13. J. B. SULK RILL, Editor and Publisher; - -" 257 . .uUbrtfT ' - ! . t. k , J i a I, ,1 cf C... Tie rear'.y ") '.: La. Thai C.ty a::d r:: vrurr Board "Adopt Sesolttion Urging Vrni-rs to. U;a Lar-zuigo Laymen C-a t'ndenUnd nd Not Bo I'any C ; "c Terms. Enow Lnmter - Coir .jr.y And Others ra'".cd to r ' ;:',:.i'e C'iUxs for cbatss f r C !'..).'. June 0. Governor Craig vifiinl the board of agriculture to day and spoke, outlining his views on f- ,1 s-rvjee nml political uplift. lie j . ,1 the hoard the influence of his i e iu all things linking for the betterment of the people of the State. The hoard adopted a resolution urging writers for bulletins to use language entirely understandable by farmers and laymen and the cliniiiir atingof 'scientific; terms as much as nos.-ible, " """.-;-' .-t tt oi.nV.nrs that, the- petitioners in the case of the Snow Lumber Com pany and others- against the South ern' Railroad failed. to substantiate their claim for rebates for overcharg es. : The . commission will " . decide ...i...(i,....i. nnt . fn revise the inter- divisionaj rates." Oral testimony is concluded and both sides have" sub mitted briefs ; -, -, .' '.""'--:. '''". S..Urliniy. Jtiho fi. Nearly five hundred '-iti- are in Salisbury to day for the two-day meeting of the 'Cirssi l Council "of .the Carolina of tie United Commercial Travelers. -!.: ':iy fii i n a hand of Yies pH--c! t M.uh the tity en to Salirb.icy. 'ihtt band, trav eling in ua;'t,,s and on lioriuiick, were parsing alon the K anna pol ts road near the Luherpr j-U-e, whey There are fourteen councils in the they Bt' -'! and began talking with two States and all of thee are rep Walter ilher.-piKin. - colored, who 'resented by large-delegations, while was engaged ia cutting oats. Tbeirmany members from other , States, eonveisntion with Walter was very 'I,o.ri working this territory, have ia money and several ,4mnlv,H ; in an;,lV th fellowshiu i j l- i ii '.- : :r ef their brother Knights of the Grip fruitful as if J r It w D. CHILE MAN EATS ROCKEFEL LER 13 A PAUTEE COMv i PARED TO EEI. ' . as a result of it.- at ftiia oluil lim. ?unv tit tha delfr- r. B. L Laiberger, owner of the teg have. their Waud danght Luherger place, received word Ihil wUh them- Salisbury people toe. gy.es were securing oats from kft tU mAoM to maU tue hi employes and he and fchenff Hob- j idcaj on- 8nd evcutt went to t tie farm in an auto-- , , J .UJ , . ... A ''PRISON TlCm , " ' 13 Er.CTJTXO TODAY. W-v. T'i- Tan, nns Convict ia the ; V,Test Goes to Eis Death Todays 6. Jacob Op- th "Tiser of Folsoni Ii"i.,n." and the most famous, con vi,.t in. h west todav went to his ,ir,u, offor remarkable I- 'it for l la that led to the United States Sn- , ,.,, Cmtrt. ". Onneiih'- -ner was sen- t d to die nmler (ar;ornia law h n .ikes an 4l uV on a pnso fin' 1 a (1 'O 1 ry c -mi. or v t. - e l! '" a :ii-vear lenu iu . i i 18(l- it.w ,..m later ho fatally, stabbed a fellow prisoner named Uoss. lie as conv- t 1 of the murder and sentenc ed U life imprisonment in ' San Oiientin.' There he stabbed jruard McDonald, but not fatally.; Placed finement. he myster iously secured a piece of steel, made o fia nd sawed ihis way through. 8 teel dour. He stabbed a fellow con vict named Wilson, who attempted to block his way to liberty. Oppen ivus en it ured, tried for his Id. sentenced to iiai-iv A.v- - ,i.i. ,,,i cut to ' Folsom-. prison. AVhile awaitinvj execution "Tiger' Oppenheliier stabbed Convict Qmja da to death with a fork following a trivial argument while eating. . - fliu-e again Oppenheimer was plac ed iu "solitary" and once again hi F.n-utx'd a piece of steel, made a saw -..,..1 ,.t out into the -cor rider. "-where i.e v'as eapUireil. OppMihciiher, it u Paid, has a dozen or nre tiracsse enved nieces il metal and used them i.i vnv from his cell tho "authorities 'have, suppressed the r-ports of it. His almost .mipernar i ),;r(.. in secure material roi i , mi.i wef ions mado him the equal the nnt.V.oHs Jfl" mobile. When hey arrived however, the oats had been regained, Mr. Ca leb Goodman, who lives near there, having "stoped the jryies aud re quired them to return the oats to the farm. . -.. . ' ' .' " ."?:---"-'.': -In the" meantime Walter; was at tempting to determine jns -how he had been so genuinely buncoed by the travelers. . .Explaining ; the Gypsies' methods, to." Mr..- Umberjfer, Walter said that they pnt - a piece "of silk cloth on his shoulder and tied a knot in it Then monkey Bigns were made. By this time Waiter was becoiniuji; somewhat hoodwinked.-' ,-Mbre knots ....... i.J....l. knn.lnn 'wait. ' ed firmer grip oh his. The Oyiwles! were also in a gripping business and they gripped ' Walter's coin.- - One; Gypsies- held a flngej orii i Walter'. breast and another made ennons ug- ures on- the"" ground. ? This, -was too much for Walter, and -die -became a thoroughly .' bamboozled . 1' nigger."" In the .meantime other Gypsies were loading a wagon with . oats. But there- was. more -coming to Walter. Strange herbs and loots -were pulled forth from a bag and rubbed on Wal ter. - This was sufficient. -- What, the silk cloth, knots, monkey figures, etc. failed to do was performed by the roots and heibs, and Walter became hopelessly hoodoed. hoodwmker, bam boozled and honeyfnggled all at the same tune. In the meantime the oats continued to be pilexl 1igh on the wii 'iiii and the gypsies evidently de cided Hint thev were -through - with Walter and left him to; wonder just exactly what kind of an -intellect, lie possessed. . ' -" ' s ' ' . - T ift Mentr -was , armeu. wuu a aparvth warrant but ha and Mr.'Um- berger arrived at Luberger place and found that the oats naa Deen tccov tors. Tha pening session was called to ordei this morning at 8i30 o'elock in the Grubb Theatre by Past Conn cilor'E. W. Tatum. 'Senator Lee S. Overman delivered the address " of welcome- on behalf of the Salisbury Industrial Club,' which was respond ed to by Dr. J. P. Stepp, o Spartan burg,' S. C. The address of wekome fqt the eity of Salisbury . was deliv ered by " Mayor W, H. Woodson and for ."Salisbury Couucil 507," W. M. Ruth delivered1 thc-welcome adilreHs. J. H; Semken,' "of Cbarleiten S.. C., responded. V- 't r;;.-"5iMVi"': f i - A business session of the conven tion-was held in tho local council chamber at m. Two other busi ness sessions will be held today, at' 3 and ff:3Q p. m., .respectively From 11 to 12 this morning the visiting ladies were met at the Em pire Hotel by the ladies.; eomimttee and given the keys to -the social Bide ef Salisbury. This, aftemoont tronj 5 to 7 the yisilinsr ladies wiD be en tertained at a garden party otT the beautiful lawn ot Mrs; Charles Priee on North Fulton street." ; Tonight from 9 until 11 oVloek the Salisbury Choral Society will give, a musical -in .honor of the "Visitors at the rraded eehoot building. The 1914 meeting will be held in South Carolina on the rotation plan and Greenville is making a stron bid for'Uhe'Miext annual session. Greenville .has i large delegation here and every 'effort is being made to see that the boys travel Green-' villeward next summer. .Following are the officers of the grand council Grand councilor, J. H. Semken, Charleston, S. C.V. grand Claims to Be "the Nitrate Kinj," And Says He is the Kichest Man in ' the Wide, Wide World, His Portnne Being Nearly a Billion. It En Route to Europe With a Long String of Servant. New York, June 6. Landing from a steamer, Senor Ossio, of Chile, 'told the reports that he is richer than Hoekefeller. " He said the latter is a poor man compared to hia wealth. He said hejwas the nitrate king and the richest man in the world, his fortune being nearly a billion,", Ossio is en route to' etirape accompanied: by a big retinue ef servants. MB. COREELL WAS T t " : f : MAKMZT)- APEIL' 19; The Ceramony Was Performed in.Al- baraarle on That Day By Eev.. Mr. Tucker. . , I'esterdayV The ,; Tribuhe-; publishwl an? account of the "wedding of Mr.. E. r CcrteU - and. Miss .. Almetta - upe. The account of the marriage- stated that it took place yesterday "afternoon j at the. home of .the- bnde'a. father, Mf.. Levi Lipe, near " Misehheimer Springs and that it was- witnessed, by a few intimat friends and .the con tracting partiw. "rii'i' tc'v ';!;:-:;i sit-.' CorreH, . as roted in, tas ac count published yesterday,- left Con cord that morning, accompanied toy his Brother, Mr. WV C CorrelL and Mr. C. F. Ritchie, a close1 friend, the two having been asked by htm to ac company him on the trip. it o witness the ceremony. They accepted the in vitation' with pleasure. ered they decided not to pursue the councilor David Ray, Char- baiul and no arrests were made. of i-oniined fi-r Clinrlc.'.own,. this respect. V.. Hi11,' years pi'iiitent "uii'V to - Ann. ; - the i c f and - The Location of the New School ...Building. Mr. Editor; I am glad to note; a growing interest on the part of the tax payers and patrons of our grad ed schools in the question, of the lo cation of the new scnooi . pmiuing authorized by the issue of the $20,- 000 bonds. It would be weU, iu my opinion, for the school .board to call in consultation, as to the location, the city board of aldermen and our rep-, resentative citizens. ; which was done before the present Central sehool building .was erected : Jlr. : W.U, Means, the nestor of our legal bar, and a trustee of the "Union school board, has given as ; his opinion to Br. Smoot, chairman of the graded school board, . that' a goool. aftd, legal title can be given to Vhe city for the property: 7 This property,; "Lnowa" as the old'Lulhoran Church property,. is aii ideal locution, while the proposed . . 1 - a .1 a te near t he Central graaeq scnooi, is very objectionable. A 'prominent citizen, living .in close proximity . to this proposed site, " informs me that lie is opposed to its location there on sanitary grounds and the' great expense that, would be attached to rvennring the" ground alone ' for the letter secretary, E. B. Iittlefield, Charlotte? treasurer, Clarence Kuest er, Charlotte; grand conductor, A. & Hughes; grand page, U. K. tsarrow; sentinel. J. E. Call- s-, i - t of t'l t' : . ." 1,. !l 'tl nt t'o o!'l-' i, Ivi- to ii, i; 11 g. (1 sir.'5est that the city board i'l he asked to" examine the i as to its sanilary possibili 'si.les the artesian well that he covered by . the. proposed i!,Kn.:, i,.'."ht he nccesry to furn onr wat.-i- supply at some time in . future, ns it is a well known fact Cold Wider creek goes dry nil 1 . . , ion ot lite nea- T 'o of hei """!'(' H II i tics, 1 ivo.nhl . The Dukes And Trinity, - Charlotte Observer. -Again the sons of . Washington Duke have sustained the father's tra ditional .loyalty to the cause of edu cation in North Carolina. They have come to the rescue of Trinity and made possible the $1,000,000 endow ment by which that institutions field of usefulness is greatly extended. The Dukea have made Trinity the moa richly endowed college in the South The late Washington Duke started this work "many years, ago and strangely enough had to. fight his way to each successive gilt or money, Op position to the Duke money, however. has ceased to be, a disturbing cle ment and the gifts are being receiv ed in the light'-of 'reason and in the spirit of the original Duke intention, Up to this week, the gitts ot the Duke family to the promotion of the use fulness of . Trinity had been more than $2,000,000. The public has been a long time in coming- to a just; ap preciation of the, "value, of the Duke friendship. They are captains of ed ucation whose work will for all time reflect honor and glory on the State. t The party arrived at the home a Lfev-' minutes before noon.. The wed ding however," did not . take place, Much to the surprise of the groom's two attendants the announcement was made that Mr. Correll and Miss lipe were married April 19, the , wedding taking place Mn Albemarle and was performed by Kev: Mr.: Tucker. Al ter the wedding Mrs. Worrell, went to her home at Misenheimer and ..Mr. Correll returned here, -where they have since been living. . , r'.-.;. After the surprising announeement had been made a sumptuous dinner was served at the bride's home to the bride and groom, attendants " and members of the bride's family. Mr. and Mrs. Correll returned to Concord yesterday afternoon, ..where they wiH make their home. i" EryAWAT NO. 2. A Thriller Lata Yesterday Afternoon ' With New "TinglBd" Thrilla.. Runaway No.. 2 yesterday took place shout 5 o'clock and wa a thrill er with new f angled thrill. Runawav No, 1 (fliey "are "i . frequent thai numlxn are necessary) had. taken place several hour before. ; As a day it was not complete without a few runaways, judging by the number lately, the running steed played" double header yesterday, and a above noted, the second' thriller took place about 6-o'clock. North Union street being selected as the course;-.'' A horse belonging to the Gibson Manufacturing Company was left rnr- attended while hitched to a wagon in front of the express office, an ordi nance against ' leaving horses unat tended en the streets to the contrary notwithstanding. The animat decid ed to run and run it did, dashing off ud the street at breakneck speed Each side of the street was lined with ve hicles and automobiles and only the center waB open for running purpos es, and naturally the horse selected the open- section. .. ; .;;.-:fv However this section was not open all the way. Mr. A. G. Udell was driving his buggy atong tlie street and Mr. xr. r. loitrane was aise suouen- ly surprised by a chorus of - yells from pedestrians along the sidewalkn to look out.. They looked out - and what -they saw' was danger and dan ger"! was a-running. ' : The : big" .. draft horse, was thundering down upon them. ; Both sides of the street were blocked with i vehicles. There " re mained only: one course- to pursne run. ; Did they runt Did Joe Daw son! run- when lis car- sped by the judges' stand ahead in the Indianapo lis sweepstake T Did Bruce Brown rtrn at Savannah f Did Harry Grant run in the Vanderbilt eup raeei They sped up the street at a hurricane gait, the horse and wagon only a iew ieei behind, rattling and bumping along along at amanpg speed, ; ine crowa stood m breathless suspense lor a fleetihe period and watched the race. The two steeds spea on to me square and a short distance , beyond, when Mr. Odell saw an opportunity to pull to the side -of the street and did so, the -pursuing horsejind , wagon pass ing and continuing ttp the street un til stopped, snorting and exhausted, several blocks away. KLDTTZ AND HALE WILL .A ' '--'-.; 5. BE OFFERED PLACES, Lock ei tee and. Kannapoli to Play at Loci Park Toaanw Afternoca. The Lockeitut and Kaunapolia will ' battle for baseball enpremacy - it ' lxke Park tomorrow afternoon, the -game beginning at 3:30 e-Vlock. Both teams- have been greatly rtrengtben ed since the season opened. Among ' the new performers on the Lockeite team will "be Fred Patterson, Trini- . tyViSrst baseman, and Barnes and Barnes, a new battery recently seenr. - ed by Manager Clark. The following ..', ine prooatjle line op of the two -teams r " .. Loeke Mill r. Sappeafleld, as; All- -red, If; Clark, ef; Patterson, lb; J. Sappenfield, 2b ; Rogers of Barnes. . e; Fink, rf; R. Sapp, 3; Graham or oarnee, p. - , '.- Kannapolis: Spry, lb; Willet, e ' Irby. 2b; 0ereashr ef; Poole, - 3b; Lindsay, ss; Parrish, If; Hostetter. rf; Bell, p... . - - DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY Held a Most : Enjoyable Sessioa'' Thnrsday Night. Address ty Key. . A. L. Cobnrn. , - Tlie Daughters of Liberty held a ' most enjoyable social session last ev ening at their lodge room in On Rita building. .In addition to the lunre number of members a number of vis itors wer present. The programme was most interestiny and enjoyable, consisting of recitations, ' addresses and music. , , . The exercises were owned by a recitation by Miss Jennie Kerns, af. ter which Rev, A. L. Coburn made an address. At the close of tbe ad dress several selections were render ed by the- quartette composed of messrs. J. W. Chanev. J. M. Talbirt. M. McGraw and T. L. Chanev. which was followed by music by the Cannonville band, ' . ; , , At the close of the programme re freshments were served. ".; ' . " . THE WILLIAMS LIQUOR CASE FINALLY SETTLED, New Commissioner Permit Williams to Give -Bond and Remove Large Quantity of Wet Goods, ' Washington, June 5. By modify ing ' the action- of former Commis sioner -of Internal Revenue Cabell in the famous N. Glenn Williams whis ky, case, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Osborn has practically end ed a controversy of eight years stand MISSING FROM HOME. William J. Mclntyre Has Disappear ed Family Unable : , to Locate "WHliam 3. "tfcrrttyre, young white man, son of F. C. Melntyre, has" dis appeared and his family is unable to find any trace of his 'whereabouts. Young Mclntyre. left his home on Ce- . dar street Tuesday a week ago. When last seen he was standing near the railroad track at the Depot. Mcln tyre's mental condition has - been causing his family anxiety for some time and they tear that he has wan dered off .and is unable to 1 provide ' for himself, . k '. (-. uro of those natter to tne -S fif out' Misa Davidson' Condition Worse. , London. June 6. JIiss Emily Wild ing Davidson, the militant suffragette who threw herself under the King's horse in Wednesday's derby took a (1. 'icded turn for the worse this ar ti rnoon.-' The doctors said her con dition is critical and that they, will ho forced .to operate. Hale to Be Tendered' Post as Minis ter to Costa Rica. Better Job I For' Kluttz. Washington Cor. Greensboro News. Washington, June 5.4-11 is geneiv ally , understood here tonight , that Mai'or E. J. Hale, of Fayettevill will be offered the post as minister- to Costa Rica, and that Whitehead Kluttz, of Salisbury ' will be given position in . the diplomatic service little bit better than the Costa Rica position. - These facta became known xonigni after President Wilson had conferred at the capitol with Senators Simmons and Overman and a number of other loading Democratic' Senators in re gard to appointments. " -' - -While neither- or . ttie senators ould talk for publication,, it is un derstood that President Wilson want- d to know whether Senator Overman would object to the appointment , of the Fayettevillo man. ". . The President, it is learned, stated that he wonld give Mr. lvluttz a better place than that which will be offered the veteran editor, . . . .; -i.vFino Yield of meat." "., Mr. M. R. Bost. of No. 10 township," brought to our office this morning a bunch of wheat which showed a re iug between the government. and thelmarkabre yield. There are on it, pro--: claimants to 25,000 gallons of whis- duced from a single grain, 118 Stalks, kv stored at Williams, N. L;,. leach with a large head of bearded The new commissioner nas permiv- wiieat,,; ltiese Heads would average ted Williams to give a bond for thelprobably 40 grains each, and this . internal revenue tax and extended would make 4,720 grains produced until January 1." 1914,: the. time of from a single one sown. - If this yield going into effect of his predecessor's has a parallel we have never .seen or u order for the removal or tne wmsny ncara or it. from Williams, N. C, to- abandoned warehouse at Louisville, Ky. . -" Middies. Given Diploma by Daniels. Commissioner Osborn s action win Annapolis, Md. June C Com- permit the withdrawal and salo of Ueneement eek at the Naval Aeod the whiskv with the payment of taxes Lmv to the government aggregating $25,-Ltion evereiBCS) vvhen two-score of 000. Ho said he moditied Mr, vaoea embn-o admirals went forth into" the order ao that the government may woW( to gerv,e their Country on the receive tne taxes anu do spareu mo expense of $12 a day ; in keeping a guard at tne wmiams aisiuierj. V Collie CL1 Attacked, 1, v. Mass.. June 0. The po if t' s and the surrounding the vicinities lor f I: urn Louise 1 nt Shaftor Inst night i hunt. nit o scounn n a I was 11,.. ac 'oy CO i. s) II r 0 1 10,1 dy- 1 1 the ,.tely AT.T. FACTIONS TO GET u ' TOGETHER, SAYS COWLES. The graduates received their - ' diplomas from Secretary Daniels. It . was the first, visit of the Secretary of the Navy to the Academy and he. was given an enthusiastic reception. - HAS Jur TAMPERED WITH. Odd Fellow Elect Officers, : - At at meeting of Cold Water Lodge No. 62 I: O. O. F.' last night officers ', were elected. "The olhcers are as fol- Former Con-1 lowbt . V.: xr buther Jnoble tirand., , .- . -S. H.- Linker--Vice Grand. - ; ... J,, Sa "Uifferty--Reeording- Sew-.- tarv. ' C," J." Williams Financial Secre tarv , - " . J. F, llamas Treasurer, Former -"j Republican " Congressman . From State Take Optimistic."View of the Future Politically, " Washington, June 5. Charles i H. Cowles, who represented the eighth -" congressional distriet. but-owing to ' " judicious" 1 l.ii 2'M,n,m MdlllinO 111 tllA aovAnt.ll. nredicted ' tonight ' before leaving for. home that the, Republi cans? Procressives and all other fac tions WUl gel logemer aim u:.r t Q-.fv, T.,,-W .,ii-t;fv th. Rennhlican party and One E TL-t C . 1 went t bliuii - n i'. Q to, tioned on CLarge ! 1 Talked About "Wood i, Jn ie 6. Before the case i e ;)nry rumors Wei sweep the country in an ovcrwhclm- inff victory in laio, . 1 ' ' Mr. Cowles said he did not care to i say whether he would be a candidate for Concress next year. "It is too 1 f J n t;) - quefUionetl that 'he ha The juror l i ' 1 doors - s of both 1 probable I 'idrix v ai, A!. i'l'k-hli 1 t rife. rd- ' . 1 oll- the A .led Expected. Madrid. June 6. Anticipating an other addition to the Spanish Royal family, the court has been moved to Lagrauja Palace, quiet,, spot high early yet to talk about that. I have above the sea. Queen Eugenia was . . .. :t; or.,1 th former Princess Ena. of Eng- noi Deen ouereu . . .' i of course, will not refuse what 1 " not been offered. I am Dy larmons ' p' " . " interested in seeing the factions get toirether than I am in coming to Coiv gress." ' Mr. Wright Tucker will return home tomorrow from IVAhtrn, where I a 1ms 1 in alt-'iido- r t' meeting ot Peary Heart'ly Crected in Faris. . Paris. June 6. Contrary to report that the French Geo!'rihieal Society had snubbed lmn, l.ear Ail oirat pWry arrived in rur-t and was heart ily .; -..,1 l y t' e l'i '. ' nt ( f the s-oVie-ty end r ""' ,,:':"r oi lf..e ie Tofird of Ti m y.