- VOL XXIP Ctnt Mootn. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 523,1912. Single: Copy, Ftv Cent. ' NO. 24? f . X r Ill IB" BHD ONLY rOSTT-TWO HAVE THUS . FAR BEES IDENTIFIED." Kackay-Bennett Will Remala on the Scene Until Friday torching for More Bodies. Name of Major Butt . Or Col Aster Kot la list . .J New ' York, April 23. A tireless easege from tbo Cable ' Steamer Meekay-Bennett, which was sent to search for bodies of Titanie aecid rient, aaid that a total of seventy-sev- " an of the dead lies, been recovered, and that forty-two had been identi fied. Tba namea of - additional fif teen wero received. The Mackay-Ben-aett carries a hundred coffins, and ' will remain on the scene until it gets a load, when it will return to Hall fax. "which will probably be about ' Friday. : The .name of Col. Astor or " Major Butt ia not on the last list, Bays Titanic Wat Ont to Beat All X Records. "t New York,pril 23. John Thomp son, Titanie fireman, in a hospital Rufferinir from broken left may testify before the investigation closes in Washington. Thompson assert that the Titanie was out "to beat all ..records on maiden trips." He says: "From Queenstown out the firemen .talked of orders we hod to fire her np as hard a we possibly could. We were carrying full pressure.",. The Millionaire And the Peasant Nadji Narsani, an Armenian peas ant, died with the Titanic, and John 'Jacob Astor, multi-millionaire,- per ished as heroically as Nadji. Maria Narsani, the former's wife, is about to become a mother,- and an heir is expected to the dead New Yorker. No greater in death was J win Ja cob Astor than Nadji Narsani," who kissed, his wife, placed her in the small boat, and said: "Maria, per haps we may never meet again; but some day yon tell our child how I died." . , v And John. Jacob Astor said; "I'll meet you' in. New York, dear," but his heart told him differently, as the ' band waa playing "Nearer, My Clod to Thee." ; . - Betcne Sue to Coincidence, . How- the wireless operator on the "Carpatbia, by putting in an extra 10 - minutes on duty, was, a means of sav ing 745 lives, was told by Dr. J. F. . Kemp, the Carpathian physician to day. "Our wireless operator," said Dr. Kemp, " was about to retire Sunday .night, -when he said jokingly, 'I guess v IH wait just 10 minutes, then turn ; it.' v-- - '.--, " r "It was in the next ten minutes that the Titanic VealT for help came. Had the wireless man not waited, there would have, been no survivors." It is said that the architects of the Titanic provide' for 40 life boats," but the owners considered it such a '. boom proof affair that they concluded i 20 would do. ; ' , The Titanie ; disaster, horrible as ' it was, will serve a gded purpose.: It is very likely ..that international safe ty laws wiH be passed requiring ade quate provision of life boats, more efficient control ' over them, better i training of seamen in handling them ' and the use of searchlights during night travel. j THE PRICE CONCERT COMPANY y Last Lyceum Attraction atGraded : School Thursday Night The Price Concert Company will J , be the next and last attraction, pf the Lyceum Course for this season . at the graded school xnursday nignt ' The members -of this ' company are , musical entertainers, presenting vio- & litt solos, readings, cornet solos, r i ehestral features, ; Vocal numbers, JjwadingB with obligate, .'cello solos, guitar, and piano selections . The Price Concert Company in SATO CLAY ROADS. . i Permanent Roads Kay Be Hade In This County anCes Hot Exceed ing 500 a Kile.. To the Editor of The Tribune: I am so much interested in having Cabarrus county try the sand-elay and sandwich roads, that I have written to Mr. W. L. Bpcon, who has aharga of road building in Forsyth county, for advice aa to the kind of roads to build in oar county. Let me add that Buncombe and Forsyth and many other counties are now build ing these roads and they are perman ent and all right Moore county baa built two sand-city roads from Car thage to the Richmond county line, a distance of 35 miles from the coun ty seat All tilts' has been dune at an average cost of $300 per mile.' More thaa 200 mile have been built with in the last three years. - The macadam is expensive and in reality no better, I am sure there . are hundreds of miles in our county that can be made permanently good roads at a cost of $500 or less. Not only are the people in the remote sections benefitted, but the towns are .brought much closer together by good roads and the ad vantage is mutual. . MORRISON CALDWELL. Here is the letter: Winston-Salem, N. C, April 19, 12. Morrison IL Caldwell, Esq., Concord, -N.- C, Dear Sir: Your communication-of April 15th is before me and in reply wish to state that in Cabarrus county you will find a "condition that will greatly result in your benefit. It is SHIP WAS ONLY ITVE MILES rEOK TXTAKIC. Strange Vessel Tailed to Answer the Ship's Appeal Tor Help. Washington,. April 22. With suc cor only 5 miles away, the Titanie slid into its watery grave, carrying with it more than 1,600 of its pas sengers and crew, while an unidenti fied steamer, that might have saved all, failed ortrefused to see the fran tic signals flashed to it for aid. This phase of the" tragic disaster was brought out today before the senate investigating committee when J. B. Boxhall, fourth officer of the Titanic, told of his unsuccessful at tempts to attract the stranger's at tention. - ' ' ; This ship, according, to BoxhalL Could not have been more than 5 miles away and was steaming toward the Titanie. So close was It, that from the ' bridge Boxhall plainly saw its masthead lights and then ita red side light. - Both with rockets and with the Morse electric signal did the young officer nail the stranger. Captain Smith and several -others in the vicin ity of the bridge declared at the time their belief that the vessel bad seen them and was signalling in re ply. Boxhall failed to see the replies, however, and in any ease, the steam er kept on its course obliquely- past the Titanic, without extending aid, Memorial Service for Titanic Vic tims at Episcopal Church, A beautiful memorial service was held Sunday in ''All Saints Episco pal church. In form it was a re- nninm celebration of thn Tlnlv Com the eharaeteriothe soil in many sec- J mUnion. The altar was nroiierlv vest- tions snd the sharpness of the sands ed in purple as were the vestments of in some of the streams. It will be well for you to note carefully the soils in various locali ties. By so doing you will observe that certain soils make a satisfactory the clergy. Tall tapers and white flowers decorated the altar, it being Easter-tide. The rector gave an in struction in place of sermon on- the service itself. He reminded the conge road for a while and then through. This is the natural when it contains a large percentage commemorated the faithful depart cut. gation that they were doing nothing sou , new. The Jewish church had ever of grit or gravel and sand. Frequent ly this soil is only two or four inches deep. If it was twice as deep it would stand much longer. This is the the ory of 4he soil roads. In practice ed and he doubted not Jesus, our Maker, had been present at such ser vices, and lie was sure that had they been valueless He would have said so, that is what he thought. But HI. CM AT TITANIC nrVXSTIOATIOlf Df WASHINGTON TODAY. Committee of lBTsJixoa Had to Move to Amother Room. Fivs Hun dred Women. Janf Corridors And Attenipt to Pore Way tn. Many Women Took Lunches to Remain - All Day Third cr Pittnun Gives Testimony. Professes Ignor ance of Icebergs. Washington, April z3.-Roars of indignant protests frbto hundreds of women created a near jwiie today in the Senate office building when the Titanie investigation pas resumed. Because of the eonfwion yesterday during the hearing in the marble room, the committee twitched to the Senate territories 'committee room. Five Hundred women jammed the corridors and rushed the eapitol po lice. Some attemputed. to force their way into the new and smaller room taken by the Committee. Many women brought their lunches to remain all day. ' Less' than a hun dred gained admittance.' ' Washington, April .23, Third Of ficer Herbert J. Pittman, of the. Ti tanic, was the first witness attll investigation . -today. Pittman asserted that the Titanic was on its proper eoiisse at the time of the collision and said that the Titanic followed the course common ly taken by our ocean libe steamers this time V, of the year. Senator Mnith asked 1'ittman several ques tions regarding scientific tests to (lis WINECOFP SCHOOL. Coaunencement Exercises. Concert Last Night and Play Tonight The commencement eierriws at Wineeoff High School are being at tended by a large crowd, not oulv by the people of the immediate sec tion but by a number from Concord and other points. Last night the programme consist ed of a concert by the primary and intermediate grades. All of the chil dren acquitted themselves in a most excellent manner. Miss K. I-e Steel and Miss Ola Johnson are in charge of these departments of the school and the work last night was a dis tince credit to them, and the children showed thorough and efficient train ing. Tonight the sttiilciits of the sen ior department will give a play, the "Red Aere Farm." The following will compose the various characters: John Barnhardl, Ralph Kennerly, Dalls Winecoff, Fred Goodman, Rob ert Litaker, Claude Stroud, Harry Winecoff and Misses Pauline- Shinn, Evelyn Winecoff, Gertrude Stroud. Mary Patterson and Janett Stroud. IfllSI ' 111 IAY A Woman Condemns "Woman First" Rule. Mrs. Alexander Preston, Baltimore society lender and ardent anti-suffragist, does not believe in the unwrit ten law of the sea "women and children first." ... . ... -i A man is a more valuable Tem Allen and sons, Claude and "Victor, his nephews, Sidna Edwards, Friel Allctt and Byrd Marion, all of the Alien clan, were arraigned today on charire of first decree murder. A veuire of twenty-four men, none of whom lives within three miles of Ilillsville. is ready for selection jury. ber of a community and of a na'rifliiT'rthe moment, ami, that Sidna Ed wards. Byrd Marion and Victor Al len did not shoot at all. than is a woman," she said twffty. "I believe in looking at the thing in a, cold, impartial light. "Why should a man like Major Butt have to die with the Titanic to save an Immigrant woman T" "President Charles M. Hayes, ot the Grand Trunk Railroad, was by the law of the survival of the fittest the ablest man of the thousands who work for his road. Anv of these it is very easy to construct and in what he knew, the apostles, the first Cabarrus you have much- of this quarts soil and if properly used will make roads like those in Cleveland county. Where you cannot get such sou and nave a tough red clay excellent re- bishops of the church, who were in structed by the Lord Himself in all their Liturgies remembered the faith ful departed. It was only on account of abuse, the sale of "Masses," that turned Christian people against the suits may be had by hauling sharp Prs for Jhe j dead One thing took in their opinions he knew that sand from the creeks and rivers and putting it into the mud. This is a , . , j.l j i flA-i ueurt mere hhb u uiiuuuu nuu u most simple method and gam fine th fcf them to take th results. Ane one can do .t Al that . t,mt .f at th is necessary is io auu suuu umu clay is overcome and that will de pend npon the depth of the mud. No skill is necessary to mix it. Another type is a "Sandwich"; road. Take clean sand and put down a layer, say fourjnehes deep and put on top of this a layer of about two inches ot at heart there was a chance and he e Knowing that if at last the Lord only said, as to the penitent woman, "You 'have done what you could," they like her would be con tent. X. Prospects for Fruit Are Fine. Raleigh, April 22. State Horticul turist W. M. Hutt says that he has clay and then another layer of sand never known such bright prospects four inches deep, and harrow or otb- for all kinds ot iruit in JNortn uar erwise mix all together then when" it' olina as there' are this season. The adding sand sand or clay peach trees are having an especially thousands ot men was worth more cover the proximity of icebergs and t,inn a woman. Pittman confessed ignorance of them "Colonel Astor was a man of pow- all. He said that in fourteen years er. I believe that every man on thai experience as shin's officer he 'had boat who died did what he thought seen an icebere onlv once before, best, l ney were Heroes in every hut he had hever before crossed sense of the word. They regarded drand Banks as earlv aa Anril. Pitt- obedience to the unwritten law of man described the sinking? Of the Ti- the sea to be their duty, isut tlie law tanic. He told of prayers, cries and is wrong." moans that arose from 1600 victims. His manner was almost stolid, but he Seasonal Weather in Southern begged the committee not. to press States. along that line. "It was. ej continv.al I Washington, April 21. Tempera moan for about an hou.' They died tures this week will average above away gradually," said he. ' the normal in tlie' Southern and Jiast- "Is that all you care to say about em States, and near or below the that aspect f" asked Senator Smith, normal, with frosts over the Middle I would rather vou had left that West, Rocky Mountain and plateau out altogether," Pittman replied, as regions, according to the weekly hul- his voice choked, lears welled to letin ot the Weather Bureau. the eyes of many of the women in "The weather during the week," the room as Pittman described the continues the bulletin, "will be un scene. He said the ship was traveling settled, with well distributed precip about 21V2 knots an hour at the time itation over the greater part of tlie thereafter as manifestations indi cate. Trusting this may assist you, r t " Sincerely yours, W. L. SPOON, Orescent Academy Commencement. The fourteenth annual commenee- - . Ovale. liv iiiuiuatiuiiB mv, iiv hid) jnent ofCrescent Academy will be of kminK frogts ig heavy fruitage that is already well developed. Also apples are follow ing suit with promise of equally as full a crop. If only there -is no kill ing frost for the remainder of .the spring a record crop is assured in all varieties of fruit in all parts or tne State. The indications are, he says, .. Proposed Ball Game, Arrangements are being made for a ball game between the Cincos and the "Has-Beens." The latter team will be composed of former stellar a ii i j :ii llgni& O! ine mamona anu uiey wm , - Middle ttempt to come back attd show their l ' Thursday, and the East- peed and cunning against the young er artists. Mr. i. i. uavis, wno in ... , , , 0:,i-i.i nnil the years gone by cavorted around held on Thursday ' and Friday, April about t I thig is the Nortn 25 and 20. Un mursuay mgni we rnl- ia ..... tn hV(, .1(,h . hie primary department, will give an en-1... never before known. tertainment, consisting of drills, d,,.)!.... i,o intoraut in snravin songs, vrecitatwns, etc. On indayat and otuer means if improving the It. a. m., Kev. . 6. iugg, 01 Aioe- quaiity 0f the fruit is so increased marlc, N. C, will deliver the literary ubtlt tlle record or quality bids fair address. At-2 p. in. the doclalmerB' 1 10 be ag much broken as that for the contest tor medal. ,; Anotner t meaai yjed jn bulk. wui .negiven ior idobv nupioveiueoi ID SOClCiy wur&. fliua, mgui mo o- eruises win viu&e wiiu au cuioi huu ment, "The Reckoning." . a . The year has been a successful one. :"v ' . - v - Aaha Not in the Race.; ; Raleieh. April. 22. Capt. S. . A. the last station toward home for Car olina, wilj pilot the "Once-Wases" or the 'Has-Beens" or "The Once- Thought-They-Were" or whatever might be a proper name for an ag gregation of ball players who have I Ashe is here from Washington and put an end to the reports, current that I he intended to get in the race tor tne fUU Traaaurnr. .R. R. Iacv. He v uiBujr wjb "t v. m I9UIWU-1 says mat many ineuus nave ueou - ble personneL- To combine in an or-Jnrging him to run, but he will not ' ganization an exceptional violinist, I make the race. He further states that , a great solo cornetist, a reader -ot genuine merit and cello and vocal . soloist is an assurance to any au , dienee of. an evening of unqualified . entertainment. To add to the above -L feature would seem superfluous,. But " the Price, Concert Company have all the " above besides giving delightful f satisfaction as soloists are even more - entertaining in their .concerted, nura- v beri. "Their quartet of saxaphones is a s most melodious? novelty in their programme. The readings. in eostume J wHth obligato Undtheir - orchestral . number make their auditors wonder ' whethet tbe are not really more peo ' pie in the otgsniration than they find 1 on the programme. i Concord Presbytery. Salisourv Post. ' , The Presbytery of Concord will meet in the First Presbyterian church tomorrow evening at half, past sev en o'clock, and by request "of the re tiring moderator, Kev. Byron uark., D. D., the opening sermon will be preached bf Rev. J. M. GrievD. D., of Coneord.. Adoui eigniy aeiegaies are expected to attend. - About sixty of these delegates" will come" from nomta west of Salisbury, .this oity being: the eastern boundary of the Presbytery; i The Presbytery will be he is deeply interested in thff re-elec-in . session3 till 'ihursday, nigw ana - . , - . . .... H. AAfl.Mll inintan tn all tion of Mr. Simmons as united estates Pulf'!V" :-X " " Nanatnr ana isars 11 ne sets in me campaign now for a State office that he might endanger the success of Senator. Simmons. , Another Probable Candidate fox , - Sheriff. , ' . Xlt has been noised wound in poli tical circles for some time that Mr. E. F. White would be a candidate for "I HThe New York World ia authority T tat the uratement that in the primary I election; in New York city . Roosevelt spent Over- half'' million " dollars. This ia the re"uort made by Elon'.H. Hooper, treasurer of the Roosevelt MUCH COTTON HX&S , TODAY. Cotton Now Bringing lift Cents, and the Farmers Are Bringing It Ia. . Today was one of the busiest dsys in several weeks at the eottoa plat form. The rain yeeterday caused the farm work to cease and many farmers took advantage of the onmrtiinitv to CLAN come to ivmn and transaet their-nee essary business in order to devote their entire time to their work when the elements permit. 'Another magnet that attracted a number was the fact that cotton is bringing lift cents. More than 60 bales were sold op to noon and possibly half that many more in the afternoon. "How much has the rain delayed the farm workt" a well known farmer was asked this morning. "Not at all." lie reolied. "Minv nannla timva Hillsville, Va., April 2X Floyd i the idea that a farmer ean'f work SIX MEMBERS OF THE CHARGED WITH MURDER IN FIRST DECREE. Their Attorneys Will Seek to Place Responsibility on Sidna Allen And Wesley Edwards. Floyd Claims Self Defense1 Claimed That the Others Did Not Fire at AIL during wet weather. I don't know bow many times I have seen it print ed that the rain has delayed farni work a few days, a week and such and such a length of time. It ia' all bosh. Rain don't delay farm work unless a farmer just simply wants to as quit work and takes' wet ground as an excuse, there are thousands of The attorneys for the prisoners I things a farmer can do while the seek to place the responsibility f&r ground is wet. The only thing it the murders Uxn Sidna Allen and j stops is plowing, chopping, etc., but Wesley Edwards, the onlv members of the gang who are still at large. It will be claimed that Floyd Allen shot in self defense, that Claude and Friel Allen fired in the excitement Roanoke, April 22. Cuarded by lelectives armed with Winchesters. Flovd Allen, his two sons, Victor and Claude SwansoiivAHen. his nephews. Friel Allen and Sidna Edwards and Hyrd Marion, were taken from the Roanoke jail at :! o'clock this morn ing and after heinsf given their break fast at a local restaurant were hur ried to a special car which was at tached to the. curl v train and taken to it don 't delay farm if the farmer is in tlie business right," be added. KNOWN TO BE DEAD, 64. Hillsville, where 'their trial will be : Prate condition. Victims of Tornado in Illinois and Indiana Heavy. Many Injured Will Die. Chicago, 111., April 23. Fifty-four known to be dead and 15 reported dead at Marion, III., and 200 serious ly injured, and million and a half dollars property damage, are the re ports received from the tornado swept districts of Indiana and Illi nois today. The dath. roll may be increased fifteen to twenty, as many of the injured are reported in a des- :'alled in the Carroll circuit court to- ; .. . morrow mnrniii". Government Mediation to Prevent Floyd Allen, who is suffering with Engineers Strike, a broken leg. had to be carried by the New York, April 23. That rail detectives. way managers have decided to ac Victor Allen was not handcuffed. ' eept the offer of government media The other prisoners wero manacled ' tion to prevent a general strike of together. I engineers is considered absolutely The men were cheerful and chat- certain at their headquarters today, ted freely among themselves and to j One official, who refused to permit the detectives. This is the first time; the use of his name, said:. There-, they have been together or been al- will be no strike. We will accept aC lowed .to speak to each other since fer and there will eventnall?be att their incarceration in the Roanoke amicable agreement;''The-oommlt-jail. ' tee promised to send answer to i Messrs. Neil and Knapp this after Mr. Whit Pimrr is spending the day noon. Both said tbey expected the in Spencer on business. answer to be faborable. 1 the collision. country. A disturbance that. is now over the Plains States will move east ward and pass down the St. Lawrence Valley Tuesday; it will cause general rains the first part ot the week in the region east of the Mississippi river. Another disturbance will de velop over the Western plateau Tues- ern States Friday? this disturbance Graded School Commencement The annual commencement at Cen tral graded school will begin May 5. Kev. S. N. Watson will preach the grown fat, stiff, slow, short winded annual sermon and the annual ad- and some few bald. The proceeds ot Xi .r , 77, tha ,m. will he iriven to the librarv. Jolinson, eunor oi v-imruy auu vi.i.- ft a Mr. B. W. Means has gone to Albe marle to spend several days. BRACING' - l v A cup of steaming POSTUM at each end of the day, ' i? - There's no reaction or-''lot- down' ' from this wholesome . food-drink as there is- from. drch. The following compose tlie "raduatinir class: Misses lseulah Walters, Nellie Dry, Nannie lusher. Willie Ross, Grace Fiirr, Ida hides, Jessie Willeford, Willie (iillon, Flor ence Graeber, Ethel Lippard, Dessa Phillips, Messrs. Ernest Norman, Walter Furr, ticorge Hurley, Neal Goodson, Ed. Morgan, Joe Uendrix, Watson Smoot, Palmer Stickley and Carl Furr. Colonel Roosevelt's already in structed strength in the North Caro lina State convention bounded past the 400 mark Saturday, the tabula tions of 27 county Republican con ventions hold up to and including that day showing 414 3-10 delegates nledsed and instructed lor Kooseveit as against 27 7-10 for Taft and eight instructed, ft- y onion Mm v . For All The Family. THIS BRAND OF HOSIERY REPRESENTS EVERY BIND STOCKING COTTON, LISLE, SILK USE AND SILK. . OF 1 ' At the Elks' Horn. I . ; Tho Troubadors gave a delightful musical entertainment at the hlks Home' Inst night. Quite a good crowd attended and' the programme was rendered in a most interesting manner.: Those whpv compose he Troubadors are high, elass artists and rendered their numbers with an ease - . ' . i . , i . ti. "In0",.d 'grace that bespeaks more ' than A.TePIe?en"Aive of ?ftPff 8.d Lordinarv accomplishment. ;.4: Mr.iWhite if he would enter the ring. Mr. vi uue siuicu mi us cuuiu uuv say definitely now but it looked like he would enter the race. He has many friends who are anxious to see him in the race and it is probable that his announcement will be made within a few days.,y,;v;v':';-v :.t';-r;?'t The depth at which the Titanic rests is estimated by the government engineers to be two miles. That be ing th6 ease, aalvajre of any sort by diving operations will be out of the League, to the Secretary of Stale of New York. Among the eonmouiors tn the fund were George W. Perkins, Frank- A. Monsey and Alexander H. 'question. i ' i 'At this rate he will spend . ons in seeking the nomi- Typewitw riWnna and carbi n papei ' h f ot ia' at Ti: -"ne oSoev- ordinary accomplishment, After the musical enteriainmeni a delightful dance ,waa given, which waa attended by more tnan a score of young people.. The Troubadors al so furnished music; tot tn. dance. f Ahrie B..Duk. ton of N. Duke, late president of the; American To baeco Company.-has recently purcha. ed two delicatessen stores ft. .New York and will take charge of them today in the name of the Standard Pure Food Stores, I Net jersey eor--poration with a capital of $2."0,00a Angior Duke Is a graduate of Trini y College si' l n'likes. his howo In ,)uiliam. " .-' - - -. . coffee and tea. -EbvPo8tum starts the day right ' and ends the day right : Fot Breakfast it ia a good "tarter" nourkhes body ' and brain for the activities of the day . t , , -For Supper it soothes the tired nerves and induces "soon . referthing sleep. Bead, "The Road to Well- - vine,'' in packages of Postum.; CAPITAL '. k .. .. .. . f 100,000 SURPLUS v.. 33,000 New Accounts j 0, Li ft -H)-m i : mv ,v.i No. 225 Boys' and Girls Good Black Stockings Special 7 10c Pair No. 216 Ladies' Pine Ganze, garter top. Hose in Black, White, Tan and Pink Special 2 Pair for .25c Nos. .500 and 717 Silk Lisle Ladies' Hose, Black and Colors Special r 26c Pair Also in Out Size. - f No. 49G Medium Weight Round Ticket Stocking, silk lisle, deep gar-., ter top .....25c Pair ..'..... 35c Silk Boot Stockings, Black only.: Special 25o Pair - Nos. 391 and 324 Light ' Weight ' Bilk Lisle, deep garter ' hem, high spliced heel, double solo,- in Black, Tan and White 3 Pair for.1;. .$1.00 '" , Some popular numbers at.,.....B0e t v Nos. Ill, 5775, 7718, 333' and 250-i . Made of very fine quality Egyptian .. cotton, silk lisle, deep garter hems, ' .high epliced heels, in Black, Tan, and white. - , "'ThtrVitRetW' Portom Cereal Company, Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. ' Urge or Small - Welcomed at . This Bank. . Concord r National ... V 'Bank: . FOUR PER CENT. Interest " Paid on Time Derosita, . ... . I ' ' ChUdren'a Sox in. , . V) - .tops Special, 10c, Ladies' Silk, Hose, Black and Colon 00 and fl.50 Pair plain and fancy 15c and. 25c Pair, ft 1 n 4 - 1 "A

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