--( I K 4V ' A A l' II i; ' V Sf'l J S v "V "V ' V V CONCORD, N, G, -TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1912. VOL XXII Trice 43 CAa Mcmta. Single Copy, Flwt Cents. . KO. 194 r tntZT. FIGHT LXPECTK). Betw.cn I'orth Carolina Republican Tti WtlL Preldect Withdraw. Komination. of Collectors" Aid PoBtmaiters. v Washington, FebT 19. President Taft today withdrew from the Sen ate the nominations of, two collectors ofustoma and ei?ht post mast era, all in North Carolina. Political .eondi tiona in that State, it was intimated, TEE LAW AS TO CLUB 3. Cabarrus Tsnsnj Led the BOU la Clear And lord Lie, ut town u Good Thin, And Should Caae ruCf. Ne Loophole' for E- DowAiaia. - .. , cP... " " ..." Mr. Editor: Why eaa't Cabarra. Charlotte News, "r ..." have a founty fairt We ahould have There baa beea om complaint of a fair in every eowtfj in the State, the law touching liquor in elnba. It It 'will stimulste tb. (agricultural in- haa been aaid that the law passed by terests, and giv. onr entire people an the legislature waa toothless, waa ln- ontinr each faU, that will not only effective in keeping ; liquor out of fTiird th.m nUiunnL hat nront a. I clubs. well. Cabarra. eounty people expend In order to ahow. every reader bow prompted the action. . : llinjMt- rrhr thous- stands, is. we reproduce it herewith voucnnaieu nil . . . . . . .. . ,- No exnlanation-waa the White House, but it waa under itood that the failure of former Con gressman Morehead of North Caroli na, and Republican National Com mitteeman Dnnran of that State, to agree on the nomineea prompted the President to withdraw all the namea ml f -dnllira vmitinv faira else- in lull h.r. in th. ruu. and ihU ia riirhL Chanter 153 fubllc LWi K. 0, Bet- but why not fix up something real nice to that we can invite onr friend from other eonntiea to .visit us, at least onee aear. Suppose your friend doea come, as Untir-aome basis of settlement eould it h, what have you to invite him to be reached.. go out to eet It', not neeeswry for ion ML Pace 898. "An Aet to Prohibit the Sale or Handling of Intoxicating Liquors by Clubs or Associations. ' The-General Assembly of North Caroline do enact. Section 1 ; That any corporation, club, association, 1 . . . . - . . . 41,. .i,n Jimtiii ZZtZZto fcu. inP TVnd eVry o7 directly Wep or maintain by iW J ea collector, district of Beanfort; gether we believe they ean get np association with other. , or by any SSSMutmt editable exhibit -with some degree other means, or that shall in any W L-Kr Wil- of. profit to each other, and then w. ner aid, assist, or abet another r Ham A. Mace, Beanfort amnel E. think onr city friends would join in other, in keeping or maintaining Marshall, Mount Airy J John R. Joyce, heartily and make it a gloriou. .ue- club room or o her place where intpx Reidsvillet William ' C.. Saunders, eeai. Think of this; talk among yoUr icatrng liquors are received, kept or Roanokt Rapids; Estelle Cameron, friends and neighbor, and go to work atored for barter, sale, exchange, d.s Roekingham Ilenry J. Whitt, Rox- and at once get it U0. V , . tnbutmn or division among the mem. Wo and L. E Pickard. Vest Dur- Let n. have your views through bera of any such club or association t.m V the columns of onr eounty paper. We or aggregation of persons or persons One f the bitterest factional fights reel quite .ure tnai .our editor win '"" '" r ever waged between . North Carolina, approve of thw, hope so at least. will be stased in Wash- FARMER, ACenTdinir to well ' authenticated reports circulated in Interest In Roosevelt Address. WaahinKton today. As in every. Ke- Columbus, 0.; Feb. 20. The most shall act as agents in ordering, pro curing, buying, storing or keeping intoxicating liquor, for any such pur pose shall be guilty of a misdemean or; Provided this act. shall not apply to drug stores, or medical depositor ies authorized to sell liquor on pre scription as now provided by law, or to churches using the same for sacra or .-' publican equable since ,the olden" time intense interest is manifested by po- i the casus belli is the' disposition of litical circle, throughout 'Ohio and ',- federal pie and the thing that is in- practically throughout the country in - XJntin.il Pnmmftf.Mmftll DUO 4nmA.n. f .U.IM, nf tliA AhlA Pnfl. K . i.!.mn efforia inst now i. a .Ktn.i noiiic tn tli mental purposes,, or to hospitals desire to keep uliat he ls as, well as announcement that Mr. Roosevelt will YyUme'. k?eping intocatinS li(lnorB ' to guide the presidential spoon the deiver M address before that body mcdcaI opurP088- . '. , ,:. " tw'x.t.nt.mw nluma are serv- u i. iuAUvmA- sn h h "Section i. -1 hat this act shall be lIUAi yiiuv anvawg,. f 7- - n iiavaaa mat as wunw i vu v ,rm ,ed. - " t . - greatest .igniflcance. in view of Mr. .:.!' Duncan came off the victor in the Roosevelt's possible candidacy for -last two appointments.. , Christopher th Presidency. Jonegj'nominated collector of customs , .hort time ago.Governor Harmon .; - ft n..nfA1 Bn,l JnmAfl XfflCe. nomi- .JJmm.J UA .nn.nfi mrA AananA , nated postmaster for the aame town, aKainst the initiative and refereudumt CMe fullv- 14 na wpilole for whose names were sent to the .Senate It believed that Mr. Roosevelt will f.1 opens the way for unham- last week, are his men. Thesere declare himself in favor of both these Pred action by the authonties. En- V . among the names withdrawn.. ' . poijcieg 4nd will .ubmit arguments Jow it, and the violation, of the law .u.. . it m.n i. J ! J .3 ... . . tAHoir Kir Alii ha will or sin anmmaiilv Tins means inai una ueciueu j0 Bi)0w that while he ia a progres- "v "J .that for the present Morenead's sup- give pdent Taft and Govern- .-. - N . .. - nnrt will eount for more in North - n,nn, ... MnotinimmaB AmMio i"8 01 eer8 , A Carolina than that of Puncan. It the mogt ardent Roosevelt supporters V ReWining' uncalled for in the post i s also means, however, that tomorrow ,h re evcn MmB who express the office at Concord for tlie week ending mnrmno' iinnnnn win De nuiiuim hajim i tlt nnoAraif'a uuh r eDruarv miu. . ...si '.A .. 41.. 'BnlMtU... . .. - J t ..' . i !! rtnlir.m-iliWffllfr',Tli m-fT" R R. Alexander P. G. Adkins; C enforced from and' after its ratifica tinvt MRnfifUl tl.ia (he, A. D. 1911." This law is specific. It covers the and nail. to convince tXc. President t,, praeticrtly-ebciiyhe-phitform that he stiU elects the delegates to rfn vhich he would stand if he should the Chicago convention aftd to pre-- nominftted for the Presidency. vent the witnarawai or ine nommu- tions. Masonic Memorial of Washington. Alexandria; Va., Feb. 20.A11 ai MnnnniMAHfa li o I'A Knan AnmnlAtAsI fnV thestfcond annual convention of the John Keneasy, W.,M. ,Mabry,-. Jame. George Washington Masonic Nation- McPaniel, Brodie Mahan, J. C. Ow- C. Burris, R. Y. Bruton, Willie Bar rier, Joe Cope, A. L. Casa, H. Dan- cott, Z. B. Dwyer, W. D. Eury, R. R, Funderburk, J. J. Garret, J. E. Green, C. W. F. Harrisonj Marion Isenhour, 8UICICS OXLT A EOAX Einea Goes Boa'.h Zattead of Junn- lag Into TatQdn Bivar-Beliertd to Be Demented. Special to Charlotte Observer. .Spencer, Feb. IS. Mowan and Uav- idson ounty authorities, who have diligently investigated! the auppoeed suicide of L. Dayvault Ilinea. whose clothe, and watch, accompanied by a note saying he had "decided, to end it all," were found on a pier of the Piedmont toll bridge, near Spencer, Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock, are fully convinced by today's develop ment, that Hine. did not commit sui cide by plunging from the bridge into the Yadkin river,' and that the leaving of the clothes, watch and note on the bridge was merely a hoax to throw his pursuers, who wanted him for passing worthless drafts, on the track while he made his1 way to parts unknown. ', Evidence was secured by the offi cers today to the effect that Hines did cross the toll bridge in a buggy Saturday night, aa stated in The Ob server', exclusive story this morning, and The Observer', story was veri fied m every particular by the nnd: ings of the officer, today. It further develops that Hines returned to Sal isbury after his trip tohe river, kept himself in hiding until shortly after midnight Sunday night and then boarded Southern train) Wa.s30.: He left No. 30 at Speneen'and boarded Ufo. 29, southbound, fof an unknown point. The proprietor -or the rord hotel of Salisbury, where Hines was registered from Thursday until Fri day night, saw him board the north bound train, and Sheriff McKenzie says he haa positive information that i4't on nj v on he left No, 30 and boarded No. 29 at Spencer. It is thouglit (hat Sher iff McKoneie'. information comes from the conductor of No. 29, as he says he will use the train crew in running down the missing man. The officers have received a clue tonight which it is thought will soon duclose Hines' whereabouts, and Sheriff McKenzie stated to The Ob server representative that be will run the man down in order to substan tiate the theory advanced by him last mailt to- the effect- that be did not jump into the river and drown him self. ...-" - Mr. Charles A. Hines telephoned to Greensboro tonight) and was in formed by members of the family that they,jreceived . MrtygiS Jtam, Jhe. missing-man. v it is stated that Mr. L. D. Hine. is only 25 years old and not 30, as it, first reported, and that he has a wife and a 1-year-old child in Greensboro. Authorities in other cities,.- have been asked to co-operate in .the search and, since the suicide theory haa been exploded, it is believed that within the next few days the matter will be entirely cleared up. Death by Hand of the Law Voids All Life Insurance. W.ol.'tnntnn Ti,h.; li'. Death' -' bv w i,oj nt ti, Ibw voids ".all insur- Li ' vfm;d i.iniinn - whih will ensby, William Parker, (2), W. M. ance policies of the criminal. The be held he tomorrow and will he at- Rayfleld,. J; M. Rose, James Sharp, - Supreme Court Ho held today in the tended by the grand masters and oth- Ellis Smoot, Ernest Thompson, Ar- thur Ward. W, , H, Whatly, Isaac .. Cue, mayor of CliBrloltesville, A a., throughout the United States. -The White, C. S. Young. a Tinted fnr tlie murder of tlw nnniatinn ii tn hnild Women. his wifein 1905. ' A policy" for $15,- a Masonic temple here in memory of Mrs. Rosa Alexander, Mrs. W. M. 000 wa. carried by McCue in the Washington in which to keep the Bostick, Mrs. Blooms, Dora Bost Knrth western Mutual Life Insurance VkvinAiAao . WaeKin art An mliAfi. nnw in I Hcstor Shoi6 Barner, Bell. Bennett; .. Company of Wisconsin. , possession of Alexandria-Washington Lula Biles, Mrs. Queen Deese, Mrs. ?vvj..;in TThiti1 Stntea Circuit Court of ij. t w.cWntrfnn Mafreie Gaines, Mrs. Martha Hold- ' nnnnnls for the fourth circuit held ..t... will W hld brooks, Mrs. E. M. Honeycutt, Annie LionorAted for the event, which was that the policy was made in Wiscon- by the association tomorrow and the Kiser, Mrs. Sallier Riser, Ve Linzy, witnessed by quite a number of sin and under the Wisconsin laws invention will terminate Thursday Mrs. Emma Usk, Mrs. Ona McCom- friends and relatives of the young Liwas not annulled 'by execution on the with a pilgrimage to Mdunt Vernon, mons, Blanch Murph, Mrs. Jues Polk, C0Uple.r The ceremony was perform- . gallows. The Supreme Court today . wnioh occasion President -Taft has Lucilla Ruffln, . Grace Sharp, Mrs. ed Dy Rev. C. P. MacLaughlin, pas- held that the policy was not to go nrnm;HB1i h- imaf - , J ' Arvie Stirewalt, ' Mrs. Lessie bides, U0r of St.-James Lutheran church. into effect until- the payment of the I , , , , . Mrs. Minnie Sides, Mrs. Minnie Tay- Both young people have A number of ' premium which was made in Virginia I riM OtlKArt Km Oo1al? " . lor. , . friends here, wherde the bride has : ... a . ' . 1.1. k m. w I :. ' . : .1 A TXTl.. a-m1i:m w 41, a nkmrn lftf am I , , " ; rt j . X 1. ana inereiore inuinie um:jf . ! i j fr Feb -17 Eliiah H. 1 " ucu v""b 4wi always uvea. air. uriiuy uiuveu uore - Gray-Blackwelder. A pretty home wedding was sol emnized this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. J. Blackwelder on East Cor- bin street, when Miss Beulah Black welder became the bride of Mr. t. r. Grady. The. home was appropriately AITOTJAL PUBLIC EXEBC18E. s. Gerhardt Literary Society Collegiate Institute, Ml Pleasant. We have received an invitation to attend tbe annual public exercise, of the Gerhardt Literary Society, of tlie Collegiate Institute, Mt. Pleasant, to take place on tbe evening of Febru arys 22, at 8:30 o'clock in the audi torium at that place. ' Tbe following is the programme for the evening: . - . . Prayer. V W elcome Address by the President. J. L. .Yost. . - : Declamation: Truth and Victory, 8. B. Bivina.- Debate. Query: Resolved, That in cities of thirty thousand population and over all powers of government Bhould be vested in a commission of not more than nine member, elected by the voters at large. Affirmative: J. R. Cress, F. L. Harkey. Negative: L. Edwards, H. E. Isenhour. Monologue, H. M. Faggarr. Decision of the committee. Marshals: C O. Ritchie, chief; F. R. Peek, Chas. McCanless, G. & Bow den, C E. Ridenhour. : Music by the Mt. Pleasant Cornet Band.,; . SXTNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Will Be Held in Ashevill. This Year , on April 23, 24, and ,25. Raleigh, Feb. 19. The annual con vention of the. North Carolina Sun day: School association will be held this year in Asheville. The dates selected are April 23, 24 and 25th. Among the speakers will be Rev. Franklin McElfresh, D. D.L teacher training superintendent of the Inter national Sunday School Association Rev, Chas. D. Bulla, superintendent Wesley Adult Bible Class Depart ment of the M. E. church, South; Judge Joseph Carthel, general secre tary of the Tennessee Sunday School Association. , n Each county is entitled to as many delegates as there are townships in the eounty. This does not mean that every township must be represented. but that the basis of delegation shall he the number of townships in the eounty.- Delegates shall be chosen by the county officers or executive committee. Those desiring names to be appointed should send their names to their eounty Sunday school secre tary, or ta J. Van Carter, Raleigh,, N. Entertainment will be provided all delegates by the. citizens of Asheville. hvery delegate will pay a registra tion fee of $1. This will be paid at Asheville when assignment to home is made. All registered delegates will receive: Entertainment during, tbe convention-with county delegation, a convention' badge,, a convention pro gramme, a right to a voice and vote in all deliberations of the body. ' The railroads will grant reduced rates. These will be announced later. OSXAT DISTRIBUTION ' . WILL BEOIK TODAY. Everybody Ha. Been Clipping Firtt Pag e Headings From Th. Tribune to Get th. Atiaa. From tbe number of inquiries re ceived regarding the Standard Atlas and Chronological Hwtorjr of tbe World which The Tribune is distrib uting to it. reader, we are assured the book, will go with a grand rush. And w hy notf Such a book is a daily need in every home in Concord. Every business man should (have it, and where is the school child that doe. not need it every dayf In fact, every one that reads find, the need of such a book of reference. Tlie Tribune's Atlas is filled froif cover to cover with feature, of rare educational value. There are ninety full-page mapsl printed from new plates, comprising every eountry in the entire world, and separata maps of every State in the United States and. all the provincea'of Canada. Then there are descriptions of thexfflnei pal cities of the world and tfie popu lation of each; an instructive chapter on the workings of the official ma chinery of our government; chronol ogical charts showing the history of the world at a glancet and many oth er instructive features never before appearing in a work of this charac ter. The Tribune give, you this useful Atlas for only six first-page headings clipped on consecutive days ' and a small expense fee to defray the nec essary expense items of distribution. Just clip the portion of the heading showing the date line. Sea the Idis play announcement on another page of today's issue and .present your headings as soon as possible. ' Th. People Will Judge. , Greensboro News. Col. Wade. Harris says: We do not. know what Simmons is going to do about it, but we have an idea that he should leave his ease in the hands of the people. They should be judge of his, record not his political op ponents.". And they should be per mitted to judge by the entire and the exact record not a distorted view and a garbled presentation of it. , After dividing fl 'among his fifteen children, Owen Gavin, colored, of Des Moines, Iowa, committed suicide Sun day" by Mowing- oft his head with' a shotgun. Receipt of notice from the overseer of the poor ' to leave the county lest he become a charge upon the county is given as the cause of his act. TE2S0XAL ITTICX Borne of th People Ear. Asi TZm- whara Wh. Coma And Ga. Rev. J. II. West ia .pending tbe day in Charlotte. " Mr. Harvey Lambeth, of Charlotte. ia a visitor here today. . Rev. R."L, Patterson, of Charlotte. is a visitor in tbe city. , Mr. R. A. Mayer, of Charlotte, ia a business visitor here today. Attorney J. Lee Crowell is attend ing Rowan Superior Court. " i Mr. J, P. Lone, Jr. waa a visitor in the city" yesterday afternoon. Mr. A. Thie. of Charlotte, ia a bus iness visitor ia th. city today.. Mr. J. Locke Erwin left last nieht for Oxford on a short business trip. Mr. Gow.n Dusenbery ha. gone to Gastonia on a short business trip. Mr. A.N. Jame., of Mount Pleas ant, was a visitor in the city last night.' . - 1 '. ' . . Mesdames 1. A. Cannon and Claude Ramsaur spent yesterday afternoon in 'Charlotte, i. , Mr. Zeb V. Turlington, of Moores ville, is here; today on professional business. . MisisMyrtle Pemberton' ha. (tone to Winnsboro, ''S. C, to visit Miss Elizabeth MacMaster. . - Mr. J. B. Alexander, of Moores-. ville, spent yesterday here with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Alex ander. ,..' : Mrs. T. H. Strohecker returned this morning to her home in . Barium Springs, after attending the funeral of the late Mr. C. G. Montgomery. . Mr. H. P. Montgomery has return ed to his home in Montgomery eounty, ( after attending the funeral of bit . brother,, the late Mr. C. G. Mont gomery. , i Mrs. W. B. Ward has returned from Randleman, where she has been visit ing relatives for several weeks.. She, was accompanied home by Mrs. R. J. Fields, who will visit her for some time. ' - Mrs. J. S. Newsom and Frank Car riker went to Barium Springs today, where they will spend the day with the ' latter'. - three brothers,; one of whom i. ill with pneumonia. ""Mr. Harry Montgomery left on train No. 44. this morning for , Danville, where he will spend the day on busi ness for his cotton firm at Gadsden, Ala. He will rKiim to his home at Gadsden tonight. ' . i ,'.. !- mnde in Vireinia and therefore that T- v .! . t--. nniw please say "advertised.'? the policy was made Virginia and thitt county feudists was . - M. L. BUCHANAN, . was not governeUy Wwconsin law. . . . . . - ArkaMM to. - Postmaster. After reviewing the cases, in tne ,0 aM tw oniwrt could not ' TT Federal courts and in the courts of A "' " wnii.m RePolins May Start Newspaper In Virginia the eoun announceo 1 in.s d , A much asthey . " . nub ic d1icv in both Federal and Vir- " ,. . .. . . , . ' Raleish Times. rinia iurisdiotions demanded that wer VJ.. Report has it that the. Morehead- .7 ... i n.T . ..a ijinmn at inn Lime uueuvi wm wut.j i M . i. i . . death by the law Should void -UM'-p- r5 .tatad- that to his knowledae BulreP Iacnon 01 tn? puoiican par- Mr- gtickley Appointed Examiner 01 v- . 1 t . .1,1 .,., n MAiminn nanov in Kai.i . - M . a. J'"'" "! """6 several years ago and engaged in bus iness aa a plumber, being a member of the firm of Grady-Brady Company. Immediately after the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Grady left for Charlotte, where they will visit relatives of the groom for several days. ; , Lent at St. James. The Lenten Season, which begins tomorrow : (Ash Wednesday) will bei observed at St. James Lutheran church with special services on each Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The pastor has arrang ed a series of addresses for these ser vices, bearing on the general subject of the Plan of Salvation and the suf ferings of ..Christ, The Vesper ser vice of the Lutheran church will be used on Wednesday nights, "JesusHoly Passion," seven litur gical services for the Passion Season, based upon and in part translated from Dr. Schoeberlein's ?'Die Heilige Passion," by Rev, Dr. A. L, Yount, will be used on Friday nights. : The public is cordially invited to .attend these services. suranee. Is-., -1 - V-.1.4 TT.r where the V"n of the leading Republicans here say a month of the time of the 'df - they ar8 0f a definite in- Town Pullf Dead Dogs. .' '""-V -:'?. I v - . .-IB lUUIllII Ul fcliej iAUHJ UJ,, U luuivwii 1 -... ' IWnor. ri(rtnn W a . Fh lH.--A Tftld ! . ' m hna 1 jy miv I 'Z t iL citv vesterdav f "? "Z , "A" " tention to do this. : It is also report- caused the death of about 200 am- Herd Hrd offw no explanation ra'als, only one dog, as far as is known or Qjiberta statement, made when escaping the poisoned sausages which fae w8g d . that he flhot QwUl were scattered all through the city streets before daylight. The only dog to escape, was one wincn was suspect ed that the . Associated Press patches will be secured if a - Records at a Salary of $1500, Mr. M. B. Stiekley.- of the local bar. received a notice today stating that he had been appointed examiner of records by the government Mr. suit Stiekley 's duties will be to examine the titles to lanas .purcnasoo oy ioe dis afcTrmZb7pa s..r i;i,u est Reserve in this State. Mr. Stick- Press In Raleigh, but the question of W w - - box in the office of a doctor. ixr&tt-v Anna Iflfl Years. ' i . i ; .. -...-'.. I. ...." '. nJ . . , ...nt nt illnoOO hilt. Will t Hit ft lin ed of having the rabies and is in al Whitesburg, KJ , eb .J- "ether another paper coma not g 8o0n M he recov. eon- new r-,r :i ki; , Tl, W Wright h. inst R.t .nt W unit-would orK W1U noi require n ausem ages were au given enouBn poisou T" V.' ".3 i '.a . " "V ji p ! away from Concord only at short in- .... . 1. .An.4 I... I1IWII 1 triini f.tl lilt LUIS. UIB. MUIV WUU I1H WM1.I.IIVI1 W1L I B KIDI1I uv.t v. 1 ... . ... Kill a aOS BIIHUS4 limiauitj, ttUU uj, .-r.. .,- . ... I "T . , 7 : . . 8 o'clock in the morning the streets hos tarled on anoiner ceniruy. ims te were filled with dead dogs. -, , ueaths the record 01 "granaiamer s . 'j clock." celebrated In song, which r of S dogs, for there has been .10 rately.kept the time for succeeding any paper; with these dispatches ha. VmctSe hew as his fxtensiv. rabies infection. -X saus- generations in one family .w,tch f j tinue h" , tervals. - New Business Firm Here. Howits & Love, of Greensboro, have rented the storeroom in the Reed buildinsr next door to Hotel Marshall and ill open a store there within a short time. They will handle men's clothinsr. Workmen are now busy re modelling the storeroom and as soon as their work is completed the stock will be placed in the store. . , V T J Daii Eussell, manager of a social club at Granite Quarry, near Salis bury, hos been fined $00 lor retail ing. ' ' ' . . ....... Women's Golf at Palm Beach. went ; ninety years without slumber- i - --. . vm . - 1 -t mi.. 1 mr tiiv rintr Tifiir - irir"' ralmlScach.u a.. Jteo. ju. ine "'0, . ...... .l TP 4.nmnM4 ffH f li a wnm. " , . . -n. ... 1 Clmwat m.t t., ITarcl Cras. en's clinmpionsiup ot rionun opcu- -t-- . . c- ... .... .t tt,. nAatnfflca. Oarleton Sisters Last Night. Arranging to Get Into New Postofdce. The Carleton Sisters opened a Postmaster Buchanan is at the new week's engagement at the opera house postofllce today giving out keys for last night. - The performance, . was th new poetofflce and supervising ar greeted with a capacity house and rangoments that are now being made cd an.picionsly p th, , Pa m Beach Wn h. ntaclassTihebFl consist of vaude- be there .U day 'and states that he hks this Bf erno. n and w.U contuiue paraae o , . to until the end of the week. The win- tor"lva'' ... ' ' . ... ..j,. in4fla n the wav irv lint to show the nubl c throutrh ner of the tournament will have lF '-.T V tn -K 'For VJnm. 1. ildii... - The name inarmed on the 1 aim ; , . , hnthM,M SaW Uight. Prices mail will be given out at the new post- iiiaiionro i. up xor ...nc... wm... - . -; ;tf,i. ia in 9n ml nn centa. ' t I filli I Thursdav mornine. This will wm won 1 t yer ry A.. 1 Uiiin . 7 : - k r hnliHav and Snndavs hours IlyJo. of I.,.,Uyn( N. Y. The tro- tne ... y on rctoiu- . be 0bsemd. All the postal bus- j-iiy mil..! ii won iwku-, hoi iircrs-S!)i-;;v in siicr. ,-i.ion, to he permnnont- ' '' . id.i, whom it ni t Al.li.ii 'i i ' n ITiirninn in Pi ' 1 inot, Kei'.-.tor V ' ' is of th ojiiii..ii i I , 1 , .,.V..Mo II. e 1 . r i ' :. 1 J.:' Is r n P. Bryan, of Flor- presented at the opera house tonight, iness, however, will be conducted at ol f.uorod the A lur-e crowd greeted me piayersiiue new omce, t ti- l.t. nml all were pleased with e. ri forniince. ' Mrs. C. O. Mont -tomery and Misses CAPITAL 100,000 SUEPLU8 ......... 33,000 (law kc::ts " . Uxzz cr Small Concord National Ban!;. FINE , COLORE0 : white IkreAs For Shirts and Dresses Domestic and Imported IJlne Madras in a good variety of weaves, white and colored, mostly stripes. Nothing betT ter for shirts andlearly spring dresses. Let ' us show, you: while the stock is best. Priced, 10c, 12c,15c, 25c 2CtYci; J J.J " ' ' ' ' j v - ' Shirt collar bands already shrunk, 13 to 16, : Price, 5c cr.ch. t. j. i, y eupi Jennie and Lilly 'v.firy l;Ct is now readv to this . morning for. (Jhnrlotl, where Iv While Tlv- Uirv will visit re' i . i i t',;, ' v n" hi, when i.i ' Sep Windov E' ;lzy. rn vt-s iini 1 Wedno-i-1 v will riilurn to TZ1. C"T. rt.-ie t cn

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