V' VOL XXII We i3 Cent, a Montn. CONCORD, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26,1912. 'K0.173 J. , THS FIAT LIST KI3HT. - A Etroci Flay PmenWa by on T7i- nsually Strong' Cut The Di- graceful Behavior of Hoodlums. "Paid in Full" wu presented at the opera houM bare Uul night to -; fairly good crowd. Tbe play wi strong ou end presented in ft moat effective manner, and every member of tbe. east, which tu roost evenly balanced, -showed up strong. That the play waa appreciated by the au dience waa narked by handclap of ap proval andrat" tbe'end of the third act the audience broke loose In spontaneous- and long applause. The ' work of the entire east was good but that of Mine Gloria Gallop, a "Em ma Brooks," waa of a unusually high order and she waa a decided favorite. A better play or a better presenta tion has rarelv.been seen here. Time and time agaih this paper hSS celled attention to (be disgraeeiui conduct, that- the police of Concord allow to go on at the opera house whUe the play ia being presented. Tim and time again. Manager Byles has warned the public against such behavior- and tbeatened harsh meas ures if it was not stopped. , He has tried to prevent it. . But when a show is being presented he ia a busy man, both at the. box office and behind the " scenes. He cannot attend to his du ties and personally - oupemw . the bouse. This work should be done by a policeman. . They nre paid to do such a duty.- They are admitted to ' the opera bouse free for that purpose. They are present when the disgrace ful conduct is going pn.' ..When a crowd of Concord eitisens go to the opera house it is the duty of the chief of police of Concord to see that they have protection. Such conduct - as was . carried oa the opera house last night waa disgrace to" a cul tured community and : refined audi ence. Did an officer go to the crowd of hoodlums who were throwing pop- ' corn on ladies and talking and laugh ing while the play waa going on! . Are the police going to allow iadies of Concord to be insulted in such a ; manner any longer f - There ia one way for you to stop it, Mr. Officer, and that, is to march such "offenders out of there immediately, ; and when they are out the show can not only. proceed ' without . interrup tion but the atmosphere will be much purified. . ! i; -'J ::S - Manager Byles has a right to pro " tectum; against his usinesa-Mng4n jured. Other shows, are to appear . here aeon-and if Manager Byles se . cures others "of the class he did last . night a large erowd'.shoulii be pres t ent Is- such behavior gopg to.be allowed thent We hope not', v - Govtnuneni' to Print Clarence Poe's Raleigh,' Jan. 25. The United ' States -Bureau of Education has just ordered 5,000 copies of the speech of Editor CUrenee Poe, of the Progres- . sive Farmer, at Jacksonville, r la last Apil printed as a public docu v ment. This : action is 4aken on the ' recommendation of ' United States Commissioner of Education Claxton, . who heard the address when deliver ed before the Southern Educational Conference and .who now takes this " means Vt having it distributed to 5 000 of the South 's leading citizens and newspapers. The title is '.'Asia's Greatest Lesson for the South', the address omDhasising the. fact,', that public education and the nee of ma ' ehinery account for the difference be t ween America's prosperity and the chronto poverty of .the Oriental - world. k - ,' ' . ' Got. Bloaao Xloyt tho Korth. 4 Columbia, 8. C, Jan.24.-North- ' era writers, newspapers and negroes X are savagely excoriated by Governor Blesse' in , his twenty-ninth message ' to the legislature 'communicated today,-in which he asks that commitr tees be appointed to inform, the peo. -" pie ho ij. burned Columbia in ; the ; Civil - War, Governor Blesse declares General Sherman ordered . the i city burned. ;r--":if.::';-Nf Tbemeimftga is just about as hot as the one last -week denouncing news- , papers, which the Legislature ex pungedfrom (lie record as unfit for publication. - ' - I xington tf bo Considered. . Lexington, Jan. 25. It ' now ap . peariS. that . Lexington V bid ., for the . ne Lutheran college is to be well wort; considering. One prominent c'tiz i has subscribed $5,000, anoth er t :00, another $1,000, and many r " rt)! "or amounts.'.'.. A . ftua free t !e .11 iluo be offered. "The matter Wi'.l e taken up at the next meeting ... i t i' i board of trade, which will be I Thursday night," anufurther ac- mi., I MOUITT TIXASAXT KITE'S. Annual Debate Lodwig literary Se ciety. Work at UonV Amoen goes Oa Without a Hitch. aft. Pleasant to Be oa Norfolk Southern. Death of Mr. Martin Goodman. Per sonaL Change at Tuscarora Villa. The' annual debate of the Ludwig Literary Society waa held in the au ditorium last Friday night. This was the postponed exercise from. Decem ber, and, although it waa prepared under many . difficulties, yet the ex cellence of ti debate and other fea tures of the exercise have never been surpassed. The many compliments spoken by visitors and .friends fully attest the worth of the programme. We regret that time and space do not permit a detailed account of the debate and declamations. The j tion under discussion was to the ef fect that the. United" States should increase the navy. -The' affirmative was defended by Messrs. F. I Broad of Salisbury, and Homer Ritchie, of Concord i the negative by Messrs. C. H. Crane, of Marshville, and G. F. Davis, of Charlotte; .' The committee of decision, Bev. B. L. Stanly, Bev. J. Long and Mr. F. S. Cline, fraveht.nk nA ni it with;- ;,, it : u. .re recognising at the same time that the negative were very, very close to their opponents." ' ' Mother, " Gird My Sword Around Me, ' V waa most effectively spoken by Mr. J., A. Thomas. Another choice piece of declamation waa. 4 'Christmas Night in tM Quarters,'.' by Mr. G. F, Con- nL: :i:Vi:.:drl The Athletic Association of the In stitute" held an enthusiastic meeting yesterday. Plans are being formu lated for the season. There are quie ' W - uuuiuoi uiutuuu the student body and all that is nec essary for a good team is to round them into form. This will be done at once.-.;; '"?Jil-'-y Mr. Preston McNair, of Aiken. S. C, . has entered Bchool at the Insti tute. . : :',:', : " - -. ..: '.( The work at Mont Amoena Semin ary is going on without a hitch. We have been having car loads of mud upon ear loads of the same material, but this has not inconvenienced the young ladies in the least, since our cement pavementa put ' them , any where in town without pin's head of mud oo the. daintest . shoe. In fact, they seemed " to . welcome the recent TSjiJiiHSI pleasure. in wie snorts oi ine weawrer man to put a stop to all things gen- erally. . In view of the improvised quarters,, a better pleased student body would be hard to nnd. y would be hard to nnd.. A One Of our prominent citizens has- VUVAWU iciict a-x una aaa viuiwi vs. the Norfolk Southern railroad. It seems-to be pretty-well decided that Mount Pleasant is to be on the main line of the road. The old argument that we are oft the railroad will Boon be blown to aiuuia. . : V ; ' ' T ' Lost evening at;8ix o'elock, Mr. Martin Goodman, one of Mount Pleas - ant's oldest and most respected cit- : j .,A. 5 i; illness.t 'A! this writing nothing def initehas been decided as to the fun eral arrangements and burial, but the interment will probably be in Union county, at Mr. Goodman's old home. In this death another one of the Con federate veterans" answered the last roll call. - - - - - 1 -Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall, of It asca, Texas, are expected today. Mr Hall has accepted the position as su perintendent of the Tuscarora cotton mill. . Mount Pleasant is glad to nave Mr. and Mrs. Hall make' this their home again. - 0 t Mr. E. M. Dry, the retiring super intendent of the Tuscarora, has not yet fully decided where he will lo cate, but it is likely that he will leave for another town, which will be a distinct loss for Mount Pleasant. Speaking of raising lemons, - Mr. Tom Hinehardt is prepared to hand the lemon to anyone Vho may desire. it,', having taken: one .from his tree. that weighs twenty-two and one-half ounces, ' .- " - - Mr.. Chas. Thayer5 returned Mon day from a business .trip to Norfolk. , Mr. J. x . JtieCiacnern, oi oausoury, and Mr. H. M. Blackwelder, of Con cord, were- among our Sunday visi tors. - , . . Mrs. Ella Barnbardt, of . Black fountain, is visiting her father", Mr, Lenta. . ' ' Mt. Pleasant. N. C, Jan. 25. ' Failure of Prominent Spencer Merch ant. Salisbury, Jan. 25. It has come to light today that in the1 failure of George W. Connell, of "Spencer,- the Spencer branch of the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. is the bi"?cst cred itor. Connell, who owned two retail rrocery stores, a restaurant and a coal and wood yard and was thou; l.t to be in a prosperous condition, ceas- 1 to do business at all of his places aturdav nik'ht and Monday went in- ' voluntary bankruptcy. P. S. Carl ' ti, a local attorney, was appointed r 'vfr and today he stated that 'l's riiT.i'ities are between ff "). ! r 1 ','""). Ilia --Tts B"9 r-1 TES DE0WKINO OF - KE. IXE BEAVXB. Had Eescned Man rrom Drowning And Afterwards Lost His Own The body of Mr. Lee Beaver, who was drowned in Black River near Iranhoe, in Sampson eounry, last Wednesday,' arrived Thursday and was buried in Oaklawa cemetery to day. The body waa first taken to It he home, of his brother, Mr.- Walter Beaver, at -Mill Bridge, where it re mained last'night.' A Mr. Hicks, of Sampson county, accompanied the re mains and 'gave further details of the drowning of Mr. Beaver. . ' It seems that Mr. Beaver waa not driving the team pulling the stesm roller which crashed through the bridge, but Vas working in the saw mill nearby. . He and a negro hand went to the rescue of the driver and team both having been thrown into the water. They succeeded in get ting the man out safe and also two of the six mules. One of the mules threw his foot into the boat, upset ting It, and throwing Mr. Beaver into the swift water. He was swept down stream, and Mr, Hicks, threw him a I r. " " " "v""- of him. .Just at this moment a swift wave or current struck- him and he was swept down ithe stream.. He sank and it was some time before his body was recovered, although it was not twenty feet from where it was last seen. . He was beyond hope nf TMmuMtatfnn when fnnnA TT lncf kig own Myiag another's, and i numbered among the world's heroes. i Baby found In Yadkin Elver. IMUUICBTUW UUrailHUWi'i '. -. i lesteraay -arternoon about one o'clock, workmen at the waterworks plant an the Yadkin river just this side of Winston, fished up a suspic ious looking package out of the wa ter at the dam grate of the locks, and found it to be a new born baby of white parentage. 'The find creat ed considerable excitement: in that vicinity and the news was brought to Mooresville Wednesday : on the 4:40 train. It is said that some of the workmen at the - power plant had seen the bundle on the day previous when it was thrown from the car window of a. passing train. .The 'of ficials of Forsyth county have -been notified and are making every effort on- .poly episode, , In Melnory of John Banyan London, Jan. 25. After a lapse of neMl two and a quarte eenturies . 'h. .a T .m . k.l.t- ed tribute to the memory lof John Bunyan - today, when the ; national memorial window in the north tran sept of Westminster Abbey was Un veiled with impressive ' i ceremonies. The memorial to" the ' inspired tink- er was designed by-J. N. Cowper j -. . j . t an nnn " "J i" V "t ' 1 1 U1B. ""l.f . " -designed .m two,, sections, illustrates some of the chief scenes and episodes in Bunyan 's immortal "Pilgrim's Progress'' '? .-J-':S: ' i ' -' -v 'S - - Walter-Fisher. ' Mr. C. P.'Walter and Miss Bettie Fi8her were married yesterday af ternoon at 3:30 . o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Ephriam Fisher, in No. 2 township. A num ber of, friends and relatives witness ed the ceremony, which was perform ed hv Rev. J. J. Lonor. pastor of St, John's Lutheran church. .Mr. and Mrs. Fisher will make their home in No. 2 township. - -. "' Police Methods Exposed. .: The interested attitude of the ma jbrity of the audience toward -the Third Decree scene, in cnanes Klein's biir, play "The Third:De- eree." tends to indicate how few really jare familiar witn.tne metnoa of - police inquiry laid bare by, the author or the play. Mr." Charles A." Cook has resigned his position as clerk ot the r inch hotel in Spartanburg and returned to his homo here. r It IT I d QUESTION or MFETT-OPEN J CIIECIUNO ACCOUNT WITH TH 8 MONMT rov,nso met- I ART TO HAH ON HAND-IU3T DMI DAILT Tr" AMOUi seeded, rvern.i r A HOVi. lvt.O a' vr n t ' OTO KAryAI CLIS LETTXa. LnproTomsoU In TUs Thriving Town. Mr. EU .CoK 'U EeepitoL Partors Organlxc T. M C.'A, And Ptraonal Hotee." ': ' After an enforced silcnee of sever al weeks, caused by on attack of grip, we are undertaking to give tho Tri bune a brief account of the happen ing at Kannapolis.1 Quite a lot of nems which we failed to get in time has become stale, so wo will just drop in line with the latest Menu. - . .. Kannapolia baa net been finished yet: for ' the sound pf improvement may be beard here again. During the last months of last 4 year two large store rooms Were . built ' adjoining Kicnmond bloan Coa building and now workmen ore at work building an addition to the Cannon mill, which will b lorn enough ita .accommodate 5,000 more spindles.' A lance force of bands aiw employed and the work is being pushed anl no doubt will be completed in vry few months. Mr. S. E, Sloan, tfle popular man ager of the Richmond Sloan Co. 'a store here, has been; in poor health lor some time and has gone to the Statesville hospital for treatment. We understand that; he ia retting along lueely and willj be borne again in a short while. h . '- Rev, E. C. Andrews, formerly of Plymouth; N,. C ia' the new pastor of the Baptist church here, succeed ing Rev. Dr. J. N. Stallings, who was supplying tho pulpit temporarily un til the new pastor could come. Mr. Andrews has been received with open arms by bis congregation and ia wel comed heartily, .by; tlie entire com munity. He has been ' here several weeks but his family only arrived last Tuesday. They ore making their home with Mr. and- Mrs. C, W. Wright until, their household goods arrive, j after, which they will move over on Chestnut street., Mr.. An dreweCwill give the church here his entire time. ..- t Miss Gladys MoCanless returned to her home in Salisbury last Wednes day, after a two weeks 'visit to her sister, Mrs. W. B. Sbinn. ' Miss Bet tys. Gaston accompanied her home. Miss Maggie' Eflrd also visited her f rom - r5aturday until ' Sunday, when she and Miss Gaston returned on No. We hear many." commendatory re marks about the' excellent ' ' sermon preached !Sunday; murningvoy Rov. W. 8mn--froinrtlwP text f Wbat Is Mant" Ps. VIII :4. .Mr. Shinn showed that he had made a compre hensive study of the subject, and all admired1 his originality, ; and their thoughts were Jed into: new chan nels. . - . Mrs. J. W. Stratford is home again, after a visit to home folks in Anson countq. - ' ' ; "Rev. Mr. MacLaughlm; pastor of - -. At fascinating ? romance .-, of man's ' weakness - and woman's saving devotion L- . , mJA v;f" aannBnnwawawaKanwawasnxr MAnilDR UORNDLOV - Authors of 1 - " "The Lion aad the Moose . ;. I TIIE new serial we are about to publish is a story of love and life, power and prid?, sentiment and prejudice. ' It carries aa irresistible appeal to ths reader that does not , sbata uztil the last word Is told. . DOirr izzzz A I" TAL cac : v.. r the Latheran obnrck at Concord, de- bversd an address in the Y. M. C A. kali 8unday, and our people were very noen pleased with mm and are anxious to bear bun again. Rev. J. H. West, of Concord, will address the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday evening at 4:15 o'clock and will have a mixed audience. ' The pastors of our town have or ganised for their work and will bold a coo fere nee every Monday in the hall and thus assist each other in their work. " The Y. M. C A. Band will give a concert in tbe ball Saturday night, when they will appear for the first time in their -new uniform. Mr. Owen has changed tho moving pie ttrlt show to Thursday night in or der, to give tbe band full owing, so tbe show will bo Thursday night this week. -..... . i. - Mr. Owen gave an illustrated lec ture on temperance Tuesday night, which was instructive and auireestiva. It showed that alcohol as a beverage ineapeeiisies men zor tbe most im incapacitates men for the most im portant work, both physically and mentally, and should have been seen by' a full bouse. Tho Y. M. C. A. is still a busv place and Mr. Owen a busy man, and. aiways naa something doing. Tbe different games are used every night and are enjoyed by all.' A nnmher of glass checkerboards have been in- stalled and are very popular. A new membership contest IS on. It beran T.nn. l.t j I -"""'j buu wui ooniinue un- til March 1st. Quite a number of valuable prizes , are offered by the business men, and. there .are about ten contestants, who are workine earnestly for the prizes. Mr. N. v. Scblichter. of Charlotte. I international Secretary of tbe Y. M.! C. A. for tbe South, will eive a free entertainment to the children Mon- day night, and as he is a favorite1rlDmlT'e Enterprise, with the young people here it is rea- sonable to look for a large audience. Kannapolia, Jan. 24. H. Much Ado About Nothing. Qreensboro Record. : Holy Moses I ' The Norfolk South ern has' bften rAatmincul tmm . i..to- pleting its purchases of the several lines of railroads in this State by a petition meed in Norfolk yesterday. The" bearing on making the restrain ing order permanent is to be held January 31st. ' The petitioner is Dr. Leigh, former surgeon of the road, and ho mafceMho -allegation that 41 company is unable to pay its just debts,, etc., claiming he is due $100 rer services, think of that! what do you Toe Correll pants factory at China Urove ia offered for rhIa hv Jnn TT Patterson. This includes all machin ery, and will be sold at half price. Machinery neatly new. run o?nn:;G :i .V.-Ill I r"!TALLr.!I!m Ef ' : im tati Son of too Poopk San And Ba wbrro Who Oomo And Go. . Mr. IL W. Gulp, of New liondon. is a visitor in tho city today. Mrs' R. T. Orant of Anderson. B. c, is nnung Inends in tbe eity. Mr. R. L, MeRimmia, of Cbarlotto. ia a visitor in the. eity today. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hartaell are spending tbe day in Charlotte. Dr. R, M. King left last nurht for rniiadeiptua on a professional visit. Mr. E. T. Boat, of Boat Mill, has returned irom a brief business visit to Charlotte. Mrs. J. S. Covin, of Enochville, is vuuing ner brother, Mr. O. A. Hoeer. Mrs. J. R. Boul ware and children. or uenoir, will arrive this afternoon to visit Mrs. S. J. Love. Mesdamea W. F. Propat, C. T. Troy and w. A., Wood are spending tbe day in Glass with friends. Mrs. W. C. Thompson, of Hickorv. will arrive this afternoon to visit Rev. and Mrs. J. H. West Recorder H. S. Pnryear left this morning for Jackson Springs, where he will spend a week bird hunting. Mr. Lee Roy Ivey bos returned from New London, where he has been Ivisitino - hia ninnli tnr umnl J "- T Misses Mary Burwell, Mary Fry and Shirley Montgomery are spend ing the day in Charlotte. : . , ' Mrs. E. J. Braswell has' returned from. Charlotte, where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - ". Johnson. Stanly County News. Paul M- Caldwell is back from the nny with an honorable .discharge in his pocket, granted to him at Fort Caswell. Paul says he is "done with army life.". President James A.MeRea, of the Pennsylvania Railroad-,- made a trip over the Southbound in a special ear lu.esaay' The repeated visits of high railway officials over this new road keeps alive the belief that very soon we will see tbe Winston-Salem South bound part of a great trunMine. At the annual meeting of the di rectors and stockholders of tbe Albe- last week, a cash dividend of 15 perl V" was Paid th stockholders. : This agreement of Mr. Mann, the secretary three years, and makes a most heal thy showing for the excellent man- Ke ment of Mr- Mann, the secretary ana ireaaurer. 10 Wait For Our ; SP.MI-ANN'l'AL CLEARANCE SALE -A White Goods Sale -WHICH WILL OCCUR NEXT WEEK! THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST VALUE-GIVKIO EVENT OF THE YEAR. EVERY WOMAN KNOWS WHAT OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALES MEAN. TI" GREATEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR. WATCH CUH ADVERTISEMENTS FOR OPENING DATE. ..V .let us Groansboro Waita Ct TrvJ. a CC(a. , Greensboro News. Greensboro baa been arocui j to the reaiiutictr Out there is a chaneo of aeeurinr for this plaeo th pr poeed Lntkoran college l be erid by tho Lntheran synod of Noi-U (' W olino, and it is practically that t ' Gate City will be a strong contender Too Rev. J. E. Sebonk, pastor of tho , Lntheran church .here, and oeerttsrr - of the chamber of commerce, and ofj- er public spirited eitiacne and the field gone over with a view to aeor-' toining what Greensboro would bare to do to successfully compete i't other cities and towns bidding for - the insUtutioeu v , , Tho committee having ia ehnrg tho selection of a site an other anas. tore incident to the building of the" college will report to tho synod Matt ing in May with recommendation '" for location, and Greensboro people . hope to be able to submit so favorable a proposition as will insure a report rrom tho committee favorable to this place. - ; . "-' ' -1 It is- pointed out that already tho two female colleges here are overflows i ing, notwithstanding their capacity for more than 1,000 students. Lost ' year the State Normal college turned - away over 200 applicants, while that Greensboro Female college had to re- fuse admission to more than 150 girls, v ' It is contended that Greensboro, at ready an educational center, and be-' ing jeentrally located, is the ideal - plaeo for tbe new institution of loans.' f ing. -. ;..--' : '-'y-- i, j.."-. Big Soli at' Cannons Totior C.o' . ;s. Oostinnos. ; --; " The big semi-annual sale at tho- - Cannon ft Fetzer Co. 'a, which began i last Saturday, will continue xor -aay ' other week or -for 15 days in. slL. They are selling thousands of doj lars worth of clothing, shoes, gents' - " furnishings,' etc, at largely reduced -prices. All goods in thair store ex' eept Stetson hats ore offered in thio- -,' sale. See big ad. in Tho Tribune to day- . Theatre Party to Charlotte, j v. Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr Mra, A.. Jones Yorke, Mrs. M. , L. Cannon,. Misses Elizabeth Gibson, Isabelle ; Turpin, Elizabeth Brown and Ellen ! : Gibson will go to Charlotte this of-1 ternoon to witness "The Faun", at! tho Academy of Music tonight. They , will be the aruests of Mrs. Vinton. JLjddeU. ol.f,.kncheonv.loforoj., tho play. - ' Workmen are busy installing tho. fixtures in the storeroom in tho King block to be occupied by Jones ft Co.4 Mr. Jones is now in New York buy-; , ing goods for the firm. ,- N snow you. v to t..e t 1..S

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