'(la r , CONCORD, N. G, FRIDAY. FEB rttfARY 21; 1913. . J. B. SHERRILL, EdW mod Publisher. VOL XIII. . &CenttlIootfc-4r.:"JCcry.. NO. 131 w c: UM - GEORGE WASHINGTON - - i .- ' Vate Waa II to 43-Caalu Be sort U rror f aW 'AM ieta- Mk J ' a " . :' . .; Raleigh. N. C Feb. SiThe Stata- VTrm" PAST TWEfTT TEAM wide legalised primary biH m killed ST CBTOB METHODS. ; eeeoad reading in tbe IIouae laU ; , ?. vu Bight just before U Wk by . ' li ' L"-.- toll 'mil vote of iftyfoof - to ftfty- WorUna- Balance of 125,000,000 tt , -ft-- nnnibiM amendment x- Treasury Sufficient The Cfo- empting fourth of tbe teoatiee of " eminent Cm Increase Xte Berates the Stste or mort from ell the pro- UOOOOO ChvrrU, . ,' Interest on Funds to Government forty4hrefc Th ,mwMiment would Depoiitoriee. These An Finding hT, aefetd the purpose of tbe eet ""- of House CommittM Today. , . in a large measure, if the bill bad be - WWiincton, Fab. 21. 'Intereet come law in its amended form. Af amounting to $38,600,923 has been ter tbe ndint was adopted, lost by tbe treasury in tlte lat twen- many representatives who bid m ; tyi:t yeere. The handling by the empted their eounties wted for the treasury of tbo general surplus fund passage of t ha bill, nenee the small " k rude, unbusinesslike, unprofitable majority by which it waa defeated on and i diwriminatory. -.IA. .working aow.nd reading. ; k.,; " oalanea of $25,000,000 in the trea.ury The aeaw b and mtW m to aa .....!.. , tu. ....n.ont n enro tba enforeetnent of tbo law inereaao rovenuea two milliona annu- aftainst the aalo and maaufactura of all by charging intern on . the intoxicating hquora w. North ar - funda in the - government depoaito- olina m to bo preaentod to the . Tliesa are the Boding ioday of.the, favor. The . bill will ba tba bill pane .i r..-iitni in ed b the House, with eoma amend- V the Treaaury Department. Tb fail- mnta agreed to by the advoeatea of , f tw Triniurv Denartment tol tba meaaure. , Tbia waa tba agree- n.i.t intoreHt on funda riven nation- ment reaebed yaaterday afternoon by i al banka aa apeeial or general fed- the Benat eommittea on propoai- " eriticianTof the committee. Criti- Jha agreement aa to tba bill be ai ,.,! kv nndolnh Dreeented to the Senate waa reached sklp. the Ran Franeiaeb banker, I afters long eonferenea between the . ip v,. & . Th I metnbera of the Senate eomnrittee , ,Cnrm and repreaentativea of he Anti-Sa abolishing depository ayatem by row- " 8 j ni 'n ing banka to bid for federal oepo.. - - - n'a iprarrairF i I essential ehaneea in the bill aa against that paaaed b the Honacare these ! fl.i.wM.- "ui Monnt rirati tnat in addition to no more m...... , .mi Hnnnw to uenaia i man uue Kiuiun ui lyintuuw uuuu, ww. . n m.i. r.min. i nm rnr mw. iMik niim luu mm icai- woman anum jr . "7 " " " ' '4r i.. i-Vhuk tii u.. mabv. .hole, m tet 1 1. . i nni fiT viniiHH miniir. mn Bicna hi its i -: ' r . . - - - TEE PAST PLATED IT AKEEICAH W0MEX L 4.,:; aa i 1 1- j in jn 1. j..-1 'in. ,, An Unfamiliar but Authentic Portrait of Washington, Mm 11 interesc m niHnuemeu 10 . . . .,- ;...- -i 1 m .u nw u m un A,k. K.nn the rnreseutativea Of Pr,ffl jaeie BViaenea l Wh beyond lore, and without weakness www I la li mimmiI tn In. nm. 4 . nwwi. , . . . v . . Calm, tn the strength, of flawless recti- tuael s. , (WDate oeiween iho wi own .. v ?. ..... . . ' the Concord High School and Salia. q7 i being anynged in; the pro ino "" "K . . . , . hibitwn aarainat receivmit more than ' - "tba TqHeation ia: Resolved, that the liquor in any one week a ahaneed u,.... . . .1 u u thnt tW is nrohibited the ra be amended as to allow, women to ceiying of m te Ave gtna of g, ttt Chick. vote under th. aame qualiflcationa -f " - ' ' "roncorda reprewntatives, Meggra. socssive , weeks ; liquors eeiaed are! 'jlany atpngiDg.iueiaj.nU 'Wr - r:FlTnavuU anBnford Blackwel- tq be returned to partiee fouadlei i,y; he-local po affwde ' f de.v will uphold the affirmative and gnilty and deatroyed when, the ver- i ao. oi , the team from Salisbury, Miss Eliaa- diet ia guilty of having violated the S; C, " - beth Womble and Mr. Frank Marsh, law the prohibition against giving ed by la Maxkaa Eavolotiea. Brarad Danet That Ha Maa Dared to 1 Taca..,1 ...'-' '." . '":")''' Mexiao City, Feb. 21. The : part played by Americas women during the tea days horror of the ' bloody bombardment waa of aueli a aharac ter aa they will be objects of pride of their fellow-countrymen. Of the many who suffered cheerfully . the dangers of the battle, four are pre eminent, namely: Mra. Henry tans Wilson, wife of the American Am bassador, who won th affection of the entire American colony but her tireless attention, to the needs of the women who eought, refuge near.tne embaasy; Mra. Paul Hudson, .wife of the editor of the Mexican Herald, who remained with her husband in the newspaper office in the heart of the battle cone throughout the ht- inir; Mrs. Burjte MeFall, wife of an other newspaper man, with her chil dren, lived a week In the basement of her house with machine guns fir ing" from her front poreh, and sharp shooters on the. roof; Victoria Hast' inra,-an English eirl, aeted as vol unteer newspaper correspondent, and braved 'dangers throughout the bat tle that no man dared face. .'The' Mexican telephone snrls re mained at their posts until all the wires were-cut by shells and the building partly- demolished. MADEBO IN NO IMMEDIATE DANGEE Or LOSING HIS LIFE. So Senora Madero ia Told Today By Htierta. Hia Fate Still Hangs in Balance. ' Mexico City, Feb. 21. President iHueta today assured Senora Madero, who is prostrated by the strain and anxiety over the fate of her husband, that Madero is in no immediate dan ger of losing his life. His fate still hangs in the balance, and will prob- GEOEOE PETZEB 18 DEAD. STROKE OF AFCrifXY AND IT IS TEASED EE HAVE ANOTEEB. MAT 8nccnmbad to Pneumonia Thia Koxa-l ing at 10:20 O'clock la BalUaore Hospital Mother, at Hia -Bedalda. Master Geonte Fetter died this morning at -10:20 o'clock in Balti more, where be had been undergoing I treatment at a Baltimore hospital. The young man had been in Haiti- more several months, being treated for a serious illness. His condition-1 appeared to be improving and his ! pliysirians were hoieful until a few j riAVft at'il U'hnn mipnmnm. rlpi-liiwil 1 A telegram was sent here Tuesday! celled Them at the Laat Moment ' : stating that his condition was worse Home. Keh. 21. The captain of the and his mother. Mrs. X. D. Fetzer. j Cunard liner Caronia, today i wire- ' hurried to his bedtiide. His svstem 1 lessed the Kome rorrespondent of the'-- He Will Sail for New Tork aa March . 10. Made Reservation te Bail' From Cairo Laat Monday, But Can oeing greatly depleted by weeks of illness he was. -una hie to withstand the ravages of pneumonia, living only three days after it developed. I'niled Press thnt .1. P. Morgan, who was reported ill at Cairo Monday, did mnkc reservations aboard the . Caronia. sailing on that date, 'for' Master (ieorg Fetzer was 17 vcara Naples, lint that the financier eance!!-' of age. He was a uomilar and at-led the reservation at the hour, of:1 ti active youth, gentle ot manner, kindly of nature and polite and courteous always. He attended the public schools here and before his health gave way worked in the after noons, being a carrier of this paper foi some time. At work and at play he showed qualities that besoke of a strong character and proper and thoughtful training. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. N. D. Fetzer, and one brother, Master Sam Fetzer. His father. Or. N. U. Fetzer, for years one of the leading and most highly resiiected citizens of Concord, died several years ago. The remains will he sent here, but the funeral arrange ments have not been made. His rule or order, justice: peace. Made posftlhle the world's release; Tauiht prince and serf, -that power Is but ably be decided at a meeting of Con And rule alone which serves the ruled Is g" late today. It is reported that Just ; Whlttler. THERE'S SOMETHING DOING the big chicken tight in Greenville, this week and Which was rain the sheriff. One young man ... . .r... it o W.imv. I dw.v' iniiA. I. HfltnMMl tn WHMV lllHvUalcB 4UUI WUVU bllv wmwi r tho negative. essrs. , u. ""s- 7 'Tkl " . "f a ' ncarhed he lan out of the house end ..A.. '- -i al vroai I unsi .f r. intiaii" buaia in uuuv iiu iuv uiuuvuv ve. e. - ... T. v: 2i l . ;n;t m.in, .nd ; not I cleared a wire fence fourteen rUl -Will oe JUUgW. ... - r Mk- l.il, ...rrnnndod th lCO. i ' rrwll. Jr..'and Walter Furr, become effeetive April rat and not . Anothei' young man who waa flee will xo to Salisbury tonight ana ao- on its passage. bats with the team there. Messrs. the national treasury shows a deficit I of six million pesos for which Madero will be forced to give an accounting. Other Maderoista are involved. As yet the danger of 4 new revolution is mere talk. I'rowell and Furr will -uphold the! negative and the Salisbury debatera the ahlrmative. ' Vomit Pleasant Collegiate Insti- Lte and Monroe High. School will debate Hie aame question ims oeu ing at 8 o'clock ft. Mount Pleasant. DAVIS-KBEDEB. Min Irene Krider Becemee the Bride of Mr. J. N. Davie, of Savannaa, Georgia.' ' ' - ' A quiet but pretty wedding Was ing. but to where; ne aw not Know. slackened his pace to ask a man he met on the roadside if be lived in teat section. On being informed that the man resided, there the fleeing eockflghter said: "I wish you would stay with me, 1 don't know where Ifm running to around here." -,-.'.. :Another-"sport" it is related, SENATE PASSES THE ' ' - SIX MONTHS, SfeHOOL BILL. Any County Can Lwf.,, More Tax 4f EXECUTION OF MADEBO aaageq,-.rwtnig stwwm .fvw Primary Bill Special to The Tribune. Raleigh; N. C, Feb. 21. The Sen ate passed the six months' minimum school term bill unanimously ai'ter the adoption of the Bryant amend ment, providing that any counties finding need of more taxes for coun- v WILL BE 8TEON0LY OPPOSED By The United States for Humani tarian Beaaona. Message Sent to Ambassador Wilson. Washington, Feb. 21. "For hu manitarian reasons' the execution of Francisco Madero, the deposed I. :.i... o r l... t. .i ty purposes can My a speciul tax If.. . , . ., vrn)M, not exceeding 5 cents on the tiuuareti i ... , .. ' . 5 ... ., jn.. Tl, hill yo. in fho Hmil"" m 'v,v j uuuaia. - w lv - I I-.,u.l cin,An c,A ri for: the concurrence of . the Senate "V " ."."SJiT'.ir . , :,.1"l"u."s": never stooped running until he reach- anVnion.county orator,.!., neg- Sft ative. 1 l; Utreet. when Miaa Irene Knder be- .r. . , 1... T amendment after final reading Sat urday. The House reterred, to the commit tee on feeble minded, the- resolutions by Haymore on the " deceased State wiiln nrimarv bill ''that was killed f . ... , I nriii T 1 last night. Kepresentative ouBiice xiuo mu vmm oat . 1 a aa . v T . n...!.. -.MTJBDEB OP FOTO YEARS YgJZ ?Jfi, M get ttW8y " T"- ' . I place at 7:30 o'clock-end waa wit- lro .j. ' ,.' ,'M .. a.iumiie Jtrra unaraaa witn imu- , is " .. tak tSaam PoUceman. neTa FJ?? V'T ' 'r :th. heavy "stakes" on one fight a 1 .Tn- ph 9ftflrB Rlake- '"V. J- 8 'V " i hia escape and has not yet been - Asheville, Feb. , Oeorge uiaae- R c p MaeLaugblin, paator of k.j L H. 1 ... .1 ! U.I. li nM in MIL I . L - . . . - 1 1 I UVBIU . vu-o pvv.J vw T!iiri t Sahnbur four Tears ago, AM - t, raving been arrested Iwt nigM.-..-a .ar and ,ttraetive young lady. , , member of the local ponce oepan- Mf Dvig .g B iueeesgfnl y0nngusi. ment arrested him on the statement or ncgg man H u a pf J another' negro to the effect that . 0 , , Rl.kolv - had confessed to- him .that " he had' been guilty of killing a police V" '" ii:an at" Salisbury about four years V " ago.- ' . - - - The negro, after bis arrest, denied - - "'-making any such statement" and ' ' jlim that he ia innocent of - the - . charge which, has been preferred " -' -"- ' asainst him It is expected that a ' ' Salisbury man will reach here tomor- . - ; row to identify t be legro. -': y ' - Watchlni the Shed Bill. " ' ' Snencer. Feb. 20. B. F. VunCan- - ' nop has returned from Raleigh, where " i..M,B. hpen for the past two weeks ' ' .'. - or more in the interest of the ahed bill, as it is now known to' the Gen- . - - eral Assembly. - The bill provides ' ' ' ''' netl ,'ul11 " rected at a" ep" " """ r minals 'on railroacb for the protec- . . ' , tion of employes against exposure to , weather. Mr. VunCannon is a mem- ' ler of a special committee represent- ing a thousand or more employes at ' " ' Sneneerr The bill passed the House --' without opposition and has received " ' - a-favorable report before the Senate '.' committee. ' It meane much for the - - hundreds of employes at Spencer and other pointa in the State, and the men here are watching every - turn that ia taken cipals of their bet the money, but again he may not. ion cam al ways sometimes tell. ' 1 J the United States, the State Department having sent a message to Ambassa dor Wilson to that effect. sailiug. This corroboration , of the story of Mr. Morgan "a illness follow ed chmely the adtiusHions Of tbe worn- en relatives thut l.o suffered a stroke ' of apHlexy. and that another "te feared. Mr. Morgnn sails for . New York Mnreli 10. ' v , v A WISE YOUNG MAN. Two More Clubs Contribute. Only fF2!).53 remains to he col lected before the amount sullicient to buy the library will he raised. The fund continues to grow, 75 being added by contributions from two more clubs,, t he Study Club contrib uting ifoO and the Social Club $25. The other clubs will consider the mailer at once and it is probable that the fund will he swelled by their Jarjie contribution. The . ladies are also keeping up their work securing individual contributions and will wage relentless campaign from now until the full amount is raised. The -Virginia Dare Book Club also cjiuributed $25.00 at n meeting held this morning. ' . " POBFIBIO DIAZ TO BETTJRN TO MEXICO. MO-Gallona-of WWikey Poured Into Atlanta Gutter. Atlanta, Feb.' 20. If there are anv rats in Atlanta's sewers, they had a big joy time lust last night. Cus toms officials poured 500 gallons of whiskey into the gutter, while hu mans stood around and groaned. It was enough -whiskey to have furnished a small drink to every male inhabitant iu Atlanta. It was necessary to place a cordon of police around the barrels and jugs while the other. olHeers poured out the whiskey. . The scent Was smelted for blocks in all directions. One enterprising negro dipped his derby hat in the gutter; 'another got a glass some- Hia where and held it under a prevlonsr? A Concord Boy Befuaed to Stay In Mexico When He Learned It Waa Necessary to Go Armed With Pistol , . And Dirk. About three years ago a young man from this city went to Mexico to live. He hail secured a job with a mining company and everything looked favorable toward winning fame and fortune in his new home...: He arrived at the town where the - .... .. 1 office ot the mining company was lo- cated and made himself known. He -was given a most cordial welcome and told to make himself at home. After , being there a short time an acquaint ance gave him a pistol and a long knite, telling hnn to wear them. -"Why should I wear, these things?" asked the Concord youth. "To protect yourself from the out- - laws and cut throats in case you eome in contact with them," be was told. Tbe young man did not take the ' weapons. He left the quarters in a few minutes and went to the railroad station. That afternoon he was one of the first passengers to ' board a train for the "border'andt he kept': riding until the porter called: "Con cord." . Another Revolution Brewing in Cuba. Havanna, Feb. 20. The Cuban minister at Washington sent a cable gram here today saying the American v: government had been lntormed that:, another revolution was brewing here.; ? President Gomez soon afterward is- : sued the following statement: .!:; "I deem it my duty to contradict publicly the rumors which are in ir,; ; dilation everywhere in regard to a revolutionary movement. This couu try desires and will maintain peace." .. When and-other champions of the ill-fated ; Coming Will Not Embarraas HIb fmP,'ed h?n WK to catch the remained. bill to be honorary pall-bearers, stew-1 nephew. art, orMecKienDerg,jooexnecmei parig 21aneral Porfirio mourner, Doughton to render funeral m f) ident of Mexieo mrge. , vu. u. wllo Wftg xilea b Madero, will re olution that Democrata evidently tam home when he ig aggured that played mto the hands of moss-back hig adveilt wiIl not embarrass his Republicans in killling the bill. A nephew, according to intimate friends primary law will be forthwith pro- of the reteran ex-president, vided. '1.. .. . , .- . . -'..i. Snowballs Thrown By Boys Cause jonnson uets xen xaara- Denwnco.1 ... ,.. rt..i. n.rlntt Ohserver." 21st. .' Man Den - JiiiIva Webb vesterdav afternoon I Newburgh, N. Y., Feb. 20. As the lata sentenced Ed. Davis, colored, to result of the injuries sustained on two years in the State penitentiary I Saturday, when he was snowballed for t lie Rilling or iwo . oution one i oy Doys, v uiiam r ranee, seveniy- night last August.. The affair took j seven, died here today.- place on Second street. : JJa vis waa I Mr. France was passing along a in the company of two of Sutton 'el street where a crowd of boys were sisters. The Sutton negro approach- throwing snowballs. Two of the mis-l ed Davia and said something in Jefer-lgileg struck him, one in the forehead ence to the girls. JJavis claims tneiand the other on the chin. brother reached undep tbe seat ot his I je fe to the ground unconscious hack aa if to get a pistol, uavis oe- iand never regained consciousness. W. .1. Moore, proprietor of Charles Hotel at Morehcad City, died Thurs day morning. The deceased was 53 ; years of nge. The funeral will be held in Charlotte, Saturday. eaeaaweae)i()K)l()l(e) )!() Dinner Party Last Evening. Mra..1. A JonB: Yorke entertained Wnimpdintftlv after -the eeremonvl ii j:.. it .mn!m Mr. and Mrs. Davia left on train No. jer handsome home on North Union 35 for Savannah to viBit at-the street irt honor of Misses MJargaret groom's home for several days. They Simmons, of Baltimore, Mary Linn, wiU go irom there to aiiami, r ja., i,nna and Ha laompsoii and Mrs, it. where they will make their home.. Hoyle, of Salisbury. The giiests besides tbe honorees were: Miss Mar- Commends Bowaa Grand-Jury; mterite Brown and Mr. and Mrs. J. W , - r. t i: t ..: r cannon, jr. ' xne oui-oi-iowu guesis ' HOI a 471i We 4Ut U'JI wrvw.w. ( - - . rsr t : iUAit i- rk.ni.ia at.tr. , i 1 arrived in, the anernoon , at,-. f:iu the last issue of his 'paper: -j I !ockvni,Ie tn"edfl l'VWttw firing at once. Three balls en- Phygicjans said that the blows on the tereu me ikhij oi suiwu, ""th brain, paralysis which cnected Four Big Values Friday, Saturday and Monday ,Tbe grand jury in it. reporf to the " " court, recommends a new ; eounty V" T ' i " hu 1 Th- h..iMi. - most delightful and enjoyable occa- Very much out of harmony with the progress of the age. in addition, to I better building, it is felt that better provisions be made for the- insane, I I Million Dollar Building for Dallas, 1 Dallas, Tex., Feb, 21.-3round will v ."v . ... . Soa. On-hnnk t n.. the thl- .. . . : mi 'l ommendationa of the grand jury are wise," end tbat a county that can ai- maxe Deiier provisions ior i uiuun- Vaughn Bible Class Gives Webb an . ovation. - i. ' Washington. Feb. 20. Rcpresen tative- Webb, father df the Webb liquor bill was given an ovation last niirht when he appeared at Vaughn 1 .!! Clro-s I nnquet at the Calvary I t Ihiinli. Hie vanglw i in-- in t, e of t'o oil ns'l by fr t' lill"i',t Sllllil.tV Si ...Mil clll-tS ill tl United States. Ten thousand or more ' menihcrs ff the clas pledged the Cinth district congrcsmnn their sup port in nphol.l t! ,'ehb 1; "ir I'.U. V.'li-n I '- '..'i'b he 1 f ! eago mail order bouse. The build ing Is to be. used by the Arm as a S: O ! J ! : I 3 : ' I 55 $.!.00 Whip Cord Skirts, black, navy, tan and gray, plain tailored, J Ma Ladies' NewfiSpring Skirts well made, Special, sizes 23 to 30, a few minutes later white on tbe op-lhead had ruptured a blood vessel in erating tame, 1 Episcopal Church.. ' Sunday "is the tliird Sunday in Lent; services will be as follows: Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. the left side resulting. The names of I the hovs who threw the snowballs have not been obtained. , $3.50 All Wool Serge Skirts, light tan, waist, Special Bull Durham Hose - . I uv wavy; -- 1 unate poor. This same grand jury y viU b 8t the First Baptist finds that inferior aap stone is being choreh gnday raorning ami nm. :u" m vww -.. i ujs subject at 11 a. m.. will be " t he VIIU ftlQ JlUt UilU.U IrllV DU"0 " . - to supply first class material, and they should be compelled to do . it, since they are getting the price, for first class material. We recommend the grand judy, - H .Morgan's Elness Easily Esrioua, Cairo, Feb. 20. The seriousness of the illness from -which J. Pierpont Morgan is suffering is now admitted, It beian on the jourppy from Ameri ca. It was bo; d t!at t!. i" 's would disi : par r' ' y i.i . but the cold on t.-e JJo ' iix d it. It is stsM t!.-t J.". T "n cannt.t f; 4 i r , 1 . . Ikis Y'f Tut on a r; '1 i' t, Vr. : if i t:. r t For an animal with so many cor set stays concealed about its person, I m.; Sunday school it p. m.; evening i the whale has a very poor form. prayer 4 p.. m. Everyone, welcome. W, H. Ball, rector, ; m . - , , Senator Elected i West Virginia. 1 Charleston, W. Vs., Feb. . 21. United States Circuit Judge; Nathan Ooff. secretary of the navy in Presi dent Haves' cabinet, was today elect- True Life," and for 7o will oe , eo uniiea oiaies oeuaiw, "Kroumij "Where Are the peadl", ;.. , Clarence W. Watson.- : . . CAPITAL 8XTBPLU8 the: inquisitive pup. 13 fcsEfts xzst it Q'T.xn smtm r out flOO.000 1 ....... 81,000 I SHE person who takes no interest in saving gets no interest on his savinzs. Better systematically de posit part of yoor in cest td get the inter c;t ca ytzt savb;s. j VV..l.vl Mia :::x tilack, navy, sizes up to 30 j aa.39 X e J'Ur'J,NfB nUU UiltB ... ,; as ,aw rMl - A i ... .11 IsT- ,.t . ..nil... I L -. .1 .1 -Mi Jr J - ' W ffiiaranieea 10 wear weu. aimtw or die uehi yum auu ui pure xu-. ak i F a ! i i .i ... i a. i a j.. - a m v . I pas fiv. 4 in re an iicei sua sue. very hihhiiu iup, niztm u w xv; iry m a noip TIiaV aA'Aeii hATTA fhfltl nthAr 1ial fitnkllll,f. . A' . ' . . " e For Boys and Girls, the best made at the price, fast colors, black x only, double knee, beel and toe, sices 5 1-i to v 1-2. -. Take our word s ', and buy this good 10c hose, . , , - I Meteor Stockings 10c Many other good hose. Ask for what you want. n a c : i-tu-t . j. 1 1 t r 1 s 3i t i 1 oa f t '

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