t r VOL 'XXn rric, citi ir-i :concord, rr. a. Tuesday jun 4. 1912. . Single Ccpy, Fta Cents. NO. 1 Vi v f i c s .,i f i !.! 4 r uu.J ILUiL.-.il " TKX KATTTX OP EJULEISBU10 - . boats ccrsisrsxix -v .. " . A Conualtt Appoint to Get Engi- user's lttauU-Cand'Mstini . " Be fcdli Ju 17 Bciv E - sort H Bghway. Is; th County ''. to Ifor Important to Concord Than On. f T: . . , :-- - - Tho beard of county eomiilseioneft bold a busy meeting yesterday at the court house. Chairman Flow and Commissioners Dry, Morris, Cook and Barnhardt wet, present -... Aside from the usuaLroutine much time waa spent in discussing and act- in; on th various road propositions. Th most imporUnt of the- waak probably-th Uarrisbnrg road. For - mora than four years this road has been agitated before the eommission- era. Tim- and time againthe mat ter has been np and aurvey after aur- - "vey baa been madeWhile Cabarrus v waa busy at Inch road building tac tics Mecklenburg macadamised its t aectioa of th highway to th county . lib. By doing so the county seatU,, bnsineas. ; erable ' trad, from Concord..- When th merchants here began to feel its effect they decided that action on tbe . matter waa imperative. A patftioo waa started, by. a number of business i men a short time ago. Not only was - th petition readily signed but a nom , ber of eiticens offered to contribute money to aid in the work of building a sand clay or macadam road from the Jaekson Training School to the . county . line. 'i ; - ' The matter was presented to the oinmisaioners yesterday and several ' citixensmade speeches advocated (that the work be done as boob as possible. ;i Th board appointed Messrs. John A. Barnhardt, John W. Cook, John W. v Morris and' C. L. Errin a committee ;- ty look over tho road and wer au thorised to ascure th seryioes of an y engineer to estimate th number .of . cubic yards to be moved and; to de , termine the grade. The committee is to report at a eaUed jnoetiBgof ""the board Jnn iTtk'wra. r Sentiment in favor; of improving , tun) highway y. rapidly erysUnzing and in tho course of a week the, mat- tar will be taken before every mereb- ant and business man in Concord. It is1 ndlesa to speak of the condition ., of the road or tb advantage kTbe gained by improving it. Its import ance aa an avenue ! of trad and travel -has alway been recognized her. It, is now, a question of whether it will . v. receive th proper recognition or not. v To a large extent the matter rests witb the bnsinass men.vlf tbey do their part the road will be built, oth- erwis the matter may 4 dropped. ' It - is up to the people to pull together -, and assist theboard in building this road. Only two more weeks remain and now is the time to hit while the iron is hot.' ;-: . Messrs. C. L. Ervin and Q. W. Dry wer appointed -a aommitte tq look over bo" proposed chamte in the - Stokes Ferry road aa called" for in : ' m petmon presented by eituens from No. 7 township.' y-fi , ; - - Messrs. C. Lt Ervin, W. W. Flowe, 0."W. Dry and John' W. Cook were appointed a committee to look over . in proposed enang in tne UokLHill road and to consider the proposition ,' to cut down th Cms bill.' Tbe com- . v mittee will-make the investigation ' Jon 25 and will also decide upon improvement called for m a peti- , lion presented by citizens of that -.'!' tion. v - r ' , :?-v y Mr. 1 C. L. Eryini' waa .re-elected county supervisor of roads and John . Earnhardt superintendent' of the chain xang.... - ; .; . . .. 1 All road overseers were elected as :".,. . loiiowa. ' .'-;;' ', No. 1 T. M. Query.; - No. a C. C. Faggart...i r ; , ..No. 3C. 0. Cashion. fx No. 4 C. R, CUn.,-3';r No. 6 R. F. Cline. ; .' ' "No. M. W. Allman." ' ' ' Nah-J. N.Penninger.!;:;ri ' No. 8 W. A. Barringer. ' ' - No. lH. h. Barrier. " . No. 10 N. J. MoManus. ;r 7 No. U Q. E. Faggart. e;nt!!can Primary in West Virginia - Wheeling, W. Va.. June 4. Repub licans of West Virginia are holding a Ftate-wide primary today for the election of candidates for governor and otiier Etnte officers and seventeen mu 'jers of the State committee. Spit .ted cobto-ts sre on for the gub ernatorial no.i.'. ,Uon and other I ',- on-t'ie i'' 3 t'. ' ft, but chief iu' re! t centers ia the L' '.t for the control of the ojsti', alion Tim"' i t! e Till v il-.is not iaohide rai .i ' s for t!..e Uulied 3 - at V.-. rsn!!s- ar erw.tkd, never tl,.' (.n ! i, to have an important bfan a cos fp ,t for fie rst of United '! 1 r -.t.r C"--r. e ,V -". . , f :;i ! e's-ui.' i : i i.o t, -i I ". .. '.s. W. II. r Commisvatn Order It to It BtSt a th Bit of tit Old JaiL Tb Salisbury eorreepoudent of the Charlotte Observer has th follow ing; 5 , i - ' Tb board of ommisionT for Rowan this aftorooon ordered that a now court house b built on th siU of tU old jail, jost ta tU'aorth ef tho' present eourt bonsa. Architect Brown, ef Atlanta, is to furnish plans and the building is to cost $125,000, and bo of Rowan granite, pressed brick and terrs eotta. Bid! forathe same are to be opened June 8. " Bids for tearing down th old :il and eiearating will bo opened Jon 15. The ' building of a new eowrt bona' wa the main"iaso in the re cent v Democratic primarie and the niembers of the board of commission ers favoring it were all defeated fori renomination, : ' - Chairman Beard baa cob tended that it east be built without issning bonds of raising taxee and when the board voted on the o.utloo -today, MeCanr less and Deal voted for th proposi - Hartman and Barber againstU. lb ehairman broke the tie in favor of s new building, t '!. v--Judges and grand juries by-the seoKt-bav urged and recommended lihe erection of a new court bouse. while then is a strong sentiment, es pecially in th county . against it. Ther will be talk of injunctions, but th . majority of the- eommisstoners InternationaLWlreleas Oonferenc. London," June . The leading na tions of the world ar officially rep resented at th International Radio Telegraphic Confesenoa which assm sembied in London today to discuss th international ststus of wireless telegraphy and uniform Iawa for its regulation and control. Th large atlgon, Washington, Minnesota, Arizona, tendance and th widespread interest manifested in tbe conference are at tributed to a measure to the recent Titanic disaster and th vital part that wireless played in the rescue of 600 persons who were saved. - Th United- States baa sent a delegation of nine members to tho conference, among them John Haya Hammond, of New York; ProfAWOba L. Moore, chief of tbe Heather bureau; William 4J. rrrraii, niet wireiass inspector 01 the Department of Commerce and La bor, and Prof. Arthur O. Webster, of Clark University. Rear Admiral John ItrEawards u cnairman or thrdetega-tion.-. The Canadian representatives arc Q. J. Desbarals, deputy minister of th navy, and C. P.' Edwards, Do minion superintendent of wireless. Wild Loeomotly Kill Engineer. Raleigh, June 3. A wild locomo tive whih broke loos from. Johnson street station ' "early today crashed head-on into southbound . Seaboard passenger No. 83, killing Engineer W. E. Kirkwood instantly, demolishing both engines and telescoping the-bag-gage ear. Th fireman jumped. . h Th passenger train had. lust left the sidirur and was Tjullinir a heavy grade when the wild locomotive, com ing down aa ineliae at a great speed, struck it sqnarely,;;S'-'; 'r-tfi;- ; The baggagemaster u reported in jured, -y i',f! : Engineer Kirkwood waa from Ko- anoke, V. leave awido and two . children. ;:';V'?;: c - s : - ... .... f p Trial of Vw llmdnonght' Washington; D. C, June 4. Naval officers are looking-, forward with much interest to th result of th builder's trial of th battleship Ar kansas, which are to begin today over tbe Rockland naval course. The Ar kansas was built by the New York Shipbuilding Company, at Camden, N. J., , and is the largest eomplet dreaJdnought in the world. The trials will occupy about ten days, and it ia expected that the new war vessel will is equipped, with turbine engines and establish a new record for speed. She carries a erev.of 600 men. 4 It ia said said' to be tb first trial trip of a war Vessel on Which lifeboat room is provided for every one on board. For Drairdnf Swamp Lands. Congress has been petitioned by the Southern Commercial , . Congress to provide a eomplet , survey T of all swamp and overflowed land ' in the United States, to be followed by plan for draining each individual pro lect as a part of a eomplet system 01 reclamation, in survey would include an examination of the1 soil of samp and overflowed lands, show ing their value from an agricultural standpoint, adaptibility for growing crops, and an estimate of the cost of such reclamation. There, are 'more than 60,000.000 acres of such land in th country. , s , ,y - - rniiiarli Conyen'-loiii ' - York, Pa., June 4. Tho yearly eon vention of the Old CoriLn Lnptutt Churoh of America, coibmouly called th Buiilnrda, 1 ""an its b ssiona here today. . liioi5 ,4 of dv!--rates and visjiors are in attendrttice, the n ajor iif of t'-.-.-m from rs'nn: !v! ; end iio, taor i(.r r- EH)5A AXIXN IS CALLED. Ylrxlnla Ontiaw ra04 1 Answer ta UnlVed Bute Oottrfat Omnabor Koaday. ; '. ' Qreensboro Record, 3rd. ' Sidna AUn was formally called out In th United Slates Court as sembled ber- this morning and tbe clerk was ordered to enter attest of tbe forfeiture of th bond of 15,00a Whea th eourt was ready for bus? ness-tb erier solemnly called th nam of Sidna Allen bat no answer disturbed th stillness. Judgajtoyd ordered a eapiaaJnaUnter issued but stated that be thought th officers would b justified . in. marking - th capias '.'not to be found," without malting much effort to locate Alien. ' The Virginia outlaw is tinder a $5 009 justifiable bond to be iir attend ant apon th. court 'at its opening to day to stand a second trial on the charge of perjury in connection with a former counterfeiting ease in which he waa a "co-defendant. . His brothers are his bondsmen and .from their property in Carroll county, "Vs., the bond will be collected. '- ' . - Today Judge Boyd instructed Dis trict Attorney A. E, Holton to frame a request to be presented to the at torney-general asking that the $5,000 bond money be added to the rewards offered for Allen' arrest for the ginia courts. In doing this he stated he would endorse the petition and bad no doubt but that Mr. Wickersham would 4-rant it. - ' - i ... To Divert Immitration From Canada. Seattle, Wash., June 4. Nearly on thousand" delegates are in the city to attend the Northwestern De velopment. Congress, which opens, to morrow; : Influential delegations, in nearly-every instance headed by the Governor ofthe State, are on "hand from California, Idaho, Nevada Ore- Utah, , Montana, - Wyoming, Arizona, South lKkota and .North Dakota. Many matters of importance will" be considered during the three days: meeting. The principal onesT" will. however, be the question of a uniform public lands, policy and proposed leg islation' which will assist the North western States in more rapid devel opment and to stem the tide of emi gration to western Canada., King's Daughters' Reception at Jack son trauuns; ocnow. vt. j Jbe-following invitations have been issued: . -v" . Your presence is requested at the" dedicatory exercises. ' - of the j : King's Daughters' Cottage ". - -' at the j Stonewall Jaekson Training School . three p. m. ' - Thursday, June the thirteenth nineteen hundred' and twelve . : by the King 'a Daughters, then in - annual convention . , , Concord, North Carolina. . Executive Committee '; of Institu tion: J. Yi Cook, Chairman; D, JB. Coltr&ne, treasurer; Walter Thomp son, snperintendent.' ', . J -fK Williams Urges .Removal of Bath- ''?:&' rcioimvof Senate. ; -; ..y Washington, f June : 3. Charging that it costs $6 to bath a Senator in the luxurious bathrooms in the Sen ate office building, Senator John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi today renewed the agitation for the remov al 01 the nauis to mane piace 101 puo- lic documents. The documents now occupy all the space in an abandoned ear barn and the discussion arose . in " connection with a, provision in the legislative ex- eentive and judicial appropriation bill appropriating money to continue the payment of the refntntor that struc ture, isiKfr --y-y- ' Dane Last Nlgbl A number of young men gave a de lightful piano hop the Elks Home last . evening- Those . dancing were: Miss Lura MeUill Cannou and Fred Patterson, Miss Mary Hart- sell and Warren Moody, Miss Ethi'l Hamnck and A. . Ooodman, Mms Rosalie Philpot and T. F. Morrison. Miss Freeman Garrett and Fred Cor- rell, Miss Laura Ridenhour and Cy) White, Miss Shirley Montgomery and John Porter. Stags: E. C. Barnhardt, Jr., A. L. Taylor and- Ross Cannon. Cbaperonest Mr. and Mrs. r. M. Laf- ferty and Mrs. S. J, Lowe. Bnckey Stat Democrats. " Toledo, 0., June 4,The Democrat ic State convention met here today for organization.- Candidates will e named tomorrow for governor- and other State officers "to be: voted for in November. Congressman James M Cox, of Dayton, iathe' most active candidate for the gubernatorial nom ination. ' Others . mentioned forjthe head of the ticket are . William O. Sharp, of Slyria, State Treasurer David S. Creamer and Gen. O. H. Hughes, of the public service com mission. -. " - -. - ; . nenry Allen Cooper, who ha rep resented the First district in Wiscon sin in the lower house since 1893, is motioned for second place on the Re--t Dft'-ional ticket in the event t fa r ' ' 1 f r I ; --!- E 3 HJ STATE O GETS XZt SIX DELEGATES AT LAZ?S TQ HATI05AL GOV--. VTSn0N. ( C Vot is ISC's for Taft And S62y, for bVoveit Delegat, ' Th Ooa yention Endorsed Taft, tbaTraat 4nt't forces Being 'In Complst OontroL v ., - ' r " - : .'- Columbus. Ohio. June 4. Th Re publican State convention today elect ed six Taft delegates at large to th National Convention by a rot : ol 390Vi for-Taft to 362"X for Ttntmm. volt's delegates Th convention en dorsed President Taft The Presi dent's forces are in complete, eon- troL--v ' i - --J "V- Booserelt Declines to Comment New York, I- June 4. As Col. Roosevelt was leaving the Outlook office, for luncheon be was shown, the Vir-ueports of Taft's success in the Ohio convention. He declined .to make comment.' WILL SALISBURY-MONROE .-:S'-:iit K0AI). BB BUILT News Caanat From Authentic" Source Tbit th;Boad Will B Built at one. , r ' A well knewn citizen returned this morning from Salisbury. He stated soon after his arrival that he heard from an authentic source while in the Kowan capital that' the Salisbury- Monroe road would be built and that the fund for this purpose had al ready been secured. He declined to give the- sonnee of his information but atatea that, definite announcement as to the road's plana would be forth coming ra a short time. " . - 5t; Baseball Tomorrow. '4' Tha;Cineos and Kannapolis will play their second game of the season tomorrow afternoon at Cinco Park. The last game between the two teams resulted in k score of 1 to 0 in favor of the visitors and the Cineos are go ing rmf tomorrow fof revenge,' .They v .-1 1 1 i. . .i 1 nave oeeu consiueniDiy suvnginenen by "Bill" Fetzer, Fred s Patterson and probably West, who is expected to arrive from Trinity in' time for the contest. The game will be called at 4 o clock. Anderson and Bell will hook np again and a battleoval may be expected. . Lorimer Case Reopened in the Senate .Washington, June 4. The opening guflTof, the fight in the present ses sion to'oust Senator William Lorimer was fired today in the Senate by Sen ator Kern, of Indiana. He spoke in favor of ous ting the "blonde boss" of Illinois. Time was consumed to day in dealing with Lorimer 'a tech nical claim .that he has been twice put in' jeopardyjf ' yv: ':' GoyernmentYOrop Report Washington June 4. Special cot ton . crop 1 report issued by, the De partment of &frfieulture today esti mated that on May 25 the cotton crop condition vas 78.9 per eent nor mal, as compared with 87.8 on May 25 last year and 81.5 the year aver ages. ' , j - - .The First Sales Day. The first sales 'day was held yester day at the cotton platform. Quite a number of articles were offered for sale. The sale; however, waa not at tended bv. as lanre a crowd as it will probably be hereafter, as it waa the first one everleld in the county and interest has not yet -been aroused in .Iayestigating the Honey Trust Washington, D. C. June 4. Chair man Pubo, of the House ; Banking Committee, which is investigating the MmntMV trnaC' Mnnnnrjul tiuuv tha.t tho committee would move to New York Thursday to begin the examin ation of New York clearing hous and stock exchange onicials. ; r iv;,'; Senatot Nixon Dyin. Washington, June 4. A "nasal op- eratfon performed last wpek on Sena tor Mixon, ol JNevaar, reported la the Senate today, brought him to the yejg of death. Blood noisoninc in feared. .'Hopes of bis recovery have been abandoned.", i- S , ..The great event of this week will be the-Stat Democratic, Convention, which will be held in the auditorium at Raleigh on Thursday, June 6. Ral eish has made great preparations for entertaining the delegates, : provis ions, having been made' for 2,000, and this number will, in all probability, be in attendance. - '.ij, " , Mr. J. REflrd arrived this morn ing from Gastonia and will be asso Erlrd'in the manft-rement ot Eilrd's dcrartment-store. I'.r. Eilrd has been '1 with tlie Castonia .store if i ne.' " ' ' ' ... aMTCHIE- EAVQXT0N - ; " CASK SETTLED. Oompremlae by Wbick Mr. Eaxalltoa Pays Mr. Bitcile I2S0.0O And Costs la th Csaa. ' Recorder H. 8. Puryear rendered a verdict this morning ia tbe ae of the SUt vs. M. A. Hsmilton and M. F. Ritchie, charged with an affray, which waa tried May 23, prayer for judgment being suspended until to dsy. Mr. Puryear fined Mr.' Hamil ton 150 ani half .the cost and Mr. Ritchie half the cost. -A compromise, however, wsa agreed' upon by the principals, Mr. Hamilton agreeing to pay Mr. Ritchie $250 and tbe eoats in the ease, and this was accepted. Deadly Foldini Bed Crushes a Ooa- "v- - pi. New York World, 3rd. : ' A new folding bed early yesterday suddenly shut np in a flat at No. 80 Metropolitan avenue, Brooklyn, with the following results 1 Alfred Eberhardt, a machinist, six feet in height and a giant in strength, was stood on his head, hie skull was clamped between th 'jaws" of the bead and he suffered eoneussioh of the brain. ,' ' His wife, Mary, a large woman, was caught aidewise, with her bead and shoulders -hanging' out, and ' was ' al most aqneezed into unconsciousness. ' The baby, Josephine, one year, was almost smothered, heels upward, be tween her parents, but summoned rescuers. by, her mnfflecTscreama. . ? Senators Simmons and Overman Hay No Caoic. . ;,: Washington,1 June 3. Senator Ov erman, when asked for an, expression as to who he favors, for the Demo cratic nomination for President, 'said he had no preference. He said, how ever, that he is against the State eon- vention going on record as instruct ing for any ony , i Senator Simmons has no candidate on th Democratic ticket. When ask ed in - regard to the matter tonight Senator Simmons said he had not anfi would; not take any hand in the fight for the Democratic presidential nominee.';'-!- o'- 'f -"- ''.-.;',, . -''rfi Joint Debate in Spencer; Kins 80I0 .M.'moh. and His Father. Spencer, June A Tonight a debat ing ehib from Charlotte, of which Mr. C. E. Thomas is president, will meet Ufa Spencer Y. M. C: A. Barae Club m-joint debate. The sublet will be "Resolved, That ' King Solomon was a greater King , than his Father Da vid." The Charlotte elnb wjU open the discussion and the Spencftsayiii will close. The speakers for Spencer will be Rev. J. Py Vipperman and Mr. T. P. Johnston, The challenge to debate' was made by -the Charlotte club. 1" - " ' " . Captain Arthur Bostron Presented wnn siu,uuu. New York, June 3. Captain Ar thur H. Rostron, of the steamship Carpathian which brought into port the survivors of the Titanic disaster, was presented with a draft for flO,- 000 today, a fund subscribed by read ers of The New York American. - Captain Kostron said that whatev er part ho had played in the Titanic tragedy was due to the loyalty of his crew. It : embarrassed , him, he said, to feel that honors were being thrust upon him through the suffering of others.- .,i-;-viJ-.:,'i-n--'-r.'--- v-,f;. Titanic Inq.uiry Resumed in London. London, June 4. Th " board of trade Titanic inquiry was resumed today after ; two . weeks recess. J. Bruce Ismay was a witness today. His testimony waa -largely repeti tion of his Amencarr testimony. AI- on the fatal night he towed toward an unknown vessel only a few miles away which failed to answer the Ti tanic 'a distress signal and which steamed away as the row boat ap proached. . ' ' t There will be preaehing at . New Zion Primitive Baptist ehnrch on Sat urday at 2 o'clock and on Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Myers' funeral will be held on Sunday at 11 o'clock. . Helps! A' snbstanUaL easily nast- d food ui :;"'rrv: mena tonch to the man who is ambitions to ftfV ahal" ; Chraps-Nnta carries a ration of tnie nourishment fot, body and oraln whldh paves th way to efficient work. Tostu.n' Cert.J Co!, Lrd., Grape-Nuts , THE DA&BOW TRIAL. Tryiaf ta. Show That the McVaBara's Agmd to Plead Osllty Before Al . lfd Brfbary. O Los Angeles, CU Jun XThat new indictments will be returned in connection with alleged bribery of jurors la MeNamara murder trial is believed today, following the an nouncement that a special grand jury had been called to investigate. Pur pose may be granted jury to secure additional evidence in the Darrow bribery trial - I Tbe eroas examination of Detective Bert-Franklin, Darrow 'a ', aeeuser.l waa directed to show that Darrow! could not have been guilty of bribery because th MeNamara- brother agreed to plead guilty before th al leged bribery. ,., ' '' Btwa the Devil and th Deep Sea. Washington, Jane 3. This is the ssd state in which stalwart Republi can Congressmen find, themselves in this age of trials, as concisely put by on of them today: ,; "-. i- ' "As far aa'tfa Roosevelt people are concerned,' i am now in pursra- toryj from pargatory there is hope of eseap. IX I go a Uttle further ovill be ia hell and from there you cannot escape. . '"'.' "I am not afraid to talk about Roosevelt, but ther is no point in talking now. As to th general sit-! nation, we face two roads leading to the same place. If yon take th on to th left yon will wish won had ta-' ken the one to th right, and if you take the one to tbe right yon wish you were in helL . r ;. . "Therefore, what's the nee Jo pep per your pie when yon know that yon may have to eat itt'; ; v . ; - - Th Cuban Situation. Havana, June 4. The Cuban Sen ate today passed a bill granting to President Gomes the right to suspend the constitutional guarantees in such portions of the island as he deems necessary. The House referred the matter to a committee. There is con siderable alarm about the attitude of local negroes, ..''i? ''. Backbone of Waiters' Strike in New v- York Broken. ' I .;v' .' NeWsTork, June 4.-Renewed dis sension within the ranks of tbe onion leaders and the return of many wait- era t their. .ld job, re j today 's deyetopments of th waiters' strike. Hotel manasssra confidently declared that th backbone of the walk out was broken. , ' 1 Miss Pearl Barrier has returned from a visit to Mrs. W. T. Kluttz at Salisbury.. . . - . 1 re WE ARE SHOWING IN THESE DE-.' PARTMENTS A FINE SHOWING, OR. NEW, FRESH DESIGNS OF STAMPED LINEN J TOWELS, ETC. PRICED ' AT . ' 25c,1 89c, UP TO 69c EACH. , "'St -' ; ' " 1 -1. 1 1 ,1 Art Embroidery Pieces In a large range of1' atylea from .li-'x -.:.23c UP Art Embroidery Linen," 86 inches wide the yard l.-.. 43c Beautiful Lbeit Toweling SpeciaL-48c Yard ' , ' .' " ' ' ' ' - :.'f '" t ' New Lot of Linen Towels Special, .,:-!. i 25c, 39c, 80c and 60c Each..- With and without Monogram design. ', 'i WE CARRY1 EVERYTHING A III Eri BROIDERY COTTC"3, IJHruLr, ETC. LsCsCvJo SENATOR EHZJC: :z LL . - win rzz t: Senator Oor's Ylws Ertisnc t : Corrsctneas ef Senator -Positioa a Reciprocity. - Hon. 8. H Bodgrrv eommei.: apoa th speeeb f Senator Gore, c livered Friday night before a r ed boas akrtb Raleigh auditonu u id: -k , : . - "It was a very attractive preeoDt- ation of his candidate. His humor was fine and -his analysis of th con ditions as th effect, all of th can didates waa good. " ' "I waa very much impressed with one statement, however, which he made and that is this: ti, m.UkhI ci.t. !,. aorthweet ar disaffected towards Taft and tbe Republican party be cause be is a stand-patter and be and his party favor reciprocity.' -' "Senator Gore argued . strongly that tbe reciprocity measure is bow admitted to be on against tbe inter est of the. farmer, that the advocacy of it by any one aspiring to the pres idency would be an ' insnrmountabl barrier to his nomination, and eon-tinned:- ," ' ' ; ' " " 'That the turning away from the Republican party to its certain over throw and. the march towards Dem ocratic party ia the northwest la be cause of tbe progressive spirit of the farmer vote- who recognised the dan ger in reciprocity as argued by Pre-, ident Taft''. ? 1 '4 ' " ' , - "Eighteen of th votes far which he has been so 'severely' criticised wnbu mn .uMiiit a (Km mmm. Ittil amendments to it, and which ar now quite generally recognized - to hay been east in the interest of the farm ers of the country vf'I V "Since one of Senator Simmons' opponents has argued that tbe Dem ocratic party would be in a hopeless condition if it had to go before the country tm Senator Simmons' record on the tariff, it must be gratifying to the friends of Senator Simmons' for this well known progressive Dem ocratic Senator to argue in a public speech in Raleigh that no Democrat could hope to win the presidency this tMr wliii kill A MMiril on this question differing from the position . taken on it by Senator Simmons." t -v I, 11 1 1 r 1 1 r- 11 i :, '.. ' V' Foot Persons Drowned in a W1L Cincinnati, Ohio, Juno' ;4. Four; persona drowned today ia a well on a farm. Tw wer women who died in a vain effort to save two workmen who fell into the well. t. Rev, and Mrs, T. W. Smith return- ed today ' from "Spartanburg, wher they attended Converse College "com mencement., x . ' M 0:1, y .'1 1. --St to 1 v r.t 1 A...... .1. rr"-'? ,! "a Noiii ssl J.-ts' ;J ! 1. ) iii.

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