- A f ! & :7 CONCOr.D.N.'G.T: ,SDAY, JANUARY 25,1912. - - ; 1 :.;. 43 Cent a tfor.ta. . ( '3 E.Li IV. r r c. T: And ef Elaent U It "r. Editor: You bar published th report of tb , banquet given Tuesday evening, by tb local firemen . In honor-of President J. D. McNeill, vf FayettevilU, and th other mem- bers of the But Firemen's Execu te Ci"imitte..I writ-to My that . this ck -wn .was highly enjoyed by all prewtit, and a more elaborate menu U seldom spread before- our .'people. A great impetus was given the eaune of the firemen by the per or'ol of those present and especial ly I j lL splendid address of Mr. Me Kf X And thia but cause demands y few more word insyour r. ' A more chat suing speaker I been heard hen in years. Err:k...'.g with wit that caused th r t stoi to laugh, and abounding i, '.'.e I ' b ext stretches of oratory tiii ; -cr enthused ali prent as he jpi fef the holiest sentuuents.of the human heart. ' . . . -f jJLia therfij was att appeal for the proper weJUam of the ; world' her the Brendan. Th man and the , tumu . occasion had met ' classic and chase be portrayed 'thia hero as the greatest her of the age ' aa he, without reward or hope of re ward,.risks his life almost daily to - aav the Uvea and property of the .people. The speaker's reference to " mother ' and botue and 11 that de pends upon the fiwman 'a skill was ; beautiful, inspiring and could hardly b equalled by the most polished ora- toftw He l.ar.eteme. FayettevUle as the OMos.mf .Eden. He eb.eve ' ! daugl'J mo faseiMt- in that; eraph that wing her . ight above ; the etars or .. beneath- . theiav ' On the whole fti speech waa gem, , It was touching it. was on of .those rare effiusiona that makes hia hear ' r feel glad, that lift them np to ; higher things and themes." Concord - is glad to say nice thing of "Jim' L. MeNeilL H deserves this and more. . We will welcome him again around , the banquet hall as the light grow1' -a dim or in fornm. . And be honor the eaus of the champion.. . The firemen' banquet was a ua- - esV l( showed the need of more encouragement to r these brave fire " kddi. It will lead to more eflksien y in pnr fir department if the al demen and 'citizen win idvUkSnii v1 w . . . . ''1' .i; t ,.. II in people, ; wno are: me ucrou- . thn ,h - soon be in h-flrst clas -oil the in r'TI; rrfTrr.i7 i TJ surance UL -whilejwe are: now second. - When thi i done the people will aame enough on the insurance prem ' iums tr instalTmost of these thing. Let us give these boy chance to s "do" things for onr town. It i a patriotic rtove olely on their part . for tbe,good of tho city,' i 1 v " i. G. E. KESTLEB. v P. S.'t-I believesthat atpry of Fay- -"" ettevill1 being the real Garden of Eden for what Jim say is so, -and ' he ha lived long enough to know a - Oardenr of Eden when he see it, but iere' the rub: K iAdaW the first mayor of the Garden of Eden, wa " a prohibitionist la; Bn anti-prohibitionist town while Mayor Jim is an I ' anti-prohibition mayor of a prohibi- tion town.,. Again Mayor; Adam pro'dered on Saturday before Christmas. hihiUd-Eve from eating apple of. a I A discussion, led' by Mr. Tho certain variety, -while' Mayor" Jim don't care a continental what kind. of apples the Eves eat in his Gardenj olvlidn, neuner aoes ne uiauie uuuouriey, juagie tmu, iu iv. mx the sv ' es sfhen they .do eat of them 'Again- Mayor ' Adam Was defeated for m yor of the Uarden and east T out while Mayor Jim ean be mayor . l forevetand a day". So there must be two Garden of Eden on the map,;will cover pages 206 to 254 of .this Adam' and" Jim 'a.' ' ' ' G. E K EstT'Lt-.-8raas of Cabarrus. . A ' n.i-ctins: for. the Lutheran of Cabarr:: county is being arranged in ka hold at l!.)lv Trinitv church in Moiiiil' rieasant, next Sunday; after noon, January 2?Ah, at 3 o'clock. The olicct of this gathering is to present the call of the convention-for Luth erans to beheld HuSalwUury i';-u ary 7 X Every indication points to a tr ' t 'meeting in Salisbury, v We Lu ans of Cabarrus VTSnt to be r-. nted. ' The whole press of ht d. is u'-iug Lutheran laymen to f to"r..'.ii.liury. Let us have a j,,.. ! fv;r '? from all over. Cabar- i ' i t run'.iy aftcrhoon at ! 1.. - t t t'k over the Sul- 1 t: r -.V in ana moKe pians (;' "'"i Connty Lut'ieran- t 1 P?v. C. T T r I . e : 1 1 ; 9 t ( . 1 t cf iti 'I r.' V : . i U' ij tr 1 -t L . .1 Accrt i, Y., Jaa. 21. Dr. IT, mi. ry Lotus Smith, president of PaV'.d aou, N. C, College, waa today onani mously elected president of Wash ington and Lee University. Dr. Smith waa born-in Greensboro, N. C, and is 54 years old. He was graduated from Davidson , , College, afterwards pursuing a course at the University of Virginia, - which, i in 1910, conferred upon him the doctdr at in philosophy. He Joined the faculty of Davidson in 1887 as pro fessor of physics and has been presi dent of the institution since 1901, daring which period1 the number ef student has trebled and the endow ment and material equipment ' have been doubled. , ' - To Dr. Smith belong the distinc tion of taking the first X-ray photo graphs South of, Johns Hopkins Uni versity, and he ha done much work U I k En. v He long bat been prom inent as a lecturer on educational and scientific theme. He is a brother of Dr. C Alphonso Smith of the TJniver- tj of Virginia j Ry. Egbert Smith, Watson Smith, of Little Bock, Ark, '.. DrSmitlt Eat Not PeddeoV ,-, . v-Charlotte,, Jan, , 24.Dr. Henry jXonis Smith,', in an interview over the long distance telephone tonicrht, declined to say definitely whether be would accept the offer of the presi dency of Washington, and Lee Uni versity. Dr. Smith frankly admitted that the proposition appealed to him .trongly and said that he was of the ,opinion h(kt to hig u ytm, Uriet ,t Davidson tht be had f ulfilleoT his miMion, tha- another might carry the work farther. From other sources it is gathered that Dr. Smith will probably aecerjt. J; .-. js v ir' . K York Honor Now Cardinal :New York,' Jan. 25. New York' eelebration"(n honor of the elevation of the Most Beverend John M. Far ley to the .eardinalate, which began a week ago. with the welcome of the new; Cardinal, npon his arrival from Rome, culminated-.today . in notable religion ceremonies held in St. Pat rick ' Cathedral.' The demonstration waa one of the mosf remarkable of it kind ever held in the -metropolis and : va participated in "by eminent Cathohe,ehruh from many. part of the United States and Canada. - The fetOTWl of ttvice were tho celebration of th. solemn fionti- of Philadelphia, a serjnofl bjr.tbe Rt. Rev.i Thomas F.'Causack, archbish op of New ' York? "and addresses "at eonirratulation in behalf or the cler gy of laity, delivered respectively by the Rt, Rev. Mgr. Miebael J. Lavelle, rector of the Cathedral," and Justiee Victor J. Dowune. Cardinal Farley presided in the sanctuary during, the celebration Mof the masa. . Ueeting of County Teacher Aaio- - - - dation. ' - ; The meeting of the County Teach er' Association will be held at the graded sohqol in Concord on next Saturday. The meeting will begin at 11 o'clock. Th Drosramm will be the same as Grief, subject: "Specifio Purpose of Study.;' " A- discussion led by Misses' Mary Steele, subject: "Supplementing the Thought of tho Author." A recitation on 4 'CoL' Groves, The Teacher and the School," conducted bj Prof. A. S-Webb. The recitation book. - - '." 'T ' A full atendanco is expected. . - k K Alton B. Parker to-Speak.' Atlanta, Ga.j Jan. x 24. The Geor Judae Alton B. Parker, of New York, onvthe- programme to deliver the an nual address, theynmeteenth annual meeting of the South Carolina Bar Association was opened ,' here today with all signs pointing to the moat notable meeting in the history of the association.' Leading lawyers from all parts of the State are in attend ance when tlie gathering was called to order by the president, P. 11. Nel son, of Columbia. " The meeting will continue over tomorrow... - Zzf Watterson is T ntucfcy' Choic Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 23. Declar ing Henry Wattersou is Kentifl l;y's choice I or ine yemm:iut 1 1 .utii.'ii, members of ti.e I Prer r I;.- a tf t'e Kentucky lo;. e ! t !' '1 v '1 a whoop a re 1 i iv i.,1"; ,at!crson to addi-t- :' l a at 1 s 1 !aaure. r I, .1 w row in Wasliir:"- I I s i ' 1 J ' T r' xt f r I . '1 t) t ll'.i viu' - Son ef Itr.'D. . Bearer, ef Laadi Ooe Throogh Ezidg and Loses Onr Landis eorraspondent, Mr. C. Deal, telephoned n this morning inforn.; ? os of th death by drown ing of air. Lee Beaver, son of Mr. E. Besver, of Lend is, whieh oe eurred yesterday . , at Ivanhoe, - in Sampson, county. He was engaged hi driving a four-mule team drawing a, steam roller over a bridge span ning the Black river when the bridge gav way. Mr. Beaver and the-4eam were precipitated, into the Stream, and he and two of the mule were drowned. The team and roller be longed to Mr. Wm. Moore, a sawmill man of Ivanhoe. ' . . . . Mr. Beaver was 30 year of iff and unmarried. X' Th body arrivedln Landis today and will be buried at Oakawn 'cemetery tomorrow; '"V Minstrel Fun for Eicconghing Girl th Last Kemedy, Camden, f N. J.," . Jan. 24. Mis Mary Sbinn,. 17 years. old, has bean hiccoughing almost continuously .for 17 days. Naturally she is very anx ious to stop it,: for it is extremely wearying. Her , mother and ; her friends also 'desirestrongly that she top niecougning. A most attractive girl, she Is becoming thin, pale and nervous. ',r 4 -ft. There .is a home, tradition that if you' frighten y person who -is hic coughing,' s'earehe breath out of him her the -hiccoughs -will stop. Mny and novel methods .have been adopted.. to scare Miss Mary and she has been dreadfully scared but she ha continued to hiccough.' Now her mother is going to try to make His Mary laugh so heartily that she will forget, the hiccoughs.- Mrs. Slunn, has asked the members of the old Dumont Minstrel Company to come to her house and give a show, Miss Mary dotes on minstrel jshowg and her. mother fondly hope she will be thrown into ouch convulsions' of laughter', that the hiccoughs will go .. Ooiiferenco oa Child Labor.' Loui8vill, Ky. 'Jan. 25. Dele gates from nearly . thirty -.. States, among ; them many . men and women 1 whoiave made th amehoratlon of thn condition of the workinff classes ttierr-life-worfcf gathered uuis vilk today tor Ae opening of the ighth , TiKni Child Labor Committee. The ,-cott- ference will bo in Session several days.' Mis Jane Adams, of Chicago, Mrs. Florence, Kelley Of ihe .Nation al Consumers' Lague,'Pr. Felix Ad- ler ot New - York, President - Alder-1 . man- of the' University of Virginia P. P. Claxton, .United States com missioner -of education, "and a num ber of other civic workers of nation- al prominence are -included among;e of her uMh ft 0. Bost, H..-Ul.lnld rkra. The main 'M Ko. township,, the occasioning the scheduled speakers. The main subjects to be considered bysthe eon ference' are:-Tiia relation of rural schools to child labor, reforms, 'child labor, and eompulsory. education, in creasing the efficiency of the elemen tary school, industrial education and vpcaiionai vgmunua, tuwM : w v education, t and niireasonable indus trial burdens on women,and chUdren BUUt.vllV '-mi-v-w.. ; : Senator - Overman Involyed. T OAti Washington, Jan. -?opie8 of . ' "7 ii n - arit, r. j- containing item from the' Washington correspon dent of the Greensboro News,' were serit ' to the member of- the North Carolina delegation in Congress to day: ' '. ' ' -'" U "Colonel Henry . Watterson, of Louisville, told Senator Leo S. Ov ermanof North Carolina at Charlotte last December , that Colonel Harvey asked Governor Wilson to meet Thos. F. Ryan to diseuss the: Wilson ean: didncy for -President. This statement- waa made by Senator Overman to Senator Hoke Smith,' of Georgia, and others.- The understanding Ov erman had was that, it was tfiTFpurr pose of the proposed meeting between Rvan and Wilson that Ryan "should ajuust to finance Wilsorf's candidacy after the manner of old-style pou ties. ; The manner of the rejection by Wilson of Harvey's suereestion caus ed Harvey to inquire regarding Wil son's idea as to the value of Har- rer's Weekly support, and that was followed bv Wilson' nana answer., - When shown this item, today, Sent ator Overman declined to affirm or deny his connectioa with the Ryaii story. - Dance at Elk Homo. V : The following couples enjoyed mince at the Elks' Home last night ' ' TTary Fry and Frank Morrison I i Mary liurwea and A- Joa n n, T's Alice Brown and Fred C.'i r. !, ! ' s As!.! n Lowe and Lu! li tz of tl I Er And Bso- wti-e . , a And Oo." A v Mrs. Z. A. lion I is spending the day in Chariot!. ; - . ' Mrsj. UaiMy Sow is .visiting friends in JLlbemark. J. Mia Nan Can mi has gone to Chariot! for a brief visit. -. ' " Mr. Gowan Dusenbery has gone t Gaetonia on a shaft business trip. i , Miss Mary Durham, of Charlotte, is the guest of .Mias Dnrald Borden. Mrs. F. C. OdIL ef Greensboro, a guest at th hi lie of Mr. W, R Odell ?o. 'J I ;' .1 j. Vr. U. B. StickW wTOt' to Char. lotte yeeteTday afternoon on profi sionai bnnne, Miss Isabell Tn in and Richard th day in 8al- Gibson are spendin isbnry with fnem Mr,. W. T. Wall knd children are visiting Mrs. , Wall's father, .Rev. Paul Barriager, in Mount Pleasant. v MMdames A.' XL Lenta, C ; L Smith, E. j. Braswell and Misses Margaret Lenta and Annie McDowell are spending th day in Charlotte. - Mrs. A. S. Caldwell and two chil dren, of High "Point artf the goests of Mrs. W. J. J Weddington, Mrs. Caldwell's aister.-- They ' will eturn bom, tomorrow; j! S Afraid of tho; uffragette London,-Jan. 25.-Great interest is being taken Jn the ' mass meeting which A? Bonar. Law ia to . address at the Albert Hall tomorrow. The speech -will be the first pronounce ment made by Mr. law in London since his releetion- aa leader of the Opposition in the Honae of Commons. Extraordinary' precautions are being! taken to prevent a possible demon stration by the "militant suffragists. Women will bo admitted to on sec tion of the hall only, and no woman's ticket has been issued without a per sonal guarantee that - the holder will not disturb the proceedings. ' -f; V ..-fWork on the Street Hallway; p ' The street ear. fore has' completed the track on South Union street. The -work, was started' at the Luther an church corner 'and fnds at, a point just below Mr. Leonard; Brown's resi dence; The street car force is ow -e u haw theR traok connected Gibson; miU :,ta the Lock ... . (TOiv. jttVr ghonU ee- tain expected developments material ize fheirack will be extended runn er down South Union, although this is mere eonjectnre. " ; ;lf V T Celebrate "-Br 94t& Birthday. Mrs, Evelyn Barhhardt ia the hon or iruest todav at a dinner at the the celebration f her ninety-fourth birthday..- The guests; present were: Mk and Mrs.-D.'B. Parish,Mrs.P. f T)rv arid children. Mrs. F. D. Lef- ler, Mr. Reuben Biles,' llrs. ,Misen heimer and Mr. Fred Leflor.:, num ber of other relatives were invited but could not attend on account 'of i: Mr the j serious Illness of Mrs., monroe ;."( jk"'., mmmTmm; - ; &f Mas Nannie Alexander has award- 1 eontraot to-Mr. JohnR. Query put in A new at her miUin- lOT store.- The front wiu.o ox mou- i degi, win hftve a large plate glass window, wor Awut uegi u lew aajrs. 7 r . - . ..v -t i-v- '. ; V : V V . ? S h . r ' v I. ff ; i - ' 7 ' v ' -:mms ,'i , . : ' N02.T3 CXZCLXXA XWS. ZUaa of New rroa All fart of th " ; 014 North Stat. Senator Overman has selected the location for th Vance atatae in atatuary. hall in Washington. It will b placed next to that of Robert E Lee and near that of Dr. J. L. M. Curry, of Alabama, who spent much of his time in North Carolina. ; ' Th Ho Joseph us Daniels ha been made chairman of the delega tion from th South Atlantic States to soak th necessary arrangements for holding th national , convention in Baltimore. All who want a ticket to the convention hall -can write Mr Daniels at Raleigh. , :';'" r Charlott Methodists - have sub scribed $10,000 toward the erection of a handsome school building at th Children 'a home, this city. While plans have' not been drawn for the proposed new itrueture, it is known that Superintendent Hayes has addi tional subscriptions . amounting lo I- .1 1 to AAA .u. vi m. m.. "-"K A few days ago a postmaster in Anson county was notified by an of ficer that he was wanted to answer a. charge of tarrying concealed weap one, w hereupon the postmaster in formed the officer that he was not amenable to State statutes, his offi cial position exempting him, and he doubtless threatened the officer with all the powers of the Federal govern ment If he so much a touched a hair of his (the postmaster's) head.' The officer "got cold feet,' and called on Solicitor ' Robinson at Wadesboro; the ' solicitor was so astonished by the claim that he asked Attorney General Bickett, The Attorney Gen eral's answer was brief ancL-to the poinfT, It was: "Take hun.";; : v - Tof Inaugurate Georgia Governor. Atlanta,' Ga., Jaa." 21 The Geor gia legislature convened ioday fora special session to eanvasa the retnns of the recent election and inaugurate Joseph M. Brown a governor. '.The work; is, expected to occupy - but a few days, when ihe legislature will adjourn until the latter part of June for Us regular session. Mrs, George H. Richmond will be hostess to the Cbrstian Reid Book Club Saturday afternoon at 3 o clock at ftehome of..MrjC JJTIartseU 1 V tP in - QUMSTtOl or unrr-onM a emcuso jccoum Win TBI HONMT rov NWS KICCf- ' Mr to ' '. DAILY Tfl AMOW KUDBm, wutrmt tf A HOVStHvLD JCCOONT O tOt CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. : Capital 1100,000. . , i , Snrplna $33)00. 4 Per Cent,. Interast Paid oa .Tim . Deposit.. j KYXTL8 VAWKXSi CASH I A.kMfll. fVH mam T.rnrt. km aV1(.V -Bom Btartilng Light , Th Asbevill Citixen baa been v riastingly after th murderer of Myrtle Hawkins, in Hendersonville last summer and promise som im portant disclosure aooa. In a re cent issosvtbat paper says: "la again referring lo th eaae of Myrtl Hawkins, whose mysterious death ktiI remain unsolved, it is not the purpose of th Citizen to engage in controversy with a Hendersonville writer, who with that curious form of intelligence whieh ha featured most, of hi work in thi State has advanced a suicide theory. .The mer curial disposition he shows in deal ing with facts and conditions, which he himself explointed when he vo ciferously demanded in Th Hender sonville Hostler that the slayer of Myrtle Hawkins be brought to juiP Iceland that the county "officials do their duty, make him. irresponsible in argument, and there we drop huu. "It may be necessary, however, to ""7 mocctbbit joeeMioniy qnoU from ntf this remarkable manuscript, , penned - at th time pt the hearing in Hender- sonville last September. , Therein lie most of th clues and theories along which, the detectives - andN officials worked when they first began to hnnt for those responsible, for Myrtle Hawkins' death. . His vivid imagi nation say that the unfortunate girl drowned herself, on Wednesday night after vainly attempting an operation on herself. ; The' Citizen has in its possession: tome of the mannscripts referred to which say that Myrtle Hawkins left home on Thursday morning,, a -fact, to whieh the girl's parents will, and did testify a fact borne out by letters recently' receiv ed by The Citizen, from members of the Hawkins family who indignantly resent and brand as false the state ment that 4Jie girl committed sui- eida. " .,-'.-': "Tlie Citizen expects ' to publish within the next two or three days some interesting data from, an an- thoritatiye and representative onrce in- Henderson county , whieh, we be lieve, will throw some new, if not startling light on the Hawkins' mys tery.", ; ." . ' .- . y '' r , v'An Instrnctiya Play. 'The ...Third Degree," Charles Klein's great play, remains the tri- nmntianc - nnnliA wneffMl.nv:.'.i:tiiiti it: 1 was rewgnized to8Tif? about a year ago, .'The play not only entertains its hearers, bnt it in structs the larger, portion- of its pa trons in a harmful police practice of great interest to th commonwealth. . Wait For Our SEMl-ANNL'AL GLEA RANGE White Goods Sale VfHICH Witt OCCUR NXT WEI THIS WILL BE THE. GREATEST VALUE-CIVIIIS EVENT OF THE YEAR. EVERY WOMAN EKGV. :Z WHAT OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALES MEAN. 7V . ... ...... . . .. . ... 4: . . . - . GREATEST "SAVINGS OF THE YEAR.' WATCH CU-t ADVERTISEMENTS FOR OPENING DATS. : 7; n a- kl Norfolk Soutlcra J.1 I 1 Baying CJlt li-, Norfolk, Ya, Jan. 24. A f: !- to restrain the 'orfUk Sou: -a Rilrod from purchasing tb r- dn Asbaboro, Cartha A 1 1 . burst, Dnrham A O"rlotu, Ucf d A Troy and Rale-h TS,Mitbport r 1- roads in North Caroline was fed to day in tb United tAst. L. i t court and was made part cf tit proceedings ia th as of Tmt Com. . pany of America against th s - "'k A Southern Railroad Company. 1 . . petition was filed by Dr. fcout! - ' Leigh, through hia attorney, t"i. A Terry, and an order was isrnd t r Jndge Edman WaddiU, Jr, euinr tie - nary 31 to show cans why tb oraver should not be granted and tb r" f - demanded allowed. - ' "! Dr. Leigh waa snreeon for tb railroad --before it went - into- the hands of receiver and for. 4b eeiver while they operated th road, and he claim over $1,50 i do him for sueq services. Tho petition al leges the revetm if tb rV is. not , sufficient to pay , th fixed charm : and cost of maintenance, and. opera- . tion; that the roUrng' tck is 'worn oat, old and .dilapidated 't khat th ' roadbed is rough and th . ties rot ten and that the road cannot be op crated with safety Withoiteipending urge ums of money and that tb only way the company ha of raising money is to use h aaeeta of th Norfolk A Southern Railway, " por chased at tho' leceivers' 'sale, from, revenue derived from 'opeAtion' or further encumbrance of th property. ' ant has sold all the floating property. . of he company the stoamer Vir ginia, Comet, Waterburg, Garrett,' v Dickorman, (Maven Belle, Wagner and ! aj dc mane and that it ha een rt- ' . moved from the jurisdiction - of th- i : court. It recite the the. property was purchased: ffor $800,000 and th assumption of certain liabilities, ' among them Df. Leigh's clsira, and ' -that it hs since been mortgaged for .: $25,000,000 and that it has provided . for an additional issue of $10,000,000. . - Baal Estat Daala. Mr. T. L. Ross has purchased 62 acres of land in No. 't township from Mr. J.'A. Kimmons. v . -' . Mr. J. W. . Culp' has porohased a house and lot near the- second. Bap' tist church. , . , : t Mr. Job rr Groff has ; pnrc'"' -i jP i of the Wallace Cook property , -'The last three sale were from- th Wallace Cook property . an A. war made by Messrs. J. F; Cannon, nnd and J. C. WaoWorth. u ' , SALE er r."o' , st 1 '. n Archey and :;.! :iy 1 i c,; I"' !. Lucy Brown and At. 1 .;-!'!. ' c; -foncs: . !" r. a. t' : .' ' i I . r.