TTICC:CC?JDmTTR15C3 i. m, HHini. imnn Mt...,. hmm m Taaaaa . Oh Tr ...... Si, Moaika art s IM mT mm ar MS. . 1.1 . .4a. M fa I I IS. NWII K HHlk Bli aioalha TwalTa Msatka MS. NaUIWi AHOCNCBHEirr. AaVvarttstaie- nm aa a aa4 at tha lAw co for eaaasaa awt a ta ar W CVWSaka. B-olutloB. of n- ana almiiar aruciaa attba rata a i onu P line caah la "EHraa aa aacona elaaa mall April !. Ilia, at tha rch 1 card. N. C uadar tha act of March liiT. Anivml of Trains at Coecord. NOaTHIHn 1.1. No. 4 10 am No. 44 4S a.m No.. S 11 05 a.m. No. 4 S 40 p.m No. II 4S p -n No. SS !: U l'-'T. No 11 10 J5 i '" No. SO 11 SS P-m ODTHBOVJID. No. I : am. Ha, 4S S:0 a.m. Do. 17 a.m. No. 1110:19 a.m. No. T : P-m. No. tS t:5 P N 41 a-m No. 11 Ali. TRAINS STOP AT CONCORD. M 04SL.NBV. City Eallar Coneord, N. C. December 28. 1911 Notwithstanding the peneral com plaint about poor business and high cost of living the reports from New York indicate that there waa no great lack of money this Christmas. The stores, especially those eatenn,' to Hie less wealthy classes, did a ireincndoiw business and the high-class establish ments really had no reason to con. plain. The amount of money sent by Ji.. in Mew York to tile,'.' friends nt relatives in foreicn countries nt Chri6tmas,which is always a good bar ometer for the prevailing economic conditions, was unusually large 'this vaar and reached nianv millions of dollars. The average amount for each Christmas money order sent to foreign countries by aliens living in this city was about $13 this year, which com pares favorably with the averages of former years. The Christmas harvest of the employes oif the banks, trust companies, exchanges and broker offi ces was not quJte so bountiful as in the two or three years after tbe war with Spain, but sufficiently liberal to bring a smile upon faces of the clerks and other employes. Only in a few isolated cases the Christmas bonuses of these employes amounted to more than ten per cent, of their annual sal aries this year. Some of the larger banks and other financial institutions abolished the bonus system several years ago and substituted in its place a system of raising the salaries of all employes who hare given satisfaction during the past year. Some few of tbe banks also have introduced a regu lar pension system and the money Which otherwise would have been spent in bonuses goes to the ension fund. DOWVTALL Of FIXACXEU. Charity and CniMran. Tba vary fact that a pr cber who falls by tha wayside eraatea ao much commotion is tha highest poaaible tes timony to tb honor and tha faith fulness of the ministry. But may profitably draw some lessons from thuae who do fall that may be of help to thoae aho are weak. Two rases of Haplial p rear hers this year. Kirheson of Boston and Brewer of Oklahoma. furnish us food lor thought. There is not much danger of a prea her becoming a drunkard. He ran not afford to tamper with liiiior. His people will not stand for it. The same is true of gambling r inilulsriiiL' in any of the spurts that are of doubtful propriety. His cry office will keep even a hypocrite traight on all these matters because it means the loss ol ins jon ui en- age in any of them. But the dan er point with a preacher is in an other direction. It is women. He can easily hide his transgression for a long time because what he does is done in the dark. Finally the devil forces him to encompass his own ruin, as in the case of Richeson. by committing some overt act that will bring him within tlie power of the law, but the start of it all was the sinful contract with some woman who may have been led astray by him. or who may have led him astray. Preachers have all kinds of oppor tunities in this direction. They are trusted by parents and by the girls themselves. Society looks on with out suspicion and suffers long and is kind to an imprudent preacher; but this silence will not last for ever. It will develop at last from a soft whisper to a violent tumult, and then cometh the end. Some men have seriously injured their influence by indiscretion. They are guilty of no crime but their conduct toward the women of their congregation brings them under suspicion and starts the tongues of those who love to gabble. It generally happens that even these good men show their par tiality for t lie women who are pretty and attractive. Few preachers have ever '.rotten into trouble with old maids however worthy and devoted may lie. We have sometimes heard of preachers who showed too much attention to the handsome wives of their members. This is generally fatal and the preacher soon takes the road, mat preacner is wise (ami most all of those we know are of this ind) who treats everybody alike. he men and the women, the ugly and the pretty. He is especially wise who is careful to say no word or be guilty of no act toward the hand, somest woman in his church that he would not sav or do toward the liest old deacon in the neighbor hood. This may be hard but it is the price every minister of the gos pel must pay if he would keep him self unspotted from the world. lOXISTEB TELLS Or CB2XAS REVOLT. the prayer or A E0U1 The people of Bellefontaine, 0., are doing all they can to make the little children believe that Santa Claus is a myth. After a consultation of the school teachers and ministers of this benighted town all the children were told that the jovial sainlt whom they had loved so long was nothing lees than a fake, a mere farcical story told them by their parents. Many of the ministers stated that they saw grave harm and danger in the coriiin oance of Santa's life. They who would destroy the faith of the chil dren in the good old man are little less than murderers. They are ridicu lous prudista who would sacrifice the greatest pleasure of childhood on no reasonable grounds that they can name. Col. Watterson has had a bad at tack of tphe 'Roosevelt scare, and be makes the dire prediction that if Teddy ever gets into the White House gain he will never be gotton out ex cept when he is carried out feet. fore. most. The Colonel need 'have no fear. The people of the United States are till in the saddle, and this country is not Mexico. No man can ever play tha Dial in this country be cause the country is bigger and stronger than any one man in it. Be- sides, if the Democrat nominate the right man neA year neither Roose . volt nor any other Republican will ' stand the ghost of a show against him. Benefit for Mountain Whites. New-York,- Dee. 27. An initial ' performance of the Thackeray een- tenary, consisting principally of tab- ' leanz representing , characters and ' seenee frotn Thackeray's novels, was ' giren. ia the Sixty-ninth Regiment 4 Armarr thk afternoon. The affair k under the auspices of the South ' emr Industrial dueational Society, 'for the ; benefit of the mountain white. . Writes History and Btndy ef Eewal tion for Men's League la Rich mond. Richmond Time Dispatch. Writing from Kashing, China, un der date of October 31. with pmt srripts dated November 2 and No vember 6. Kav. J. Mercer Blain, in a letter addreawed to the Men's league of the First Presbyterian Church, of Richmond, gives an in teresting insight into the causes of the existing revolution in China. The primary reason, he states, is the deep-seated hate of the Chinese for their Manrhu masters. "It has been a lonir time silica the year 15 St. " he says, "when t tie srreat Man rhu leader, Noordschn. aeared on the scene, the real founder of the present reigning dynasty in the Chin ese empire, hut it has not !een loni; enough for the Chinese to ftirvet Iheir coniiierors or conic to love them. From lt44 to the present tunc the Chinese have never i;iven up hope of seeing a Chinaman on the throne of their country. It has only lieen a ipiestion of time when they would rise up in their might and throw off the yoke."' Other reasons assigned for the up rising are the failure to provide a real representative government; the incurinir of immense foreign loans for which t he eople recognize no necessity, and the nationalizing of the main railroads of the empire, which is regarded as the climax, the share holders not being willing to give up their investments on t lie terms offer ed by the government. Yuan Shili Kai, now real head of the country, is referred to by Mr. Blair as a famous statesman, who he thinks accepted the position of commander-in-chief under the hoie that he might be able to bring the two sides together under terms hon orable to both for the future good of the country. A high tribute is paid to Admiral Sah. From the standpoint of the church. Mr. Blain thinks that whatever the outcome, the people will be drawn more closely together by a common cause, no difference being recognized between Christians and non-Christians. "Indications point." he com ments, "to more religious freedom in the filiate, and we believe that (lod will use this internal strife to estab lish His church on a sure foundation and to bring it more into favor with the ieople of every part of this hoa ry empire." The note written on November 'J records the imperial edict which prac tically did away with Manchu supre macy, wlule a line written in ink at the bottom, dated November (i. re cords the surrender ot Kashing to revolutionaries without a blow. Itns world is 'Imt a tleeting show! and you've got to be pretty fleet to get a bit of it. Tha following appeal for I be bora ia frtm tba pan ef F. II. Bugbar, first IVputr Police Conmuaionr of Naw York: To Thee, uij Master. I nlTrr my prayer : Feed me. water and car for ma, and a ben Uie day 'a work ia done provide ma with ahclter. a clean, dry bed and stall wide enough for me to lie down in comfort. Talk to ir. Your vuie often meana as much as the reins. IVt me some times, that I may ierve you more gladly ami learn to love yon. IKi not jerk the reln, ami do not ship me when gung up 'ill. Never slrike. teat or kick me when I do ii"t undersiand lia'i ou want, but give me a rhanr to undcr-tand you. Watch me. and if 1 fail ui do vour bi-l- ling. Me it something is nut the mat ter ith my lianios or feet. Kxainme my teeth when I do not cat I may hac an ulcerated tooth, iiiid tha'; you know, is very painful. Do not tie my bead in an unnatur al xsi:ioii. or take away iny Inv4 dc fene again:-! Ihes and iiiomiiiIos by cutting my tail off. An, tinallv. O master, when niv iix-ful Mrength is gone, do not 'i urn me out to stane or freeze, or sell nie to some cruel owner to be slowly tor 'ured and starved to death; but do Thou my master take niv life in the kindest way and our fiod will reward von here and hereafter. You will not consider nie irrever ent if I ak this in the name of Him who was Ismi in a stable. My Further Appeal. Uemcniber, O master, that t lie -trength and service I can give you depends upon the feed mid care you ive nie. dive me good, wholesome food in reouin1,! oiiant it ios, keep nie lean, then I can serve you to the laM ounce of niv strength. Do not harness me to a (Hiorly con structed, heavy-pulling wagon, it will exhaust niv rfireneth without profit able service to vou. I'se wisdom in vour selection of the wagon I am to draw. 1 can pull twice as much load with the same ex ertion, and it will take less iood to keep toe in condition, all of which ineuiM dollars to you. Therefore my good Master, heed mv advice. YOl'R FAITHFUL 1IORSK. ITCH! ircai iTcn! Hera Irk and rub rwb ana aerate! nntll Toa TmI aa If 9om eoala taar tha burnlac ia frsai jour body until II mmi aa If you esuld ee lonasr sadura thasa analMa dare aC awful tort ur those tarrtbla Blskta of alaplaa aony. Then a faw dropa of IX D. IX, the famoua Kraama fipeclfto ana. Oht what rllf! Tha Itcb sone lastaaUrl Oaaw fort and rest at laalt I. 1). D. la a almpla asternal wash that olaanasa and baala tba Inlbunaa skin as nothing alaa eaa. A raoosnlssd peclne for Ecsema, Paarlaala, Bait Rheum or any other akin trsuata. we can aire rou a nu sue una of the r en ulna D. Seaboard Air Line Christmas Holi day Sates. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell Christmas rates to all points in their territory at greatly reduced rates, tickets on sale December 15, 16, 17, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24. 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, good to return until January 8th, 1912. For further in formation call on your nearest agent or write the undersigned. JAMES KER, JR., T. P. A. Charlotte, K. C. LEONARD, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. ran ulna D. D. u. rsmaar for 11.00 and If tha Terr flrst bottle falls to rtve relief it will Dot ooat T We alao can Bire Ton a sample bot tle for II cents Why suffer laatb at dajr when rou oan get D. IX CI For SaU r Ofhees Jnut Store. M, Plato'a Phlloaophy. Belt conquest la the greatest ot all aictorlea. Plato State sf Obis, City at Telede, Lacaa Caamty. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha la senior nsrtner or the nrm of r . J Cheney 4 Co., dolnc bualnesa In tha City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will nay the aum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the uae of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENBT. Sworn to before ma and subscribed In my presence, this (th day of December, , u. lies. A. W. OLBASOlf. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken Inter nally, and acta directly on tha blood and mucous surfaces of tha system. Bend lor teatlmomaie Tree. F. J. CHKNKT a CO., Toledo, O. Bold by an Drnrviata. Tec. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Town's Claim to Prominence. The town of Qrasse In France Is one of tbe largest centers for the manufacture of perfume. Are Ton Going to Get Marriedf Give us your orders for Engraved Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Enclosure Cards. Our engravers are the best in the South. When yon buy engraved work from us you know you are get ting the best at a moderate price. Address THE TIMES, Concord, N. C. Bead the Advertisements. llcndersonville (iold Leaf. Everybody should read the adver tisements in the local paper because it pays in dollars and cents to do so. People who make a regular practice of reading the advertisements in the omc paper are sure to be handsome ly repaid for the time thus spent. prominent citizen of the county remarked the other day that lie had found the advertisements to be one of the most valuable features of the paper and that in the run of the year he saves many times the subscription price of the Gold Leaf by keeping a watchout for the bargains and other opportunities offered from week to week in the advertising columns of the paper. Most people in this day and time r ad advertisements and find it protitable to do so, but now and then you can find a person who has some sort of ill-founded preju dice against it. The advertisements in your home paper are very differ ent from those usually found in foreign papers and cheap magazines. The advertisement in the Gold Leaf are the personal business messages tbat your merchants and other busi ness men send you each week, and as such they are of peculiar impor tance to you. Did you ever notice how much it pleases your merchant to tell him frankly that you read his advertisement in the paper f Well it does please him immensely as a rule, lie sees that you are interested in him and his business and he will at once be inclined to favor you in any way he can. Try it and see for your self. Reyes is a Prisoner. Linures. X. L., Mex Dec. 2.'). De feated and stripped of former arro gnnce and pride, (ien. Bernardo Rey es, Mexico's one-time greatest mili tary leader and more recently lead er of a revolt that htreatened to tear the country from border to border. surrendered here today but later was given his liberty on his word that he would not leave the city. Mexico City, Dec. 'Jti. Death may he the penalty Gen. Bernardo lieves will pay for the effort to overthrow resident Madcro. I lie least lie can exjiect is ten years imprisonment The Mexican law urovides these ex treines for the crime of inciting re hellion. It is not generally believed that the extreme penalty will be in Dieted, but a term in the penitentinry for the venerable prisoner with his seventy-four years wil doubtless be the equivalent. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any tase of Itching, Blind Bleeding ot Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50e. Madam Rosena TEE Celebrated Clairvoyant HAS RETURNED And will continue her stay here during the Holidays and probably longer. She locates missing articles, stolen goods, looks into the future and tells the secrets of your life. Ask the many of who have visited her while here what they think of her work. Hons 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Booms 34-36 Morris Bldf. CHICHESTER S PILLS W-? THE DIAMOND BRAND. A I. Ad I Call Ah jreMt IMrVBTMt H ! ktasw textual iMnaWis! Ttrsirii I'lIU ta lt-el iusrf netatlie? 1- net. UajHl witk lUtM KUaSoss. Take e !. Bay ,Jf . DIAMOND HRAND fMUJk far yean known M Base, Satest, Always lUttabal SLD BY DRUGGISTS EVtBTWHEtt DR. J. S. LAFFERTY Practice limited to Eye. and Throat and Fitting- Ola Office In the Morrle building. Room So. 20 over Cabarrua Savings Bank, oillce houre: I to 11 h m. and 1. to 4 NeaVeLUIaeBtli S beat rented? lor Ehasoaw tasn, BaaUtos, Isbm Baok, Stlfl Joints and atoacM. Sara Throat, Ooede,Btraine, Spraau. Cats, Bruleee, OoUo, Cram pa, Nemelate, Tootoaaae, uj all Nerre, Bona and Maede Aokes and Pains. Tbe gamine aaa Nosh's Ark on every Daoksas and looks Uks thai Mtt hnt haa RED band SD front ol package aad NMaa LMaMa" always In RED kik. Beware ot tmitatlona. Lars bottle. K eenta, aad sold by ad dealers loaiedlelna Guaranteed ar asoney re funded by Noah Ranady Co las. Rfctunonn. Vs. Hon PiealuB Karres Beceied. We have just receiret. shipment of two gross of pocket knives which we are giving free to all subscribers to The Times or Tribune who pay a year irt advance. These are excellent knives, are brass-lined and have name plate on them. Come in and get one. emteHhrnmaalaaavfaa aVaafammm aamaL eaBrTTTeWTST ay esaperesT srvrTSnTwav Rarely Is the grumbler a mendei ef methoda. Southern Railway Offers Greatly Re duced Kates for the Christmas And New Tear Holidays. On account of tbe Christmas and New Year1 Holidays, the Southern Railway will sell tickets at ereatlv reduced rates from all points on its line. Dates of sale, December 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1st, 1912, with final re turn limit January 8th, 1012. For further information apply to your nearest agent, or to the under signed, H. H. DEBUTTS, Traveling Passenger Agt., Charlotte, N. C. For Bale A two story, 8 room dwel ling on South Union street ; lot 113s 419. Good stable, garden end ont- Duudings. J no. a. Patterson, J. Pocket Knife FLt EE To Every Subscriber of THE TRIBUNE Who Pays a Year in Advance. Until further notice we are going to give to every subscriber of THE TRIBUNE who pays a year in advance and all arreages, if any, a SPLENDID BRIDGE CTJTTELET 00,'S POCK ET KNIVES. These Knives are brass lined and have name plate on side. The Tribune CONCOKD. It. 0, TO THOSE WHO PREFER IT, WB WILL GIVE INSTEAD OF THE KTNFB, A PAIR OP SPLENDID . INCH SPRING TENSION SHEARS. If you are already paid in advance, you ean take advantage of this offer by paying np for another year. Mo Have ; TofcBrgotten ? It sometimes happens that you have over looked giving a good friend a Christmas pre sent. Tis very becoming to give New Year's Gifts., Send him an order on us for a "Schloss Baltimore Made" Suit Overcoat Raincoat (cravenetted) Tuxe do or Full Dress Suit a new model Raglan or a dozen other novelty models of handsome Over coats. This kind of a gift is useful and. would be greatly appreciated and serve as a memento of good feeling at the same time not very ex pensive. You will be astonished to see what a $15. order will do. From there on upwards 'tis simply a question of elegance or luxury, well worth the amount ex pended, no matter what it may be. Besides when you send him a Suit or Overcoat of the "Schloss Baltimore Make" he will look properly dressed at the begining of the year which will give him a good start. Don't forget to put on your order "Schloss Baltimore Made" Suit or Overcoat. Cannon & Fetzer Co. I B. ffinsonl Co. Cheapest Furniture and Undertaking Store in Town. Eyei Strain RELIEVED IT CLASSES fOTSimnCAIXY FITTED, " If your fee- trouble on, or yea can't see aa we'l aa you once did, eons nit me. I will make ft eomplete test. I get reeultoiaGUrittlgi OppoalU0abafrurSi1JwBaak. Olliiasa aBr3.?. ,Ve:-IW4 one, of ear BArTTTART ATJT01CATI0 POULTET FOUNTAINS. A eUld.sjfta .fln, then One SOtccsto.. Grady-BradCo. Vm tkt Feaay Ooluaa It Pays. To MeaProper Appetf .ace for The Holidays Let oa clean and press you clothes. Wear ft suit cleaned, and pieesed, at my etatefoliahmetft and you will be, in keeping .with the gay holiday ettire Clothes Cleaned, Pressed .. and re turned the same. day. Pheo. 188 and we will eall for them promptly. City. Pressing Club ' J), B. F0WKLES, Proprietor., Dili Ji V. DAVIS. -""dentist; Oftot nt itarah'i Drug ; Store. . THOjrB JtO 43X. DENTISTRY t am a aw ta the alorrlBnlldlaa; ever the Cabarrus SaTlnsa Bank. : - Ex H; 0; HSRRHfO. Xeore'i Lease Leaf Ledger- Sheetp kept in stock at The Times-Tribune i offlea. . tt

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