Hi I, t t,f v ji, '( . W. H..,ly. V.s - e f I! Uh- ke. . i . C I T. (I. W. V!,ij-!-.y. f :!. i . . :'." 11 i, 0, s I ,.ul. -v. Vr. f . ft)1 4 V V. ' i '. ! ! . i ! f , Ml S. v ,.o i t f, c i ! I ' ,mi,l work t !. n h- .u,-,!-.'. -i. 1 r 1 "s .! i.l it i S : : ;. c. r . ' V ' -i ( : V. 1 t' t V n, i J. S'.d , ! I T. L. A. y s P, 1-s 1, 1 .1 j i .rysanthe .-oroery n-he. i i e i i .e receivimr ! t i ;,e 'i her Mm ('. I.. v. if. Mrs. J. r. ('. i . .1 v. i:i.im ; . ... s i and Kisses. I.etue L-.m. Mm and h. ( f . li ' ! Miuiig sanihut ; s, i. ".-(1 ; mid minis. From the din- i tlie guests were na-1ierI to ii room by Mrs. R. K. l.'mck. i is poured by Misses A il lie ary Bingham and Adeline ?l. " .:.!, reeopt ion was el opantly np ! in every way and proved one must delightful social events S"son, , to I'D I s gone to '.cr. .' r. . r un- C. i r .j:..y County Sews, mns'le Enterprise. - . over Thompson is again oporat .i.ir linotype, bnving survived his i for a serious attack of ap . .s.. We. are find to linve him i . " vnin. " .. . - . . .. ii. T. Rowe and children, of ( visited in the home of her!,,al tonr ,mbrn' Mrs. Ida M. Bostian, -while t . i ove attended conference at .' . i s. X. R. Richardson and dntih- !. y.iisg Morris, of Mt. Pleasant, c guests several days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. II.. L. Norton the -l week. ; .James B.. Palmer, of New London, w..-i married in Iiexinglon yesterday to ' s Lena Cii-imes. daughter of the v ! noun rollor mill man who man- i.:. .re "(;t; ,.h' i..st." T i. J. P. I-niim and litlht son -. me at J,.lnis l',.i ! ins I'.inl- A mi t eniMn1 " ;u.r I Kx-(!ov. Avr. l!uncnn Irtt I. -' in Raleigh. Mis Ruse 1 from f-nl.-liir --, vihiting frieti i. -. ' Mrs. M. C, ' viHif insf Mrs. ,:.. turned to her li Senator L. T. i from Kki;!i, v spoiiding geie.,.i al business bifi.i i Mr, Kay P.t night fron Son he hog been. wo Educational Con months. Rev, J. J. Eii.l-i left Ihis morning for Lenoir, where lie will preach Sun dnyat hia. new charge. Mr. Eads will return to Conoord before be moves his family to Lenoir. ' .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsay Ross re turned this mon. from their bn- visits to Wash Ilartford, Conn., Iphia, . Richmond r. and Mrs, V. J Mr. E. C. ; for their hoin.f . s lias returned e she has been ' '- oi who has been . Ritchie, has re ft in Charlotte. t I sell lias ret iirtied -re lie has been vi on profession- .e Supreine. Court. u returned last i Carolina, where for the Home ny or several inirton, New Yo I!nlliiiiore, Plnhi and Norfolk. The I" if Bntler. , East Carolina '. .tkly. The piintius; and circulation in the ylule at this time tf Ma- n B-i'ler's iiiie.i-nnu speech, win -. ...iver el , in ltuleigh about i .enr a to in nl.iih JJtiller 1'uil, i.f 1 choice ahuso at ri'i' and veriuon and et!ili u'ls, should have hut i tae minds of Un o are so iii!fint"'fl , ' f ' f'.V M- 11, . :.i L ia.'iU JVl- .'i s ii.,r., in, i 1, j;s pivnuifl iii tlicir minds lot all time 1 tout he wid he soon the nolitii-al hatred of Mmuoi 4lnller in North Carolina. ii..,; .'.. j t i.( i ' . . I J .i I 1 t at I" to I I .'ii A ucu is i : r . ) A" i 1 ' lv 1 .. 1 I . . I ' 1 ...e i.. n h i 1 l " ) t f'l l t I; ,i if ! . f r b i I 4 ..! U i I.e. - f , - -t of :... 'i c, I III 'l ( . 1 ' I I . t i . a r . ii 1 1 "Vill. I . s t.-nt it i 1 I I r v e pprHon to h-n.i ; i,.r i ' cr t' to he returned la k.od lit I . :s is a barter, iiuvalent to a . and is in violation of the pro ition I..MT of the Btate, " . , T-i a p.;,' ! hultle late Thumlay iH.ii on t outukirts of Brevard 1 I'puty h i.i n.T Tisnch Paxton. of T-.ii- i-. ."iia eiu!iiy, shot and in- l:.ir y k..:.d Ircy Eirod and bndly wouQilcd his father, Thomas LI rod Tlie oilicer was painfully hurt and bruised by the attacks of. the two men, whom be was endeavoring tc arrest. -.J- ". ; i.--.- -'. Ross French, kn Indian twenty-one years old, is to be electrocuted in the penitentiary on the 24tb of this month tor murdering Miss Ethel Bhuler in Swain county early in October. French's asred grandparents, who are old-time Cherokee Indians, have ask ed Warden T. P. Sales to issue passes to them that they may see their grand son pnt to death. i ' , The most notable achievement to the credit "of any farmer of David son eonnty is that of Mr. P. D. Finch, of Lexinpton township, says the Dis patch, who made 158 bushels and 45 pounds of corn on one acre of ground this year.- He thus beats the record of Mr. IL J. Conrad, of Thomasville township, who made 10$ bushels on one. acre last year, the best yield on record up to the record of this year. - X'ie latest is a suit brought ' u, GTeensboro for $3,000 against the Standard Machine and Boiler Works in that eity for damages caused by tlie noise Of the works in using their air drill hammers in bradding rivets on Iviilors. Mr. Andrew Joyner,vof censhoro, writes that if it is held .it damages can be recovered be of noise the iron machine fac- ' v ' ' shut i:ii l.f. I ."e r ! '-!' I.f r 1. A the ftu.U . I at oi.'v of 1 ' t. 1':: i t i .t at 1 ... dii t0 hulim niice I e r. jxk u,n r uuHttcis s to l, r ii r- K'UMtee r ' t i j t r -i ? i.t1,,, 'i i a ' 1 ,r t' c '. ; t Se sre d-sM.rateIv In ear I road aii J iiicy arc 1 t! - ..h sition without d.-liale or i)m .n. ljist nij.'ht a majority of the f i. . w of the town had signed tue p. rve meHt. t While Mr, Ihtncan wonH not jmimise us the road as a ti - r of fact, yet lie held up some n.i.. I'.ic pr, i wta. It Bow looks like two roads instead of .one. That Mt. Pleasant ia'poior to have a railroad in the not. far distant future is be yojid a doubt. 1 - . f ; Mt. IPeassnt, C Nov. 17, 1911. Last Horn Show In Madisoa Square f ' Garden.-. .. . Now, York, Nov. 17. New York's twenty-seventli . annual horse show, which is to open tomorrow, will have more than unusual si 'iiificancc, foi it will be the' last of these famous gatherings in Madison Square Gar den. For a -.sentimental, reason, if for no other,, the management J has planned to make the show this year more brilliant rthan any of ite; pre decessors in. order that, the farewell to the old home may liternlly be made in a blaze of glory.- One feature that will -contribute largely to the success of the event is iht imposing array of prizes that have been olTered, their total value being fully $10,000. But what will add as much" as anything else to the success of the show will be the array of foreign military o0i cers, who will compete with 'officers of the United States. Army. Three American army officers, one English and one Canadian officer will jtidjje the military events. The Americans are Lieut. CoL. David ' S. Stanley, quartermaster's department; Cant. J. 0. Long, cavalry instructor at West Point, and Mai. II. J. Allen, of the senoral staff.' Lord Decies, who're- y married , Miss Vivian Uwild, v '.'I rc-n-cuotit the E srlish armv and vi'l re; ..out S at 1 r. . 1 n I J.ltH 1 -1 f, net s. . ,.i found i' t t iu.pr. t. At r ? i. ! i inn i; ..-if:. sere i, I, , of hit !! !, ter and n milk. Iii a ... children are ta it it .a a i t t t Gay nor F .1 ' t . x i t: a r , x New York, Nov. 13. " '" nir welcomed to Ktw o . members of the Plate 1. Women 'a eluhs at tV r f convention yesterday and t sion to chide them tor too in working for n ' Tins a . notal.ly woman su.,,.s -n. I that he o po- 1 wo i t conced. J I t t .'ti. " I i t lot when t iy vii ' 1 it. "The n.on are p- t ); t it away from ji.i," 1 .. 1. question is w h' r j a . experience is 1 t tn i of the wo'nen w I it." Venus Unadi -i" 1 1 Charlotte, N. O, 1 :.- mibluhhiiifly a- pi t. 1 in I. light here this niornim' and i Krcat sen.sation amor ; t. .. people who witncs,l t' I marvel. She was f , r i: i and beautiful St ban ever 1 ' ing to the oldest iii'o.' appeared about three d 4 tlie waning moon and 3.J -of the sun. .: i The iiglit of the famous i beauty in the daytime cui " ewiteruent iiin vh t. u. ire oiitcrt lined fullv to normal health. Rev. Ceo. II. Crowell, president of '.he K.'ndcrson-Brown College at Ark i l. 'pliin, Ark., occupies ' the front n of the October 17th issue of " i-.e Oracle," published by the col ic :o. X nice two-column half-tone cot is given of the handsome presi-J.-iil. and the collci'e is felicitating As a coriespoudent in the Charlotte Observer pointed out in an article in that paper last week, there caii be no doubt that this document is now be ing circulated in the hope of injur ing Senator Simmons -es of uo ceediug himself in the LI. S. Eenate. Every Democrat knms 1 perhaps upon having Dr. Crowell as its will never forget, he poiiUcal his- io by Marion lititler, and we also know that there is no Democratic suileiiman in tlie Klnte who can write the history of iiut'.Ti,m ami illu-. 'e it so well as homitor Simmons, f. r this reason our fen.-ilor inherit-, tii) evexlaating '..,fict of the Sta'te's c...,nipion des iHiilcr. 'Use receiving by any Democrat in .mill t arolina of any ; fed docu ii. .t containing any l ion But-lit-'s siM-erhes or v , . tliotild be ' ' 'i as an insult i 1 4 llcd from i' .i as Itliey youl.i .1 the vilest ji'i 1 n.i.-t repulsive !. t. Crowell went from our.torv in this State n . 1. 1 . ;. . a i, . I i , ii'.'i lie is one oi: ine lorcmosi lo.s now of the Wct. , y t : i Cone to ,V7 '.e. a, J ov. 1G. I'very newcomer ..mi "i io.v the n'ounliiin" is in .in d of o ! nastly as to t!,e pro" e 1- w 1 i.in and Allcjiany raiii t ' -Tito srrnding is hi . i ami the company e-- j t i,) ' r trains to tin-! i i. i 1 . i.si o by December . 'i - i I f the diMasoc I i ' luid El'.in, tl.c i i i , s of importance, j 'Hi- . ; f real ctute ) ,. , ...n ! as a r alt of the rumors I !' a riuii- 1 ) i i he built to f1', r i, hut I' vi I j ..t to s.ig h. ''ci .is ! i" i-i i i..did. Tin -' in. is of I ' . of a; jiles, rxitatn. 4 will I . .11 iinay in t j nn!y t,.i . . ; . r l.n k of a n - ! r re 1 -r 1 r's in- I f 1 -i li , ! et. i imi i 1 iiig ctv . . i i ' s c .only Bull r - : i 's down day a big barn on Mr.NLee Alliert son'a farm east of Statesville waft blown down and Mr. Alliertson, his son and little daughter, who were in the building at the time of its destruc tion, were hurt. Mr. Alliertson has a broken ann and is otherwise lnjuied, his son, Samuel Alhertson has wonnds on the back of his head and arm, and little Pauline Alhertson is hurt about the face and hips. , ' been soloihl lor ine t-cond I'u:-. y terian church in Charlotte for some months, has resigned her position and. expects to leave at once for New York where she will studys voice. itary coiidiiions isi l eries is revealed by at.' vibited, 80, per cent were l has no til.. m.i.ucs today " to influence -i iy selection ol 'i. and his i i i brongh on d of Sent, 'y knows 'because t '(.il sche - i- itton poi - ,it. - that V t iuimons t l..r the f i Ninth Caro- "ccially in a is in their ..i, .tio can : at this -Localise of nous, anil ' hates the : "tot foiled i I run him 1 ii- thoils out i ul'.or haCes i ii"i.. .e our a thousand Randolph I'acon Schools Stay Denom inational ' ' Salihbury, Md., Nov. iftV-At to day's session of the annual confer ence of tlio Vn-gmia conteience oi the Methodist Episcopal church, i south, it was decidod that the Uan-dolph-Macon schools should lemain denominational instead of being plac ed under the Cirnegie fund.; Kev. Jame Cannon, chairman of the spe cial coinmiMee apiM)int4 at the last confcren.e submitted a 'proposition deciiled on at a joint meeting, of his committee with a similar committee inmi the Baltimore onference and Randolph-Macon bonrd . of - trustees. This promotion was to the effect thai whenever a vacancy occurred in the board of trustees , no- member bhould bo appointed without his api poin'tment. toeing confirmed by some everning body of ' the Methodist piseopul church, South. This action ,h iinanimoMsly adopted by the eon-n-ce After tho vole was taken imp Kilijo, the presiding oltioer, '' Education is nrtt a sister cf reli sio i, lint a child. We want religion in our schools anil education in our (ilimches." - .-.. ' . - -. t U 1 t r i-iib t . tevpri' r Ilokc in his ! ' n I - ..!e, 1 a; eu! f An r of on ti . avt i ' on!.! , i f (!c Pitt, i . ,'-; 1 i U v ' i J v . : : IS OURS: No two pairs of feet are exactly nor dj try t pairs develop alike. This explains wliy we carry so t CHILDREN'S SHOES, j .' - We want-tb give each pair cf LITTLE m.T a . V i -r r- t r ' !, j so nearly made specially for t'.em, t" t no r can come to the CHILD'S Lit. It i Lasts and Leai3ers in almost e The chili whose feet we f t f v T.l 1 -ve v v"l forrred f.-' f - 'i , lie t ! f t;

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