IT- - TV"" f! - : 1 ' 1 . tCr.CCTD, i:. '.itUrtCDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Pabliahw. VOL XIII.. Cnu a Uootb-4 Cinti Copy. NO. 174 - r L-li li.- L.--l MX. SHELVE. OP BROOKLYN, CONTRIBUTE lioo.,:, l V T. M. 0. A. Em 441 l&iar-Tfc Boy Bee at. Consider!. SoUA- .tagGotngaa. ; . V The membership contest at tb T- IM. C. A. which will eloeo Msreh I, lik till wnn. Mr. F. C. Gilliam is la tha lead. Th membership ia no Ith largest it bu ever been, and ft I (till growing. There art enrolled . ' . at Public Schools Was this date 441 number. jjbrary ry at rwus I ,.T.thlB ii-elr bow at th T. ; QmX Bwm, ffl hf. d A. Th. bowling .Ueya, pool - tettuteL-Th Excellent 8howta L.. w -.u,!,,,. ,D(j ,U th amall- of ' Concord'. School Children jeP -me, , fep goiag vry night. o. sm .UnfliHa rand. l ' The Bo 8ottU meet M Monday " ' Z TZ . -",. Inirhts to itudy woodcraft, . andar v w . . t th; .irtttloa 0f Mr. Owen, and on a - Today waa Library Day at tb w.nM, B,u BeT w. B. Shin graded . give, givee tb Uaaona in teooteraf t : . ha ,':, Dr. P. it C.uble, also rfv. thamtao- iultlaoaa is Vflrst aid to tba injarao." tbia morning tba amount tbey I gu m pining for a iamjv , k4 aoUted" wara-announod, . h5 : JnT. . r ". ; aam of t2M.7 aan eea eouewaa. i i., ' , )lu)iM ,t tb , Tha axerewea at the T hU last Friday avanimr; it bain tba . aoadatod by R.v. C. P. Ma.Uugb-1 tberbl eloaiT Kn Imnwdiataly after tba xreal ".V.h u w J Um. .... anjjoQBcev. , 7u ball to-Udiea only on t inaay M arrangea-aiia -"r-"" I fu mooa from 2.30 to 5 o'elock, "w r?f U; t?1 d UdUaad girU at night, .pop ft, boMdri Tb. halMavjadl , raport t the board ht Wte i??8,ft'? of directora for January b btereat- mood over tt aneaa oi we - j .bow bow (b Y, M. C, A, . , vu1 i. - . i iTh reoort iftoaa (nai tne oany pouneement of iM rKwlt attendanea W 81T mflmben. u 1 a with ontbursts of applauae. r iney i , , . ... n ,. - w ymed in the .fe. month the membership enrolled waa , 4amee W. W. Flowe, lv D. .otM Soya 82 men 270. Total 352. At eloee ' " 5.JUSvC,p lMUnrf n.n2! IS oftb. monS Thar, war, anrollea 101 - - of the Ubrary, who were waaaaU - At aehool Wo. jneeoame. . h 44L There ware ail iDen'i Bible , and John Fox and ,jMiM -d L meetings. The total attendanee Brows repreeented the- library 80 I jOT flv, iKht by ladiea waa 375. ' v iao, v:TbaiairM . aoni r""- There were 4 moving picture ahowa "vmra received from Hua Belle Means-1 .... ,t . onn fm,. ilk- ' 4 Kd!dJifbS.1 V.t? .lu Seouta had va meeting with an at- i t CABAUU8 JCLL. TO BUTD ! being eontributed to toe iuno 1 w tendtBM of K Ubnrf booka need, P. by -'"f: x J.,mM ?b.lm,rZ 116. No. hatha taken, Jhere Brooklyn milliooair.. who wt wu t MhofA entertainment with tori every JaU and apenda aeveral 550 sttend,nee.; There are quite a , aeka Mra nuniing. u waa a p.a , . item, te tbe report of Vt? Mr.V8bevli' part B.1JLrtalw,- v?, and 6y tua KWoany ine o""" ' Mr. r, 0. MoOulrt, wh underwent ta oeepiy in.aeiMvv Wi "; ""v was Mr. Shevlia' generons but- the acbool children also, the' dimes, quar Ian pperation ai tba Charlotte (Sana Itonum for appendicitia last week, acbool fhOdiw ajso, nmfJ getting along all right, and wUl prob-tera-and Mhua; eolleeted by .tbem Jb, w return home about the last of thla week. wridendng the me magnammous eoirit that prompted Mr, Shevlin tt making hia large contribution, Mr." J. P. -. Whitley, who V- TO 1 i V .1. THE IT. CLOUD HOTEL . ' ! - SEOnU) BE EXLABflED. 0?QIOT8 lOIT'OT It'tT'AII'P.11" M VaUag Good, aak 'I 1 B1A2TC3 Tsrax. . U2l ta CeaUia 15,000 ta (0,000 t. dlaa, aad ta U Erected aa rrot Adjoining the Cannon aad Fa' 1 ao '' at Ennrtpou I 1 Mr. M. L. Cannon. Secretary I ! Treunrer of the Cabrrm mjU, ' ed today that the milt would bmU .n additkon at JUnnepoij,. montba Vetera. J. W. and at, L C, son, preaident and aeewtary-treaai ref reapectively of tba mill, have bn eonaWeriirf location for tba t m uiint wbtrn tna nireewra bi ma ev pan? deeidci to build tome time 1 ,The new mm wui of erwvca o property adjoinlrg be irnvUi t i- tile planla ot ine, vanima no tenon milla at Kannajjolia and vU! eontein from 13)00 o-20,(00 tpia dlea, - Work wi atartori mU! in a abort frmf an it pb be eompletefl In aarty w,niir vp traeto wUl .ala be let for ;a. Jaxw nugiber of ad4ltMDa ."hna. . 1 rudv ranklmr II Oil Of t foftmoat eotton manufaeturtpg jwfpa In tba State the" new ipill will gie:.Han napolla gnat inre iq both pop- ulaUon ana weajtn WH proven a great addition to tfa industrial life of thla Nation, " - i -' QEEBABDT LITEEAET 80CIBTT. Annual FnUio Debate to Ba Held on Tebrnary U. . -The annual bublie eaereiae of the Gerhardt Literary Society f the Col legiate Institute at Mount Pleasant will be held oa Friday. .February 28. at the auditorium in thai town. ; 'lne following will be the programme: . Address by th D'fent. Chas. E."Ridenhonr.' - . i -; .:;-!-v Oration, Perpetuation of Our. Ke DublieW; 1.; LoflinT 'frt Debate. On err: Resolved that, the Federal OoveramMi Should Own and Operate the Railroads. Affirmative, F. R. Peek, CI O. Ritchie Negative. G. 8. Bowden, J. R. Crass, a : Reclamation! Vlassloalturty; w DEHVBB A88AULTED. Twa Anwican. Woman Killed in Fighting Teetrdy-BatUe Began Again at 1:10 This afomlng. 1000 Kadaorista Within 600 Teat or Arsenal, .Where .Dial .is Zn- Oeneral Slcklee, tbs only UriM cprto eommaader ot the Civil war, a ta Hee trouhta, aelni charjed wit empessitiaent pi tne runes ot me New TprX,atata.mtmortat cemmlsslon, P Walo it was enatrman . , . .. Lf ' Thi amount given y -na gran MKm,MA a h.' . j.'iA I w Jonnston. ,t. $ fr--:X ' re follow, the name of the hfa dnt iu W !Oe. ';.WUaaaherrprntim, th grade-. ; g",, -. . -v.,k Marshallat SWA C-NeweU, ehiefi I.a,S A;':1 .arfi being done her. bf"! ' , ua Kan . v ... ilk, j " vm 1 tha hniMini una -nshatrnnr nnwi in 1 " w w , ; - ,v iriflo: :::::: : iSnW ;.w yyfmm . Miss King I dwellings are being built on tbis ex-luer a r.. - , Mi C. Harris n i' Visa yujnvuM i. i - Miss r White ' 4 Jliss Alexander , - , c Wm Cline , . " x . Miss Mary Harris MisS White i Miss Archibald ....... . . t. Norman , ' J ; . - - Miaa Query U . - - - ' Mlsa OUlon . . -,.:-- " Mrs. Lent . , aiiss rMierso , , ... - -; Miss Means Smith , ; r 'Miss 3ibn . . J:. I : . Miaa CaUweU Miss BBn Means" - .102.00 1' Miss Hendnx mii - si - $1.04 - Mr, Blythe 1LW - Mr. Look". i . - 15.44 2.26 1 tnRun. besides ' houses being' built 10.61 1 on tha west end of Pine street by . 'i . 2.07 1 private individuals, who have bought - . 6.00 hot, from Mr. Cannon. Mr. C. H. Foil, . - 14.50 of the rm of Cook Foil, has , ' ,3J58 1 bought a lot: from Mr. Cannon in i-jsouth KanuapoUs, adjoinginfl Mr. C. 61c. Stonestreet and will build a rea- B.OOjdence soon. We are spreading out L951 towards Mooresville also, ss well as -W Glass. 2.12 1 Business in the nostoffice here is 2.42 growing, espeeially since the parcel 6.46 post rule went Into etfect, and our 1.82 postmaster says that it will not be 7.00iong until there will be no tronble 6.02 1 about fourth - elass '- offices, for the pareel post will soon put them all np into the third elass or second class. i KanuapoUs, Feb. 12, 1913. ;. 'PH. Woman's MlsmOnerr Convention. The Woman's Missionary Conveit tion of tbe Western iNorth. Carolins Conference will te.' Wd at i Central Methodist church AW3I 24-29. ' Al though no official announcement has been made that Concord will get the convention- it Is learned here from an' authentic source, that' the officials have: decided, to meet lier on the ibove date, i The convention will be attended by 250 delegates from the various foreign and home mission societies of the Methodist churches in tb Western North Carolina Confer ence, i - - ' '-' -. A, an indunemcnt forthe 'bildren MA1 CAROLINIANS to out forth srreater efforta on rais ing the funds, Superintendent Webb promised the grade making the larg est eontribution a half-holiday.' On Mount, of the excellent showins? of ell the grades, the members 'of the library association moved tbat tbe Cv S'-.,WILL BE AFFECTED. Agreement Between SontliarB: and - Telegraphers Will Raiat . Pay,' ot Tar Heels. Include BUtion Agents. Washington, Feb. I2vTbe agree- sebool be given a holiday anil, their I mWit with the Southern railway and request waa granted. The library fund Mate i $2,297.25. Watch it grow. - - 1: RAIDS 80CLIAL' CLUBS. T I the several thousand telegraphers employed on the system, which was I signed Iste last mgbt, carries in creases for a number of telegraph- lers and station agents in North Car- lohna. One of tb most : important Rowan Bhoriff Find Salisbury Woteneesin mad by ths railway is - . TI. J-ZZ- - Ithat station, agenta ar included in And Spencer Dry, the agreement. , Tbe "agents At Con- CNENOWN NEGRO . , BANGS HIMSEW. Stood on Trunk wills Praparing to i - RndEiatUf. . I Albemarle. Feb. 32.-i-Aa unusual thing happened yesterday. A Strange negro hung himself: UV the cabin 01 an.-Albemarle negiO who was awa 1 at work at th timjr and who upon tbe .gruesome sight f a strange man hanging ead in biaxabin. ' 5 Bab Godby, a loenr negro, left ms hme iu thf morning to go, to his work ... Konm lima afts this a strange negroi entered : the cs0in of Godby and hung himself. Tha strange negro secured a piece of wir sqd tvinsr due end ta th Joisf anrt th otheyvond tiH&t htsnick juMjpedf artnk and ndAd hla Ills. The neaTO'l.tOeS lust toudied the floor, hut mi suf- nrient 10 suppon uuu. aoiuxuing mr ainner started Attested by th Larg Patronag Eol Receiving. There are few thine more imDort- -1 . ...... TWO OrnCERS ' Or CRUISER "n' w e,lJ,,utunr thp repuUtion of town man a noiei. u l tic Sot el u a good one, well eondueted and tbe guests well provided tbe towa will profit largely by it. Ob the other hand if tbe hotel is poorly conduct ed the town will suffer. Visitor form ' their impressions of a towa largely by the treatment they re esive at hotels. - Visitors eo swsv trenched. Unlimited Funds Placed and talk, their views, go abroad and at Ambassador Wilson' Disposal ' P reputations. Therefore, for Protection ot Americana, 2n P01 ,be .. , . IT 1 " nfe of a town the hotel due to be Washington, Feb. 13. Two officers . .l. l. . .u. . - . , tv la. J I wasv sa vi lUT IUWB of thruiser Denver were assaulted ,nd u W inenmbt upon the eitisens yesterday at Aeapuleo, Mox,:i a to M ,he hoteUl whtltev th violent anti-Ameriean outbreak, ae- ean ntarn for fB- h cording to BUte Department adjiee. perform and the need they All. Neither were injured. : Surgeon Cam- u th, Ck)0, Hote. c w rf erer and Ensign Guthne were the hat fc hostelry. Under the victims of the asssult, which .imm m,nement of Mr. E. G. Gilmer, ed aa they were ! ffMHUjF who took eharg. of it last year the uuwntuv lnii . f. hotel hit enjoyed a large Increase in Americans are rife.' ' I . - , ,. " 1 .-" 1 1 1 piruu.!o uu w now nounsning un- : .,' Me merited sueeess. Its growth hss El Paso, .Texas. Feb. 13.-!-If the wn i .n.h . r.t. h.t k.. 1. American, troops invsde Mexico at ed a point where an tnerease in sise Juares they will find the , federals neceg((ary There are 47 room1 in and rebels jointly opposing ?neir en- the hotej jBPin(inf? the annex aad iry, .ceoxojuK o frequently the management is forced eia roaay. ae iuoiu v to turn away patrons on account of lorces w aviiuvra vouiu"u tal,u nf r,.ma Th ; di .j x 1... .u-i i.i IZ wwjr (u r" Company, owners of the property. pose ot aioing ine icaerai garnsou Bave made ma lmprovemellt8 ,ate of 1200 in Juares in restraint of any ly and are ,ontempiatlng more. Tbey invasion, .Three tUQUsanrt rebel are eDeti,,,, with the trooM are movinj? to the outukirts mtmt n w rt i u 01 Jaurez. nioiing is ssi i oe u. propertv ,nd in flle near Mnn progress, troops refusing to quiet Uanges of considerable importsnee drunken raiders. rteiugees report will likely be made. The culinary de- tnai uov. Aoran uonsaies uu me partment of the hotel is high class cuj- and the dining room service is equal f.;..n Pirv. Fph 13 At nine ty M P00 the meals being served r. tl, Ho-htine- rwlvea itself in- wim remrgani promptness. The !fons5CD,c:3 STATE EG3IO TO MEET DEFICIT Or STATS TREASURT . ' Senator Long Introduce Sack 4 RSI Today. Also Provides Hot Oavar ing Into State Tressnry 12170 Standing U Credit f FanttaBttarr. ' Building and Loan Aja4aBta . , Concurred In. Special to The Tribune. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 13. Senator Long introduced a joint resolution" providing for fir hundred thouaaad dollar bond issue to meet the deficit in the State treasury, alao providing for covering into tbe State treasury $217,000 standing to th eredity of toe penitentiary. - j Tbe Senate incurred in tb Hooa amendment of the building and loaai bill that a fixed limit of borrowing by . associations at 30 per rent, of assets instead of 50 per cent, ss tb Senate psssed the bill .n .rtiii.rv J...1 Mum', hw Imav be fairly judged by producing a guns making marked jinpregwons m menu .for dinner, which is published tne arsenal, -in revoiunonisis are 1 reporting wt-h. shells that went rar icream ot asparsgus. ( onsomme plain. out of the battle sone, killing a pa 1 Mixed fickle. Luyhot wounding many. The rules of the eiv- I Broiled trout. Maitre de hotel, lined warfare seemed unknown to I Saratoga chips, leaders, on twth sides, The misslet,! Turnip, greens with salt pork from the beavy cannon wrought hav I Roast ribs of beef, su jus. oe tor several cittf squares ontside Young turkey. ...Cranbwry sauce. tne aisinct wnicn aaruorea.. me "w-j ., Apple tnarloue, a la Busse, Pgarents, Giblets en Mascotte. TbehaOJt of position of guns onlji,; '" Cramed 4hit naUtrant -Ja oovn siues s suujei.iiMj; imuwu candied yams. . Buttered beet occupied by foreigners to ft greater steamed rice. Summer squash cross fire. Many houses occupied by I-1 piB;n hnilBa wtn. Ain.MAwa wava aAiviut .fill nAAIltllAfl I tX'l. : . . I. J . T-. . . ... inner Godby opened, the door and . v federai8. There is a growth of 1 Assort! ,t. arted iu tne House.? si quwaiy 100s -,. . iuuiu,.n. in the aitnatn.aa lWt..naaAy uuu ..w.v w . . a . 1 iuit Kciatiiit, Willi wumuea rnnm. S I Mixed Nut a RAiaina Cheese. Crackers. Fruits, Iced tea. Coffee. 1 -' L" T Z rJJXVk. Mexico, and there has been flat du BAD FIRE IN CHICAGO. Guests of Half a Doses Hotels Site-' en Out in Their Night Cloth. Chicago, Feb. 13. One building in rums, and two others partially de stroyed with a loss of three hundred thousand dollars, guests of half a dozen hotels were driven out in their night clothes into the sero weathen, by a fire by a fire which broke oat in the centre of the eity early today. None were seriously injured. Goodnight Family Rauloa. A family reunion waa held at the home of Mr. C. M. B. Goodnight, in No. 4 township yesterday, th occa sion being Mr. Goodnight 's 76th birth day. More then 100. relatives aad friends were present snd the event was a most happy one. Mr. QOOw. night was the recipient of the beat wishes and many remembraneea on the part of those present The hon or guest has seven children, S4 grand children, 12 great-gqandenudpea present. A group picture of tha fam ily was taken, numbering 37, twenty- - one" adults and sixteen children. ..Mr. Goodnight is well (known and highly respected citizen of No. 4 and hss a large number of friends in this section who wish for him many happy occasions like the one yesterday. and -th ' ess invesjLated, f5 Mr. Ed Ktutts, who owns tlie.lious In wnjen Mexieo City. Feb. 13. What the the tragedy o curted jrntf W; MM federal hoped to be the final battle and saw the mairoanglng in tneki,. Proont Ma. house, t The cabin ifthlch th negro Kero and m revolutionists was op hung himself is on th road to Kings- d at g :10 today. The federals tntfJ,lTil2lZ 5 continued on the aggressive.. Death of Author of "When Knight hood Waa in Flower." Shelby ville, Ind., Feb. 11 Char- Withlles Major, author of "When Knight-. and author thst.the residetts ormgsvw Wa8 in Flower," an take another r closer range, the position of the two of other romances, died this negro is not known to any one here. . . .j, aftr anffarin. v.., -! Americana Flea to Safety. ' Mexico Citv. Feb. 13. Anticipat ing an early resumption of hostili ties this morning more V than ' 600 Americans fled last mgbt from tneir homes to temporary abodes in the out skirts of th eity, where the danger from the fire will be minimised. The eausaltiea are estimated at not less than 300 dead and 1,500 injured in the two days', fighting.-", r ncicro is not .uuwu w uwi, n. .uti it .a!n ihronp-h forces was the same -as yesterday, j 1 thta hiu tfhmn na , uo miuu. w to4sTw5 h, party today was put on the heavy and carried out his purpose to end fHr " 1.1- n. -r T . . , fendina- replied with tannon and ma chine guns and tbe shells continued aiter sunenng a of the liver. morning, year with cancer ' Mr. E. T. Bost is spendins: tbe dav in Albemarle. .' Honor Roll, St. John' School. First room. Miss Lns Barrinawv teacher: Martha Bost, Glenn Hots. kins, Addie Ridenhour, Mary E. Rid- enhour, Carl Taylor, Gurly Taylor. Second room, J. L. D. MmDM) teacher: Hugh Moose, Ralph, Harry, Archie and Carl Ridenhour, Jess Ritchie, Samuel Hudson and ' Fred Cox, Claudie Cox, Shelby and Grace , Herrin, Janie Lee, Bulah and Mary : Ridenhour, Ruth Ritchie, Myrtle Bo ger, Libbie Fortner. .: , Small receipt books, 5 cents each, at The Tribune-Times office. J Mr. E. T. Cannon has" returned to fall into territory outside the fight-1 from Richmond, wneron , recently Mngzone. More damage was wrought underwent an operation tor apuenui-1 the business sectior. citis at Dr. McUmre'a nosp'.tal, Mr. 1 Cannon is improving meely snd was Waahimrinn Feb. 13. Unlimited abletobeoutautomohilingthismorn-Jfundg were today placed at the dis-l ing.' ' ' ' 1 " ' Jposal of American Ambssssdor WU-j - Caut. L. A. Brpwn ha gbmjito High son, of Mexico, by president ian to The Best ot Quality at Lowest Price Point on a business trip. THIS INCLJIOITI VE PUP, v . J' T l'n agreement', ine agww vuu- . fiallsburV. Feb, 12.-rShenfl J. i. I Hlll.hnm. Wnmntnn. Shelbv. MKeuzie today raided all the-social c to j '; gaj-a. .Biltmore, - slnba in Salisbury and Spencer, break-iRia.t v,i,niin Marinn ) Olid " ing ap all lockers containing' liquor. I Fortj wiij feeeive a minimum increase xm action was issen upon me -i0f 60 per year and will be allowed fitructions of Judge Whedbee,. now jl3 d ( vacation with pay. The tel- -.v holding court- here. ; A considerable e!trapnert employed in the lreena ' Amount of whiskey was found in thelu.-. n,u, n4 A. h. villa fflm Salisbury elubs, which waa destroyed. wiUf nndw the new agrement, receive At Spencer the sheriff states he found a mimum salary of $80 per month, dry. loekera.eovered with -dust .and I Th- inereaSe allowed last night will wit h the doors standing wide open. I gogt " the railway - eompany $110,000 I. vav mnra than at nrMnt. H. Q. Vx. Port OoM to Black Mountain. I Alexander, of Greensboro, represent- Mr. Clifford Porter has resigned nisjed the telegrapher. - , . , , position as pharmacist at tbe. Cabar-1 . : ', " i has purchased an interest .band .4 goU!,, M All Chrlatian rmJ . Mr. Porter is a. son of i Women and Children In Town. M ami M D. B. Porter and was! Sofia. Bulgaria. Feb," 13. Aceord- .rii in Concord. : He is a capable I inir to dispatches given out her yes- - anA ...arirniia vAiinir man and has slhrdav the Turkish troops yesterday - large number ot friends here who! sssembled the whole male Christian ;K for him success in his new work. I population of the seaport of Buyuk Mr. II. R. Lewis, of Charlotte, wm Chekmedje in the vUlage sotiool bouse ' ftucesed Mr.' Porter at the Cabarrus and massacred them. Subsequently Jrug Wore.. - ' . rt they killed all the Chrisitan women . ,' 1 1 ,V snd childreu except the young girls, j if r j f ocky River Annex. whom they carried off on board aliip. ,; -The following are the names ot There was no fluting yesterda ' t V,:v Kiver Annex, who either in the GaliHi peninsula or : I c 1 t t' ;i 4 run. j : Eliie I'uks.11, Willie HuhwII, Fred Cofik, Zch. Smith, Iindsny Nel)it. te WAT ir is-T,su&PEWir nzi out 1 -rr-- v. wxx. r,io . .1 mi .1? r 1 . L . .. 1. ... I b,-,a e'.s.-i.t or Isr.Iy fori" i ,'J " rrint hiimeK. jtis r. t 'a V III piv a ttl- I i ' 1 t. A SmallLcalf Will t f jife :." V. jr. -i J j.-'-"' " '.'r.J'i ; ; v Sink a Great Ship ; I You may spend as yon go, paying no attention to the ? opportunities to save which are advertised, by progressive ; merchants,- but'yott' will find sooner or later that little est- penses count. up to large, sums.;;; j J ' ''"y yi-V fl- A loose, here-and-there buyer can quickly squander ill ,? her money by forgetting the value of little purchases. Care in expending the small amounts will quickly re-j ' : pay th economical housewife''i!.xt-''.',':''i,,,' 5 Every night in its advertUmg columns The TRIBUNE , ana lliVid posnw ine wy 10 nmnjr -uppuiiu.ut.x9 wt o .fr.r.nifir email 1m lr. ftneclal alt ar Advertised bv ' , ' DfcWgSasa av - . wf-. " T 1" . the merchants. In small things, such as soaps," ribbons, and notions, there may be Just one penny off the regular . price. But when you add them all together you will find that the pennies number a dollar or two. V;v f Fcsd the advertisements in The TRIBUNE -and TIMI.3 closely and constantly every night for opportunity to save not only pennies but dollars. ? v", ijj. p. r.."on.) ; -i.y I-?- ear tor the six hundred American I and foreign refugees whp asked fori the protection of the American em- General Btevra reported tnat eisrht thousand cartdridges destined . " . . . . . .1 for the Mexican reoeis, were seizea by" American trooiis at Presideo, I Texas. Washington, Feb. 13. The killing! of two American women and the! wounding of many other Americans lis not cause for intervention in Mex ico.' was the contention today by the diplomatic officials of the. State De- partment. The fatalities were acci dental. 'and are classified as "fort-1 uneS of war" in the international eode. An overt act against Ameri- ! eana and the government is neces-1 sary to furnish adequate cause, for I intervention; Mexico City, Feb. 13. Madero isl expected to make a most strenuous I ' . . . . . . TA" I (attempt today to wipe out tne iiasi Mbflllion. The Hicbting iorces t-arei f acinar each other at closer rsngc I than at any time sine the battle be- I gan. Seven thousand Maderoists are 1 1 movimr their eannon within five bun- Idrad feet of the arsenal, where the TKas forces, reported as numbering! six thousand, are entrenched, , unit- H States Ambassador Wilson nousea six hundred American ' women -i and children on the outskirts of the eity, and men are doing patrol duty,.' Lit-1 tie work is being done to remove the 1 dead from the streets or to aid the injured. Ambassador Wilson is x- .... ... ... 1 . . 1 pec ted lo report an wasnington w 1 day concerning tb killing in yes-1 terday's battle of two American wo-1 men. Mrs. 11. Uolmes and Mrs. Percy Griffith. Moore 'a Loose Leaf Ledger Sheets! for 6V. a 8Vi ledger, kept in stock I st: The Times-Tribune office. Havel about thirty, different kinda of sheets I 1 Advance Showing! Friday, Saturday and r.?ondy The new Spring Embroideries, Laces, Shadow and Val, t Round Thread Baby Lace Sets, Swiss Baby Flounces, and ; lots of good bargains in White Goods. Be sure and come . one of these days. 45-inch' Embroideried White Voil, a favorite Spring Ma u terial, 20 styles, worth up to $1.50 a yardFriday morning . Special, per yard i--ir. Wc , 75c Swiss Flouncing, 20 and 27 inches wide, the best grade, beautiful range of patterns, price per yard S3 l-Sc, 4Se Na.-row Swiss Sets, price per yard 10c, ltc, 18c Handsone patterns in the best quality of Nainsook, weight Embroidery in matched sets, price per yard 10c, W-c, 15c, and 18c ' . Great range of Swiss embroidery Leedings at 10, 18c, 19c ' Bi sale of all over Embroidery, 25 inches wide worth up ' ' to $1.00, divided into four lots, Sale Prices 25c, 89c, 43c, C9c U' Great Values in Laces of every kind. White Goods, Friday, ;;Saturday and Monday.' '! , 40-hich short length Lawn, 10c value, per yard J-.-k- Se . White Madras, short lengths . Se v Fine- White Goods, for Waists, Dresses,Etc, Especially ti Prices, j.. , 8 l-3c, 10c, 18c, 14c, 15c Long Cloth and Nainsook, Special,' 1,000 yards 25c Dimity Ripclette, white and colors, Sale Price .... lie ;40-hich White Linen Finish Round Thread Waisting, a 25c value, Special the yard ..I...... 1: New things are coming in every day in (Notions: , Ask for what you want, We have it and the price it ri-' t. 11 T77i LsL ' Csssh wat vsa L O c: r if Cl.nrlolte, is a ""'"6 r?"y for every kind of business.