'CL- XIII. . 43 Cents a Month 3 Cents a Copy. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 22, 1113. J. B. SHERRILL. Editor and Publisher. NO. 254 Cl-IILETE tZT.'lS ' or TEB DROWNING : PEED DAYVAULT,; . Tli Body En Not Yet Been, Recov-, - srrel Relatives and Friend Have Gone to Scene of Tragedy and Will .. Spar No Efforts la Eecorerim A Eeiy. 7 "a -.A'" ;A- A A 1:30" o'clock - today- full par ticulars bad not- been received from the inquiries made by members ot the family, friends and lodges con : eersing the drowning of Mr. Fred . Dayvault, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Day vault, who lost his rife in a river near Walling,' Tenn, Tuesday afternoon, where he was at ' tending a siunmer school composed of the members of the faculty and students of Webb's, School at Bell - Buckle, Tenn. ..," .'-A -A AA" '-:t " Yesterday afternoon . about A 5 o'clock the following message was ' .received, from. Prof. WAR. Schoeff- -ner, in charge of the school: . 4- ? ' r ;r ;VRiveAwide-; and '". deep.;1 Body Aot yet recovered and suggest that reward be offered." . A'Ait TEE B0Y8 IDENTIFIED, ; -: In response to this message- Mr. f H. P. Ouffy," an nnele of the young A man, left for Walling. -Mr. Ouffy ' J will arrive in Bell. Buckle this after noon at 5 o'clock and at .'Walling at l'r 8. He will spare ho effort or expense ' ift recovering the body. ' Wj; Mr. vw H. Moe, ot Aiornstown, a .toe friend of,':lljr.j Day vault's,; tel egralied yesterday afternoon " that ; he would leave at once for Walling and aid in be search Mr. Noe was . due. to arrive there '.this morning A- about1 10 roVlock.'yA message con cerning the unfortunate accident will likely arrive here this afternoon. On account nf the inadequate telephone nd telegraph "connection from Wat ling, .coupled with the fact that the "s scene of the tragedy is Several miles .. away, it is difficult- to get messages through and to these reasons, is at ' tributed the fact that a more detail- ' ed report of the death of the-young . man was not: received this morning. At 10i30 o'clock this mornina Prof. Schoeffner telegraphed Prof. A. S. Webb as follow: ' v' "Ifetter ; containing (full1 particiv- - lars of -drownjng will . reach family - This letter had nof . been- received at. 2:30 oloek. . It is-expected to ." reah here on train No. 12 at 6:40 v this evening. 'fci ' ' i' I ' J Shortly after this message the f am ' ily Teceived' one" as follows? , - i "Body hot' yet recovered.-; Have offered reward, and are doing all we . . -van,. We ftre sparing no efforts.''. ' " In order to further aid in'the search Mayor A.- F. Hartsell, an officer in V thePythian and Masonie lodges here, . has 'wired the head of those :'two lodges at Sparta- and othefdowns near where the tragedy occurred to assist '. in the search and to spare-no efforts or expense in' the'ndertaking That .'the lodges will respond to 'the request '' is of course" understood. " . Z - ' A number of inquiries' have been. -.made to the name of the stream tne ' young man lost bis life in. : None of , the messages have contained the ' name, which has not' yet .been defi nitely determined. A state map' of . Tennessee shows two streams only a short distance from. Walling,; Rocky River and the Cumberland ; river, Hotly River is a tributary of the Cumberland and appears from the mao to enter into the Cumberland near Walling. , . . 1 They Were Not Brothers at All, u They Climedv'E(awkinsr Tather Coats for Him. Other Boy Named Gray, And Hnntemille ; la His Horn. ' . '. ; ' - OF MR. f- The two little 11-year-old boys who wandered into Concord Tuesday night and represented, themselves to the po lice as brothers from Marion, who were lost in an. effort to find their aunt at Newells, are not brothers at all. . In fact they are no relation whatever, according to Charlie Haw kins, of Marion, father of one of the boys, who came here last night for bis son. - v.v.ij,. jC,""-, - The two boys gav their names as Vie and Olin Hawkins and said tbey were brothers. . But when Charlie Hawkins, father of Olin, arrived last night be failed to recognise Vier At this- turn of. events Vie' became the object of a Volley of question from the officer and he finally unbusomed himself as to bis identity, -his travels and experiences with young Hawkins. The elder Hawkins, so it has devel oped, left Marion about a week ago for Richmond, leavii.g his young son at home. - During the. . parent's ab sence the youth, answered to, the" call of the wRd or the dusty highway, whichever is preferable, and he stalk ed out of the-, little mountain eity, journeying to Statesville. ; Theue he met Vie, who . is none other than Victor .G,rayJ'; formerly of . Hunters- vine but lately of Statesville,; Char lotte, Newells, Concord and th high ways between and around these va rious points. : Similar desires lay in the juvenile' breasts and Vie and Olin, and a friendship: welded by the ties, of their adventuresome natures sprang up between them and "they de cided to join lots and go forth togeth er to seek , fame, fortune and ice eream eones.. f-i-Ufrisi-i'T. After a short sojourn in the metro polis of Iredell they journeyed forth to. Charlotte,, thence to .Newells and on, tothe best town of their itinerary -Concord."'' Here Chief Boger took an interest in their case and the re sult is that Olin is back in "Marion and Vie people, at-- Huntersville1 pcf fn,?"T TIT. STAND INO MASTER PRICE DE- 'cipES IN FAVOR QF DON- SALES AND HEMPHILL, . have been commnnicated with and he, too, 'will be takea to bis home today. V, "THE COLONEL'S H-tArD.'' Finds That the Partnership on Which 'the' Contention Rest Existed. Hemphill and Oo'nzales Were Equal Owner With Tompklmv Stephens - And Wood in the Entire Assets of - tha Observer Company, Inclndint ,' the Caldwell and Tompkins' Share. ' Bank Enjoined From Collactinc , Kotefc '.- '':' 'i i.:' Salisbury, MV 2SL-rAl'' H. Price, standing master for the district, last, night forwarded to Judge J. E. Boyd his report in the Charlotte Observer case, which was referred to him and jy him heard fully. . ; Briefly the .report finds that the complainants, A. E. Gonsales and-J. C. Hemphill, are entitled to the fact that equity is with; them, finding that the " jartnership, on v whieh . the con tentions Vests, existed in fact,:?' and that ! Messrs. Gonzales, Hemphill; Tompkins, Stephens and Wood were equal partners in the ownership of the entire assets of the Observer Company, inclufling. - the " Tompkins shares of about 70 per cent., and the Caldwell shares bought by Tomp kins. - ' ; . '. The First National Bank,' of Char lotte, holding the notes of the com plainants, is enjoined from collecting them, and the master ' recommends that a receiver be named to eblleet the assets and adjust all matters between the five partners to the original agree ment. , This - finding " was " presented to Judge Boyd's court this morning. ; This is a complete finding in favor of Messrs, Gonsales and HemphilK PresbyterUns oosii Kansas City 7 'Becattse the City is Immoral.' A slant a, Ga., May 21. Kansas City todays was' selected las r the meeting ' -C .1. - inn . i Gneau of -Savoy Hotel, London, Ob- '-' ' ject U 6 a. m. Pxactic.', lonilon, Msv 22. ('gmo, tbe'op- eratie idol, ha been gravely insult ed. The gieat tenor, ttf - hear . the golden voice of whom thousands have paid ' fabulous prices,, baa been" told ma --oi vine notes were "noise. Caraw has been ascending, descend, iug and . transcending ' scales in his room in the Savoy Hotel at a very early -Ironr in the morning, and the guettta of that famous hostelry have arisen in protest... '. --v. . : In addition to a few such shouts as Stop that noies" "For good-l nesa sake, ' let us-rieep,"J a formal protest was made today to the hotel Mnanagemeut. '.' - ' . - ' ' We are glad enough to hear Caru so sing, ' said a wealthy guest, ' ' but f-not at 6 o'clock in the morning." v . ngs,7'" was larusos ; infuriated eomment. '' ' . CALL CARUSO'S BIKQINO NOISE ca:;:er vaiker . - DIED TlliS 'Am HOME FOR THE . Z CONFEDERATE WOMEN. TW Dirtctor Organise Today, and Elect Officer.. Town to Bid, for Raleigh.' Jlay ' 22.The. directors of the home ' for confederate women organized here today. -v Ashley Home, of Clayton,: is- president,- and J. A. I urner, of " Louisburg, ' is . secretary. It was decided to have towns bidding lor tne borne to make bids in writ ing before July 10 tor Ihe president. Une city has offered olready - two sues ana . j,uw, anotuer a nine- room dwelluig and twelve acres, an other a site and $2J)00 The Legis lature appropriated $10,000 to . es tablish and $5,000 a year for the main tenance of the home. - A Special Two-Reel Broncho Feature ;t the Theatorium Today. i 'M' grand spectacular military and naval production, -"The Grey genti nel,'. a powerful dramatic story of love and-war.-romance and sensation as' follow r;';'V;'5?'';Vt; -'' Hal Peters, a loyal 'southern boy, Tows; Grace Cnraon. dnnvliter nf thp Hflmn8e;:teepe55 His rivatohn. Adams;, is an -officer at -West oint. When the- warbjreaks ontpAdams osi tensibly resigns his cqnimission and enters the southern- army, but is se cretly a spy for the union: forces, The . Number of the Commencement Pro - gramme of M. P. 0. L and M. A. 9. The 'opening, number of the, com mencement programme of. the Colle giate Institute . and Mont Amoena Seminary will be "staged , Saturday night, May 24th, following , which will be the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning and the addregs be fore, the Yt M. C. X 'and Y4 W. (T. A. On Sunday night. . -A drama, in com- edy, wliich haa beep produced on stag es elsewhere and has received very favorable eomment, is booked for the above date. Because 'of its impress upon the citizens of the town and re quests for its reproduction, the man- Ugement of the troupe has made pro; vision lor us repetition;' All persons wishing to see a first class play at a minimum expense are invited to be present. - .Your : interest' in first .'class housekeeping and widows' and wid owers' ills will be greatly intensified. Spence Captain of Trinity Team. Trinity College, May 21. Talmage T. Spence, of Goldsboro, will be the captain of Trinity's baseball - team next yean " Thia .was decided tat meeting Tuesday night of the 1913 team. . T.he selection of Spence cap tain of the team meets with the gen eral approval of the team, as well aa of the fans of the college; ' - - " - ITcr'h C. i -ii Cives Eirth To c:..:i ii r.. ' l rnkot. K..liniond, Va., May 21. A yolin: and attractive looking woman, giving her name as Mrs. Botbie Brown, wife of Charles Brown, a farmer of Hali fax, N. C, slavered from a stall in the city market at Seventeenth, and Franklin (t reel. at 1 oVlock this i,ir ' 'i a new born bu!-y da'-'p- 1 t 1 ! f i i.) t ' .10 .! f inlej Ml Kllllll, ViLi; -!)-. An om- woi an , wl.nre i,.. 'Jicr, r and t' t' 1 liiil. liow i a vicinity wliero t' has not been exph. U'p been Biltmor Estate Mule Stable, is De- . stroyed. ..; ." ' " A-shevlle, May 21. The mule sta ble of the Biltmore estate was eni tirely destroyed by fire just before daylight this morning. , Four horses and 'four mules were killed by the fare. There were 16 animals m the stable, eight mnlca being saved, . riMur turning Return- to-Fhilly, Ealei; li May 22. riteher Durn ii' ", of the r.t!e';;;li team, became dis- r "1 and returned to Philadelphia toiLy without release. . '. ; Ci'ir.,.i, r: V,t hand pitcher to UOCKy fi.iiii-.l, lias s eneil lor kaiei'.Vl by the commissioners attending the 1913 assembly...here.'J.: Commissioners Jto the general assembly to the United rresoyienan. enurcn in session . ueie today voted to hold the 1914 gener al assembly ' at Newastle,: Pa, - : i In advocating the selection of Kan sas: City as tho meeting place of the Southern Presbyterian Assembly, tor mer Judge . W. H. Wallace, of that place, declared that the , city is one of the most-immoral in the country. He added that the ity needs an as sembly to arouse the people to a ful ler realization of What is happening in religious circles and predicted that great 1 good., would result Vf rom Vthe Other places in the contest for tne next assembly1 were - Waco, i: Texas, Newport News,7 Va.f and Rock Hill, 3.'C4''v-vf-5-', Reassuring Advices Fro mJapan Re- ceived at State Department Washington, May. 2L Reassuring advices reached the state, department from Japan late today indicating that the American reply to the protest the Calif ornia- land1 law was received in good spirit by , the Tokio -govern ment and that toe situation naa taK- en on a much more favorable appear ance than at any time- since negotia tions bea-ari. i Officials here admitted their : satisfaeiUott1 over the turn of events. sv4 .-:'k 'i'- V-'i The dispatches related also that the difficulties under which tne Wash ington administration had labored in handling this situation, unoersiana ing the dual system of government in the United States and the powers of legislation held by California.- ClmFdi Li?.,.. " ' -i it 1,1119 Cave Al'.mla,' May 22. A -hurch invea t 'ii.ti of the white slave traHio is t :D I ' i a I'. rtiiecil by bills and over -e (.!' the Nort'ierii Pivs PASSES AWAY CALMLY, HOLD- INO BIS WIFE'S HAND. . - Maa Whe Took Bichloride of Mer cury r Week Ago by Mistake Suc cumbs to Death. Hi Iron Nerve Remained With Him te the End. Case Has Attracted National At tention. : : iy ' V;.. , .i , " Macon, Ga., May 22, His iron nerve with him to the end, calmly facing death and wishing for 'the end, B. Sanders Walker, the banker whose ease has attracted national at tention1 for 'six, days following the taking of bichloride of mercury by mistake for aspirin, lapsed into un consciousness early this morning, and died with his wife holding his band. ' Mr. Walker was a graduate of the University of Georgia in the class of 1903. He was a great shortstop on the team, and, even while dying re called the fact that a championship game "had been played the day(be fore, asking the result. -. His wife did not have the heart, to tell him that his team lost, but an other watcher at the bedside said: Georgia won,", and he seemed to feel happy.- . . - . THE CZAR ARRIVES TO '.' ATTEND BOYAL WEDDING. . Is . Unaccompanied by Czarina. Raiser Meet Him at the Station. Berlin, May 22. Cxar . Nicholas, unaccompanied by the Czarina, arriv ed today to attend the wedding of the Kaiser's only . daughter . Satnrday. The Duke nd Duehesa of Cumber land, the bridegroom 'a parents, also arrived. The Kaiser met both part--iea at the station. He was attired Brest in the British and then the Rus sian uniform, being forced to make' a quick change.- Twenty Counties Want Good Road - Money. At least 20 counties have made application for the $20,000 money available for a model roaxr to be built under the auspices of the federal gov ernment, and three counties are mak ing . earnest ' efforts to get the sum. The government apportioned $40,000 to this state, and Governor Craig di verted $20,000 to the mountains. Le noir, Wayne, Johnson andWawe are j a i 'i m ma ... K model highway. One of the prop osition is to build a road from Ral eigh to Clayton,: a distance of 14 miles? and toward ithis $20,000 has beeft swured Ay private ub8crlptttn between this -citv and Clayton. an other' proposition is to build perfect boulevard trora Kaieigu to tary, distance of nine miles. Ml 't ioia .-i 'uuimkiii rey a spy ior we union i A iDrama in Five Act. The First k e..n.. tw,k.,-,-. .i,..i. onrederates plan to land a cargo ... . . I fintM A hlnAb-adA iNiMiin ainl - A amo uvui n - viuyaauv ' a uuucij nun Auauio notifies the Union soldiers,' who plant cannon at the : water's edge and sink: the ship.; Peters : discovers Adams', treachery : and in a .terrifle hand-to-hand struggle "Peters is hurl ed over the cliff, and is found, and re vived by the lighthouse keeper,' avIo takes a Shot at Adams and brings him down -as he is escaping in a rowboat. See : the . wonderful battle scenes : the. sinking of the blockade-running the death struggle between the .soldiers on the lighthouse, f Do not miss this "rji i?' r. -.. adv, Pleased With the Woodmen Minutes. iWd Clerk J. H. Dortoh, of Head Camp Jurisdiction W, Woodmen of the World, recently issuea tue min utes of the meeting of the Camp, which was held in Asheville several weeks ago.''-, The book- was prepared by Head Clerk Dorton and was print ed at The Time8-Tribunet office and 700 copies were mailed to Woodmen tliroughout this and other States. Speaking of the book Mr. T. A,Wind ley, Head Consul of the Camp, Says in a letter to Mr. Dorton i -- '". . 'I received-a copy of the, minutes yesterday. . They are nicely gotten up and "reflect credit upon the printers ns well as yon, of course.-- Send me ;miie more copies." ' , ..' - ' .iV ' "Breen Still on Ste4id.i I Boston, May3 22-Jdlin:; JV Breen resumed -the- stand today for 'cross examination at . the Wood trial, tre- peating his original testimony regard ing the planting of dynamite at Law' rence almost in substance. Breen in sisted that be planted explosives at the instance of Manufacturer Atteaax and ho other person. - V;1'' President to Greet 750 School Chil- '-;:;i dren. -' : v " - ;- Washington,; May '22. President Wilson expects to make a handshak ing record when he greets seven hun dren and. flftey people in the east room of the White House this after noon, mostly school children of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Gov. Fobs' Hands Say They Will 7 . ";('-. Strike, :.-'jfyrJ- - Boston, MassV i May 22. Unless Governor Foss,.; who - -controls ' the Sturtevant Blower Works Company and - the" Becker Milling Company, grants an increase of wages, twelve hundred metal workers will go, on strike! late-today, according to ulti matum. Hinonty Member Want to Spout - Some of the Tariff. Waslungton, May 22. Senator Owens' plan for a limit to the deWate on the tariff bill on. the floor of the Senate is vigorously opposed by the minority members. , . P. O. S. of A. r The state convention of Patriotic Sons of America lias closed its an nual meeting at1 Salisbury, .after se lecting officers and deciding to meet next year an Winston-halem. Utlwers for the year were elected as follows: President, S, K- twink, . ol aign Point: vice-president-, Dauiel Barton, Of Winston-Salem: master of. forms, D. Johnson, of . Marion v state sec retary. Fred O: Sink, Lexington ; treasurer, ,tL JH. Koontz ol ixmg- tom conductor. P. G. Cook, of ton cord; inspector, ,). u. l ayior, . oi Statesville; guard u. M. reeieiv oi Faith ; trustee, J. Allman. of Albe marle ; representatives, M. T. Ray, T, Ivey, T. D. Browm.;; :.: .Ii.lin M. 1' .'!, f. i niedy of Salia- ,, v . ! y th ero83 arm of - ; ( ; ' ar Loni y., el wa ri.Jit i ' . : vii..r. Vessel Destroyed by Harbor Mine. Smyrna, May 22. All - but .five were rescued from the--liner Senega when it, was struck by the harbor mine. The vessel is a. total loss. The people of Clay comity Tues day voted ,T7.)i)0O tor -ti e construe tii n of (lie liiawtfssee Va' y railroad ' ! Ati.lrew to Hayest- '. It was iiioe , nut a sinsr' xole bein ! i. ' . .i it, and only t qunlil'ie k iite whole con i v. SUES STREET RAILWAY ;: J . FOR CAUSING INSANITY. Say Accident Caused Him to be Im sane and to Slay Hi Three Child ren, y ; :';:.! -'S':;-V.'-V ' Chicago, May 22 Charging that injuries revived by being struck by a street ear caused bis insanity dur ing which he killed his three child ren and was later sent to an asylum, William H..Mautsch, now released, is sueing the street railway for seventy five thousand dollars damages. ,'., ' - . Richard Wagner Centenary. Berlin. May 22. The centenary celebrations in' honor of the memory of Richard Wagner, the famous com poser, -who was born May 22, 1813, were inaugurated in various cities of the empire today and will be contin ued, through the summer. Especially notable will be the observances in Berlin, Bayreuth and Dresden. " At the Dresden royal opera performances' of the ''Ring der- Nibelunger" will ' be given and will be attended by musicians from all parts of Europe. Another ; feature of , the celebration will be the unveiling of a magnificent monument to the composer in one of the public parks of Dresden,- Guest Arrive for Royal Wedding. Berlin, May 22. The i German cap ital is rapidly putting on gala at tire in anticipation of the marriage on Saturday of Princes it Victoria Louiaef,danghter-of lie-Emperon, pd Prnce Ernest; August of Cumberland. The government . has requisHiond . many of the principal hotels for the . visiting emperors, kings, princes and envoys.'" The imperial palace is the Scene of the constant reception ' of arriving delegations,' many of them bringmg ; presents, The programme of .festivities begins tonight with a gala performance at the opera. Berlin, May 22. The Kaiser, Czar and King kissed one another on either cheek. All are guarded by hundreds of soldiers and secret service opera tives. ... Catawba College May Hied Bnrling- C'-'Af-ton' Man.'.. -. : Burlinstoui-May 2ir It is learned lir unon reliable ".authority that at the next meeting of the trustees of Catawba college at Newton, the pres- Mnev will be tendered to Kev. J. D. Andrew, of this my ;: mr. Au di w has been oastor of the Reform at hnri.h in this city for the past 15 years and is well equipped jor tne position. Jt is not known ' whether he will accept the presidency or not, but it is presumed that he will eon- sidei1 it favorably. Jjar. Anarew . ntnaf aTiwllnnt irentleman. and the people of Burlington, irrespective of Jonnrrwnotmn. . woliin mrrei w him. as a pastor and citizen. Death of Mrs. Ann Alexander, : Alexander died, yester- . . .. , L 1 . Av mnrninor at 1U O'CIOCK Bk nor i,. r Bnekv River Church,' Mrs. livun' , ..... Alexander had beet in reeoie nenu e oAvm-al months and her condition grew worse a few day ago and con tinued so until her death, .She was 74 years old arid is survived by five sons, - the runerai wan - M il A'clock at Rocky River Church, of which the deceased was a devout member and the service was conducted py uev. ""r-.. George Stovall Reinstated.1 8t'' Louis, May 22. A- Manager George Stovall, of the St.. Louis Browns, has neen reiuBmwu "j f President Johnson, or. me a League, after being Buspenoeu ior, three weeks. V -- ' J . Sensational Probe Likely. .. Waaliimrton. May 22. A Senator- Hal probe of the West Virginia eoal - . :il i:i.nK. Ilk. nntliri9AH nelda strise win nacj uv- v.v..w.-w-by the upper House Monday, and an investigation committee will leave im mediately for the scene to take testi mony. . .. ' - . . . - ' To Hang Negro for Assault. Washington, D. C, May 22. Nath aniel Green, the negro whose delayed execution brought forth an organized protest ,trom the women of -Washington, will be hanged in the District jail tomorrow.; - Green was convicted and sentenced to death for an. assault- on Mrs, Adelaide E. Grant, an, em ploye, in the District 'Assessor's office. The crime was committed last Christ mas: night; A:lV?; ';' ; . v .;;,. . --u-i'.;.;, King' Daughter and Sons. Indianapolis, Ind.i May - 22. The annual State convention of the King 's daughters and Sons was opened in this city ;this afternoon, with head quarters at the Central Christian Church. " Miss Margaret S.' Vesev. of - Fort , VVayne, ' presided. Delegates representing sixty local branches of the society in. Indiana were in at tendance. The convention, will con clude tomorrow. ... - . . . ", Says Heeter Made Improper Propos i als to Her.. ' Pittsburg, May 22. Mrs. Wessels, stenographer of. superintendent of -schools Heeter, took the witness stand today, testifying that the su perintendent had made improper pro- " posals to her.. The hearing for th attempted ousting of Heeter is sehed-" uled to-end Boom ' ' Rifle Teams in Competitive Shoot " Raleigh, May 22.--The rifle teams -from, companies of the Tliird Regi-' ment are ; here for - a competitive shoot at Company B range, west of Raleigh. Ten men and a commission-' ed officer are in each team. The shoot - eontinues-through Saturday. " - $1,600,000 for Armor Plate Factory.' Washington, ' v May 22. Seuator Henry F. Ashurst, Of Arizona, intro duced today bill appropriating im- mediately a million and Six hundred thousand dollars for a government armor plate factory.,- -- - A ...The bill provides for, a commiti- sion of three experts to pick a site for the armor plate factory to be ap-1 proved by the - Secretary of the . navy, . .; .;, L, , -nil J. . Si! mm Aiiri. -',;; A-'S