JL aV !! i. MW am I . M -Ha. fa. HMOUfttM EMU, -ra V-aar n - Moo Ik , , , 14. Twm Maathe . . Li. Om MhU .Ml 0a af ta aat? aa br Mnfli Cm Maat. Aa Moat ha Twelve atoatha muMBVl ASSOlscwaiaHrr. Aevorttara MM eaa b ha a th ca. Cod for ckura Boat in bj M eeleek. a, av Cards at Taaaka. ReeoraMoa of Ro- aaost ana almilar artloiaa ar chargaa at ta rat ot t eeeta pap Una caah la all Bntra4 aa eeeooe elaaa mall matter Vara I. lilt, at tb poatomce at con ear, K, C, aador th act of March t. Hit. Arrival of Trains at Concord. MtrniBOcirD. momthbovnd. Wa, IS I It a-m. No. S 4:1 a.m. No. 44 4 45 a-m No. IS 11:01 a.m. No. 44 1:40 p.m. No. 11 1:41 p.m. No. 18 !: p.-n. No 1110:15 vim. Ha. f it a.m. la. W a-m. No. 11 a.m. Ma. 1 : p.nv No. 16 p.m. N 4S :U a-m No. 11 4:1! a.m. No. 1011:55 p.m. ALL TRAINS STOP AT CONCOR MM oettsiY, . CltT Editor Concord, N. C, December 22, 1911. HO PAPER MONDAY AND TUES DAY. Tb Tribune will not be printed next Monday and Tuesday on ac count of the Christmas oeeasion. Some one will be in the office, both days, however, to wait on any who may wish to pay their subscriptions or transact any other business. There is more tinkering dune with educational methods in this country than with the tariff and the result in both eases is unsatisfactory patch work. Every man or woman with some particular hobby or notion on educational matters seeks to graft his or her favorite fad upon the school system and, unfortunately, they sue- eeed only too' often. At a meeting in Earl Hall, Columbia University, the other night, Dr. Joseph Jacobs, President of the Ameriean Folk- Lore Society, read a paper in which ha advocated some radical changes in tb educational system of this coun try. He advocated that the purely intellectual training of the children be postponed a few years and the time thus "gained' 'devoted to games and fairy tales. He sud, it would be a good thing if children did not learn to read until they were nine years of age, if between fire and nine years the time could be filled with folk-tales, folk-songs, folk- dances, folk-drama and folk-games. The Concord Tribune says taint so that the Norfolk Southern will build direct from ML Gilead to Charlotte and run a spur track to Concord. Similarly, Colonel Phillips discuss ing the proposed route in the Greens bore News says: "The shortest route will be from Troy via Albemarle, the Utter being on an almost air line be tween Try and Charlotte. It would be shorter to go from Troy via Con cord to Charlotte than from Troy via Mt. Gilead to Charlotte." After the newspaper men get through with building this road, the Norfolk South ern people will set to work and see what they can do about it. Meantime, there is no occasion for Concord to be disturbed. Charlotte Chronicle, Bless you, Col Harris, Concord is not disturbed the least. We are let ting Charlotte do the worrying. The faet is apparent beyond ques tion that the only reason that many Congressmen, Democrats and Repub licans alike, voted for the $75,000, 000 pension steal was because they were afraid to vote against it They know and admit that the appropria tion is wrong ant) yet for fear of los ing their jobs they stifled their con victions and voted for a wholesale wasting of the people's money. We re glad to note that eighty Demo crats in the House stood square gainst tb steal, and that every North Carolina Congressman except en is included is this list. t The-attempt-at socieide of Riche Son, tb alleged murderer of Avis linnelL at Cambridge, Mass, which was made Wednesday in a Boston Jail where he k confined, brings to aund on famous expression of Dan iel Webster, as follows ; "There is no escape from confession but sui ts de, and - suicide is eonfeesion." Though Rlcheson is sot known to have confessed, many believe his at tempted anicido was impelled by a eonseienee which gave him no rest Th tnan wbe-writes Gloomy Poetry it sometimes like the fanner who' seo a barrow for a reaper. Tiieaai mi its. .. LH I .T YEW LONDON. vHary Crewsli, of Virgilina, Ve is her for a few days witaAa moth er, Mrs. T. J. CrowelL Mrs. T. B. Boss, of Greensboro, who has been here for several days with relatives, returned home Sunday af ternoon. Miss Bees Lefler left Sunday af ternoon for Greensboro, where she goes to accept a position in the tele phone exchange at that place. Ed. Cotton eame in Tuesday from the A. and M. College at Raleigh, and James Austen eame in Sunday from the State University at Chapel Hill, to spent the holidays with home folks. Miss Fannie Ivey eame in from Durham Friday of last week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ivey. Rev. Scott Owen will preach at Bethel church at 1 la. m. and at Palmerville at 2:30 p. ra. on next Sunday, Decembr 25th. New London Council No. 366, Jr. 0. U. A. M. has secured Rev. Scott Owen, who is a member of Park Council No. 90. at Charlotte, to preach a Junior sermon at the Meth odist church at this plae. Sunday af ternoon, December 31st, at 2:30 p. m. Everybody is especially invited to 1e present and 'bear this sermon, which promises to be something worth hearing. Members of neighboring councils are expected to be present. We have been informed by the road supervisor of the road leading from tins place to Albemarle, that the statement we made last week. concerning the rumor about the con dition of the road is a mistake, and that he had kept the road in as good condition as possible with the about of money allowed him. Dur ing the past week this correspondent has had occasion to drive over this road, and we find it in excellent con dition for this time of year. We are extremely sorry that the people will find fault with a man's work, when he does the best he can. HUSTLER. LOWERSTONE. Mr. Rufus Kluttz, son of G. L. Kluttz, cut his hand very bad last week. Dr. Choate dressed the wound. Messrs. Charlie Miller and George Bost "swapped" horses last week. The Sunday school at Lowerstone raised $41.00 for the Christmas tree. The Sunday school was re-organized last Sunday and the following officers were elected: C. A. Holsbouser, super intendent; John L. Fisher and W. S. Wagoner, assistant superintendents; Jacob Fisher, secretary; Hoy Fisher, assistant secretary; C. M. Fisher, treasurer. Mr. L. B. Rinehardt who is work ing in Concord for Mr. George S. Kluttz, spent Sunday at home with his family. Messrs. Robert Holsouser and W. S. Wagoner will go to Salisbury to purchase the Christmas gifts for the Sunday school. Th-.re will be communion service at Lowerstone the first Sunday in January at 2 p. m. Ihe Junior Order at Rockwell will have an oyster and fish supper at Rockwell on Saturday, December 30, at 2 p. m. C. HICKORY BUDGE. We are having plenty of rain at this writing. Glad to note Mr. N. H. Smith k better. Miss Iva Motlev has been visiting- Her cousin. Miss Mattie Motlev. Little Mary Frances Motlev. of ttaia Mills, is visiting ber grand pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Motlev. Jur. ana Mrs. J. L. Estndge spent Sunday witn their dausrhter. Mrs. J. L. Motlev. Mr. Billie Spears had the misfor tune to get bis collar bone broken. Mrs. Barhe, of Charlotte, is mend ing the week with her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Linker. Mr. Sam Motlev is ud at Bald mills neiping to move his brother, Mr. Dick Motley. Miss Iva Motley is expecting- Miss Effle Thompson, of Concord, to spend Christmas with her. Messrs. Sam Motlev. Jack Eudv ana Hampton ts pears spend Friday night with Mr. Nelson Motley. wneat and oats ar looking tine. Everything seems to be doinar all right except Mr. Rabbit. 8. J. M. MO. TOWITSHIP. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Btanlv merit Sunday - night with Mr. Rnfns Klirtta. Mrs. A. C. Bernhardt spent last 8aturday and Sunday with her fath er, Mr. John Barringer.. Mr. O. H. Jeffeoat bas purchased three of the finest bogs in this county- .," .-.,, Miss Cam Goodmaa has returned bom from Salisbury. There will be a Christmas tree at 1ft Oliv Christinas day at 10:30 o'clock a. sa. W hop to ae a large erowa present. - . - We think there is rabbit hunter for every rabbit in No. 1 ' St sickness to report we or glad to not. -i.,- Tber will be a Christmas tree at Bocae's Reformed ehnreh fcatarday, December 22, at 3 o'clock. W hop to a a large crowd present The termor' Union ssaatiag at tb Moos school boos ar improv ing. Tbey take in new members at nearly every meeting. SMITH'S PO&S. Mr. Daniel Garmo A Co. hav moved their saw mill outfit from No. 10 over in Stanly, near Lanes ChapeL where they will saw during the wia Ur. Mr. W. E. Shoe is erecting a large barn on tae plantation of Mr. Daniel Boat, near Bethel. Now is the time to buy your tur- kev. We notice that the good people of I oneord are preparing to give the inmates of the County Home a big I bnstmas dinner, for which we feel thankful. There will be shoting match at Mr. Henry Carriker's store next Saturday. The lucky one gets a tur kev. Trv your luck. A. BRATTAIN. WESTERN STANLY. The public schools at Locust and Dry will take a week's vacation for Christmas. There will be Christmas exercises at the Presbyterian church at Locust Saturday night. Rev. J. S. Harris preached his first sermon at Smyrna Sundav. He has been railed for the ensuing year. Little Miss Addie Yow is right sick. Mr. J. L. Bums is home from Mis sissippi. The new residence of Mr. Eli Os borne is nearing com pi tion. Mr. and Mrs. V'ann Austin,, of Union county, visited Mrs. Austin's father, Mr. J. C. Nance, Sunday. Mr. Bruce Furr is home from Lawndale College. Mr. Julius Little, of Union coun ty, passed through our city Tuesday. Prof. Eddins, our county superin tendent, visited the public schools last week. The teachers' meeting at the Moss school house failed Saturday, owing to the inclemency of the weather. Mr. W. Teeter's child is very sick with pneumonia at this writing. NUNTIUS. CODDLE CREEK. Mr. Floy Rodgers has accepted a position with Smith Bros., in place of Mr. Chas. M. Field. Misses Alice and Geneva Smith are at home from Linwood College for the holidays. Reports have it that two of our prominent young men are to be mar ried early in the New Year. The most of our farmers are up wHn their farm work and have big wood pile and are ready for a big Christmas, though with less ex penditure of money than in former years. December 20, 1911. NO. 11 TOWNSHIP. Mrs. M. A. Myers' condition is a little more favorable today, we are glad to learn. There will be services at New Zion Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and Sunday at 11 o'clock, by Elder B. L. Trice. L. Trice. P. WOODMEN BANQUET. Hickory Camp No. 152 gave a ban quet Tuesday night, December 19, 1911. They met in the hall and held a business session and elected the officers for the ensuing year: Council Commander, D. P. John s ton. Advisor Lieutenant, Jason B. Smith. Banker, Caleb A. Fisher. Clerk, Jno. F. Bradford. Escort, Cy J. Seaford. Watchman, 0. D. Benson.. Sentry, M. S. Benson. Managers. W. B. Goodnight, C. A. Fisher, R. Lee Smith. Physician, Geo. J. Gouger. Following the election there were a number of speeches which added greatly to the pleasure of the ocea sio, speeches being made by Mr. Fred Lefler, Mr. Rinehardt, of Mount Pleasant, Mr. J. Mae Caldwell and Mr. J. F. Goodman, of Elm Camp, No. 18, of Concord. After the speeches had been concluded all present were invited to the table, the menu including fish and oysters and all other good things to eat, after which all present told jokes, which were enjoyed by all. ONE PRESENT. NO. 5 TOWNSHIP. One more item about Mr. C. D. (Chap) Kri Hunger's 843 pounds, net porker. Mr. Krimminger got 210 pounds of pure lard from th big hog. Hs killed one hog, 15 months old, which netted him 556 pounds, and tb yield of lard from that hog was 136 pounds 346 pounds of lard from two hogs. About 134.60 worth of lard from two hogs, and 1,053 pounds of meat packed np in salt The loader can see what can be don in tb Old North State, on tb farm. ' Messrs. J. C. Miseabeimer, A. 1. Shinn and P. M. Miaenheimer bars butchered soma fine porkers recently. Ml. John A. Bernhardt has built another tU to his dwelling. .- Mr. J. C. Miaenheimer has return ed from Raids villa, where ho spent several days on professional bnsv Miss Sallis Cox, of Lenoir College. is at homo to spent the holidays with her parcels. Rev. aad Mrs. D. C Cat, of Xo. & Rev. a C. Ca had a ky day at th meat sammsauim ht New QUead. fir new aaoabars ware added- to ta ehnreh, throe by eoelrmetioa aad to y haptiaca, and tb aleeUoa two officer, elder and diason. New, Mr. Editor, hew I woaid like to writ abort - the happv sea Christmas, that Ja so near aa one store: tall of the ha put hearts aad tell of tb sod hearts, whose homes havo be, mad vacant by soma of oar dear fries. da. never io return t an. Dear reader, has your hone bee made aad by death this 1911 Did yoa try to soak tb gloom look bright by torninc to this new horn Son, Jaaoa. a Christmas day Aad, new, toe litu aad hearts, I mean the destitute of this world 'a geode. Oh, how blessed that we bare good Chris tian men and women looking after the little ones, and the editor of The Times snd Tribute, and his good wife are two, that we personally know, are, and have always boen, great help ers to the poor on these oeeaaiona. 1 wish all a bappy Christmas and a good New Year. TAKE TOO BIO CHANCES. Why is it that men and women will never learn that overworn and nerv ous strain will certainly ruin health bvery day the papers tell of the dreadful results of avertaxiug one strength, yet the others keep right on without profiting by the lesson. Henry Jacobs of Ninth avenue, N V., went through this experience and now wiii.es in a letter: "I was in bad iwalth for two years, very nervous and weak, no appetite, roiid not sleep well and I tad no ambition or energy. 1 was getting worse all the time. "But since I began taking Vinol Here is a wonderful difference. have gained 14 pounds in less than two months, have a splendid appetite and ran enjoy my meals. Olv nerves are strong and I sleep soundly. simply feel fine now. whirh show wliait Vinol did for me." Our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, Vinol, -will do as mneh for all otther run-down, worn-out people if they will only give it a chance. There is no risk for we give bock the money if Vinol fails to satisfy vou, Gibson Drug btore, Concord, N. C. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. December 22, 1911. 1620 Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mis. 1727 William Ellery, American Re volutionary patriot, born. Died February lo, 1820. 1807 United Strtea Congrecs passed the second embargo act. 1818 Sir Philip Francis, generally considered to have been the au thor of the Julnns Letter, died. Bom October 22, 1740. 1859 Ground1 broken for two foun dation of iho Dominion parli- ment builaogs at Ottawa. 1880 Marian Evans (George Eliot) famous novelist, died. Born November 22, 1819. 1894 Cedarcraft, the home of Bay ard Tayolr at Rennet t Square, fa- destroyed by fire. 1904 George L. Shoup, former Unit ed States Senator from Idaho, died. Born in Kittanning, Pa., T 1 1d4i 1905 Herbert H. D. Pierce appoirite. ed first United' States minister to Norway. Southern Railway Offers Greatly Re duced Bates for iho Christmas And New Year Holidays. On account of th Christmas and New Year Holidays, the Southern Railway will sell tickets at greatly reduced rates from all points on its line. Dates of sale, December 15. 10, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, 1912, with final re turn limit January 8th, 1912. tor further information apply to your nearest agent, or to the under signed. K. H. DEBUTTS, , Traveling Passenger Agt., Charlotte, N. C. State of OMe, CMy of TelsSa, - Frank J. Chaaa aaakaa aath that ha Is sealor partner of the Arm of P. J. Chane aV Co. dote hnatnaaa la tha uuy ac Toledo, Count? and Stat aforo aald, and that said firm will par th sum Of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for aaee. aad avary ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the aa of Hall's vaiarra cure, rsuusm 1. CHEN BIT. Bwora to before me and aabaerlbad In my Draeane. thla Stb das af Daeambar. . . - . aV W. QLMAflOlf. (Baal) Notary Pablle. Rail's Catarrh Cwra lo takaa IntM. aaUy, aad seta directly- eo the blood ana mneose earfaos of the sjeta 8 aad for teetlmontala fraa. r. J. CHBNalT CO. Toledo, a Take Ball's Fsaallf Pill (or Coasti Boia dt mil unmna th Moro Promina Kafm Received. Wo havo just reeeireO a shipment of two gross of pocket knives which wo are giving fro to all subscribers to The Times or Tribune who pay a year in advance. These are excellent knives, are brass-lined and hav nam plat on them. Com in and get TO CURE A COLD IN ONB DAT. Take LAXATIVE BR0M0 Quinine Tablets. - Druggists refund yonr mon- JU it fails to euro. E.W.GKOYB'3 signature is oa each box, 25. - In srrnment, nnliks aviation, a great many men ar not finally land ed until they go np U kh sir. ITODAT BCSOOX. XHL Tsortt tavat, Tm U. UUr-Tho lahsraa- We chaos th ssday aad wfll tak aa th etady to aUhvrhl out weak ts still of th Saartarry review, hlalachl baOa of the treat Klaf whose haaae hi bs he treat assoag all aadoa from the rtabaf of th ana aat th to oows of eaa, we mt Brat who Is Dng of kmc sad Lord of lord (111 L 11-14; ftv. rrfl. ls xtx. laV. The Row Tvs- of David, Boa af a bra ham, wad doses with Bis tttl as th root-eod print or David (atari. L 1; Bv.t xzIL KB. SJBoag all th klaejs hi Matt L 1-11. David Is the act one who ea covaoant was aaad with hta aad be cans of hi rota tie te'tho htetalafc lU Bam. vtl; I Cnrv svtt; la, rr. S; ix, T; Lake L 8X 8S Acts xln, 1244) W com ta thai lissoa aad to the ws seno oX next rear with implicit conft- Oeoc tn ta record aad all Its state- meats the snpernataral birth, accord ing to I. 1M0; the rmmTmeatot Jsalab vU, 14. according to t areas S3. 23, and an alee, baUevlnt also that aot only aa Jesas doss Bo dettvar as frost tb wrath to com a Theao, L 10), bat that Bo Is ablota aavo Bis people from their sins (W SI). He was fore ordained before tb toandetto of the world, and whoa ts fullness of th time was com, God sent' forth His Boa, mad-of a-woman,. th law, to redeem them that were under the law (I Pet L 20: Gal tv. 4, 6). Th appearance of Gabriel to atary with the wonderful annoancement, the worldwide decree which brought Jo seph sad alary to Bethlehem from Nssareth at th appointed time, the age of the angel to the shepherds with too scrompanrlaw- Incident and to actual blrtb at Bethlehem are all fully told by Luke in his gospel. Our lesson today touches only th visit of the wis men from th east while tb Bab and His Mother war still st Bethlehem. The title, "wis takes us back to Ex. vU, 11; Dan. U, 18; v, & The word. "Bethlehem" takes ns back to the otrta of Benja min and the death of his mother, the story of Nsomt and Bath, th shep herd Oars of David. The question. "Whore Is Bs that ts born King of th JawaT takes ns back to th prediction of Mlc v, 2, as Quoted in lesson verse 8, 8, and spe cially to tb sayinav "Out of come a toveraor that shall rule my people Israel." AH th children are taught that He wan bora at Beth lehem, but who over hears anything about His ruling Israel or sitting oa tha throne of David? Tot that Is what He cam to do, but Ho has nev er yet done It As truly at He was born at Bethlehem He will yet reign over Israel according to Jes xxttt. 0, o; Esek, xxrrn. 21; OabrieTs sage in Luke 1 82, 88; His own word to His disciples In Luke zxO, 80, aad the prophets everywhere. Th Scrip ture must be ful Oiled, and no other meaning can be honestly given to these plain words. The visit of those wise men from th east to worship th King of the Jews sad to bring Him their grrts reminds as of the visit of the queen of Bheba and all tb kings of th earth to Solomon tad their great gifts to him. (II Chron. Ix, 14); sxiii, 24) and points as on ward to the time of the kingdom when all nations shall bring their wealth and their gifts to Israel (laa. ix, 1-7). The words of Gabriel to Mary, The Lord God shall gtv onto Him mo throne of his father, David. and He shall reign over tb hots of Jacob forever, and of HI kingdom there shall bs no end (Lake L 83. 83), must Do literally ful filled. Thea "all th ends of the world shall and torn onto tb Lord, and all th kindreds of the nations shall worship Before thee, for. the kingdom is the Lord's, snd H Is the governor among the nations- (I's. xifL 2T, 28). Tb star that guided these wise me must hav bee a snpernataral light. as no ordinary star wonra gaMe to a house and remain over 411 11000 (vers 8).. We can only wonder why with soch guidance they sbonld tun said to Herod and thus ho aawltttng- ty tne cans or tno Oeatfe of eo mans UttM children (verses M-18), bat there was a fulfillment of prophecy tn It Having found the child, they opened their treasure snd offered. onto Him their gifts-gold and frankincense and myrrh. People are today giving large ly to so called good works, buildings, libraries and many schemes for. th betterment of the world, .not berievtnt God concerning this world that - It Beth In the wicked on and Is swale Ing Judgment and most- pas throngh th fire of OocTs wrath before there can be sny real betterment What Is needed is that ID own people sneak) opsa to Him their, tresaares of time and talent and money., to make known everywhere the glad, tidings of HI great salvation. I hat oftea been helped by noting that before Joseph snd Mary wore eent t Egypt with th Child (varae 18) the money was on hand to go with, and I hav long be Beved that we hav bo right to begts sny worn for tb Lord, or tak sny Journey for Him antfl. He provide for or makes it very Dials, for whoa He pattetb forth His sheep He woeth before them. W need to remember also that- the money tbey Journeyed oa was ta cniura money. ... At Trinity Lutheran ehnreh there will b services oa th fifth Snndsv in Decemb-r at 11 o'clock, conducted by Bev. J. 3. Long, at which time tb Holy Sacrament will be administer, ed. A joint eouneil meeting is also ordered for that data, at 10:30 a, m. To many rjeople, automoUea ar very handy thngs to ran off from eWroh wth. . . ' p f I i k U ii'y fc..' 5 - 8CdS MSOS aCIX f y 3bMi I aad Wow rod?' 1 in and. take a peelc at our: English and American Styles for Pall, Gt5&: to 030,00, Gannott S Da. J. li DAVIS. DENTIST - Oac ovtr Karak't Drag Store THonriHam DENTISTRY For vSale. Rim nwirn jutalaM 1 i ' . eut-bmldings, good orchard, lot 200i IRA faat ku-. at KIM vii I iiy M auvuv.uu. One beautiful building lot oa West Depot street adjriniag Dr. Herring's rrndsnt lot. Ons bnildina lot m urhUa 83 i feef front adjoining J. a BuV ledgs'l rotidoat' lot A boot ana aura with ..J god barn in Kannspolis suit able lor auesa, - jl nn opportunity to hv tob u soon aasiiBDio property.. ' JSO. K. PATTERSON. FOTJft. BOUSE: TAnir wrm ait w A desirable d-harae farm n..tl eally level, lying in No. 10 township, xweay juver ana on Doth sides of vnarioiie ana Albemarle road, new two-story six room dwallino'- km (Iim room cottage, good meadow, orchard, paure, ao aero lorest timber and 20 acres in old ld nine. nMiku piteo to live, will eat to suit purehss er, oa oasy terms st 20 per sere, if desired. '"!;-'V.;avwi , ,v .. ' 00 ' seres riser Onran rhmwl, In Rowan county, new cottage, nw doo- oi Dam, new ouiouuamga, young or ensro, gooa water, lt acre ta eulti ratiott, TO aeret in timber flOO. . dJIVA gw rATTEIvsQN. Cogrtvod Wtdnr LrrlUUoat- Aad ; AnnoTinrmBtt. - ; -, W horj onr friend, will ant fa. get that w furnish tha most elegant mama? ' invitations and annonneo ments that saa ha ohtalniwt W. Iu la book shewing a beautiful Un of samples ei tn very latest styles, which- will h sent to aavonw w re. 'luest AO- orders, ar . eevisidered ttriotly ooafidential ,' . , ; tt Th November sssaaamaiit- of tka Cabarrnt Ifntnal Fir Taanraiuia Company it do and payabl tb first day of January, 1911 .; JUtm Jt rATTERSON, , Secretary and -Treasurer. n 9? iii ' A w JiJ Eat that th ortOiuro dart mm sa wary snrisly and yomH hoar H at sttw to th star that trlk loOtr faBtt at yoa wm U ta ekthot thoy. Ear wt i tJlow m ssraarossatatfoa. Owt Mlssmaa kaww it wffl m tamm ihatr tttaatioa it taQ yoa . mdt at orsrooat it ti-amol If it to u4t they m m risk for wt tsfl Hand ta&.xd of part wool aiatarialt wawa bbsh ao ssvaro ram ust taa tatU at wan u th old raiuhls A tsat, W knro BcUost luad-tsiottoV clothti irfJl fin yon expectations and gun yoa dgaod rurt&ta with r ry gamsat gaaraatot tart kas a roeord of mors thaa third of a eta. tvy of tatitfaotioa bsklnd ft Potzer Co. DzslraKe 'cafecs ;v ; .... ... - ff Morris BuUdiBg Best location in city. Steam heat, light and janitor service free. . .1 ' i "... v " Abo eleepbg rooms, ' bath, light and 1 janitor rvke free. Phone No. BO l.lilldhtilEj IT. :S31, Jr; fc:jtri tbavtlVia v " r r" n ! I 8chlQ88 Baltimore Clothes DA2LT SiaVICS INCLXJDINO ' ' eTJTOAT. ' ' ' Th Saw ataamara W aluul l service, -th "City-of Norfolk." aad ' u"uy ox jNuusMrof ' an tho most ' legant and op-to-dat aUamers bo ii-vii ao rMunmoro. laUlDBed Srtfh wlraTaM lat.rVm. I. aeh room.. Dslldous Btalt semd sa " koard trail thing-for eomfort tad " eonTtoioiicti " - - -, . - . " ..... '.. V. Etaamera laava Nnrfnlh AMK daily arriving at Baltimor 7:00 foT lowing aaornisg.- s Connecting at Baltimoro fo' ad Point North, North-east, aad West ' Vary low rooa trip rate to Bat tlmora. - Waahlnfftrm. . In..lL:. ' "T .MIMIIIIUWa , Now Tork, Allan is City, ote. , 1 Seosrvation mad aad ray infor mation fnmlshed by w. a PAuran T. P. A ; Oct 10-tf Norfolk. Va