1 t i i or 'i rte.l. TJVnrr - afc- V ' . -1 T . ' k YOU XIII. 43 Cent a Uonth Cetru Copy. CONCORD, N. C, VVEDNUSDAT, FEDIIUARY 26, 1913. J. B. SHERKILU ditor and Publisher. NO. 1M. s ri'v 1) coy WILL.tEIsrSTXATS fFOST- L 1 - : Eu Refuse Of r of a KQUra Dol--. lara and Charge FeopW f V Trt 'stent According to Their -A ; , . Mas s-Saya Ea Ea Cure L0O0 i Out of tSM Cum Treated. 0. 8. - " ; Gorerasient Fhysidana WiH Make Twta f Ea 'ra. - ; V: - - - Kcv York, Feb. 28. Dr. Friederieh Friendmaon,- the-Berlin Scientist, is ,.her wiay and began a demonstra "paJV' tion of hi purported cure for tber .' s " euloeia. Ha baa refused Banker Fin-' ;'! - lay 'a offer of million dollars for -,. "" proof that bia eura is genuine. .- ' ! ' 'He intends' to demonstrate that bis '. , eura ia valid and will ebarg people according to tbair means for' -treat t? eaent.The United Stataa government '-' - win have physician to make test of ' bia eerum beginning tomorrow ' Dr. - " Friedmann elaima that ba baa eured : t thouaand out of eighteen hundred i eases treated is last two. yeera. . V. .. Th government took official reeog '.: nition f tbe elatm of Dr. Frederjeli ;. .. Ft Friedmann to the discovery of a - - eura for tobereuloaia when by order v ' of tbe surgeon general, a physician of tbe United Statea ,marine hospital aerviee, Drv Milton H.' Foater, waa - - aant to- meet the oung. German phy V, aieian on bia arrival here - aboard tbe teamhip Kroaa Prinaeeain Caeilie. At tbe request of tbe government " J anrgeon, Dr. Friadmaan eonaented 4o ' tarn over a quantity of bia bacilli to ' 'r ba tested by the government and to demoaetratetha effieieney of bia ante , ' t before pbyaieiana of. the hospital aer vie. 'K:''i6':-'-'fl'i:' r J Dr. Friedmann, wbo eame to this ' country at the invitation of Charles 1 M. Finlay,' Ke Xork broker, who. ( , '' hopes the phyaieianwiU be able tb cure bia eon-in-law ot the disease, de f alarea that bia remedy is not secret and that ha pnrpoaed to make known ' " -'to all the world" tha method by . wbirb it waa ercaUd and tba manner i - . in which it waa'dministered. It eon siated of bacilli taken from a turtle into whiehuWeoW balMaoaa-a ; human' beinglHwlj.bee injected, ha t, explained.' V4!K:.J'f:';s:::&f?) Tbe'germa tbemselvea are1 not' ab-olute.-Dr. Friedman will charge for treatment ae4ing fa ability; of .pa - tienta to pay. Tbe poor will be traat - d gratia. . ..'i.'t OLD MA DIAZ EAPFT. Openly Hatad by thai Succaaaof Bii '; ' Kapka' BvoMion;:3i,. - Cairo EgyP- Feb. 26.--Openly elat ed by . the suceesa of bia nephew 'a ' revolution and overthrow of Madero ,' in Meiico. General Porfirio Diax. for mer dictator and long President of tbe RepuWie will not return to Me iro until peace ia fully aatabliabed, , unless, be be called to hie country, aa ho eiDressed it. ' " Tbe old war horse la now at Eancb, , on the Nik "no faf from Cairo,-and h aaid hi, resent intention was to " lesve Alexandria March 10 for Paris. ---l 'have nothing to aay regarding the fanh of Franeiaeo Madero, bia rule or tbe cautea of tbe revolution. fleneral Var. said.-"As Madero's po- liticai opponent; my opinion might ' be eopsidered hu.'t r- . : . Concord Needa a norist. ' , "Coneojtd eertainly ineeda ' flor f - iat,' aaidi a well known lady; of the city feeently. flf ; good 1 florist .wonld opfn a nice ahop. here there would b m- large eale of flowere. Aa ,v it U ao inconvenient and -trouble-to secure flowers when ' yon i -want "V t nem,-many peopla . give no aaeuring them many times.", H ia necessary that Ujey.eome from near " ' by towni and thie eausea extra ex nncertaintv, of delivery and oftentimes they are unsatisfactory whenjreeMved," aha added, i " !? There fi - little . doubt that " florist would find a good market for v flowers here. - With proper eare, at ' tention Jind businesa-like methods a - shoo 'would be profitable. A florist ia needed and it is to be hoped one , will soon locate here.- . - , . ' Card rrm the Demonstration Agent. To the Farmers of Cabarrus County: Having been appointed, demonstra tion agent of agriculture for Cabar rus county, unsolicited on my part, and on the- recommendation of sev. aral of the best farmers of tbe eoun ty, I slall begin work Saturday. March 1, and according to instruc tions I will be in Concord on ;that date si.l will be glad to meet and rrarr wj!b ' as many farmer a . conveiui'nt in regard to the work, i " - !: m. lia'vinecoff, '' Demonstration Agent. t Toi7r .41 c ' c ( 'en cireuiristances 1 srliool l!l poft t t t a o tiOi i ii t i" --'ven TEE COKCEBT LAST KIOHT.- A Xw Era Sefui U . Concord's Msuie Cirdaa. A Lart Audience DeHjLted, That the first cuaeert by tb Concord Choral Club last night was a decided saareve-from 1 musical standpoint area evidenced by tbe hearty and pro longed applause which followed each number. . Tba public had expected something good and waa not disap pointed, aa the work of bat night was par excellence. A . Urge audience greeted threlub, in fact, tbe audience waa tbe largest that haa ever attend ed a local concert in Concord, and wa can be perfectly aafe in predicting that from ' the - many compliments paid tbar , efforts - last night, a packed, house will greet the next attraction- by the elub.'. , . Prof: Harry J. Zehm, of Elizabeth College,' Charlotte, baa been at the bead of the club since its .organisa tion about three months ago and the work of last night 'a concert waa evi dence that a wise selection waa made' in placing him in this position. .lie acted aa aeeompanist ; and .- director and to him ia due ia a large measure the successful rendering oiithe! pro gramme, ; wbieb consisted : of selec tions from some of the best compos ers music of the highest elasa-Hind which were faultlessly rendered t Beaidea the work of tbe eboruai Mr. T. C Newman gave a reading j and waa forced Ur respond t an' encore. ! The duet by Mr. Newman and Mrs. Womble, both singers who are always gladly heard, waa superbly rendered, j aa waa the one, by the Misses Morri son, whose beautiful ; yoieea always, delight, and on this occasion were heard by the Urge audienoo wit an eagerness which assurea them that a Concord' audience v will always wel come them. - :';5'-V';:;;V- ' 1- ;f ; : Mra. C. P. MaeLaughlin'a solo was received;', with round after round of applause and ahe very graciously re sponded to the demand -of the audi ence. - She possesses a voice of jrare quality which always delights and her solos of last night were- thoroughly enjoyed' Mra. MacLaughlin 'a aceom pamments were most amy played by Miss Ida Blume. . ; , :;:- - ' Lv'-. Miaa Jamo Patterson's aoto t waa rendered with superb effect. iHer beautiful, voice always pleases i and she was given the eloaest 'attention last niirht. ., A's r 't,?: S' V"' x Miaa Edith van Gllluwe. teacher oil noiin at iiiiaaoetn vouege, vnsrioue, waa' on the programme for two num-bera,-and no part ot tbe;oopeert-twaa more enjoyable than 7 these. s8h plays' with -grace and ease, -and -was exceedingly aeoommodating; bping forced -to respond twice to encores, and the vast audience- would have bees only too glad to, have:' beard more. should she appear in toneord again ahe will be most heartily wel comed. . - - ' , 1 ; ; t The work of Mr. Kay Patterson on the flute waa highly enjoyed and he will always be. heard with pleasure. He appeared in a duet with Miss van Qilluwe, and the audience demanded an - encore " which . waa ' graciously given. -Front' the very many words of. ap preciation and praise one could bear of tbe work. of the club,, judging from its first efforts, the concert of .last night will be remembered as the best ever- given here and too much can not be said of the members who have worked 'hard and faithfully in order to give, an 'evening, of pleasure and profit. v v ' ' ' vTw "things were demonstrated by tha eoneert : First, that Concord bat first class musie talent, and second, that her people know good muaie and appreciate ,ifc.'f.XV:'.' Oyermana to Lunch. With President -4.-..--,$-rt WUaon, - Salisbury Post. " - ' , ' ! m , Senator and Mrs. Overman .have accepted an invitation' to luncheon with Woodrow Wilson at the. White House on inauguration day. -Many of tbe cabinet officers and other dis tinguished people 'will be present at tbe luncheon Senator Overman will ride in -the carriage next to Mr. Wil son 's on the way to the capital the morning of the inauguration. - ; j AppUbaam Lited is Cnarlotta. '' t Charlotte, Feb; 23w J. A. Apple baum, who waa mysteriously' done to death in an Atlanta botet today, re aided in Charlotte with, a woman whom he claimed waa bia wife, fori about four months, leaving here Jan - uary 15 for Atlanta.' He organised a liquid veneer company here, bought a borne in a rasuionaDie pan ox ine en and spent money freely.". ; :;r.:.c.,- :, $720 Not Xnougb. ' ;,; Washinirton. Feb. 25. That a man cannot live on $720 a year and lkeep up appearances," was the decision ot tbe Senate tonight, when it over turned its postomce committee, voted out all $720 salaries for postal clerks and mail carrier SimV accepted the $600 minimum salary previously fixed by the House, 'p - ' . ; ' V . ' CoV-ract' About 'to Ea Let For T7r ' l't rr:"st DreaJnat:;ut 1 1, the . -; ii, V,V. V t:a IS FASSED XX HOT78E TODlT-WITH LITTLE ;.-v sxscussxoir. ri - Ta Punish aa' Felony a Promiaa of - Office aa Seward for Political 8u port--8ignatura Required 'to All . Derogatory. Pshliahed Stateaanta. - Amount . of, , Salary Candidates ' May SpandV-laapettion af Liguors : Shipped Into tba But, t 1 Special .to The Xribuae. T 'i '' i , Raleigh, N. C- Feb. 26 The House passed the. Justice- corrupt practices bill with but little discussion.' i The amendment by Miller was adopted to punish aa a felony the promise of of fice aa a reward for political support; also the committee amendment requir ing signature W all derogatory pub lished statement. . . . - ' ' -. ' Candidates for Governor and Unit ed, States Senators '.can. spend ;only one year's salary , in . campaigning. Fifty per cent.. of salaries attached to other offices sought can be spent in campaigning, , . :. ...i-' V-. V A new bill by Doturhton would pro vide State inspection of liquors ship- i)ed into tha State by the State de partment of. health 'direct inspector will receive $250 salary -and fees ranging' from 5 cents on -packages lees than a -gallon to -'25. cents on live gallon or larger packages. Raleigh. Feb. 26. The House, at last night 'a session, passed the Bry ant Senate bill; regulating trials . by jury, with au amendment leaving to the discretion of tbe pudge' tbe mat ter of wlien the juries shall' be drawn from the bo. - In this shape the bill passed 78 to 37. 'It allows J2 Instead of 23 peremptory challenges' for de fendants and makes other changes in procedure, especially in murder trials. One ig that the State shall not stand any witnesses at the foot of the panel. The ' discussion 1 : was lively. ; Mr. Day declared that the newspapers are entirely responsible' for a great part of the agitation in the State as to court tnaja.,-. They often .try 'and pass' judgment ,op .cases-bundiedg of ITbereafter' the vote; ny 'which ' the jury iiiujiaa passea was reconsiaerea on -motion or Mr.' Uon''hton and a further amendment added, enabling the judge' to have jurors drawn from bystanders 'instead it the box when a amall per cent.' of the number is needed to complete the panel, instead of delaying the. trial by' summoning jurors whose names era taken from the box for the purpose. - - , ' r TAFT'S LAST SEVEN DAYS.' Will Have a Strenuous Final Week. , An Ardnoua Social Programme, Washington, Feli.- 26j-Beginning today his last seveir-days as chief executive. President Taf t faced the most arduous social atncial program J during nis mcumbency,gj'V' f, -,:X? " Many" are booked for' farewell Vis its,, one bundred for Saturday,; In the afternoon lie tenders a gold medal to Capt. Bostron of the Carpatbia, the rescuer of seven hundred of the.Ti- .tanic's ill-fated paasengersw He must act on' the bills for the reorganization of the customs aerviee and the Webb bill ' prohibiting Ui.theshipmenf of liquor into dry territory a THEflNQlJISITIVE PUP. 1 ' ' the Child and the Store f "Childreal" exclaims the storekeeper; "yes we welcome : the children, for-they -are the buyers of the future. ; ; f There are in all stores certain seasons of the year which ; ? ' are specially devoted to children and their interests.; ; ; : . ' f In some stores regular children's days are celebrated, . - the store is given over to their entertainment and a sale particularly of their things. r . . " ' Other merchants make Saturday chUdrerf's day, and ' special prices are given on'many of the things they need. Some merchants even provide special playrooms for the , children where they can have the time of their lives, while 'the jrown-ups shop." : f -. ' - . ..J- Jtch the. advertisements in The TRIBUNE gnd ' TIMES closely and constantly every day. Then jo-i find the best news about children's wearables. the merchants who advertise in The TRIBUNE and TIMES.; arc eager to have your children start shopping at their storis. ' ' "(Copyrit bt. ,1013, by J. P. Fallou.) TEACHXH3 MXETWO. Meeting Last Saturday Fairly .Well Attended. Work AocoaisUaaed at TaeKeeUnj. - , . Tba Uacberk' netia Batorday waa pretty " well attUd. Those having tha farthest " distance, to eoroe ahowed proportionately . a better attendance tbatr those Merer. It waa decided that tbe examination of applicant for a pablie school di ploma would be held 'at the' school that bad pupil-' who .'had computed the seventh grade, on S 3th and 14th of March. Tba qnestioua for tbe ex amination will be prepared by the Hurh School principal.1 Tba teach ers will conduct tba examination and send tbe papers ' to Superintendent Boger.' Tbe papers will be graded by the Hurh School principals. A num ber of schools reported having pupils wishing to take tbe examination. Any school that baa pupil who wish to take the examination out haa not re ported -this fact,-will; pleas do so at once. No questions wul be sent to any school that docs not make this report. . '- It waa decided to hold the county commencement on Saturday, April 5. At this time all those - entaied to a public school ; diploma, ; will receive them. Declamations and recitations from members of: the; seventh grade will be bad and a spelling contest will be bad. from members of tbe sixth grade..'1 Each school u, asked to send aa a representative a declaim er or reciter front the seventh grade, and a speller from the sixth. grade." Reed s Word Speller; wm be used in the spelling contest.-1 "'.; ','"'; An educational address and the de livering of diplomas will ' constitute the exercises of. the day. Full an nouncement of . the programme, for the day will be made later: Every body is invited to get ready for the county X commencements Saturday, April 5th. ' "'''' - :'' v."'-: Prof. W. J.'-Weddingtou, who bad charge of recitation? handled the sub jects in such a tnamaer aa to cause the teachers to taKe pan in, ine aiscus sions.ij A good recitation is, some time measured not by what the teach er does, but by bow much- the ' teacher makes the pupil do. -1 Measured by this standard. Prof.' Weddington con ducted a good recitation. ' ; ; No more regular teachers '-meetings will be held this year.. The county commencement Will t takeinstoad . the next teat'hers' meetings vThe dale April 6, 1913. ; - .X. Steamer Ablaae With Cargo of Soft 1 Pine. ' New York, Feb. 20. Floundering helpless in the East river with a car go of soft pine and ablaae, the incom ing steamship Richmond imperilled a score of vessels Monday while efforts were being made to beach her and res cue the 'crew. 'After a desperate fight the members Pf the crew were saved. - Anhnt Denies Accusation. " - Albany, Feb. 26. Attorney John Anhnt. named as alleged - offer of bribe to Dr. John RusselL superinten. dent of Matteawan asylum, of twenty five thousand dollars to release Harry Thaw, before investigation commit tee today; denied absolutely the aceu aation. . : '."y' " " New Nickel Out Saturday. ' Washinsrton. Dec. 26. Tbe ' new nickel of Indian head and buffalo de- sum will be put into general circula tion on Saturday. Already the treas ury department has received applica tions from banks for more than 2, 000,000 of tbe new coins. , . ; . O IIAYE mm PALME, KETCSED TO ACCEPT Y BECAUSE HE IS QUAEXB. Five Mambera EaVa Ban Definitely , Settled UpoavTaaaa Indudaa Mr. . Daniels Thia Infomattoa Coaaaa Direct From Trenton, And in Con sidered Thoroughly Reliable, ' Washington, Feb.. 26. Fiva " mem bers of President Wilson's cabinet have been definitely selected. Two to whom places have been of fered have declined tbem. . Those de clining- were: :.' Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, who refused to be secretary of war because be ia a Quaker, Mayor New ton D.' Baker, of Cleveland, Ohio, who refased because ne wishes to stay in Cleveland to work out progressive reforms pending. r ive have been definitely selected, namely; William Jennings Bryan, secretary of state. William Q. MeAdoo, secretary of tha treasury. - ' .Louis U. Brandew, attorney gen eral. . .'. Albert S. Burleyson, representative of Texas, postmaster general. - Josepbus Daniels,- of North Caro lina, secretary of the navy. From a reliable source the inform ation comes direct from Trenton. That these men will be members of the cabinet is unquestioned. A NEW BOTTLING PLANT To Open Here. Mr. H. B, Hopkins Ani Arsociatea Organixe Bottling Company. The Diamond Bottling Company has been organized here ' and will begin business in a short time. The company is composed of a number of business men of tbe city. M. L, Marsh is pres ident, C. W. Widenhonse ia vice-pres-klent,; and H. B. Hopkins, secretary and treasurer.- - The compay plans to do an ex tensive business, bottling a general line of soft drinks and makin? a wnee ia'.fcpTi have the exclusive ageney in this ter ritory. ; Negotiations, are- underway for a building and the deal will likely be consummated today. . Mr. H. B. Hopkins, who will have active man. agement of the business, stated this morning that the machinery had been ordered and as soon as it arrived and could be installed the plant would be gin business. - Tbe machinery and plant will be modern in every partic ular and will have a capacity of 1,000 dozen bottles a day. Mr. Hopkins states that the company will give par ticular attention .to tbe sanitary con dition of the plant and that cleanli ness and purity will mark their pro ducts. Milliners and Modiste Disturbed ty ' lira. WileoBa Good Sense. : Washington, Feb. 26. The Wash ington modists and milliners are be moaning the fate which-' led Mrs. Woodrow Wilson to declare her 'belief that , $1,000 a year was enough for any woman to spend on dress. Adopt ion by society of "Jeffersonian sim plicity" in dress is feared by the merchants, and especially in view of the emphatic support which a number of society people are giving to Mrs. Wilson. - Try Tbia if You Dare. .... The following is the latest prescrip tion .for the butterfly kiss, said to be the reeogniied - accompaniment to walking george, the turkey trot, etc. Take one girl with long, eyelashes and place her in close promimity to patient. Allow said eyelashes to gent ly brush the cheeks three times in succession. Repeat if necessary, Strength varies with patient. Dr Three times daily. 'Squire W. G. Kewell, of Charlotte, is spending the day here.. 'Squire Newell is en route to bis former home in No. 10 township,' where be will pend- several days. . ; CAPITAL 8TJUPLUS $100,000 SS.000 HE person who takes no interest in saving gets no interest on his iaTinjs. Cttter systematically de psit partrof yonr ia cce and get the inter est on yonr sayings. - Tj WTNECOTT SCHOOL. . . r" Honor KeQ la Sack Deaartaaaat for PaeV W. 3. Weddiagtoo, teacher. High School department. John Earnhardt.' Caleb Bernhardt, Uaa Earnhardt,! - ' .- ' , Fred Goodman, Hugh Goodman, Co-' ' . himbua Hartsell, Charlea Murph, Jo. . REPORTED THAT HE WILL Rid . soph Shinn, Roxia Fink, Janet j . PEACE AGREEMENT TODAT. Stroud, Nora Tarleton, Anna Belle! - '. - . Goodman, Daisy Thompson. EspyK : ,' Cannon. ' It ia Betiered That if Ha Coaaai Miaa Mamie E. Bonds, teacher in I -Varira Oit ,-v- ' termed is t department. Lather Barn hardt, I ma Cline, Lonnie Fink, Ken-1 netb Litaker, Cari Pethel, Garab Pethet, Margaret Shinn, Ada Shinn, j Ralph Stroud, Annie Stroud, Everet ! Tarleton, Inea Wineeoff, Tom Litak-j er, Bessie Tompson, Basil Tompeen.! Win V.tU T u Ctu. ,.t I Primary department Orolin FloweiHB"ta ,r"vT":,'".t T"1 hv ,he "k Bernhardt. Annie Cline Bernhardt. 1 f l.vln."'e rebeb under General Burett Fink. Earle Fink. Emma alter, Elsie Lataker, Tolah . Litaker, Margaret Litaker, Frank Litaker, Maek MeLelland. Brad Stroud, Jamee Shinn, Edward Shinn. Fred Shinn, Waldo -Shinn, Wier Tarhon, Wiley Umberger, Leonard Umberger, Mary Belle Umberger. Roy Umberger. Earl Wineeoff, Sarah Wineeoff, Russell Wineeoff, David Wineeoff. Thursday Sewing Club. Tuesday afternoon at - the lovelv home of Mra. M. L. Marsh, on South Union street, the Thursday Sewing Club was "At Home" to its friends at a silver tea for tbe benefit of tbe ibrary. The guests were given a cor dial welcome at the door by Mrs. J. f , Uoodson, assisted by Misses Helen Marsh and Isabel Goodson and then shown into the parlor, where Mrs. Marsh, assisted by Mesdames G. -M. Lore and Thos. Hawthorne received. Mesdames C. F. Ritchie and W. U Robinson ahowed tba guests into the dining room, which was lovely in its dress of jonquils and narcissus. lighted by numerous candles. Here Mesdames Elam King, A. M. Brown and R. E. Ridenbour served the guests sandwiches, while Mesdames M. L. Brown and W. S. Bingham ponred coffee and tea. Mrs. W. L. Bell then led the way to the library where punch; was served by a bevy of most attractive young' ladies: Misses Mary Bingham,. Luev Brown. Catherine Goodson and Eugenia Lore. The snin of $26.00 was realised, and the sum of $10.00 waa ieeeived from of $-w,oo.t ; D Date For Extra Session is Agreeable. Washington, Feb. 26. Complete satisfaction with tbe selection by President-elect Wilson Of April 1, for the opening of the extra session of Congress, was voiced bv the' House Democratic leaders. : Representative Underwood declared the date "moat agreeable." ' 'Everything Will be ready by that uue,' he declared. "We will have tbe tariff revision sufficiently -in hand to begin its consideration then, and other matters which will be taken up at the extra session will be prepared lor presentation. -! '. - Mr. W. H. Allison, of StatesviliaM4icted that Henry F. Hollise, Demo is a business visitor in tbe eitv to- day. )t(a)l()Ke))KaX)KaX)l()t()l(X)K i s s 1 1 i I f 1 f I H. L. PARKS & CO.! I The Spring Trade is Here J and We Have The Goods to Meet It i i o i i Big lot of Red Bliss, Irish Cobbler,' Peerless, Rose and' Buraaak potatoes. Best Maine stock, and prices guaranteed as low a way one's. ' i ... - ,,-;'tJj - Big lot Onion Sets, for wholesale and retail. t -' Garden Seed of all kinds. Beana for planting in quantitiee, . Red Seed Oate always on hand. 1 ' ' ; , See us for Corn, Oata, Millfeed, Chicken Feed, Salt, Rock Salt, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meal, Cotton Seed Meal and Heavy Groceries. ' Now iu, full lines of Acids, Kainita, and ammoniated Ouanoa. We sell the heaviest lines of goods that can be bought in ear lots and sack lots. See our prices on Guanos. T . Dr, Hess' line of Cattle, Horse and Poultry 'Powder always m . hand. - ' . ,j .- , : Our stock of Tobacco ia complete. We make a specialty of sell ing Tobacco by the bo. t -.',- - .-'' , , . ' , ' -r fi:,..-i . .- . -- Our line of Canned Goods, Btttled Goods, Cheese, Crackers, Pickles cereals and family . goods ia complete, , i , . v- -s ,, 15 i E : i S i! O ! I 1!' o. ! f o ! o ! ! ( i S o is Or 1 ! ' ! i f ' i i i ! o t i if n ! i o, f - O -Give our Grocery department and treat you right. " . - 1 1: M ZAPATA ; v i . ... SURRD3ER TCZAV? Vie Settlement Ha Will Be Execut- ad.-$30,000.000 Lou Accepted, ly , Mexican Government Praia .Mew" York FinandaraBabela Destroy -, Railroad Communicatioa. .- -. ' . - Mexico City. Feb. 2b Whelher tho" Ut-i"1"!'' Ieace,by Pt t0 administration, will likely be settled. today. It is reported that Zapata ia - .en route here to sign a peaea Agree ment . It is helieved that if be ia once in the city and refusea to agree to peaceable settlement he will be e eeuted. ' - . . It is said tliat a thirty million dol lar loan has been accepted from New York financiers hy the Mexican gov- .--ernment. ' Rebel activity during the peat few - days destroyed temporarily railroad communication in all directions el- - eept toward Vera Cruz. The soldiers- are repairing the damage. " IS C ASTRO ABOUT TO START NEW RBVOLUTIOirt ' Report That Ship Sailed Last Weak From Gloucester, Maa to Take Him to Venesuela. New York, Feb. 26. The report that a sailing schooner loader with arms left Gloucester, Masa a wank -ago was bound for the West Indian- . to piik up Cipriano Castro and take - him to Venezuela for a new revolu tion, is being investigated by special ' agent Ofliey, of the United Statea D partment of Justice. According to tha report received by tbe Feberai-au- : -thorities the schooner is the "Hinua Swim," Castro's sudden departure.'' from Cuba last week gave so much , -' . - color to the story that tba Depart. '" V '. ment decided to make an inquiry. ' s " '. y -- If Said "That Vt tmuit;f' Fledged Themaelyea to Kan. 'A Washington," Feb. 26.-M3omplete .. ' r control of the next Senate by the "Bryan Democrats" is assured -since '' vv 27 Democratic members of tba Upper House have pledged, tbemselvea to -sujiport Senator Kern for tbe leader- ? ; -sliip. Senator Kern is called Bryan's , closest ally in Washington. - x Rumors that Minority Leader Mar' - - ' ' - ' tin will withdraw from the race in ease are not authenticated. Uection of Democratic Senator, in Hew Hampshire Predicted. - Concord, Mass., Feb. 26. It ia pro- crat, will be elected Senator today,' following the Repi blican split.- a trial, ' . We will save you money 'X 'J ... 'on, r.b. 21 r ;retary of '.' - -r will prolia! ,'y award the I ; r I c' ' 'ii '..mi of t ,'s f i ' :-i tr..t ', i jj ., (o tue ' a ;.. t :.'i'-- ' l Com-i It v "ll i (' i nsf: t poweifal lilt S5 1. i"T' la r - c- r r ...I a.; FCTJX; m - raid ot t: ul:. : it

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