' ' ( , -r 4. H VOL XXII PHc 43 Cents a Moeta. CONCORD, N. C, Tilt' DAY, NOVEMBER 16,1911. "W4- . ; The Lyrvnsi Oonreev Ladwlg Liter-J ary Society. Isa of Mr. Carey Bobinsea. LuUeraa Ceaf arenas. Persoaal and Other Xotea. We wish to make roeotioa again ef : . tl fact- that tlx present Lyceum Coarse i oy all odd the best series of entertainmcnta that bar ever bees offered ber. Tbe second number ia : r the course waa tbe llsrmocy Concert ' Company. Tuesday night. .The sup erb excellence of a varied programme N charmed an enthusiastic audience. Via Ltigh, reader and pianist, ia by far tle best ia her line that baa appeared on the local stage, and bar superiors on the ameriean platform !- are few,' if, Indeed, there are any. ' JiaaV of our people are missing some - grand concerts jthan which there are ! none belter, not .excepting the larger ' eitiea of (be eouutry. The local mao-c- agement are to be congratulated upon the (Treat entertainmenti they are hrintring bar and it ia hoped that the remaining numbers of .the course will , receive a targe patronage, Moourag- - Inff the local inatitutiona in thU phaaa of educational work. A The public exercise of the Ludwig , Literary Society will be held on Tbnraday night, December 21st. The question which baa been selected for '. attack and defense by the young de '". batera of the aociety ia 1 " Resolved, Active Steps, in Strengthening Our Navy." lr general attractiveness, peat yeeUrday afternoon here. ;f Mrs. P. M. Kantnao, of Spencer, ia visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. 1L Knee- man..- - - $ Many questions are naked abont the railroad but' few are answered. Proapaeta remain food, however, and tboae ia position to form opinions are ears the road jrill be built. We .1AHJ&0A3! Tba Committee Eaa Been Hard at Work for Two Day and Success is la Sight .-' . " - The railroad eommittee is working with ceaseless energy. For two days now they have thrown aside their pri- a 1 ! 1. . a a 1 Site -Stf VS. TTiw 3" Ti anee. .The money must be raised. Concord 'a future depends upon the line. Should both roads xeeh an, which ia .easily within the range of possibility, we will be at the rail, read crossing and well grow on the cardinal points of the compass. Mr. W. B. Beaver opened school at the Halm school honae Monday mora- -'.-Mt. Pleasant, N. O, Nov. 18y 1011 , BEATTTJS XTT8T SIX. action of her eitizena now. Not upon certain eitixena but upon yon. In or der to carry the matter to a success ful and all eitiaena moat bend every energy together. ' 60 far the eitisena eommittee. has worked with a anity that ia beautiful to look upon. They are -meeting with success, too, but they cannot carry the matter to an ultimate finish unless yon aid tbem. A a KeWi said to hi army at Tra falgar: "England expeeta . every Englishman to do his duty." Con cord now says: . "Concord exoeets Governor HUsA Bafuea ta I&ierfara. Win Die la taakctric Chair on ,' rrlday, Kxreiuljai MUu-- 5 Richmond, Va Nov. IS. Govern or Mann today declined to1 interfere I every citiien to show bis patriotism ia the ease of Henry Clay Beettie.bjr helping the committee.' '- Jr, fend, the young wife murderer 'a The Committee met last evening and last hope of evading the electric chair n-ked Governor Ayeoek for more on Friday, November 24, war swept time and he very kindly consented away.-1 v V i to grant their request. This fired the ;- Attorneys for the condemned man members with new hopes and , thev held their last conference with the I went at their task this morning with governor during the morning and just renewed energy. So far the commit before noon the latter announced his tee's success has been wonderful con intention net to interfere in any way aidering the fact that he matter was with the decree of: the Chesterfield suddenly sprung upon them and the county court which waa sustained by I citizens as well, .but as yet they need the Supreme court of appeals of the I U the support possible. Not only do , these annual debates yield first place a th rL,-... nr9vini, t , . ants, manufacturers and J.r mn. " AnT'imyr V Pff mm8' spite of at least 30 days for spiritual erty owners but they need the sup. " ? li ea' crotd preperaUon. , , . ' port and encouragement of the young I t. t 1 ZT -In a signed atatement Governor ie takea place, is assured. - jjann nid in nart- Wt PorwaaoMnkhown and nnknow- ; , .tM-hu--M durina-'the 'r'irr-rT,"?00:; trial and as it. horrible facts were , Mt. Pleasant. With the advent of . , s a. I 11 A I DDI VIUUOUi ICKIWIMIU, liS)l t SB) V 1 lUiV aV I wmmv ivnu aassu tj t sunns, o povs.oon oaseuau loaa, .j ... I m.n in rrA . ia aoften their nuts, pick up their bate curre1 ithin th, eonflnM 0 thil, 0r poor, who is not in a position to , and balla, schednMheir gam, got gute . , . - ,1 the committee in someVway. b u y rtu JMlneiut .",.ra,na "In the decision of every question Governor Aycock will meet the com- .. Then5 football teajhrongh the va- whioh ppeiente to tll, ,nd mittee again this afternoon when the nfSr"!?0" P1; to th! impartial judge who presided at the matter will be decided upon ' and men. If you are not able to sro the big amount help what you can. mere la not a man in Concord. young or old, who will not be bene fitted by the road and there is not a Sen of .tits 1 xhera Wae . Ear AaatSlaa- m And eH. t AMZD BID CZCZ3, Mr. J. R. Smith i pending tba day in Charlotte. " , j ' . . . Mi, and Mr. K ?i Qillon are vis iting relatives in,i4pe Grove.. , Mr. 3. Leeke wia baa gone to Greensboro ea a a ert baaineaa trip. Mr. H. H.-Black raider ia spending the day in Chariot on bnsineaa. ; Miss Vena Cook has gone to At lanta to visit her lister, Mrs. L. B. Mr. and Mrs. 1 leteher Fink, of Charlotte, are visiti ig Mr. Fink's pa rents, Mr. and Mra S. C. Fink. , Mr. A. A. Suthei of Greenville, S. C; attended the 8nl ler-Stirewalt mar riage at St. John' yesterday after- Mrs, a T. Lass teT, has returned to her home in Ssjisbury, after vis iting Mrs. J. Ak J J Farrington-for week. LAJU1K BAJL&OAD - - . BZTELOntEXTM. i . I Sot It Clearer 171, aa4 Other Ea Korfelk Western Intareeta Taoaght I tab Far iBUlar Aaan. . ta Hare Aeaaired Balatgh and The police ia North and Booth Car- goathport as link ia liae te Bovta- elina, Virginia and aaaaaroat aides pert Via OnTaaav-4hahear Be- Woot the Sooth are seeking hind Other DeaL 1 ?T to the identiy of what tney pe- Dnrbam Son, Hth. ' ) Ihave operated in the above named There are aome large and import. I urritiw with LonisvilU. It. as Ukr ant railroad developments under way I beadqaartera. Their saetbod being in we vieuuiy 01 amrnaai. ian wnai the nature, of these developments is and the final outcome of the aetivi tiea will be ia known only by those in the inner circle of railroad invest ors and promoters. Things are hap pening so rapidly and there H such a miwp of interests that it is impos- j,, boT, th; aTermgt n, dreaa- ..Allison hare re nry, where they 1 of Miss Bettie Jhas returned from in Charlotte-; 6he Mrs. E. Q. Gaff- baa returned from attended the fun Dr. game, me time cornea 10 piay, ana , , . -.a-i m... there is everv assnrance It hat the jilt, raiiw again. Local lovers and stu, Lflt.nf vrv nunnkhl. dnuht t th eommittee will receive a favorable s, dents of the histricmw art put weeks nriaftn.;. th,t AiA t !a ah.. report from Mm. But should thev be in the preparation t a clnssw for L . i - .l. o n I auecetuifiil in iwnn'nv n. thar. , ... - 0, ADDeaW t0 .rant s writ of error. uiauis a ibirc worn ior me com. perionnanos arnves aiut so now ine . .. ui taTiity af the. wil- mit ful, deliberate and cruel murder of bis young wife, I have not the slightest doubt nor ia it insisted that there shall be any greater . relief - afforded than the commutation'of hia sentence to imprisonment for life. 1 do not think the affidavits of Paul Boattie printed in the papers, I Built By Miss Sarah SwiUer At or- ,nX ether evidenee or considers-1 ; cost of filSO MA - ' ', rain, once more. The Lyceum Bureau . ouer aviraeuons emurnciun siurs ui -'v the first - magnitude, but that stm - old J. P., without fear or favor tnu jesticaUy hangs Up his dark mantle, t; and then it Tains. As a rain mnknr ' the auditorium baa .no auperior. 'It .'would doubtless be a paying invest- '; ment for the farmers of the coii.man- --tty to-wppoa.sJUttBr ,n' course, debating or dramatic- society. 'v4th.tbe understanding that the farra i era arrange tbe schedule for perform- J,aoce,.ip-,qthcr.wordst rains mittee to do and then it is when they will need your help. ? Concord will win and murft win in this effort 'but Concord must have the help cf pverv citizen' HOTEL FOB GULLS. for that Durriose. 'To grant a respite in so plain a lease would be to set a precedent, would- be to temporise with the law day of the opening on December 1 of a hotel for girls, patterned after the Mills. Hotel for men, where girls who - mf. ana Mra. turned from Si attended the f une: Craige, Mra. J. N. Bro a visit to relatives was accompanied aey. Mr. T. A. Moaer Hickory, where hi era! of hia brotherf the late Rev. Mrs. Donqell Job, of Louisville, Ky., Mrs. Jamea Kerns and MW Lida Law, of Charmtteyre'he guests of airs, w , w,, yTowej. y ENGINES TOO EBATT . I . rOB BALB0AD TBACBL Possible Solution Idvanced for Soma of the Becwit Accidents. Cor. News and Onerver. - 'Greensboro, Not. -14. Discussing the cause of the wVeek of the Southf era Railway New a ork and New Ort leana through. Pubman at Benaja yesterday morning, a railway employe stated this morning that not only he,t Single Cosrw State library forged checks drawn oa a bank ia Louisville ia the name of the Kan tacky Electric Co. , j ' " : One of the supposed trio earn to Concord October 30th and stopped at the St. Cloud hotel. Ha registered as L. G. Zeieler, Louisville, Ky. Be sible to get any definite line on what it all really means. It waa anonuneed in the Sun Mon day evening that the Durham and Charlotte railway waa sold. No de finite information as to the railroad connection of the interests who took over this property hss been obtaina ble, but it is considered almost a cer tainty that it waa the Seaboard in terests. This being true, it esn be ed well and had every appearance of a well known traveling man. After se curing his dinner he naked Mr. Char ley Cook, who was then clerk ing st kbe hotel to eaah a eheek on I the above named concern for t76. He said that he was a representative of that company in thia territory and mentioned the namea of several )oeal dealers in electrical supplies who be said he had called on while here. To readily inferred that the Seaboard in-1 prove hia identity the man' prod nose nda to use the Durham ' and Char lotte line as a part of the' main line which the company intends to estab lish through Durham from Henderson. The Durham and Charlotte extends from Gulf, a small station on 'the Yadkin and Cape Fear branch' of the Southern to Troy. Thia road owns a right of way to Durham from ,GuIf and. also owns the. old Summervillfe property in the southern section of the city on which to establish a stsi tion. It can readily be seen that this a letter written on the stationery df the electrical company, which stated that be was their representative. . . The young men's credentials look ed to be all right and the ebeck was endorsed. He left the city and so far no trace of him has been found,. The eheek was . returned in a few days with several dollars protest fees on it. It haa since developed that he "stuck" the Central Hotel in Char lotte for (75, the Hotel March in Lexincrton for $50, a bank in Greens- property would be verv desirable tolboro for $175 and also other hotels the Beaboard in extending its lines I in South Boston, Va, Elizabeth oty, south or Durham. I Hard on . the information of the sale of the Durham and Charlotte comes the information that the" Ral eigh and Soutbport, extending from Kaleigh to Fayette ville, was sold Sat urday. The exact identification of the interests that have acquired this property has also not been determin ed but it is generally believed that it ia the Norfolk and Western interests. It is believed that the. Norfolk and Western are seeking and outlet to the eacoaat atSouthport. ; The Durham Edcnton and Reidsville. Ui. XX. Cray Tlaa r i 1. Karfaret CCiwal tU Bmss Xxjle HJZi a r.; The piano eoote wl, rh km eoodaetod by the I via Drug ta. t. past two weeks eloaed laat s.tt. Ur KA. Gray of the Browa m'iL rec.'4 the piano, having V3,H4 vc4m 1. Hiss Kargsret Caidwell -oi4 .i ' 23L& votes and Mies i i-e-' Eacaera third wit 1. Xi$iuii votes. he contest has been maouqr s;ti mmitUf raw nuiHsuKii i r pus ' chases of goads. aeh araek t r would aaU aome ertaia axuu ea! whieh a boana rote weald he rii am) ia thia way interest .was .1 . alive ail through, the aontcu 4 io -ward tba eioae the eeotesa run niag .close and the frieada fcf S4a made a great effort te eriai i the young ladies lost -they sne.'a i most ereditafale fight ferths price tad came oat losers oa aeoeant of tiia energetie effoita'of thehr rival eon- - testant, was not anry caada a -rj ens personal canvass , but h a strong army of frienda at 'wv r ' r nun. ti s4 also had " , a large field" that was no i . , tie section where be vour j L were, best 'known mm about .ec divided between tbani as. tba rota t i show. But to the victors beLu i l ie spoils and Mr. -Gray neon by reason of the fact that he had the jmoet votes and because he done th uost af fective work. .v ' ' ....1 The contest waa a efteeM ia every way and the management of the drug -store ia highly pleated' with the" pro fi table results obtained by it, . Sammond-Wallace. " A pretty wedding was ' solemnised at the home of "Col." J. B. Wallace, of Eastfield, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when .his his daugbter, Miss Pattie Wallace, became the bride of Mr. Luther .Sammond, of Charlotte. Miss Katleen Hicks, of Charlotte, was maid of honor and Misses Rachael King, of States ville, iZSmm ! rweked Saturday WTr ' rl W r" seeking employment from L.lejegram was-receivea ftRturaay j and to eneoura(re appeals to the.Su-k,,, . ut.: . . veiuuK auuuuiuMiiH Drenie court with Uie sole purpose or n r uAi.;MAn imnnIl.n iV . . .. ..... w ui mnj "ur,u:,?', ""T".' 1 gaining time, 1 believe the nest way ")Ir. and Mrs. G. R. P. Miller of thia '.place, at his home at Alton, 111., Mr. . jCJVllliet'jen 'jpunuay, :inorHui(5 tor iu jhedside. but a letter, received here -yesterday brought the sad intelli- I; death &8' caused by complications Sjansing from-an operation lor appen- fdicitia. - . Mt. "Pleasant notes- with pleasure ithe return of Rev. N. B, Richardson i to thia circuit fot soother- year's out of town, may obtain a room for 25 cents a night. to.prevent such crimes as this is to gtone at Kristopher street and Wav punish them i adequately, . certainly, er,y p,ate. WR8 bnilt especially for speedily,. Therefore the judgment of Uhis murnose bv Miss Sarah Switeer. the Circuit court Of Lheaterheld WlU . WMlth woman and nhilnnrhrnnist. be carried into effect without inter ference from me." and Ruby Howard, of Charlotte, were li-j o.n. r I bridesmaids. The eroom ws attend- ne new moaei ox tremendous Dig having its Unes extended to eonnectlu y f. ueavy engiapa neing miroaucea anaiwith Jhe Kaleigh and Southport at I j m'lTT. iiut n th SnniUmt, . b.-i. l ii tt .i I Wallace and Clifford . Wallace w too heavy for th track , equipment, county The Durham and South Cart groomsmen. Miss LoU SappenAeM "A few powerful" engines, "he said, olina ftakes connection at Durham Vyti the Nodding inarch m Jaat "lithirty-seveA driven by Kinney with the Norfolk and Western which "ffore the i ceremony Mr. h.d. bher- k,, .u j- i . ti. tt: I rill, of this eitv.'sane a solo, ine hniu-v uto PniimSn . inn .wKi.. t l. j o.il .v I Mniiioiiv waa Derformea by ttev. jar. at break-neck sebedulos.1--at - some the lint ennnMtinr with' the Rnlei?h I Hood. The following tfront this city. ana- oouuiponrmr-we b.mhii t -Vyif ' m Mp"Ala "V Wallace, Lutber Three Wrecks in as Many Days oa : the Danville Division. It. is said in railroad circles that when a road has one wreck it is work tner OTBICTes of the line are being I Sou thTwrt. the Norfolk and Western used to supplant the less heavy en-1 would have a direct -line from Lynch gines of two years ago, which waa I burg toward Southport as far as Fay about two years ' after the entire letteville, by way of Durham. Some trackage between Danville andH time ago, a prominent Durham at Greensboro was practically madtorner who is connected with the new. '"5"''-"'',-': " I Norfolk'' and' Weatem weni to South- "It takes not only a brave, but a (port and quietly acquired a large part desperately brave, engineer, such as J of the land fronting the harbor, whieh waa Kinney, to be trusted with these lis said to be the finest In the world, powerful engines. ' I No details of the acquisition of-the Now the trouble is, and you 11 1 nronertv nor any intimation as to the Miss Switser.f who lives 210 Rest re " ar wne' n ucn a purpose 01 tne acquisiuon m oeea rTeventy-ninth street,, refused yester- Penaous weigm, aaaea 10 tne aaa- given out ine same wurna.n a.ior day to discuss her new enterprise, but H fM! ' ?ty o, eJghty mile ney has been prominently Wenhfled Irving H. Bower, secretary of Wie Pu " fF r I l , I ... 7, "' board of directors, said I malte P I098 at otne' points, the least I within the past few days,, and there The chief idea of the hotel, is oaen ' n mane now smaii, on seems 10 oe some urge ucmiiu if- would I J. F. Honeyeutt' SherrilL Dr. J. W. Sappenfield and Charley Krider and Miss Lola, iSappenneid. Every Traia BatnJrat te . - - LaxlMtoB. Lexington, Nor. 15. The boarS'ot ,' aldermen aprang a braod new tdea in railroad legislation .last night when they passed an ordinance, to take ax- feet ttoeanoer 15r which not only re quires the Southern Railway to stop every train at Cotton Grota erossiog, but provides tba anar te train -naa been brought to a standstill the flag- man shall run ahead and took up sad down the road to see if anyone is ap proaching the crossing. Failure te perform these rites and eeremoniee will be punished by a fine of $50 for each and every offense. The railroad may avoid compliance with these re qnirements by building a bridge at the crossing, or by k-eping a watea. man eOTstantiywduty there to warn drivers of the approach of traias.- ,: Mr. H. M. Weir, ef Asheviue, form- erly-of Concord, was recently adjudg ed a bankrupt t The creditors will , meet in Asheville November 88th. L M. Sandlin, the Wilmington wife murderer, will be eleetreeated at Ral eigh Friday, December 15th, . i alt a cost of $150,000, m a ' s J - y r closely foUowed by two more. There ? Cbronicle: It is no cption to thkyafeia tba ,ferloMe AriAniA fir mm nnuinern nauwnv uur-1 swm-w . ' .... i am i r ... - . II , 1 i)..J J . 11. Mr. Jas. . Hamnger receiveo an n.i. unnii' ,mnm imr. in provwea ior tacn irueat. I"" "UJ -v.m: " . t -t.i.. tv mnnA in T arm Monday while ZZZ?"'ZZZL w T'nil '. - . trains along about the same time each wui maKe tne new roau so butchering a beef for a neighbor. Th. flan.. f Tt All year, snd almost invariably of a cold T, Tmmm Ran MeAllister and Cecil IT k. -I,. . !,. I . . - - I morning following a spell , of warm t L.-T.-U.-Jt 1- th.MnrSM f . -7 .T7,-?- wuaasnoro unromeie. ' rainv fall davs. especially of th. iiT M.m-fnv . three vear neriod. iT.ti !Ui"" I f Our good fnend, Congressman Southern through, trains, , between ton, -will no doubt be surpris-1 Reidsville and Greensboro, at about f. Uncle' Sam for a three year period, following this ten freight ears and an""!. fi They, left Monday for the barracks p,, of aboMe, took to the woods r?T st Columbus, O. v .. - yesterday afternoon between DryJ" " r .The Stars and' Stripes are now . i. -. . H al -i . fnoaiing in au ineu- gny irom ww ramnarts' On College ' Hillr teaching j young minds and hearts love, valor, $ patriptism and reverence for the dear ii. old "flag 'of bur forefathers. ' t Miss Ethel Gnann, of Stillwell, Ga., arrived Tuesday to enter the aopho- Ik more class' at. the Seminary. Fork snd Chatham, Va. J 't ,f, ll ' II .1 , ,t, ' .' To Bare the Babies. Chicago, 111., Nov. 16. The Ameri can Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, which waa orranued several years ago at a meetinir in New Haven, assembled " ZZ a ititiZ. , j the Hotel LS Salle in tnis city to- Th. comedy, "Miss Fearless and . vhat promiges to be tympany, !-""" - the most notable and profitable meet weeks ago, will be Prd h ing In its history. Beore an adjourn Mont Amoena Dramati-Club inAl- fa heJ wjt gatnrd(iy it ta nemarie rnaay. evem..K. ... expected plans will hsvs been eora- tTfflrffi ffi foaa.tL.wide e.mpaiV to """A""? - 7 ' " save the Uvea of4.be babies, week i I 1 . The regular quarterly xaminnnona yjistribaU Immigrants. . B 4 Washington. C Nov. .10. How vmi: . . . -' I " - t. . ; learn that he is the cause of the 1 aunrise each morning, ia that thia pais decrease in the price of cotton, but tioular heavy through passenger flyer such is the' distressing ease.- One of ferrets out the weak spots, actually your uncle Sam JoneaVhill billies" testing the strength of thephy8ioal who didn't get out of his hole when condition of the -road twice a day I Sam was here several years ago has I during the year, and it stands to norated it around that the' election! reason that under thee atmospheric of Bob Doughton to Congress caused I conditions, once or twice a year, on all the trouble-about ootton. ' He says I such a moraine the heavv fivine nas- that Congressman Bob's neighbors I semrer train findsr or makes a weak are great cotton growers and that old spot, and it's all dennls with some-1 man uoo iiaa tne price run qown soibody." . t H be eouia buy it up ror-notuing. uon-i gressman Bob might as well plead! To End Tribal Gorernment. gumy, sucu arguiuenv as mai. can I ' McAlester, Okla., Nov.UB. At Si be refuted. . - ... . ,,, Jmtin tndnv.mf Jeadins- men of the t).i. vrr.- n.A t...,.i,. IChoetaw Nation a memorial; was Other People Wanted Preachers. , n aaamaaa to abolish I Too ' . ' . I their tribal gover$mentf W sell the Charlotte Chronicle. I surface of the segregated coal sod Methodism in Concord is served by I asphalt lands and to. distribute the : --. " ' . i.d-' i...j in 1ivrt the lar tins nf immiirrav.1 . .CW frlSrLlt'S AatsrlcaaAppldCoagrW ,; n??iS.""a? " v"'" v Un the lanrest cities is then rahtom' ; t' " M nv Denver, Cpio, Nov 16,Th. n-i.Hii.i. " "--t. i... . i. ti. - ki I new wies seni in, lnore was a swap .i f The -Southern : Conference or tne " r m - i"" at e8h pulpit. North Carolina E. U Synod will meet pn here today by Federal and State " iu the Lutheran church bare this imuiiKrauon uluu.i.... ; Dmu morning. A number of ministers, tha West are particularly well rep- delegates; end visitors are on hand, resented at the conference, which will continue its sessions over tomorrow. an- meeting snd t exbibitioa of the American Apple Congress got under way here today with an attendance i Wants to Know "How Corns." lof deloirates and visitors, from nearly Charlotte Chronicle. , J ' ery section oi we country, ine How comet " Ex-Governor Ayoock, gatsenng. wui eonunue nrougu ine MmiiiiiiU tn mnfohnA Ritntnons. was 1 remainder oi ma weeaw i in Concord vesterdav. on railroad bus-1 - ' " 'A The influence of t A good breakfast Lasts all day. With body nd mind in poise- Swinging along smoothly, Work becomes a pleasure. Brain and Nerves depend - ; ' Much more on food f ; ' Than we are apt to suppose. ' , When it is easy to digest : ; ' And contains the right kind . , Of nourishment, The healthy brain will ' , , Respond to all demands. : fe2-t!LlS MOTIONS r Pretty Jabots, side frilia, the latest i I ' ' ' ' i...-..25c, 33c and Z04 Large Macrame Collars for coats, in white, creani and acruU.- tl.25, up ;Nice New Novelties tin Jewelry Pin Sets ' ; and Belt Pins 25c and 50c '; One lot of Jewelry Special at10c and ISc Qordort I and JEconomy - Hosiery for all the family; FOOD and by the ,hour, for opening arrives, a full attendance is expected. bUckamith shon , in the rear af Hickory, Nov. W.--runeral sen ness. ; Aiso,,rnvate eecreiary nans u was ut. iira f-eoiue, juijwai Hfnui' liverv stable. Mr. CtiSrles 1 ees oi Us v. J. v. 4losar,.i. u., were was mere, msvue vu uiw a uow u. wilkesboro vuromoie. n... Rrnwn will have chares of the shop l held yesterday morning si noiy i nn-1 vtawa ouys more uais wm gum wi uoneord eannoi longer Drag ox oe-i v "7 church by rastor J. it. vv annor i more oincrem places io ouy . utem ing tbe only pebble. Charlotte also I aj. luiiiuA i vnnii puj iuM w , w r , . v.. . luaa a trouvjrieiH env snjs vuivu- -Antwv1fraa (1. E. and Ci M. Crowell. of maker, sssited by Revs. C. Concord, were visitors here Sunday, lend W, A. Deaton. Misa Myrtie Fiaher, of Salisbury, A tremendous crowd was out t The Aiortn Carolina uapiisi oiaie i. i;tim relatives here. . nav respects to this grand msn. In 1 Convention wiu meet at winston-sa- K, v. a 1 Mrs. L. D. K.ller went to tbe death of lr. Moser tbe enuren nas lem iwcemoer o-iu. in. etat r;aiis Nina Nnsman . and Ifuth I . ! '.Msnheimer, of Concord, are swi l- F""o'a nrchsnts have got- v- Here. :, . The Lumberton Kobesomsa says I One of the most 1 that in commenting on the report of I liV g I JUrS. ll. U. Al.lier WCn V IOC UrSVU OI ll Mum! Vll. VUUIVU UW llflll l-swnuinri v-w. wuv -M 'vjn - v irk.ry 4'ondny to attend the fun- lost one of its most biilliant men and important things that will come be- the grand jury, Judge,, Carter said at ' i s of an uncle of Mia. Mil- the family a, loving husband i and fore the body will be tha falsing of that "in- Robeson county, wtk its ;. 4 - - '. ' father. '"'''- ' J $100,000 endowment t for .Meredith 50,000 inhabitants, there have -been College st Raleigh continued on the more homicides during the' past five raisins- of thia SIOO.OOO ts S gift of I years than have occurred in the Do- 1 from Mr. John D. Rockefel-lmihion of Canada with its 6,P""',"0 Contains the true elements , Prom wheat and barley. . Including the phosphates (Grown m the grain) v Required by Nature in Rebuilding the tissue .cells ? i , Broken down by i - ' " . ' l . Dally wear and tear. f . . ' ' Acre's a Hts roatum Cereal Company, Lim;f"T. v...-, r -. i -. New Long Kid' Gloves, Black, White and . an. . . - c " i '' V - " i . f ' 2-Button Kid (lloves, all colors and every ; pair guaranteed t . $1.00 tl.50 . vv' Nice Assortment of Walking and Driving . Qloves. ,.;4 ! V'' ' f! 4' 1 mmmmmmmmmmmm tmmmmmmmt . . New lot ,of , Royal - Worcester and BomTca Corsets, priced r-lI.C0 to tr.CO Forest Mills Hand-finished Underwear izr all the family. " . , - LET. US SHOW; YOU Ga ' Ha I?.. I angle, of Concord, 1 Hint i. X