. t ( i to We a UUl e-iif of the sua to-! Wtr ad are- rrUfd by J llVft C Prill fit .NfifWl hOV e Male and nun to I antda v. ill ' " """" ' J J ka opportunity to Ttew the phe- " form ot d"1- ecua. aotaena. Keidfnts of Soethera kr- UrW' rinra nd kU, if conditions are favorable, wUl5 f"""1 ,l U f Lu,fy .,ott' W',IV be treated to nartial wrfonuaaw . "J rf u. dow iT ,,itnMMIH.tMMHIMlHHMI 4MI-4MHMf etMJ by old Svl whm b bidet himself --bind the noon. The path of totality mia ' tram South America from a point. ear Quito, Ecuador, to Rio Janeiro,' Br L The best place it ia flrered for Uibaon Drug Store, Concord, N. 0. KXSULT8 TEAT EXHJLDr Who Wi!L Stack Up Against . ; Giants In World's Series Members of the New York Giants Who Will Meet Boston Red - . i. Sox In Worlds Series. aHHHHHat 4HHHk ft it 1t1tit ft ft ftft t Aje Appreciated hy Concord Feopie. ThiuUAn4tt wKa aiiffr fmm tiAb. observing tbe echpao will be ia the arba tnd kUne, eemptaint baT, tried on remedy ' after anot her, finding only tsjnfurary relief. - Thia ia dis couraging, but there ia on kidney medicine that baa earned a reputation vicinity of tbo Brazilian metropolis ' Here the astronomers frwa America ' and Europe bare eet ap iastrnment with long, onpronouneable name to take observation durintT tbo. two minutest duration of tbe total phase. ' . A total eclipse ia of the popular in tercet because at a mere, spectacle it ' it on of the boat beautiful preaent- -,;d to human eyea, But tbe problems epparmost in tbe minds of tbe scient- gtronrer iete in connection -with solar eclipses , uTjTj for lasting results and there ia plenty of proof of its merit right here ia Concord.- - . ' . - , i . c .Jlere is the testimony of one who used Doan't. Kidney Pills year ago, and now makes this tentimooy erea if n.. -Mia v TT.i ara.tboee reUUng to tbe sun'a eorona, gt Coneord, N,r rtya: "We eer- - 'tiicb- can be seen when, the tun ia . .bidden by the moon. It ia an append- age to the san, consisting! of . very , eeanona . gaaea chiefly, and apparent , b kept out ia Its position by a repel hot power of the sun. . " . ;. t . ; . -.'. EOtJQH- SCALY 8XUT , little Patcaea- That Peel. OS and w - Por Agaia.. , ' Try tbia remedy at our risk. ' Most skin diseaaea art eruptions aeeompanied by itching. But there i aaotber .kind in which small patches of sealea appear and fall off, follewed by another crop. This may spread all ver tbe body and became almost in earable. . ' ' A aoothini; application of Saxo - Salve, onr" new skin reined v. should be made. This is very healing and 'penetrates through the outer, layer . of the skin to the very seat of the '" trouble, destroying the germs.- ' tainly can recommend Doan's Kid ney 1H1U just as 'strongly ae we did in 1903, when we gave a pnblic state ment in their praise. I got this rem edy from Gibson's Drug Store, wbtn I was suffering from backsr he, Jiead- cbes and other troubles caused bv mv kidneys bring out of order. , Down's Kidney Tills acted as a tonie to my entire system. Another member of my family has also taken this rem edy for weak kidneys and the results have Jeen satisfactory." . For sale by 'all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yorkt sole agents for tbe United estates. . Rememoer the name Doan's and take no other. Mrs. P. B. Parks, who has been visiting 'her mother, Hn. John A Kims, Vaa retnrned to her home in Yorkville, S. C, 5 f v! ' 1 ' i v 9 cents a day WILL BUY ANY STYLE OR KIND OF A "BUCK'S" stove or range for any kind of fuel or for any room in the house. Just think of it. Ypu can throw away, give away, or trade in your old stove or range with us and upon pay-, nient of but . - . ' ..... 9 cents a day get f new-Buck's" ! stove or range that wilt more than pay 'for itself in the amount of uel saved. . ; 9 cents a day !;can" be spare'd by anyone and you certainty will never re- : ; If you can't come to the store, telephone or write, us ' and 'we will gladly have a salesman call. . t... Furniture Co. KummtBMUssmewm n - 'THE FARMER was worried over the market x 'A P0118' Cotton was nsing. When it reached . . h , i certain fieure he DroDosed to selL The Avi v Detore it naa almost. reacned fus pnee. what ' X ' would it bring today?'' , v , , The fanner needed first-hand information at .one. Ha : ' atepped to his Bell Telephone. The Long Distance connectioei -with the buyer in a distant city informed him that cotton had : leached the top hguie, and he sold his crop at a handsome prohb SI j ; Giants In World's Series : I -. ' . .! 3 ! 1" II If IT J J-AA j.c;& ";-W- -kV r k 'X W C f,. I . ,: ft 'it 1 I'i .'11 K 1 W xVT &i)N-f, JeV AX LETCHER i I, u-T--s vs; ' v:, .rfavr k I I .11 I I av IB 1 tl lemi a I 1"ltll I "T . .v-v:.:-:w. '.. - -JT- ' tteuaamT" i;r 1 tT'H aaar : ..u .-lf w . . .. Ky-- W m " - ft' fill w :. ': r; yM -t - rnjj'f- - 'hj -f ,7L)!i' 'it '' Mf.K & :'; ? lis .v;JlC ' ,- -fc-TOt "'V I Photo, by WicanPy-Wlatlo , ' . -e.V- ; . " 'i l.. i' .. j j. . a. -- w . :t i, - ..l, '. 1 V,5 j ' The Universal Bell System enables, the producer in remote rural districts to keep in touch with market condition without the necessity of leaving home. ; , i , 1 a v v" o I By tie wy, hare yoq BeTl Telephone? ' """"""" " 3 Photos by Amertoaa Preas Asoclatioiv . v '- ' 3 S ' -:' The foil Boatbn team la at follows-Catchers, Carrlgan, Cady. Nnnamaker and Thomas; pitchers. Wood, Collins. Hall. Bedient, Pape. Van Dyke and O'Brien; Stahl, manager and first base; Yerkes. second base; Wagner, short: stop; Gardner, third base; Hooper, left field; Speaker, center Held; Lewis, right field; Ball, Kngle and Bradley, utility innelders; Hendrickson, utility outfielder. . ?A cc:::::e vm is after kew outfielo - : ' After wjnnlug - two world's . cham pionships with an ontfleld which really never possessed major , league class, Connie Mack- has finally eonie fo. the conclusion that he will have to' Im prove this department of his team Ai campaigns... 8o long as Me had Demti Murphy In -the guiue bit hitting uimli op for the sbortcouilngfe "bt the otUei fielders on tbe team, but with tbe In jury to Murphy Mack found himself with a great Infield, tome good pitch . The New York team Is as followa-Catchers, Meyers. Wilson and Hart! pitchers, Matbewaon, Wlltse, Crandall, Tesrean, Ames,. Marqnard and Di area; Merkje, first base; Doyle, second base;, Fletcher; shortstop; Hen, third bate;' Devore, left field; Bnodgrasa, 'center fieldf Murray, right , fit Becker and Robertson, utility outfleldera; Scbafer and Groh, utility lnflelft era; McGraw, manager. . . . ' 5-. : . v;-..--i.-i- 'rS ,' NEW YC?.K GROOS PiF.O ON CATCHERS Ed Sweemiy of tbe Highlanders thinks one catcher la not enough to backstop a game In 'the New : Xork AmerKan league grounds. He wants a second , catcher to hover above the stands In a balloon te watch tor ton! Ilea, He la needed. Sweeney saya, to get them when the wind la whistling fee, ezpecta to be contender In future I era, but a decidedly weak ontfleld. . town the Hudson. "Some day," aay t Ed, m be running for a foul on thai ' field and the wind will carry the ball to the center fielder' ; -v Oscar 8tanage of Detroit Is wltB Sweeney there, j On tbe first trip east this year Gardner hit a high pop that appeared to be foul. It was foul ttU It got above the standa and then the wind caught It, landing tt near seconxV I.