CITY VATm ZZICZT. i r AT niSTCZIC CLD T. JC2NS IN THI3 COUNTY. The Itecca of Lntheranism This 7-V Th noth Annual Meeting. EuodlcU Eermott by Dr. Kinwd. - Annual Eeport of PresidentEli Recommendation!. Visitor! to . Synod. Officer! Elected. Pro- "gramme for Today. .-. 1 All roads lead to historic St. Johns 4 Vila waaIt. Tt. in the Mecca of Lnther anism in Cabarrus county, not only because of the convention now m progress there, but also for the rea- that it in nne nf the oldest COD- nvu - gregationB of the county, and one or the eldest Lutheran organisations in the State. - . - . , Tha Rvnnd nf North Carolina open ed its 110th annual convention yes terday morning aill o'clock with the Bynodical sermon by the Rev. M. M. virA nn: nniitnr of St.; Johns and nresident of -Synod, from the text I Timothy 4:12, in which the speaker empnaBiieu -example of the minister of the uos i pel before believers; and before the -world. : . The annual synodical' communion was administered to the members of . oynoa iutr m Bujui.." - --ainiHtr was ordered. , " ' Reassembling after- dinner, the regular business of Synod was taken up. The president onerea. nis annum WHinr fnrth the USUal D88- toral changes, dismissals and recep tion of ministerial members, installa tions and the like. The report con cluded with a number of recommend- .na i wninn were ms mi- lowing. ; rnat everv coiiKreKauuu w uj " i.j lu ma in make the - . "every " member 'canvass" to solicit regular nntrihntinna to. the current -, expenses- and- benevolent objects; pi ne CTiurcn. ' - J - used in all our . congregations , tor making the contributions - of eacn member, , .- . -7S . '. ..3. That each congregation be re quested to make at least quarterly remittances w mw umiuw ,1a order that the objects of benevo-,- lenee may have the se of the moneys (that belongs to mero uuiiug "- - gress of the year. - o '; - Among' the visitors at Synod, the ' f.iinwinar mav ne notea: ; mjv. v. ' ; cv.n of fhA M k. Church, boutn. vi, a W McClanahan. or the Penn. ; sylvanie Ministeriura; Rev,- W..A. Deaton, D. D., of Hickory, fraternal delegates rrom tne iwineran oyuuu -. rr .ml Rav R f!. Holland. 1). D., of Salem,; Va., who as general secretary of the board of foreign mjs- . ' .: . 411 ,niV dfln-i nn thn Work Mllllin- HJU DUVB wj ' 6f the Lutheran Church m Japan. , The cause of the United Synod . home missions wiu ne preuenieu- v. ' the Rev. R. S. Patterson, late of - .-..;ii p whA hna - recentlv been elected general secretary of the , home mission board with headqnart- f 'harlntra " , Rev. Prof. A. G. Voigt, D. D., dean 1 1 the Lutheran .Theological Semin Viia fi H . in addition v Af .Via Seminary, -will LU IM7 " V . ---- , l .. speak in behalf ot the noara oi pu lieation, which haB established such ,a splendid plant in the tsapital city 1 The following onieers were eiecieu: ;'. Preeident Rev. M. M. Kinard, D. Yice President Rev. V. Y. Boozer, - of Islington. ' , ' ' - - E.'pwtdry Rev. T. U rareer, oi " ' Troutman.. ' - - . . - Treasurer Jas. D. Ileihg, Esq., or -" SaTisbury. -.- - The Synod will eontmue in session during the rest of the week, adjourn ' in on Sunday after the service of ordination, when five young, men wiu be set apart to the sacred offices of .t 4t.n ftnonel ministrv. mm v'i'v w"- . -. k. ... t.'.r r.-iLly Eport Hiia On Tie. C.ty VTater by Director E'.are Cf The State Laboratory of Ej- Biene. " -!uLerintendnt Fislier.-of the wa ter plant, has received the analysis of the city water which, according to law, is examined monthly. The made last inonth and is as follows: Selimeirt slight.' ' , . . ' Color 0. Turbidity--very slight :, : 0lor cold-r-0. , , . ' -.Odor hot slight. - ' Alkalinitv (in terms of calcium carbonate) 20.0. s-" :y.-: -.. Chlorine 5. ' Nitrogen as nitrates 0.02. V. " Nitrogen as nitrites 0. . J. Albuminoid Ammonia .058. 4 Free ammonia .050. . Total number of bacteria at 20 C. per- e. cfl. 80. '''. Total number 01 oactena n 90 y rwr . e 6. .....-.1 . - v, . . '. Total' number . of , acid producing bacteria 0. - ..v j - Colon bacilli m'10 e. c 0. ; .1 Colon bacilli in I e. c. 0. i,' t "t UT. PIXAEAXT KXWS. Vunidpal Officers EVUi The Sym- od. Last Brick Lid on Seminary SnUdiaf Etors Boom te Be Erect- k A V avrtTi ft T - - J Ut- May 8.-Mt. Pleas- BAPID PEOGRES3 WAS MASS nt passed through the throes of the AT THE TRIAL. . - Jji,. fon0win were elected: Mavor. Lee Evans Foil; commissioners, L. S. Shirey, D. D. Barrier, J. B. McAllis ter, F. W. Foil. The tilth eommis- Case Was Started Yesterday After .. ... roiAiiv FMnltjwl in a ti hetveen Pmf. noon. jsviaenca Bnwuawea .itP V r. L Jr u ii. c -v ... J. U. C. Fisher and E. M. Dry. School Not Bring Out Any,-New Pacts feommiseioners: Dr. M. AFoU and Which Have, Not, Kilherto Been ' Eeported. Acqquitted. The ease of State vsi Manly Mor- D. H. McEachem. The proportion of voters to the number of candidates was two to one, approximately. This would lead one not familiar with eon- ine ease 01 aie vs. Maniy juob, v.. 7- r --. v-- ria, charged with the murder of 6aJdllw to. the conclusion . that the vt iu ti town is full of office seekers, but such 12:40 o'clock. The evidence was eon ot the case, It is the "stayat- omers, in people who are saus- eluded late yesterday afternoon am Attorney uuieuiHon uiaue im. ing speecn ior toe oiaie oeiore eour) ariuflirtiKil for thn Hsv. MpssrtL Hart- sell, Means and Osborn for the-de fense and Solicitor Wilson lor tne State spoke this morning and Judgp fied with conditions as they are, and who do not. care to put tnemseives to the trouble of going to the polls. - . Thm Mmmnnitv ib lnnlrifiir fnrwurfl with interest to the meeting of the n. U. a.' 1 Dynoa, wnicn convened -nr 1 i 1 I -1 1. 41 I in hiarnn Kt ' Jnnn'B VPtArnnv. It. jury. The State is asking lor a ver- expeciea ma am tew wiu umne The Luther Brotherhood Tonight. The regular monthly meeting of Rmtirlinni1 nf Kt. James Church will be held in . the lecture room tonieht. f beginning at . eight o'clock, . The committee in charge are sparing no pains to make this a very interesting gathering. All men of St. James and their friends are urged to be present. - Visitors from the Synod now in session at St. Johns areexpected to be'with the brethren, among whom are Mr." J. H. Rehder, of Wilmington; Mr. a.- a. a.Hi.' f Qnliotinmr anil T?AV. 1?.: OUJTUOl, Ul ua,wwuj, ..... . - Patterson, the1 newly elected general secretary ' oi; nome missions.. Rehder and Mr.; Snyder are two net ive, energetic laymen of their respec tive congregations ana win nave a practical message for the men of St; James. Mr. Patterson ia- a gift ed speaker, and will delight his hear ers. Following' tne programme, re- frBhn!0nta v :U be sen'cd and a oittl hour enjiiyed. ' . ; . , '.' f diet of murder in the second degree or manslaughter. The jury had not returned "a verdict - when court ad journed for the noon recess. --., . .The trial of the case was begun yesterday afternoon. ; Quite, a aum har at witneae wttr examined, on: both Bidea and the case progressed with nniiannl. disnatnh for. a murder case.: The contention of the fetate isi that Morris, after having a difficulty at a poker game in a room on me third floor of the Pythia nbuilding vith Ttnh Armstrnnir on the nisht of the murder, went to tus nome, secur- it convenient to attend the sessions Mt PlAiu&nt had extended a soecial invitation to the members of Synod to a picnie supper to. be served on the campus of the Institute Friday AVAnini, . .Tf.. will lui a mniiinft nlefljt sure for our people to open, the doors oi hospitality to this noay wno are aIaoaIv rilontinAil -with ftnmA nf the interests of the town, and at the same time it will give Synod an inside look int. thA wort nf their, educational insti tutions located here, something of its Viatnre now and sometning or tne plans that are soon 10 materialize tne muraer, weni. w um uvuie, bcvw.-. r - V. .. , w hi. hUlnl. esme back and fired at, Wto larger and better schools. We are - . ... i i. . - JtA i tiewa finiiAri wiih tie Armstromr. who m tne meantime naa,' w ThA last brink hfla been laid- on ,Mnnt Amnenn Reminarv and within pthe next few days the building will be ready for the roonng iorce. . ; i 11 The, Hnlnnel'a 'Maid'! was nresent- d by local talent at the auditorium dies wra bCiOiflLI TO TEE APPODTTMXNT OT vWATTS AS COLLECTOR, 1 .- . .. All the Congressmen rrom the State Except One Favor Mr. WatuV Ap pointment and President Wilson Wfll ' Soon Nam Him, it is Thought , A' . ' W.xhinirtnn. Mav 8. A. D. Watts will in all nrobabilitv receive the ap- pointmeut soon of collector of Inter nal Revenue lor tne western aisincv of North Carolina. It is said now that all the State Congressmen but one favors Mr. Watts. Secretary of the Navy Daniels' opposition to nim has been withdrawn. - - , ... SOUTHERN BY. INCREASES ; PAY OP LOOO SHOP MEN. Many Employes in South to Benefit From Decision of Road's Offi otnnneri1 in the lnbbv of the Theator ium together, with several compan ions, i ' '" The defense contends that Araw at!rnno wm tnakinir an effort to do Morris bodily barm witn a anue nnu ? .. , " ' ; . . . . . ,m SainrAav nivht. Anil had been eon- beer bottle and tnat ne snot in se jr-:"'-"j ---- .--- --- - . - defense, 'the ball missing Armstrong eded one of the best entertainments an hittino. Mnnrnn. Morris was the nffered during the year. , principal witness in his own lSJZrJZ - . 1 ia testineo in auosiauee, ,iuti tuo, v r , . a. : , wt. Vorth Carolina Postmaster! j . . j u- ,Uv nisrht ot commencement week ""V "-.-t ISamed... ' :. , 'J playing--poker together-in-a-room inTaiTb- I . .. . ir '1'k.M man noa nMit uii mi wii.n . Kameo..- j, piaying-poker togetner-n aroom uttv-j "t ' . . ; ir " . .,-:i.Lr..tu- J ' nnnrfl -H. - ntfilll.Hliil.ill lit Uf ltlUCilUllIVl -North Carolina got eight new uem-1 the-"ytiua ouiwing, wmcu ire uu - yr "T'l " , . ...I f . kai. iAntori tnirpthrt- from merit,' and m the bands of 'the eap.i- ocravic w r -----. .-"-"T"---.:.Ba ble cast we bespead a performane, or tnem wepe tirauiiuuw dais. - Kansas Citv. Mav 7. Increases in wages for approximately 1,000 shop men employed on the Southern rail road and allied lines in the southern states have been granted by the rail roads concerned, acording to an an nouncement from the headquarters oi the International Union of Carmen. i The announcement was based upon a telegram from F. M. Ryan, pres ident of the carmen's union, who is attAnrlino a ennference. in Washing ton, D. C, between managers and heads of the allied shop cratts. , Th tolAo-ram aaiil an . airreement had been reached granting two cents an hour increase to an tne carmen, effective April 1, and that this would adit to the carmen's income by a to- t.l 1 RK AAA annnnllv Officials said as.OOU carmen wouia, be affected. They said the telegram indicated that boilcrmakersj - sheet metal workers and other ainea eraiis also had received increases. -1 CHANGE OP ADMINISTRATION WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY City Engineer, Clerk, City Attorney Asa Tax Collector to Be Elected in Jane. Policeman to Be Chosen la October, and Recorder la January. coaer iu city charter tbe n?wlyv elected city officials will Assume, their : viiiw uw.uiuBjr. uty mayor ana iMarman miartaA will L. ' www aa vaac hUO VBLU of office at the city hall Saturday at ' uwb buu Luc ium vui oe aamimster-. ed bv Mavor Wi ence of the present members of the ooara oi aldermen. Concerning the -city offices the charter provides: Section 5. "That the board of al dermen so elected shall convene with in zour days following its election, for the trannartinn nf hiiainau my A among other things it shall fix and de termine ine salary or all officers or emDlovea nf thA iitv nf rTnniAi"wl a. eept those herein specified and at a regular meeting or tne board in tae -month of June following it shall elect 4 the following officers none of whom shall be of its number: A sanitary inspector and city engineer, a clerk, treasurer, city attorney and tax col lector and such other officers as it may deem necessary for the proper government of the ritv anil at tha same time it shall elect one member of the board of light and water com missioners." The section further pro vides that at the regular meeting of -the board of aldermen in October to elect a chief of police and four mem bers of the police force. -- Section 25 of the charter provides: "That at . : tl board of aldermen in January it shall elect a Police Justice for the city of Concord." . - ' niMicn- fmm the district in - - . . , which they are- locaieui . iiiej' : w lowf Newton, F. M. Williams; recom mended by Mr, Webb; Hamlet; Ham- Jet, . i. Terry ; mockhvuio, tr,.i . - Wnrth; Wilkaboro. James O. Hackett;. Mount, flilead, Richard A. Bruton; all reoommenueu Page; Lenoir, VirgU D. Guire; Al bemarle, J. v D. Bivins, recommended by Mr. Doughtonj Greenville, David J. Whichard; recommended by Mr. SmalU - - v. : . . M the Pythian, Realty Company, ' and ble cast we bespead a periormance . .7 . . .. . i. . . j.j ivAallv wnrth while. - , and toat, Armstrong uci-uuh; uu '""J , w : ' h , , i. because be (Morris) would not loan Mr L.-A. Lent z has.inoved to the him $10 -and made an attack on him'rear of hu.lo the office occupied i by with a knife bnt was stopped by men A. A, Harvell's jewelry and repair . .. .. .... i.L j:m it.. ahtTV rfin ' thA. nnane : vacated - Jar. in tne room. - Alter tuv uiiirouivjf ."r' " . -r--- , Mnrria tifld that he started for, Lenta wilt erect a handsome two story his home at Forest Hill but as he was passing the Associate Reformed Pres byterian Church on union street ue Methodist Church to he Dedicated. r if "Rherrill announces that quarterly meeting will be held at St. Paul's Church at Bost's Mill next Saturday and Sunday. Tbere will be preaching on Saturday : at 11 a. m., and arter dinner ou w tiuww.j" business session . will be held. On Sunday St Paul's Church will be dedicated by the preaiamg eiucr, -nr T Wm " ThA Phnreh is beautl- fully located and has a one memoer- ship.- - j , .", ' '' -- ; Tha Colonel'g Maid. inr-h. nixnai ' Maid.'' a' comedy in three acts, will be given by the tha : Mont ' Amoena .cmin'iirv and Collegiate Institute, of Mount Pleasant, in the. auditor i .i oh?., nm nn Saturday ev- iuui wi. - --- - o ok ening May 1U. ' Admission on, and 15 cents. The play is an expose ;vn f various difficulties met v h.h.inr ' hnnsekeeDine,' and is very asevMVBva) ", comical bnt instructive. - AW .lartad hanlr imtnwn to eet bis horse As he approached the picture show, he testined ne neara Aroubioiug a ,.niyv and tnr fear of meeting him he got oat in the street and walked down the car traca. just - opposite the picture show, Morns,1 said tnat a muimiiD enlled him and cursed . V 1 , . "11. i him and then made ior.nim wun inner, uu ""."""J - rr knife in one hand and a bottle in the 'condition is noi uupioveu otner ana iuu ue um i.nv, . ,. Mrs. C xi. inayer i hiicuuius I ' J It :-' . I TJe f " e You-2 and' Kr. . .'.1 I" rricl lri a FClul John 'i cf r , i t c c 'J H 1 1,1 v.i Lt ! - tri.i. er its a bsj., ' t i vii. ing r( luiivis from te C".. - rver ; t. 1 I'r. John i, -v pmrried 1 . ' a id are ' ' d.i t' --ir we - ( o i 'i- tx vnrir rtt V H lit Jt i i 1 . r.ire the report tl.nt tn t ' I Wis confirmed. ' -..i.if.nt nf thn mavr;i rtni nf fino.noo Acres Bought r..v.;tnn Mav 7. Aonroxl. ...i o i imn anrAa nf mountain land in Virginia, Tennessee, North Caro lina and West Virginia were ap- nrnvon for nurchase toaay oy ,w national forest reservation oommia- . . tit . ilflll sion. This wiu mait uiwi. wv,- nnn hniicrht nv ' 106 KUV- ernment up to date ior tne laehian and White Mountain forest reservation. ' . " T..,.ra Testing at lit. rieasant Pri.l-v r.' ! t in the auditorium at x l.. .,... Km. O. U String- fild will make an address on temper arice. I'r. Etrin,;.-ld is assiatant ,:ni..nn.-nt of the Arai-ciiiuuu t ' , - f T.ri,rMi Ciirollna and is . Nn adniihsiitn fee '. i 1 ire invited. t tn t!ie po'iplo l're, 1' e jnentiy via.t lir aunt, Mrs. store room. This .will join'Mr. C. . Lenti 's store rooms recently bunt, in fact will be completion of them bvterian. cnurcn on vmon niieei, .,.,,". - --.- . . . ureiwu v. .. . ,. A -, aniahen will make a busi saw a naca pass wureu wmuiuw . " ,-r-. ... that he had left his horse at the 1W- ness house that will be -a distinct atahlA and turned around and i creait to tne wwn t?a unA Mr. R. L. Stanlev. and Rev. and Mrs. Paul Barringer spent last ;n,AAb- at. I hina itrove sttenoinz the' meeting of the north Carolina Reformed Classis. ; ' Miss Dora Moose returned to Al bemarle Saturday, having spent some tinoA with W aunt. Mrs. -Thornton Fisher, who is seriously ill, and her of the balls Striking Morgan. -The defense put much stress on uKNin'a otaomoiit made at the hos pital in Charlotte a short time before he died, v rtrandon means, w w w present at the hospital when the made, testified as to BVUtVUtVt " 1 - -( what it contained, which was in ef fect that Mortis was Morgan a ineuu and that the latter hoped that he would not be punished for shooting him.- -; ,- ' , . , ' . nh Awnatmnir baa eone to parts unknown, having left here soon after murder took place. Mnxria Aeanltted. The jury returned a verdict at 2:33 o'clock finding,-Morns not guilty. A DEMENTED WOMAN . , MURDERS HER BABIES, nm.)r in RalfahnrV.. Mrs. Hugh Sanders, of Salisbury, is visiting her parents, Mr; ana mrs nr Wm Tfnhn hfta returned irom much imDroved in health, having undergone v treatment there for nervous troubles.. Miss Estelle Dick, of Concord, Mtnnt laot waV hero. Misses Laura ana uniau entertained the junior class of Mont Amoena Seminary . last-;- oaiurunj "'or' William I "Sappenfleld, of Con cord, was a Sunday visitor here. , Mr. J. Y. McEachern spent Sunday in Salisbury. - , ' . - . To the Veteran!. The Dodson Ramseur Chapter, U, n r .Ttondi a. enrdial invitation to A V., WAVw . ( A each and every veteran m the county to participate in tue jwwvi J '"' '.itfemorial Day Hiefcliesr''' TtiA" nvhrrraminri-rwllinh will be twe- Isented under the auspices, of the lo cal chapter of the Uaughters oi tne Confederacy . Saturday aiternoon . i 2:30 o'clock in the opera 4' house, promises to be an unusually attrafcr tive one. - -tr. xr tt C.aMwM. onr townsman. and a gifted speaker, will make the memorial address. . Asiae irom tue always inspiring patriotic songs of the Veterans' Choir, eleven young i.j:.. ': mviauntinv tne , seceding alum, . . r, - States wiU render 4The Dream of t - T.innnln." a beautiful poem. written by Rev. Plato T. Durham, a former cpneora pasior, vuo Mmiviud bv Miss Janie Patterson, one of our most talented young ladies. A quartette consisims Messrs. J. B. SberrilLand T. C. New man will sing a pretty and appro- A1.A PoJ WharA th Bovs Are at bllO Jfx .- Rest." Immediately alter the exer cises a line of march Will pe lormeu il. ..,.i1uiiim vnrd to decorate the Confederate monument. The pub lic is cordially invited. - SECRET Alt i THE TARIFF BILL ' WILL BE PASSED TODAY Expected to Pasa at Least on Third - Roll Call. The. Progressives Are Divided. Washington. Mav 8. Onlv eiit. and ,j , j dned opposition of the minority, which recognwed the futility and the overwhelming Democratic majority, .intervened on the final passage of . x : i.:n Ai. it u xi.j. ' iiiiv ianu uui ill lue nuuse mis i- ternoon.' The formal reading of the engrossed measure has begun and , it ia, expected .to pass at-least on the" third roll call. The Democratic . schedule is to vote almost solid. . The Republicans are almost solid against it, and tne rrogressives are divided. . ..- to parncipnw u --' " - ' : - 'eTArciaes. which are to be held bat RiaahM Their Throats With a Large j t. 2:30 o'clock in j V . UtUBJ - , ... ,t T' '.'.,'.v' I , V'"..!- I .. " . . ' T ...Ja tk att.Ann uarvins juiuv. , , it' , - i the opera nouno. iu vm ------ : : . L.J. .nn nrA TAnlie8ted tO meet Philadelphia, May . B.-auddemy , ;,,lock nrompt- j tni Mr i m. Kn uta. aeea v ".t . orir'tnTav ;n he7infanfly. Mr. M. H. Caldwell, the apeaaer : , - a v. haa 'A messase ior eacn Blanche, twenty-two montns oid, ana - - . tfc mnnth nln. slflshins one of you. Lend inspiration i vue their throats with a large carving occasion by your V . knife. : The deed was enacted in the ..m. rmm wliAra the woman's hus band and another couple were sleep ing. The babies' heads were almost severed. " The -husband overpowered the wife in a strujjsle. - --.' TTam Ta Sncceed Helen Lonzstreet. Washington, May 7. V,'hon Presi at the csipitol to- j.... i, .ionHi1 the lieor-ia hena- Whcn the question of locating the tors about g-tting anoi: . .lndidate ; I' i i 1 1 i u;i.An tMA niieAr.inn ni loeaiujir luv t.( 'a Jr.. L!'3Cted City 'tt . r ot tha annventinn of f ,r t'.a C.'iU'HVille poM "7. the International Typographical un- i,.J to tl.c report tunt TLo e-ty coiiimis- ion at Nashville, Tenn., in August, str.-t v s not to be f ,- t ! f.r.ii'l meet-'tho delegation from Aslioville will I-' t it v-a3 annou . : , '1 Ji.l.n W. make a detenni-sdl f ' t to secure the y,r. J. ! had bf , brnnch home for V.W. - .-I -.. T orf-tvi LonL'- ' -d. .!rs. II. okd to Evidence Pllea Vp Again ..Buftra- ettes. t -a' u ft With the resum- ed hearings in Bow street court evi 3 .nnt;niiai - t.n nile - ud against the suffragettes charged with conspir acy. Among tne eviaeuc ?' that Fnward G. Clav- eeius imuniiiuj, - ----, ,7. ton, a Richmond chemist, aided mili tant in furnishing information of inflammable chemicals,givwg location . . l ....J all Scotland Yard OI luuiuoi , : , . . is working on the St. Paul's bomb case. - ' " Ttn thA hearinir Mrs. "General is j lionaari at. nrisoners dock, due to the weaaiiwM. .ii, a - Annie Keenev and Miss Kerr showed extreme weakness. Due to illness Mrs. Drmnmond s trial was postponed to 'May i hava Aatnn ainoC None oi wp.""""- . , they were jailed. They were released 1 J ., i i.n.. luuidd aub. on five tnousanu uoiuw ""-". .tt Clavton has recommenoea jau w,i,u- lout bond. - " 1 . The Meeting! at Porest Hill Church. Good interest is being manuesiea . . ii. . Af mAAtinrrn now in pro- ln iiie dciico 1' ., . . . -i il... VnriiEt. lllll MIUUU1I, Church, being conducted by lev. W. M. l'.9, of Newton. K-rvices arc being held at 3:30 and 7:"0 V- m. On next Sun ! 'V ai.cmoon Mr. LJes will iK-u-h :l . n "la the You.-; I., m t . ' vice i'.l be f"1' ''a 1 ' 1 ' SCHOOL CHILDREN STRDIE ' m GREATER BOSTON Assumes Alarming Proportions. . Windowi Are Smashed Today. Boston. Mav ft. Thn aehnnl ehil- - dren's strike in greater Boston as sumed alarming ; proportions today . . when the ranks were swelled and . windnwa amaahnI. . Mnra trnnbln ia threatened from the strike and the police threaten drastic action. The children want shorter hours. '-, Case of Mahry vs. Brown Decided 1y Supreme Court. Tn thn cara nf Mahrv va. Rrnwn. from Cabarrus, ' the Supreme Court this week: amrmed the judgment oi the lower court in holding that the widow of K. A. lirown eould dispose of her husband's property ' in any manner that she desired. The bus- . band left all his property to her in life and appointed her and her two sons as executors of the will. : Xhey sold a piece of the property, but Mabry, the purchased, would not ;. take it unless all the heirs signed the deed. : The suit was brought to test the validity of the title and was a - friendly one. , . '.- Case Decided for York! Farnitnr Company. In the Yorke Furniture Company, of Concord, vs. the Southern Rail wav thA fnrnit.nrA enmnanv wins out ; in a ireighi aispnte, Becoming w , decision or tne supreme vourt nauu- . ed down Tuesday. The lurniture company applied to the Southern for two cars to ship furniture to Kan-; sas City, and was supplied with four , small cars instead of the two large 6nes specified, the agent assuring the company nuai, vw apy. Li the end the Southern eon i teted for the higher rate, making a diffAToncA of $46 in freight, ' The nnrt holds that the two-car rate 1UUBV UV WIKW. .v-i The California Japanese Situation, j Washington. Mav 8. Deliberation continues in the administration's atr titude toward the California-Japanese situation until Mr. Bryan comes back. There will be no tormai pro test from Japan until Governor John son si;;iw the nien-ine ami IT neeoinei a law. Xo aii'ioo-,'- . t i- miKic , to t1 e a.' i - - - ' '' l! Now for ' ii.' Km