A Stale library 1 - - J. B. SHERRXLL, Editor and Pt "sher NO. t ::.n r ITIZ ( AT rL2ASAXTl :v3 L." ! i-,. Tts LI' 'a C t T a t Tie C: r ;i .. c i v r : - v. . : : a . :- cr r '. ' - t r " ii : .; : ii'. ' s i tf t' j : " i v, , I'.z ... C .J...:. s cf C.y Clears, : Y.LIvh YTas Eon. ;.'.. At 8:13 o'clock last evening Mayor l "'. ,.i...l ii,rl !Vre ..- -jr meeting. This l -ed ail hoi of V.'e.l- v i I t - i w'.s : !. the 1 r. ' . ; i -.. lvp'y an-1 e ; i.at ! n.. t ) I ,a-e any obta!e in ! I' f way cf a city f.tther attending miil-wc. k sit vices. The secmid Tliur ',(';! nibt in each month was then r i m .ri'ir. ) a-s the if-rulnr mm " 'y meet j i, l: isi i.t and ti e board ,! , ., j. i1 A. F. llartsell tat-ped on the desk at the city hall, Tallin;? the first meet-, wg of the new board cf n! Vrmen to otvi-r. tuite a crowd of eitu-i-im was present, all 'the seats in the. little court room being occupied and a num. ber stood around the walls. ,. A de sire to see the new beard in action And to watch their maiden efforts in . transacting the city's business was the motive that promised the citizens .to gather there as it ; had, been pre viously announced and was general-, ly known that the only business that -. could be transacted at the meeting a get forth in. charter was fixing the salaries of the various officers, This .the board proceeded to dd immediate ly after" a board was called to or der and City Clerk Gibson called the rolV shqwing tbaV every; alderman "was present.; ' " Y'-l. ' ' ; -. ' ' : . The mayor's salary was first taken - up,'. ' The city has" heretofore been paying its chief exeutive $.50 a month, Alderman Ritchie moved that;" the salary remain at. this-figure" and it was so ordered bV.a tininamous Vote of the board, . . .i f The city attorney's salary was fixed at $150 a -ye r,- t ie as k has been foi seven. 1 s. ' Thfrcity tax collector's sulary then' - came up and -the new board proceed-. ed .to whack a" lu.0e slice of the 'e "pie" that - has heretofore accom panied this position. - The city .tax collector -has been receiving 2 per 'cent for eollecting the interset and school fund and 2Vx on the' general ' fund.'1 The school and interest fund .. has ieretofor"aii""'?nted: kkj&PiitSS imately $"7 .J"si. l tjie general fund $20,000, making a yearly income of aoDroximatelv $1,173. The new bond issue,, however, will increase" the amount. , Alderman Cook moved that . the board pay the tax eolleetor 2li per eent. on tbe school an4 interest fund and 1 per centi on the general. making a yearly stipend or apDWJE mately $33750.. -The motion vwas passed 4 votes to 1, Alderman Wlden honse voting in tbe negative. .' ' 1 The eity clerk's salary, $430 year, was left at that, figure. The eitv engineer's salary was then brought up and afforded considerable discussion. Seral elenents of in terest we're brought out at this stage . of the; meeting. : A niption fixing the salarvlwas passed, 'reconsiUefed, re- f pealed and then passed again .The citv .engineer, so it : was stated at the meetincr. has- been receiving salary f $3sa month and extrtf fees for. work for the board or water and hi -t . commissioners, This arrange nu nt apparently did not meet wjth the approval of the new mayor and ' board. 'As Mayor Ilartsell express ed it, "VV aU kuow that , the, water and hcht board and ..the- town gov ernment are . conducted Separately, 'but if this work is done for both the town and Water board at the same cent both 'will- save and the citizens . wi'.L be benefitted.".- A -'motion -was n R.!e t' t t' e city engineer perform a'.l ti e ii ' t (f t'.i - oRii-e, do what fcvwr ww':-r s ',,!' hv. the city nd I'm vi r 1,1 llsht bonhi am ". act in the - ;ni'.i; ' of- a sanitary at . li-er for tl-e -sum of $"" a mi-ntli, Ti;e motion was pa;ed .by a umuu ii,- h v-!e. . - Li. : e i.i t' a n- iiig, . however. Al.iL'ni.nn i.;. i.'jiiiise moved t!ml s 'Tortus!' C - " 1 r.tnuir.nf. Mr. Kditor: h ulad to kee the article In your ytcrday iwne in regard to jhe.old Lutheran Church projierty; now held by a board of trus tees, as a site for a .graded school bilding. H seems to. me an ideal sit uation, for another building for seliool purposes. '. . . . ' . - ; In the first plate a school located there will accommodate i aft of the school children living on South, linion street,' East and West Corhin street and.South Church ,treet.' .-.-, ' A prominent city official, to whom I spoke about this location gave me the frail excuse for not placing the building there that Prof. Webb would have too much walking to do. - What about the school children? It woutd save a long walk to the Central build-' ing. v (Shall Prof.' Webb's comfort be regarded before that of the children t . The lot consists of one and seven eights of an acre, ample room for baseball ground.' This? property - is held by i the board of trustees ifor school purposes, and the board, in my opinion, would only be too glad to donate it to the city for the proposed building. t'S;--ilf'i"-.-y) VJ.. ' ' Your article was' mistaken las "to my . being -ehaurmani of, the! board. ! I am secretarv and treasurer. - " : ' , ,. CHAKLES MeDONATj).' V .. . . - i ea . . w i -w .'s r -. ' ' A-. - I s. let- ' I ... .' - Work hs been b m on the new rv,;;on beside, the kke. This pvil u.a ul In 60 feet In dis;' -1 r and will be fumtlwd with t ' i- and chairs where s'l who Vi i n ay go and spend their ereiii- ,id watch the boats which will son be on the hike. Mr. II.- G. Kite, who mns a !i at Concord and - Recital of Hiss Rldenhour. ' The recital of Miss ljima Rideiv- hour'; soprano, given ; in ,'! Memorial Hall, Salem College, Jast week Str tracted a large audience pf students and invited guests. Miss Cidenhour's werk was of a high order and she-was the recipient of much praise from fac ulty and musie students. Mie is eon -;Wid hv the beads f'ihe niusic deimrtihi'iif tii' be one of the -most proiiiiHing young singers developed in recent years. "Her nnmberswere as follows; - . . ' -"Thou Art to MeV Chadwiekf "Shall I Meet You "-De Koven. " A Birthday " Cowen. 1 ;.! Where the' linden Blooms" Ruck.. ' - , Miss Ridenhour was assisted by Miss Duncan, reader! who gave in an . . ., -. n . . effective manner - tnree - nets irorn Ydra." - ' , ' . ' - -.;.; . i;,: 'I : ". . ''.'y'g' V Mr. Hendrlx Not a,Cndidte; Soon after the municipal election the political wise ones began figuring on the :men who would . garner tiie spoils in the shape of the various of fices- to be nllei by the newly elected board of aldermen. One name of the slate that was generally selected, was Mr. John M Hendrix as city clerk. The selection was so general in fact that the public bad become to believe. that the matter was aU DUt settled. However, the slate makers are doom ed to'disannointment, as Mr. Hendrix rises to renjark that tie pas not Deep. a candidate, did not . want to e candidate and would under no cir cumstances be a candidate, i Now. therefore,. m view of the above announcement it is, tip to the slate raakers to get busy again and select a eitv clerk,- Guess who! the nn be reconsiucrcd and. In e lie then s- 1 t v wnik 1-e ;; ! v t ; ( ; . p .1 .! li-i-ce. A . t i f o n r. .-r howe' - '' Dance Last IMght. 1 A nun.l.cr of young people hel4 an join,.' d e t the hlks;- Ubme Kt eveuintr from 9 to 11 o'clock 'hose dancing were! Misses -Mary : k liiniT, Urm i;oznrt, j-.uenia imtc, ... ;-ie Oood'-on, : FMud We ks, 1 1 1.. ilnte Melius, V-n-y 'mm and Vrs. C M. Iiasterly, is . Noah. CorrelI,! Harry Ctild . . Cv White, II. (1. C Wiie .. .. ' .. M 1 - I - uinerv, T. F. Morrison .and vp "My store b Kannapo'is, will be. the proprietor.' Mr. Kdt will put in two boats as soon as they afrive; one is an 13 foot motor boat to carry 10 pss-iengers. and the other will be a row bt-at for the athletes.' Another motor- boat will be added when- required, and more row boats also; .The, pavilion will, be lighted by. electricity and will be made eomfortable.' TUis will will be a good place for picnic parties and ice cream suppers. There' will be musie also.. . 'ti : ' ' : ' Kannapolis lias 'not "' got lasy : by any means, but is like a hive of bees and all drones who willnot :work soon' become ashamed anoleave for some loafers' paradise.1: -'.' i The Methodist Sunday school will observe next " Sunday as Children's Day. ; The. regular morning service will give way to the programme which has been arranged for the children. which Consists of songs' and " recita tions suitable for the occasion.-- .fy. Messrs, K, A Gregfif and T. P. Moose took a trip K Bessemer City m Mr. Gregg's automobile Sundays Mr. C R.Harmon and family -spent Sunday, at King's Mountain,' going over in their - automobile. Automobiles are plentiful here now, Mr. II. F. Propst bought one some time ago and since then Mr. Harmon bought one. -Dr.; H. H. Cauble has gotten tired of runaway horses and now rides .about in an auto. There are still other machines we cannot now remember.. - 'r- - : "'T i.i., --' , -x-i The Methodist Philathea class gave an iee cream supper in the Y, M..U A ball (Saturday evening, and bad a nice time, Mr. J. P. Moose, of Vinston-Slem, formerly of this place, is here visit ing his " daugbteYs.3Iesdflmes, J.t IL Ilonerentt, L. JSl..m fnd,.M. -A, Ijndsay, eominrf especially to .see ,'1' h. Hopvcutt. who is verySwk itis. Mr. Moose hjjs many fjiiends j here who are glad toeeetin , - . -'f-'i The reDort of the Y. C..A.,lor ,.......' . . - AdiiI is out and shows a total mem bership at the last of tbe month of 520; There was' an: average: attend ance of 197 members and 20 VisHars each day. Moving pictures- and edu cational oictures were -well : attended a well n ih ladies nmnts sua Scout meetings, besides a numbier of miscellaneous meetings: 148 ooolts from the library were read and.14 baths taken. . , .; Rev. O. L. Stnncfield I'ad isrge audience last Thursday night to 4ier his lecture "Blind. Tigers and Juzs. Must Gd.". ; The ; speaker .was ap- nioudpii often and all who heard mm were edified. ; The ladies jiad exclmv ive use of the ball. Friday night- The movintr toicture show Sflturoay flign was attended; by thi' nsnal large; Man, .-V'-Si '-h ,iv..'-'."a''.t----? Arrancements are being -mad for a charity enteftainment7? to. ha given Saturday . nigbt,., the ZWt, jo raise fnnda to be sed by the chanty eom mittee for the benefit of any desti tute families who may be : found bere fnvm t me to time, xuere wiu oe iauy chorusev: male qnarteUeand: solos, also band and other instrumental music, together -with some comedies, etc. ". ' ' - :-.'' :- ; --' ' . - There i-ill be moving picture to; niht illustrating thereeent flood in Ohio, acompanied. by . lecture n seme. :C 'i-r-"i i- Kanna t IT t ; . r i At : w. eses by C . ci:. ter w..i i meeti; t sage is i l part me-1. until -i.r. York. . . . Tbe first " to b a r Stats D point - c t i Mexieo, t American t be devoted ion of frie- the Unite 1 ,'. : President -" industrial . ci tion congress September, 1 Senators Shklj on him. Secretary fe ordered at Erst 1 by an agent of - SO, T;A!f- XL -' y x Vp ta -'CaU .-r, a: ; ;TlaCU.ri - ..r,-.;- ; i M-Ihe Japan- . ti complicated i i snot ana iat.. ; eountry. , The s&u .The eommeacmnt exereisee of tbe i ' -uut Pkasaot Collegiate Institute -1 take place in tbe auditorium Mav S3 to 23. - There are ive graduates ti.is year, namely: Mesara. John Ban Crs, George Franklin Davis, Floyd I'o. tingle, James Gilbert I.veriv. Uyuius Daniel Thomas. Tbe following -s a complete programme or the ex ercises: . - - . - ..' . Sundav. Mav 2S. IT . Rum. laureate Sermon Rev F. B. CLiusen, . Carolina. u:l :. , vt . r . ... I r, 1 Snnday; May 25. 8 p. in.. Address before the Y. M. C A. and Y. W. C. I A. Rev. V. C. RidenW.-Albemarle. 1 a atoning ,thel. u - ' - -. - ,. . . 01. -The mat I i Monday,- May 26, 10-JO a. Ve in the cabinet maimers' Contest E. W. E. Fisher. 'ohnson's mee-lP. B. Foil, W. W. Johnson. H. C Pe t tbe StatDe-jtrea, IL 8. Ritchie, C. O. P. Trexler. will be - taken I " Monday. Msy 26, 30 p. m- Liter- arna from New I sry Address Prof. E. ' Graham, i Dean, -University of North Carolina. at w reported V' Monday, May 26, i'M n. m. annual aication of the I drama." -..' from'tte ap i Tuesday, May 27, 100 a. De- t Miir, oi .aew i paters vontest. "Araerv s Mesolved.' ' nreaa, f Latin-That the Iotiative, Referendum, and is bureau will I Becall . Should be Adopted in North t the pronMK I tarolin. - Affirmative: . s. Bowden. n8hip' between C. E. Ridenhoniv Z. L. Edwards. Keg- enta America, stive: P. E .Monroe. F.Tl. Peck. C. O. y attend the Ritchie. f - ,: i and. bnservi- , Tuesday. May 27, 1 p. ml, meeting ille,;Tenn.. inlnf the beard of trustees.- ' v vely promised I ; Tuesday, May . 27, 20 p.: -in., a, whot eellCd Alumni meeting", r ; -v ;"'' ' I't-s-.- r : Tuesday, May 27, p. m.. Game erce Keoneia h Athletic Park. - -,-r invesiigauenr : Tnesday.-May 27, 83Q p, nu Sen- tment -.of thelior ciasa exercises, M.' A. Beminery. stty of itket. Wednesday. Mav 2& 10 a. Grad- mt spent two Lating exereisest awarding of diplom- Mr. Patterson Leaves U AtUaa Uul .rrsifti Rata Conftrtnce. Eevi KorU Carolina is ' Diacriiainatea f . Axainat ,'- - v x: : ? Mr. George L Patterson left this morning for Raleigh to attend the freight rate bearing. Mr. Patterson conducts a large wholeeale grocery business and is one of the. Unrest . L J . m . r. . . . uiypcra m iown. ,r. ratteraon is r ' " .J LilO ?ERMAWE:rr cttizzm or am- SOCIATICJT ELECTED At Raleifk Today. About 200 Ken re-'' going to Raleigh as a business man nutlTas Preser.t-T Decide a ' to -protest against the inequalities of , the freight rate that prevail in North" Best Course to Pursue. Dr. Aa- I : derson Takes Chares of State Eos- .: o -1: . t .t m i . . j , T, ul'i"Vp" "w Pital at Raleiin.Otlier Matters and from Concord Mr. Patterson said nts.-vuir mvn, , ttait the difference was so great in ' the SUU Capital ' comparison- wKb i Virginia and other; Raleigh, May 15.-Tbe Just Freight : W?-k hardshlPs 1 Bates Association entered into active th North Carolina business men, iiid Mrvirt tod,v when the pUn t org tht they were losing thousands i of ;,niMtion adopted at Chariot Ce a week' dolUrs in busmess every year. r The' axo w ,nd nn.nent of- ' same condition that exists in Concord flwr8 ww, elected. Shippers -and exists in other towns, he said Sneak-io,,. eitileBg intereeted in the eon-ing-on the freight rate problem thai troversy over freight rates began i is now being considered, Mr ;Patter- j wininK fa yesterday ievening and by son said that be did not thn.k the tbe ,ime thi ntiope tuU 4f. matter nae nefn prepeiiy. presented to the people of the State. Individ nals and newspapers, he said, -speak of- tbe State - being ' discriminated agmuui m irriRiiv w w eide upoH th, be8t course to pursue present the facts as they should be; in backing: op tlie Go-ernor; and rate presented. He fben produced a let- Uommiggioa ; anv movement they ter from a large baking powder bouse uk. towards seeurinai relief ternoon it is expected that fully two hundred representatives of every see-.' tion of North Carolina' will be pres ent. The meeting will definitely de- years in Europe o) tP"0 ,m?Mi?n-Us, -presentation of medals, and an- :'y,'T- .m ., ,r, , "ff-'il-v J Inouneements." i ??-rtf: '' .lsfcv-'tW-fitu'' ' has'not bouglt t . 2nd. Ave 'are i Ford ears for one t tp: anyone, T.'- '; ' 3rd. We have r i ever with any otL . eern. v-- 'M- ' ' we expect to s-U n-iwrder fc- v . 'iier'ch- " 's c. 1U0 C11U1V I v:bmhv WJ . V" ". i,-- ' f thotLied to deny rumors as indicated j , -Sewafd,v NCb.i May 15.- After sin above. -- When there., are any liangesiaU nigt-t. searcn an otDetai statement to be made in Ford policy, ow ergsn-ltbia morning plaeed the casualties at Uation will be tbe nrst to Know it.' i eight dead and seventeen injurea . in Th dealer ho ia familiar with his I tha tornado lats vesterdav. Twenty- contract . will gir silly . rnmra. on- j two bouses were detnoushe& Tbe loss eernuie. Ford bttsmess seant-jatm-hs fiftv- thousand doHars. t him amWe euarantee that such; ro-Jean Secretary of the Red Cross wired mors are without fonn4Mion.ftr' (tbe National: agent tt Columbus, 0., Corned from tb May issii of Ford I to. offer immediate -aid ; to the f Se- Times by :tne Cabarrus; Motor MV1braska nserers. -i s! Concord, N-C p -i' v "Th fsct-tnat several hundred were v - " - ' :--.':-- lot , ball rome probably saved tbe wn. " , - Marshals Ludwig Society, G. F. Oil Cvmpanf I Davis, chief : V. J.-Cxam.m. J.iProc rd business. Itor. P. Society. S.C Bamer. R. B. Sellbg' three I Lents.- Gerbardt Society, W. F. Lof- usand doUarsI lin, w. 0 NewelL . is i. iSr-5..'b, I Mnsiii hv' Mount ' Pleasant Coneert nectwn wnat-iBand. . fs.-?:V; -H'':'. - ';.?; tomobue eon iU';'or a? t , ;v ranrxEa i htorxado cara tnwuga r-r.-,.?" - , - -.- .:; .t,--.;- 4,;lciIi'xTa in Cincinnati. The letter quoted the freight rates to- various towns , in North Carolina points about an forci bly as it Can be put.'-;The rate from Cincinnati to Lynchburg, Norfolk aqd Danville,"Va.' is 40; from Cineiji- nati to Concord, Charlotte and other North Carolina points, 70. The differ ence between 40 and 70 shows the advantage of the "Virginia, towns. It tells tbe ireight rsite" story as prac tically the same difference prevails in the rates on other commodities. ; , Therein lies the Cause of the freight rate agitation. .Therein lies the claim oh tbe part of the people of North Carolina that they are being discrim inated against in freight rates on the part of tbe railroads. - -Therein Ees the cause of. the mighty and insistent de mand eh the part Mf the people of North. Cnrolius for justice. : ; . a a., -hi,, i-r- 6utf ' :.Cic(1mS Cannon Mfg. from the alleged discrimination of the railroads against North Caretina -shippers in the mattei of freights. - : : Dr. Albert Anderson, of Baleigb. . who was yesterday elected to succeed Dr.' L. J. Picot as superintendent of -the Central Hospital for. the Insane here,' today entered upon his duties . Dr. Picot agreed to remain at the; hospital for a few days to assist the new superintendent in getting togeth er the details. It is now said that Dr. Picot will not contest Dr. Anderson's election. D. A. McDonald, of Carth age, was ' elected president . of. the. board of directors and 8. D. Daniel, of Littleton, secretary. Other elec tions will be made later. " ' ; 1 , Thomas W. Tenner, chief clerk-at the State1 prison ' during -Governor Kitchin's administration, has "been elected chief clerk to Mayov James 1. Johnson at salary of 100 a year.: T. -W, Kmg.- formerly with the Jef ferson Standard Life Insurance Com- pany,- ana now.witft rroee vo.. .RaleigH. May 14.-Dr. Albert Ander-L,. :- n-,: ,v. it from oui -,x aawiga, ww iera8hingr. into tornado wrecxage. ana sworu tu m bujjviwhiiou vi. the, state hospital at Kaleigb ..-to. sue- wniek.-waar-ser- for.-trial iis morn tng vwswmpronrised and. court d journed. all. the1 cases on. ihe civil docket hiving beetMried exept those continued. When . court opened this inorning '-: itnev- attornjays announced that : a- compromise- bad been agreed Jpon. It is understood that plaintiff agreed to give-, the defendant $600 and- that each side was to snare equally' tbe cost-of the action. - The icomplaint alleged that the husband; of ibe defendant died as the result of injuries sustained , while working for 4to: plaintiff nnd that . the injuries were due negligence on the part of said plaintiff, Tillet & Guthrie,; of . an r WV 1 . WITH Charlotte, anu i. w. unvs i Wil mington, represented the plaintiff andlernor Craig,s K L. C. Caldwell, of ' tSatesville audTand two of Mr. . . . ' . : . . mi - . 1- . 7i AV 01f, whose term had: expired, ine election was nnanimmik nA tharA -will jhA no o4 t Mtttaut ' it was announed.vlTo Bl ElUUl XO ana a. ineie Dr.-Piehot surrenderimr to the pew. I .v VAiw T Cnduatet this -Taa ers that be in a fracerul manner. l-.Tne posing exCrcisea" of the' Lauras newm continue- sw uvBi;iv ulISunderland Memorial School Will ne a few days until the newupennten-J Mft tnd oj : v , i dent familisjntes bunsrtf -with . tbe i: Mo.j.v. M.v 26. at 8 1, m. the d?U.a,Kv J.JJ' musics recital Will take place, nd -The election of Pj. Anderson was L.. Tnegd8y- oVWanft May 27, '8 P9ipouea tivm ,uKi. """"e''io'clock, the cUss play will oe given, the hoaM-hecause ox; me oposmon Th. foUo-in,, tre the graduates: to the seatihg of one or Uoverhort 1, Coffer, Grace Irene Good CraieVhewdireteorsand becauseDr... , c. n. Tj Rnnhia Kmi. Pjeot contended that tw dall. Mary Kirby, Margaret Lee Me- year ago, waa lor rna.iuii erm wiji. Aa-fc. Genevieve Rogers,' Ethel i ir-ix-f.AZi : yenrsv. AH; twr .-in noes tu Robinson, Pansy Amelia Stston, mnapolis, May 14, .1913 Si. il5' were- adjusted howfver y and Me j.. , aiiams ... ' 1 j meeting'. today' was harmonious, i ' ; S " ; . . , .--v-r.yv' Burke 'k Burke, of Taylorsville .the defendant. , 11 1 -t its o. : f f f I t. ry i is ., '. t he f I a " e 1. to I ii a ) 5 : C .ca r.ljrt.. t Cannon entcs-taiiu'd a j v.i,q at a most enpoya j r!y at ber home in "So. ,i 'I , . ' y ev .-in';. .." -:m-sU were: ' Parks, J-" ;" ""s T ,!ie (lOIMI: - :l '. ' - srs. i ! ham, I ' V: n .....1 : ;-8. J. I., i aii-ion. i"AH::z.:n GoWlSoniot At tks Theatorium A .tworeel Btoncbor t atureV:VTl Tor ITs Jr CL'xt cf PcMw ? " Isinewa of War.' showing the eiege of Richmond. ourinfr ,a vivu Wan The cotton broker gives up his money the sinews of war for the Charlotte, .May lt-Tlie. exeputive board of the l si of aldermen to nit '.t elected IIoi n e Moore, oi iion rne. 'chief -of 'p'-,-'-e over the inmim- L, !, T. IS. Ci 'O'. nd alter On; who tii.-.l i t ie position. Chiet V."t" i "f the lire d.-partment, ana the.eutii-c lie t! n'tment were're tni.iwl. A-HtiB Co-k was elected. chief of the s .uilsry 1. parttiicnt. - No oth er lMuiiivijw! ('.;. were changed to n' M. .':' ".' . u- ii -; ii e is h. 'ird on all sides taut the h"H ril went, outside of the city for a .chief of j "ce. ' , ; . PUT infEia UARTIAL LAWt nay Invok AasiftAiic f Army to Curt Stiff rafattaa, London, May 15,-r-Cannister filled , ....... a a tk. ry i tj Oe.Tc 'i- 'ny : 1 1 t oouineru cause. ""o"" - i -- , - , . , i,. v,,, .u . hu4i,ra nf r tniarounas oi me nnwmu swnji. escape: from prison. Me, in turn, no ruse mniawN. aTt?ZZ?ZZ saves ber brother's life when Gen- suspected. ,ome era! Grant makea a sue ' f ul attack is said to be seriously .cousderiuj in- pott tne . . . ... ' ' . j I ,1,1 .5lH.t. ,a trnttln l.on- wz and realistio naiue . scenes,,ano iu. --- - r . -r. intense dramatic situations are para- aon parimuy unuer . .i.:. . Av Inolice arrested several women, charg- motiDi in i iib yiuvuvMvu. , -ir: - . . . ., , , jor w mount in this product Tc :"J Xjit to t 't Cr Unc's ' .,-ton, May 1' f -n will have Post'.nsster Gen -"n living so e- c libra i w ..1 be pi i to the idea 1 Unioi , ed with being responsible Hastings not.. after! CjTemor J.' . "a t'7 Cs rai ln n 'postal Albert, S. i '.--'.'". r s-cent --een .i-rna- iy 1 -1 rms lis 'l.i Ixii Z3. : Sacramento,. Csl., May ; 14i Ex n -;' his d'-tennination to sign e t i Lmd 1 '1 recently psssed by 1 " -i. Vmov. Iram W. John: i. .f .r:-.'. todiv te'-.trapbel -. - ' ?rv cf t'.tate 1 -.sii a lor n' of t' ' v t ' o 1 i :tur? , !ai wss l c t t'.-e n""- -t iu. . ':?.'! t vnor bv J v-eretary ryan-at rection of Yi -i-J-'Ut Vulson Safety O. G. King:' Mr, H. H. Crock er; first eleneted, declined, to sen-e. ,;., s:.;.;- : . ., , ,i , .I , . r :-.:-,f',.--jt-i;.4;-.-Prstident Wilson to InTeatifat Breexe-Dlckerson Case. , - ' 1 Washington, May 1,.--President Wilson has sent to tlie Department of Justice for all the evidence in the case of Breese and Dickerson, who face a sentence of two years in the Inderal prison at Atlanta for om-1 plicitv in the failure of the First National Bank of Asheville, Nv C fifteen years ago. The president will make a thorough investigation of the case following a request for, exeen riva Dardons for the two men. ' Gov ernor Craig, s Representative Gudger and two of Mr. Breese 'a sons .were promised that some action .would be taken in the near future, - ' - a7 " " t ' ' ''&wfv',:-"i-i-':l'V- Ciart the day RijU. WhatCir j-Our "vocation, dress your fec-i tonians.' " v i'. They are bed-rock ' values, .Mubodjiiig v T workmanship, style and durability. T', A vrr-ncrles to insirre perft co nfort ; s.ssnrcd you thronrrh out kaowlodpe of ! A yon may select. It's a pleasure to.shu 1 a pair of Tt '-v materi,.' , I e- bu'.' ! et c- tit, : i. wW'.:'. - - . a

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