VOL 'Ill riUsoc it :d:;i:sday june sg. 1:12. - tEIXAT EAB K3T WZAEXKXD 2S ESTLUXXCS. c .- t r ' Qayaor Loomlr-i a ttut Eors.'! Wllsoni. Claim ClaYk Win Not It Komiskted oa'Steond or Third . EaSot Wiiw.. Will Perhaps Win fonra-or-rUth'EiCot. Eotal I. , . . Craf W , . :0T?ij. rry r -.- Tb board of aUtirmon he' J "a con vention, that i meeting, but .)' I at tb eity ball. - For several u.iuu. before tb door of tb h'S, no, to eourt room, er opened it bts tO' look M if .th delegates VTv J again-Htidermeu wculi But at' I However, thy kept coming on ty one; hntil fiaajly quurum M pre- ent. ;. ; ' rwrctifal Cot Wt'-iri f Popular ' Tmig Conpl. Kws and Observer, 2Cth. .' , .PiktviU, Jud 25. Perhapa the tnont diitinctivo and well appointed weJJing wbicb baa occurred ia East ern Carolina in decade waa that of line Frt.nee Pearl Forte, younger daughter of Col. W. B. Forte, Belle reJere, Pikeville, N. C, to Mr. Robert A. Fetter, of Concord, N. C, oa M un ci y, June 24. The occasion will brook Ue interest of llis FoAe a brands tbroughout the Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and other State, where she I hii viui t and of nrr-J y leas a eom- Tbe . enairroan. or-raioer Mjor hmv vkn Iim knnn t'ttur Wagoner, rapped for order and a a- . Wremony waa in all its aspect nouneca inai in ei,.jn wbt ihiii-isBl.ioned. Jlnnu-a iioDe..Uia .1 -Uona nadeffnU Aa,4 1 fojf, businoe. Secretary . C.st ! r i t end impresaiv on this .Baltimore. Jnn 20. The- session kt roH.- No eonttet 'were 'raporUi v. today opeha at noon, and expected the roll waa; mada permanent. tu ia-4he family poea. asion iinee W be routine. The resolutions eom- J, i; ; KlBce : t tha " delegatea day of Indiana, and the borne, a wel mittee, with Bryan aa member, is or rather Aldermen waa proof sum- of numberiesa friend and gueata who at work but will Bof report until eient that no om had gained' bis hare enjoyed and wto still efiioT there Thursday. 5 There is a plan on" foot I pee throafh ftaud; .larceny,, rob-Uj hoapitality 6f the errfe-fcUum. to make the temporary organiiahon I . atrona; am teetioe,, lying, steal- jn this commercial . aire of . mutable permanent. The only real flgnt M-ig, grand larceny,-' vt by any custom and styles, . BelleTeder - re- fore the credentials committee is meiijer WiCted mean and bnais ws hnaina-inaSectedL unchanged, its aged nor stilll looms as the best '.dark I Attorney Williams presented, the trftu, its atmosphere of welcome and horse.,". There is also, i boom for 0laiiof Mr. Ritehje wB allsge that Uvish pleaty, bespeak and atill retain vern, or. maiana. .TU Clark manaKers are . have a agreement with Murphy, Tag- V rrt and Sullivan, and feel confident of -vietonr. - The Wilson- supporters taV that- Clark cannot get enough 'totes on the first of second ballot to 'win and then his delegates will flop I to the support of Wilson, and Wil- ': ,ji,g will win perbapa on ih fourth or fth ballot. s the machine which pot ' -Parker ' through controls enough Tote to name the candidate of their elioice, but it ia believed they re- satlsfled v; with the-chairmanship and defeat of 'Bryan, and wilt let 'the delegates rote as they will. Bryon-s.oeieai va V r w I hi property . on. Academy street was tb tradition and charm of tb old re thought to 1 damswed by reawn qt the eity cutting rim. -,: ' ? FLATrOIMI ' EJ AKTTSAN2 ) .S ' ""il ::oas heport- I2rEE,BAT8 - r-r.x- Hew Procedest--EUnobw Contest Prodpltat t light A Com 'mitte. Ex-C. . Tolk Pay Tri- ' tut to Bryia. Committee Eeport Baltimore, Jane 'J, Tb eonserr- atiTM ar disconcerted by Bryan's I AT TES - BAPTIST CiTEXXApE Prorrua of th Aana4 tU&g at - th Orphan- at ThomarriU. On Tuesdsy night, July 2, th an nual sermon at tb Thomasvill Bap-' titt orphanage will be preached at the pavillion by iiev. J, Oyd Timer, of Greensboro, and on Wednesday, July 3d, th annual big day,- Dr. E. W. Sikes, of Wk Forest College,, will, deliver the annual addree at tb- pa villion st 11 o'clock. Th children's xereisc will begin promptly at H) a. m. Wednesday Dtorning. TB finan cial condition of tb institution, was sever better than this year' , report shows with regard to money receiv ed, $33,000 ha com into monev cur rant fund Charity and Children put into profit in money over $3,000, and all the department of tb orphanage nave declared a dividend the. farm, on account of th dry wthr showed ; TEE CI victory in resolnti t committee', for I smaller profit than usual, but the pros framing t platform after nomination. Ipect this year wa never better and the is a new .precedunt and if ratified by th convention, twill, make - the nominee rua oa p lit torn, rather than bays platform . boota any particular eandidato x . , ; v.V V ' "This plan ill"insur progressive platform and eampsign -reg&rdlea of nominee, " said Urvan. general condition and appearance of tb farm ia most gratifying. .Special interest will center around this meet ing on account of tb mat lift of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kennedy, which con sists ot lw aores of On land in Le- looir connty- estimated value $100,000. This property is a component Dart of the street down.. Th board decided I Kbortlv before' S ' o'clock Mondav to postpon action on th master bb- vning th wedding eeremny was fce- .ii me ciiy iiiwwji -oww gun oy; Menaeissona a spring aong, Hartsell, who is in Baltimore, tould rendered faulUessly on th violia by be conferred with. i' ., - : ' Mis L0ia Privett, of CWldsboro,-ae- The Cannonvdle reel team requested i-crimanied by Uis Lina do Rossett, board, to giv ihem $1001 tOi defray 1 0f Wilmington, during which the wed- ;heir eioense to th Firmn eon-I'dins' oartv of nine maids of honor and vention, which meets in Fayetttville I !- gmamen descended' tb stair- Julv 23. Th matter waa referred to war and formed with tbe eonttectin a eommitte with p to net. vi I links of piak tulle studded ith"l4r ft 1 J D .M.ft.uj a iu. t ' l . I . Aiunui wKm' jiwoii.i. m j-1 1 ranee roses aua snuisx, au , auuv tition from the property ;ownr on I through which th bride, dame ot" West Depot etret tmg thboHl honor and flower girls passed? vcr to nut down An aaphalt binder oa tnel The brida wa exouisitel f i iiwail Ureet. 4Th DrODrtv owners' ftereed I inwhitimnnrtd chiffon over dnfcl- aot weakened hi pbwer much.. There 1 payten. cent it running foot 1-sl satin with'real lace.' i Sb carYted u not so much talk, of Bryan as the I ward th cost. The board accepted white prayer bod with pendant lil nominee, but Bryan controls. . snftV I tbe proposition and tb work will be- tb valley... Her train wis ear eient votes, it ia said, to- deadlock thejgn as soon a th gas company lays rid by her colored M mammy in convention, if th machine arovd. try I its pip in this aiofc wyi I whiU turfian. neck-cloth and apron. to nam a eonservatiy candidate. I . - - a !T7Tt5n.Ui,i" n.. i dame of honor, Mr. Richmond a Hotel accommodations anate and prices are ,' - Uuck dissatisfaction and . tone -exists. .The credentials committee in Illi-ltbe orphanage th central nlant al- nois contest disclosed a, bitter fight I way remaining in - Thontaavill . and between Sullivan force and -the I the same officers will manage aH An Hearst-Harnson .lore,, each aide I important item of' bnsinesa at' this charged tb other with an attempt to meeting will t tbe election of two "pack" CookV,otmiy convention, trustee sueceedingMr. Dockry Thirty-one seats in he State contest- and Mr. J. H. Tucker, w.hq have died. d, and both sets pf delegates are Th annual meeting- tbi yfr will be pledged to Clarkr Tbe cdnvention was largety attended and th day will be called M order lit i3:2i. E-Ooveru- on of the most interesting: ever hid at or Blahchard; of-Lonisiana, for reso- Jone of ..these meetings. - Wdneday,1 luuons coDHiutieev aaKea ' tnat meiJiuy o, is tne.aay.oi U days for session. be adjowroed until 8 o 'clock I Thomasvill the annual meeting at tonight, bujfthe eftwd and delegates I th Tbomasville Baptist orphanag. wanted to -har t oratory .and several are jnade- The W"1.! jReed. of Concord, woroa white xhorbitanP. I poMeenuui,- axMMtuM nUmi o M . robkvSh 'earrid oink 'La I ineonven- the 'modd p(diwn'Ir9 tin tVi iJ?!5?l. W , I en up. Aldermsn L tn motion w c w ... ,wrgWM1 erecte in tha main haMl b, oerviou mef tinr when th mttr Li.. i ma r jffrr liy McKJ :tateMia Fortw.s Franc rose,' The bride was met at the altar of J; WEEES IE2 6E0E TINCHE3. IZZ i r KZ i tZ. hl Dickinson, of 3oldboro offlcUting. tfpOjof th In Th ring - wrvice : of the Episcopal pnvdelwetoatore toeU . nMd. -H A JT4 TTif'tfft Cr'-f I'-t Timi; jt -ti u- It is iMiumwUfc .' '?;"t J . : ' Wadtjaboro-Ansonian. 4 ; t-' tX fonjpe ago v Uquor be turned -oyer to tb treasure going np and down the athto declaring i . asion pron .-d tnat ? trz?"' f -TiTir JTZSJT 2Sxr Bryan in a Cheerful Humor: -Baltimore, Jnn 25 Mr. Bryan did not attend the aewion 'at tha-eohveA-tion- tonight -t peraaiifed in' his rooms to. attend- to orrespondeneel and to confer with his friends. - La-i ter Mr. Bryan purposed loiointr in the deliberations of, the platform commit- Mr. Bryan was aPDarentlv in eheen. ful t humor, . not witbetandlng his - de feat. He carefulhr ircfraiued .from giving any suKestion'as to bia future Republicans rau to Mau al course of .action in th - convention Rush For Either , easd Wagon '1 ""Will you carry on -th fight 'for Thit Leader Silent, ? " . I the- progressives pn the floor1 of the Tb Question of ajbwfbing interest I convention T ' ' he waa asked" amcmir Cabarua Ropuolican just atl "f hop to be at tha convention . 1.,1.. .. .1f.tli.:."l t v. ... ' present is wmen vana-mnttm. w cunut dui ,no no oarB-o. ntuni any pvav aooara.-' xne result ot w- uicago gram. PMkMn tokUl;plajUorttf Kx-Oovernqr Joseph WFolke, of Hissonri,. was tho'nret speaker. He paid a-bigh tribute to' Bryan," calling kimv tbe r' ' greatest teacher in history of the United Stales,'; Folks made plea tor tire' progressive platform. Seiiatof Rayhor and Representative Clayton followed.-The committee re-1 porta r expected tonight. -' i i' i 'i mi ., -W' ' i WHERE WIL TEET LAITD. Following the ceremony a brilliant : ' . j ai ji Lock Craig was not a utabl:'man l -rc,r- tKJnnmnB. of prty. anda lew ffienasat tn oa- nn.nf ttf Oi etat of t North I V r.?; 'T.. .J elusion or which tbe nuptial party " . .. - i.ieniorcmir me prouionion mw. iui . ... ,.. . j jj Varolinfu ymmoa. vWf Pvp'idi " 4hi matter 'Mr. 1 Barrier w c against Voting ; for Craig. But . few ff Aitiaenand bad thtT 3 "WTSn-ZrV? .Td not.conferred with th. official, of th I;." ; r. "rZZ ven W6 os an. jvihjuiu, if.w nA Order Leaeue. After dw--i '- jr,"" : mn Mdainfttion. tkrean- ;tdfTLt wak " d rose. Th WutySof the didatoof th. democratio; P?y ' r - - , . . r . was ennaneeo oy tn o ugni accl.rn.ttio. and it i. aaf S I't S no other man wa ever.inore 'J iH nuHi tubiect to its beint 1 """ r"-.rJ.'- hosenby al thrpeople. What i tnei Hftra " pouwr, or uoiosnoro, nower gms, oe niriveri. -.e rr." . 1 otherwise it wUl b srithdrawn. an m.i in.r im r. rv iir.iuii . iuu nv. f . , s. : . i . . LI I C VULItO. M m.m f Uowinff a dansterons mani Mr. I -hih is apparently. "h a on Of tbe dn ocratro .. .5. . .: - On Wednesday tb. Mecgraph Club, Wly n L'T .Littl. Misse.M.tti Parker, Carol 1 . , rT- I lllMir. nf wore whit lingerie dresses - over pink, and carried tall basket of pn , . it 'i.i -iu.t tr. rosea ana saiiiu. ; iui, ium, nuu r, i. xu rmU. bov in attendanc at th doors were sionauon as Diuiainsr. inspecior. n . tj..:-t yw. den Parker and Norwood Holmes, of mflteri 'lias Jttr. vraig cnangeu i mil i tjia "Mr Kiteliin did not tin t' e people thi time that they fXed with resignation as building inspector-; be raKattv in pon. ".Th loyd( follow.r of Pl cZ I y.r 'y wanted to g4 ridVfbU 5 "4 .. r rt . I i V SIIULRU LU K X ftU . L ft!4 t if uu r . . . . j v, . u !,...' ; nnniinRtinsr Lir. Vrasi ar, i . . --7 .. uoiunDora - - . . r ItlOBV u uw oi iv.j . four yeart "onw nm ni.n w of qoldsboro, gav. in honor of Miss . ltd another man eouldb eeured. j . . "Sin th senatorial campaign open- KetTft tb. id 1 led4d Stnray ftrnoon many friends of d months ag6,:Mrvtcbm th::brider.,in attendanc. at a 1 is tKe sam man h was - eu soute mouiug gu, ir. iv.iuu i. - l;- , Wi e.rUnglhepeo r-..l 1 . ft. : . jtaniHinuiB . hlUL ln W6r 2V.1IC1 1 WHUW ' What h people mo 1 , w ,ner or . -Mr. Hop Peck told tb -anu or,w""u:wr;;i;ihbai wcut d on ' ?? nf. 1 f0!". rS XrSTJhTn Depot street h tertai I Wl(lMw jwaawww-ww, iiZL.Z - Miss .Fort is, aw woman Wm Pivua , i of rare wanU is a dangerous., man. ""J :"7i.i TA beauty and of magneue personality. - i a. i.MntBianuu ivui iiatao -vuwwvm . wh . 1 b . i .i. ue aroma ?mm2k lit. v v-i.- , ther or not Mr, lochia , in r, rrryrr Mr". wou' e nd J lu who (ate way She has been for several season both hntrA ' 5f prommcnt and popular in wasning- 1 J X9.T;mAa ajuiat. a n't in Alt . . . ai it lies oi ner tuun ohhi aV.al y Mr. Ft.r i v' thorough scholar aig wa.iie. 4. hole.Wri-.reh .tret mlirht at least i. f into di eoramenro ----- viTrr" : ,rrv.M . th. ana purpose, We would "' V:TLT": will b and him so mnch better. His f 73! 7. " notabl athlet. mly take u . . . 1 jj Majority f Xortk Carolina league1 Stood for Farkar a Test Vat. Mr. H. EL C. Bryant, ia writiaa- to th Charlott Observer, under date of Jan. 25th, ha th following Th North Carolina delegation ap ported Parker against CoL Bryaa by voU of 14 to fi, Chairman Glean, eat inf tb rot, it "i,.;.-. . - Tb. North Carolinian votes a fol low for Bryant .Qlenn, Joatie, Hale, Aewiand. Hammer. U. L. Smith. Cox. Whit, 1 Ramsey. Oraham. - Brrant. Han, MeKiniiotv L. Clark, Rob inson, .Melver, Yonng and Self. ' For. Parker:. Dorteh, Dowd, Mc Lean, Lamb, Adylett, Harding, Finch, W. a Clark, Ranaom, O 'Berry, Hill Howard, Daaiala, A bell, Hastings, Underwood,. McQueen,' Bailor. Blair. Dongbton, Clement, Breniser,- Rob erts, Ervin, Mills, Wearer, Lovill and i. 8. Carr and JLi B. fiasco wr no presnt... v .;m.:. a 1 The : aneanaua nf miniM mnii th North Carolinadlegate em to be that Mr. Bryan made mistake in starting th fight on Parker. There ia no special signiflcane in tb result of tha contest waged by Mr, Bryan. a it. aoeci. th lortune : 01 any of tiie candidate. Worth Carolina ia for Wilson, but oppoMd to Bryan and did not car to alap Judge Parker Without Clle.;. ., l..im,! ... hu; I think th convention is oa of th greatest vr held in tbi conn try I aaid former Governor Glenn, discussing j. the . 1, situation tonight. ' While J waa. for Bryan in hi eon- test for Parker, I hv .' nothing- against ndg farker, who u an eeUent.taan and a good Democrat." convention has left Wny of the loyal rJii -: J - ft which way to tenrn. : A large number, however, are sticking steadfastly to tho Colonel. Chief mong the unm- ber ia .Mr. ,J. Harvey: I Dortoni' He out squarely or the man with the hat flinging proclivities. , Just after Pres ident Taft was nominated a local Re publican, Who had been accused of be ing lukewarm as to botti candidates,! will get our money's worth by oceu aDDroacnaa uar. uonon ana cmauiK pyins inem. ' him about the .Colonel 'a defeat "Cut .&HMi -htVftV milrnvanimJ' 4-La ft- ' experieneotoday might mako yow less interested ih the present convention." ; "I can tell you from time to time what degree of interest I may take wiinout outlining it in advance. "But yon ar going to stay here are" yon not!" eU! we had to pay f or thes rooms ior B-rays and , l guess we Nam of. Piedmont Railway Chang. inomasviiie, Jun 25. The name of i Pieamont railroad, tannine from Tbomasville to Denton, a distance of twenty miles, has been changed and in the future wil be known aa he Car olina and YaUkin River railroad.- Mrl mra 9. taier, of Newi Yortt i psi- it out,' said !he loyal TeddyiU'yon hare been jumping; from one platform to another until you ar .all full " of spliptera now." ' ' Uthers are picking out the "spiint- res" and climbing aooara toe iaii wagon but not at any-alawuing degree. A majority aro sitting steady in . th boat, wherever the boat ia,' and: are dent andjjMr. Thomeh J. .J.vme, of saying little.' Mr. H, S. Williams, Salisbury, vie. president of th. new the adroit leader, k in the later clans, road It is understood that tier, will Ho.: waa a staunch supporter -of . the bo anuwr of changes made in : the Colonel and baa not yet signified who present roadbed, cutting. ont a num- bevwiu anpport. ; --n t ' a--. . i-.. I her or curves and redneimr arrndA. and " Whn will Vnu Rllnnortt" a Tribime I palnvinff ani will. 7D n...J - -rf- ' 7 ...-j.ua vmv uiu. WIU (ITUVUIHI representative asked Mr. Williams.. I rails. As soon as the civil engineers "Jiever mind anwut tnav . - complete th survev the road vill 4m pUrf..twJ3r-' t.nw)itltiaw to tha Yadkin river, eonnect- EYEJmoX ..i LZZB TER CE03T EE i powir.-'' Rfaa Caairmanahii f t-- ' '"'" Cmiitt. Says th .Coai." s : Wu Packed Against r'.a. I Plank Prntd- WUl Ai.. 1 1 foraJLftar JTanilnatloa cf t dmtlal Candidate CE' I: r- I f For Ckvror of VrMnt. " Burlington, Vt..1 Jnn 26. Th.'JUi. Publican leader of Vermont are ffaih ring in this city attend tbe State eonveotidn which Will meet tomorrow to nam candidate for governor and other-State officers to be voted for. in th September elect fori. " There are two aspirant in the field to succeed Governor John 'A. Mead; They ar Allen M. jfieteher- of Cavnndish, a millionairre ibanker and pbilanthrop- ist'and' doeeph A. DeBoer, of Mont- pelier. Tbe eongreuonal nomination eonventkma will precede ! the State eonvenJion, that f th First district meeting in this city and th Second dstrict convention at - White River Juntia. Trama U Cwfewei .iUss W taeXnwikiyine ; Elected Ptrmaawt' Csai.r,; ' ' ' !'' -'-( '''--iK ( Baltimore, June 26. Tb . resola- . tions eommitte named Senator '.(V Gorman, of Kw York, and &uata " Kaynor, of Maryland, to ask Eryst i -to accept th chairmanship of tb i eommitto Th conservative hoped; . oj luis move, io swing cryaa (uie . line,, but Bryan refused and ' mad 1 -it plain that b feared tbi coram tee was packed against him. ; i j Bryan id::: "I refus bauM individual member I can inak a ngbt for tbe principles I stand "for. If I am defeated I can reserv tb right " to carry th light to tb eoov.uuoa , floor and to the voter of tb Uaitsd ; Stat. I intend ta plan national, not , ward politic.'' Ti . j ' Senator Kern, 'of Indiana, a Bryan ' supporters," waa " then ' wnaaimoasty :, eheeen chairman.' Joseph.! E. :Blk,7 -of Indiana, elected chairman-of K . credentials committee, ; -. .j . -.- , j Samuel Gompera and Frank "Mor-'' . nson of the American Federation of" Labor, present t plank favoring ; la it ing candidate -f or h seat of the law come effective. Representative David J. Foster of the first district, represent stive Frank Plumly of tha Second district ia slat ed for renomination. boring men, the aam. a turned . .down by th Republican in Chicago., . n QaniDen intimated thai if Democrat accepted tbe punk tbey wiu pi .tm support Of labor Union. "s -! tt.j ; Chairman Bell, of tbe -nrdttuaia - oommitte, reported that th commit- ; tee could not finish their work; until - tonight and asked the convention to take a recess at noon until tonight by-: a vote of 41 to-11. ' i-:-tir On motion, mady by Bryan, 4h ' Resolution committee decided to adopt the platform after and not U- for the presidential aan'..!af' n c- 1'. ' .i.:-' ,r i- . . tnnv new -programin befor it b- Senator Olli James, of Kentucky, was elected 'premanent chairman, i nnanimously by the eommitte on., permanent organixation. , , ' , ftp. . - , . i t , -i won't b a Democrat.."'-1 The answer is true of the situation. In tb. meavitim. it will be interesting to watch which way they mil flop. ing with the 'Southbound railroad at or. near High Point. ? 5 A I - ': If Mr. ; Kithio ,UT,1 an accomplished gentleman. He remembered bv many as a . . t. T t .11 mmuahI Via amil. street, woud hav- 4mmdiat atten- ---r.TV". nd also pointed out -a-S nolitical conrs seems to' 111 t th man who stand in. trie f las ambitions 'for ortli-e, looks Ilk avmlty had men to Mr, KiWun. 'fa fr'air-a Cc j of I"t jaa"1oKal Law. tio ,. I .1 . , ... ! mat file property owner wore iyna 1 , , suwi Or.. th eexpense of tbe asphalt on . West " " " ' fjrence f th intemftUonui ,comini f ion of jurists, for v.! i b the ptelimi raryvaran?;ements were made at the ran-Ameriean Conference of last this city today with s in atM!. " " .f th Ao'eritan repu'.lics. ;,Tbe. 1 ffatos has Sfnt as its rorro- ;ve rri'.'.irick Yen Tyne, a - t- .r , f ' a 1 ' ' t of . ,f ; ilanioi.t'om.l law 851.1 ft i1 Jva . Uni! nl. a.t at fotreet. Mr. A, M. far "irt aeked th board 1 Virginia., f: ITorta Carolina Bankwa. Pii da Janeiro. June 23. The con-t.f anybody ever buard of Franklin forehead Crty, N. C, Jun Avpnuer '0 oon 1 asa jou w uoi i:anv representative oaaaern nuu u- any work down t '.'" I .t dj ask yongjnes men have gathered her forth to lot it alone. I bav L n living annual eonventwo of the worth taro- there thirteen years and every , year lin Bankers' Association. - The eon- the street is torn np for somMbing or vention had its formal opening today other," deelatt J I r. i . 11 1. I.ulcij.h,"7ne It ia un.! jrstood ve t' t at tti re- t cf C r-c n- 1 to iLlt I. !a t n.ttlioi'.l 1 ' 1 i tat v t t Live . . cf ti.e L ive eo nn.i'tce v.! ! e . , 1 1 a a r 1 r .nti- ' ere ' e h 1 I 1 i.n . r f r J 1 t' ' to i!.i 1 1 .v .. 11. ..0 l o are r' 1 tt . lilt i 1 ! f. ) t e . 3 t 1 f ' t!:e rn, 1 f.,r and the sessions will continue wver Thursdav and Friday. ' A banquet v Ih noted flnanciera frooh several 4?s a the speaker wUl be a not- .a feature of th. program, from- i t t nona th. convention leaders f e J. C liraswell of Rocky' Mount, A. ll.int of Hendereonville, CoL f. I'. Iruton. of Wilson, and H. F, ' ,i-r of Winston-Salem. " , 8 t in I! 1 V. ...ft t e r e t. 1 i ' ' !" 1 r .7Dr:y of ArkasfO. : ' . rk.. June 23. The .f t a I'i.ivrsi'v ot Arkan- tti i ' f. j met her. today to t'n ' ') a cf a I ' ident of i . v to C'ic"",l l'rof.ior ' , who 1 4 r ' -'ied. The ' ( ' ' ! 1 ( tHt 11 to '.. ('. . V ' O U r V prev Rooferelt Again In Fluting Trim. J Uyster Bay N. YM June. 25. With the organization bf the new MonTes. siv party definitely -tinder way,;, ex, rresionnt itooseveit returned to1 his bom today from Chicago. v H was Yaw Inyentlon Will Make LlfaPeril- na For Finny. Triba. ':. . ' Winston Journal, 25th. v - ' If- T TT WilkftW Af Nam Ynrk I ltV WhThaalnven7eTana"paratuw ho 'said in flgbtingltrim. m.t ohiecta at a crest depth in w-1 H made it clear that tb work would. tr clearlv ' distinguishable, made a trip to euoam 00 tha .Xadlun ;rivor yesterday to demonstrate the practi cability of hi inventions -H waa a- flompaned by Vol. . w cinsnaw and Mr. J. S. KoykendaU. These gentlemep assert that the in- be pushed ahead With full steam on. His . neighbor in Oyster Bay, .who, bay followed -the political, fortunes of .Colonel Roosevelt for a pood many years, did not, know whether to re ceive him as a returning champion or a vanquished warrior, but be assured in. the least dismayed by the hap mm at i;hiea,o. E vention is certainly a.wonderful thing! fhoe ho saw him that he wa not and it worked admirab despite, tne muddy-condition of the water. Tlw apparatus enables tuo sportsmen vo see the flsh at th bottom of . the stream.' He then know where to fly hi hook to th best advantage, and ne can ae th. flsh taking hold. This give th ordinary angler an immense advantage" over the fish; . and conse quently increase his chance for a bighauL , ::V :r-..Vl: &."?'ts ' x, v Pension, .-i ' Life. ' ' ; President Taft - managed to , get back to Washington during the recent primary eampaifrn long enough to ftti.'it a pension bill wbinh makes a dUTerenc of about $25,000,000 a year in tlliibursements. Under these, cir- enri" iaupos.'it seems to us that be io ' to litt'e f his trav.-'inj? ex- i U i i- CftlTITAT. TIXLU3 , S3.CC3 Mi I r j i.M I v .... w ' I' 1: , 1 . A k.4 -. . 1 Qji X i.ftftv' 'i "",r; Y liv .! Sc.Val nd Kound Thread uice.----ic uoxeat . . a , IAJ ISL L.J S - V J 1 t-.-.-wi " mcc oanaa unaerpneca vc, uiu 'is " rLinen nd. Point dfPir Lactw worth ttp to lOo yard just aootrt i enougn ior wanaay ' ys.M'. t; :.ifHi 0U n aw a a ..ywi , : ".'-i ; , V'.w4'rjii)E J.-:'v. X l'!Shdrt leneth Batiatt and Lawn worth tin toj..Va"' tfca-4'20-8al .Price fyiiHV'.i.ii-'-'.' ryiVy ivvaiKkee .Uinut Utwrti ana rua necea i a- ' v jama Cloths-Monday J.-ftJ.-IJSc Yard iho' afiit IBr CinorVinm. Lawna and rerc'.a.- ( -'h inoatly lull piecea, all on one counter I; n- S . - day nd,all .week .'.--S Yard , i . '.rJ'?'' n r. 4 ALT - tADlES TINE SUMMER Children'a Fancy Paraaola wortn up to l.Z Special .4. , : H . LadieaXiack'li.EO Puiaote. : - Blj'lotof ' jUdiet Fancy ParasoW loi 1" a 2X.t one your choice Honiiy tit l ; Other Parasols -'(No Two A'" ;) " ' : i;. ': ' ' ', ''- :i,.V .;.'- k. s ' ' . "' V7e have 5 lllct Tn:;-.a f ;y'tizn, to 1 8c? i c-t tt cut : I': wc -.'ftO-Ifa r. j trc ..". s t3 t. : '. j

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