A rl J K ; I A. CONCORD, N. a, THURSDAY, N0VE1IEER 2, 1911. WnjWfcorv-t VOL. XXII : Ceo k'oam. wots.- ft V t S sT r i 4 IG-J UUTZ1TT. JkBeaaiifnl Chsrch Wsddiaj la rirst rrabyterUa Church Last Xr- ' A beautiful Btnug aolemn issd last Tninf st -.30. 'dock et th Fin PrasbvUriaa church wbe Miss Gcrtrud Lafferty, daughter of Dr. aad Mi. J. 8. Lafferty, betw thebride of Mr. J. Lindsay Bo. The large auditorium, and tb gal lanes of tb handsome church wr Uxed to tbo utmost on account of tb large crowd that witnessed tb cere mony. Tbo church tu .beautifully decorated ia fans and tbo aisle m overed with white cloth. Tbo pulpit and eboir railing were draped in white that formed a most appropriate and lovely baekgroahd for the magnificent bank of fern that extended the en tire length around the ehaneel. Just beneath the pulpit was an improvis ed altar, covered in white 'on which tha bridal couple stood while the cere mony was performed, th officiating minister and bridal party standing on the pulpit. For a few minutes be fore the wedding boar Miss Lucy Lor rendered a number of beautiful musioal selections at the organ. Miss D. PIATT T0K01MW.- ewaawawaaaw Secretary sf V. 0. Good toad Asse- dettOB te Address People of Ca barrus a Good load. Dr. Joseph Byde Pratt, Elate Geol ogist and Secretary of the North Car olina Good Roads Association, will (peek on good roads la tb court boos hen tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. Dr. Pratt is the recognised leader .of the Good Boads Movement in the State, which has done and is doing so modi for the betterment of the State's highway.- , Dr. Pratt comes her at the arnet solicitation of Cabarrus citizens who feel thst a Good Boads Association should b formed for tb county. The county needs such aa organisation. It has during the pest few years made remarkable strides ia the matter of good roads, but there is great need for education along this line, . and there is no way in which this can be- better accomplished than by the for mation of a County Good Boads As sociation. -s Dr. Pratt will strive her, tomor row morning on train No. 11. following committee of arrangements for the meeting has been appointed: m - n W i II . 1 ' . . TTT tt ... 0 ... , tu- I . vraeu, cusirmsn, n, n. "ST Li. mos! 0ibB. J. York, J. W. Cannon most talented vocalis t. sang a most j Alternates: B. L. beautiful manner "All For Ton. j IT . n8n xt t. rw At the first soft touch of Men-1 " r ""5 , U dolsaohn's wedding march, rendered m. nxAAAjrr raw. non, E. F. White and J. B. SherriU. Dr. Pratt will be met at the train on his arrival, .and will, it is expect ed, be taken on a trip over the Kan napolis road.. - . Let all come out to hear him apeak. A Delightful Concert. Clarksburg, W. Va, Exponent. One of the largest and most ex clusive audiences of the season, greet ed the Metropolitan Concert Company at the First Baptist church last even ing many prominent musicians being present and all were delighted who heard the program. A feature of the r, and Mr. Parka Lafferty and ,e,n. 2? 'Tw ?t ?L the riX .engTon fc1 .f iiw'L'hth- M"- Ohnnan captivated her hearer aisles. They wJtoUowed by the m fc of great range anr put bridesmaids and .gnooaam Miss was especially Ashlyn Low ?t.f"mmt?n- i pleasing on Wlower note whiih weii ter jusle. wearing yellow megsaline .;.. V, oi.. i... . . - . . , . I Lull puu imuiuuii uu "a arapea in eninon, wim ar. . . e0Uty ,nd won wh f,vor. by Miss Locy Lore, the bridal party began to enter. The first to enter were the ministers, Bev. J. W Laf ferty, of Summerville, 8. C, and Bev. Dr. J. M. Grier, taking their places at the altar. Then came the ribbon girls, Misses Mary Lafferty, a sister of tb bride, and Irene MoConnell, coming down' the center aisle :- and stretching whit ribbons. They wore lingerie dresses with yellow ribbons. The usher then entered. Messrs. C. B. Wagoner and W. J. Hill, Jr., en tered from the right and left, .front aisles respectively, crossing at the altar. McRae, of Greenville, 8. C" I Miss Christine Miller has aon- Kathleen Smith, wearing yellow me (raUo voiee or Tam poWer ,nd her saljn draped in chiffon and trimmed in crystals and pearls, with Mr. Rob ert H. Weutbrook,,of Greenville, 8. C." They were followed by the dames of honor, Mrs. W. B. Kimball, of Ox- charming manner is a great attract ion. She is a great favorite here and won fresh laurels last evening. 'She sang superbly. Frederick Martin bus wondenul ui- ford, a sister of the groom, wearing . terpretation and his reception last ' white lac over mcssalin with PviineHorddajM. (B sings Want Mr. tirhardsoa to Ha Travatod 44.760 MUsa Fe bsil Gam latsrday. Parsoaais. Rer.'N, B. Riebsrdson will hold his last aervie of tb conference year bar Sunday mornig. He ear nestly requests a full attendance of th membership at that tim. - Mr. Richardson will leave Tacsdsy to at tend the annual conference at 8tates ville. The work on tb Mt. Pleasant circuit for the past year baa been signally sneeessful, and th commun ity generally join with th aoembers of Mr. Richardson's churches in look ing forward to his return for another year's work in this field. The walking contest last . week brought about discussion of men snd their travels from which it developed that Mr. O. R. Blscbwelder is per haps tb greatest traveled man in Mt. Ploassnt, in point of miles cov ered. His trip. to Concord reach a grand total of 44,750 miles, counting 230 trips a' year for a' period of nine years, nearly. He haa done more The tfn this ss his records show, snd when 1912 arrives bis trips will ag gregate a . distance equal 4o twice around tb world, and that in a two horra wagon, too. Bar. W. L. Hutching, pastor of Forest Hill Methodist church, sn-l Hon. W. R. Odell made interesting talks on the orphan ape and the, Sun day School Work at Cold Springs Sunday. Friends of the football team are very much pleased with the result of last Saturday's game with Bingham from the .fact thai the boys came "part of the way back." Now they will take a game or so into their own camp since they have been sufficient ly generous to their opponents while tb training up season has been in progress. Ibe tliailotte High School squad will meet the Institute team on the gridiron here Saturday next. This will V the first game of football ever played we are advised to say fought in Mt. Pleasant, and will likely be the only game of the pres ent season. A large crowd is ex pected to be oh hand to sec the home team win their first game. Attendants st court during the re mainder of the week will doubtless b impressed with the importance of Mt. Pleasant as horse trading cen ter, owing to the fact that certain al leged irregularities in a "number of prominent trades made here will command the court ' attention, ' Mr. Chas. Johnson, who. has 'been WAZiaocsa i tsra AT KAXUSBUMw Fir Occurred Early This Mania CostaUad 13 Yalta. lasaraac . CTrt Leas. ' Tb Cabarrus county cotton ware house, ar Hsrriabarg, containing 120 bale of cot ton, wa destroyed by fir this morning. . Tba bias was discov ered about 4 v'alork by Mrs. Fste McCartney, who Uvs only a short distane from tb warehous which is located near Jb railwsy station. Tb alarm waa givsa and practically tb ntir eitisenship of the tattle vil lag responded but without th as sistance of fire&ghting apparatus they were unable to cop with the flames. Th building k a total loss snd wss not insured. It was erected in 1907 and cost 800. Thar waa $5500 insurant on the cotton, which fully cover tb loss. Th staple was owned bv farmers jib various parte of the county.' ' s The cotton warehouse was built ny th Cabarrus County Cotton Ware bouse Association, which is incorpor ated. Mr. J. P. Allison is president snd Mr. E. T. Bost. of Boat Mill, sec retary snd treasurer. Mr. Ed. Harris in the ptilOKAL XXXTX0Y. f Ua Pwopl Ear aad Ea- waar Wa Oosm Aa4 Oa. Mr. J. Archie Oaaaoa ha iwtaraad frosa bniinass trip to Baltimore. Mrs. W. D. Shumakor, of Char- OOLfJtHOa BtTT CRT CA1 un Wrk Wm ltegia Immediataly to x- Llsa A Most Iaifestaat A basiaea deal that is of great iav , ??"" tarestto this city and section haa been KHU, IS visiung M . V. n iswn. -ooaommatad whanbv tha flrai af Mr. W. R. Kimball, who was alCoter Co, of New York, baa pur-Hioa haa been guest at tb Boas-Lafferty wedding, I chased a controlling interest in the returned this morning to his bom ia iPtedmont Carolina Railway Co., and Oxford. bar taken over their lines, frail Mrs. W. G. Mean and Mia Elea- ehisea, right of ways, etc Tb form aor Watson, who hsv bora visiting er owners of th company will still Mr. J. E. Smooth returned to their retain stock in the corporation and bom ia Salisbury this morning. will be actively engaged ia it man- ' Mr. Galloway Bo. returned this J?T?2l l Sl.X"0 21 Ji?0.90 CUrk, tb. latter two of N.w York, CTTT WATE1 sVCTTtT. iearc f OoirUituMaa. Lseatil fiarfao Water Raaaiaf Into W0 at Puma Ctettoa. After a thorough inspeetioa of th water plant by th aity author ities they ar of th epinioa that tb - sours of eontamina- is in te rT'p fTZ IXi I " today inspecting tb prop ing the Ross-Lafferty wedding last I,. T. . evening. Miss Laura MoGill Cannon, who haa been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, for a week, has returned to Salem Female Acad emy, Winston-Salem. She was ae- erty. They mad th trip from Sal isbury in an automobils over the pro posed tine of the interurban. ' Mr. Gofer, who is president of the North Carolina Public Service Co, which owns and operates the street ear lines of Greensboro and High compamed by her brother, Mr. Char- Pointj and hu many other big inUr. of Harrisburg, is 'custodian of warehouse and be) states that origin of the fire wt unknown. Death of Mr., icvi J. Little. Mr. Levi J. LittI died this morn ing at 9 o'clock at bis home in No. 4 township near Cook' store. About two years ago he bad a severe stroke of paralysis, but had largely recov ered from the effects of it. Last Sun day he waa again stricken, and grad ually grew worse until his death. nr. Liitti, waa on or. me oiaesi cu ixens of the county his age being 86, 4 months and 3 days. He had been living at he place, where he died for 35 years. .He leaves two daughters, Mrs. J. N. Seamon and Miss Sallie Little, the latter making her home with him. Th funeral service will be held tomorrow .morning at 11 o'clock at Mt. Olivet church, conduct ed by Rev. W. P' McGhee. Mr. Little had been a member of this church for many years. --,11 Watch for: "Turkey Night" at The Theatorium and Pastime thea tres some, one will win a Thanksgiv ing turkey free. ,i r; lea Cannon. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Pembertoa will entertain the following to tea this evening: Judge and Mrs. -W. J. Adams, Rev. and Mrs. Plato Durham, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Boat, Mrs. D. B. Coltrane, Miss Elizabeth Gainey, Hon. W. R. Odell and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. SherriU. ests in this State and throughout th South, ststod to a representative of this paper this morning that his com pany, would begin at once the exten sion of the street car line her and would meet the requirements of the franchise in every particular. When asked as to when work on the line from here to Salisbury would begin Mr. Coler replied thst he could not Dane Last Bight. I say at present but that it would be A delightful dance was given at the built according to the original plans Elks' Home last night in honor oil of the company the out of town guests attending the Both Mr. Coler and Mr. Clark ex- Boss-Laffcrty wedding. Those dsnc- pressed themselves as ereatlv pi, ing were: Miss Ceceli Jeannerette, led with Concord and the section of of Columbia, 8. C, with Mr. Joe Hill, I country through which they passed Miss Frances Craig, of Columbia, and feel assured thst a car line both Tenn.. with Mr. William Moody. Miss I urban and interurban according to Susie Hutchison with Mr. Arthur I the proposed plans would be a pay- Udell, Miss Asmyn Lowe wun Mr. i mg proposition. uameron juaenae, suss Lionise means . with Mr. Alex Howard, Miss Margue- Cold Wave Coming This Way, States rite Brown with Eugene Bernhardt, Miss Alice Brown with Fred Patter son. Miss Laura MeGill Cannon with Fred Carroll. The Stags: Fred Boss, Robt. H. Westbrook, Frank Morri son, R. L. Morrison, Archey Brown, John Porter and Fred Bost. The chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Can non, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kimball, Mrs. 8. J. Lowe and Mrs. J. W. Can non. . . t trJmmiJigBj-and "Mra. ParkaTtf. lew4th..tetdliBiiM-vad his .tone are iy,.f wearing wpuo crepv ; beautiful a well as powerful, ms trimmed in lac and pearls. They popularity increased with his appear-, were followed by the maid of honor, Bnc v,ere lgt evening. , Miss Alice Mabry, of Albemarle, Mr. Duffy, who has a tenor voice great power and puro quality, scored a. triumph and generous ap plause was accorded him. The quar tet work was 4b most pleasing and artistic ever beard her. Tb Mar es to Club, under whose auspices these artists appeared, afforded a most en joyable evening for jnusic lovers of . 'a a. wearing ' yellow orocaaea , meteor -or trimmed in gold lace - and chiffon roses. ' The bridesmaids carried mag nificent boqueta of yellow ehrysan tbamuma. Tb groom and best man, Mr. Galloway Rosa, a brother, entered from the right aisle. The bride then" entered from the eenv1 tmtt aialaTlaanitw on th arm "of her - this eitv. and vicinity. father, D& J. 8. Lafferty. She "waa Thia excellent Comptvny will appear . .... . , ' . i . i i i j dressed in a gown OI auoneas huh .at me open - nuiise ut iuuowu uu trimmed in "real lac and pearls ana riMay night, wovemner a. carried a boquet of bride roses and lillies of the valley. . The ceremony waa performed by Rev. J. W. Laffer ty?, an uncle ' of tb bride, assisted ' by herpastot, ,Bev. Dr. J. M. Grier, the imDressive ring ceremony of the Presbyterian church being used. Dur- ' Scries of LecturM. We ar requested to publish the following: ' ; " . ! Elder W. L. Reaves, Christian minister of Kentucky, is delivering a urlea nf lactnres on the nlan of sal- ing the ceremony Mis Lor soltiy vation as it m recorded in the Holy rendered "Hearte Flowers. " A Scripture. . S march, from Thanhouser was played ,.- These lectures are foe the present mi a vaaeasionaL - - iWest Corbin street. ' Servio each Mrs. Ross -is th eldest danghteright at 7:15 o'clock, Th meetings of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lafferty and will continue over Sunday and Sun has lived in Concord ' for . several day night, perhaps longer. Bunds? foreign possessions for tbe-past-thre yara, is again in Mt. Pleasant, his term of enlistment having expired. He has' accepted a position at the Tus- earora Cotton Mil), boss spinner on too night force. 'Messrs. H. M. Blackweldcr, Q. E. Crowell and J. B. McAllister, of Concord, were noted among our Sun Sunday visitors. iMr. J. Y. McEachern, of Salis bury, spent Sunday here. - 'Mr. Oeorge Karnhardt, of Winston, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barnhardt. Miss Elma Welsh began her school at Si. John's Monday. . Miss Mary Barrier, of Bear-Pop-' lar, is visiting at Mr. )M. A. Foil's. Rev. M. h. Stirewalt, missionary to Japan, spent last week here. Mrs. v. Li. Johnston, of Jlleeklen- burg, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. V. tL Mctschern, who has been in Salisbury for .some, time, is at home for a shart while. . Masses Ruth Miscnheimer and Jan et te Lents and iMv Smith Barrier, of Concord, spent Sunday here. Aire. R. A. Goodman has returned from a visit to Ti out man's. sTnwm liiiBlfsna Maw in rxvA &V f$ years and by her gentleness and kind- at 11 o'clock a. m. M.7 m. V the htg TUa weelioa in ,barvMting . ly disposition haa attracted many I a The Lord 'a Supper wdi be observed ; w tTOO (Miss Ethelyn Crabtree was called THE; Loan AcGotfation WiU Open Its NextSaturday, Nov. 4th p. - ' JOHN FOX, Secy. & Treas. W. C. HOUSTON, President J Office: Citizens Bank & Trust Co. j friends. Mr. Ross U the son of Mrs. at the morning services, as tlder P; B. Man,-bf tbia txif, and was Beeves teachea it should be observed tfuad her.'. He is a traveling sales-; eTery Sunday. v! .a ; , caoer Kceves was reareu nu euu--nted in Tennese. H ia a great scriptorian. . His motto is : " Wher th Bible speak he speaks, and where the Bible is silent he is silent." He is a man of wide reputation in his brotherhood. He ha preached and lectured in six or seven states this year. - N. - Come out and hear him expound th Scripture, i ',- ' - man and has made his headquarters ta.Greenvile,.S.lC: for sometime, ba - ing on of tb best and most popular "men on th roa"m jn varounaa. -Tha bride was lh recipient of ' many magnificent ' wedding presents from friends here ; and elsewhere, among which was a handsom chest N of silver from one of the groomsmen, r Mr. Cameron McRae, of Greenville. " Immediately- after the ceremony ' Mr.'and Mr. Ross left on train.No. 38 on their bridal tour which -will ' embrace Th14 Washington and VbUVi VW . " '.'.j v - Among th out-of-town guesis rerc ecmmlttea.; ' lor the wedding weret Rev, snd Mrs. ' , , i W, Lafferty, of Summerville, 8. C, . $fisses Ullie nd May Lafferty, of tat: Uiaa Sallie Phillip, of ' fharlotte; Mrs. J. R. Pncc. Mb. R. " O. Mabry and Miss Alice. Mabry, of Albemarle; Miss Oeolia JcR-r'H? f Columbia, S. C.S Mr: and MrsW R. Kimball, of Oxford:- Mr . Ross, of Mcbsne:' Dr. R. VI-I?" ' of Charlotte, and Mcwvs. . Vrt V 7 Wtbiwk snd Camorcn MacRno, pf " lreonville, 8. C, ' . . .Sunday SchooI.Worksrs Meet. - Spartanburg. 8,C.. Nov. a.-O-c" - W today with a Jn'W ftynrj -ind everything in good working ; order n- te ouiiu-t -. i,,i Carolina.: :3 programm. ext 4.-. -.. -innrrow and provide TV il- . 'dresses b number of well ktnwn Sunday School expert"- W regret that, owing to lack of space today we ar unable to publish the, copy furnished by the Jubilee ... fni.f 111 . I..... 101 nu mir to her horn at Salem, Vs., last week on' account of 4b death of her aunt. Mr. John Foil haa raised a sweet potato that' weighs six pounds, but is notable not so much for its weight as for its formation. It is made up grown separatelj," then, united into one common mass. . .-" - .-. The following 'cards have been is sued: 1886. Silver Wedding , 1911. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilbert Heilig At Horn ' r on Friday vening, KoveuAer s seventeenth '' ': ; - at half after eight o'clock ' Mount Pleasant, North Carolina tfmma Reirina Barrier Claren Gilbert Heilig. I Mt. ricasant, Nov. 2, 1911. Mr, J. V, Allison hiis r:turned from Xrw Orlcnns. whete he alended the aitoii convention. Mr. Allison will irtrbr'r as arti.lo to t'.iis pap:r on t!in lniiiiioss of .'tie moetin? in an Weather Bureau. Washington, Nov. 1. The first cold wave of the season .made its ap pearance in the northwest with al most sero weather in Montana and North Dakota. The weather bureau experts say there is a strong probability the wave will be carried far Southward Thurs day and Friday. They expressed the belief it will cause frosts throughout the Gulf and South Atlantic States except Southern Florida. Freesuig temperatures are Indicat ed in the Ohio'valley, lake region and North Atlantic States. Don't fail to: sea . "The Toss of a Coin," another corking good Imp love story and melodrama in which a young man who is down and out gets up-and-in agin. This nun will oe on the programme at The Theatorium today. found aad that it to surface water ranaing - th wall st th pump sta- ' Another asmpl of water has been aeat to th State health officer with a request that be wire th re sult of tb analysis at th aarliast . possible moment. Fnginr Gilbert C. White haa bee telegraphed for and will arrive thia afternoon.' Ha will make a thorough inspeetioa of ' tb plant aad assist tn water board in every way of removing tb soure of contamination. If it ia tb wall ' steriliser will be put in operatic if ' necessary.. Members of th water board state that they will spar no effort or expense is purifying the public water supply and ar of the . opinion that they can do so within a few days. In the meantime tb pub lie is cautioned to boil all drinking water. '-,. i- - Oobnn'a Minstrel. Fsyctteville Observer. "' - Coburn s Minstrels gave a fin show at LaFayette theatre last night. Con- sideriog the fact that tha weather. wsg bad, the house was a good one, too. As a minstrel performance it was s decided success,' and th other attractions introduced were first-class. The ensemble, with the fine stag setting, was splendid.. Charley Gano is a funny man prop er, and be does his stunt in his own. inimitable, irresistible,, irrepressible wy- " ' . . v - The- solo singing was on of th fea tures, Letts, Lucas and McCarthy . having voice and culture . that ar -rarely beard on a minstrel stage The "University rour" Drought' down the house with every song Man tell s marionettes www' in , greatest hit m that line which haa : ever been made here. Coburn 's Minstrels deserve big . houses everywhere they go, for they y give a very Superior show, which, . while it is rich, rare and racy, oas not an objectionable feature in it. Th Floral' Show. The Floral Fair, held in th Alli son building, in room formerly occu pied by Black A Shepard, ia the . attraction of today and no on can well afford miss seeing thia gorgeous display of. cut flpweiJra open. a st 3:30 and st 5 o'clock dinner will be served, and these pleasures will continue throughout th evening. i . Visit the Floral Show in tb Alii- I'son building. . " ." OPERA HOUSE Friday, November 3rd, 1911 Metropolitan Concert Go. a America Greatest Prices .. .. .. 50 and 75 cents. At The Home of Good Merchandise Gordon Hosiery and Forest Mills Underwear For The I J. ma ia now at work IT came" - -.. . n. , fnttillg down eemmn. v ; - ; It's Pare. "KnecBand" ' ' ' I J7 ' U Un K fwbt 6ha bota Young and ; M rUTlKlll I joi4 in, w hay th famous Shoaa ! la all leathers and can fit your foot I to your wtlr satisfaction. Mill Water. ALL STTLES. B4, DCLJ, wa Coluia'i lllai.trli Toslglt O Gallons, 50cjff. LfsC p 'cirrxTcreTjacTCsi i Vho!e ; 1 Let Ui Chov Vc-i .-3 .L;l j ,t street sidewalk.

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