A n I , A rl - . 43 Cer.U a I 3 Centa Copy.' ccrxorj), n. c, satu;.: .r may n, 1913. J. B. SHERRILL. Editor Vnd Publisher. JCQ. 113 ! ETAIXY COUNTY Y EY ZZZ2UT Aro csitr CP Th Eta o!oned' to Daniel Spring er ml E!s Eon, And Wu Situated letwt t Cjorrevia and Big Lick. - rr-sct And Chief" Love Ci:-!.i ts Jlisa. at-Work--They . Earrendsrel and Ware Taken Ail. Jail, '.. V,; " " t ''. , v1-. capacity .till , t - destroyed in Stanly yesterday roora- ' Ct ing by Chief of Police Love, of Albe " v marie, and Sheriff Forrest, of Stanly, 'and Daniel Springer arid his eon. . owners and operators of the " plant, '. wre captured. The .capture.; was made eight miles from' the Cabarrus v,"Iin, between Georgeville, and Big , -Lick.' -,;..' --.- i.'v ': Sheriff Forrest and Chief Love left ..- w Albemarle early yesterday .; morning on still -hunt for the "moonshin- era." ; After . creeping through the "wooda and brushes for quite a dint . . iane they came apon the men at work at the still. The. two men were order- ed to surrender and obeyed, both be- . " v ing handcuffed and held in Custody .while the still and all the John Bar-4 ; .eyeorn proauang irapnernana were Albemarle and lodgd'.nJ3aH.?.,; ' Seirm to . Elact Commissioners. : - Denver, Colo.; - May 17.--Denver ' first election " under, a' new-'.ehnj-ter will be held next Tuesday and the 1 rae j president of Cuba -on Tuesday, vent is looked -forward to with eager ' ju succession to Jose Miguel fiomea. interest by citizens who- believe that. At the same-time Enrique Jose. Va the commission, plan ot government rona be installed as vice presi- wm uesiroy many or im political,' vils hat have . long", 'flourished '-in the Colorado' capital. :For' the six oflleea to be filled at the election there are more than 150 candidates,.- - The campaign now drawing to a dose is in many respects the most nniquo m me nwwry oi Denver, un- der the new,charter no candidate js . - w JT1'0 -""J ?? """.San Franciseo; the National Ajoouy from , 2 party; orgrhat,ont, from . , , Betail.GrrCTWi any corporataw or frow .any --nnited j- rV . v Aviation , of Maftu- organization.' of any kind, Neither ; is a candidate -allowed to spend, any : money' other than -for the distribu tion of his own literature and-the hiring of nails , in "whiclv to make : speeches. All candidates are nomi nated by petition. ' .. ...: xne eieciwn,.wiu o eouaueieo -jmji , ,r w;ur.l ' der the preferential system of voting,'". obo8ne.r:aan9 J"! Each voter wUl register his first Wagner centenary, -Denver s first J . vrrer w. ' Zh . , lAi.tinn- nnder the commission plan The .election, !wilt be conrtuctert un . enoice lor eacu on.ee tnen ona cnoico ann on um uuru. -he may voto for mry other candi- , ' date if be o desiis.r The votes are onntea lor nnw cuoice, . nuu ii no orte has a majority of all votes countr ed, then' the second choices are ad ded and if fhero w no one with a majority then the third; choices are added and the persons' having tho largest vote are declared elected. r. The Democrats are Right Statesville Landmarlt. . 1 , . r The Democrats are right. in ing 4b efforts or tn nepnnicni w. ' have public bearings on .Jna 1 dui bearings have been held many . Such bearing! times and the whole subject has oeen . threshed out -again and again. Noth ing new-can be offered. . The'only ing new-can oe vuereu. ; tuv ui feffect will be to delay passage of a... 1.11 i s. .iutii 'W(wHa to Vie the recowinenuauoim iy Dill, WUrn It M iiuiuiiiwi, ccu wj those who object to it, thwKhe. early parage of the bill and the end of the agitation i;greatly to be desired, for the quicker" the bill becomes Jaw tbu quicker will the business of the coun try be adjusted to the new conditions. The effort if the Republicans to se cure henri. s is for political purpos es only top give the protected inter ests an opportunity, as Senator Sim mons aa.ys,'i,to make stump speeches and howl calamity. . Death of tToted Episcopal Bishop, lV. New. Yo -, May 17.- d:-h o. ' -"". i"'m Cr 'veil Donne, the Protest er t i jtiaeo, 1 Dibhop of Albany, who 1 unt"! regulations forbidding 1 Peoj ul cl'eirymcn t'o marry divorc ed persons, tiled in his hotel here to- 1 Ti r Wasbh of State ; i. .in dv 'v J.i) nn's -yan s ost a t! 1 llW l" Willi j 1 acl ti 'V 1 1 tSiroi! tao J.li'illlC r late this at'tei inwni. -at rank T.S 17Piiit LalTon, 1 ..k of Clar'eniont, - nvl in jail 111 . : "(ps Ti n -t 1 t "'! v on l i ..-'.' "t::2 cr;:.. j v.nx Washington, May 17. TU first meeting; of the executive committee of the Bepubliran Nations! Committee since tli November' election :'! bt lield in Washington Saturday. At that time there will be discussion as to what steps shall be taken by the national organisation to bring the party more, closely in touch with the progressive, ideaa of Jhe time. ; ,7 William. Mr Wood, the millionaire president of he American Woolen Company, it 1o be placed on trial n Boston Monday on an indictment charging him and two associates with conspiracy, in connection with,' the "planting" of dynamite in Lawrence for the purpose Ttf-tnflfininir'; public la i opinion apainst the striking mill op - jeratives" a year ago. V J The second trial of Burton W;'Gd- toll, th, Nm York lawyerr accused of the murder of Mrs. Rose. Szabo, ,ai Greenwood Lake, N. J last "July, s scheduled to begin, Monday at- New- burgh, N. Y. The first trial of Die ease was held last November and re sulted in .a jury, disagreement. : Sis eorMrations and: eighteen in dividuals, who are alleged to consti tute the coaster brakotrust, are to be" placed on trial in the Federal Court atBufTato Tuesday on indict- menta charging tnem. with violations of the Sherman act.1 ' ? The big event of the -eek abroad will be the marriage of Princess Vie toria'Louise, daughter of the (icrnian Emperor,' and Prince 'Ernest August, son of the Duke of Cumberland. Tfie VMVal waullimflr ' foe 4 1 xri f i oo will ' loot three days. The programme provides for a gala opera T-huraday night," a state banquet t inlay t; and the mar-, riage ceremony !on'" Saturday. : Oen. Mario Menocal, . a compara tively yeung man, who was educated at Cornell University, will be inaugu jent AHumber1 of impoTtant conventions are scheduled, f of the week, among then the anniversary meeting of the Unitarians, in Boston ; the Northern T .4.4 rkatantt ' National Aasoeifttion ov BaUway Mai, Clerkg in Cincinnati;. jh.Jfoj therhftod , Raiiwfty TrainWnT i1 faeturersV itt Detroit ;" i" tfie National Conference of ajircli: Clubs, in Bos ton, and the Associated Harvard Clubs, in St. Louis. , ' ' ' - - Also contributing , to the news of thej week will be the celebration of Empire Day throughout Great Brit -Zmnmim and the eonsecralion - - - rn,niia Wah..n 0 Leary aa Catholic .bishop, of Clarlpttetownt P. E..1.. . .. , . . v . ; : " V; Secretary McAdoo is in No Hurry, to Appoint Collector ' Washington, May 16. The recom? mediations and nelitions of the friends of Colonel A. II. Boyden,. of j Hickory, and : Garland B. Webb( of j Winston-Salem, all of whom are being J. fv th ,iip.tnrshin fif western resist-;.: r.M,Jna- tAben to . the ,.n.rtment todov by Sena- 0ve'r ' and ,eft with Secretary ir ;er " ' n-rm,n M lndorse eiiner 01 iuse mm.m. -v iunipr Senator has already indorsed -.1: . .All . I AAM Til it, - '". ;n TV.Ua "i ftction todav ,C1 - AD.. W atts. , His action today was to Hie the recow hie capacity as Senator, i. . - , ;'ic..fjM. If a A Ani urill nnt mAke a appointment for the much sought a E Iok : n1ac far Home time yet, it is ."HeBaid today that ha. t biiv to 'take un tins matter inst now, and lnaicaieo inai n a month or more before he got to the . It il..t 2 'ilt Ka collectorship appointment. ;., , Np Difference Between a Blind Tiger - And One With -yes. ' j AHantn Afav 17. A -tiger with Its ' , - vh wh n nnen is lust na uiimmm :y ..'I i:..-. ouNlini ueorpa as uuuu wni . r to a decision jus.t handed down by tlje Supreme Court. . , Tb nnnrt has reversed a decision rimrlton. of Savannah, in a case where the judge charged that it linnnr 191 Hold oien!v and aoov ka w ithout anv effort, at conceal nient the establishment could not be 1 .1,1 tn l.n a blind ticer. lie said it , h nlmwn to liave operated sur , tilioiiKlv and furtively in-order i ,,.!. A a blind tisrer. Jut tne Court Rvs that aiiviunlaw- t'i.i i f 1 iimr is a blind tij'r oper ii iiii "i t I V i ' 1 .11' COa&ESSrEK PLAY BALL.-: Affray Between Republican and Denaocriti ProfreaaiTe Ignored, "Washington, May 17. To deliirht D the picture of Congressmen gruv !ing in. the dirt and dusk some ten thousand, mpre or less, Washington, ians journeyed to the American Lea. goo baseball park this afternoon. It was the annual affray between Re publicans and Democrats. .It wss ex pected to be- aa affray- of bitterness anJ no quarter asked or given, for the Republicans were -hoping to retrieve the national shut-out administered to them last. November; the ,Democrats were hoping to Jnimbl their oppon ents at the national pastime as they numolea them t tiu p.imni if., It . was the annual .- party , baseball game with party lines sharply drawn, the proceeds to ne given to the Wash ington Playgrounds Association.. . . - Altjiongh. the '.' Progressives' ' were not "honored by having representation on either team, they claimed in this affair, as they did in tbC little affair last fall, to hold the balance of power. Vic Murdock, ' original Progressive, he of the fiery talk and flam in? hair, acted as umpire; Neither side hoped for "favoritism with "Umpire; Vie '.J holding tho . indicator." ; ? OFFICEIS ELECTED.- Library" Association Elected 1 Officers - i ' - YesteTday. ,3. At a meeting-of the Library Asao- ciation'.ryesterday ; afternoon officers for the year were elected. .The officers are' as follows:."-.- ':. ff, T.f' President Mr. D. F. Cannon; . First yice president Mrs. 'D; L. Second vice ,presitenl-TMni'. J.Ht Rutledge S-; Third vice presidenWMrS.-"M.lJ Marsh, "t. 1 fCtr-'.v;? vV:'i-:;ri.-'?' FonrtlL.' vice' bresident-rMr; Ri E. Ridenhour. 'fit''1'?"- Fifth vice president-rMrs. ; T, D. Mahcas: ,' rA'-,'''X' SecretaryMrs. 'John Fox. . AV.Uv: s;' Treasnrei-rMisB Jfaiide Brown, DestrnetiT Missile Coach? Hurltd Into t Statesville, May 1 (5. A - destruc tive missile of some kind, was thrown agaliijit the side ,'of .a ." day coach of eastbbund passenger..: train. 'Notifi es il) entrain; pulled into Statesville 4a6t nlgiit:"at 11 ;20 olock. i-The- glass of two windows was broken, out and the fact that" smoke, appeared and there was aloud noise similar to an je.xplos ion led the trainmen and passengers to believe that it, was a bomb of some kind; . The broken glass was all that could be found in the car... Fortun ately no one waa sitting in the seats besides-the broken .windows, though passenger' occupied the ;. seat just ahead. On-At least two other occa sions trains have been rocked in this vicinity and there has been? one or more convictions for- this offense in recent years, - . ' . r Cabarrus Boy ' Wins Honors. : : Mr. "W" R. Jenkins, of Ho. 10 town ship, who was a student at the South ern Industrial Institute at Charlotte) won two of the highest honors that were distributed at the close of that school JTriday pight. Mr. Jenkins first won fho. debater's medal, the subject of the debate being- Woman "suffrage, and Mr,"Jenkin8 having the affirma tive side. He also won the. medal for the best declaimer. : The medal for the best" debater is given each year bv Mr. J. F. Newell and the declaim er's" medal by Rev. N. S. Pgburn. Mr. Jenkins w & son of lr. D. S. Jenkins. of Smiths Ford. , . -, ' Democratic Leaders In Senate Indora- , ed. on Pirst Test Vote. Washinirton, May 16. Democratic leaders in their determination to- re fer the Underwood tariff bill to the finance icdmmittee for . consideration without i public hearings. The Pen. rose-La-Follette amendment directing that Tttitiha heanncH lie held was de fented bv t vote 01 41 10 do. ana le K . n a m i no 1 il. . motion of Senator Simmons to refqr the bill was then passed ,without rnlleall 1 - - ' ' Two Democrats, Senators Ransdell and Thornton, of Louisiana, voted for the- Republican amendment. Put Off at Salisbury! Passenger Sued, Salisbury. May 16-A suit for. $5y (100 admaw-brought by. E. T. Simi)- son, of " Washington, against the Southern Railway Company was this wek decided in favor of the detenfl ant' company. It was alleged by Mr. Simpson that he was a passenger en route from Asbeville to Washington, tiinflia na rpouired to leave the coach at Salisbury on account of the dot that he hud an excursion itcKei not good lor"-northbound passenger (mm Xn: ')!. upon' which -he was re I' ,., pnsHrtne. The case was brotlght i V..b'ngti :'?.f-'"U?fv: 5 Tariff Bill. " v 17. Tlie Senate i '1,1 onen hearings . iv. It is expect i -noi-ted buck to end be in v,"S k. then ate l'loor, ' . . fi'-r i CLITICS . A Bid JOLT. "Ring Politicians" !'opp np in ; Tks Election cf a Presbyterian ' Moderator. - , A4knU,-May 17. i In tlie word of the worldly, inilw :i-et, but appro priate, tbey certainly mopped .' op with ring politics in the election of a Presbyterian Modtitor yesterday. When the speakers nominated Dr. Joo. Timothy Stone $ an. independ ent candidate) and Rested to the U. 8. X- Converitipii injibe most beau tiful veiled language jthet , it ; wis time to put the hook o caucus and machine candidates, ' t'h convention burst into wild api 'nise. The "Rev. Pr JIojiOjl" who wn .described "'aa faithful ' as Jolin. and hi evangelistic' as Timothy) was hoi 'ed " iuto ..llie highest Presbyterian onor.in the world, whether he would or no... The regular, candidate wa i Dr. Maitlaod Alexander, "the millio wire pastor of a big congregation ii Pittsburg." ; . - Ecclesiastical, politick. ..has, ' never received such a jolt from the inde pendent! in the' histoiyyof. Presby- tenamsm in . Amemft,? as it- got in Atlanta. - PICNIO TE3TIRDAY. School Children Have , Big Time on v - ; School'. Bond Picnic. ' The school bond pic i given yes terday by Messrs. W. -3 .Foil and J. Leonard - Brown to -tlx members , of Miss Miriam Dumviilcfi s. grade .and Mr. J.- W. B.L6ng'aigrade was' a most 1 enjoyable outingl i Tlie picni and holiday -was a reward to the chil dren of the two gradiW for secur ing the largest ami , fecond . largest number "of , signers" fo."i the bond a is sue, Mn Long's grade being .first and Miss Dumville's' second It required five wagons-to transport' thevchildren to Rocky Rher where ie picnic was held and it was a liveljf, jollyj happy bunch ; of rhujnanitv th-afc : filled the wagons, r The children romped and played and enjoyed, themselves v in general," in addition to enjj ing a sumptuous dinner, which was pro vided by 4he promoter? of the ont- in- ' ." " ' , CORN WAITS TOR WORlj TO 00. When -Wire Pest Reaclies the Pupa ; State Missouri Farmers Wifl PlanW Kansa -City- Bto.-&1$? ; S. M. Jordan. f'the'? eornS man,' who is manager of tue Pettis" County, Missouri, .; Bureau-' of. s AgncuJture, said Monday that much corn is now coming up in this section and, fair results are indicated: ' A large acre age will be planted, but omieh of it will be put in lade. -'-As a rule, tlie wirewtrm eats -much 6 the early planted corn, making it necessary to replaut the last- oi, may or first of June.'1 By the later date these worms have gone into the pupa statei 'Mr. Jordon says thai n case of sod growing it should be well work ed to keep down vegetation and hast en pupation of the wireworm to some degree, hence making it safe to plant not far from May 1. . MRS. 0, M. STEAD MAN l . - . . DIED THIS MORNING. Wife of Fifth District Congressman Passes Away After Long Illness, . i- C.reensboro. Mav 17. The wife of Congressman Steatlman- died, at-her 1mm At 10:15 this morning aiier a long illness. All hope was abandon ed for aeveral days. Her husband was at her bedside, One. daugnter, Mi-a. : Katharine ; Palmer, also vsur Tim bodv will be taken r to Wilmington 4 for burial bunday , ai- ternoon, 1 ' Reporter for Cabarrus Courts, Charlotte Observer. , - . ' Mr. Carl Bvere has just returned from Concord, where he- went to se cure the position of court reporter for Cabarrus county. iue ourou ,w nrovided for in the private laws i of at..& in' a' few- of the counties, Mr ttvera will: however,-still mainr tain his otliee here in tue .,arBou building and will be in Concord when his services and new duties call him w Moat, of his time will be spent jj . .. . iu work in the civd courts of the county though in tue impurwmi i- - inal eases be win aiso u pbubu w fiarlons Rioting itt Cincinnati vri.?nr.ii Waw 17. Serious riot inir broke out in the street car strike ami the police nan uuucuiij -tliA-mob." None were se; ....tiuti, liifrt. , . ? , Mviir Hunt at noon - demanded State troops to handle the situation if anrioua rioting continued this af ternoon. Several strikebreakers were injured, one seriously. The Presbyterians in Atlanta. , AHonto Mav-17. Formal depart mnnt renorts ipgard.ng Sunday cbols. education, " Sabbnlh , , obsei HmnloiricalV. seminary 'were nuido today at.t'he-workom northern i .miiliorn ., United l'lesbyterian nrtil fereiices." The delo; t. .,-iiin...l at a reception m Uie i suburbs-this afternoon and tonight imnt i' ilbi nnirs will be I Id through out the city. . . - . 3. M. Peeler has resigned his .., 4 casbiof of tbe l-'lnnly ECCLESUSnC?. ENOAOEMEXT AKIOTOCED. Mias Miriam Dumrille to Wad Dr. R. Morrison King Juu i. At a charmingly appointed lunch eon given this morning at the resi dence of Mrs. M. L. Marsh on South Cnion street, the engament of Mias Miriam DumviUe to Dr. R. M. King was announced, the marriaire to take place in June. "' .. .. ,- . Mrs. Marsh, in her usual hospitable manner, . assisted by . her attractive little daughter, Helen. , received the guesta on the veranda, a veriUhle bower of roses, eut Sowers and potted plants. After the guesta assembled the hostess presented eaeb guest with a towel to hem and monogram. Then it was that the sewing contest became spirited and exciting,' for the one who ran the race the swiftest and neatest received the reward. " -v V The dining room beautifully deet rated with mounds of sweet peas was presiaeq over oy Misses Mary Bing ham and Catherine Good son, who ser ved a four course luncheon. ; The ' announcement, . onioue . and original,, was made by. little Helen Marsh, dressed as a Western Union messenger boy, carrying a bunch c-f telegrams and distributing them aa the guesta 'passed into the library. The telegram read aa follows: -t s "Behold, the King will not reign alone, .::-.:: - .- And has chosen a Queen to preside - over his borne, So on. June; 4th, the wedding bells - will ring, . ' - - And Miriam DumviUe will become the bride of Dr. King." . In the library, decorated for the occasion- with a profusion of old field daisies. Mrs. M. L. Brown presided over the punch bowl and was assisted in serving by Misses Zula Patterson and Wilma i Correll. .', Here many toasts" were given to the bridet-elect and - Miss DumviUe gracefully ". re sponded in a charming manner. - . - The invited guests were: Mesdames Kearns, of Charlotte ; . Royall Sand ers, Luther Boger, M. L. Brown, J. P. Cook, -W. .w., Flowe; Misses Grace White, Blanch Brown, : Lucy Lore, Addie Lore,':' Eugenia Lore, "Mary Bingham, Catherine Good son, Frances Alexander, Belle Means, Zula Patter osn, Jenn Collrane, Wilma Correll, Lucy Brown, Mary King; Nora Ring, Marguerite' Noifleet, of Suffolk Va. aneV Miriam Dnmville, - ,--.. TARIFF BILL. MAT BE . CHANGED AS TO COTTON DYES To Compensate for Cuts on Cotton Manufacture So "Intimates Sena tor Smith. ' ' c -Washington, May 17. It is intim ated by Senator Smith, of Georgia, the Senate finance 'committee may change the tariff to put eertain dyes used in cotton manufacture on the free list to compensate for cuts on cotton manufactures. Senator Smith denied strenuously the charges of Senator Smoot, that southern cotton interests are better taken care of in the tariff bill than those of New Eng land. FOUR MEMBERS OF EXPEDITION ARE DEAD. German Arctic Expedition Started ' ' Last June Comes to Orisf; . Christiana, May 17. Four mem bers of the German Arctic explora tion expedition - under lieutenant Schroeder Franz, are known to be dead and the commander is missing, according to a wireless report from the cimmander of the Norwegian re lief partyof St.: Widje Bay, Spitaen- bergeji.. The uerman .texpeouum started last June, - ; - ., ' ; Admiral's Death Still Mystery.' Abimrtoh.' Mass.. Msy 16. The in quest into the death of -Rear Admiral Joaenh G. Eaton, whose widow is now waitintr trial chanced with mru. deT was reopened here today,, ana after" several witnesses . had beeu heard was continued iudeflnkely. So far as could be learned tonight the day's inquiry shed no new light nnon the mvsterr of "the naval oi- ficer's death. District Attorney Bar ker, it is understood, had hoped to learn where the DOlson wmcn allesed caused - Admiral i Eaton's death waa purchased. i Slayer of Chief Oakea, of Raeford, x Given 22 Tsars in Pan. Favetteville. May 16. John :" A Cameron, who yesterday pleaded guil ty to murder in the second degree at the beginning , of hia trial in Hoke Snnerior Court Tor the Kilting or. Chief of Police P. C. Oakes, of Rae ford, was today sentenced by Judge F.ronsnn to 22 vears in the State Prison. - Two new trains, heretofore men tioned in this paper, sre to be put on hv .the Southern" railway Sunday, May 25th. They are numbered 1J and 14. Instead of stopping at Dan ville as nowj No. 13 will go through tn Salisbury. No. 14, northbond just ahead of No. ,6, which is crowded so that it is difficult to get a seat. ' . The Davis White Sulphur rprinprs. otherwise known aa . i.niitun.ie, was opened for the season Thursday, May 15. ' " Now is t! ti for all p-K.d f v ? WITH THE CHTJXCSIS. . .' :"."' Central Jsfcthedijt. Preaching a 11 a. m. and S p. m. by the paator. Rev. Harold Turner. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. ,'yTirst Presbyterta Charch. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. T. W. Smith. 8unday school at 3 JO p, m. No night service. , - . ;wwviwmvBiim.- -I ing at II a. m. and at. 7:30 p. m. In , the .afternoon at 4 o'clock there will he a, meeting of the Sunday school officers and teachers of the St. James Lntberaa Church.-Central Methodist Church and the Reformed Church at the Reformed Chureh;.. Associate Reformed Pmbyterian. . Preaching tonight at & o'clock, to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.. Sacra ment or the Lords Supper will.be observed in connection with the morn ing sermon.;- Sabbath school at 0:30 a. m. Young People's Christian. Unr ion at 6 p. m. Public invited, to 11 services. . . . -, ", , . rorsat Rill Mathodist Church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Re ception of new members, and. sacra ment of the Lord's Supper at 11 a. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. by the pas tor. Prayermeeting Wednesday ev ening at 7:45 followed by the Stew ards' meeting. , . ;y iHrsi Baptist Church. -Preachimr at 11 a. m. and 7:45 d, m. by Rev. Dr. A. 1, King, of Richmond, Va. .: " -i. Episcopal Church. ' Sunday being the Feast of the Holy Trinity services will be as -follows: Sunday eehooL 10 a, m.; . morning prayer followed; by a celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer, 8 p. m. W. H. Ball, 'rector. t .;::,':' -. First PmhytsriaB. . . -, Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. tn. Rev. T. W. Smith. . : . .. i ' v - Methodist Protestant. Preaohingt- lla.'-ni. and 7. p. m. tomorrow, oy tn.pator, rtev. r.a ward Suits: ; t . - Rovan eouMy has .the fineat granite m the world and ytt the granite being used' in the magnifiicent new court house there is under grade and will have to be removed. This eomes from getting a contractor from West Vir ginia to do the job and having an in competent inspector over 4 he build-ers.-T-Charlotte Chronicle. - - John A. Cameron, one of itlie wealthiest young men of Hoke coun ty and son of County Commissioner S. J.. Cameron, pleaded guilty- te murder in the second degree when placed on trial at Raeford, Thursday afternoon for the killing of Chief of police P. C Oakea, of that place. ,, ' v Rev. L. M. Kerschner, a Presby terian minister, died suddenly Wed nesday at the home of his daughter in Spencer, He was 69 years ol 1. . Sunday school at 10 a. so. Preach-'.. Lots of New Summer Goodo.in ' 'i tion Department : . .:. It's to your advantage to visit this notion section if Good Quality and Style count for. anything. Collare in a great - variety, Linen, ? Silk and Lace i..:.: Uc, Mc, 50c. , Lace Collar Sets 60c, 48c, 68c to $2.00 . ; One Lot of 20c Bar Pins' 10c- - 40c Value Bar Pins 25c '-:' Short Lisle and Silk Gloves, priced 25c, 80c" ; Long Silk Gloves, black and colors, . Spe cial at 69c, tSc and $1.60 pair Let us introduce you to our Special Values; ? in Hosiery for Infants, Misses, Boys and La - dies, the best quality yard and dyes are used. ' . Infants and Childrens Infants and Childrens sox -l, 10c, 15c, S5c t Ladies Gauze Hose, black," white and tan 15c Silk Lisle Ladies Hose, black, white tan 5c -.Ve show the very best Hosiery than can be ' made at L 1 15c, CCc End $1.C0 "pair ;'i Newiumraer Corsets, just in, Special prices,;;,; , ' - " Sic, 50c, 3c, $1X3 v?. s:'H: ' Gauze Vests and Summer Underwear ; for . - 'comfort and wear-,-- ' :. ,';.;'; '..' "--:-:Sr':''r New Brassiers, Special ' " Let us know your Sur.r n fi..... .lS to 10 BE GITEIC THTRTT-SETZX PLACE OK HOUSE COM-- ' KTTTEES. r , ; - " 1 . .. .. i. 'jy V '" . VMerwoed So Amaonaces Teday. Presides Wilsoa Working e ' Currency Reform Messtge. Sscre tary , Houston Announces KtW , ; Branch in Agricultural Department, ' . Tor Economic System sf Marketing ' ' Tot Parmers. 'yi'f.'i J; Washington, May; 17,-Mr. Vnder- , woocT announced today tbat the .Pro-v " gressives will be given ! tbirtyraeven . places on important House' eommlU tees as a result of a eon ferenee with' . , Republican Leader Mann, and Pro . gressive . Leader .. Murdock. , Fifty-, three Progressives com orise b. strength of the third party ; in the House, -v i. $, ' 'tY -h :'--V President Wilson spent the entire - supposed holiday working OB his.mc-J-j sage to Congress regarding currency . reform. He kept- to. . the ; library, there being a heavy' rain, and be is'-'-, not taking his . usual out door exer ewe. -. -.- r-'.r : ,;.:-::---.-r The office of . markets as a new"" branch of the agricultural department r has been launched, it is announced by Secretary Houston. Tlie office will be in eharge of Charles J. Brand, for - ten years in charge of the farmers' co-operative cotton handling and mar keting branch of the department. An ' economic system of marketing and " distributing farm products, eliminai- ing waste, losses, etc., will be the pur pose of the new branch. - -' HO WAS SCARE - ..;.... .8AT8.MIL DATL8..r-; He Protests Against the Attempts ef ' Press te Launch OnSk V. Washington, May 17. Secretary of the Nary Daniels in an interview to-: day protested against the sensational attempts of the - press to launch ' a war scare growing out of the Cahfor- nia-.JapapeaaJaod Jaw eontroveray-,, . "If there was the slightest justifies, tion for the publication of these war . ; scares I would be the first to want ' the people to want the truth,'? said ' the secretary. He said be had denied hundreds of such stories and all are untrue..':i-'ix:y -:..: : : ,;- .:-.?Cp Secretary Daniels Leayes Por Place fXiWMOt m Birth.. :?f& Washington,:!' May 17. Secretary " Daniels leaves tonight for Washing ton, N. C his birthplace, -to make an address at a banquet in his honor Monday at noon. . He, will return , Tuesday. Mr. FlagleT's Condftioa Vschaaged. -Paft Beach, Fla., May 17. The -condition of Mr. Flagler is unchang ed today. ' , ' Our Bis No all colors --.- 10c, 15c l'Sr ':, r Wants. 1 1 ,1111 iV Jl'ii-l -I !.'vot" ir ' s t j.HC