- -J : f ft -v v.. VOI XXQ Mc. tt Ct Mm. CONC0RD, N. C', SAW DAY, APRIL 520.1912. Singly Copy, Five Cents. NO. 245 I J ' " - A -ft V it 1 - mn m yAmt t OUTLOOK 18 B BIGHT I f HIS Ifcrerythini Looinf Rosy for CUssy Ball TUi Season. Lockettes And Cisco Both Havo Good Material Other Diamond Dust' TW outlook for a class of fast, (Snappy, amateur baseball in Coneord WHEN rUU. STORY OP TITAJriO ln ? 'l6.! SATS HE SENT DETINITB NEWS DISASTER IS TOLD. ised and atarted the season. Thai AT 10:30 MOOT AT. Cinjoa will be organised In a abort I time and with both aebedulea tha pa-1 Ismay Not Allowed to Baton, to trona of the gama in Coneord can Gave Details to tha Baltic. Sajn Ha . Waa Oufof Beach of Land Sta tion. Ko Detail Beached the Shore Till Monday Evening. Timothy Woodruff' Said White Star People Suppressed the New. And He ia Summoned Before the -Committee. with look forward to a-eeaon filled rood baaebalL The Loekeitea bare banded togeth er an aggregation of ball player that promise trouble for any amatuer team that -dashes with them. Under the leadership of Left Fielder Clark " " England How. Twenty-two of Crew Summoned to TeU Story Be- ' v fore ZnToatixating Committee. fore Investigating Committee. him Kant From Olrauie Fassen- t.a.v w.v.. . I they present the following line up: r.-Capt Haddock Make a De-c , lb 0oodmtn . ,. Swaringen nlaL Fart of Titanic' Crow 1 2b; Wood, ash Sapp, 3b; Morris, Starts for Encland. ' Tf' ,onn,OB P' Allred, ef. Hoover, Hew York, April 20. Thomas Cot pwh ..... , Kiaaiah and other elever artist form twn e wireless operator aboard the ' New " York, April 20. Senator capable ntility men who ean fill any Carpathia, testified today that he. sent Smith who is conducting the Titanic posion with credit Swaringen is al- definite news of the disaster from the investigation today said that Ismay M a reliable slab artist and when, not Carpathia at 10:30 Monday morning had asked him permission to sail cavorting around the keystone bag he- t0 the liner Baltic. The Carpathia today, aboard the Lapland, for Eng- will be found on the firing tine. wag out 0f touch of land N stations land. Senator Smith said: '.'I told . The Cincos ean be property de- tnen None of the detail reached him that under no circumstances signated as the down town team and tne. 6Uore until Monday evening. He could leave this country now. In altogether the team is composed of De gave the Baltie all the de order that there may be no mistake younger and less experienced talent tails. He denied sending message I saw to it that Ismay waa per- than the Lockeites. Last year they th.t nnsapmrem and nw were safe sonally served with another subpoena made a most creditable record ad Ln, that the Titanic was being tow- to compel nun to remain unm me in- tbere is no question aooui meaci ed to port. "If White Star Line sent vestigation ia ended. Twenty-two of I that it will be at least 50 per cent, the following message from New . the crew who ean tell a thrilling story stronger this season. The boys are York April 15 to Congressman that will amaae the American people older and several have had the inval- Hughesy Philadelphia: 'Titanic pro have been aujbpoened, and we will see uable experience of being under good ceeding tq Halifax; passengers will that these men remain until the com- coaches at college. Bell and Morris, probably reach there Wednesday, all mittee permits them to go. Com- Davidson's battery, are among this gafe,' would it have been true!" de mittee is waiting here to get fresh number as also are Patterson, Wads- manded Senator Smith. "It would story of tbe assistant operator who worth, Dusenbery and Shernll, wire, not." Cottam replied emphatically, Ll'. j s a :-i a - 3 al . . K . . v was rescuea, ana u ne is uuauie iu ui iorra gooa materia, io araw irvm Senator smith ordered rormer Lieu appear before the committe, the eom- with tbe boys already in line. Dally tenant Governor Timothy L. Wood mitte will go to the ospital to in-j and Fields, two neweomers, the foiMruff 8ubpoened. Woodruff is quoted v terview him. 1 1 mer an outfielder and the latter a ag saying that White Star people Hew Waa Kept From Olympic pitcher, are expected to sua sirengin ia,ew the Titanic had sunk many Passenger, - to the team. The Sappenfield broth- hours before they told the public of Bv Rov Howard. . eeneral news 3 P88' and Luther, Barrier, Cook, the disaster. Wireless Operator manager of the Uni cd Press, aboard "tterson, Bingnam and owers Olympic, Plymouth EnglandT-It was already on deck and ready to In tha n, w.r broueht tart something. Campbell Cline, the .1. i ..j" .u.t .u: ..-f ,. elongated flinger of several seasons, Tha'nieZeV w reVud by ve -V & -the Jimmy Callahan corne al 'a eompany. Only tbe most meagre back stunt and show a few new V. f ' -t. j iiv. wrinkles in the hurling art, a la Olvmme nrevioua to this. So" far Ch"8ty' mi .1 a 1 a as possible, Captain. Haddock and ouuook w so rosy ana gooa , . .V. rki.fr:. :::.-j v. material so abundant that there is Bride, of the Titanic, will be the next witness. Wireless Operator Before Committee in Rolling Chair. New York, April 20. Wireless Op erator Harold Brjde of the Titanic was brought before the committee in a rolling chair. His feet were crush ed in the wreck. tragedy en route because of fear for to 08 fmetlftr!,?!le f?' MAY NOT OBSERVE THE 20TH the effect on tbe sbip s company WITH THE CHURCHES. supremacy when the Oincos an the It i 'i. a. laT- it L ii 1 B wr. on the "JKies mwi. mj my u u.i I o f.N.'fn h. thv J the fiies. and here's hoping the 1 . aiiniiainf.nMia I "eat ICBIU W1U WU1. who were Titanic victims. Mortimer Schif, New YorkJ)anker, headed, tho list with m subcnption of live hundred dollars. The . first news of the traeedv waa recoived from ru mors at breakfast Monday at noon I. 11 -1! I.J tk. tl, Tifama had collided with an iceberg, but 7 - r t ' oassengera wore safe. Another bul- aBm"" " " " m letin at night gave the true version of the disaster. Central Methodist Preaching tomorrow morning at 11 And o'clock by the presiding elder, Dr. J. C. Rowe. Services at 8 o'clock p. People of Charlotte Haven't Come Across With Money Yet. Charlotte, April 20. It is very probable that Charlotte will not have its much -talked, about Twentieth of May celebration this year, after all. all because the Charlotte ioik MT. FLEASANt HEWS. Cadet Hart WUleFfeyUc Bait' Freliminary' lclaaaUoa Contest, Other Howv ' Cidet F. L. Bread had tbe misfor- tune to receive a probably serious injury while practicing on the ball was batting when a man waa on tbe third base, and thought to bunt ill order to score the raaner. Monro waa in the box, and ae he presented one of Jhia famous curves, the batter made att attempt to bant the ball out the third base line.. (When tbe ball earn into eolliseion with the bat, it glanced off and struck Mr. Broad on the left cheek bone, crashing it in ward just a little, . Medical aid was rushed upon the scene, and upon the advice of tbe physician, Mr. Broad left Wednesday night' for tbe Sana torium at Salisbury.- Mr. George Conrad, who accompanied him there, returned yesterday jtvetung, stating that he rested yeryjwell yesterday. The cheek bone, is Jroken, and the physicians think an operation will probably be necessary, They told Mr. Conrad that if the operation was not deemed advisable, Mr. Broad would be able to return here within week or two. . . The preliminary contest in decla mation waa held at the Institute last week. Sixteen of the Cadets spoke, from which number ibt were chosen to contes for tbe gold medal at com mencement. The -(following were chosen: F. L. Broad, George Con rad, F. J. Anten, Gilbert Hendrix, Fred Peck, and Ci Oi. Bitclue. These young men 'are taking. lively inter est in the matter,' and it is evident that there will be ,a hard fought con test in May. . Judging from an article ot the correspondent from.No. ti township, they must to have llad some muddy roads during tbe vret spell, sure enough. I believe, h stated that lie saw a buzzard's shadow mire up in the mud. That was; Some soft road alright, but still, it didn't hardly qual a certain street of Mt. Pleas ant. For a distance -of about 50 yards on North Union street, the eround became", so; soft that it couldn t even support the road-bed, The street mire down, and now men are using forty two: lifting jacks, eight sets of block" and tackle, and five big derricks, trying to raise the street to its original position. Is the pup well T ' i It seems that there is something afloat in regard to 'the railroad. The chief engineers of the Norfolk South' era were here, for a short while yes terday en route tot Albemarle. Also representatives 05 ithe i Salisbury- refuse to come across with the cessarv funds for the occassion. The finance committee -has made two canvasses of the city and has secured a bare fourth of the sum that is considered to be absolutely neces sary for the successful holding of the Forest Hill Methodist: DAn a)i i fan 1 1 m Kir fliA rtae. Capt Haddock Makes Denial.. to. w. m. Bobbins, and at 7:30 celebration as plannsS, or any cele- Plymouth, England, April. 20 . m. bv Dr. J. C. Eowe. Sunday bration, in fact that would do credit CapL Haddock, of the Olympic, to- school at 9:30 a. m. to the city and the occasion. The day emphatica lly defied that the ; - , ' general committee in charge of the day emphatically denied that tne Associate Reformed Presbyterian, entire matter has declared that it will at the Cape Race station says was Sabbath school at 3 p. m.. Preach- not attempt to put on festivities un picked up by him, saying the Vir- Ung at 7;3Q p. m. by Rev. J. B. Hood, less there is a sufficient amount of ginian was (owing me manic, n 0f jNewelL Ho morning service. support to guaranieo us success, sent from the Olympic. "I never bad Finul action on the matter will be any information to tbat effect,' said st James Lutheran Church Second taken at a meeting of this committee naooocK, -- ine iniormauuu umv 11 uunaay Alter jsaster. next monaay nignt. was sent by me to the Cape Race Morning service at 11 o'clock, ser- man is absolutely an injustice. I do mon gubject, "Other Sheep." Sun- ''North Carolina Classis. not know who sent the message. : day school at 3 p. m. Vespers at 7:45 Newton. ABril 19. The North Part of Crew Sail for England. -, I p. m. The second sermon in the series Carolina Classis of the Reformed Nw Ynrk.Jtoril 20. One hundred to young men. "A Question of Profit 'church will hold its sessions at. Mat- and eighty members of tbe Titanic A eordial invitation Jto these services, thems church, Lincoln county, begin- crew sailed today.aooara tne ijapianu. i . ' ning apm o. mo i"iuu8 hiiuuu Twenty-two, including officers, are I MethOdiat rrotestant wnurcn.. win be preached by Rev. Dr. W. is, 1..M a wait th nlesRiire of the A series oi evangeusticai services Duttera. of Salisbury. Home mis- . . a . . I ,11 a 1 1 ' 1 L . i I .. ... . 1 n T Rn.tA rnmmitte. The White star wui Degin ui mis cuureu luiuunuw 8i0ns will be uiscussea oy nev. ui. Line officially announced that 206 morning at 11 a. m. Rev. G. F. Nillo- j. c. Leonard, of Lexington, and the members of the crew were saved and way, of Greensboro, ,will arrive in the pastor's problem will be set forth by 654 drowned. T afternoon to eonfiuct tne services. Rev.-J. G. Rupp, of rhuadeiphia, " . V - x i field secretary of the mission board Mrs. Stickler Entertains the Virginia All Saints Church. Thursday a class of orphans will Dare Clnb. . I Tbe morning service at All bonus execute the programme and r riday 'u,. nr n RtiAkW wu h.Mtfiss ves. Episcopal church tomorrow will be I evening Rev. Dr. James I. Good, a memorial service for the victims president of the eeneral synod of the w . -1 , j:.. r, a ... Jjll. . delightful meetings ill the history of ana suuereni ot ito.mui" uwvo.iCnurcn, ana Biso pretuueui, vj. w v;h4i. n.r. TWV rinh. TherAfter the morning ser rice a eongre- board of foreign missions, will deliv- home was moeY attractively deeorat- gational ' meeting will' be held, at I er a lecture. President Buohheit, of ed and the meeting proved both pleas-1 hh meeting all communicants of Catawba College and President Mur ine onuron are uivueu io aivuu. pny oi uiaremont vouego wui uiu Labout education Saturday night. Tho Palace of Wonders" ' at thel, Sunday morning holy eommunictt .-. oanuvai. : . services will be-held. - Tbe sermon VnlaniiV hhniilil mififl nAvmir A visit will be bv Rev. F. 8. Zaugg. ; Sunday " - n I " m . . m i rt .... i to this wondefful showIt is the afternoon tne subject oi Bunoay most i classical production that has schools will be uiscussea oy ivev. i. wis aver rtmn on carnival trronnd. It D. Andrews and Rev, .Clarence COUNTY BXFCBUCANS . MEET TODAY, Half of the Townships Are Hot Rep resented. Beveral Townships Did Hot Hold Primaries. v The Republican County Convention for the purpose of electing delegates to tbe State and Congressional con ventions met at the court house her thia afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Chair man H. 8. Williams presided. De spite tbe inclement elements, quite s number of delegates assembled. Mr. J. H. -Dortdb was made secre tary. Townships 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 were not reprenented when roll call for dele gates made. No contests were report ed. Townships Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8, and 9 did not hold primaries. By a unan imous vote all Republicans present were elected delegates whether they held primaries or not. Cabarrus is entitled to 1!) votes, which will be held in Raleigh May 15tli. Chairman Keesler moved that all Republicans who would go to the convention should be made delegates. 'Squire Bill Newell moved that each pre cinct elect one delegate as a substi tute for Mr. Keesler 's motion. Mr. Keesler withdrew his motion ami 'Squire Newell's substitute passed. As we go to press the delegates are being chosen. nun sis Sli't1" library -fl siCEPTIOH YOUNG MANCAUGHT IN THE ACT LAST NIGHT. New Land for Home Seekers. Powell,' Myo., April 20. A new land of promise for the land-liun.,v.v and the home-seekers Is to be opened Monday, when the Government will offer the settlers the lands embraced in the fourth unit of the Shoshone irrigation project, lying to the north and west of this town. The farms are mostly eighty acres each and contain some of the finest land on the Shoshone project, which eventu ally will reclaim in 130,000 acres east of the Yellowstone National Park in northern Wyoming. xhree years ago this spring; the lirst unit of tbe Shoshone .irrigation project, consisting of 15,000 acres, was owned. iThis was followed, at intervals of a year bv the-openih of the second and thud units. tiers have poured into.- the valley from all sections of the country. About five hundred families are now established on the first three units and have built roads, schools and churches. The project has railroad facilities, rural delivery, telephones, and there are thriving towns at short intervals. The towns of Carland and Ralston have grown rapidly and Cody is' assnmihg metropolitan airs. Three years, ago .tbe Government establish ed' tbe town, of Powell in the centre Policemen Miller and Braswell Catch Claude Brewer in J. C. Blackwelder's Restaurant Brewer An Old Offender. Another store breaker was caught in the Arm grasp of the law last night, when Policeman Miller' crawled through a window at J. C. Blackwel der's restaurant on West Depot street and caught Claude Brewer, a young white man, while he was in the act of filling his pockets with articles from the restaurant. A young man met Brewer in front of the place about midnight and the latter asked him for a match. He gave him the match and when he did so his ap pearance aroused suspicion. After walking a short distance the young man decided to watch him. In a few minutes he saw brewer break out a glass and enter the restaurant. Po licemen Miller and Braswell were no tified and hurried to the scene. Officer Miller-crawled throusrh the window and had little difficulty in capturing the man. Brewer was looted up and is now in jail, ba'ing waived examination. He is a young man who has been in the toils of the law almost from his youth up and the gravity of his lasi offense is such that lie will likely re ceive rather severe punishment. Price of Cotton Advances. New York, ApriI20. Cotton has advanced steadily during tl past week owing to much the same factors as in pervious weeks, viz: heavy rains, especially in the Eastern sec tion of the belt, well-night universal Set-vIePr'9 f a much-dolayed season, tears that the crop will get a late start, and that a yield on the neces sary size is out of the question, and finally the admitted strength of the pot situation. To this must be add ed the uneasiness occasioned by the high water in the lower Mississippi river and reports of serious breaks in the levees of the Mississippi delta. Of Ninth Grade In Honor of GraeV natinf Class Given Last Nlxht The annual reception by the mem bers of tbe tenth grade to the mem bers of tbe graduating elass was giv en at the Central graded school last evening. This event always proves the crowning social feature of the school year and the reception last night was in keeping with tboee of former years. Besides the two class es several members of the faculty were present. The evening was made more enjoyable by a number of musi cal selections rendered by the young ' people and Mr. Joe Hendrix respond ed to a call to deliver the speeeh he made at Elon College, when he Won the inter-high school declamation medal. Tbe members of the gradu ating class present were: " . Misses Mary Fisher, Laura Gillon, Leitha Bruton, Catherine Crowell, El la Peck, Ponsa Cline. Blanche, Dor ton, Blanche Boger, Edna Honeyentt, Marvin Misenheimer, Helen . Furr, Janie Morrison, Mabel Lippard and Ida Porter; Messrs Leslie Correll, Lee Crowell, Fred Peck, Robert Fish er, Robert Ridenhour, Baxter Robin son, Joe Hendrix, Joe Hawthorne, An- drew Crowell," James Sappenfield, Gray Bost, Fred Bell, George Fetier, Millard Alexander and Fred Day vault. ' The Last Lyceum Attraction. The Price Concert Company will appear a the Central School Audi torium next Thursday night at 8 o'clock. This is the last attraction of the Lyceum course for this season. Every music lover and advocate of clean, wholesome entertainment should not fail to hear this company. To those who do not hold season tickets the price of admission will be 60 cents. Virginia Shuts Out Carolina Boys. Charlottesville, Va., April 19. Opportune hitting gave Virginia the fourth game in the series whith North Carolina, 4 to 0. With the series standing a tie, Danville is clamoring for the rubber. Kixey and Lee hooked up in a pitchers' duel. Each had superb con trol, not issuing a single pass and fanning the same number of men. " Friends of little Miss Lois Guffy, who was painfully injured several days ago bv being struck with Monroe,"amobg theW-Me?ttilosVLfc LTTj I "! m -n They spent the night here. Miss Bessie Mchachein has been visiting for several days in Moores- ville and Salisbury. The- little child of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kiser died yesterday. Its body will be laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery today. Misses Margaret and Mary Hen drix of Concord, were among our Sunday visitors. Mt. Pleasant, April 19. . the ' headajuarters ; of. the United States Proclamation Service on. the Shoshone project aud. though only three years old, it boasts of good schools, churches, hotels and stores. will b gJad,4ft.know JJiat she. ,is im proving nicely. Runaway Accident. Mr. A. L. Brown's line driving horse became frightened at a bicycle thismorning about 9:30 and ran awav. The horse was hitched to a cost in front of M. L. Brown Bros, livery stable and became frightened at a bicycle ridden by Rev. J. W. Snvder. The horse broke loose and made a dash down Depot street. The buggy struck a post at the side of Gibson drug store and one wheel was demolished and the harness were torn asunder. The horse continued down west Depot street but. was later caught and led back to the stable. The Parks-Belk Co. will offer new things all over their store all next week. Every express -and freight brings in-something new for' them to offer their customers. . i neir new aa today gives particulars. .- 2,000 Women And Children Down With Maxim Guns. London, April 20. A Central News correspondent at Calcutta cabled that t llmese troops had mowed down 2,000 women and children with Max im guns in quelling an uprising at Lhassa. - ant and profitable, two highly interi Mtirife wanrfra beintr read tbat aoaea " w-r- ".a . a literary charm to tne enjoyable so cial feature provided by the hostess. One was by Mrs. R. A. Brown on Greece in the Golden Age, ' and one by Mis. Jr B. Shernll, on "Homer. A iw lh literarv prbsramme w concluded the guests were invited Into eaters entirely to tbe refined element,! Woods. freshmento were served. The table and aculptora of the world's .greatest Slight Changes in Railroad Schedules . ... . . . a 1 . , a 1 . . i a a. . . mi 1. . 1. . . Vaw nhannao an ' was coreeouBly aeeoraiea in-sweet painters ? ana scuipiom, inciuunig , mere uove uctju v....6 . naaa aamatiAna anil OTiiiArfi and tire- i m lAniaAi Anfrnin in at most mysterious i tne Bcutmuie ut hraiiiat hi" v ku. ""- - - , - a : . - m,' , l r-l.. .-!. .awrtaul lew OttVo. XII UlllY itaaiaw unvw, are the followimrt Trains No. 46 and No. 7 now ar rive at 3:35 instead of 3:40. Train No. 32 arrives at 10:50 p. m. instead of 10:35. v-V-No. 44 comes at 0:40 a. m. and No, 43 at 9 :40 . m., both a few minutes earlier than formerly. "i . sented a scene of exquisite beauty and bewildering manner. The admis- i and loveliness. . The invited guests ision is lit . cents, weu-worm tne were: Mesdames Z. A. Morris, G. M. I price. ? ! ad. ' aUWaaa ataiu aaaaoa, iauw ' - v .. i - . . Weekly Report or uoncora jrauie Harry LIndley's Stock Company at whrary, tho Open House. Vo, books taken out by adults 71 TTrrv Lindlev's StockT Cat will No. books taken out by children 4U nlv at Ihn Coneord opera house all I . nert WAlt. .." - -w. - I . - J.OIS1 .....i ' Tha first nlav of the week Will be I Books purchased ; I 'TVi rnnntrv Girl." Matinees will Books presented -..-.-... f ha o.vn on Wednesday and Satuiv Total No. borrowers day at which, in addition to the reg ular bill, will be presented Mr. LInd ley's one act drama, "Tbe Daughter of the Confederacy." - . 1 822 uSN. uiflia, ...... '"I - - librarian. .'" . Ball Game Postponed. 'The baseball game scheduled be tween LodVe Mill and Mount Pleas ant teams at Locke Mill park this af ternoon has beetv postponed on ac count of rain. This makes two games Mrs. Plato in g many Saturdays to be postpon- the city to led. the one with Charlotte last Set- Charlotte Observer: Taiii-liffim wit! arriva in Seat are now on sale for Harry spend the week-end with Miss Helen urday being called off on this ac- lindWa Comedy Company. Ladies Bm. Mrs. uurnam wiu iw joineu count, :n k. .Jmitti r. MnndAir niffht. here Monday by Mrs. Fred Udell and will uv puuiMJ j o 7 i .... 1 1 a- . I f . .a i rt it .Mnmnfin pi. hv a irentleman and tny WUl leave, aecompBrnwi uj aiut ur Our serial story. "The Diamond ( ticket is purchased May Oates for Atlanta,vGa., to at- Cipher," will begin next week. yVatob I for the opening chapter. Children Should; Develop Vs '-K NaturaJUy If tieir food is jcight : i , ' When child is pale and " delicate, or Is backwaili in his, studies, the reason Is often' found to bo that his food does 'not contain the element re quired to properly nourish " the fast growing . body . and rapidly dsveloping brain, v- . ; Grape-Nuts ., 1 "n j tood supplies nutrition for-' both body and brain is appotisinft easily digested fonn. . ; ' It is pure, wholesome' and ' nonrishlng. Children like ttl delicate, - sweet flavor and thrive wonderfully pon It. ; Shot By Polar Tent. Charlotte Chronicle. A party of engineers of the Ral- cish, Charlotte & Southern Railroad, wtucn has been going over tne pro posed route from Charlotte to Con cord has given I he tribune the in formation that the line will go by Poplar Tentv The distance will be about 21 miles, or the same as by the Southern. One reason for the udoption of the Poplar Tent route, The Tribune says, is that the char ter of the Raleigh, Charlotte & South ern road, under which the Norfolk Southern is operating, provides that its lines shall not come within five miles of the North Carolina Rail road for a greater distance than ten miles. The route by Poplar Tent is snout as straight a shot as that by the Southern; on account of the heavy curves and grades at Rocky Ridge, and it will open np some of the finest farming lands in both Mecklenburg and Cabarrus. , ' 'Thtre'i i Reason mm TKHtthi Cereal Company, Ltd., -Pittle Creek, Mich. Mr. W. M. Green, of the Progres sive Fanner, ia a visitor here in the interest of that paper. xr,tn CAPITAL SURPLUS S 106,000 ; 33,000 New Accounts Programme of Closing of Winecolt High School. Sunday, April 21st, sermon to school, Rev. W. J. Albright Monday, April 22nd : 10 a. m reci tation contest ; 3 p. m. declamation contest; 8 p. m., eoneert by primary and intermediate grades. - t Tuesday 8 p. mi, drama, "Red Acre' Farm,", by High School. Cordon Mm For All The Family. THIS BRAND OP HOSIERY REPRESENTS EVERT KIND l OF STOCKING COTTON, LISLE, SILK USE AND 81XK.' Large or Small Welcomed al This Bank. Concord .' National ' Bank. FOUR PER CENT. Interest : - Paid on Tlmo Deposits. : 1 -m 1 WJM i ' Iff m I ! I f Mi 11 No. 225 Boys' and Girls Good Black " Stockings Special ....... .10c Pair No. 216 Ladies' Fine Gauze, garter top, Hoes in Black, White, Tan and"' Pink Special, 2 Pair for. .....25c Nng Rnn anil 717 Silk lalale Ladies' ' Hosa Black and Colors Special 9 " V ....... ...25c Pair Also in Out Size. :. ':'?,--- No. 496 Medium Weigdk Round ; Ticket Stocking, silk lisle, deep gar- , ter ton ,..25o Pair,. 35c Silk Boot Stocking Blsjck only. ' ; Special .... . . . . ... ... . . , , 25c r Pair - Hos. 391 and . 824-lJgWWei Silk Lisle, deep garter $ hem, high spliced heel, double sole, in Black, Tan and White 3 Pair f or,... 21.00 j Some popular numbers at. . .'y. v.60o 2 Nos. Ill, 6775, 7718, 333 and 250- Made of very fine cuality Egyptian cotton, silk lisle, deep garter kerns," high epliced heels, in Black, Tan, and ' white. Ladies' Silk Hose, Black and Colors at 31.00 and 1150 Pair .t.li -:r,;?;?iv. ..;,!,.;; i,.v,.il.-.i-!: v. Children's Sot in plain and fancy topsSpecial, 10c, 15o and 25c Pair. Typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for sale at Tribune office. tend grana opera.

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