c::lt if.1:: :;e . a -. ill. avettae mm4 hniiim, SiniCnUTIO ATKS Tr '1410. lh. I. IK r t . rttr mmA kr 'Itw. I .S. t- ( Hunttis- , i T ! Months . riKUSlUt ABHOVMCKalKNT. ' advertising retsa eea be bad at tbe Mm Copj lor caenfea mmmK ee in j ' CuditTkuU Resolutions ef Re tMct u similar articles are chareed at tte rata e esats per line cssb in Itim. as second elaea mall matter April 14, 11. al the noalofllre at Con or HZ C, nnder th act of March (. uti. Arrrval of Train. at Concord, otrraawrim. ioiitiioith. Mo. li i n No. 45 SIS No, 4.14 a-nt No. 44 :4 a.m No 11: " No, 44 1:44) p-m. No. IS :4S P So. II V II a.m. a, 11 14:14 e.m. Mo, 1 : P-m. Mo, 18 I -44 p.m. Nt :44 a.B Ho, tl 4:11 e.m. No. 18 " No .i 1S:S V ' No. 1011:48 p.m. ILL TWAINS BTOP AT CONCORD. foil WL OOLMBTi .City B4Mor Concord. N. C March 20. 1912. If th Democrats wis the national election they must take into spriow consideration, the availability of the different candidates,, and select as a standard bearer the mau who will bar the best chance of securing enongh ballot in the electoral col leg to ensure his election. If the Democrats can carry Ohio, Indiana, and New York they will win. The ballots of these States, added to those States that will be safely Dem ocratic, will elect their candidate. -The fight for victory must be made in these States. There will bo 5:il votes in the electoral college, which will select the President in 112. The majority required to elect is 2(iti. Students of national politics estimate the Democratic candidate can reason ably depend on having 18" votes in the electoral college, and in these fig ures are included the Southern Slates, Missouri and Maryland, both carried by President Taft in 1908. Arizona and New Mexico, and Colorado, car ried by Bryan in 1908. The Demo cratic Presidential candidate must obtain 79 additional electoral votes to win. New York, Ohio and Indiana, with a total of 84 votes, would bring the Democratic strength in the elec toral college up to 271 votes, or live more than the majority required I" elect. These States all have Demo cratic administrations. . Old man Floyd Allen,, the Virginia murderer and outlaw, now that he is wounded and in jail, declares that he is sorry for what happened at Hills ville last Thursday. He appears to be repentant and full of remorse. No donbt he is sorry, for he sees certain electrocution staring him in the face, but judging from the life he has lead no faith can be put in his pro fessions of penitence and remorse. We are reminded of the couplet : When the devil was sick, the devil a monk would T5e, But when he got well the devil of a monk was he. PARAGRAPHS. An ordinary man may not be able to do his own cooking, but he can roast the cook. New York city owns $14,000,000 worth of idle, unimproved land. This shows that Tammany occasionally Buffers from absentmindedness. Railroads are discovering that they cannot safely give rebates even though they call the rebates by an other name. Secretary Knox's trip will he worth the money if he persuades the Latin American to love us a little more. The "dawg song" has much to rec ommend it. There is nothing sloppily sentimental in its rugged lines. , He is trying to make the Republi can party say It looks black for somebody in that British coal strike. ; . Brvan. Banauet to Be Biff Affair. " Lincoln, Neb., March , 18. Demo cratic leaden who' share the opinion of William J. Bryan that only a "progressive" ghonld'be named to ' bead the national ticket this year are . - gathering in Lincoln today to talk . over the Situation. The ostensible purpose of the round-op of the lead en at this time and place is to at- tend the banquet to be given here to morrow 'night in celebration- of Mr. " Bryan 'fifty-second, birthday. "The . banquet has been an annual affair I for some years past,- but this year it is to take "n more of a national as- pect than ever before. Plans looking j to that end have been going on quiet- ly for some time and it is expected that several score of the leading pro presisve Democrats of the nation will be in attendance. The toast list of the banquet will contain only speak - ers from outside Nebraska. Among t'.ero will be Senator Gore, of Okla J , a, George Fred Williams of Mas t l.iwetts, and Frederick Townsend : i row York. -; ; 1 d f Sates aviation instruc 1 t a few miles from Au- ; f e I'lisfnn Kafionnls ere " ( ' ' TI i' army THIS DATE 13 BZ5TC&Y. M irta tt. 1778 Aierira army entered Boston i , i after the evseualioo of the city bvtne Britiklfc - - 1700-J'oob Tyler, tenth President of the I'uitod Suite bora ia UreoQway, Va. ' Died in Rich mond, January 17, 1SC2. 1793 The French prorlainied the Bo man republic. 1870 Alexandria, Egypt, taken y the British under Fracr. 1823-Sir George Bwkmith, noted EaiKliah general ia the Ameri can Kc volution, died. Born in 1753. 1 Prince Frederick Charles, Ger man commander in the Fran- co-Prussian war, born. Died June 15. 1885. 1S.'i2 " I'nrle Tom'a Cabin" by Har riet IWcher Stowe, published in book form. 18G0 Track-laying of first railroad in Kansas begun on the Elwood and Marysville railroad. 1805 Sherman's raid in southwest ern Virsrinia commenced. 1894 Louis Kossuth, famous Hun garian patriot, 'died. Born September 10, 1802. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. We have a safe, loendalile and altogether ideal remedy lhat is par ticularly adapted to the requirements of aged people ami persons of weak constitutions who suffer from con stipation or other bowel disorders. We are so cerium that it will .relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every particular that we offer it with ur personal guaran tee that it shall cost Hie user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Keall Or derlies. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, mav be taken at any time, day or night : do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action i.pon the organs with which thev come in contact, apparently act ing as a regulative tonic upon the re laxed muscular coat of the howel thus over coming weakness, and aid ing to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes. 10c. 25c and 50c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store fiihson Prtig Store. WAGONER SCHOOL HOUSE. Well, i guess the ground hog didu't see his shadow ft hen he came out ou the 12th, but it does not seem to hav again, we are glad to say. iRev. Mr. C. V. Cruse, our good school teueher, closed his school with a spelling match on last Thursday iiigut aud all enjoyed a nice time. Jliss Ada lleuley, who has been visiting her brother in Speucer, has re turned home. We are glad to note that the Dry Telephone Company are commencing work ou a new phone lme from Misenheimer to Gold Hill and we hope to nave better service in the iuture, Mr. J. O. Culp, who has been ou the siek list for the past month, is up agin, we aTe glad to 6ay. Mrs. Eliza Earnhardt, the widuw of the late Mr. Crawford Earnhardt, died at, her' home at Albemarle and was brought to Malton Grove cemetery for burial. She was a member of that church. The .funeral service was con ducted y Rev. . W. Cruse. She leaves three small children, an da host of friends to mourn their loss. Plenty of rain and high water is all the go now. 3-3-6. NOT A SECRET. Kathxyn Dunne's Secret. It is said that in Europe when woman linds a remedy that does her great good, she keeps it a secret for she does not want any oilier woman to be able to rival her charms. American women are different. When they find a good remedy thev want other women to get the benefit too, so they tell their friends. Miss Kathryn Dunne of N. Y. City is one of these. Isho says: "When I was 'in a weakened condition last spring I took Viuol with the greatest benefit and I recommend it highly. Five of my friends are now taking Vmol on account oi the Ibeneht I re ceived." When, you are run down and weak. you need better tblood and more strength, and Vinol will give them to you. It is a delicious eod liver and iron preparation-wit hout oil and re stores untold .thousands of Jale, ner vous, bfoken-down people to healtn each year. We give you back your money it V liwl docs not help you,' Gibson Drug Store. , ; ' What would 'he nicer for a house keeper than one of our handsome 30 piece dinner sets w hich we -are giv ing away to every one who gets sub scriptions to The Times or Tribune to the amount of $15.00 f That equals 10 subscriptions to Times or 5 to Trib une. Or if you get six subscribers to Times and 4 ov The Tribune we will give yon one of, these sets.-- - , tf. Nineteen . Miles a "Second ' Without a jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful : speed'' of the earth through space. We Wonder at sncb ease o feature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that bring good health and fine feelings. 25c at all druggist We still have a supply of our splen did 8-inch' spring tension- shears that we are giving to all subscribers who pay a year in advance ana au ar rears. We have given away over 2,000 pairs of these shenrs, ana they have piven universal satisfaction, tf Te Tert Xoriem'i Saaity. Sakm, Ya, March 18. Tbe'eom- auaaioa eompod of Dr. W. J. Dr. wry end Dr. J. C. Kia. wbieh fa charted with esaauag into the sanity of Joahaa P. Bsiaas. the eoafsaeaj slayer of Miae Eva U. Che bora, a school teacher ef Botaaoke eoanty, resumetl its work here today after aa inUrmiaaioa of two weeks and heard a number of witnesses. I'poa the result ef the iavesrigatioa abd'the report of the eommiasioa it will de pend whether Raines will have to stand trial for the ardor of Mise Chambers or whether be will be sent to the State institntiosi for the inr sane. Raines is a prosperous f aimer ef Roanoke county and lived with hie wife and two children near Cave Spring. Some time ago gossip fed to differences between Raines and Mies Chambers. Raines tried to have her removed from the school, bnt fail ed. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Miss Chambers filed suit against Mrs. Raines, asking 10, 000 damages for alleged slander. On the day of the murder, January 24, of this year, Raines went to see Mip Chambers and asked her to drop her suit against Mrs. Raines. Miss Cham bers refused and Raines became so furious that he drew bis revolver and tired four shots at Miss Chambers, killing her in her tracks. Before the murderer gave himself np he went to a neighbor's farm, and fired five shots at a man named Charles Day, with whom he had had some difficul ty. One of the shots hit Day in the right arm. Raines made no effort to flee, but voluntarily surrendered to the sheriff, confessing his crime, but refusing any additional informa tion. How Colds Cause Kidney Disease. Partly by driving blood from the surface and congesting the kidneys, and partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen the kidneys, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action ri tne bladdef. They are tonic in action, quick in results. Try them. Sold by M. L. Marsh, Druggist. One of the most strenuous politi cal campaigns in Arkansas will end with the Democratic primaries on March 27, when candidates will be nominated for United States senatoi and governor and other Stale officers. The nominations will be equivalent to election To Mothers and Others. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure your children of ecsema, rashes, tetter, dialings, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their acci dental imiries cuts, burns, bruises, etc. Nothing else heals so quickly, For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles it has no equal. 25 cents at all druggists. Former Congressman Edwin Den- by has declined an invitation from his friends to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for gover nor of Michigan. Backache Almost Unbearable Is an almost certain result of kid ney (trouble. D. Toomey, 803 E. Olive St., Bloomington, III., says: "I suf fered 'with backache and pains in my kidneys which iwere almost unbear able. I gave Foley Kidney Pills a good trial, and they done wonders for me. Todav I can do a hard day's work and not feel the effects. Sold by M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Republicans of North Carolina will meet in State convention in Raleigh on May 15 to select four delegates-at-large to the national convention at Chicago. The "Child's Welfaw,rmoveroen has challenged the attention " of thoughtful people everywhere. Mo thers are natural supporters, and will K nd in Foley 's Honey and Tar Com pound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchitis and pneumonia yield quickly to the healing and soothing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Sold ly M. L. Marsh, Drn- ;ist. . . The Socialists and Prohibitionists have filed complete State" tickets to be voted for in the coming primaries in Illinois. PILES CURED Iff S TO 14 DATS Your druggret enll refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any cane of, Itching, Blind, Bleeding or rroirucing ruee mgnii aaya, ouc, tjse our PENNY COLUMN It Pap. Pair Pants FREE ! FOR TWO WEEKS OiJlY WITH EACH SXJTT 3F CLOTHES 'bought rRosi us, you wilt, get ait extra pair' OF PANTS FREE OF'CHARGE. . There's Satlsfactioa 1a E2AL TAILOiinj mads by Conocrd's REAL TAILCRS. Eundreds bava tie habit and no others please them. T , e, Cleaning, Pressing aoi Aiding by !ea 7la Enow. . . r o ' w f - Mka ZiU te Wed Prtac. K. T, rpocuU U BalUatore Sua. When. aoBotainr like two we a - o. the a?Mat of Priace-Udo- vie Pajaatt-iu J Virago te Miss Mary L Daw datufhter et Mr. aad Mrs. Bsajaaua Ktvtosi Duke of Nw Terk and Durham, N. C, wae restored a denial was ealhoriaed by Mrs. Duke. After Priaee PignaUlU had saidol away fe Europe yesterday oa the RseoBriM WUbobn, it wae kerned that cfcee- friends of hie ed the Duke family had bee, ia formed that the engageoteat waa bow a fact aad that the aarriage woald take place with la the aext few- weeks ia Europe. . Mrs. Dak and her daughter, .ac cording to present arrangement, will sail for Europe within two weeks and Angler Duke, the brotber i Jiiae Dake, k expected to go other at the same time. Whether B. N. Duks will go over for the. ceremony is not yet known. ' There has been one obstacle to the marriage growing oat of a ques tion of religion, the Prince being a Catholic and Miss Duke a Protestant, but on last Sunday arrangements were started here for a special dia- Densation eoverintr this question, and it is understood that when the Price went away yesterday all the arrange ments for the wedding, so far as they could be made on this side, had been perfected. .The ceremony, it is said will take plaee in 1 ana. DEAFNESS CTTRED WfiElT CAUSED BT CATARRH. If yon hav? ringing noises in your ears, catarrh germs are making their way form the nose to the ears through tbe tubes. Many eases of deafness caused by catarrh have been cured by breathing HTOMEL It reaches the inflamed membrane, heals the soreness and banishes catarrh, which is the cause of most deafness. F. C Vahaman, railroad conductor of Binghamton, N. Y., writes that he was cured of deainess after special ists bad failed. HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) is guaranteed to cure catarrhj coughs, colds, asthma, eroiif., and sore throat, or money back. Complete oatflt with inhaler, $1.00. Extra bottles OU cents. Sold by Gbson Drug Store, the enterprising pharmacist, and druggist everywhere. WOMEN WITH PILES Be Oared By Simply Taking Sugar Coated Tablets. Constipation, tight clothing and domen's ordeals cause piles. Women suffer piles more than men1 and all will be grateful to know of a success ful remedy ih tablet form, that brings a cure without cutting, use of salves of suppositories. This guaranteed remedy is HEM-ROID, sold by Gib son Drug Store and all diVggist. ' 1 for treatment lasting 24 days. Dr. Leonbardt Co., Station B, Buf falo, N. Y, Prop. Write for booklet. Repels Attack of Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me I 'had only two years to live." This startling statement was made by Still- man Green, Malachite, Col. "They told me I would die with consumption. It was up to me to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery. It was well I did, for today I am working and believe that this cheated the grave of another victim," Its folly to suffer with coughs, colds or other throat troubles now.- -Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 eente Trial bottles free at all druggists. ' WICK RE1JBT FOB RHEUMATISM. Oeorge W. Koona, Lawton, Mien ays: Da DttatoaV RriM hr Rkn atatlam has given my wife wonderful benefit for' rheumatlam. She could Hot lift hand or. foot, had to ba lifted for i wo montna. r una Began tne nae or tne remedy and - Improved rapidly On Monday aho could not moVa and on Wednaaday she aot np, dreaaed herself and walked eat to breakfast" Sold by M. U Harsh, -drvaglav I South Union street . .. - --y . - 1100 REWARD $100. The readers ef thla papor. will be Dlaaaed to laarn that there Is at leaat on j dreaded dlseaae that -science ha been able to cure In all Ita ataees. and t t la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is t. only positive eura now known to t.it medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conetltullonal d1aeaae,Tequlrea a- eon atitullonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cu.-e la taken ' Internally, aetlna di rectly upon the "blood and mucoua aur. facea of the aystem. thereby deatroying the foundation of me disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing Ita work. The proprie tors have so much faith lints curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any ease that It falls to cure. Bend for ita lat of testimonials. Address: P. f. CHENEY Co, Tola, do, Ohio. ' Bold by drvgfata, Tie. - Take Hall's Family Pills for consu lt Ion. T The Cincinnati Clnb is importin)r real Mae grass sod from Kentucky to turf the diamond in the new Red land park. ' 4 1 JTC-1 'Goods 'Still Coming in By the Crir Load. Something New Every Day in Every . Department. ; : Watch for Big Specials This Week. NEW THINGS IN DRY GOODS r DEPARTMENT. '. ' . 15-inch Silk Bordered Flouncing 98c 85c Sueainc Silk-Foularda 18c 50c -Habit Silk for Shirtwaists and Ladies'' Sbirts ; ... 58c 27-inch Satin Foulards, 75c value w. 48c - 20-inch Crepe De Lux, TTalue - 48c' "se-inch $1.00 Taffeta Silk . !48c 48c Cotton Bengaline 25c i NEW ARRIVALS INV LADIES' READY- TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. Big lot Ladies' Corset Covers.. 19c TO 48c Boys' Wash Suits ... 48c TO $f48 Boys' Indian Suits, all sizes, coat pants and hat i . 68c $2.50 Ladies' "Silk Petticoats, all colors $1.98 IP Wholesale. NO. 5 ITEMS. Mr. Earnest P. Seaford. one of No. three's popular young naen, was-mar ried last Thursday- evening to Fannie Lylerly, of near 'Mill ' Bridget in Rowan County. After a few weeks visiting they will begin hoiisekeepiast. Mr. Potts, of Cornelius, and Mr. Joe Smith, of Catawba, Were visitors in oar neighborhood. They were here attending tbe Seaford-Lylerly wed ding. At a meeting of the looal Telephone Company of Number 3 some days ago, they voted to movethe switchboard from Mrs. Fields to Mf. J. E. John ston's, Mrs. Fields has resigned her position as operator. We are to, have two new 'plione lines, one from Poplar Tent -and one rfrom Candersburg, and. possibly oth ers. - iMiss Catherine Johnston will be onr new telephone operator. We had a very severe fain 'Friday. Tbe Waters werer higher- (baa they have eves been known to1' be-, in -this section -of the country. Mr. O. T. Um- bergerv mail carrier of ronte two, missed en-aoeount of high waters. It was the first time in ten years be has been on the rente. - The groand is so wet that ttere was a' considerable- land shoe on Mr. U. P, Johnson's hill, thai carried trees and everything witfc It dowa into the bottom. X PANSY. v A Cold, La Oripje, Tbu-Fauraawnaa -Is too often ihp fatal sequefiee, nd soughs that bang jd weaken the ays tem and lower the vital cteBistaaee. Foley's Honey and Tar 'Conrrjoond is a reliable medicine-that ctopa'tbe cough - promptly by healing the eanse; sootues the uiuarued aur pass ages and; cheeks - the eold. "Keep al ways on band.' Refuse mibstiuites. For sale by M. L. Y arsli, Druggist THE THRICE-A-WEEK -EDITIOB PRACTICAL t,T A DAILV AY ; X ' THB MUCK WA 'WBtiKtT STe etker New ta tk -wwrtd gavab 'aeh -mt ' Ww yriw, The great Presidential campaign Will soon begin and you wHl -want the sews accurately and promptly. . The World Ions? anica aatabllshed a record for Im partiality, and anybody can afford Its 't'nrtoe-weeK - ecuuon, wnian omee every other day In tne week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you new.' The Thrtcee-week World awo aeounaa in otner airona; leaiures, serial atorlea humor, markets, car toons; In fact, everything; that U to be found In a flrst-class dally. . . . . ; THB THRICB-A-WlialiC WOftLETB regular subscription price is only per jreiir,-and thla paya for 164 papers. We oner this unequalled newspaper and The Dally Tribune together for one year for !MV, To mall subscribers the price for both papers Is only IMS. The regular subscription -price of tbe two papers Is IMC - v NOTICE, ' iJlsf CALI. rUH TAXfcsV' - on Aprii. 1ST, nets, I will be forced by LAW to advertise -all property for taxes that are atlll unpaid Now good people why not call at once and pay your tnxes and save me-this embarrass ing duty and yourselves this extra coat Now If you have not paid -your taxes thin means you. - .With. best wls for you all, i an youre to collect THB1 TAX. . ,. Marsh 4in, 1S1. i J. r. i JJfETCCTT, gk4C s EXTRA SPECIALS IN CLOTHING AND : SHOE DEPARTMENTS. - V 1 r Men's All-wool Blot Serge Suits ..$9.95 FULL LINE JNO. B. STETSON HATST .;..-; ; . . . . Job in Jno. B. "Stetson Hats ... J $2.48 Little Boys' Wash Pants All Kinds of Baby Slippers -48c TO $1.49 Ladies' Low Shoes w 98c TO $2.98 Men's Low Shoes '1$1J24 TO $4.00 BE SURE SURE AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING.-- ' " suplksIH)C2llIk: Co'. Sell It for Hess LET US GLEAfI Ar.'D PRESS YOUR CLOTHES s Resolve this year - to keep your clothea'neat, elean and newly press ed. The way tp carry out such a res olution is to join the City Pressing Club and let then be your valet. 1 I ' - . .. - y City Pressing" Club D. 1.' FOWRXE8. Proprietor. Your - Water-Cut Off 30-inch VJctcT Grady - Brady Co. M(M. Vlor-J,-MJf!-:s.VPet Asthma h-Aithxna! POPHAU'S ASTHMA JIEMPDY gives 1rant relief and an absolnte care in all eases of Asthma. Broncbitis. and Hay Fever. - Sold by rnggiats i taad oa receipt ot price i.oo, ' 4SIUMS MIX, at Pro CWvd.ad. blat , j. : uivu mug oomparry TEAVEI.VIA JttAtt? SEEVICS-ES-CETOIXa -r :?,?'? SUKDAT. -rf.es "The new steaendrs just placed ii service, the "City of Norfolk" ami the "Cityjof Baltimore" are the moei elegant amf trp-to-date' steamers be t ween Norfolk and Bnltimore. . Eonlpped with wireless' telephene ia each room. Delicious maalg terred oa board everythliig for comfort and convenience. Bteamtrs leave Norfolk) 6:25 p.ta. daily arriving at Baltimore 7:00 fol lowing morning. . . . . Connecting st-Eallimore fot all points North, North-east, and West Very low ton n J trip rt- te- Tul CHIOHifKJtKis WtLS AW 1 7J 1 4 a - i Retail. Desirable OOiees Morris BuUrlinj; Best locution in tj. ; Steam -'heHt, light and janitor eerricc free. s - Also sleeping , rooma,., t bath, Iijhr uA janitor' eerrice ' ; free.. - ; " TP m .l7" Phone No. QD I.UlUMMllkMllv': 1IAECH AMD APfiTL Ton wlU ai 11 ttmea And front ' -'. t-'-'-i'-.'. -" V!i.. '- -X i '-.!STSAi.5 rioo to.iso: IN OUR SALE STABLES. ' . - , 3 Tome see-what war-have.- We will K" .' wwiioj, - ivca-tnun eTaaS ptatentble. J. y. WidjvrcrtJi'f Scar Co : CSISLOITR' V n For S ak T A two atorvi Iten room . dwAllinir with all modei-en-conveniences elec tric lights,, buth room, hot. and eold water, on f. good street near the busi ness portion of tity. . ; Thirty acrecf land on Chsrl.Jite pubiie road. Rented this year for 13 per cent on price of land FT? ... Tv C ' 1 V, 'I'lcml lr;l-