CABARRUS : . SAVINGS .....BANK :apitav $10000000 SURPLUS AND 1 profits 802,000 00 W re:. ectfuJly solicit account of Corporations Firms Individuals We want your bualneta he it Large orHmalL II. I. W00DH0USE, President J. W. CANNON, Vice President C. W. SWINK, Cashier . W. H. GIBSON, Aest Cashier ' Four FEB CENT, Intorett Paid on time Certificate. OVERLAID The 1913 sales of Overland cars are already doubling those of any other manufacturer producing a similar car and still they are unable to supply the demand. The Overland car has increased over last year 300 per tent. If the sales 'have increased that much it proves that the people know a good thing when they see it. Better order now and get one soon. Agents for Goodyear Tires. City Garaflc Agents T-rjfr -r t- j-fft, Jl V XL HI V (I AZ-i !! EIGHT OUT OF ,5 ii . , ; . ,: THE BANDBOX, ss I?s Easy toloQk That Way. ! ! Just a little attention to de j; tails, like CLEANING and PRESSING will, do it. Look This Way for the Best ) Work. 1 VACUUM CLEANING AND i I PRESSING CLUB I Phone 420 -Very Serious : ' It Is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have : the wrong one given you. For this reason' wo urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine " BlGK-Dl7AL'3T Liver Medicine The reputation of this old. relta We medicine, for constipation, ln aigeraon ana liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It la better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger aale than all others combined, . SOLD IN TOWN W J FOR SALE J 0 SIX BOOM COTTAGE With pantry; lot 68x138 feet, on Georgia Avenue; ' tplsnl neighborhood, at a Baruj. Hi , TEA DAIS X KMTOJLT. ' April IL 1713 Treaty of I'treeht. which Ur n. situated the wart of Queen . Anne and served the enlarge- ment of the Riitiah colonies in America. l"6-One quarter of the city ef 'Montreal destroyed by Ore. 1794 Edward Everett," orator, and statesman, bom in Dorehester, Mesa. - Died in Boston, Jan. l., 1863. 18(12 The Confederate ironclad Mer rimack: made her jeeond ap pearance in Hampton Roads, - destroying several small vessels, 1884 Cha; lea Jieade, celebrated nov elist, died in London. - Born in Oxfordshire,' June 8 1814. 1897-War declared between Greece and Turkey. 1907- Ixrd Cromer resigned aa Brit ish Agent and Consul-Gener-al in Egypt. 1912 Premier Asquith introduced the Irish Home Rule bill in the British Parliament. Will exchange for a farm an 18 ; horse power Franklin Tonring Car in good condition, with top and wind shield. First eost of ear f2.100.00 Jno. K. Patterson. 27-tf Xxe)xe)xe)w,! f Yon CVt o Wrong in I Baying oar '. bread, bf-1 I cause ever loaf is tear- $ : anteed to give satuftc- ' ; j lion or jour money back. ; ; i : : I ; i! CONCORD STEAM XXXXXXaKei)s, e)XXKfe))Kx)IC)tcaKX 1 1 We have a few Ladies' Hand Bags that we will sell cheap, new styles. ! f o j : Gibson i Drug Store x&xxx;iK)K:r:. The diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and throat treated, and glasses fitted to difficult eyes. DR.J.S. LAFFERTY i Jffloe in the Morris Building, t ' eKXXXXeXXX-XX J. Edvvard Smoot ' raraiciAir and sorobor. ;' Phraeat OSle 88, RcaMeaea 88B. oeiec If a. Went Dt Mmt.. i ! i i X)KXXXXXXXX THE NUT CLUB feTGir bor photo . ' kSi &Vl A S? elected Tb J ) I 1 LOOKA7 '"TJt v . "'-WfeL SENT R.JLgf8 ON RW'NG HOMg L . IUgi BRjAtffSsM 3 ftiG Tine far the Gas ; Stove Oilfer to those short. About one hundred left f . Eew ke Treat Ailing Children. Growing children play bard and work bard at school, which with ra pid growth nsee ep an enormous amount of energy and vitality that vast be replaced. When a child is tired all the time, no appetite, weak, delicate and sickly we guarantee Vinol, our delirious cod liver and iron tonic, win build them op, create a hearty appetite, sound Bran and muscle tissue, pure healthy blood and make them strong. Mary Lang, of Altoona, Pa., writes: "Every since childhood I have been weak and delieate and my blood has been tbin and poor. Many different forma of treatment did me no good, but last spring I took Vinol and now I am so much stronger and better that I want yon to know it. I don't know when I have felt so well and vigorous as I have since taking Vi nol." If Vinol fails to do just what we say, we will give back your money. Gibson Drug Store, Concord, N. C. P, 8. For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. - adv. New York critics predict that pitcher. Jeff Tesreau will supplant both Christy Mattbewson and Rube Marquard as the mainstay of Giants this season. the ! There is not such a cry for higher education as there is for just com mon, ordinary common sense. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen of the City of Concord, at a regular meeting on the 11th day of March, 1913, - 1. That an election be held in the City of Concord on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the same being the 6th day of May, 1913, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Board of Aldermen and School Com missioners ; and also for the purpose of submitting to the qualified vojters of Concord the question of issuing $20,000.00 worth of bonds for erect ing another school building or en larging it he present building; also the question of raising the school ta from thirty to forty cents on the hun dred dollars valuation of property and from ninety cents to one dollar and twenty tents on the poll. 2. That for the purpose of this elec tion a new registration of all voters has been ordered. 3. That the following persons are hereby designated and' appointed reg istrars and judges to conduct said election at the voting precincts of the City of Concord: Ward No. 1, precinct 1, J. R. Cook, Registrar. J. M. Sills and VV. F. A. P.opst, Judges. Ward No. 1, pre cinct 2, R. II. Cook, Registiar. J. W. Roberts and A. L. Howell. Judges. Ward No. 2, C. J. Williams, Regis trar. W. A. Foil and P. G. Cook, Judges. Ward No. 3, Dr. L. A. Bikle, Regis trar. Wm. M. Corzine and W. Lacy Moore, Judges. Ward No. 4, L. C. Byles, Registrar. J. L. Brown and W. M. Weddington, Judges. The registration books will be open on April 3rd, at 9 o'clock A. M., as provided by law. CHAS. B. WAGONER, Mayor. W. H. GIBSON, Clerk. crn u u 3 S DEM0C1AXI0 PBDCAftT. Tb DeaMcratie Executive CJommit tee of the City of Concord at a meet ing held on the 7th day of April, 1913, hereby call a primary to be held on Saturday, April 26th, 1913, at the various polling plaeee in aaid City, between the hours of 2 P. M, and 7 p. m., to nominate Democrat i; candidates for Mayor, one Alderman in each ward and two at large, and Srhotd Commissioners under the fol lowiug regulations 1. Said primary shall be held by two poll holders in each ward and the following persona are appointed poll holder Ward 1, precinct 1, A. L Sappen field and R. P. Gibson. Ward 1, precinct 2, H. C. Crouch, W. E. Whitlock. Ward 2, J. C. Cook and W. R. Murr. Ward 3, Dr. L. A. Bikle, and J. C. Earnhardt; Ward 4 J. L. Brown and G. M. Lore, Sr. 2. All qualified electors who intend to support the ticket as nominated are invited to take part in said pri mary. :i. The candidate receiving a plur- a'it.v of all the votes for his respect ive oltice shall be declared the nomi nee. 4. The poll holders of the' various precincts shall make out a written leport of the votes east for each can didate and make a report of the same to the Executive Committee alt a meeting to be held in the City Hall at 9 o'clock p. m. on the 26th day of April, 1913, who shall declare the result of said primary. .). Any proceeding not nerein set out governing said primary and any question arising shall be determined by the Democratic Executive Commit t?e of said City. L. T, HARTSELL, Chairman Ward No. 1. W. D. PEMBERTON. Chairman Ward No. 2. C. A. ISENHOUR, Chairman Ward No. 3. J. F. WILLIAMS Chairman Ward No. 4. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Cabarrus County B. L. & Savings Association will be held in the City Court room, Concord, N. C, on Thursday, April 17th, 1913, at 8 o'clock, p. m. L. D. COLTRANE, President. J. M. HENDRIX, !)-8t. Sec. and Tieas. STREET CAB SCHEDULE. This schedule shows the time at which cars will operate in Concord, N. C. Beginning at 6 a. m., cars leave iilison Mill on the hour. Beginning at 6 a. in., cars leave South Union ttreet at half past the hour. ' Cars leave Depot for Gibson Mill at 20 minutes before each hour. Cars leave Depot for South Union street ut "0 past eacL hour. : In order for passengers to make 'connectioi.s with trains 44, 11, 46, 7, and 35 cars leave terminals, on trips just preseding arrival of these trains a few minutes ahead of time. ' This schedule is published as in formation and is not guaranteed, and is subject to c'lanse without tice NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY. Our Squashville Branch LAST O ALL QlaasjajBaaaft llPaiplks-ISellk Co. Our Whole Store is now full and running over with everything that is new, at a big saving in price from what other stores are getting for the same goods. Great showing of new things just received by freignt and express. New Bulgarian Lace Bands, worth double at 25c and 45c Sew Bulgarian All-Over Yoking, $1.."0 value, only 98c New Kir Linen Laces Only .... 6c New 10c Linen Lace Beading .. 5c 2.V New "uitain Ettamine .... 15c New Things Just Come in in Milli nery and Ready-to-wear Dept. $;!..")(! New Hemp Hat Shapes, all the new small 'shapes f 2.45 $1.00 Value Knox Braid Sailors, come in Ian. black and white, only 48c Big Lot Children's Hats, .. 10c up T.")c Value New Ladies, Shirtwaists, only 45c Big Lit, $1.00 Value Ladies, Fine White Lawn Shirt Waists .... 75c The new things we mention are only things we have all over our store at a less let us show you today. PsirksBelk Compo'v Wholesale - I Order Goods From Us I jJuuuoMoKrac oic)eaxtot;x) IDove-Bost Co.JjJE. B. Grady jj (jjfy PrBSSlBg Clull 1 """"" """"" """" " " 1 PliiiTiljifior Co ''''' iis a(ld tc your per8na' aP"; Tjfjv'r T7IJ'C ' pearance by Wping your clothes! "UL'lilv I i neat aud clean for the small sum; Bon-Bons and I Plumbing and I Hof a montu- Cluthes cleaned,: , 5 ii ? pressed and delivered same day.; Chocolates. Gas Fitting Htwis8. j " 1 nc!fLCrnfr 1 ii D. B ' Fowlkes, I PHONE 21, AND 421. ) Opposite Postoffice j Proprietor.! Gets a New Member. ' $l..")ll Value wnisN $1..".0 Ladies $:I.IMI Value gerii- Shirt $;l.00 V; Waists $.l.."i0 Value only $1.95 $"i.00 Valui' Ladies Wiiite Voil Dress es, only $2.95 $10.00 Values Kresses $7.")0 Value Presses All Hats, Trimmed Free. All Ready-To-Wear Altered Free. Sell It For Less By Express or Mall as living along the lk33 Sign up now. Voil Shirt- 85c Kine Silk Shirts, 95c Ladies' Waists. 1 New Fine Lin aud made $1.95 Ladies Bulgarian .... $1.95 Ladies While Dresses, New Ratine Ladies' . $7.45 Ratine . $5.95 Lailies' New- a few of the good price. Come and Retail La.l We Pay all the Charges. By F. R. MORGAN (Copyright. MU, JoMpk B. BowlM) n I C p r- ? - MiirfMv U RealEititaA: ! o , 1 .. J'