- - - - - - " . a X . ' . . ( V-;: ' -AAA i il I ' t H it! Mi! li i nr . ' - i i . ' i 'L, ' u i n r. "l VOL XXII PrkelO Centi Monta., , CONCORD. N. G, FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 1912: . SIngU C Si r - ; SHERIFF. SHOT DE1SD AWTUli TtAGEDY ENACTED IN A THUICUA COUET EOOM. a. e"S" Aiuwini riM tWIounUln. When V Sentence is Pronounced oa Hoyd . i - AQra, Notorious Mountaineer, And ' - -i a Scor of Trianon Open Tire, V " vIOTS. Alii) VUnl " mum" , " 4 Hilkilll.?FM. March .lir-A troop . 'of monnUin Outlaws rod down out .'jot the; Bine Ridge '.today ".to Carroll "county court house here and assas- -.'sinated the jndgo upon the bench, the prosecutor before .thit bar and the ' ' sheriff at. the door in lew time than 'it tike to tell 'it 'taketaoinshrdlu it takes to tell it, whfle sentenee was being pronouneed . nppn rioya Alien, .one of their, number. -. v - ' , When the) crack of the rifles died -away only one member of the human '.fabrie of the court Dexter' Goad, tha elerk was alive and he had been .. , wounded. ; , V Three jurors were seriously weuna- ad, and three bystanders were more or less seriously wounded. Floyd Al- Jen, the prisoner at the bar, was shot several times, probably not fatally, Sidney Allen, his brother,, who kill ed Judge Massie was wounded, but -left town with his friends. , ':.. 4 Tonight the outlaws, with agood day's start,' are up in the mountain bush withn citisen posse, little or eaniaed,' making a semblance of a " pursuit. ' Sheriffs and deputies from neighboring counties cannot reach - here before early. -morning. A spe cial train . from Roanoke tonight brought twenty detectives to Galax, the nearest railroad station, N. nine . miles away. - ; ' Governor Mann has offered a fj, : 000 reward tor the capture of the as sassins and holda-Statff troops under arms for orders at Lynchburg and Boanoke. . ' Hillsville Terrorised. , " The shooting terrorized Hillsville V to the point of paralysis. : There was v not a man to give an order or organ ize a pursuit, . Citizens .fled to places of safety and mothers gathercdup their children while the assassins rode ont of town. ' Judge Thornton T. Massie had ns--4iit is put in to prevent a premature i,;. AhAir na the bullets strnckj ini.; Tha ituimil eommission's VII uviu . v - ... . i 11 iim- across hlt8 'Wtoijli41lai injt eorpser x;ommonwenu ney WUliam Foster with half a doe en buUeta in his brain crumpled down to the floors Sheriff Lewis ebb was ahot and knieCaS he reached for bis revolver ,and sprang-, forward. Bul lets grated Clerk Goad and in the confusion he was reported killed. Jurors who had been slightly wound ed were 'repdrted dead and by that indefinable methocb-of ! communicationNc township tonight, at 7:30 which prevaib'in tjia woodlawnconli- try, reports oivar wiHe"j shot out, to the?countryside. ' , . , Allen's Crime. Floyd Allen: was before the bar .. .nmnnfail nf takiosr a prisoner trom a deputy aneriu...-.! had atrufik the sheriff over the head . with the butt of a, rifle and the pnsr oner escaped. Sheriff Webb had gone up in the mountain, anl taken all fiuMespltewarnings .-"J a venture mfeht mean, attorney Fps . ter had prosecuted him fearlessly and a- mountain jury gathered from the - inland aectionf or no man in Carroll V county eared to sit on the trial of an A AUen--4ad convicted him. - - Just as AlleiS was about, to be call ed up for sentence, his two brothers, Sidneynd JacW at the heL.W- a troop of about twenty mounrtmeers, ' rode np. to the court house. A Betting of Tragedy. The brothers and their companions, some carrying rifles and others arm ed with revolvers, crowded into the -m nAm ond stood benma " the rail and about the door. Floyd -5 AllenT aged flVtafll Tf.' moHntfid the bench , , nd Prosecutor. Foster moved .sent 'k ence upon Allen, who stood up- There I.. . nffllnir of f eerand a general movement among the: mountaineers - in thebick of the room ut no sign ":..'U foiietoU the erribUi .kagedyw the minds oi very one -"v. Th..nul leeal foriahties.t over, ' -J-ar Massie began pronouncing , sentance. The last ords that m . from his lips precipitated the trag- Beforenhe last word' was cold, the -. .nj. - Ailn with an oath lUSUltme ires nriann u mvh eo to prison, prank out of the prisoner's docks Judge' Massie ' collapsed , : upon the !. i.,, rnar of shots and Prosecutor Foster wM on the oor - . of a heap. Sheriff Webb was'spnng . ing forward for hi- prisoner; when -' the lead xouna nun- . ' ino aiion Away, Then holding . the , panic-stricken . "i .wvr t bav. although . : li..ui oi nnt necessary;- t&e iT2i; backed out of the ' cTurTroom -jd across t green to IKugh the aroused Village Snd off - - ' KfT?.:,r.tar of lsw-break- ' rg w ihe " with a T . , t' adminiKtration of just- 'ont made by friend who urged him to take steps for bis own protection against toe lawless element he had determined to bring to juBtiee. Gov. Kitchia Takes a Band. Raleigh, March 14. Responding to a special appeal from Governor Wil liam Hpdgea Mann of Virginia, Gov, Kitehin of North Carolina thia af ternoon telegraphed the sheriffs of Stokes, Surry and ' Alleghany conn- tied, which border on Carroll county Virginia, to take every step possible for the apprehension of the seventeetN desperados who killed . . the - Judge, Commonwealth's attorney and sheriff of the Carroll county court this morn ing just as the judge waa sentencing Floyd Allen to one year at hard la bor. Governor Kitehin informed the sheriffs of the reward the Governor of Virginia had offered. ' ' Anarchist Fires Three Times at Vic tor Emmanuel of Italy. Rome, March 14! A youthful anl archist, Antonio- Dalba by name,.wbo asserts that bV ia a member of no organization, attempted to assassin ate King Victor Emmanuel today. The King was not injured, nor was Queen Helena, who was driving in a' closed carriage with him at the time, but an officer of the King's guard, Major Lang, was wonnded in the head and fell from his horse. Three shots were fiered at the King who was on his way to the Pantheon to attend a service commemorative of the birth of his father, the late King Humbert, who died in 1900 at the hands of an assassin.' As the King's carriage, escorted by Cuirassiers, was nafiflint, n Inner thft Viftlfltft. a man pushed through the line of soldiers that iruarded the street and fired three shots from a revolver. Fear Volcano Hear Panama Canal. New York, March 13. The state ment that a volcano, dormant for manv centuries, is threatening the safety of the Panama canal is made in special dispatches from Colon pub lished here today. The volcano is said to underlio the Colebra cut and it is stated that "the report of the division engineer at Cnlebra is Vather pessimistic." The fear of volcanic trouble had its oriein in the fact that clouds of steam ,andblue smoke have been ris ing from newly turned ground. Every drill hole in the affected area, is test- . - ' - - smoke are due only to the oxidation of pyrites and have no volcanic sig nificance. . Debate Between Winecoff and Bocky River High School Postponed. The first annual debate between the Winocoff and" Rocky River High schools which which was to- have hPfin hld at the Winecoff school in o'cWJik has been postponea on ac count oi the bad weather and : bad roads. It will be held later. The question will be . "Besplved, That North Carolina is tno uesi oiaie in the Union lnWhioh to. Live.", The (flrmativ- will be "presented by Claude Stroud and Robert Litaker and the negative by Harry Bost and LDray ton Horton. Claude Stroud and Drayton ilorton wui eacn nave a re joinder. There will be declamations f . . , ' : . -r I t 1 .1 by Kalph mm ana jonn oarnunrui., and recitations by; Evelyn Winecoff and Zula Boat. The Rival Leaders. Durham, Sun. . - It- is now nnderbtood that Thomas Settle -will manage the campaign of Mr. Taft in North Carolina. The State will be controlled by Roosevelt followers. Mr. Settle la promised a foreign appointment in case Mr. Taft again wins, i ' I Mr. Z V. Vreiser, of Lexington, wiu lead the Roosevelt forces and it is said will be named aa candidate for Governor. It is a well-known fact that the man who saerinces tumself aa a candidate for Governor on the Re- nublican ticket in 'to be "cared, for, and there is generally more money in io- mg than in winning. ., , . . v Wiahesjror the Old - Time -Night Ui;..Wea-K. Mr. Editor : ' 'What haa become of the old time night- watchman, who used to walk up one street and down the other continuously aH night long, in tbe back lota as well aa on the front streets f We rarely heard of burglaries in those days. I do not think there u much -danger of any one breaking in tbe eity hall at night, and therefore it is not necessary for it to be so well' policed.' 0 for. the good old nights, when Will Johnson ana Laiiner oyies .nsea ra w mimi watchmen, for then we felt safe from. the intrusion of tbe burglars. i . ; ; f CITIZEN, i' -;. Vj?- Mr. Ritchlt Coin Watt, Salisbury Post. 14th, , vMr.-Mumford Ritchie, or Loneordr who waa shot by a .Mr, ' Hamilton from whom he was collecting albill about a week ago is doing well at the Whitehead-Stokea sanatorium. Soma one or more of his brothers have visited Mr. Ritchie daijy since his being brought to Salisbury and his physician and lie pastor have each paidiim several visits. The many mends or Mr.jtiicnie wui oe glad to know that ha ia rapidly on the way to recovery. - , ' EflrcTs are' Riving Salem Almanacs AKD THE FLOOPS CAKE. Trenendoua Rain AH And - - Today. Btreaaw 81nce Floods of IMS. Elxhast Not aiaee the nsver-to-be-f orgotte flood of Angust, 1908, baa' this tion been visited by aa heavy a rain aa fell last night aad today. All night long the rain fell hard aad last and there has been no let np today. About 1 lo clock this morning the down pour seemed to be the hardest, and fojrsome time the rain came down absolutely in sheets. - EaTIy this morning the Three. Mile branch waa the highest since the great flood four yeara ago, and has been rising all day. V The-ereek at the depot is np to the bridge and the entire bottom there is one vast river. A telephone message from the coun try brought the information-that Cold Water creek- is the highest rt baa been in 30 years. ShenlTHoneycutt received a 'message from No. 7 town ship saying the streams in that sec tion were all on a rampage. At 12 o'clock today' the water in the ereek at the depot was np to Mr. F. C. Nibloek's barn, and waa just where it waa four years ago when the Kerr bleaehsry waa washed away. At 1 o eloek it was 14 inches over tbe fill leading to the bridge, and was, still rising. J A message received at 1 -o'clock said that she water was over the fill at Cold Water ereek on the Mount Pleasant road, and that the fill was being washed away. The rain is still falling fast, and the streams are all rapidly rising still higher. Mo Ldoubt we will have the most disaa- trous freshet ever known here. A telephone message received from I China Grove says that a large fill in in the public road near there, erect ed for Rowan eounty by Mr. W. A. Foil under .contract, was washed away thia morning. Father Must Give Consent to Wed .When Under Age. Raleigh. N. C, March 13. The supreme court in J. . Littleton vs. J no. Haar, register of deeds of New Hanover eounty, just decided, holds that the register of deeds is liable for the 200 penalty for erroneous issuance of marriage license to Lit tleton's 'daughter, Edna, because the license. was issued on tihe written con sent of the mother and ont of the father. .The girl was, under age and only 'the consent of tier mother Waa flled-v-The, f vjtotAQe, alty , and recovers jndgment- for it The court hold.) y;at l no consent oi the fat'ii-r i , eswcnial if having ia thia casa the daughter was Iving with an:l ,bin suprorted by the fa ther, but the -i,oiirt .hokls that this consent of tio father i necessary wheth.it this is fit- case or tot and whether the fatherland mother are living together, as they were in. this case, or not. Also a case in Ala bama ia cited approvingly in which it is held that this penalty would ap ply if the license were issued on the consent of the mother only when tbe father was out of the state for time. !-His consent must.be gotten if lie is living, no matter what the circumstances, is the position of the court unless there is other specinc guardianship. : " . - Taft Will Not Get One Tax Heal Vote Special to News and Observer. - Washington, P: C, March 13. The National Roosevelt headquarters, of which Senator Dixon is the direcntw- today gave out the statement: that Taft will not get a single district in North Carolina. Dixon claims North Carolina for the Colonel and declares that the claim ia substantiated by the information that has come to him from persons' closely in touch with conditions in the State. ; '' :, 'In Eastern North Carolina,"" says the statement, (the author evidently having confused the Western part of the State with the Eastern part) there are many eountiea in which tbe white Republican vote far out numbers tbe' white-Democratic vote and those . are lining up for Roose velt with an approach to unanimity that, is giving deep conern to the Taft''Deople.'U'V,.. 'v: V;-'-' The - Roosevelt movement in the State is based on the conviction that if a strong candidate is named for President it will be possible to regain the loss of the two congressional dis tricts in 1910. . S, :-4 m, -. Idl Watchman Dlaappeara. A "N. Lawson, night watchman at the Bibb Mfg. Co Columbus,; Ga., disappeared in a most mysterious manner last Sunday night and since that time no trace of the missing man haa been found. He was known to have had a sum of money on his person and it ia thought that he was robbed. Investigations by the po lios have revealed practically noth ing. Two unknown men were aeen about the mill on Sunday night and suspicion points to them, aa they also ' have . disappeared. " Lawson is siHy years old and as there is no ap parent reason for hia Jeaving home, it is believed that he met with foul play. :' X' '-''t-- ' '"s' :"' ''1 N. C. Chrimian Advocatt: Rev. J. C. Rowe, D. D., is serving his fourth year on the Salisbury District. It ig indeed gratifying to note the de votion of the people ' of 1 the dis trict to him as their leader. . The Stanly Enterprise, referring to a re cent visit to Albemarle, aays: '0ur pp , 'e always enj ;.. eringlStia gilt ed n!fn of God; t!y love him and TO EXS MECCA X3Y0LT. PrasUen .Tail a4 lh Senate Pat! V Sarw Te w feten Shipment af. Aram ;.':'' '? . f Washington, March 114. President Taft, with-the unanimous suport of roe eenate, todey dealt a knock-out blow to the agitators for intervan tion in Mexieo. ' The House is ex pected to pass tomorrow the joint resolution today. Ml provides Whenever the President shall find! mat co Damons ox oomestie violence exist in any American country which are promoted by the use of arms or munitions ef war procured from the' united ctatea, tbe rresident is here by authorised in bis discretion, and with auch limitations and exceptions, to prohibit the expedient, to prohibit the exoort of anal Or munitions of war from any place in the United Mates to such country until otherwise ordered by the President of by Con gress. ': '') The shipment of as material pro hibited by any eucfa proclamation shall be punishable by fine not ex ceeding 10,000 or imprisoned not ex ceeding two yearsV both. Hue important action was taken following a conference at the White House between 1 the President. At torney-General 'i Wiokersham, Secre tary oi War etanson, the members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Keiationa and the Texas delegation in Congress. ' Senator Root, who drafted the reso lution, in introducing it said thous ands of American were fleeing from their . homes and properties because imperilled by arms and ammunition sent across the border from the United States. -V Major-General Woodjsaid the auth ority conferred on the President to stop the supply ofmunitiong of war will soon brinr an and to the re bellion and in a less expensive way to the United States, than by inter- ventiou. Salem College Gate Carnegie's Check. Winston-SalenvMarch 14. Special. Andrew, Carnegie 'a check for $25,000 was received today by Salem Academy and College, in fulfilment of the iron master's pledge to the college endow ment fund. So far aa it known by the Salem College authorities, this is the largest donation (hat (Mr. Carne gie haa made to any .Southern wo man's college and ia a marked tribute to the wark lie institution's 'doing. According to the terms, of the endow! meat the donations mint be invested in the highest posible form ef securi ties, and the income will be used in the development of the college depart ment of. the venerable and progres sive institution. Mail Business at Salisbury. Salisbury, N. CM March 14 Inter esting Statistics compiled by Post master J. H. Ramsey, of Salisbury, show that the five letter carriers in service here serve 2,820 citizens daily, wai tne carriers eacn average walk ing 18 3-4 miles per day, stop at 265 Homes, deliver eh an average each 593 pieces of mail, weighing 77 pounds to eaoh carrier. These figures, which are accurate, were obtained by actual records made by the car riers.- 1 be volume of 'mail handled in Salisbury has increased to a con siderable extent and Postmaster Ram sey bas requested .the department at Washington to authorize the employ ment of an additional carrier. Taft haa 23 Per Cent, Washington, March 13. Exactly 23 per eent.yof enough delegates, to nomi nate President Taft at Chicago are pledged todlay, according to a state ment from Taft headquarters. Taft haa 123 delegates; Cummins, 2, and Koosevelt a lone one, Manager Mo- Kinley ' declared. Five hundred and thirty-nine are necessary to nominate. Want Proof.? . That's Right :- " A 10 days' trial ol POSTUM . in place of coffee, will show - any coffee drinker just how -coffee haa been treating him.'- After the trial f f Look Back " -t , ; and compare the ' old eondi- -- tion of jeoffee aches and ills ' "with the return to health and i . comfort which earns witb the ; -change to Postum.'i t , '--.'i.... j- . '. '--t . - 'ji-'l . '-jr f - -. , -y. i-. v .!..'. .: :i ,i . . i t s 4 " It will then be plain why '.There's t Reason" : -1 , , - . - " i H tot -''Y! '::;' Postum Cereal T5o.J Ltd., . . - rr.t.'e Crefk, irkh. I OlACE IATS HIS WXFX SIT IT, Dying, Telia Pitiable Story af Ear I - Omalty. Atlanta, Oa. March 14.With the 1 wsr part of bu body pronounced muvmuj ubbu, cu(me ix. unci wnoac spinal eord ia severed by a bullet al leged by Grace to have been fired by bis wife, expected to die within the next twenty-four boars, accord ing tq his physicians tonight. Grace ia said to be faring death with stoi cal nerve. He continue to ' insist that his wife shot hkn. Although Grace last night made an ante-mortem statement to his attor Chief of Detective Lanford stated tonight that the dying man will be asked to make another to tbe officers of the law. In his story to his law yers Grace ia declared to have told in detail how his wife shot him: that she remained with him several hours after be was shot; that he pleaded for a doctor and then begged for water. The attorneys decline to give out the statement for publication. , Mrs. Daisy Opie Grace spent a sor rowful day in her cell in the county iail a result of the news of her hus band's condition Oh, why don't they operste on birnt" she is sair to have exclaimed when informed of the doctors' decis ion that an operation would be use less. - Hear the Topers Smacking Their Lipc Jdonbclair, N. J., Mar. 14. Ernest Manderson, of Montclair, possesses a keg of peach brandy he claims is more than 50 years old. According to Manderson it is one of six buned on a plantation near Salisbury, N C, si-ice I the time General Sherman made hu northward march from Atlanta. The kegs were buried in the cellat of a till burned by Sheridan's sol diers, it is said, and their presence in the ruins was unknown until this "spring, When a new building was con structed on the site. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVER OUR First Car Load OF HUPM0BILE Yon are cordially Invited to call at our Show Room and tea them.. Machine Stop. 10. E OORBIN ST. CAPITAL SURPLUS 1100,000 83,000 New Accounts Urge or Small Welcomed al ThlsBaiilL Concord National Bank. FOUR PER CENT. Interest ' Paid on Time Dapoalta. For the benefit of the Thomp son Orphanage, the Tan Room at THE MARSHALL HOUSE will he open by the ladies every day thia week from 3 to 0 p. m. . Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Sandwiches. " Coma and help a worthy cause The Orphans. , - I r T T . . A. OPENING AT Hiss Alexzr.'s Tuesday, March Twenty-Sixth, . i Nineteen Hundred end Twelve, PERSONAL MEHTIOir. Some ef The People Hare And Elese- . . .where Waa Coma And Go. Mr. Cameron MeRae waa in Con cord yesterday. Mr. Joe McKay, of Charlotte, waa uerv yeaieruay. Mr. Jno. C. Paxton, of Woodstock, was nere yesterday. Mra. George Norman, of Charlotte, ia visiting her sitter. Miss Smith. . Mr. F. L. Gibson, ofjeorgia, is here visiting bis brotlu-r. Mr H (i uioson. Mr. Easier, a voune lawver frnm Eden ton, was here this week looking around with a view to locating. Mra. J. L Piukin and littk inn have returned from a visit to rela tive at McColl, 8. C. Mr. Harry HowelL of Winst lem, was in Concord yesterday. air. u. a. Kluttz and hu mother, Mrs. Felix Kluttz, came in yesterday from Hickory. Mrs. Klutts is now visiting her son, Mr. J. R. Kluttz, of No. 11. Some unknown person poisoned one of Dr. Pemberton s fine bird dogs one night this week, resulting in the ani mal's death. ?rs. L. B. Cleg will leave tonight Havre de Grace, Md., where she 'oes to see her son, who is in school there. She will go from there di rect to her home in San Antonio, lexas. Messrs. D. B. Coltrane and H. P. 3uffy spent yesterday in Salisbury, aaving gone up to see Mr. M. F. Ritchie. While Mr. Ritchie's eondi- ion is encouraging, the phvsiciant- Jo not-yet consider him out of dan ger. Mr. McNeill Will Not Be a Candidate. News and Observer. In an interview last night, Chair man Fianklin McNeill, of the North Carolina Corporation Commission, an noticed that be would not again stand for election, having served two full terms and two years of the third. Many persons have looked for this amnouCement earlier, 'because there seemed td he a general understanding tnat;. Chairman 'McNeill would not again offer for election. There will be two vacancies in the canroaum. which is fo sav thorn- will he;neeoeasary.two nominations.- Hon. u, u. iravi, wuo is xuiing Lite unex pired term Of Commissioner - H. C. Brown, who died in the middle of -his first term, it is understood will offer again to the people. There are two candidates for this place, certainly, and many more are expeeted.- aaajisapsa Crochet Saten and Marseilles ; v ' t Counterpanes V .- . ' . Special Saturday and All Next WeekeV i The best values and largest cord, hardly any two alike and $2.00 values Special Scalloped, cut corners and hemmed Special t '-f. .j. i tm. ,..,..-.-....:-..a.l$2.00, $2. AND $2.0 i'!,.:;;'v--' ;' - ,.. :-'-:'-f,,:i.v'!.-!;!?:;!; 'h:;MK-bi -XK ';;:'' t Beautiful designs in Monogram, Hemmed: Scalloped with ' and without cut corners, all made of mercerized yarns .. . . 1 A a i 1 - ..i. a9A sar Aaa a a A a as Special Saturday and all Special Saturday and all next week . r . $2.95, $5.45, $3.85.TO tUS , Circular Scalloped Table Cloths, new designs Special ' $i.sa. $ua and tiM, -', . BATH MATS-SPEC;AM; 40c assorted colored Bath Mats . 75c assorted colored Bath Mats . ,., Ask to see these goods. Whether you buy" or not, wt are pleased to show you. - H 1 L AMAZED BY PAVAXA WOES, '', Mr. R. P. Slmpeoa Dedaraa XI tne , Oraatest Work ef Agea. - , Baltimore Son. " . t -. -v Mr. Robert P. Simpson! nrLUi of the Poole Fngiaeorini; Company, of Hampden, haa returned after a. nve weeks' Inspect 10a trip ' ef the Panama Canal - . ; ;r. "Work aeeompliabed by tbe Paaa- ma Canal Commission is one of the - greatest engineering feate ef the ages,' be said last night ""I had - read much of tha work in the Canel Zone, but I could hardly realise what ' I beheld. Forty thousand men are ' at work in a territory leas thaa3 miles long. There are three locks, tbe too ef - the centre one being 85 feet above the level of tbe Atlantis Oeaa. The steamer to Panama sow taa. right into Lake Gatun. and anils at f ul) ' speed for 20 miles. The Culebra Cut is a wonderful place. There are scores of huge steam shovels working J. . J : u . m i . ... . - uaj- "uu ui(uh iiku run is aa ev ' . rectiona. Rock and earth are torn away by train loads and awamn ' lands are being filled in." Two Officers Have Fnriona Batttf With; Moonshiner. - Troy. MVeh 13. Sberriff J. R. Me- Kenzie and Deputy George W. 8toart bad a lively round with bloekaders near Steeds, close to the Randolph r eounty line, this afternoon, and as result, Will Saunders, av aotorious -blockader, ia in Montgomery . eountt 1 jail tonight and the still brought to ." lroy. tohenff (MeKenzie learned about the still yesterday afternoon and thia afternoon went after bis man. ' The still waa discovered in a little hollow, ana eaunaers waa in tne aet oi max ing a run when tbe officers arrived There were a number of men about anda fusillade of shots, followed, and when bounders waa at- last captured be was found to be shot, a number of shots'from a shotgun having entered nis side and arm, -. . ? New Officers of Elks Lodge. , At a meeting of the Elka Lodge" last night the following officers were chosen: .-, t: . .. -i -i-i Exalted Ruler, L T. HartaelL , Hugh Parks Leading Knight s t . H. G. Gibson, Loyal Knight it ' T. F. Morrison, Lecturing Knight A. F. Goodman, Treasurer. ., R, E. CUne, Secretary. 1 v' Ed. CrowelL Tyler. jutt. " t'"TrtteeT.L. JU. stsaeBfc one yesW--:-- Earl Brown, two years; fi. C Barn-7 -T hardt, three years.r , ( . Salisbury has raised through M4 J. M. MeQorkle, the sum of $40 for V. the. China famine sufferers. u assortment ever shown In Con-' Hemmed quilts, full aixe, l0 i.:i 98c AND $1.60 i V V next week$2.85, $3., 4 f V t 4 I v t 1 4. 1 3 It to free to t r t .fomcra. look Ur Lis vi:.u9."