i 5iei V V ' sf 4 '- ' tr , v-" I VCL.T1III. 4D Cc-.ta a llontb 4 Cent a Copy. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1913. J. B. SHERRJLL, Editor and Publisher;. "NO. 2C3 V3i I- l : 'J Iw-.il the rrr.sc:rxrii is mads up . '.' y- or wiLsoir laar. ; . ; U" Xadicai Baortmiiatioi of Banklni And Currency CommitUe Most . Radical dun. Only - Tow . Old ' Member Bainf Retained. Dough- r - ton Chairman ef Committee 'ef .Ex , penditnre in Agricultural Depart-" v" ant ' .'. ... ' - --'.k ' Washington, June 2. Majority : Leader Underwood announeved th list of committee assignments and 4he p. personuel is. made up of Wilson men. ' A radical reorganisation . of - the ; ; Banking and ; Currency Commit toe, - which bandies the administration currency bill, is the roost interesting . change. Carter Glass, of Virginia, is chairmen-of this committee.-. Only . four old members were retained. "- t Clayton, of Alabama, is retained as chairman of the Judiciary Com mittee; Sparkman, of Florida, of Rivers and Harbors; Alexander, of Missouri, of ' Merchant ' Marine; , Lever, of South Carolina, of Agrieul tore; Flood, of Virginia, of . Foreign " Affairs; Hay, of Virginia, of Mili- - tary Affairs Padgett, of Tennessee, of Naval Affairs; Ferris,' ' of Okla- - homa,. of Public Lands r Henry, of , : Texas, of Rales; Pou, of North Car--:- otfna, of Claims; Godwin, of North Carolina, of Civil, Service Reform; Doughton, of North Carolina, Expen- . ditnres in Agrueulture Department Graduation Week for tha Uiddiee, 7 'Annapolis,. Md., June 2. Mary - land's old capital appeared In a gay - and festive mood today at the op- - ening of. the week of 'gala exercises .. incident to graduation at the United States Naval Academy. Hosts of ad miring relatives and other friends - of the midshipmen from all sections of the country have gathered' here - for the -occasion. ,'W'v -.-.v? ' c- The programme of the week -. waa ushered in at 10 o'clock this morn- ;-.ing Witnthe otneial .receptitairt wthe- board of rvisitors; fpoiotedby the President and Congress to eon- duct the annual inspection of the nav- al school. The ' reception was - f ot lowed . by an infantry drill by ilia -.' midshipmen, and this afternoon the members of the board witnessed "a . dress parade. . Other, drills, exliihi- ; tions and social functions will carry the programme along, until Friday, . -.. when the graduation exercises proper will be held and the members of the first class will be addressed by Sec- i. retary Daniels of the Navy Depart - went - , . 4 :' XTniTenity Commencemant Chapel Hill, June 2. The feature of the one hundred - and eighteentl ' annual r commencement of the Uni versity of North Carolina, which be gaa yesterday and will continue Wednesday will be the, .eommence - ment address by ; Vice President Thomas? R. Marahatl; .Wednesday . - morning. -; v- The- baccalaureate sermon, was de- - livered Sunday, morning by Rev, E. . Y. Mullins. D. D.i IX. D., president Of - the Southern Baptist s Theological Seminary.- The sermon - before . the Youns Men's Christian.. Association j was delivered last evening by Rev. Joaiah Clllay, ' ' , - , Opening of New Airdoma Tonight' Manager Isenhour announces ' a special attraction for the opening of the above place tonight,' Frankford . & . Wilson's Tabloid , Musical! Com. paiiy, ; introducing np-to-date vaude ville specialties and novelties, '"'A good clever chorus with plenty of tuneful, singing and dancing- num bers is one of the features. The price of admission is nominal,. 19 cents for 'children end 20 cents for adults and at these, prices this class of entcr tcrtiuument siioiml. prove , a - good drawing cnrdv ; adv. - L'-s. C.ice r ' i for DWorca. rinladvlpliia, June 2. -A complete 'revelation of Ikt l.fe T ine II, Irace, the society and clubman of Atlanta, Ga., is expected this after noon in the I '.i :r of a suit for . divorce of C, 'e Grace, growing out of the char- s t'.-at shot her hiif lsand. Grace has niada no effort to i ! st the action, and it is believ c-1 C t a decree. will be granted by t :t. r T-"":orro,:. Tie ' t'-e Confederacy '.' ner to the . t i-rrow at 12 ; . r tf To- . a:: i i t r H i iav. I- t t : i (, IwaoNo methods : - Or BOOKKXEPDTQ. Mada It Look Like Postomca Dopart- mant Waa Slf SuaUialnf Whea It Waa Not - , - Washington, June 2. The . Pout OfHee Department did not attain a condition of self-support during- tbeli ai iiiicococK, noiwunsianamg inl.f.-. f . k.,.w k.;.j. f-m.i widely advert ied announcement to i.iai eurew aiiuouu an apparent up- plus waa attained -by- unjustifiable methods' of book-keeping. : The aren-1 eral morale and efficiency of the pos- eord. They- tnrned bw k and sue tal service were sacrifleed to ruth.-1 ceeded, as "above stated,, in extin- lessiy ' enforced policy of false 1 economy for the sole 'nurpore , of I presenting ; a; - showing-- of : " self maintenance;, and .after ube attain-1 Hon, the policy was reversed.'. Long-cope standing vacancies were , filled and postponed promotions madev commit-1 menta to fixed eha'nres for lone terms were assumed in such .a way as to I saddle the new administration with I the greatly. increased expense during! ' Atlanta.. Ga., rMay. 31. Weather months, if not yesrs, to come;. - Iretords for the- past ,35-yeaia were These- are: the important -points in I the report of a "committee- of post I office officers which has made a min- ute "snrvev"- of the: Department 'si general condition. The report is ad- dressed to Postmaster General Albert Sidney .Burleson who made it pnblie todav. ml i. .itrnpd W nnir : tf I Roper, Joseph Stewart, A. M. Doek-U1? ery, James I. Blakslee and Merritt O. Chance, resnectivelv flrat aenond. third and fourth assistant postmast ers general 'and chief of the depart ments T:t . '''-:'Z '' The substance ef the claim of the Hitchcock administration was that a deficiency of approximately $17,500,-1 aaa f - - aaa i s .f.- . . - I uw.n Awanaa oeen enurety uimm. nieu, biiu uuu a auruuis 01 , over I 1200,000 was attained for the fiseal 1 yea? 1,911. The report of the 'jimr I vey",- are aeciarea to. snow, on, tue Contrary, that at no time has there been a legitimate surplus in the- post al revenues since the fiscal year 1883; and that instead of a surplus of ap proximately $219,000 in 1 911,' there was, in fact, au actual deficiency, of eonsiderably more than ' tUreeJnuart- era of a million dollars: , In order to ascertain th? true Cost iriw -iiimailifflvnn Avar . fho:' aotroi.aI I r v 7 .1 .v-v. s---r" : oporto submit statements;-shewing tbe onngations incurred byuem for the service of the fiseal , years 1909 1 m jiiwuduo, uicim.. w. timer when payments of the obhga-1 tions were, or are to be made. - ' rv. Burleson' Indictment of Hitchcock. 1 The Dostmaster .? general charges I ,. n;fcMMfc . ,isj..vii," ?-,vs I Used unjustifiable methods of book-1 keepingr-e' .V. -'J '-.?. "-vjj;: -1 Announcea a vuv,uuu surpiuti wnen a . miaaaiia. l . ..I tl..n .B mallv '. deflnit of 7S0., 000. - ' .7 . , . . : i. s ; V-- - Tried in everv possible manner to create conditions thatrwould lembar- rasa the Democratic administration.' f KtMiurted Miveivraeraee.md crippled department in effort to show economv. . . . '....' ', ; . . . -. .. -7- ""T ' . ' plana for Appropriation Reform," ''-i nf..iLj:. -: t- - a" .-ws-vwif a J. ..!, n VHonnuun O varietv nf tirnnositinns for ehansnirlt0WI,8.Pre8e?t estimates' and - appropriations. I ;Tl.e neeessityf erdinating.the estim- to. in sAiiia.iriv is mntm t irimit. ted, but a variety .of 'opinion exisU t'-" ' as to th best plan, to 4opted.fia',.QM fiction of the English budget scheme, while' others are openly , opposed 1o . - ; : i ine .ao, "on - present ine couiiuinco esuecw iu imi,. - , . . .. -. ., ;.- v j- little ele than talk om the subject YgZS5ZL& i. general way. Before any change in lorrn can be maae many laws wuii have te be repealed,: for nothing i more hedged' nt with statutes thah the method of procedure that has to T7oaicn roll Balance of Power. rortland, Ore., June 2. With wo men; voters lioMing the Daiance power, Poithiuil today is holding its brat election muter commission xorra W goveiuMieui. a .,.- missioners sou an aiuuior io toub ' . . . , vt. ch,sen from a ballot containing the Ohy -.. ti.:. :.. 4i...lnort todav to attend the opening ot names or yj cunoHiuies. im u ur first regular election in which, wo- have participated , rin? - thpr ere granted the franchise last No- veihlier. rortiauu 8 commission iorm of gov. - "iit is patterned after the Dcs "nines ' ; - , a rope.;': is the scv- ri.m x. et.ty-e'. ' '-i 1--- ' He was t,.rii at Crtiim;S.H, Vis; : I "' i and 1 I '1 called . . i " 1 t to CO imm V to . . . s and i of preeliii were 1 :irts of the world. 111 iw- Col t' ! ! C Willi lilC WISH 1H 1MB I no (eli-nratioii of the au- . . - i. .p it. i..... quiet 1 t' TXKS IN NO. 4. Tha Residence of Mr. M.. A. Avtry - Caught rira Saturday Mornlnf. - The residence of Mr. M. A. Avert caught fire Saturday morning about 10 o look. The blase started on the kitchen roof and tad gained consid erable' headway -when it was diseover- Mr. Avery secured a ladder and limbed on the roof and with the as- by the wwnbli of the household aue. teeded in extinguishinK . the blaae. 1ti Hr w.. avw& W M .nd Averv wmh Ieavinip for Con. gushing it, otherwise, there little doubt that the house would have been consumed by flames a there was no one else at the home able to with the flames SEVERE STORM. IN ATLANTA Wind at Velocity of 52 Miles An Hour ",. Strikes That City. , broken here this afternoon by a wind storm, Which decending upon the city '.from, the AVest, maintained for 2a mmutea ait average velocity of al miles an hour. ' At one time tbe wind auainea a speed oi. w mues an nour. maintaining this for one minute. A wowd of 5,000 peopla at the baseba!'. wag' badly frhtcwd hen the ".,r fy? " B,Knw" lu ouwiew .wi wm.i- ed into the air. The grandstands shook and for a time a panic threaten ed. The street car service wag T inter rupted, vi" telephone- : and ? telegraph wires badly snarled and .tress np-riit-ed. A heavy flagpole was torn from iilI, ..i... kny w ivi; a- 4 w-owa J UW n UiV tw t as. amr hnried into the street. Tbeia ..., ! l,fA' - ROOSEVELT RECOVERS SIX m CENTS FORM EDITOR NEWETT fewett Went on the Stand and Re tracted Us Libel. v . Marqnette, " Mich May - M.-CoL J'1lle,odor.e Roaevrtt today ' won hw ,,bel B.u,t against George A. NeWett, r" cnarg V VT". e' " "VB .. - leases V th? laws r,Jttiehuja. -au l n '-xpeiises.:; t nA , punn.. in8tructedthe .:.; , u ' V. .Ait thm plaintiff, which they dirt Without loav. ;, their sea J ; V " -r : - rt ;s fair to the Dlajntiff' to state ffiat I have been unable to find in any sectipnrof the country individual witness , who w willing .to. state turn he tias ; personally . seen jr, poose- y annicio exee..y.;;.;-:.v.y- i r , nr.n. i .- f--.'...: - ii ' .. - I W P- " ' The funeral of Mrs. J. R. Wallace, who died Saturday morning was Held yesterday- at Prosperity Associate- Reformed Presbyterian Church hear laatfleld. - ;li. foneral la-a. attenaea J by one of the largest crowds thafl tever.gatnerea w: ine pnaren.'-..-a aur ldition to large number or people 01 jthe fleighborhood who attended there I were scores of frieiida of ibC-deceas- I Vllie,- VCOrU ; BUU other" nearby The service was con t'Jl 5l5? ..-.... . j -. -- S . " I ioriuilliy muut-ueu air iub wciwtuuwH of Agriculture today. It .was X the nel r. ' , , . jl.: ,j.,-f h.'.. " u J Si -er in betteri P I'-Hf et 1! be in cnar)fe p the new bnrean, which - 1 oe in ciiarKUjo. wmwi, "is expected o save thousands for the of faiwrs of the United SUtes. , i - -..; . rjanieU' at Newport. ,,, v.,.f P J T .T,m 1 RecrAtarv r - - ,, , n, r W War Coll Dnnnga Z dabilitTa on Mr. Daniels the desirability advisability of Narra'gansett Bay as a nval base and the location or a monster navy yard. He will be ex. tensively entertained by Congress man O'Shaunnessy of Rhode Island ilurinu; his stay. Ec -jcra'a to C-i-'S on Tariff. , "'.riishin'toii. June 2. It is expect- ,1 the Underwood tariff bill" will be iven to the Sc-ste today -when the -i-rntic colic: 've will begin 's eaueiis (liiii- r liiiih itlheir -rs will bo t! i ashed out and nl Kr ' t on a bill which .. y n. .-..Dim support with .. i i i r t i ' nators from ,(-r,i. i i ' i. i -rvencs, do- ! i w ,,i I- hi on ; I .'.1 a week - otii today. . '. - -r ' ? irrt FiT" i Ci"rnE CLEARLY INC 10 ATE 9 HE WILL GUIDE INVESTIGATION Of the-Senate' Lobby Probe. Has Summoned Se tutors Simmons and Reed to Him Thia Afternoon to Make Several 8ngtestIona Regard ins Procedure. He Doesn't : Con template Testifying Personally. A Doien Ambassadors WU1 " Be Named ThiaWeek. .. ;',' Washington, June 2. The probe to ascertain ."who s' who in. lobbying," began today when Senators appear ed before .the sub-committee, answer ing a list of questions, which is ex pected to develop, the -identity Vof those who are making an '. outside fight on the tariff bill.vThe entire probe is expected t4 be -finished in record time.!v-.; ; '.' '''- Senators Ashurst and -' Bacon de nied outside employment.-.' They said they are interested in any article of tariff. . Ashuist.'.denounced a man named McCnrry who said he is at tempting to get through' the Indian committee the cancellation of an In dian tract worth three; and a. half million dollars to..bim.v-;ii Washington, ."June2.",Tr, President Wilson has assumed personal charge of the Senate lobby prole. At the eeklv conference of correspondents he clearly indicated that he,- will guide the investigation- He- said he had ummoned Senators , Simmons and Reed this afternoon -to ' make sever al suggestions''; regarding the pro cedure and scope of the .inquiry. .... He does not contemplate testifying per sonally, however, he-etanda ready -to furnish all possible information. A doien Amenean' - aaibassadors ill be named this week.'' The; President stated ; that : .. the Wilson currency hill 'iill not be presented to the Senate, ht'fore next Nothing has been heard, from the Jspane8e.tgt rc; f - The' Edict Torhiddint"Women urRide' : Wasiiington, June 2. The edict is sued bv General' J. P. Hickman, for- ixioing women riuing bsiimjb jii vuc parade during the reunion ,o the United Coniederate veterans at Uuat tanoosa. . Tenn, i V makes me tired,' Washington women announced n- grily. - ; . . f . S'i- Jdisa Mildred; ureoie, noiea Capi tol horsewoman said she wanted to know -wh women couldn 't wear rid- iusr tronsersV if they were more 6m- fortable, if ; men could and did use JMy sister, Ann, and myseit," sue said "ride astride ami wear-riding trousers beeaiise it is more wmtort able' Whv. the idea is foolish.', Ill wear what 1 want. ' " 'ii " .' The General - makes roe . migbty tired.'; said Mrs. K. C. Burleyson chief oiarshall of the recent ; suffrage parade.; -;! ' We are not trying to lol low the ways of men in ridiug as tride. -r We have just awatened, io the fact that we are more comfortable and took better riding that wayjhan with a side saddle." Washington ;. women wear- regular riding breeches, -with an ' extra-long coat that cover the upper portion pt the-rer ah limbs. They also wear nifty, little boot and carry mannish riding crops and wea r high" ct ; st iff round hats. V .. -'Ai-: Trinity..' Commencement. Vvifc' TDurliam; June .lThe oommenco. meat address by' Senator' Albert Baird Cummins ill he the star at traction of the 'closing exercises at Trinitv Colleee this, week T Rear Ad miral Robert E.' Peary, discoverer of the North Pole, was ta have aeuver ,i it., commencement address, but a few days ago advised ; the college ffli.la1a that he would be unable to lir' i, Cnmrnins Bi-ncinnsl v accented the belated mvt- tation and wm deliver we wuwe Wednesday moining. ; - Tiiean'av will De given .over. to enmmencement sermon, annnal alum ni address, class reunions and alumm ji... .nt TueRda evening the con- . .. .1.1- w:i. ftvatf maillLl WlM teSIS lor IIB nut; ---- t.lr i-kl Ace.' ' The graduating xer- cises and Senator Cummins'; address and scheduled for Wednesday mom- X? artT the exercise, of the fift fourth annual ; commeneement iU come to a dose with a big reception to the. graduating claw ( Wednesday . .2-1.1.' t . i rl-' ' Illgllt. .' ' , v.- f, , it ---.., , ' i Escape Trom SalUbury Lockup. .. Ri;ttl.nrv. MaV 31. Tearing up the floor of the city prison at about midni irht last night, vflve inmates locked up for minor offenses during n, elebrtion of Decoration Day in Coi;uk.,rv Vr iinv .-- made good ineir It is thought they secured io.,l With which to liberate-thcm: selves. -All were stronpis ni citv and it is not known w hence ihe they were from or whither they went f. rtnth Crowell, who has been . : Kannie lUc P! terson. ,-, 1 to her lion n in ( OOVERNOR CRAIO HAS NO r SENATORIAL AMBITIONS. The Oorernor Wants to Serve the People aa Governor and Than Oe Back to Hia Mountain Home. Charlotte, May- 31. There have been efforts wade to inject -politics into the Ju4 Freight Rate association of North Carolina a number of times during which it-has heeu charged that Governor Locke Craig seeks the United States senatorshin bv and throneh the aasoriatinn. Tl, nffiMnl nf Hl. Imt rnUi p.i. I have refrained from entering a denial of politica in the organixation, be- liviiir I Ivor. ;. . c ... I such a deniaL As a matter of fact . I before the huanriiitiim n, ,wtrmnt. I ly organized. Governor Craiir declar ed ha had no ambition to go to tbe United Mates. Senate, and that his chief desire was to serve the people of the state for four years as gover nor and then return to western North Carolina. . . . ; - On the morning of May 13, the af ternoon of which say the election of permanent officers of tbe association, Governor Craig had a long confer ence witn Leake larraway, of Char lotte, at wnicn time the matter of poUl itics was broached. At this time Gov-1 ernor Craig said: I 1 have no desire to go to the IJuted States senate. My wily poli- tieal ambition is to serve the iieople of this state .as' their governor, and then return to the mountains of Western North Carolina and live and aie among my people. 1 nave Heard it said that I am charged with bring- ing about this agitation for better freight rates for the purpose ot rid- ing into higher office upon this sue- cess.. I have no such ambition, and! am devoting my time and attention and energies to this woik for the sole I purpose of assisting in whatsoever way possible in obtaining for the peo. I pie of this state simple justice. . PftarV to Ba in Pari. i I P lni,0 Llmifof Vf..Kj.rf V. I iPearv: the. arctic exDlorer' will, Jli-M rivr hei this week in'ieaimn'ibi' tolanl nvitation . addressed to ; hfm , hythe French Geographical Society.. - 1 A great, reception awaits turn, tie iwill" be received by the Society in solemn seance' at: the . Sobonne and jon June, 6 will deliver a public ad- tdress in - the .enormous lof the, famous nstituttoni?!! If VMMVi-.lMlwWk'tGt -Fwneb, SecietyTbattle"between Brandon and Graham, would have ignored the presence, ot I Il'eary. m France; had there not. been I something -of a popular , clamor , fori his "official recognition. ;. He - id.' said 1 tto hae strong opponents in the So- iciety, not that; they do not believe! that he reacnecr the nprtn.roie, dui they, are piqued because .he failed to sftbmit his i proofs 5 to the v trench avnmy ni me ums w iwiiura ai. a.: i-l. . t British " geographers.., Charlotte After a Union Station. jNews-aiid Observer. -' .- . ( j Charlotte jsterday '.appealed to the Incorporation commission to ; order' a i union siaiion lor.imu my mm me commission will now go into that matter; "yW K ?"Vha evuam that -,itt U in Iran under the sheds are the Southern, jthe Seaboard, tbe- fiedmont . .hiectne Comnanv, and ihe-Norfolk-Southern, the last named;, now heading rapid! j that : way. 'W-hWiZSz-? V-'-Z, i There has been no union station in Charlotte. - Tbe Southern and the Seaboard have.. separate stations and are tfar aoart. Often theie has been a jnove toward; the merger waiting room and ticket office, but the con servatiye influences have fought this movement because they did not wish to' do anything that might cripple the; ronds. - - Wrightsville Beach Claima Another : ,.Life. - Wilmington.. Mav 31,--J, D. Artley, 32 years old, clerk in office of auditor of freiaht receipts, AUamic c-ioasi Line, .lost, tis life . at w rigiitsvuie Beach yesterday afternoon in au er- fort to rescue Dr.. Palph' E. Knouse, of the United, States Marine Hospital here who had been caught by a heavy nmlertoW and was afterwaid brought to-the beach by a life guard on duty hearby and resuscitated. -, Artley- started to the beach with the physician but : all of a sudden gave out and ceased hrs efforts and was earner some 10 feet further be fore the life guard jtot to Knonse.. . , , Fetxcr-MaxwelL " Cards reading as follows have been j issued ? " ' ' Mrs. David Guy .Maxwell requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter . - Mary . to- " Mr. Pendleton Bernard Fetxer on Thursday evening the twelfth of - . June i one thousand nine hundred and ' thirteen - at eight o'clock v Second Presbyterian Church , i; Charlotte, North Carolina. i ; New Cannint Law Btrict New York. June' 2 the new Brooks canning law which sroee into effect todav, demands that all man ufacturers of canned goods put on the outside of the cans just what ma terial. and how much of it, is on the inside. . A table of shrinkage and shortap;pi has been provided for ennnerB in order tlmt they may : VIC GRAY RETURNS. Youthful Runaway Too Mock in Lor . With Concord to Stay Away. ' : Vie Gray in bark . again. Vie in the youthful little runaway, who vis ited here eereral days ago with a little companion named Olin nank ins, from Marion. One their visit be fore they were taken in charge by Chief Boger. T1A father of vounir lias kins came for him, and Grav was m aca to the Tlionumon onihan ha:Iott. fmro whence he came. !. . . ,ue "H'uanage was noi sui- at tractive to hold Victor and "no a nine companion nanie.l WwhI 'ocide.l to go forth to freedom n&K Aam l.. I ft a. a 1 1 ""' ifii jmcnii? an-i arrived here in due time. Vic recognised by the officers and locked Hp: The superintendent at the or phanage has been notified and he will come to Concord this afternoon am! take rliarge of the runaways. WEEK'S FORECAST. Weather Will Be Slightly Above Sea- ' ' soluble Says Bureau. Washington, June 1. Temnera- tures slightly above the seasonal av erase in the gulf states and near or slightly below the average throngh- out the ountrv were nredirted toniirht by 4he weather bureau in its weeklv bulletin Generally fair weather is looked for. conditions indicating onlv loca precipitation usually below normal A disturbance thai is now over the gieat lakes will move eastward." the bulletin says and cause local rain and thunder storms Monday in the eastern and southeastern states and it will be followed by rising pressure and generally fair-weather for sever al days in the region east of the Rdcky - mountains. Another distur- bane will develop Tuesday or Wed Inesdav over the western plateau re sinn and move eastward, rossinar the mi.l,llo a-ul TiuraHav Jir FnlH- anil the eastern states near the end of the Week; this disturbance will be attend- ed by local showers and thunder storms and to be followed by cooler weather." i Spencer Defeats Lockites. Swncer defeated Jjocke Mill in an interesting 'game of ball Saturday af- ousemphiHieatrelternoon ate Locke Park by the soore Jof 4 to l.UThe game, was a pitelira. both pitchers twirling giltedge" nan. Brandon t was less lilieral with hits while-Graham excelled in strike outs, fifteen Spencerites. whiffing at his giants.: Manager Clark, of the Locke- ites, was the only, man able to con- nect gfely with Brandon s .delivery, driving out the only two hits garn- ad hv hirf team; Sensational catch- w bv Allred. Smith and Sappenneld featured the fray. R. H.E. Locke Mill 1 2 2 Sneneer . - ... - 4 71 Mrs. W. ; A.' Stone, who has been visitinir her sister, Mrs. M. L. Wid- enhouse, left this mcrnihg ter her lwme in Waynesville. -She. was ac- comnanied by Miss - Cooper - Miller who will spend the summer with her. 1 i Keep Your Feet CooL in a i Pair of Selby's Shoes : . A nrk4-Vta chinmont . nf mirl.enmmpr , A -' 11UVIUWI . ouiuivut .v., mm uuiuujvi i By styles just in. Cool, soft yici patent, in I Button oxfords. Plain and two strap X 2 pumps just the kind X mer days, very moderately priced : at $2.5U, $3.uu ana .iu We have a very choice showing of X x white canvas one t plain ' pumps with detachable straps Y J T I t Frices yc, Always pleased to show you. . .9 the live 131 nin ID fvlCIiiCCUO ALL ARE IN A HIGHLY PROS-' PEROUS" CONDITION. Receipu Last Year Were Nearly $7,- -000,000. Shares in Fore $213,544. - Seventeen New Associations Form- ed. Gov. Crai W01 Leavt Satnr day for Extended Rest. Trial ef Men For Openinf Package ef Lost -Money. - Kaleigb. June 2: Advance figures -of the forthcoming report of the in-! surauee commissioner, announced to ' day, show that the 131 Building and ' Loan Associations of the State are in a highly prospermia condition. Re' " ceipts of tlie past fiscal -year were ' nearly seven million dollars, an in crease of fifteen hund.ed thousand. The assets are nine and a half mil lions, an increase of twelve hundred thousand. Shares in force 243,544, an y increase ot 40..'1.19. White sharehold ers 22,.)08, colored 2,752. ' Seventeen : new associations mere formed. The State league meets at Burlington, June 11 and 12. .The commissioner speake of the value of a "uniform system of accounting." The canv. missioner sa"s all companies are home ' enterprises and regards the business -one of the best things in tbe State. - Governor Craig, leaves Saturday for his home at Asheville to take an . extended rest after an attack of rheumatism. He will make the trip -in an automobile. : Mrs. Craig will 1 v accompany him. : The three negroes and white man were turned over to the federal au thorities for trial for opening the package of money lost from an ex press car last week. Miaa Patterson EnUrtaina. Miss Zula Patterson was hostess at a most enjoyable sewino- party Sat urday at her home -on North Union , street in honor of Miss Miriam Dum- .' ville, one of Concord 'a popular June brides.- Twenty guests were present 1 and the gathering was ill led with in. lerest'ana pfcaslu'a. 'Miss Janie Pat-' terson, a sister of the hostess render-r, ed; several vecal selections; which. greatly enhanced the pleasures of the" , event. The honoree was presented - ;:,! with a beautiful .boquet of Sweet peas. - s., Kannapolia Defeats Cooleemee, . Bell's pitching and the heavy stick work cf Ids teammates was- too' for-- .; midable .for Cooleemee and the Kan- napolis team romped away with the big end of the score, 8 to4 in the game at Kann'apolis Saturday Knnnapo- : lis was strong in offense work, the v heavy artillery of Poole, G. Spry and Irby leading the attack." "Hill Spry 'a stick work for Cooleemee wag also prominent,1 in the, proceedings.,:', - A large' crowd wittiessed the game: ; '.. for these hot S'jm- and two strap, also J 91.mj,'91.: to$z.5U op to the iie-v 1 i'v to C o h : '-'i'.