I . Irwitti w & B. shbbbii i, i 4 rn Sis M Tare Moata OM Mo Ik kM Wannest k rlise na tan OaO? Tll ertB nrrvallt On Month Rls Moat ha Twnlr Mentha -I -tV . l it. . a.. r Ak mousj cwMawr. Advertlslne- Talaa eaa b had at th Cony Cor caaas ninst a w J Ik Mk - . Card of Tun KB. mtnuwi oc ne- let mad alml Irallar artieiee are cwih at th rata of I oaaU par lla k-ia Kataraa aa aeeoad elaaa mall matter April It, Ills, at th noatofllc at Coa enrd, H. Cm mader th act of March L llf. Arrival sf Trains at Concord. SOITTHBOI'ND. NOBTHBOl'NO. Ma. 1 1:1 a.m. No. 4:1 a.m. No, 45 .U a,m. No. 17 1:21 a.m. Na. 11 10:10 a.m, Na. 1 1:4 p.m. No. IS p.m. N 41 t:4S a.m No. tl 4:1 a.m. Na 44 :45 a.m Nx. S 11:05 a.m. No. 4 1:4 p.m. No. 1J :41 p.m. No. r-.H No 11 1:1 lfi. No. SO 11:M p.m. ALL TRAINS STOP AT CONCORD. JOHN MU OGLMSBT. .City Bdttnr Coneord, N. C, Deeembe 13, 1911. We have received from the Dr. Miles Medical Co, of Elkhart, Ind., an advertising proposition which very generously proposes to give us fifty pounds of news ink for the insertion of a six inch advertisement one year. As we can buy the ink for $2.73, and as 'the advertisement once a week in The Times would cost them $46.82, or in The Tribune once a week $31.20, we didn't strike a trade. It is al most inconceivable that there is a sin gle newspaper publisher in the United Sta'tes, so far lacking in business abil ity, not to say self respect, as to ac cept such a proposition as this, and yet, there are many who will do so. The Chamber of Commerce of Greensboro on Tuesday sent to Mr. E. C. Duncan, of the Norfolk South era railway, a teleirrani offeiing to co operate in anyway possible iu bring ing the line of his road to that city. The News says if necessary the peo ple of Greensboro will vote $100,000 for the Norfolk Southern. Greensbo ro and Concord are 'the only cities in the state which have only one line of railway, and both are determined to end such an unenviable condition. PARAGRAPHS. The traveling men of the country want to abolish the tipping nuisance. If they succeed perhaps more of us can afford to travel. One reason that Castro's activities seem so scant may be that he is do ing his own typewriting. The London man who can afford to pay $20,000 for a Bible probably needs one. Speaker Clark believes in Santa Claus. Expect to get anything in your stocking, CbampT a Once more the United States is pa- troling tne Kio Urande. This time it is not called manoevering. The Big Cotton Crop. Charlotte Chronicle. Texas has already ginned the rise of 4,000,000 bales of cotton and it .is altogether probable the yield of tbat state will go a quarter of a mil , lion more. The government's report of ginnings of nearly 13,000,000 bales, would seem to indicate crop of over 15,000,000 bales, and .. with this big crop and low prices, the South is in a bad way. What is to be done T The New Orleans Pica yune, always wise counselor, sug- : gests teat tne thing now of most in- terest is how to dispose of this im mense yield at profit. The entire crop' cannot be sold profitably in a Tsar " nth A4. . l.. A few months, even if the needs of the : world for twelve months could ab- sorb it all. The proper policy is to hold back as mack of the balance of t, the erop as possible and to make . . preparations to plant judiciously next spring. At present prices there ' is sure to be greatly increased de- i mand for eotton and the staple V also certain to be used in many in dustries that have avoided it while it sold at high prices. Ones eonvine ) ed that the prices have touched bot torn the mills of the world will not only buy eagerly for present require ' menta bat will bay as mock as they ' can earry for future needs when, as ,- is inevitable, prices will again ad 's roue to higher level. The eon--.- sumption of eotton eloth is bound to materially increase in the near for t ture, and after some years a erop , wthioh now look largo will barely : suffleo to meet requirements. ' aTicK Brum1 roB mirnvMATigM. Oeorr W. Kaon. Lawton. Mlelu. mn.ru: lir, Datrkaaa Relief (or Rkn nutters baa Riven mr wire wonderful vi tntit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had to b lifted for ' two mouth, bhe bes-aa the na of the rmiMf and Improved rapidly. On Vnndv th could not move and en Wednesday ah sot up, dreased herself and walked out to hreakfaiit." Bold by Xi. U lurib, draggla Mouth UnU sirC Dr Saata Clans: Dtis fetter to Too ia aaat T toll yob I nit a Isdias taut ; For th httl teaU I doat ear fig. So plea, Mr. Saata, bu it good Am1 bjy. Why not just fill this teat with toys? Of tb kind yea give food girls and boys And note and oranges and froita and eaady, 0 Santa Clans, that would b dandy My sister can't writs liks this, So I'm writing, so thst you 11 not Bringing her a dull, bed, dresses and trunk And all other things of a little girl's junk. Say, I know you're not one who your duty shirks, So fill up your bag with popping fire works. TOM 3 AY COLTRANE. Dear Old Santa Clans: I am a little girl two and a half years old. I want you to bring me a nice doll baby, and a little doll bed and candy and nuts and oranges, and lots of nice things. Your little fn.nd, ANNIE DORIS SOLOMON, Concord, N. C. Dear Santa Clans : I am a little boy seven years old. and I want you to bring me a little air rifle, and some nice little toys. You think a boy ought to have some oranges, apples, cady and nuts. Don't forget my little sister, two and a bait years old. I would like to have a little horse and wagon. From your friend, ROBT. GLENN SOLOMON, Coneord, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a great big doll, one that will open and shut its eyes, and a carriage to rol lit in; oranges and apples and all kinds of candies and nuts. JESSIE GOULA IRVIN. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a tool box. a bicycle, drum, a rocking horse, and apples, oranges, bananas and all kinds of nuts. I will not ask for any more. EPHRIAM JOHNSTON IRVIN. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll, one that will open and shut its eyes, and a carriage to roll it in, and a little rocking chair; apples, oranges, ba nanas, candy and all kinds of nuts. MAY VIRGINIA IRVIN. Dear Santa: I am two years old, but I know about you, and I want you to come and bring me a doll, a rocking chair, a horn and all the eandy and oranges, etc., that you can spare. ETHEL WINECOFF CRESS. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a harp and a little red wagon, full of oranges, bananas, apples, cocoanuts, raisins and cocoanut candy and all kinds of nuts. LEONORA SOSSAMON, Locust, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a sleeping doll and a horn and all knids of nuts, oranges, apples, bananas and raisins. FLONIA BELLE SOSSAMON. Locust, N. C. THIS IS CERTAIN The Proof Tbat Concord Readers Cannot Deny. What could furnish stronger evi- d- nee of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of timer Thousands of people testify that Doan's Kidney Pills cure permanently. Home endorsement should prove undoubtedly the merit of this reme dy. Years ago your friends and neigh bors testified to the relief they had derived from the use of Doan's Kid ney Pills. Tbey now confirm their testimonials. They say time ha com pleted the test. Mrs. W. M. Fisher, 05 N. Georgia avenue, Coneord, N. C., says: "Sines I publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills three years ago, nothing has happened to check my faith in this excellent remedy. I gladly eonfirm my former testimonial." (Stab ment given February 27, 1911) ' The endorsement referred to by Mrs. Fisher was given on January 11, 1908, and was in substance aa fol lows: "I was annoyed by sharp, shooting pains across the small of my back and I hardly knew what caused the trouble. I was also both ered by soreness through my kidneys and finally I decided to try a kidney medicine. I got a box tf Doan's Kid ney Pills at Gibson's Drag Store and half the contents eared me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c Foeter-Hilburn Co Buffalo, Now York, aote agents for the United State. - - Remember the name doaa 's and lake no other. FILES CURED W e TO 14 DATS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to ear any ease of Itching, Blind Bleeding or ProtradJng PUe to 14 dUy. 50. pounca ajtd tout; clam. OshkoaB, WasFoasia, fcas adopted th innaaiinu plaa of rover man L i tieaataB Wet mora of Bbodo Bfead aad SaaaroB Ouggtnbatia of Colora do save aaaoaaeed their iateBtioBS to ratire at 'th end of their present .ma. The first preaMential priraaxy aW toon ha the United States will be hold in North Dakota oa Marek 19, ant Tbe Lotus Club, a non-pa rtiaan po litical orfaaiaakioa of New York City, is to have GorerBor Harmon or Ohio ea ftt guest of honor next month. Next year in the presidential eoo- ventnons of the two domtnuit par ties, Republic so and Democratic, there wll be in each from, 1,00 to 1,070 delegates. Ben F. Caldwell formerly well known as a member of Congress, has made announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor of Illinois. The Massachusetts Socialists mis) succeeded in getting at the November election the three per cent that en titles them to be called a party and to have a place on the official ballot. Presidential preference will be among the matters submitted to the voters of Tennessee at the State pri maries to be conducted by'the "Inde pendent" Democratic party next Ap'il. Like numerous other men who have attained prominence in public life, Joseph A. Taggart, the new Demo crsrie congressman from the Seooiid hstrict. began lids career ss a school teacher. A circumstance unknown "lo the av erage voter of today is that Pennsyl vania was almost as reliably Democratic previous to 18(i0 as it has been robustly Republican since that vear. As a result of the election held last November the commission form of government lios increased 10 per cent in "the United States, measured by the population of the cities adopt ing it. NO. 3 ITEMS. Mr. Mearl B. Benson held an old time fiddlers' convention at Kannap olis last Saturday night. All the crowd was greatly astonished when Mr. Joe Ewart, an one-arm man, of our community was called upon and placed in front off the audience to play a bass violin. He also played some fine cords on the piano. Some good music and dancing was furnish ed by the contest. The winner of the first prize was Mr. Jason B. Smith, the leader of the Gilwood string band. Mr. W. C. Sherrill won the second prize; a Mr. Phillips, of Kan napolis, won the prize for the best bftiijo picker. When the audience was dismissed Mr. Smith was cheer ed and many warm congratulations from all sides for the fine music made by him. The wish of all is to wit ness many more such times in that place. ONE PRESENT. "Best on Earth." This is the verdict of R. J. Howell, Tracy, O., who bought Foley s Honey and Tar Compound .for .his .wife. "Her cose was the worst I have ever seen, and looked like a sure case of consumption. Her lungs were sore and she coughed almost incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound brought relief at once and less thaa three bottles effected a complete cure. Sold by M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Of the sevaral Democratic leaders who are being discussed for tho pres idential nomination the oldest is point of yeara is Governor Harmon of Ohio, who will be 66 next Febru ary. Representative Underwood is in his fiftieth year, Wood row Wilson is 53 and Speaker Champ Clark will celebrate his 61st birthday next March. Where they Locality Does Not Count Wherever there are people suffer ing for kidney and bladder ailments, from backache, rheumatism and urin ary iregularities. Foley Kidney Pills will help them. Belvidere, HI E. A. Kelly, an ex-engineer, says: "Three yeara ago my kidneys became so bad that I wa compelled to give up my engine and quit. There was a severe aching pain over thehips, followed by an inflamation of tb bladder, and always a thiek sediment Foley Kid ney fills made me a sound and well I cannot say too much in their praiae." Sold by M. L. Marsh. Newton IX Baker, who recently elected mayor -of Cleveland by too large plurality of 18,000 m now being discussed by , Ohio Democrat! a candidate to succeed Harmon, To make the race for governor he would bave to resign aa mayor, since hia term in tho latter office doe not expire vatil January 1, 1914. With tlw Coming of Middle Ac There is a letting down in the phy sical fore often shown in annoying aad painful kidney and bladder ail- men ta and urinary irregulannea. Fo ley Kidney Pills are a splendid regu lating and strengthening mediein at such a time. Try them. Bold by M. 1 Marso, uruggist. Without opiates or baneful drags of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops Bought and cure eolds. Do Bot accept any anbstitoe. Sold by M. I Marsh, Druggist . TBXM SAT1 XV HXSTOKT. IX - liU Mary, Quota of Scots eamij od bar father, J anas V. 1545 First saaaioa of the CooaeU of Treat, whose decisions are ro eetvad as the standard of faith, morals aad discipline ia the Roanaa Catholic thnrea. 1560 Duke of Sully, ehief minister or Hoary IV. or rraaea, bora. Died ia 141. 1612 New Zealand discovered by Taamaa. 1784 Dr. Samnel Johnson, the noted lixieographer, died. Bora September 18, 1709. 1816 First savings bank in the Unit ed States opened in Boston. 1800 Earl of Aberdeen, British prime minister, died. Born in 1784. 1862 Federal army of 100,000 men under General Burnside made a series of desperate bat un successful attacks on Freder icksburg, Vs. 1898 Sir William Vernon Harrourt resigned the leadership of the Liberal party in England. 1905 First elections held in the Pro vine of Saskatchewan. WAS SICK THIRTY TEARS. Bowie, Tex. The remarkable ease of Mrs. S. J. Etnhrv wtio lives near here is attracting attention, on ac count of her restoration to health af ter many years of suffering. She tells of it in a letter as follows: "During the past thirty years I have suffered grestly from nerv ous troubles and mv health was badly run. down. LaMv I learned of your cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol, and began taking it. 'I have used several bottles and improved so fast tliat I at once rec ommended it to two friends wlho were in poor health. My case was com plicated but Vinol did wonders for me. Every woman who Buffers from nervousness and weakness should tske Vinol ami recover her health." It is plain that a remedy that will overcome a vhronie rundown condi tion Ske this is just what wck and sickly men, women and children everywhere need. If you want to be strong and healthy again, take V inol, on our positive guarantee to give back your money if you are not satisfied Gibson Drug Store, Concord, N. C. Another child in the same hotel has a suite of the same size at the same cost. He is here with his mother from London, where they live, although both are Americans. She has one room in the hotel for her clothes alone. The walls are lined with wardrobes one for her evening frowns, one for furs, another for street costumes and so one and one side of the room is piled high with hat boxes. An Alarm at Night That strikes terror to the entire household is the loud, hoarse and metallic cough of croup. No mistak ing it and fortunate then the lucky parents who keep Foley's Honey and Tar Compound on hand. EL W. Casselman, Canton, N. Y., says: "It is worth its weight in gold. Our lit tle children are troubled are troubled with croup and hoarseness, and all we give them is Faley's Honey and Tar Compound. I always have a bottle of it in the house." Sold by M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Delaware next year will elect a complete 6et of State officials and a legislature which will elecH the suc cessor of United States Senator Har ry A. Richardson, whose term will ex pire in 1913 and Who has always an nounced tbat he will not bo candi date for re-election. Toley Kidney Pills. Tonic in action, quick in results. Will care any ease of kidney or blad der disorder not beyond the reach of medicine. No need asy more. Sold by M. L. Marsh, Druggist. United States Senator George P. Wetmoro, of Rhode Island, who is to retire next year on aceoorfi of failing health, baa been a member of the Senate since 1894, nrith the exception of one year 1907 when bu seat was vacant because of a deadlock in the legislature. Engraved Wedding Inrltationi And Anna&attfaantl .: We bone oar friend will not for get that we furnish the most elegant marriage lavitations and announce ments that eaa be obtained. We hare a book showing a beautiful lino of sample of tho - very , latest styles. wnisn. will be sent to anyone) oa re quest. AH orders are . considered triotly eonfldemtiaL , ff. tat o( OUaa OK at Tales, Frank I. Cheney aaakaa oath that a Is orater partaer of tb arm of f. J. uneoey co eoiag susiaea ia tb City of Toledo, County aad State afore said, and that seld Arm will pay the MB of ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS) for aaek aad every eaa of Catarrh that cannot be eared by th aee of Hall' Catarrh Car. FRANK J. CHEN Br. Bwara t hater m and anbaerlbad la wiy presence, this It day of Ptseaieer, . a sea. , A. W. (TLBAWT! (Saal) ' ' Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cur l takes Inter. ally, aad Seta Slreetly oa th blood ana atueene sarraea f th Sfstssa. Sead for taatlmeeiel free, F. at CH.r.lf ai CO, Toled, a i Sold by all Druaaista, Tie. Take Ball' FaatUr run tor Caaau TJm ear Penny ColamB It Pays IACXWELX. . After liajpNina- about two week or mora, trst from falling aad got- uaf Bar aaoaUer enjotnted aad last ly from pawaamoia, Ms. Mary Fs- paravaa b4 last Moaday ovacucr at Bar boom aboat on sad on kali lea aoatkwoat of this place.- 8k was good womaa and dorotod Chria tiaa aad was well liked by all that know bar. She was 78 years 3 months and two day old aad leave one soa. ooo daughter and one aistaV, aad many friends to moara their loss. The . funeral services took place at Organ E. L. ehnreh last Tuesday at two o'clock p. bu, Rev. H. A. Trexler officiating. Joe Ridenhoor went to Lexiagtoa last Sunday to visit friend. Albert Peeler and J. D. Shoe went to Salisbary on business last Wed nesday. Frank Fespermaa has a boil just above his eye, which baa caused the eye to close, and is not improving very fast. Jim Shinn has sold his store and contents to James Holaooser and it will bo run in the future by Mr. Hoi souser. S. R. Fisher and John Fink, from Cabarrus, were visiting at Thomas RinehardVs quite recently. Samuel Cooper baa begun work on his new residence and expects to have it completed and ready to move in by Christmas. Much hunting is being done around here and rabbits and birds seem to be plentiful. Misses Pesrl and Lilly Goodman went to Salisbury on business yester- dsy. Jackson Bost and wife visited at D. C. Holsousber's last Sunday. SANDY. Seaboard Air Line Christmas Holi- The Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell Christmas rates to all points in their territory at greatly reduced rates, tickets on sale December 15, 16. 17. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, good to return until January 8th, 1912. For further in formation call on your nearest agent or write the undersigned. JAMES KER, JR., T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. M.-P,. LEONARD, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. What are the things he writes f He never wrote a single line SHE COULD SHOUT, SAYS MRS. JOHN W. PTTCHFOBD, OF ASPEN, If. 0. I will alway use Runt' Cur tor Itching- trouble, and tell all I aee about It. I could shout now to know that we are all well ot that dreadful trou ble. The first ot last (all my little boy broke out with some kind ot Itchlns trouble. Thinking hia blood wa bad I auve him a blood tonic but be sot worse, and could not aleep at night. Borne aald ne had itcn. ana tola me what wa aood (or it. I used what people aald would cure It, but nothing did any good. My other two children and myself took the disease from him in January, mil. I saw Hunt cure advertised and I purchased a 60c box. It helped my little boy so much I got box for each of the family, and now we are all well of that dreadful trou ble. Hunt Cur will cur Itch In a hort time If you will go by directions. We had It in It wont form, and used Hunt Cure and w are now all well. Thank to A. B. Richard Medicine Co., of Sherman, Texas, Manufacturer 01 aucn healing medicine. Aspen, if. C. For Sat by Th Qlbson Drug Store. concord w. c A Little Sage and: Sulphur Makes Gray Hair Vanlsh--A fiemedy for All HalrTroubles Wkll JilM nn biu. a 1a. attd solphar for keeping the kalr dark. anrr- mat iiui in evwvi mwiHHami . . . matter of fact, sulphur Is a natural eJ mem m osir, ana a oeilcieney of It ta the Bir I hM h nun aaalm nl.t- Ista to be connected with los of color aao vitality of the hair, . UsquertloB- wy, there la no better remedy for hair and acaln rmnKUn unl.n. matore frayaesa, than sag aad sul- puur, u property prepared. Toe Wyeta Chemical Company ef New York pat an aa Ideal mnarf kk Ll-A Wyettt's Be and Sulphur Hair Bern. mar,, aaa autaonso drafgurts to sell under narantaa thst tkm tii refunded U It fill to do exactly as rep. If oa hire danrinfr na It L.I. ai isuat or mnoi CMt.- ant Knti. .1 this remedy from your druftist tfrday, "re wnat it will do for you. , tbis prepsratioa is offered to the Bnhtie at fifr rant n kM. --J to racoasseBd aad Bold by sQ drarlts. Olbeoa Drai Store, Special Afeala. " tte beat remedy lor IUmobbv fn, sUee, UM mo. s 1 1 a Jnaaa aad Matdsa. Taraet, OoHs, Stnkts, - wakit. Cats, Brats, , Cramps, Nests!!! uaaaba. and all Mtrr. , aad Hosrl Aobee nd rslne, Taesaaaaj s fens' Atk oa sesrr -,..,. and kl U U.SJ 1. MthMkfcObariea 4 of paeksn ad h 1 1 bs I1 ef it Larve brittle. . eanta, and ewd by ta alre ta atedlel .M rnieai or awney r 1 uu-d by Nea h sandy van a aunasaaai, mm MRriESullliYTO DAIEIITIIEIIR 66 n n9 r h grCliSsKMeVCa 1 ' jfm CWsVm MnWns ( ' SiihlBi ientrTeJ ' Come in and take a peek at our English and American Styles for Fall, 0115.00 CaMjPotzei Co. . YOUR PAELOE IS PMDB AS A GOOD H0U8EW1TB. It is the room into which people on whom yon want to make an. lmnru rirar shown. Tonr parlor should therefor bo pretty and jiot oay pretty but impressiTe jt ihonld reflect your best tasto be in fact tho smtror of the rest of yonr horns. . '. Our experience with thoasa&ds of other home hiss nuds a rport in selection of the proper kind of. furniture, rug and other daMrattuu. Ooms in today and lot ns plan together whether it is only cotwendnc on pteot of fnrnirar or a complete room. . , T BIS THE PAEIrOa ITT OITB SHOW WHTDOW. , CBAVEK 3S0S. I'U&NITUBS AHT XJKDEETAKHTfi OOXPAnT : ' ' 'Phons So. 8. . CI J. V. DAVIS. . DENTIST OsVoa over Itarah's Drag 8 tor. ; V- 'PHOOTI HO. 433w Southern Railway Offtri Oreatly Be- daced Kates for th Christmas And New Teat Holidss. -. , On aeepnnt of the Christmas and New Tear Holidays, tho - Southern Railway -will sell tickets at greatly reduced rate 'from all point on it nne. JJate or sale, December 10, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, 1912, with final re turn limit January 8th, 1912. For farther information apply to your nearest agent, or to the under signed. R. H. DEBUTTS, , Traveling fassenger Agt, Charlotte, N. C For Bale A two story, 8 room dwV ling oa Sooth Union street lot 113i 419, Good stable, garden and out buildings. J na K. Patterson. f! Em iicobjo tack CBBuwiB-Blaoe ax- Brasatam that Um trdry clar 1 tM It m Bvery eoeeaioa Aad yeaH bear K a oftem tr the store that srQ doIUr -Beam u row wfll la tM -elotkea iboy. Ear w allow ao mlctprassnUUoa. Oar ulssra knew It trffl cost them their situation to tall roV ntt or OTereoat U all-wool If it 1 aoi hat they ran no risk for we soil Schloss i , Hand tailored of pore wool wiMartil which stand th terir rain and mu test a well as the old reliable eid test. We know 8chloss hand-UQared i .v . . m ... . . uetuBs wiu mi your expectations aad give yon a signed guarantee with t ery garment a goarutee that ha a record of more thaa a third of een tury of satUf action behi&d it to S3Q.Q0. For vStJe. ' Six room cottage on Ayeoek street, outbuildings, good orchard, lot 200z 100 feet, cheap at 1,050.00. t One beautiful building lot on West Depot street adjoining Dr. Herring' resident lot ... , - One building V on Whit street, 85 feet front adjoining J. &, Rat ledge's resident lot L , t, , v ' About one aere with cottage and god barn in Hannanoll anitahU. business. A rare opportunity to in vest in suen aesiraoi property. . JNO. K. PATTERSON. DENnSTHY I am aow la th Morrl Bulldlas. tb Caberrus Bavlnr Pnk. . dr. h. a ESiuasra'' Baltimore Clothes