- -. ( f " ,- r a.,.,,. -. A -.1 -jr.w" , 1 . .... V i . . , ,.A 4 a 4 V . . . . w"v' V.; - :X Ml O-- VOL. XXII Prici 40 Cent t Uata. corJconB.'rr. c, r :pay. iiay 27. 1912. S-ttf-t Copy. J Casts. - JO. f,7 i r i 1 t - III : L w j 1 ( OVRR WILSON AND EAiOK.' " sawaeaBBnBa " j " ' Jadge PeU OeteOver Twe-TJtirA.ef veattoBv---Locke Craig tor Govern 1 er aaA Doagntoa for Owigreea. AO Dsaascrats Meet-ane State and OownmIomI COBTestiOlaV as? Lira rca xz'zxn. OH TE3 LOCAL tXAlXQSDS. iili: i aacl&aw.ta, - : 1 ' Out a. Victory Over Epencer, Ciax- r . i Boston, Miaa, May 27. A detent- cm And Kaump to.lW.an-- 1 A ' 1 4 effort la Nine aaaae to kefa the ,'Raw Ball Put Wedaaaday." V 1 r- V" -' ucUI t It CKtmttod U M lT Ltcktftej Ai4 OoolMmto BUtU Pat kVicUry Ortr jc ClJ death mbUbc of Uii Leak Cwud-I w prk 8tardy kf Urnoon, - the CnkI Wtn jiKatv In Ktmt Priuui at 1 r ... ... .. 7. . ... Chrlowa ooe week from , tody, th kvA Md ofUa U , T ... j r nun point 01 Tiew rorj muini,ii i ehneo tbee SotU wiU jaed, Lyj told.To pUeberi Meended the j fortry CUlmu , 7- eonunasa 19 ueeaa utu inej joq- 1 Uw to tkoiUoourM,iaT.wf thoLj b -um 0f tbJ Buoeukl ktroeity or tH. ertme V& I quintet Johnaoa proved, the most eH DocUto Polat U tiTV&MMntt I "! "7 j?i .wi rr: leetwo ud irUh tbo proper mpport J r. uchoaetU decided that the tnal WMlM k.,. dr f or the ! eonrt had not owed ia 1U judgmeDt. i, .... - - . . , 4' Waehkcton, "iUf 27,-Tho foreowt ' -'-Little publie irmpathy ia ozpreaaed . . .4f- "-j thk'nt'lie for a bitter sre-coaMrebtioa Aorht The Cabamit Conhry DmeeraUU' Enrieo Maaeioli, . aeeompliee ..g,,, Qark" amaahed out 1 w Umporrj ehaimaa of Repab. runtion vee held at the eourt-! i airm, vuuhwihi, wwi. j- th. q- hi. mzt mean eonveBUon at ieaga. houee Saturday. The eonvention eon- to be eUtrocuted oa the .aame day trip th piaU he WM j,it 0B tn, Moeee E. Clapp, of Hota, Rooee- ened at 10 o'clock and quite a the woman a to dte. Only par- hlmd by , pitchei b.n end had to re- frelt'a choice for t!.e plate, toft here i ..n,k f WaU. were oreeent. fuuetory efforta are being ad. tire. Archer, the Lock ei tee' abort today for Jerwy C.lf to confer with ew precinct being. repreeenUd ex- the man behalf, although it ia tie ,tp, alao received ahoot aqnare, in Rooaevelt. The eonfareneea eotne on l'eeDt No. 7 townabip. In the absence ganeral belief that he Ukely 'to th f M htd toy, way te ,n the bee la of a tUtemeht by Senator of the chairman, Jf r.' I. L. MiBer, ahara to any act of eleineney that ia andOTrtnjy. aA'a homer,' Wood' Elb Boot, of Ne-jYbrE, who ia TvJX' extended to lira, Cuaumano. Mi t m -...11 x r vsnV .nf Thoaa who are aanating,, in 4 ; : m trail a x. luuvui v w . . . -John lL.Oeleaby;wer appointed tee-1 movement lor a eommnunon oi Mra.. the 0Tmj for tnw base and KlTaft'a choice, that ha will aeeebt the nnljul th. aI ont fm- iki. K.U. .nJ I The fleht haa inst bana and mar 1 rk. -1. v th varvnni v.uiuuim raiwn v '6'J I K.nn and Kimah 'Mnurnl amiMm I D - ul. QCCUU v point 'in IH laiV- ...'u1Ni.m then to aenthnent rather thaa waeona h , ; , ;. j Booaeyelt feud. The National Com- i taken, reaulting aa foflowa:" : -l"" . r " "'r?'"';. "3 a 11.. in 11- WiVn Tin-1 Qeciare uat no woman oaa ever wet i death in the electric chair ia Maiaa-1 .' ehaaetta and that it would be a dia- p ' iderwood. 28i0. "? aT. rrTT,, nae. to th. Bute if the aentenee waa AU pernor oy accumBuua, ma wn w u- - j , ooift, e ,1. . er candidate, for State office, who Alexander, ef .'. have no oppoaition, except Treasurer tune u theluatory of Haaaaehuaetta it'at,. ; . y. aereraTyoterbeingVfor Mr. v a bwn atonced to 8.dbrf . , . W.fcodeU for tbU offleeV Mr. OdeU'a di m the electrie chair, but e flrtt Cva9tp iv&n eomplinientary aa he - not to ;tliei memory 0 : pexaona of c1.? . ; UOIU tt. La, lJUKWa WM .-WlWri " - -t V. i 2 -C r. t. ABR. H PQ A . E to at,Cbic Jane 8. ; Boat, 2b . r- fZ 5 19 ; S"' 2'"ll ' ri 1 1 a a o a v r 11, . w. r 1 a at a v aiAanra 0 1 0: 0 0 L 2 0 BECITAL TCJBT.. ii- ... I.rfrn.nrf,trid 7: M MaaeioU were vnvictad wto eonv r.ZrJni7u.9JF: k mitted. in Hull to September, Locke afilL - - I Sapp Sb . AUred,If ttbn for the rariona andidatea. ; Chairmaa Cookreqneeted that all ntembera of the county executive com auttee Bef inuidiataly ;after:- the convention; adjourned, atating that V bairman jliller had tendered " his i resignation and it would be heeajgary te aleet,-aaiieeeoOFi'-i.n-'4"':,S- ' t ! At the-jeoimitte .minting If waa k UnAeA ia noatnonft the elect kn of a i ehairman.bii wyiju abater meeting, time: To Ba lUvaa ty Ce Ilaale Pnnlla of 'A recital -wiU be givrthto' evening at SVo'eloek a ir rc ienee of itr. Jnotf-K. Patteraoa by ''he mnaia pa- pile of Miss Jeni I, .tereon. ' The folldwinir ia the oo(rrammet v . 37 U 12 27 . 6 ; f .rrXLL'Sr .Trri!.T,-T"V': ' Piano i 1 am tfoHderi A; X' Davia -7- atlu aMww , j . 7 Piano: Breath 6" Spring, ,:Moeart Helen Varner. ". ' i- 1 ' . -:" Rour: Jnst A.wearvih - for Ton, Carrie Jaeoba-BonoVtary , Walter. PiaiMt ial RevartS. A Kenedy ID) The Trumpet: Call -Matilie ' Loeb Evana Marv . Mosar Misenteuner Piano: aV Spinning fiong Ehnen heich. (b) Scbottih Biiel-oro-thy Wolf. f i (b) Seholleecfte,- Kke--lJoroiny to Xinta. i I JtTH.av iw.f r Jinalin TRpTIi. Parlow thaXannapoliaJbaUl ,3ij&ttltr tastifledt denvinA the eHme.Vhnt the toeaera felt the ating, of. defeat at it ;- Wilkinaon. , t , - - 1 - ' . I .1.1 i ai 3 - .-1- n . . - n-wn . Lit .ovonooK mem in tne uimu w uoid 1 vocal: xtomance - irom .an, . Gonnod Manr Phifer Pemherton. a) Petite Fanfare (Miluairi Vibboe. (b) Chiming Bella, Al iifillv Beniamine White.. Hnn..w.a Elm n.imw I iMiimiBYi v.vvDsvwaw www i r ini i . m:nii uiuiuv. for the State showed that Mr. Cnan- Spry and rier beat out bunta. Oyer- jtde-Naney Lee Patteraon mano au4 MaaeioU entered the room ah aeored on Leugblto'e tofleld tap. , (,) ABB H PO A I 41 0U i 5 2 20x9 0 Hi io 0 1 0 dollSJlnur L J f5 r.t- . .u.iu ...lMoma. rf . 6 .0.2 4 0 1 th M ni.Mui vS.i .tlArcner, aa.-. . .. . .-i. u v 1 u i Plymouth last February. : c 4. Waod-2b " i'vJ tA number witheaaee toatifled, fli Z raTandinlte m.aeiteK Cuaumano hi. body waa foundjoa J " nnrmnaEinn- tiw i .uriMirBuuu iiuiiiiiuari . " r aioner tlonpr-tenn), Pell, Juatiee and A MaxwelL .The vote waa: PeU, 41 r? Justice 18, and MaxfeU, 4. Mr. 8. O.- Daniel waa endorsed by -k .Dr. B.l8v Young waa. endorsed aa - delegato to Petaocraue Rational M:'TIaW pK. y.. teattotb. TletogatuNi to.iww"tSrr L7rJX1 ;-r 0 2 1 0?1 0 0 0 1 6 01 " m.niii.iniil PhnTtintlrm' which meet. ID I !.?. TTT . a i oi...i evidence, such aa the nndinf ofaJ .wv btoKl-.ta.d axe, a W. "ki the -t Lock. Pk, Saturday .they got ' v"""""u "VH ""T L lronnd nai th. Cnanmano hohse revenge at Bpeneer'a nanaa, pounq- piano ' nM..8- ?n::!r' land a bundle of blood-etainedTelotli 4 to our three runa to the Anal frame B de east ine vwe a. preBa u i u,-- . - k Wt s,aDm. with the score S to 0 against them. Tr Fab ttiA'tiflAM aanfllllatiML : I V To a Wild Rose. Alex. where Cusiimano i alent and killed H.Bpry rapped a aingle, aenoing two McDowell. (b) Sextette from "Lu- him. fv sPjuk- i-m laeroeaand breaking up the beat game I ria.'rDoniietti Laura West. In behalf of the woman if ia said ol the season. Jureers au rouna wore ipund: Flower Bong, eonm nary ah waa an nnwillinv ami invnlnntanr featured.' " K xl Hi I Pmberton. a ? - a it i .1 I TTanmarlAlia . .' - . . H .!l 7.21 i- T! T..nl , f ..a -c f&sintl : .rVftm aeeompuee 01 jisbciou ana mat anei"""",t"" .. r- jv i ' l-nl rnuw- " ( waa Iona- nnder the influeniw bf Mas-iopeneer . . v , - Faust."! uounoa auaeee naiue n eioli. The term "bypaotie eye" has f Battenea: Anoon, uvercasn ana Peterson, n'xf- it-i. ..I : ,1 wnatt! iTiark- r t i ;orneison. ,? i ... ' V. 4 ' , i.fJ- ! I . TH.aM Vn CUM TMflTaU. . omcoa iiai f weanesaar. . r w " Kahnapolis antbe Cineoe s will I T Yeaterday' afternoon Mr. and Mrs. leaalt to Doubt aa Betveea WBaoa Aid Uaisrrood. r3 Tar Ahead, Tor Ceraon.J,a Cc&stationar;; Desiocratie effcventiona aith two exeeptiona (Caldwell and Wake) were held ia all the counties throughont North Carolina last Saturday. .We ft tee were aleOted to the SUU een vention to be held at Baleigh June 0 and the eongreesinail and judicial eonventioaa. - , . ' - ' Many of the) eoeveatlene sent their Cldcaa-a Coa,! dU"M aniaatruoted, at the aaaae uaav ta, oawaaaiaai aa.yiwfw.nm a) yivv ereace, wiuie others iiutrueted ont- right for either Underwood or Wil son, iiarmoa ana uiara got raw votes here and there, but none - to amount to anything., " ' i jLoeke Craige waa endorsed in near ly all the counties for Governor. Ia only one or two instances Aid the sens tori hip eon test crop out, the party evidently deciding to let this matter take ear of itself later An. I when a State-wide primary will DeJ held to name a aaecesaor to Senator Simmons. : - E. L. Travis baa the lead over S. 0. Daniel for abort term of Corpora- boa Commissioner. George P. Pell geta 75 per cent, of the instructed vote for long term Corporation Com missioner, with A. 1. Maxwell second best, he baa a good lead over A.;B. TaiaiOwr w viwiivim . .v.- - - a For Lieutenant Governor W. E Daniel, ef Weldotf, has a decided lead ia .the instructed vote, "with Jtohn G. Shaw, of Fayetteville, aeoond. ' i w Pell r Ahead, i ' Winston-Salem, May 25. Tele grams and long distance 'phone mes sages tonight to former Judge George PeU, candidate for long term I'or- poratioa Commissioner, indicate that he" got practically solid support from the following counties in the State conventions i -'' - ' - . - Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Cabarrus, CaswelL Carrituek, Davie, Durham, Davidson, Forsyth. Graham, Hyde, Montgomery, Orange, Pasquo tank, : Polk; v Perquimaha," Person, RockinKhanu Bowan, Stanly, Stokae, Surry, Swain, Washington, Watauga, Wilkes, Wilson and Yadkin. , Moat of the Negate. Uninstructsd. With returns from 73 of the 100 counties of the State in hand last night it 'Waa quite evident that, the wustion of whether tbo Wilson Of Underwood forces were, "in eonttol ;taseaJmeataes ;antol atrueteeV delesns-, w. iie aonnnes reportar aa far hava- vote in,-the Ste eoBTOsdioev. of 798 and: of this mora tsaa. haMi. or 44ff delegated go aninstruetetL - Wilson people concen trated their fight in many counties for instructed delegates and succeed ed in getting a total of 182.81 conven tion votes in 30 counties. In many inatancea it waa known that the op position to Wilson bent their, ener gies for nninatructed delegates. The Underwood strength in 28 counties is 121.85 votes. The Harmon and Clark strensrth eombined as ahown in 14 eountiea totals 11.12 convention voce. Chamin- rman.bis will )e atV later JU- Tne term "hypaotie eye" has - ltonroUMiP W;. ttort been-mentioBeI to this eonnection. It Wl.nT pr b'l f?5 'X ir recaUed by the eourt oftlciala that , .Of . -r ii i j i i ' ,1;-throughout the trial of the pair the Kanna; - " , ,w . ; r . T. . ..: , . ., . U - w. X x..ai. n -ai r-: I Wftman aMtnail tn Im in jvtnatant anH I inek linltia at tn -new Dau Darai.-vu Jonn JDL. UOOK. anm vtBa. jbb.. uwb, t w :rm?r -rrrzr ..r ;.v. " r-r, t-sz z n;. atw wBda. a, m- Etheivn. oabtree. of i lbwT. May -2:Bowaa Demo- ".1""? ; f V. T? 7TZ.ZZJiZ o.Y. v--t 1-, .rat. aterday nominated P, S. Carl- JZT& S r tne leg-r rl "T 7X" :' IZTZZ-Zri'-ui'ti dji ,1...'. mc.-m a:faiaim. Brown lor State Ben-1 ...... ... . 1 ."' tl'... i-m ..u. -a. .ul T.t. .tK. af. f.atofuByckeV et: a u MAvrfan TarnA' vaiav nnnnitfiMn. , , as r, inar ear u&iinajiB iini lararaa .tT..s i . - . . . . . Aai ' . ... i. p., . --7 1. " -"' t-' ianvrl-at 4 o'cloek. Admission. a nroved and this mornintf mev were n n .fj I.Arv ihnerl better. Mr. UOOX oeuiE .kl. nn ' ' . ... --,.. i i aaarav av raaw an - . -. 1 . . Ml I w. . . BR - , a . ,a ....... .... ..A .TV. I .11 III. . . a ..1J L w.t.H.-l-. a ... I -i., -am. U-l Mvywan Mir., r .;.. n ' -i v-l. y.. v jr - - - a ww laouvaww. au.vvMy 17 arvaxuvu VJ on the legislative .ticket, fcany in Rev. Dr. Georee L, Petrie. of Cha- the eonvention a resolution for onto-1 lottesville, Va., before the Y. M. C. atracted delegates to. the ? National J a, (be 'college,. jWi:''!.. Convention created a warm discus-1 a laree and inspirinar audience as- '2 had. beesX; nominated for , the Senate I Ttf to th primaries but withdrew in ,tav-1 tion f .the seventy-Hfth annivers . or of Mf- Brown a. fanner, so tbe0f the founding of Davidson Coll -!i tof ef Davidaoa College. ... r,y. ; Daridson, May 26. The eelel-. j -en t.t VAitar ; Tnnr hntiee of tnv trio I dinner was the cause or tne illness. to Biveria, Texas, baa caused a nam-1 Miss "Ella Belle Bhirey,-who ia also . - a.i.z : a. 1 . I . ..a . lfi PahV mnftartkA . na ill oer o inenaa to uiquuw aa tw wuciw i auca. v. r., -Ri'v-ara la located. Riviera is located I results from eating the cream. -: -. on the guif coast ef Texas, 103 miles The- lee cream waa made at home St. I and waa maae oi cream ana jxuit, teas eound be ai t the hour' for . morning ..worship. Louis, Brownsville anJIexieo Rail- and the' family ia at a lose to know ' ml", AmonJhe ininiston present were: way7TniB U , MW road from Hone- just how it caused such ill affects. Wilson s ,, men, Rev? Drs. James McDowell and J. 0. ton to Brownsville, buit aa aearthe , . ' nit TT.vlan Warn. tc.v.iJ' ' -n... n tr i-i i-j lOB .tO,,rowimvuiey Bu. a. . ... 4 nt, to X.vor-ot 6 inraetha' SpringaTR, K.Vl-aaaE, SUoh, go the eonvention indorsed B. L, Doughton Irf,, JaieaaioBir lnf-i U for .Congress; Locke W for Gov- I , . . - ; lS'tZ au aai-aHi v"- -vw wii w- n 'tended to.- Later the - annallv " between " whitehead Kintz. ana tiavaen JLiura-1 Riohorvit. rk.i. a Vani-ii itAi.i"- .rr .. nm.ii. a . ... . . ' - . - a . ,w...ww wv .w.Mt mw, anir iwauh a AM fa TH u euniu . IDA UV all OCT v.l avaaa mu vyai a- L-I. ? ' '. ... . -. . , .. -.I,. . J .... a... ;ire gull coast i uona- eaturaay imrawu ura m certain forms been hauling great crowds of people . ... , . t 0 a af J I . VL'i.K anAthat. aa liara It . M . . m i - - - . . inr in neaiLn. Mvexau ixieuua an -1 oauuwv - " w.ww. - - ernor; Bea i.acy ior Mate trwerw.,4aaie4.!ra ... m.ta th- trin wltk W Concord will have .; a Batiafactorr oa n -waia jbj ..... ; if -. - . . . a ava-jus aasa.- ajw r uv . -r -.- . - - "rr V W - We leave Concord Mhnday, June 3rd, (street ear aervice. onv .yaa ur. retarv ei Biaie. u aiso inaorsea ueiai. tr w a . av. vr.J7. , -m.i.. alary .system for eonnty wracera and Va-i- i.il.t .h. .... t .Itt? u. i ,... ..I f- efeif on ieiaof'S "4 If 'rartT1 ' - imally Ubelling . Chairman ,r Ctoyton tripe in OkUboma Wl out from uw 'v "-. . v r a..-, (land the memheranf tha ISonae Jndi. nrinm tu nti. i . ..- y ... . ' . -. - iguat p""! ivBN w i 1 , I I -- .- Iciarr Committee, waa called for trial! a flflft miloa fiaUi frae-U a aa. Tt-J. ....J a. Ttalal. I. . w.. . . . - . I -" T r ... . - M ,--,: ww" i-,OT.,,w .-jioTy m me i5tnct enpreme uourt. tion over M and onvball leente a The chanre.ia based upon Paxe'e al-imiU mnd inr 25 davs. with atop- i S i - ii- a . 1 . .. X . . . - er prisuegea going or egmmg. t OAPTTAL, SURPLUS 1100.000 SSaOOO . -a I!2ir7aC(xr.ts Urge or Snail; Welcsael t lliis ltxiiL. . Concord Kational Bank. . TOUR PER CUNT. Interest .7 . Paid OA TtoM Depotdta,' ronxsT mfj. news. ; . Deod Work ef the New TroDey Ca- Mra, EowsU Retaraa FTOsa Baaa-wwri-MParsaeula, Mr. J. T. Miller, of East Point. Ge spent Sunday to the city with hie rarber-ln-Ufw, Jlr. B; & Reafcrd. Mr. Miller was aeonipejiied hv his twe wanghtere, Miiaws Lanie and Saraah, woe will spend m month or aaore in Concord with Mr. Seaford. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stone anent Sunday to Kaaaapolla with Mr. J. W. aiiuer. ui v v . -Mr. J. T. HoweU epent a few aoars to Statesville Saturday and a the return trip. waa accompanied by ttie wue who aas been in Dr. Look's sana torium for the epast Ave weeks. The many f rienda of Mrs. HoweU will be glad to lean, that her health baa greatly improved, under hospital treatment. , : .v.',. Miwees Ethel Johnson and Bertha Linker spent Sunday to Kannapolia with Mrs. Tom Johnson.. s ' , Mr. Prentiss Reaford, of Charlotte. spent Sunday in the city with his father,' Mr. PJJ. Reaford. , . ateesm. T. P. Moose and Tom John. son, of Kannapolia, spent Sunday to the city with friends. Mr. W. A. Wilkinson spent Sunday GreMIBhnm With "hi. ahililwaii Misses Helen and Madge Wilkinson! at the borne of Mrs. A. M. Hay. Mr. wuiunson beard the fcaeealaareate sermon of G. F. College, where Mkt Helen ia a student. , Mr. Earl Bidnehour. of Charlotte. spent Sunday in Concord with rela tives. Mr. "T. R. .Simpson, of Bessemer City, epent Sunday tn the city with family - at,, the borne of hie father, Rev. Jacob Simpson. Mrs. Simpson and children accompanied Mr. Simp son to Beseemer City last night. me street ear folks have doubtless been t be "receipient of much verbal abuse from the traveling publie in the last ten days, but last night some thirty people Were agreeable surprised to find a strong trolley' car awaiting No. 35 'a arrival, which was four hours late, and arrived about 12:30. Sueh service will' quickly win the .public's favor. . . a. L..1U.. I J -J :.:'iwJ;L:l..l ORLf TO PROTZCT nm-jt nrntRSTa, bati tixsazzfj, ' ' The ; Stanly Convention. The Democratic county eonvention was held 1 in Albemarle Saturday to nominate officers , lor the various county offices t Representative. B. E. Austin; sheriff, TrR. Forsf, treasur er; B, N. Furr; cotton weicher. J. T. veyor.vL 1Sftnti ebu-bnwiawi sionersA J. 8. Parker, Z. D. Coggina, . m. Mabry, were nominated. A woman doesn't always better It when she ehanges her mind. Optotoa Xa leatai -'.bjr-T. OaUala, Hewew-Taanrrae v laaded if Ooadlttoaa De Ret taw t 9T-,tOM '-M ilBarki y ' liwperty hi laagarwllsat Seiioaa ' :taftmaa;; ;t,, . Washington, May 27Presivkat ' ' Gomes 'a protest against Aasscieaa to-' terventioa will have ao effect, upon the preparations of the United States army and navy to toad expedltiona if - " eonditiona to the ielaad de aot rap- ' ' idly improve, ia tU piaioa express v" ed by officials here today.. The saoet ' serious eonditiona are believed to pre vail to the Pro vine Orient, " where there are at toast $30,060,000 worth , efAaaerieaB property. ? i;A.;'( -r New York, May. 7. 'j-Taa" Area.'.' ored erniser Watditogtea,- flagabip -ef Bear Admiral Hugo Ostethaas, aom-1 maader-in-ehief of the Atlantic fieet and four battleahips bf the fourth , division sailed south, auppoeedly far . Key Westf onurry ordera yesterday a :few hours after arrival to port -from Previacetown, Masa. The battle , ' ships following the flagship Were the" Ohio, Missouri, Mississippi and Mia- ; nesota.1""- .- ; - -l .. ,fl.-.-.; Taft Bays aaartaaar Ait 'tsy lhrotiiit '--aMi1aaA"l-aWata . Elixabeth, N.J- May .27. Presi dent Teft todar aent a moaaego to President Gomea, ef Cubf, aastirtog him thaftbe United States will, not- 'f; : . L : iaii...iii.. i. V . uwnnw, rivaiaent tail sua ne waa' sending tnarinea' for thapdrpoae ef protecting American iateresta jMly, - 700 Martoaa Reach Oinntiawja :- ... Havana; ? May 27.Tae .etaitar Prairie i with' 700 ; inarifea 4 aboard '-, reaehed the GnanUnamenan a tion today. Jhe aurioM iraunedief dy 1 landed to Tcinforee the small; guard already' therev CtoeiimVent wwWasti5 aasert today lOat 'lW'(sralaijkto'' tfts,; eonlned-te Orient .province id ri-i win aomi ha afaWed 'awta-Iwa 'm''J''''S:"; taaaaea ii..$$t&ft&Z'' :fieai;-lr teperto -a ae day, pat it is the Wdrk : pf,dwdu .S and hot ;organixed;-oanda.?' uptie of election ot li:': tiofiiJ Uceman Jane XL, j 't , , M""M,,w',,,,,,,,',,,aa,"a,,',M,,aaw-s "i . ' -fi" A B -.TP 1 n rrmT iU ' .niiaavviLiijiA4;;? er . - vy as -ss ss as ,.,:-., w s as jr. i i i i II I I ia.--MMMMi.a-rf f -a . J1M . :arexs BBV-eMBa. -a, aaWthV awa. I -kJUCClsJUv i.h tint ai.AS. Ji1? ., Vint ue3--;in ft". Gldtlaiiiiij 09 , 'V " Atlantai Ga .May ; 28.-eorcia.'afcKew; authorship and eireulation of a delegation to the Democratic Nation-1 pamphlet in which various members twill gladly give any information pbe al eonvention at Baltimore" will be I of Congress were termed "dishonest tibto. 1 ; - : JNO. A. SIMS. escorted bv a aneetol -oaftr ' LOOO I aaimib.'!;- ' J,--Ai v i f 2, . 1 . . runderrood entousiasis, wno wui taxe with. t' ra three brass bands and , a Bfaa,l drum eorps-rit waa.announc- e4 tn ' ' Two ir.o,.:l (rnins of Pn'l ' man couches w.l be r' artered for the trip and arret ei. have l a -made for the '.'.roo.arh" to .occupy th coaches during their sttty in Ralti- Lortmer' ' !5 " ' ' -'.CticagdV L j. 'Jl.'lu ... her todpy said : f'.Wi"m Lorier ref- 'to r " i're ,f.U' . Ser.; t a -1...,. . '. it i ,tbf.t te V.III f ' L'a'f ' to f to the limit. frv'. '.'jr un ,. i,.e eve a decision votir, t' 1 he v ire -. t-. r j,r.P f-irtnerly a n,'- i-1 f " " ! t f ' ' 1 1 i aaw. . ... wl - 1 .( -f !: M vwa. The. second annual reunion ex- the To. Take Up Kentucky Tend Case. Jackson, Ky., ITay 27. The Calla- peeler generation will be held in the La-r.-'.on fwUi, wlaiwh rcoultcd re- rove at Crescent orphanage, Thurs-Pf.r.f-7 in the sa88ination f Ed. AnmiKt 22nd. The president. Va. in, the for.ner sheriff of rreth-Rev,'.A.- S.' Peeler, will appoint the tu.tnry, ,a be investigated ty the different eommitteea "Within a weett " t Co"t which convened here or t0. A splendid programme will today. Numerous mo-Here of both then be arraneed.. r.: factions are here from t he movntainl. U fa planned to make this reunion aistn. j an it is iearea itur. any mUch large in scope than the am one. action of tU eourt looking ti the Bepresentativea of th4 Peeler family pun! '"nent or tiose tesponBib e lor ra expo-ted from 1'eimsylvauia, en- 14 k, pt cr Lu ' "U r-y re 1 in nessee. Florida and other Btatea, ne- I k 1 1 1 7 o SERIES Op fc-ray, Jims 1, 1912 At Cabarrus : Savintrs ' Bank - r? -.1 ".. ' i b. aV : . m j"mm4 . W ----- ef as. w ataw'fl au lam r .ate r "I cf Ihe Tsud. si "i t -se a.-I . I C " in dl .erent f sections : of I ,'" "Tti Aisoc" Stock amoun'.'. DCIITP HI '?a bat' matured n4 paid oil S3 Serieg of ; C. opportunity to atari stock ia thli Old Xw---"e Ce VOUavOi Ir cr. J-.t, .-- - Ax v. t Notions Mialinti i kg.,e?e4; J4t)w' V.f 'l72wwVwiael,wi-9'' ' (s-.t.:T-si ;y-w ot -Si.'i . e f.f!.': hU ........ . j x. . ... a ....... .a y : Glovca 9 -a t Oiif pneca; it.J tr -u'lf! a-ia a,1 U:! - a. "( UiU a. .e , ,

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