or awBay rehavM by hobb Hameilyus bav. va. Enjoy Eating Are you afraid to eat what you want because of indi gestion? Cheer up! Digestit relieve in a few minutes. It digests food when your stomach refuses. - a noIJ, tinder a eoarantee that your chvrctetwiU refund ytxst money if you want tt. Small tauets, tizy to swal low, contains no harmfut irt'3. Packare bsuX coo- v t f-rf' -trr! " I r7 f ' . lL I it.. XtB Ja at 7 4 . A hypocrite is like a tack; lie can do the most ml .chief while pointing to u'x Leavea. . . 1 1 ... i.i ,c at 1 y t .TtuiiiiiiHiuiil and U 0 r 1 t t 1 a ". anil ij ii by ad lio. i Clbaoa Drug Star, fpaclal Agsuia. " I a. u kaob roa mar who txxo AKD 8ATISFACTI0X xx rarssuo as well as text POSSZSLS OAJf. Ken who apBrsoiat what food elatkas aSJI ta then ia hnefnaaa J .1 B TEST COST NO XOXJS THAV THB OBWKAaTaOro. t4,.'. ttii Ws hv absolvtsly proraa that SOHLOas B&OS TJa Clothing girts Host (or ths Koasy. '-..:.' , Style and Service IS WHAT TOU WAXT WHET T0U nnrssT totts xokxt nr a suit. -TYLE AND SERVICB IS JUST 7HAT TOU GET -1. TS - EVERY 80HLOSS BROS. 00 OAKHENT YOU BUT. ' SflO.00 0 S30.C3 Cannon Fcizer Co. Phone No. 164 REMEMBER You can get what you 'want at our store in Furniture and House: Furn ishings, We carry a full line. Yes you can get it here and save money. ' . i Furniture, Di uggets, Rugs, Mattings and Carpets Comforts, Blankets, Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heaters; Curtains and Shades; Crockery, and Glass Ware ; Lounges and Parlor Suits and anything you' need at 11. t Wxi & Co. 1 Ths Cheapest Furnitnrs Stars In Town la ths Bir BrlcX Bofld ' lag, rersst EUL - IS w.- Gilds. The Athleties and ths 'Giant. . will play for ths championship of ths great National Game, bat yon play daily ia ths strenuous gams of Life, and should yoa slide and tsar your pants send them to ths expert Clean ers and Pressors of Ths City Pressing Club, who are tbs Uathewsona and Bender, of their trad. . D. B. F0WKLES, Proprietor. ; Telephone Ho. 188. v 3 J m b What Tbey WUl Da for Yon They wiU cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. rectuiinarylrregularides, build bj the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acU that causes rheumatism. Pre ent Eriht s Disease and Dia. bates, and restore health anl strength. 'Refuse substitutes 8old at Harsh Drug Store, D. J. S. LAFFmTY I w ll n u. 1 "o . to t.it:ji.-'7t ' ris. Dasirclrle C2:cs Morris Euil-inn Best location in city. Steam heat, light and janitor' aerrice free. ' ' Also sleeping rooms, bath, light and janitor , Berriee . free. ' J' ' - Phone No ca Pi 11 L... j F.l E...i f . . , Ui. 4 11., I 1 arn rftw In lb Cai. -"-.. , Pxlldlnc svs .1. r r T j A to r" , 8 room aVoW t. X on I h I ,.,a s-ctj Jot U3m . il'.l. (Jood .Uuls, gfrla ajij m kJUj;t. Jne, EL. I'sttrsoa,

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