,4 A VOL XXIII r.ic. U Cr-t ! CONCORD, N. C. TUI.'DAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1912. A , III Lit ..J " n !" - 1 1 - iiiiixltllti IT'S KOW UT TO TEE CONTEST - v ANTS TO MOVE TO THE - -- ' FEOlfT. - ."i" " Reed What Gen,.fihtrma One 8alL . Th Offer f 150,000 8pdal Vote Closet Nwrt Saturday, Sep- -Umber 28, at 9 O'clockr . m. Now . h th Tim to Get Busy. -" There r just Bv day more' and -the beet and rnoct laborat special ToWToffer of the Tribun' and Tinea' contest Till bo at an end. k This is positively the best offer of . tlie "contest and every - raudidate sliould gee every' possible proert and secure a subscription from them before that hour; Never again will . - no many voter be , given for such a small tanmber of 8ubsrription..TN ; Trib'une pledges its word that thia - will be tlie best offer of the eon text. V Do not waitx for a better one and be disappointed. ' v v"v si KoVToot,' ;'?;l.''v. . . Is it, toS late for those candidate ''who have not devoted much energy ' to the work of the contest fast week ! - to take advantage of , this proposi-. tiont. If they were to start out at Jonc to make-ft complete circuit of -their friends and,- acquaintances' they would ,be able to accomplish wonder ful results. ; In the short time re4 "maining an, energetic Anerican mnn , or .woman, possessing (rood,, old" in herent olidto-the-core North Caro ; lina grit, can secure noj only the reg , nlnr voto ballots, but several of the - premium ballots if they make up , their minds to go after them, -; f Gathering Up Promises, v . ; ? Many of the candidal cs are begin- ,-ning ;o gather ill "the later on" X promises and it made a very: appre i. ciable-showing in the week's busi , news, j Every candidate needs every vote possible-tend it is bettor to have a hundred thousand Votes too many than to have a half dozen 'Votes too ; 7 few. - They way to win A to keep up your enthusiasm, the, enthusiasm of voitf friends' and ' to enlist -your friends.in an active canvass, iu your lv behalf.,- , J , . ' ' " "All Money Count.!, . ... Remember that every cent collect :. ed from subscribers counts 4n this s..' competition, even if it is only 'for ' -fmir months. Also bear in mind that ' old, subscribers who make payments 'to you also count in tbiscompctitioD , a well as the bis voting rontest. - If there is any point that yon do not undbrstand.w'e will take pleasure -." in explaining, it Id yoa,- J"- "' ,- In prjfer to "rive the ont-of-tlie-city , enndidatas an even slmkewitu those in ,the?cityi': all ipail Itearinir postr 'mark before 9 p. m., September. 2ft. will he counted in on this extra of vfer. cT" .- j Pay No "Arjfentlon to Others - . fJenerol Sherman, a brilliant and " successful goldie, frankly admitted , tltat . General Grant was a (rreatcr '. commander, Sherman' used to say: "I know, more tactics and strateay than Grant, have inst as good a miud ' and a letter military traininst. but - what theother fellow ia doinjr when ; Grant can't see - him doesn't worry -liim a hit. while jt worries me. like thunder " - - Grant found tliat tie had enouali to do nttendin? to the manavement of Ids own campniiins. - Tie knew ,thnt his opponents were alt brilliant men. . He played his own ame. laid out his ""own campaign, and did so well that he- succeeded. - N I " Contestant's in this (Treat ,raee ;' should njsver rnino1. what the-other ! ; fellow. is-doiBfr,: But. keep right on ' hustlinir. '. ' "It tages a live fish to swim up ,- ptreant. hut any dead one can noat . down. .' Don't be a dead one. . ,. v The contestants who secure the erreatest results are the ones, who by confidence in their own ability, ; in venire the '.'confidence of their friends. In 4 onestf of this kind the assist ance of your friends is of inestimable . .value to ifou. ' Show Went that yon are willing to help yourself; then they wilL irladly , " assist yoii . . Old 'Subgcrlber! Can Vote. It shoiild be-'reinenibered by the V contestants that the old Rubwcribers - of the TWmne and Times are en titled to'ast votes as well i as new subscribers. When $1.00 or more i? pnid at aHime, so many votes to be -'I enst for whoever the suhcribers wish. To pay "paper bill "jjadvance is not to lose- money. "( .-'J'.. Look over the list of contestants who have: entered the contest and ' then V'v one of them by paying a subscriiKii n for one year or more. , Some dnv t'ncv may be able to return tlio fiu'nr. i Arrears .-cs, when pnid. also entitle the Biilwc. .iiers' (i vole for. their frinnd-j in' the c ... I. ISO.' ) it over i .1 ' " BollCllii O ii 1 " ; eandi.laU for evejy tnrned. in on guliseriji' fore Fntnrday ni!t, i i r . rt 9 p. m. !, r!:, Jr H h; Alf OTTVf APPEAL, To theVeople of Concord: We are all interested in the welfare, and most epeially ,in the health aad education ' of the children of 'this city. The unread of scarlet fever and diphtheria has . delayed v the opeureic of our eity schools and may puesibly makeil nee- essary to keep . the lower irradea closed during the win-' T ter months. ' " , ' - By allowiy; tbeso diseases X to spread you are risking the Uvea of all of your children, : of bavins; them afflicted with an ineurabl. malady aa an after effect of .the disease."-"; I appeal to yoa to do all io your power Jo aid the Health . Hoard, Physicians, aud Pani-'" K : tary offleera to carry out the & quarantine regulations1 in or- - " der to check the . epidemic, - M that tlie lives of. the children may not be further endanger- ed. and the schools allowed to open. - Yonrs very truly, , - CHAH. B. WAOONER, ! i ; - "' -Kavor.' Gaston Blaka and Walter Lackey Ea- . cap rroa OJuin Ganf. . "Oaston Blaka and Walter Lackey, tiro ""'trusties" eseaited rom the chain gang yesterday evening. Blaka had been on the gang for several years, being convicted and sentenced to a seven year term for the murder of a negro woman in No. lOiownship. He was convicted with Pink Dry for crime. . Dry was sent to the peniten tiary.- Lackey is a notorious charac ter and has been in trouble many time." He escaped from the gang once before and was captured in Un ion cOHnty and brought back ner. Blake's escape will prove ' more than unfortunate for him, as hi ooun- sel and friends hav been, working for some time for a pardon and were hopeful of securing it in a .short time. '- v- v The authorities are making a care ful search for the convicts And are hopeful of apprehending them in a few days ' t Zncreaainf Intemt ; ln th Bavival ' DrI Black well "continues to preach to -large eongregations- ;ai ; th- First Baptist church and his power, elo qnence and earnestnesa are making a great appeal to the people of Con cord, which ia' evideiiced by the in terest manifested, not only on behalf of the Baptists " of -the city ehurch, but members of other denominations and those who are not connected with any church. ' The service tomgnt will be iieid at 7 :30- o'clock. Dr. v Blaekwell; sub-t jeet Will b. "Your Dying Hour' In speaking of Dr. Blaekwell, the Dan ville Bee said: "Dr. Blaekwell combines the expe rienee and training of a man of sixty with the vieor of man of thirty. Ills' hold on his bearers can be easily imagined when we reflect that men have listened without mental weari ness to his three sermons a day. Latira Sunderland Hall School op ened this morninS. As usual the school opened 'with a full attendance, about all the students being present that the accommodations at .the school will permit. Miss Montgomery, the efficient principal of the school,- is again at the head of the institution and under her guidance the school will no doubt continue in tlie same successful manner that has marked all the year of her administration. . Us th Penny ColutniJ it pay. K331T:WKS: i r J :j fir: l:!: "I- r-ll 7) I' J Ai JTOQE WI5STOS TOXIOHT. Judge Francis D. Winston, former Lieutenanf'Governor of North Carolina, will speak tonight in the court house on the political issues ol th day. Th public is cordially invited, and thia .includes, of course, th ladies. Those - who have had the privilege f bearing the "genial anoVbrilliant judge this campaign say that his speech is great ; . v. ; The court bouse ' bell and tlie splendid music nf the For-- est U ill Rand will remind vou this evening f the speaking yod should not fail to hear this address. "A -'correspondent, writing" to the Raleigh News and Oltsener,. has this to says - .': ' "Judge Winston's jeeches are taking with bis audiences. Whila iia addresses are packed-full of facts, forcibly pre sented, they . are interspersed ,with anecdote and yarn that keep his audiences in an up roar of laughter much" of the time. It is worth the time Jo hear him simply for the pur pose of education and enter ' tainment A ' A J. Tv iv t. rrt O, 0 P. Delegate at Saratoga.. SaratogaN. Y Sept. 24.--The ad vanee guard of delegates to. the Re publican Stale; convention arrived in Saratoga today: -Though the convenr tion is less than twenty-four hours distant the choice of a candidate for governor appears to he "as undecided as- ever.V The active candidates for the head diMig.iieket are James W. Wadsworth.fr former speaker of the assembly j-Williain JV Bennett, . I former representative . in Congress. and Jacob K. Hedges t; New York City. In addition, the names of Pres ident Butler, of Columbia University. District Attorney Charles S. Whit man, of New York City; Associate Judge of She Court of Appeals Wer ner and several others are mentioned. Drafting Platform in California. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 24.--ln ao eordanee' with the provisions of the new primary law in California the several political parties assembled; to dav for their State conventions.; The delegates to ibeC convention ewe Drise' the 'candidates for the State senate and assemblyTT In addition to the drafting of the party platforms; the conventions choose the (dates of ... , . 1 . L .. o ll presiaenuai eiecioru. nuwrecem sup porters control 'the ."Republican con vention, having been .successful in the recent primaries, and i consequently will name the Republican presiden tial electors.'-?. Supporters "of- Presi dent Taft will take advantage of the4 Stat law and nominate a slate ot Taft-electors by petition ; Th Flower Show.i" ! .v . Tlie time is fast approaching for the . annual Flower; Show.- Every thing seema 'favorable for .a, beauti ful exhibit this year. Extensive prep arations have been made and plants are in fine condition.. The managers hope io have the co-operation of all the flower lovers of the counjy and town, and by united eftorts the show of 1912 will unas any previous event. . "- - i " Taft Leaves for New York. .Washington. D. O; Sept. 24.-Pres- 'dent Taft held an early reception to- day to luu ueiegaies io toe ,ao' tinn of Commercial Executives and left for "New York, where he will confer with his political adyisors un til midnight, leaving ther for Altoona, Pa.) to address tomorrow the surviv ing Governors of the Civil War?.;:;' -N ?' CD FOOD - td fcr proiacisg physical 'i c! zv (as grsv.a in wh:-t r 's ... i cr:n' t Results TWO TROM T0n.E8T HIU. AKD ONE PROU EAVNAP0LI8. . Meaar. 3. A. Abrntliy,-f. B. Einaoa And W. L. Baainger, AH Hrto f or Republican, Say They ' Ar Don With .That Party, "And Will Horaftr Cast '.Thdr Portnn WiU th Dameerat. Mr. Editor: I atrli native of Ca tawba county and have lived in Kan napolis for two year! I enlisted at he beginning of th Vsr and staved to the close, bearing! now a wound received in sen-ice for mv rountv. 1 have never, voted a single Democratic ticket in' my life, always voting the Republican ticket. have become disgusted. Roosevelt is talking "Prrt gressiveness." , Ha Jiad seven years time to-show some 'of that stuff, 'but everything he did during that time was just the opixwite. -, . Koosevelt tried mtitbty hard to eet the. Republican nomination, iuid he tailed. I -can't sefr how he could change so radically over night when was he honest and eiBeeref Before the Republican - convention defeated him or right afterwardsfJ.can't see how be could become rso progressive over night, I can see' well, too, for though I am seventy.two years old I I can see and read .without glasses. The balance of the party my stick to Koosevelt or Taft But I am not things" are getting worse and worse for me. I have faitki in ilson, I had decided once not jo vote this fall. but I have mthvup - my. mind to, do it and I am going to vote the Demo cratic ticket. And-just, to see how- it feels I am going to vote the straight Democratic ticket -all the way "-this fall It can't be any.werse 'and with the many good -men, who vote the Democratic ticket,. 1 will have good company and feel well located. ' ' I JJunk a man that holds the-office of sheriff for two terms and drawing a salary which amounts, people say, to over- sixteen thousands of dollars. baa hod it lonBiuMBllJ'et'r pBt in another farmer -for a while;;' Why make one man rich with office, when there are hundreds- of others just as good and deserving as our present sheriff t - " " . -i ' st' I want my Republican' friends and acquaintance to take this article and read it and think ."about it. It in "nothing but foolishness- to try to keep up a party locally, when the hole thing seems to be pie-sick, and I shan 't be used as a tool any longer. I am now i Democrat all along.. - ' -. -" X. Respect fully. - -;..;". X"A. ABERNETIIY. j Kannapolis, Sept . 23; 1912. , " Mr. Editor : I never voted a Dem ocratic ticket in my life; but I am going to "do so this fall. .Why should I help a tew chronic- otlice seekers rftet jobs.' while I have , to work.' -" I have never in my lite , been so' dis- gnsted as I am today just think i it, . expecting us working men to whoop it up for several professional office seekers to get jobs.'- Let them get down to hard taeks, like we do. A-man that has drawn a salary of some sixteen thousand dollars, like the sheriff of this-eounty has in doing little stunts that belong to his office, is enough,, and - he should be retired for another farmer, who is .just as good as he- is. Mr.: Editor, I am going this fall to vote the ; Democratic ticket for . the first time in my life. I am everlast ing done with: the folks- that think (hey own us,. Kespectfully, ? 1 ' , T. H. HINSON "Fowt Hill, H. C, Sept. 23; 1912, Mr. Editor:; What my friend, Mr. HiiiBon, has- just writen suits me to a "T. The idea of a few blowing hot and cold Taft and Roosevelt at the same' time and laughing in their sleeves because they thing the aver- :e; matt" cares nothing foe how a thing looks and will swallow any mess they dish Out.,' It ia outrageous. ; 1 am going to Vote the straight Dem ocratic -ticket this tall from top to bottom. ' Yours truly, : " W; L. BASINGER. ' Forltet Hill, Sept. 23, 1912. . . .'.'" - An Old EUe, ' Cant, H. B. Parks Bhowed us today an old buckskin hag which had been in hi family for several generations. It wa the property 1 f his great, srreat irrand-rather, Mr. l nomas Davios. The bagwas tilled with many old papers, deeds, etc., the oldest' of which dated back to ihe Dag Is in good condidtion-except that it had been attacked by moths. -The tooth of time had made but little im pression on it. ' j ' ' The Park-Belk Co. Will have their rreat Millinery, . . Ladies Ready-to- Wear and Dres Goods ing Thursday, Friday and f y, Sep tember 2C, 27 and 28. For tliese three days they will offer their many cus tomers a rare treat, a liev hav ladies' test room and j'-'nty of nice senls for them. In The Ti'bune today von will find a whole ad. wlii ii ) f H' vt full narC- !.r about -THE EUdS DAUOHTEiS, Work t Aid Scarlet rvw lifem T Sals a rand for Tkia Pr- ' A moat enlbasiastie meeting of the King' PauglifVni was keld Monday sight at th home of Mrs. D. B. Col trane'. ' The vjgiting committee gave aa in teresting report of work done tlie past month among certain families in certain districts of the town' who hav been stricken with scarlet fever. The report waa on that appealed to the sympathies of all A h women present, so naturally it elicited much discussion and aa a consequence this band. of -earnest workers resolved to do something to allay the epidemic of scarlet fever that now seems to be spreading rapidly in Concord. ; A motion to this effect was made and carried: " ' - . .. That the Stonewall Jadson Circle of the King' Daughters inspire the citizens of Concord, all of th lodges and the city; to aid in raising a fund for the purpose of securing the servi ces of a district nurst and this nurse aid the doctors to more successfully tight the scourge. for tin purpose the King' Daugh ters very generously voted 25. , Th hospital work was deferred un til a more opportune time on account of the grave fears apprehended from the epidemic that now threatens the town and the service of a district nurse seems more imperative at pres ent. -.' " " " -.,..' Death of Mr. Mary W. Allison. Mrs. Mary Allison died yesterday morning at her home at Mooresville. Mrs. Allison was 75 years of age and was a daughter of the late Hampton While,; of Rocky River. She is sur- yived by many relatives in this coun ty. -The funeral was held vesterdav afternoon af Mooresville." ." ; - -The Davidson correspondent of the Charlotte Observer has the following concerning Mrs. Allison, who. form erly lived in this county, and who has many relatives and iriends here: . ' The funeral services of Mrs. Mary White Allison, who died at the home of her nephew; Mr. J. A. White, in Mooresville last night, were conduct ed from the Presbyterian church this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The body was brought down by private convey ance from' Mooresville. The services were conducted by Rev. W. 8. Wilson, of tbaVeity, and Rev. C; Ms Richards. The pall-bearers were:-" Messrs. M. H. T. Goodrum,WJI. Thompson,, Wil Ham Jetton, Robert Shelton, ; Dr. Z. K. Justice andDr, J. M. McConnell. Mrs. Allison was the widow of the late James Allison, who died a. num ber of years ago.-. She was, married to Mr. Allison in the earlv nineties and lived here until the removal of Mr. White to .Mooresville. Mie is survived ,by her two nephews, J"., A. and In hite and a nephew and niece in MiHoissippi. Mrs. Allison was more than. 75 years ot 8ge, and had been an invalid for a year past: She was a .native of Cabarrus eoun tv," her former home being about 4 miles southeast of 'Concord. Her life was exemplary in every way, and her old, age characterized Jby a rich mellow Christian experience. Michigan Republican Meet.. Detroit. Mich., Sept, 24 The Re publican State convention was called to order in the Light Guard Armory shortly before noon today. The -con vention will select candidates ior au State officers to be eoted for in Nov ember, excepting governor. The can didal fur imvernor. Amos S. Mussel . . l.T . . man, was named in toe primaries last month. ' Senator SinunOns will speak in Al bemarle tomorrow night and in Salis bury next Saturday night. - . LCZlZmTQ Of . Clzn Gave r : i. The men of influence iiv ev--i ' ery community are the men', who hav saved their earnings ' not "necessarily '-those who drew the fattest' pay envelopes every Saturday night. ' m These men began young the , 'best time in the world to cul tivate the habit of thrift-and they have followed , it ever sjnee. - j v You'll be surprised to And ' how easy it i to ave and - how much pleasure ym will :- derive. v V" " h - ' We'll tell vou how YOTJ can I' rise to' the top, own your home' and be independent ii t you will call, write or -phone--TODAY. , ' . "Prudent Saving." ' on in cc::c n national TEE COSMOPOLITAN TOTO. First X amber f Thia Bto' Ly ceum Soaaon Xst Friday-night. Th Cosmopolitan Four, a vocal, string, brass, orchestral and Mexico Spanish male quartette. . will ap apear at the Central school building next Friday night. a th Brat number of this season ' Lyceum course. Each member of thia welt known company is a soloist, both vocal and instru mental; and enact brilliant comedy sketches. 1 This great versatility, combined with years of experience and study with 4 he greatest mas ter, enables them to caver the field of wholesome and clean entertainmeni with, far greater variety than ha ever before beenattempled. Into their programs' containing tlie beau tiful vwork-f the greatest master they hav injected live, np-to-t he minute comedr numbers. Wilson Will Not Tolerate Tammany - - Dlctattoa.; -. New,, York. Sept. 24. Governor Wilson is ex I wet ed to interfere rir New York politic if ' Murphy and J ammany insist on the renomina- urn of Governor Dix. The friends f Wilson sav they will not tolerate Tammany dictation aud that, the Democracy will declare open war at Albany Friday if Murphy does not pull in Hix. .Governor Wilson in I'rineeton today in . the voting pri maries will . help : defeat James Smith. Jr., for the senatorial nomina tion. y -r ForInlani Canal Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 24. The flakes to Gulf Deep Waterways As sociation is in . session here today. 'resident Kavanaugh asserted that the proposed work would cost much less than the Panama Canal." and. would be worth much more. ; Water freight rates are one-tenth railroad freight rates. The inland, canal will help make the Panama canal nseful, he said. - ' " B. k 0. Train Wrecked. Wheeling. W. Va.t Sent. 24. A B. & O. passenger train was wrecked at Benwood near here todav. Twelve persons : were severely injured and were Drought to the hospital here. Sahsbnrv citizens '- u-lm hmv l,o boxes at the postolfice, have all along been able to get their daily papers without any delay on account of the recent Sunday closing law. . Postmas ter Kamsay construed the law to mean that clerks were to do only a mini mum amount of service, but he rea soned that these daily., papers could he placed in the boxes as easily as stacked up in the work room of the office to be distributed later.- ... Three new eases of scarlet fever today. . ' i ..-..7. .-(,. "... . , ' ... . - .."' . .-v,'-. NEW ARRIVAL OF NEW FALL SHOES ; FOR LADIES. , ' " StartJthe day right ! ? Whatever your , vocation dress ; your . feet in a pair - of - SELBY SHOES. They are bed rock values, v embodyinp; vyorthly materials, high class work- ' man ship, style and durability. '' They are built upon right principles to in- ' . sure perfect, comfort, and perfect comfort is k doubly assured you through our knowledge of . " how to fit, in whatever style, you may select GIVE i WILL HAVE ONLY THREE DATS REST TILL AFTER THE ELECTION. ; 1 ' ' ' ' ' "' '" J ' Following Oklahoma VWt .Will Go to Tenne, Thane to Alabama, Georgia; th Carolina aad Virjinl. Will Then Ge to Kiddl Wast . Winding Uf Hi Campaign U Xw - Tork. ' ; " -'. v ." ' , ' -' Tuls. Okla, 8ept. 24. Col. Roose velt today announced that he had revised his campaigning plan. Follow, ing his Oklahoma visit he will go to Tennessee, thence through Alabama, Georgia, the Carolines and Virginia .-" to Washington to testify before the Clanp campaign contribulion investi gation October 4. On .October 7 he -will start on hi trip through the Mtddle West, touring Indiana. Ohio. Michigan and possibly Pennavlvania.. The New England trip will com next,( winding up his. campaign ; in New loric for a few days immediately preceding election day. H will have only three day rest on th schedule.' r 1 Refused to Allow Warrant to E Srvd. ,, ' Baltimore. Jtd Sept; 24. Fifty - Baltimore police went- to Havre D ' Grace again today in attempt to serve .(.I warrants on bookmakers and ofn- rials of tlie Racing Association, wTio , applied for an injunction restraining -the Baltimore city official from in- ." -terference. The county . sheriff re fused to allow ; the warrant to be nerved yesterday. . . . , , ' Mexican Rebel Leader Captured. - Washington," ; Sept. 24. -General ' Camp, the Mexican Rebel leader, who was raptured . near Tucson Arixon, on American soil, will lie held pending word from Mexican authorities. He is said to b wanted for murder and : is charged also with volating th laws of neutrality. Requisition papers ar ., expected from Mexico City. After four week of denial and eon-' siderable jnconveniencesjoclf box pa v trons of the Greenslioro postoffie', . were last Sunday treated to a pleas- . ing surprise . when, going to their, boxes more from habit thf expect- - ation. they found all Sunday papers ' bad been distributed and , put in boxes. No other mail was delivered in boxes, though it was stated that- ... the delivery of Sunday papers would be continued. ' US A CALL. .-'Vn; ;i-'Vi 3