r.i ... - :.- ' : r ; it:. -;- VOL. XIII. 43 Cents i UontS-S Crnta Copy. -y CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, FXHSUARY 28, 1913. J. B. SHKRRILL, Editor tu- -ouaber . . , v :, nupr OAfc'a guard arrestee , OH 1XXI0U1 CSAROE. ' OeerM Barafcardt steer tm JaO. The Crime k ABeged to Hare Ttk . eaTlaee Sunday, February 11 BAhOirA Drove lra. Bui fray W Chain Gang te Bee Her.Haeband, t . "Wee Wh ea the Gtag. . She ,' Claims That He Drew t Pistol M - Haif. Hatband Had Earnhardt Ae- - , rested aa Booa a Hi Wu DU- ' charred From Gang. ",'.-1' . . v George Barnhardt k la jail, charg ed with criminal assault on lira. Sam Irby.j Ha Vu arrested . yester day, afternoon hile at hit work - at. guard on the county chain gang, ; Deputy Sheriff Propet making the ' arrest. The warrant-waa aworn out ' by Sam Irby, husband of ibe alleged -victim, and waa tanned by 'Squire Q. The erima ia alleged to have been 1 tommitted laat Sunday a week ago. 1 Mra Irby made her noma a tba Gib--aon Mill, residing there during tba beat eighteen months while her bus-1 , band -baa been serving a aentanea on tba chain gang for etorebreeking. , According to her statement about tba affair, Barnhardt eame. by her home Sunday a week ago and told her if ehd wanted to see her husband she would have to go to the gang at once as the authorities would not allow her 'te see him late in the afternoon. She stated thai after hesitating about 1 going she anally, concluded. to : go, leaving with Barnhardt. At point on road lacar a taw mill plaee, which is surrounded by a "clump ;of trees, she allepes that Barnhardt drew a pistol on her juid compelled her to go into r the woods whert the aatauU waa aonv mitted. When 'reaching the: chain ;' gangaha waa allowed to confer with her husband to wheat she - related trharhad takea plaeev On being in formed of what bad occurred she atatee that her Junband told her not to sly anything about the matter; that If she did the gnarda ajt the gang wonld kill'bia. ilvrCi: Nothing 'van ; Vai heard, of the i lege4 assault until yeatefday. Irby ' time, waa eut and ie waa i given his - i liberty. Ba returned -to his home ' here and secured an attorney, Mr. L. TV HartselL As above stated a war rant waa issued and Barnhardt arrestr ed. le ws brought to the court house here -and waited at the sheriff 'a offlee for a short time,-waiting for hia at torney, Mr. T. D. Maness, who -had, been .sent for. While in (hi' sheriff's " offlee; be talked to a representative of v this paper about the affair ;.- . ; ; Barnhardt protested that Jie was in nocent. "I am as innocent: as any body." he declared. "I never thought j - .l: u J j: a . l i .1 . of such a thing and did not know that there was any charge until Mr, rropst cam to the gang this afternoon. Irby did not like me because I made him tome" back to the gang when he went farther away than the regulations al lowed.. ,Hia wife waa out ' there on ' Sunday. -.- He waa- trusty- and they went off the afternoon she was out I ' there farther than .the- trusties are allowed to go and I made him come back' to the gang.- He got mad about it and be has not liked me since.'! . ' Barnhardt 's attorney, Mr. Maness, come, up ss be concluded the state- ment " and. they - held. a. conference, which lasted, for some- time. Later , be waa remanded to jail without bail ' to await a hearing.: before ' 'Squire Lore this morning. . .' 1 " -" " Barnhardt ia 45 yean old and is a native of Concord. He owns a home at the Brown Mill and is married and " has wife and several ehildren living therf Before being employed as a . guard at the baia gang (December, 1912) .he worked at several furniture .,.-' . i . . i ... . . - stores nere.- lie naa aiso woraea as apecjal fflcer at the. court honac dur-inir-sessions of the superior court. Irby is said to be a native of Burke county bat - it is understood that bis father now Uvea in Florida. He eame here several years ago and-worked as an insurance agent. On aecoiint of unsteady habita and dissipation be did not meet with tuccesa and aoon left. Later he returned. While on his sec ond trip here be broke into Barrier ft . Widenhouse Company's store and atole a lot of clothing. After tracking him in various South Carolina towns Chief of Police Boger succeeded in capturing him at Morganton, his for- mer . noma, ne was nrougni nere, j tried and convicted. ' He was sentence I ed to two years on the chain gang bntpn account of his having only one arm' the jude -reduced the sentence to 18 months. . Mrs. Irby baa been working in one of the mills here dur ing the time Irby waa on the chain gang -and. made her horn oh Kerr . atrentv J. .-. ;'.7 " f 'f - - 1 sirnhardt was arraigned before E-'i- 0. M. Lore this morning at 10 tVW, and t t rial was postponed in 1 2 o'" 'j t', i e". moon. . A the r : i f - r. 'a s Wct'iiem! :y afi'n;u(iu i urothy I nil, dftiiffhtor of I'r. and I'm. Vciiter F i't, r-i.::.-? or IWi. ls, in Iioli "ii coiHity, 1 T. ia y af I n. ' TI.s I ' s t'..i waa in her C22I VZAT A WHALE.' Concord Cittxsa TaSi af Big lea Xoa v fter Capturad la Florida. Uri T. D. MsaeM returned a few dava ago froa FloriJa, where it has been apeuding aeveral weeks. - One of the moat interesting ineidenta relat ed by Mr. Maneaa of hia trip was a visit to the big aea monster, at Miami. The tub ia reputed to oe the only one in the world of its kind. It ht not classiDed in natural history but is iruelaimed by acientista to be tba moat remarkable specimen ever captured. . . - - The flab waa captarad June 1, 1912, in tba vicinity of Knighta Keys, Fhu, after :a fight lasting 39 hours. . Five narpoona and 151 bullets ware re quired -to kubdue the monster and it took re daya to finally kill it. In the light the fish smashed a boat and knocked a rudder and propeller off a Slt-fpn yacht. After it waa subdued it had to be towed 110 miles by a tug. .. The' dimensions of the'' fish ' are: weight, 30,000 pounds;- length,' 45 feet; circumference, 23 feet, 9 Inches ; mouth, 38 inehea wide and 43 inches deep; tail measures 10 feet, tifl to tip; bide, three inehea thick, no scales. The charaeteristiea of be flair are said -to be contrary to all law of natural ' history, j is ' providing a great curiosity even to the people of the coast of Florida, who ere accus tomed to various freaks of the tea and ia being visited by hundreds of peo- I B0T8' 00BX OtUB. Thirty-Six Cabarrus Boys Eave n ' tend the Oonteat far 191S. Tbev farmer boys of Cabarrus have taken, and am lakinir' much interent ia the corn-raining contests, and 36 of them have bean registered for the contest of this year.-. There are only eight counties in the State which have a larger number entered, and these are: r?j'"r. i-t- ' ".' -;;v;;' Alamance, 40. . ' Beaufort, 39. , : Cleveland, 45. . Johnaton, 65. Robeson, 62. v ' Sampson, 54. . .v'' ' win ' t -ST'-'.-jii Aw '!v I. ,truaes, . . J.j. i Vv.r"V.,;'.:" As all of these counties are larger than Cabarrus, it will be sect' that. area and population considered, this count v. Drobablv standi at the head ia) tha jinmber of boyntated,!X- Tbc total number of bbvs who have entered the elub m the State is 1429. PBXStDERT-ELEO WILSON r: f BUI VABBOW ESCAPE. Miased What Might Save Been a Saribot. Wrack By. Only Tire lain- . 'attnVHiri-f'v; philadelpliia, Feb28: President elect .Wilson missed what " might have teen a ' serious . wreck : by five minutes .today when a' broken rain waa discovered by a track walker just ahead of a Pennsylvania train on which Mr. Wilson was traveling from Princeton to Philadelphia to visit a. dentist, t - . "' A rd4 Tragedy. i; ?' Atlanta, Feb." 28. The' sordiness and vulgarity of the Applebaum trag edy hive come to the. surf ace "'even mere quickly than they did . in the Grace ease. The last vestige of what romance tbt- reporters tried td weave around the killing baa. been dissipat ed, by Jhe reflection of what tort of people; morally the man and .'woman both ; were. . j . He had i hree or four other wives; or near-wiyes. She had .i i . i .1. , i . j iur or jour oiner iiusobbuh, or uear- husbands. .Neither, of them had any thing even approaching social stand-, ing in this or any other eityy so far as the. detectives can learn. In spite of these facts.' the Appier baum killing is. the big sensation of the; moment in Atlanta.. The local newspapers Jiave madc.it so. -. , . iirtbiay Annlvamry. Mist Earlie Cochrane eelebrafed her 18th anniversary -by entertaining a number of friends af home on the 22. Those present were: Misses Nell and Suth Sloop. Ella Whitley, Annie Wil son, Nell and Addie Sue Harry, Flon- me, -ciara ana jauoei ..wenta ana A va Walker, Macie and Janicr Coch rane. Messrs. Atlee and Young Davis. WUbert Holland, Xharley , . Whitley, Jim Sloop, Samuel Leiser,, Emmit Blaekwelder, Henderson Overeasb, Ira Taylor, Elmer and Walter Cochrane, Bonner, Bryan and Lafayette Went. - Numerous games were played and dainty .refreshments were. served. The evening proved to be one of univer sal enjoyment,' . ;' : 'A.' C. Chain Gang Operations Suspended. All the guards of the chain gang, exeept one, are in the city today to attend. the Barnhardt trial, and the operations of the gang : have .been suspended." Tbey' are located on the Poplar Tent road, find a gentleman who passed tne camp tnis morning nays it waa left in charge of one guard, Mr. Beaver..- There are, wt learn, about 30 men on the gang. r ' -1 Church.? ' , ' "i Ken-i'-es ne-t f'-.mday, fourth Run day in Lent, mill be as follows: Holy communion and sermon, 11 a. m. ; un: y school 3 p. m; and evening prayer 4 p. nr. Choir practice for Paster nuii.ie s"r evening irv; -Vt-lw ' y at 7:a p. m. -- W. II. '!. r -' r. . .. . . . . rBxcin.Ts.' A.' O. Delaautar'a Scania Frodactioa U Be UCeord March. ' -. The Boekford, I1L, Star has the ful lowing: . . ,. . Two ' large . audiences ' acclaimed "Frecklea". at the Grand yesterday. Seenically it - waa -prettily, presented and the supporting company waa en tirely adequate. The book, by Gene Stratton-Porter, baa bad a remarkable vogue, and it ia not mora interesting thsn the play. The dramatisation by XallTwomey, re tains the flavor, at mosphere and charm of theytovei. The aadience had read the woah and Were therefore if complete spirit with the production. It waa an ettt of the or dinary aadience ia that young people predominated. - ; ' - - ' Tba. piece ia clean and wholesome. and deals with the- inevitable moral,. The humor, too, ia quaint, the philos ophy trn and the touches of outdoor life are delightful. There ia also a vein of pathos add of course a pretty love story ia woven to a happy eon elusions So many have read the novel that mention of "the motive of the piece ia unnecessary. A. U. Delamater, who ia-directing Freckles.': has been' fortunate in the selection of the supporting cast. In the title role John Roberts has a part for which ho ia well fitted, and be invests it with-the required emo tion and subdued acting. He baa op portunities to . overplay, - but keeps within the author 'a meaning and pur pose. He interpolates several soul's and displays a sweet tenor voice. He waa heartily encored and' graciously responded, r Miss Edith Hendosa, as Angel, was a real delight; She is quite young and .not unpretty. Her denning of the part won a warm place in the hearts of the audience. The remainder of the company is wall 'as signed. "Freckles" ia i n three acts. the seenery in each being beautiful. At Concord opera bouse Thursday, March 9. - i ..ys - . dies FBOir nrjftrBiES. Young Han't Head Badly Crashed A FonoA Betide Bailroad. . Salisbury.- Feb; 27. A The strange young white man found in a dying condition with hia head badly crush ed, beside, the railroad track near Lex- Kigtpn last, night and brought 7 to Salisbury on' a special train waa 'tonav. uifiedUaaadnJ semer-City, ? - ' J V .' . " IhrOogn the efforts of the railroad officials, hk mother was located near that place today. His father is' a mining engineer in Montgomery coun ty. The body was prepared for bur iaal and' shipped to Bessemer. City tonight,. ; He died on the train be- wre reaching Salisbury ' last uigbt. The cause of his fatal injurv is un known... X President Wilson Creates a Stir. Washington, Feb. 27. lively dis cussion waa precipitated in congres sional, eircles today . by a publisher statement crediting to President-elect Wilson that bcinteded to spend part of: each working' day in the Presi dent !s room at the eapitol, to .keep in closer touch with legislative affairs. Such action on the part of the Presi dent would . overturn a . precedent which has' restricted the President's visit to the eapitol to the last hours of a session of Congress. - , " -Democratic leaders today . discuss ed- the "reported pan of Mr. Wilson witn reluctance though many seemed. to favor it. . " . Mr. Fred A. Hull, of Asheville, was in. Concord yesterday.. . , ... THETl MQUISITI VET PCJP Hf ftfoMEfo WHAT IT IS MakeOiityour Shop- ' WaaaaaBsaaasaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaBaajaaaaaaaasBaamaBSB . pinrt List Tonight. J fl Read th advertiscmenta in The TRIBUNE and TIMES : carefully tonight." See what the manufacturers and mer- - chants are offering you. Make a list of the things you need.; Many of these items are advertised at special prices.. Ail are quality gqodsS.The makers' and sellers names are j your fpaxinU?t?7$'"i ' ' -v-f v You will save .time and strength by selecting tvery-. thing you buy from the advertising columns of TheTRIB . UNE and TIMES. J You will find more pleasure in shop' ping jwhen you knbw where 1 I " The advertisers in The TRIBUNE aad TlkES are : the mosr"reliable merchants, of.; this cityi' When their, their names are on your shopping list you will be certain j of securing the most satisfactory merchandise at the most reasonable prices. Read their advertisements in The j TRIEUNE and TIMES closely and constantly every day. (Cor: ':K 1913, by J. P. Fallon) rue ro... ) ,;,:. AKD TWE5TT,, 0TESB8 ABB smt Bosaiirfl.' ' . Five Destroys Pa way Eotalln Omaha at 4:30 Thia Itontiag. Laddert Burned Under tba; FlrenveaTIrs - Fighteft WareaAficajptj hrthe Zero WtatkerCaoai vt. nU jbn -Im Dnknowa, Voj ,:-, I ','': i'-- Omaha, '-Nebv-Feb): 2&-i-Ftv'e tr sons are known t have perisbecl.and twenty are at ill missing as the result oi a fire that destroyed the Dewey Hotel this mornina Fifty people were regiatered there last -night and only 16 are accounted. for. Jesse Hold, the manager, 'waa its) last to leave the. building, r He declared Ibat. thirty-four rooms were occupied by .fifty persons, including a dozen omen ' J. Foy, a broker,' was pasaing. the hotel at 4u)0 thia morning when 'a .man rushed out and asked hint' to help carry some people out. Si persons were lying, unconscious just -inside the door.' By the time these were 'carried to the street the building was a mass of flames. The' firemen and : police men began to search fur bodies as soon as the debris cooled, - The fire-1 men were handicapped in fighting the flames on account of the sero weath er. The ladders" burned under the firemen as they sought Jto reach the upper floors where, frantic: men' and women were calling far aid. The cause of the.fira-ift unknown. With-1 in half an hour after, ibe first woman j screamed the building fwas in fufns. The hotel watt ft three lory' structure of brick. It had-formrly beeit'five stories, but the . upper floors- ' were condemned and removed. - Largs ApFropriations; for ' North .. Carolina. Wasl.inston, Feb. 2? The jier and harbor -bill,, tarrying . large 'ap propriations, for j Nor th Caroliba n-gterway improvement, was aent to conference tonight and Senator Sim mons appointed minority eonferee on the part of the senatK, : Ir k not-ex pected that, any of he anpropriatipns lout of the biU. v- The public building bill, a which passed the senate this morning, car ried . approximately $1,000,000 for buildings and sites in North Carolina, uieludiug ' $600,000 for the custom house at Wilmington. ' i Charged With Anon. Salisbury, Feb. 27. Charged with setting tire to the home of George White, colored, burned in Salisbury last week, Mattie Garwood .was given a Bearing in Rowan court . today and held without bond for Superior court. The arrest was made at the instance of Deputy Insurance Commissioner F. M. Jordan, sent here to . investi gate the burning. The owner of the house barely escaped death in the fire.; Will Leave it to Wilson's 'Adminis tration. a v:w Washington, Feb. 28. Great Brit ains rejoinder to Secretary ;,' State Knox ' note on the Panama Canal tolls question has formally- presentel by Ambassador James Bryce at noon to-day and laid befcre the- last Taft cabinet . meeting. It has .; authorita tively stated no attempt at S rejoin der, would be made by.... the present adimniHtratmn. - -i.5:f i-; - Then SumHtt FINM CUT to find the best, qualities aty Hf TEB LEGISLATTJ1BL Te Eliminate Freight Kate Discrimi nation. State Road Bood Bill Faeeed. He Vote ea Search And SeUare BUI Biz Months School Term Kow a Law. Bood lane for Cabarru. ! ; Special to The Tribune. Baleigb, X. C Feb. 28. Uepre- aentative Justice has rTesented ia the House the report of the special legislative commission On the results of the oaferenee thus far with the railroad 'officials on the elimination of .the freight, rate discriminations against North Carolina, compared With. Virginia cities, and the House baa adopted recommendations that the Legislature authorise the com mission to continue ' negotiations to final settlement and place 'at the die-, posal of the commission unlimited funds for necessary expenses . for the member .of the' commission all to be paid only. On the order of the governor. By the vote of President Dauirlit. ridge -the. Senate last night passed on second reading the State road bond bilL 'Jhe vote came after the third debate on the measure and. it was 21 to. 21. The chairman voted amid d- plause. Being a roll call bill,' it went over forj third reading. An amend ment offered by Senator Ivic wa adopted submitting the jvhole matter to' the voters at the next general elec tion. - No vote was reached on the search and seizure bill, it bein? displaced by the road bond bill. Quite a rush of '.amendments 'greeted the liquor bill. Among those materially affect ing it were several bv Senator Gill iam, one striking out the heavy pen alty forfsecdnd offense -and leaving, violation simply a misdemeanor, pun? ishable in the discretion of the court; another striking out section. 5,.' pre venting any action from .being brought in the State court for the price of liquor sold or delivered; an- .tfifr eliminating section 7, raakine proof of sale to a particular person unnecessary and allowing violation to he proved by circumstantial-as' will as direct evidence: another, striking out possession of . one. gallon of spir ituous, three gallons 'of villous or five af malt liquor to be prima facie evi dence of jjuilk ; ; .U' The "Mouse Yassed on final readme by roll ctllVtbe sir months school ihijfjidbyii)a;SenaUi anr it -is 'ordered enrolled ' for ratifi- tion. The bill to amend and consolidate the military laws of the State and' carrying $50,000 apporpriation $15r 000 increase passed second reading and went over for final reading on objection by Stewart, of Mecklenbug, who objected to the increased appro priation. Salaries for Iredell county officers; bond issue for Cabarrus county ; char ter Raleigh Atlantic and Western Railroad Company;, charter Dunn & Clinton Railroad Company! increase itinerants merchant tax in Greens boro; revise the charter of Charlotte; road bonds for Randolph county; commission government of Charlotte; railroad commission for Gaston coun ty; good roads for Pender county; amend the charter of Gastonia; bond issue for Burlington; bend issue for Mecklenbury ; support of Newberu garded schools; school bond issue for Rocky Mount. A"er spending two hours last niirht in committee of the whole on the rev enue .bill, having passed upon, only 37 of the 93 sections the House pass ed the bill on its seeond reading with the understanding that, all other amendments, of which there are many to be proposed will be allowed consideration oh'.'the" final reading..; Salisbury Woman Charged Witn - Boning Home of Neighbor, .-f Salisbury, Feb. 27. Deputy Insurances-Commissioner F. M. Jordan ar rived in the ity yesterday to make an investigation into the burning of the house, of George and Eflie- White, wbicb waa burned . Sunday: morning bout I b 'clock. Mr. Jordan gather ed evidence last night to warrant the arrest of Mattie Garwood, who lives ui a house next to the burned one. It was stated ;that she had made threats that the hpuse would be in ashes in lest tban-three months. The defendant was tried this morning be fore" 'Squire D. W." Julian, ' and Was sent to jail to await the May term or eonrt. ' ! - ' ' "-' CAPITAL' : SURPLUS 9100,000' SS.000 HE person who takes no interest in saring sets no interest on bis savinzs. Cetter systematically .de posit part of yonr in ccae and get the inter) ttX on yonr sayings V.....lii i........ . - rcua m ' ctj r.-t rsIi et Te C:.': .'.:x . w ton, x co. jea. rouee me in; New York is one graft scandal after another. District Attorney Whit man, after touching the edirea of the gambling and disorderly bouse police -11: "... ! kuuukc, siruea a new lean when John Mustard, president of the org anisation of liquor dealers, declared hum urn soowi an aooui levvine as- aessmenta on members of hia organi. aation whereby the enormous total of $1,200,000 was extorted for tlie benefit of the police ring. Graft was paid to permit saloons to run back doors wide, owen on Sunday. Whit man believes that the money went to the politicians. BILL FOR THE DRAINAGE . OF IRISH BUFFALO CREEK. Introduced ia Senate By Mr. Cook. Senate Passed Bill Amending Con cord 'a Charter. Special to The Tribune. . Rateigh.'N. C. Feb. 28. Senator Cook introduced bills to authorize the aldermen bf Concord to contribute to the drainage of Irish Buffalo ereek. The Senate passed the House bill amending the charter of Coneord. SEARCH AND 8EIZTTRE BILL UNDER FIRE TODAY. Haa Many Amendments. To Appro priate 200 for N. Q, Room in Con federate Mansion at Richmond. Special to The Tribune. BaJeighoN. C. Feb.i2.-Pharr in trodueed a bill in the Senate to ai proprinte $200 a year for the main tenance of a North Carolina room in the Confederate mansion at Rich mond. The Senate passed the House reso lution continuing freight rate com mission and voting funds for expert and clerical assistance. The search and seizure bill and many proposed amendments are un der fire. Child Barnad to Death in Albemarle. Albemarle Enterprise .V; ; ' jAJnty. aaCdeatit. rook -place in the. jiMraljL. Co Miahaaaeiubn. auiiiniv.jiioriiiair,- er Jitter aeu!!lit cr, Ruby, 7 montlis of age. Waa placed in a small chair and tied therein, and left in charge of the children while the mother was about her work. The little guardians grew careless and de serted Ruby, and in some wav the chair was. upset, the .child's head falling into the fire, whire she was found a few" minutes 'afterwards burn ed to death. Burial took place on Monday at Bear Crek Church cem etery, Bev C. J. Black conducting the services. ; Mrs. Misenheimer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W,'E. Furr. New Nickel Will Be Put in Circula- : tion Tomorrow. .1 - in aumngion, reo. as. l lie new buffalo-Indian nickel, of which 800.- 000 have been made by the Philadel phia mint, will be put into circula tion tomorrow.. ft L. PARKS & CO. cut met GOODS In Cash's Best Grade Trim mings. Every Color ; Guaranteed. Cash's Narrow Trimming 7e and 10c goods ,all colors, 3-8 in.; !. wide, Black, white, navy, pink, red, light blue, lavender. 6 yards ' tc a bolt. " Sale price .' 5c yd." , Cash's Cambric wash ribbons 6 yards to nbolt, value 5c, special 3c. : 12c light blue edge cambric $ yards to a bolt. Both lace and : 3-4 inch beautiful quality loe ors,' also plain white. Sale ,1000 yards narrow eolored bands. worth up to 6c, sale price 3 34c, VV."1.: All wartntced colorst;:,. :" ',. .iW.ift'.Avv, 15, coiored Bands. :23 to 35e colored bands op' te;8' yv uw oyiw viwiu, wiu up.o fAbout 800 yards bsida that told sale pricey V.'iV. ..;,;,, -3SE li3 1 F. OFriCEB8 APPOINTED TO ES COBT HIM FROM PAKXS. - His Nephew, Felix Diaa, Hat An nounced Hia Oandidacy 'for ;' the Presidency. The Return ef ' Hia ' Uncle a Good Stroke of Politics for Him, Da la Rarra Win Probably Be Dias's Btrong est Opponent. -Mexico I'iiy, Feh. 28. The return of the exiled Porflrio Diss within the near future was made certain whea a group of oflicers was' delegated to es cort him from Paris. FehJt Diaa, hia - nephew. '.oday formally announced hia Candidacv for the ircjdeney.' Tlie return of Porhrio Dia lefore the elee-, tion is regarded as a stroke of good politics by Felix Diaz. . Minister of Foreign Affairs De la Barra will hke Iv be the sirongest candidate againat . Diaz. PEACE IS CONCLUDED -' WITH THE SEPARATISTS. Announcement is Hailed With Joy by the Huerta Government w Mexico City. Feb. 28. The-an nouncement of the Huerta govern ment has concluded a peace agree ment with the Separatist was hailed with joy today. This" is accepted as meaning the restoration of peace in the entire southern portion of the re- public. WILSON NOT A TETOTALLER. Hia Social Administration Will Not Be "Dry," But He Believes in Temperance. Washington. Feb. 28 The social administration of President-elect Wilson a ill not lie "dry," according to information today. Mr. Wilson is not a tetotaller, but lie believes in temperance in drinking. . Ht8vehoice.:. whiskey is Scotch. His sta'nd'on the liquor question it for local optfon. A' Big Ante Track. ' 's -U tr.--TP4.cWhfyVrrfl The: White Caa of 'rveWnd.'-'O"" " builders ol motor cars, was here to-' day demonstrating a monster motor truck. The truck brought from the 'depot fifty bags of corn weighing 112 pounds each, an aggre gate of 5.600 pounds." It -1s a car of three ton capacity, is 15 feet and 9 inelies long and fiV2 feet wide. It sells for .1(3385. The car created considerable interest, and the demon-, stration of the work it will do was witnessed by a large number of peo ple. Big Jack by Express. ;; - Mr. James L. Lefler, . of Monnt aMetnnnt, this morning, received by- express from Lexington, Ky., a largo' jack, which he recently purchased. The animal cost $000, and the ex press on it was $30. It is three years old, and has a fine pedigree.,'. " hemstitched full, cut price 8 l-3c, 6 plain edce. bands in daii.ty light and medium eol- price ii., ... ... ;V. 10c yd. ',10c yd. inebet' wd''.imi:Ilin:.3e, yd. JW, Bpociai, . . ? ::, ; ,8e.-4, aV'10 anj -(allri'ers) - ., ;'''' w A''v'iti.i ..i-. .'.v..,8ft si it'. - 1 1