- r Jk. A. r; i ) - i u a . . '. ' 7T VOL XX II Prke 43 Ceato a ifoma. - V CONCORD, N-." C, TIIU?.SpAY; MAY 23; 1912. Single Copy, Flwe Cent. JQ. 271' i i W ...a. I - w .1 HEARD BEFORE RECORDER FUR- . TEAR AT THE COURT BOUSE. . Testimony of the Wttnaa, tad Abo -ef tot Prlndpalb lfMn Kaness and Kuu Represent Mr Hamilton, . Messrs. CrowaU' and Canslat Mr. sUtcM and Mr. BrtsU tte Btoto. Trial of CMi Will -Comuim AH The eN of th State vo M.A. Han, ilton-and M. F. Ritchie, charged with en affray, ' tried this morning be lore Recorder Puryear. Tie trial m held t the court house, Dm ehaueevbe ing made on account of the lug mwt ia attendance. Senator U 1. Harts!! represented the BUte and Hum, T. D. Manesa and W. O. Means Mr. Hamilton and Awesrs L. Crowell and iE. - T. AJmster, Cbarlotte, Mr. Ritchie. : . ) - Mm Bessie Blackweiaer, easmer ' I Cfird's, where the" shooting oceured,proQeieney w Greek. This medal taa was the first witness" eaUed. ' Jiis Rlukwalder testified that Isbe saw the start of the trorfble between Mr, Long. . In a-brief address, fitting the Ritchie and- Mr. i!anilo-. - She occasion, ProL Q. F. MeAllisted pre . stated that she saw, Mr. 'Ritchie when wnted the orator's medal to Mr. J. he eame in the store sn4 namaea tut. Hamilton s bill and that she saw My. Hamilton go and 'writ, a beok.-The witness stated that wben Mr. Hamil on bandedthe cheek to Mr. Ritchie ihe latter said- that anybody that would do like yon have done Would lie and steal When be said that he vnt around behind . ' the aounter where Mr. Hamilton was and hit bin. Tien the fiwt shot was fired v I went ont. v 1f , . - ' . The witness fas examined by. Mr. tsnsler. She iald Hhat she did -not hear what Mr, Ritchie said when lie cam in and after being, questioned at length n to where the two men mon pretinent and proper than this were standing the location of the morning. ' . ..'Vv-'- '-"''O:" pounters, te the witness wss torn- Prof. McAllister presented the di ed over to Mr. Hamilton's counsel. p0mas to the five young men, eonv The Examination iwaa eonducted hy posing the graduating elass of the Mr, Means. , After a brief examina- Institute. They ar Messrs. ,C. H, tioA sheras excosed. ' - : Vt - - Crane, H. Faggart, H. E. Isen- ,tir: Thomas Hovkins. a clerk at hour. J. L. Tost andVF. L. Harkey. Bitcbie-Hardware Company, testified I ptof. .McAllister' a parting word to -that whsw be en Twito Eflrd's atOBB heitWclsss this monunif will no doubt saw Ritchie have Humilton. by the ' Jisnd in which be was hodling aj- tol.' Mr.; Moose went oot.wun mm .an1 ha heard Mr. Ritchie ear: VI am " shot." Mr. ; Hopkins.;als. testified (that he grabbed Hamilton and while I pie was holding him be turned and . napped the pistol at Mr. Bitehie, i t n Vnnnv. whn ireated Mr. Ritchie, iwaa examined. .Dr. Young stated that - Mr. Bitehie bad two wounds, one in - gbe breast caused by a bullet and one m tba bio. orobablv eauad by a iick. .He lestified , that' the. bullet a?oulcr had healed' but that the other i "one bad not and' that he was still tMsHns- Mm for it. Or. Vonng testi- 't'tytA furthes that Mr. Ritchie life r bung in the balance as a result -of in- - Jury. - J Senator (Hart sell . then rested for the 8tae.7 1 T i X'? 'r--sJy-J" 1 ' Mr. M. F. Ritchie wsj then called. '3 Mr. Ritchie testified 'that be took the bill to Mr. Hamilton on Monday ev- jon to rebuild the Seminary here has '; ening. I said: VM Hamilton he is prt bew if into the Collegiate Insti i ' vour bill, deduct -what yoa rant to; tute and is now expected to push for- ' we've had enough trouble about this matter. I was standing at corner of . the counter figuring" when he gave I me the ebeek. -. "v . . i '; 4 'I said Hamilton, I have beeffTloing , ,T business with a lot of people but this : ia tha meanest treatment I ever re- eeived and don't yon ever darken the door of tha Hardware store again. He -V said I am as good as you or any bth ar -. I started to. him and he nulled hia (ran and shot me. After T Moose caught me Hamilton pointed ' the pistQlfl: me and snapped it." Mr. BitchM said that he was m the hnanital a 'month and the wound in bis breast Vas healed itut4hat bu men that the North Carolina, Luther shoulder and other wound caused him I an Synod is more united in the work .:. - pain and bs did not dare to life any- thing. On cross examination Mr. ' Bitehie said that be saw Mr. Eflrd that morning and that tbey bad a talk about the bill and that he asked Mr. Eflrd what time the store closed, - 'wanted to go over there and com pro- will open September 17th. No changes -: miss the matter and tell Hamilton of special importance will take plaee i what he thought of him. ' He said that in tha faeultyrwith the single excep " he bed no idea of fighting him and tion of the commandant .to succeed :; !, V,m Im) Lml Mi. TTnnbina from fantTVinna. reaiimed. :i '. . whipping bim the Jinday be tore when 'Hamilton was in the store and had .done some tall cussing. Mr; Ritchie , then gave the history of the buggy transaction stating that ha had ex changed the boMnr several times in ' order to make it satisfactory ; with ,Mr. Hamilton. . ; " v Mr. B. A. Moose corroborated Mr. ItoDkins' testimony. - Mr. Jim Bar - rier, .who ws in the hardware storel .nnaial "inting'of their State assoeia on Friday and heard the conversation t f3 CLe oonvei."ion will be in ses- corroborated Mr, Bitehie as io what . was said. . ' , ' Mr. Hamilton was then callo to the stand. He identified the r ol : and stated that be bought it at ' Ritihie Hardware Company. When ssked whnt c"'Mirrl on the afternoon of the d.w'iCu'.ty I.Tr. Ilnmilton f .1 IU. I 'Jcliie came into tl.a store t ' - ' 1 "bore is tSie "tatement, take o 1 ' - v "tto."Ir,iJ"?Tmrn. ' I P ' 1 ! . i M wosld do tlit y would U . . and tcaL I vtartcd to My toiBethinf and b uid: "(but sp, if job dost I will kill yoa, ua surud toward me. II eauht im , by tb eoat and bad roe ever tbe ooantc knoekiaf bm bea I ahot" : .; Mr. Hamilton tbed told of keiof injured on the face, neck and back, lie elated that be brought the piatol to the atore that moraing, after har in that Mr. Bitehie bad aaid ho would "fix" him. The witneae was rigidly eroes examined by Mr. Caoa ler bot ataek to hia original Ute ment. . . ' . i' , The oourLadjourned to meet aaii at 20 o'clock this afternoon. . ! MEDALS AKD DIPLOMAB - ! .. .--.- . . AXB PEESEHTED. " . Seven Oradnates of the Seminary and Tire of the CoUerfat Instttnte. ExtenalTe I Improrementa to Be Made at '. the Inatttut Both Schoola to Open September 17. ; MtAPleaaant, May 22. The exer- ciaea tBia morning eonaiated of award ing diplomas, presentation of medal and anaooneemente. After prayer by Rev. J. L. Morgan, of Raleigh, the medals were presented. - There are inow five gold medals given at the In- stitnte, the fifth having been endow- ed by Bev. J. J. lng tbe medal lor won by Mr.vF. L. Harkey and was nreaented in a baDOV address bv Mr. Yost; the debater's medal to nr. C. B. King; the deel aimer's medal to Mr. F. L. Broad, -and 'the Lndwig Scholarship medal to Master C. Car ver Jones, one of the smallest and youngest students in the. Institute, k President J. U. U. f isner presentea 1 the diplomas to the members of .the Imduatimr elass of Mont ' Amoena Seminary. Misses Ethel Setiler. Hel- m Misenheim'er, Vivian Misenheimer, Both Frey, Lettie - Boody, Edna Brown and Mary Joyner are the elass of 1912. President Fisher's remark on these occasions are ever timely and interesting, but never have they been be long remembered by them, and will be treasured np asne of the bright hours of theit lives. ; : ' Tn behalf of Mont-Amoena Semin iry, Prot Fisher announced that' the next session Vbnld begin September J7 in the new building, is possible, but if not in the new home, than in anch nnarters. as maV be Drovided. The architect will be here in a few days, and it is likely that the bnild- ing committee will accept the plant which have been on exhibition in Cook ft Foil's window this week. A few changes may take place in the faculty of the institution which will be riven -oh at a later dste. -t Speakine for the Collegiate Insti- tute, Prof. McAllister had some things to say with regard to the future. The board of trustees met .yesterday and made provision for extensive improve- ments to be made on the buildings and troonds during vacation. The deois- ward more rapidly than it' has yet been able to do. It is only a question 0f a short time until a new building will be erected on the campus to take the place of the one destroyed by fire a few years ago, and 'like theSemin- srv it will be far-more imposing than j the old one. 'The unsettled state of I affairs existing for some time hss re- tarded these advance steps, but the I institutions, are bow fixed, and both I are coin? to be gainers through fire. It is perhaps Hot going out of the way to state just here the opinions we have beard expressed this week on the cart of both ministers and !ay- of her educational institutions today than ever before, that there is a bet- ter understanding existing among all parties, which must result in great irood for the schools. he I The next session of the Institute The benediction wss pronouncea oy Rev. J. L. Morgan and the commence ment of ,1912 was history. ' . :. f v Toxa Expects E!g Grain Crop. - Fort worth. Texas, May 23. Dum per grain crops are predicted for the Southwest this year by the Texas rrain dM.1rs. who assembled here in 1 lanje nuu Amr today for the fourteenth sion tliree d"ys, with James C. Hunt of , Wichita l ulls presiding. , . At Eflrd's you will find many ex tra specials that are worth your at tention. They ave mocks lit f -"m 1 r a une or to n t ! : ham- 3 t! C 1 :: 'e I :t i irnci TO HAVE wa v ' BTORE ZH WCT3T05 -EALElt The Fewtk ef Their Big Department Stores to Be Established ta tt Twi wtr."!:: :;-: The people of thia section will learn with interest that the Eflrd Bros. Co. will open a new store st'Wio- Co., will open a new store at Win- ton-Salem. The eompany ia eon pos ed of the Eflrd brothers, headed by Messrs. J. B. and E. L. Eflrd. mercan tile geniuses, and ander their guid ance the . firm has grown into a mam moth mercantile enterprise, operating stores in Concord, Charlotte and Gaa- tonia. The new store will be Opened as soon as the building, which is bow being remodeled, l. completed. Mr. E, L. Eflrd went to Winston- Salem yesterday afternoon on busi ness connected with the opening. . In eonversatkm with, bim .a short time before be left Mr, Eflrd stated that they had not . decided who would go to Winston-Salem and take charge of the business there. It is practically certain though that it will be one of the Messrs. Eflrd. The following concerning the new store is. from the Winston-Salem Journal: ,s,. - Eflrd Bros. Company, one of 'the largest firms of Charlotte, has leased from Judge ' H. B. Starbuck for a term of years-the large bnildiag-on the - corner of Fourth - and -- Trade streets, and will establish a giant da- partment store m the Twin-City. It is announced that the new firm will probably open' for - business about September 1. : ; . , v Ex-Judge Starbuck announces that the work of repairing the large build ing which was partially destroyed by Are some time sgo, will be commenc ed at an early date. Contrary to a former-' announcement, .an additional story will not be added, but the build ing will be left as at presenttwo stories in heights However, .vast im provements will be msde in the struc ture. Especially will these improve ments' be noticeable in. the interior and in the front of the building. No expense will be spared in making the a a 3..l A building one oi tue most suuaoie zor department store purposes to be found 'in the two Carounas. The announcement that Eflrd Br xi, Company is coming to Winston-Sa-knwill be read with much pleasure bv those who have the Twin-City spirit of progress. It means another great enterprise,, added to the long 11. A1.-A. U 1. J i i usi mat couiu uuw ire uiuu. EflnLBioa, Company, already, oper ates department stores,- both -whole-sale and retail, in Charlotte, Gastonia and Concord. AU of these will be con tinued, it is understood Hhe intention of the eompany. being to add a fourth great store to its chain, - J 50 Persons, rai TTiafttioa Jincvle Rook. : You mav eet S20.00 for wntinei aa ionginal Jingle or tor iui ing in the missing line tine wav to have some fun. A COMPLETE mNBA&l . (As an txamnla only) . $1 Picnic day ar coming, goodness what a treat, Fill up all th baaketa; lota of atnffto oat Never niindfie cake and Jam, never mind th tea, Plenty of Post Toastiss that's good onoagh for mo. Sign hero-i't' a;Nam';l;i..ii- V. Street and Knmbat '.t: : City ...i - M?r:ZJJst of above "2 r' v ., ' , , Jingle Dept 257.; POSTUM CEREAL CO; LTD, BATTLE CREEK, MICHV- :WaW 60 Post Toastlto Jingi, aeoaptobla for ns in a Jingla Book, rocaivoo) dnring May, 1US, at 20.00 each, v ' ' Only-ilia Jingl W pay for lrlll ia used. .J . . There will b 50 Jingle porchaaed and the name aiidaddres08,of th writora mOl U printed and mailed to each iMulrer who ends ia a le rtamped and addressed anyelop for return, ', The Jlndea wCJ be Judged honestly npon merit, , to If yon ar a sensitiv person and not a good portaman don't try, for vr nave no tlm to "pet . np" ilim Lcs Jlaaairt not neec;Ul -" ' ' ' t TWEZTTT-FIVB QO OI TESTEB- SATroint- BXMAJJI At " j i L Wanted Wages Increased from, 4to IS Cente aa EmttBacraits) So cured and the Oood Work Goes Merrily pa.-Maay Worthies AaA Idle Negroes oa he f treeta., A Complaint Abort thjl Nuisance at the Lntheraa (ftiirei" Corner. Flinirinir their DlcksVio earth and gathering up their dinner psils twen ty-live negroes went jn, a strike on North Union street vesterdav after noon while working for the construc tion fores putting in the gas pipes. From what can be leaned the strike wss a' premeditated, carefully plan ed move on the part of the negroes. They were receiving 11 cents an hour and demanded 15 cents. , The foreman refused-the demand 'and they walked away from their worki Four of the number remained and the,, work con tinued. Other bands wars' soon secur ed, and the work went on as usual this morning. None of the striking bands ever received over L0ti a: day for their work before.. ..'! ;--.;.!' V;k-- There is little aurprisf that a band of Concord nugiass ssiltf strike. They had Mrfeet rurhiWdo'soif tbey tbonarht thev were not tsneivinir' snfB- eient-remuneration -f or' their work, bnt to anyon iamUiar. with the con ditions' here there-.?' np doubt but that. tb strike wa tht outcome of their method of .living..' If. a negro is allowed to stand on' the street cor ner here and become - worthiest and insolent, as they do here on practi cally every street corner, it is no won der that they strike. It is only rea- fsonable that a negro is aot going to Work any more .than unnecessary to get a lew morsels or bread when tney are allowed to stand :on tb street eorner and hold a high carnival all during the day and night i They not only monopolize the street corners but let Somethinglikin to' even a dog fight take place- and. they will raise a short an autbab tttty-TWold disi grace a mining camp.' r ' "I went to fourteen negroes standr irig on the square the other day and a foreman of a construction eompany - i4 . "f MnXW? . - f of the incomplete Jingle in the coupon. A -M. Llttlo orphan Ann! from far, far away , .-Stato 1 form of answer is suggested, but Adresi and. mail your Jinglee to yesterdsy, 'and not ona of them would -work.'' - It ia a frequent oeucrrenoa ' f or white ladies to be forced to walk in the streets oa acount of the1 crowd' that gather oa the corners. Take the Lutheran ehnreh eorner and it is usually lined with them. Tbey gath er there in droves all, during the day aaa Bight and H is frequently diffi cult for a pedestrian to pass on route to the pestoflVea, and it ts not proper that this eorner could be naed as a rendevons for negroes. Oa the other eorner it is equally as bad.. It ia not at all uncommon for guests at the St Cloud Hotel to be awakened by their load shouts. There is a remedy. If the Vagrancy Itm will be enforced it will be highly effective. , tbollbtcabto.be . v. j , OPERATED SATURDAY. Track Fore Will Complete Its Work en the Lin Tomorrow. Mor Than One Oar Needed,. City Engineer Smith today receiv ed a letter from Manager R, J. Hole of tbo North Carolina Public Service Company stating that be was making arrangementa to ship a street ear here to take the place of the storage battery ear. ' .. v The. track force will very likely eompjete their work tomorrow and it is the intention of the -eompany ' to have the ear in operation Saturday. One ear, ladies and gentlemen. That is certainly delightful news. Concord is going to have one (eatch the num ber, please) street ear. One street ear is not enough to give ho people here good service and anybody can see it if they know the situation. Con cord needs two ears and the eitixens here will never be satisfied until two are put w, ; ' - .y Major Hemphill to Leave Charlotte Charlotte,' May 22. Major J. C. HemphilL editor of the Charlotte Ob server, has resigned that position, ef fective Jxine 15, to accept a position on the staff of the HewYork Times. It is undertood that his work on ths New York paper will be as a mem ber of the traveling staff and afford a wide and diversified field for his newspaper .talents. . Majoit Hemphill cams here as editod-in-cUief of the Observer about seven months ' ago from Richmond where he held a sim ilar; position' 'on the Times-Dispatch for about a year - Prior to'that time he was for 'about 20 years editor of Um Cherleawsew. sAd: Courier. Yon will find "A Tenderfoot's Troubles" a good western eodedy film that will be run at the Pastime to- day. Writing jingles , FINISH THIS JINGLE. Cam to make a tislt, and aba's going to tay. Rosea bow ar blooming on iar cheeks o pale, (Fill ia this line, mention Toastiet, write plainly) k Data. . . : not required.;-.. , . x" pal la tna nustug Una of the Incomplete Jingle , printed abora, making tha last Una tndnde to name v rToastlas," with correct rhyme and autre.. v K' Or write en original Post ToasUes Jingle of not leal than 4 lines,' any line of which most contain "Fort Toastle,, or "Toaatlea. v As many Jingles may be submitted as daalred. ". . . i - If pleasant recreation and w all get eome good from it, beside it may result In your Joining the amy of Mere of n O MERELY MABY ANN" AT OPEBA HOUSE TONIGHT. a EieaBeat PresenUUen By Aa -Amateur Cast. "Mereiy Mary Ann" will be ren dered at tha opera Houseshrdleuet dered at tha opera house here tonight under th auspices of toe expression department of Mont Amoena Semin ary, a will be directed by Miss J. Ethlyn Crabtree and the following the east of characters: Launeelot, s composer T. L. Broad. . Mr. Peter, in business C. H. Crane. r Herr Brahnson, a music publisher 1 . B. Welsh. O "Gorman, Sunday journalist . M. Faggart. S Jim BIyades, a mediean student F Harkey. ..;.-'. Bev. Samuel Smedge, a country vi car 0. F. Conrad. Lord Valentine FoxwelL a Gilded Youth C. B. King. Mary Aon, Merely J. Ethlyn Crab- tree. . . Mrs. Ledbetter, a lodging house keeper Mary Yost Kosie. ber daughter Helen Misen heimer. The Sisters Tripitt, music hall dan cersMary and Laura Heilig. Lady Chelmer, a poor peeress Margaret McAllister. Caroline, Countess of Fox well, her friend Manr Heilig.' Lady Gladys Foiwell, daughter of the Countess Helen Misenheimer. The Maid Ethel Mse Cobb.. Dick A Canary. , Bird-notes by WC. Newell. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at Gibson Drug Store. ' The proceeds will go to rebuilding Mont Amoena Seminary. . - I" To Celebrate. Fifth Year of Mr. Wat son' Pastorate. The fifth anniversary of the pastor ate of Rev. S. N. Watson, pastor of First Baptist church, will be celebrat ed June 2. Mr. Watson, eame to Concord from Heath Springs, 8. C, June 2, 1907, and on that date, this year he will have served five years. Appropriate exercises will be held and . a most interesting programme, including special musical selections. sermon by the-pastor and an ad dress by Mr. B. C. Asheraft, editor of the. Monroe Enquirer. , Salisbury .Post, 22nd: Misses OUie and Sadie Castor, of Cabarrus coun- tjvspent, .this morning in-the-city, returning from Albemarle Where they attended the commencement exercis es of the A. N. end I, Institute. Miss Sadie Castor was- a-student of the institute the past session. " ; Special Counter Displays in these lines at attractive prices v to your advantage to WiisUnJtedchv v Gaze, Vests, te. 25' Doien Oause Vesta, tape ihoulder straps, perfect quality. Only Five to cnatomers Friday, Saturday and Monday at 6o Eaca Good Clause Tests, Lisle tape, stay ap shoulder straps ........10c Each No. toS Fine Swiss Ribbed Oaus Vasta, tognlar and outsixe Spe cial, Two for- ...... -ZA&c Bettor Vests, silk lisl..25c ANDi 60c Biz Valoes ia New Mailin : . Uoderwear. ' 76e Value Hand embroiderisd, made ef Long Cloth, lew neck and short sleeves Special .............59c Ifuslin Gowns at. v.48c 75c 98c Ladies ' Muslin Special . and Knit Pants-- 25c AND 60c $1.25 Princess Slip TJ $U5 Muslin Computation Suits. . 89c Ladies' Knit Combination Suits,' ' 25c,35oANDUP FORTY THOUSAND .'.V. ' . OCT W0BXEBS STXirE. Genera! Btift Ordar to Be iTiia to . - Tla Up 100.600 MawWid fiaraad Snffarinf Expected. ; tj , London, May 23,-tForty thoaeand dock, workers struck today ia advance . of a general strike order which will call oat upwards of 100,000 soe and absolutely tie ap all eommeree, ea us ing wide spread suffering. The stnk' era demand staadardixatioa of wages, ; shorter boors and larger, era wat. -- Roosevelt Opeas Up in New Jrey.. ; Patterson, N. J- Mav 23.-Dclar- ing that.be ia lighting not for ban- . elf or party tut for the people and that the fight is mora important than ' , . ' any mnee the days of Lincoln too, Roosevelt today opened bis New Jersey, eampaign here. He said, f'X . beue va in proteetivt tariff but wisV to see tbe benefit get into the pay -enevelope of the working man as well . appear in dividends. -' For this reason I advocate creating a national bureau to investigate . the prcMem jot industry and sea that tha problem does really benefit . tha working' man. ft u d yy- r . Taft, Roosevelt and La FoBetto la Trenton, N. J May 23. Taft and Roosevelt transferred their activities to New Jersey today and from tibw ' until Tuesday tbey will deela to tha voters why each is the only person , who should be nominated at Chicago. . La Follette opened bis campaign (ia : Jersey City last night. The Taft and . Roosevelt fight will be bitter, each having arranged to oovery ovary sec tion of the State, - , f ; -,' v Control of 1 Ohio Oonvantions s ia '"" Donbt ') . - i -Columbtf7PmrMay-23.-HControl ' of both coming Democratic and Re- publican conventions is in doubt to- -day. The Roosevelt men claim a , slight majority. ' Hwnmon. Democrats were at first confident of their abil ity to enforce nito.' rule' which would make ten Wilson Rational de legates. ... .w.;;. f!r's ..v-- Missouri Dedicate Model Road; Farmingtonv Mo, May ; 23. -Exer-eiaes were here today in dedication . , of the model highway recently eVa- t pieted between fit. Loukand the . " Arcadia Country Club at'-Arcada, ' v Mo. The-road is tnore tbad j00 miles in length and was-ebnstraoled at a cost, of about 185,00, which, amount . was taiaed by potor ssssOTptjato , H. L. Parks Co. aro offering many specially attractive prices for Friday, Saturday and Mondayi. All A' t trade at PARKS'.: i,..-,;!. ' Pretty onality Koalin Corset Covers, .,jJi4. - 19c, 860, SM ABO 900. Boys' New Patent Leather Belt White.. Red andvBlac;.j.:..10e Special Value in Ooraett at v ' 39o AND 8e Bettor enee at $1.00, tl.BO, AND: TXP r ; jiMMi' t I. ,.i"n' ;i. ,i r Pearl Csttcn Syeciibl One Soien on a card th kind most people sell at -6c Special, TwoUor We eattthe bast 5e Pearl Buttons en v end arth..;;::' 1,S..r-iC;j;-iii5i(j:' f On lot of Pearl Buttona for aklrto. sixes np to 36 Special :6c Cud 9 ttva JIcrLrrf'?' No. 216 Ladies Fin Cam Eo in Black, Tan and White, fcih f. -1 heel, garter top Epeclal. 15c 1 'x Red Raven 25c Hose In sizes 8 1 8Va, Black only as long aa t: a 1 t at . .. . ..ICa 1 r Ask to d'-ss No 717 T I LUck,. . iiu and Tau..r j ij : . r:::'A:3 r : r : 1 r" lf.-aCjl c: c