V f ' -"V " I ! r '''111 '" ' J I J I ' i 1 " T '" "rtt vt h.(ii a ' i , i -i sn ii , ... ' , ,i" '-1 1 . ,j , i, '$rtfT, -- ss; .1 . nn.fnhnn t rtn immn r'n' ttAtimnA a (', .' ? '"- i -. i cie - -- ' i- , . r r...n ..i .l&f I , ..-vntv Ay, v J .EiVzATT I ?Ei:H. educate kdlJM aJ eWstelzde WOULD H T AnODTT.SDC' M Lj.j. -.rWOKAL KXXTXOK. t j Practical Talk m Koat lrUat ij Bttyettry.XiwyTrlVU--tk " Dr. Joipfe' Hy' frtC BUU H ftotofut, Ueturwi km at U onit Q Eoom jroUrday m gtx4 roads. TbM jl tat) Bombr of citiMna in tb city 4 oiuit7 bo r( wuoM.tUt fiooi toad orrniitioa ! ." nudi br and Dr. Pratt vat tovited her faf th parpoM of atimulatinf an intoreat of th morKteafitj ThUa Mm mvd u amsll. tha nolitieal diffar- t anoaa that has always bora aetira in pabUa iotersat iar this aoanty vaa on tka job, and kept many away, bat those who war thar baard on of tb atrongest, clearest and moat eon rinetng apoeebea on tb subject of rood roads erer delivered ' in ' this . eounty. Dr. Pratt said in part: - "It is not necessary for me to take ' up your time on tb beneficial results J of rood reads. Avon who baa drir .n orer the Kannapolia, Mount Plea ; ant and Conoord-Chsrlotte road can - not help bat notic tb improved ! bouses and farms along these good roads. . Notie the appearance of farms aid; tarsi tooses along good i: roads. A good road doe not make landlnore produertv bat it 'doe 'lift i tb. citiasn top bad Aiak them; jrant to do more, .as; -i s,) V -j Yon. can. to into, any eommunity tit and hear ibis ery of Uz, tax, tax ior good roads, those "who make this ery do not look at th other aid of th ledger and count th cost 01 naa ; roads. A ean can haul twice as much J over rood road aa b ean over :,'bd n and tlii should k credited arainst the eost of bad Toada, I sys tUda? to a man in Jtuteneu eoumy gthh' summer who with a party of as gUociata bad purchased a larg tim Pter track from which they were go ring to sell wood. He told me that ; if they; bad good roads it would mean saving ?of .$8 dayN-to'lijin ,dn tb eoaA if ttuna alone. The beneficial 3rdlta'of good road can ah be measured by the wear and tear on horses, vehicles and harness and also Aon tba eost ox break down. Break- advoeat kuildiat sad r si stain tag good roda.a t- twi ' ' Toa kav got in this aannty aboot ri.OOO.OOQ worth taxable property. Pa thta amoont yof bars s road tax f X eenta, makiM 26,40 to pend on oadr Out of thin yn hare to do all mrmanent road Work and maintain tb roads already .built and also kep-p your dirt aoada. Ther are 48,000 mile of road in this Stat and tboat buO mile of roads in this eosuUy, A larg majority of these road ar naad only by on or twa familMa and shont'90 oar aant. of th popl travel an 25 per ,UfJggUht has stirrhcuJ. ot tb roads. Kow th Question omnea how are w going to ntiiis thi'9264 000. rit will be necessary to spend so much for permanent improvements J maintainane and th oat of build-4 ing 'three mils annually, which I learn is the Dumber f milaa yon are building each year And to keep th dirt road np by spending a little here and 'ther. Are v spending this money well ' I do Hot think. w are. first, w haven f money enough to go ahad and build: many roads and whil we are building three miles of roads a year we could go ahead and build 15 mile.' "Without increasing; your road tax you ean issue $100,000 worth of bonds and another $100,000 if necessary. In taking ear of the bond issue , you wouldht ArronrT Kot" Mr. Jen Brarwall Offered Jet a rUcmam as Kaaaa palls, But . 4briff Heaaycntt Wsas U Ap point Elaa. . . ' ' x PoBeaman John Bras well, wh baa bn the si eject of aavaral baptr of municipal history lately, and who u now provtag th central Drar in aa investigation that involve th dif ference betveea two political fac tions of tb eity, is one again tb oantral figur u a tittle local polita V' O l.'l J.iJ t u ..... H dertn g political caldron. ' i Tb thriving town of Kannapolia is in need of a polio man. Despite the fact that they bav had a . small squadron ,t vea . there occupying this offie they-r now in need, of on and tb citizens ihere ar detefm ined (o get n good m.' As is fell known here tb police officer of Ktn napoEiuia. A - deputy sheriff. At a deput j sheriff h is allewed $1.00 for eacn-arrest, - Tb fous fiuui ' this sourc would sot amount to-. anmh and would not justify a man to devfcte his entire time t the iohBi4 the official' of the Cannon arihfactar- tng Company mntdV border! to bav, th town well policed, to pay a fair salary 'each month,"' which with the fees would enable tbehj to sectre could provid s ainking fund thatj WA officar and pay him a salary dowmj seldom-occur on good roads, L.tmr tnnnsmt anlwtfalVal nAaSlit Afk Krnil ADAB aionld pay off ; the bond and not in ercwjiyjCiur taxes. If you issue $100,- 000 bond yon ean sell them tor a premium of 4 per cent, and more than likely more. That means that .ou bav $4,000 to pay annually on the sinking fund for $100,000 bodd issue, making $5,600, If you tak this .money and .deposit Itf aome sav ings bank lit 4 per eest,; compound in terest, at : in -ena- oi w. years fyou have your $10Q,0001osmeet the bonds. I have taken th proposition up' be fore leading bankers and bond brok ers and they say it is all right. That will leave $20,900 for maintainane. f spentrtha bond jsras-m ertna nsat work .ife woujd t from fpne f two yearf to" organise Hie Work and at that' time you could make an other issue. At the end of that time you will find th county valuation greatly , increased. - Most every epan- ty where this nas been, tried haa -itself to th BitreBirtonlt,-B61T twice vs much. for. a certain distance but ,?hk eiAn1t.vvWkn ou do naoF' pjing you measure your load not by th .'"four mile of good roads but by th "one-half mil of bad road. H "We all know that tha best tblntt w can bav a individuals, townships also in this eowity two kinds of road I'and eountiea is system of good that ar very cheap, sand clay and broads connecting with each border gravel, inese wm max a nrst Class roaa Duiine ssna eisy i oeiicr ana the eost is a great deal cheaper than macadam. Unless you ean build mao- Ton; tav In'thls county three kifdsof,. roads -already constructed, Sand clay," gravel and macadam. Out towards tb training school and in some parts of .th Mount , Pleasant road yVu 'iavs almost an exact mix- tor or sand and elay. c There are Seounty. Th problem in Cabarrus nnnHr. m T inilcre it. is ot- -to im- !nniM inn'WDle with ihe ImUortsnr Eat iraod! roads.'- iheV know that, but adam with an asphalt binder I would it-how to go about building them.' Your recommend aand clay. If the time Kcounty is wealthy and baa a great .should come after yon bav built agricultural value and is rapidly de- s sand day road that you want to vloping. , gra pro.blm in tbjs Seounty isytd 'euimhate' polities from fyour road management. '.Toil bav p;ot U bav yOur roads in charg of Some commission. Personally I would ilrather not bav it in charge of the! Pjcounty commissioners. The county commissioners ar not paid a good Malary and . have many other matters ato atWnd'A- IVhy,Frs paid. Salary $L500 A year nd devoted all of heirime ttf managing ita f-lairst-wenld be all right." But this - ft ttm T KjkliAve ilie men. agmttwf gooij. roads should b.un- Fdor th management or roaa eommis- . ! 1 II rmoners ana a roaa commission snouia biave all it could do to look after .the oadaiiNoi thatrtheysliould. 6Vote (toll of their time to it but they should i ; :v.i ... f u n.rrth ork a it Shohldb lone. This can b don just asl work nn- f ArtJte awprfrsision of the tt. OwfTogical turvey. Tb members d6 not devot all of their time to the jrork and ae not paid for htit ' kork Vit tney'superV&e rtywork1 and hold - me respoimpl.. r a, ," . ,, J '. 1 '. IT- h.u.tA n't Change it to. macadam; the grading is mlreadjr done and you hav a fine foundation. ' : r Just her let me say a word about the automobile and roads. We hav a law- limiting th speed of an auto mobile to 20 miles an hour and this law should be enforced. An auto mobile doe very little damage at a moderate. rate of speed but don't let us; condemn an automobile whan we load two or three Ions on narrow ttrewagon. - ...,-...:. i . "By building sand clay roads ; we can cut the eost down and; from th $100,000 we can build a large num ber of miles 'f road instead of the three miles the county is now build ing esehyear.' Tou will not find much opposition to th means that will re sult in building so many miles of good 'roads without increasing your taxes. It ean be don in this county laa l( ls been don in others g There Ihrno mson why Cabsrttnrhotld not issue $100,000 or $200,000 bonds for "It Cmhtrrrtn ia nnt vine and readv to'lsBu- WUbas'shA build s system that would support him. i i Several days ago Mr S.-T, Cannon, vice president-bf the Cannon" Msan- factoring. Company, tendered .lw Po sition to Policeman Br&sweH offer ing .him a considerable increase tin salary from what he is receiving hVe. Mr. Braswell . accepted the position and agreed to go there. This closed tb contraet so far aa th company and Mr. Braswell were concerned, ut when Sheriff Honeveutt waa eonsilt- d n the matter he refused to ap point Mr.' Braswell a deputy Sheriff. This censed friends of both the po liceman and the sheriff to discuss the matter: i It ta argued tba the .Can non Kamifacturing Company, owns (Kaanapolia and pays all tb ta and also .pays .the salary o tb oqlcer and for this reason they hav. a right;' to bir .a-saant j i On the other band?. -it is said that jSheriff ,. Honeveutt ke- long$JC sh 'sopposite political ; paf ty anej-fnat n ts 'uoibiiire' Tignr iiung Dohticallv. id' not appomtug a Dem ocrat. The. policeman's frieadjsTaiso make the statement-that' "the fees from the deputy sheriff's job there amount to less than 1300 a year, and if it was not for th mills paying the salary they would not hav a polite officer.. -: . . . When seen by a Tribune reporter Sheriff Honeyeutt said that he did not appoint Mr: Braswefl to the pb- iskion, but- gave no ' speciflo reason, stating that,1,' he could, not do it!) Mr. Braswell stated that he did accept th place because of the in crease In --salary iut that be . liked' ConeoTd; that ha wasv jcentfyp:j se elected to the foree and Sf fluid 'serve out his time provided lie gave satis faction. He expressed no, bitterness toward the Sheriff but stated thathjs Masons for not appointing' him wefi ?! icsl.-'V' .';', '; ; . The flnnMrt T..t WllrWi i 3Q county' all of lh g.iodsexep:tiOtirM.-f (wt together and make ire seciion oi me Mount rieasaut.eu w(uui uwi road ar not nw roada, Tb thing! ' that fileaaed ma most was not thJ Confarenc Home. asphalt binder on""th ;"Ka'nnapblisr Tb fetatesville" tiidmark eontain- . .... kA. ; j i.-. . . J roaa put tne jaci in tondeflf-waa keeping alnnff' the. side' of th 1L.' lf.4L.j:.l . ml .toe ,supennr ,ing a, oncwrjr ui muii h'e'.Toad , bed, terano which meets in thai city next e road in eood ..Wednesday. Bom of the homes aa- three- toa MC This is jo Un;with , " BeV . PItd lhanr-, C?, th system or maintenance that the well. ". iwlfc Rtste advocates.. The same i true I ' Rev. J. X Eads D..V, Ball, m on;th. Mciunf ,nasflt ;xoa4-jaJtkit t Iv?n1ff-W. form, or. matntenanee-, W tne cause nie enooiL, v, y4t ?f,iiV'-aii of G'ujIfor4 county .winning the first prue in iuv gwv iveue luit yw, ua KstionalfHighway, T i :ift. ."'..In dealing witn th probUm. aa t presents tslf in this county w must get, th roads put or pouues. pom eountla bav a,, law requiring . that - b't-t (v 3h--Mrs. D. . . Wr,V,1oMton-Hi,,B.1,v,bBv fon W..R, OolWB:B.,:McUughlM!ul .Walter; Tttompson-jopr m sau a certain number of th road eoaimi-iTboinpson.c ,, , i(lr, mihv niii v sionerf must b f the minority party.I ;;,p.,,B, Cpltrau-I,MA.Bbrril. Y Wbn yon get. a good road man keep mil -in ;u" iin Jail j , bin,, no. mattes what bis: politic mayj' ,Jh numsro frUudstit airs. B. bs.Therain .nupqlitics: in odealing F. Boget. will be glad U know-,thai with, snod roada bv th natioaal cob h ts- ahl U,b oat. gain waiter b- , ' r . . i 1 T- Q .. . . i - ( I. ,4 grees. neaa in uemoernue an nam ing eunuuew w nr publiea'n platforms . and they both.' night on aeeoupt f Ulncaa. , :r.iu ii.fy.T .,,1- . 4.1 ..ve- a . The mnoie lnvflra " 'iit flnnprtrh ' lnt rare opportunity last night ' to1 en joy a real musical treaty lrai 's eemes to them only onoe in a while. Th . Metropolitan' Concert Company composed of, a mixed quartette, each member of which is finished artist, showing thorough training and , high . culture." The harniuw personality, of Miss,M)Uer attracted d eBS thai) ben deligbj- tuit eontrauo voie. not! ever sa.u per sons' were in th- andielie, hoV-thls reception of such a CQmpany gen uine artiste is discouraging rto kl ef forts i id orovide btar toeoole Nrith class of entertainments that instruct and elevate. '. ., , '-:y. I!. 11; Uf if(lnl :!),,) Y' Saiisbruv Post. 2nd; - -"4'.V-" Grantte Uuarry. four miles Irom Salisbury on the Norwood Branch of bbe Southern, experienced, the big gest fire in its history at 10:30 o'clock List night. : The store house and goods of T. J. Lvefly A Sons, dealer in general merebandist. th residence of Mr. Lyerly, the dwelling of Mr. Ueo. Dry, and thbuob Methodist enaren wr destroyed bf th flames. The fire, it is understood, fetrated in thj store, origin unknown, and spread ,o the, dwellings and to th church build ing. Total lose, estimated at $10,000, partially cowered -.by insurances 1 fi ; ' e e .-. . mm. X Teiegraai averva xsii morsr ' ' ing Shows Our City Water k Para. V. Z' Mr. Oeoree fit. Butledw.'8n- ' Jjpriatendat of fur city water ' 'plant, received the following. telegram at 11 JO this morning , from State Board f Health V " Analysis , not completed, but auffieieat to show that tbr -T i no pollatiou in your ty wauii" f;. I : , ' This gratifying nw to th water boajd and to our people. The apflouneement a few day ago by tb . Stat Board of Health that there waa pollution in owAaty wstcr sup ply was aa if a bomb had ex ploded in our.'.midiit, and at once the "probable cause was eought for. It Is now believed that by aom -nnfortunat cler ical error was responsible for tb statement being mad. -, Superintendeol , Rutledg stated this moriiing that th board would, addpt every pre caution just as 'if th water waa polluted, Engineer Whit waa bar' yesterday and with the local official made an, inr spection. Tbey decided to use calcium V hypo-chloride as a means of purifying the water. One and eheuarter pounds will be used to every one hun dred thousand gallons of water pumped. TbiM -oxidises the or ' ganie matter in the Water and removes' the danker. ,' At th same time the proper precau tions should not be done away with' entirely until detailed ' analysis shows' that the trou- 1 ble is obviated.' J'-" WITH THE OHTJBOHES.' Associat Befonnd Presbyterian. Preaching at 11 m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor. . Sunday school 3 i tb Pwpl Has and Bs H .- vWi Wk Ooast And O. ' j ' ' .Mrsl M. :. CoH is spending th. day in CbarlotU. , ,. ... r . :' Mr. UW. Braaier is spec dins' th isy in Chariot t. .- .. '-.I .- Mrs. B. K.' Black! ts vi-atint rUv- tivs In Chariot t. .. ,' ',' Mr.- C T. Troy ka gosw to Libar- ty t visit hi asotber. : Bcv'i D. C. Cox, of No. 6 township. i visitng his son in Qrnsbor. Mr. C B. Sear i spodin th day in Salisbury on buaiavKS. . Mr. Cland Bamsaur haa ton ' to Greensboro on Short buainesi trip. Mr. Q. B. Caldwell, of Moaroe, is visiting his father, Mr. A. Cald well , Mrs. O. P. Asbury, of Charlotte, spent yesterday bar with her sister, Miss Josephine Smith. " , Bav. and Mrs. J. W. Lafferty, wbe attended tb Boss-Lafferty wedding, bav returned to their bom in 8um merville, S. C , ' Miss Beseis Oainey, of Cumberland county, who haa been visiting Mrs. D. L. Bost, has gone to Ashetoro to visit friends. Miss Mary Barrier,-of Mt, Ulla, who haa been visiting Miss Constance Cline, baa gone to Salisbury to visit friends. ' ,. . . DAtH or xu a. x w. phajjl WQ-JEaW . Qmmt4 Lady ' aaaai , Avar tkav Ax.t 7 TarJ Mrs.. & B. W. Pharr ded Triday aight at 'dock at tb kesa of bar daoghur, Mrs. B. ib .WaUhaU,. a ncankliai after aa illness of or than an aMntb doratiea. Mrs, Pharr war bora October 3, 1&39) ts Nv l-i township, hi eurty,- oo oa mil from Harriabnrw, andwaa th daughter f tb late Mr. Bobsrt Cochran. Sb -was reared in !isf 114S T, eouaty and -married Mr.' a E. . W. Pharrr who died several years ago." She is siirviTed by twe' brothers. Capt, Robert Cochran and Mr. John M. Cochran, bf, Charlotte, on sister, Hrs.' D. B. Pcniek, of Teiaa. and three daughters, Mrs. C. H. Morrison, of Spencer, Mrs. R. L. Walthall and Mum Etta Pnarr. ' Mrs.' Pharr had been a member of tb ' Prsbyterian church sine childhood and wsS A wo man of consecrated Christian ' char acter. " '. ."'. v f-I Th funeral waa held at the horn this, afternoon st ' 3 o'clock . and was eondncted by the 'pastor of ' the deceased, Bev. Dr. J. ML Orier. ,-',Ths interment waa mad . . at , Oakwood eemetery. 1 .''.,'.' ',' ', Fare Hext Wednesday tflght Spook Island, a laughable force in three acta, will be given by home talent under auspices ot the King Daughters' Circle for the benefit of charity work, in th opera house Wed- KUSIOirAlT eTJJn'- ir)llli --.ii Tkaraday,' Ifs'wi 1st .'lwntk 0 v.. wmt asLsuoom uasrea, Morning ' 100 Devotional israa ' Mies May Wkite. ' - i-.i,.-.i . ' JO-Talk by Hist; Mslissa Mont gomery. . . ,.,D0 Hws aoinatf .reports jef lnie sioa work by twpraatstivs a Uf tsrent aeawnmstiotw. y j,-.r .r'j nesday night, November 8. The Cir cle feels that it 'will have many de- Mr. Prank Cline, who is teachins I mands'thui "winter, and is' eiving liis school at Clemmona, Forsyth eonnty, play- for the purpose of raising the is Spending th day her with his necessary funds so as, tq continue parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cline. the good work in which it is already so earnestly, engaged. lb lollowing young ladies com pose the personnel; i. Misses Mary Hendrix, Bell Means, Maggie Hen drix, Marguorite Brown, Helen Pat terson, Alice Brown, Miriam Dum- Mr. and Mrs. L. C Caldwell, who HK,.N.it,' V, .?ttw8 have been her for several days, Mr. rf-w-"6,,, Greensboro Record: Miss Ruth Coletrane, of Concord, is visiting Mrs. R. M. Taylor, at the home of Mrs. Q. H. Royster, the mother of ler hos tess. . Tirsi trastertelriahniA Preaching service yX jX V n. and 30 p., m, by, the pastor, .. Sunday school t 3. p, in.,,., ..! ,'., . ;;'! ; Tirst Baptist! (Sh nrclu ,,: ''ti'i Preaching . tomorrow . morning at ll o 'clock and in - the evening : at 7 7. Sunday school at 0:45 o'clock. Oantral Methodist Ohnrclu ..: Services tomorrow morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 . o '.clock.! This will be the last service conducted, by Mr. Durham as pastor of this, church; Packag OontaMnc $20,000 u Myr tariously Missing. ' Lynchburg. Vs., Nov, 3. Whilt it is impossible to secure official infor4 mation relative to the robbery it was learned, here today that a. registered package, disappeared from the Unit ted Stater niul here some time last 1 riasiy,! nig;m t ana , poswu inspeoiors are , now desperately hunting for the $20,000 .contained' in th package. It .understood ;ihe missing money was consigned oy a JHueoeia, w. va., bank to a eon'esDondent in New York UHV. MIOUICU TIW UBUlCBlUJ, lira BU1U- pers or the consignee are , not yet di- Mrs. J. P. Campbell, 'a returned missionary from Korea, is expected to make an address at the Jubilee meeting-next Tuesday evening at' '70 o'clock at Central Methodist church.. Caldwell representing the1 Southern Railway in several eases in court, re turned to their home in Statesvill yesterday. Mrs. W. J. Adams and son, who hav been visiting Mrs. W.. C. Hous ton for a wk kv returned to their- bom in Carthage. . Judge Adams ha gone to Cherokee county, where be will bold, court next week. A strong east ' insures a good en tertainment for ' ptensure seeker next Wednesday night." All seats will be' sold for 50 cents. 1 Children under 12, 35 cents: .' : ; 0s ur Pwny Column It Pays. Mrs. H. & WiUiama. 13rf)0-Prayr ervie-Mr. K. L ' Cravan.' I'.rmM ' mu ... - ; i : r. :.. Aftiim tesslenv . - x 1K)0 LunclMKm, followed by three . ' minute talks by Mrs. C. P. MacLaugb- lint Miss Myrtl Harris, Mrs. Oeorg ' Richmond, Mrs. H. 8. Williams, Mrs. ' J. Pi OampbelL-". '?;.... ,-.:. -v: 2K)0 Talk Koom by Mrs. 3. , Fairman Preatem. . ... vi,.? v'. 2 J5 Denominational Rallies, oa . -., 1 ducted by presidents'of th different -societies, Mrs. Jas.J C. Gibson,' Mrs. R.;a Harria, Mrs. W. C Hoosteav , , Mrs. a N. Watson, Mrs. W. H. Can- ey. Miss Constaae Clin. V , , :. ' ' 2:45 Report from Rallies. ''' 3:00 Adjournment. v r " "";. .: Brsninc iIob.'-'' . s:; - 7:30 Mass asjtin . 'a Zion l -l Hatt'Vby.boir,i,r Devotional seme. Bv. Plate Dm ham. ' '' '; ' " ';, '- -' v Plea to " ' Christian ' America," s Toung People of Forest Hill MHho- ' dist hureh.-i. Mf.hi :Wui"fi'. "C'j,1' , 8 rf)0 Addwas, .Mrs. 4. . P, Camp- .,8:30 Song, Adjoummnt. - , ,i,'-''; . i.... ... I . -..-' ijt ". Vrj' MeHaweBsSiiaswBMesMMBSaiMaB ;.,H(M(. ,''- 1 ; ' ' w Date of Hearing Changed. i:t vi JVi .'.-- Cpen request of. th attorney icw -s the petitioners th hearing of th -"ii chsrges against Policeman Brsswsll v , will b bld on Monday night, Kovem- . : ber 8, instesd of Tosaday night: AU X" ;; parties Interested wiU1 pleas attend V?: hearing with, whatever, svidene they f -wish to prwent. , ;;.,? '1 fs 'v' 3-2t . W. H. GIBS0V, Clerk. , ? ; Prof. A. Si Webb reeently ompIt . . ed the erection of a nie esidenee A on BeB avenue, and 'is moving bis ' family into it today.''" '."' gP .&s. 4 : A.- ,MiiVi.? A udu v'"lt )il" nil h3h ; 41? the; j :;. .. ..l-r K '.;..'......! ,. i.' -,-,,,;(. i'..'i 1 . w, .l'.i. fM,ti ill,-,- i ,,.....,-:-..(', i ' . , . '.'; ' H .''-' ', V.v?i'i-mM- ..'H,.l 1 ,', , . ' .,. : ', ..' , .'' '-''" itf-...'-ln 11 ;4; - l I I'"'f'v I I l. M.iM ...... st f - a5kl -.' " h l-.-e'ii. ... II .tl'fc ii , : J III . -: pooiiuu . ; -. "II! I ' 'WITW Turn mammw i . mm : -. , ,, . ,..,,. , . ' U ..-.W: .m&zmm and we are:wmaprcm: Capital $100,000. Burplus $33,000. ' WntiAX fa . thb l M t!10ir ' II tttfi" 4 Pr .OuV.Interss Paid. on Tia I 'f r:""";v ' '-. ... t -:af!imi. n;-i-sii...-'i1i.-.. '- DspOSttB.;,;-.,- l.,,.;,,,.,,,, ..y . .. . , , v' " " " "'. 1 lVouri wciTitSm - wt.;.'' ; BmBBBBmBSSBBBBSSSBBSmBSSJBBBSSSSIBJw "' '"' M,,r.Hi:il,.i i : -Vkk IIM-'i , t m. B-'m'"U'l I - I ' 4 rrr rrr i, y .rn Jnbil) Aerostle. ' J Jesus.' '.U-TJnityV A-rBcauty of aervic.,,'.;,:,,,!. U Li Intercession. rA tfui.c ! ;i4rTLov-gifts. iTf li w.r -iii-'i jra .'4WatkllsieBt. ) B-ulChlistmenrV Only a w shall aiak nast- LngSsStanii for Just ths thing wiU their purposes b fully reauted. ' , !.;, I. ii SeBUf-nowos' sal' for Oraustark i,tt- -44. 4 B,J... 4.- J.!:-il ftiilBff .J'.mmv. h '".. ..i:iitt'-t.w.. Loan flGCOciatson !, V. ,-""t w.r i of.; Ivi oil y.tliMl Ti(t(ilU'.ui .-till! If lr.S .'1 Hi :-uu e'i1'! I i Hhv.,1 t: ii -: nil Open Its ntaiuiiyi 1 ,.'vl r-H, '" intii;' ;iito- Yl l.tm 1 ,IU. t , 7 "i H-SS'abT; tl'-i ; Ij'iv.i.tl. m ii ijiiii , i nt ,1'i.i8' 4i.th" -Mi V.llr -M Jri , (Hi- . . ,1M)S viltl I . 1 ; Uo4t nt. (ph'f .. t)t 1 ' l-lw-'- :JnlH.JjV.tl,.V-.l.,iw'1:,, -tiM! :-'ri n ( t, ' '.iohn FOX. Secvi & . 1 reas.' " iinia'fiV tet-f-' ?! (1 rsii Uuf1 !! J ' WOOL SWEATEES FOB BOTfl A1TO OTELS, lOSSEB AXD si' ijujiEs-AAiranrs nr pbicb ATABOb, tse, vtt to ttts ' " LADIES' lOiro COATS. inTOEKPEI WITH LABQB COLLARS SPECIAL ' 'i '.V .', .V W Vi' ;f7.5-' WOOL . AVIATION CAPS FOB' AT:. J; ' OB2LDB3f ''AXD 1"LA.-" ..;.26e, SHe, 60c ATO 18o tfia -i i i ft 'n LONO WOOV 80AWS. ALL COLOllf.T.'nWc.'SOc'A? Mo i aMasssWssaslawweweWaBSs)asBWeW v,a KNIT; TJHDEBWEAB T0B ALL THE FAf , THE '8SSt, OF QTJAUTX-OOtiMl' rJHUiW. i5i ',.,-. A i-.i'l, il'iVi ;, -:: ; r ; ; .- CHILD BEN S WOOL MITTS AND GL0VES8PECIAL ..1 t Hi Void ; ........ lOn, 16c AND 25o ail tMvvMut. ,t t;,-i'''-'ji'..'' 1 i'i f ) U!.-, I! Ail iwi'l 1M y.i :ti.js?a'-i'Hf !'t.t- fihi.x i'(i' a dl'ilA tvfitx i liiiiV tii'n . i .: . i, n ftiJviittl.-,ii' -;lif i '.lil'.'.y!W't -t:J.1 liU J- '1. ilMill,.'q riijidi ("i.i'ii ijt':.'V.' .firiif.ii(.mi.' 'I.. '.flP.AS Ki -.abX tikit viii1! ivi nvrx.T n:i awu . -