4-sW HA44V4W ii nun ii nr.- 4 VOL. XIII. .40 Cents a m stcck rr:fi OFBiED ffl TCDAY OK ACCOUNT OF . MINNESOTA " - BATE CA8B. .,-', 2 Stock of Northern and Pacific Lowest " Sine' 1907.--Great Northern Off ' Three Pointe. Miceoul Pacific Off Two. Point. Losses Very Small.' New York, Juue 10. With an over -- night -consideration of the 'Minnesota . y rat ease the stock market opened weak, but rallying tendency aside J" ram railroad stoeka was soon shown. . . Sixteen hundred -Northern Pacific . sharee were sold at 105, a decline of four and a quarter points. This is - the lowest" price since . 1907. The -: Great Norther'is off three points, the X St. Paul and North Western sold at 100, which is' the low, record for V- six years. The Missouri Pacific is off two points. Eastern' railroad stocks " " are slightly affected by he decline. The Western stocks' losses are small, .-. however, . '."' ' Receivers Appointed For Two Reids . ville Firms. Greetwboro" News, 10th. x ,ln the , United States court yester day Judge Janus E. Boyd signed or ders placing Robers Harris and -Brother, big tobucco manufacturers, and J. H. Walker & Co., engaged in the business of milling flour, sawing -oThTfReldsv temporary receiver.- The liabilities ' of Vbe former company .are believed "to be- over $575,000 with assets- not xeeeding $350,000, while the liabili " ties of the latter company are believ ; ed to be over (150,000 with assets - not snore than $75,000. ;' ;r . The temporary financial embarras ment of Robert Harris & Bro. and J. H. Walker A Co., comes as a great neer tobaeeo mannfaeturers, and have - enjoyed ; enormous - patronage .' on ''Pride-lQf ReidsviUe'. smoking to- The firnvnas been working - night fortes this spring to keep up wrtn . their orders on this brand. It ia stated by a representative of the New York creditors that the bus-. ines of the firm will be continued by "l the receiver. Walker & Co. are engaged in the " "t lumber and flour business, and Har ris A Bro have been tarrying this v firm : for several mon haf trjing Tto bave'them from financial disaster.--i The New York creditors decision ' to press down upon ' the Reidsville .'--"concern efcuie as-.a severe shock to - . the Harrises who; were regarded as entitled tOJall the credit they could reasonably desired . ; :- 'f . V ; Everything owned by the members of the firms are included unreservedly for the benefit of the creditorsv i - Foraer floyernor of Hawaii Witness y Washington, -June 10. George R. t- Carter, former Gdvernor of HawaH, i first witness in the lobby investiga- - ' tion today, said that he was sent here . by Honolulu chamber of commerce t o wield influence for sugar duty, and " explained that he tried to see the v - President with sugar briet r. . Texas Insurance ' Company " Refused i v, License. ' l "Raleigh. June 10.-In8urance Conr , nnssioner Young said that the Provi- dent Insurahce Association, of Texas, had been refused license, but eontin ' ues eeeking'eontracts -in : this State, - v and the commissioner haa issued aii other warning tbaf contracts are yoid and persons who inaurejare, liable o lose. ':'; SO : "'.j z. 'USt C ;' - , ' Opinion of Prominent Men in Rate " ' W8hingtoii, June . r i6.--4nterviews of Senators, Representatives, big law ers: Governors! and other notables , " throughout Hhe 'country; If indicated their approval of the States' rights, plan to tax down, course opinion in the Minnesota Tate case i J- -..--v 1 '-v . . " 'i'tyti,' . Suffragette Confesses to Arson. -; " Tnninainr:."P.wt.. ' June 10. Be cause innocent women are held and about to be, convicted for the crime, - Miss tillian Lentony a London "Ars onette," surrendered, confessing ' to incendiary fire which destroyed -the l Westfleld, house here. '-""" AntomobUe Skids With Serious Re- ' ,r - '.; suits. ' Trenbn.V N. J.t June 10. Robert Bonham, ' automobile ' salesman, K llnrris. mav die. and. two women companions were seriously hurt when his automobile skidded and crashed into tree today. . Month 8 Cent Copy. . FOREST HILL NEWS. . i - - - j . Mr. Ckaa. Wldenhoua Making Im provements his Honaa. Locals and Personal. '-. Mrs. Giles Bruton and daughter, Miss Ethel Brnton, of Charlotte, are visit in at the home of . Mr. John Crewder. ' "' ' ; . " ' Mr. Ingram Littles has been unwell for the past week and is now unable to be out of thehous. '' . r'r . Mrs. L. C. Ritchie, of St Johns, spent Sunday in Coneord with her father, Mrs, 8. C. Fisher. ; Mr. R. 8. Scarboro, who haa been spending several days in the city with relatives,' left Saturday for Danville, where he will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, of Kannapolis, spent Sunday , in Con cord, at the home of Mr. S. C." Fisher. Miss Lela Howell and Sherly How ell spent Sunday in China Grove with relatives. V ' --'O ' ";': Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helms have re turned to their home in Mooresville, after spending several weeks in Con cord. ;0 ' ' Mr. if ulius A. Baker has gone to Rutherford county, where he has ac cepted a position. .. -v ; Mr. Rufe A." Hatley spent last week in Finger with relatives. ' - Mr. and Mrs. H. Bfl Allen, of Wes son, Miss., arrived in the city last week and will make Concord their future home. Mr. Allen has accept ed a position in the finishing room at the Locke Mill. ' - Mr. Scott Walter left today for Rock Hill, S. C, where he has secured a position as beamer. Mr. Chas. Widenhouse moved into today and will occupy it -until he can complete, the many improvements he haa started on it. ; He is adding two new. rooms and a new and greatly en larged front porch. , - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner, of Ch s ter," S. C, are visiting at the home of Mr. C, A. Henry. : . : Miss Mary Burris spent Sunday in Salisbury with relatives. The World." Next Thursday night, June . 12th, th nrml t9 CXriivA will VtauA aan .opprtunity.tojak - trip iuVP-rj: thweMd.',? XttKJie man-elously Bmam1' :.: mr. sum of twentv-flve cents.. Four coun-1 tries Will be visited and refreshments i served at each storming - nlaoe. ' A street ear "has been chartered for transportation purposes so that the ' Washington, June 10. Senate of journey may1 be made ;'with comfort fleials have ,been notified that ar and dispatch. The car will leave the ransrem'ents have been made at Char- square at 8 o'clock for tlw first jour- ney and as rapidly'thereafter as pos- sible, until all who desire to embark l . . i j j . mi .5 nave oeen proviaea ior. inis ; nnaer- taKing is unaer tne auspices oi tne Younsr Ladies Guild 61 St. ; James Vnurcn ana iney coraiauy limie youwjongi to take tne trip.- xne iare oi.twenty- five cents pays all expenses of the nprar.nallv midiMt.Ail tonr. -' -" Killed By PiatoL.. Oxford, June 9. William. T. La8si- ter, son of Robert W. Lassiter, bank- er and farmer,' was found dead' yes- terday morning about 5 o'clock at his ratner's- country nome,- neatu oeingi depreciation of railroad property the result of a pistol shot. "Imust be considered, figuring the act- While' a bullet through the right temple must- have caused , immediate death,; there is known not the slight - est reason for any suicidal intent and lt is thought by. many people that the shot was fired by accident in a night - mare. " xne sincaen zamiiy, , aioue i addresses neiore me annual conven-wei-e with him, and they know as litrj tion of the North Dakota Sunday tie about it as strangers. ' There is left no message that indicated any dissatisfaction with life, it is learn- ed here, . : ; ; ;. , r " Dance Last Night. - ;,The following young people parti cipated in an enjoyable dance at the imks ' nome lasi mgun misses 1 T . . . T1 ' J . 1 . TTli.l rierr ng, Mr. v Wo. - Patw. w.i,un iell, E; C Bernhardt, Jr., Fred Cor- rell, . Colb ' Morris.- Fred Patterson. Robert. Ridenhour, E. V. Correll, W. J. -Montgomery' Bernard Fetzer ftnd r . . X.. ll . Morrison. Hostilities Between Servia and Bnl- tari.' . Vienna, June 10. -A special Bel- grade dispatch announce that hostU - ities had begun between Servia and Bulgaria. ; A serious encounter raged near, Makresh. Many were killed on both sides. ;' :U . Depression fit London. , Loudon. June 10. There was mark. ed depression in fbe London Stock market, due to the decision in the Minnesota rate case. Conditions ral of ; lied later, .however, i- H.-..r.-;,"itt.tMiio visrfing his narents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cfavean. ' ' CONCORD. N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1913. BEER EMPTIED, Fifteen Barrels of Beer Feurad Out By Tie County CorjUasioaara. County Commissioner WedUrttou and Moose employed , four Megroe yesterday afternoon and tbey spent eereral hours at the court house pour ing out the 15 barrels of beer held there by the county. The beerk- as previously ncted, was seized from a man named t'aub. Chairman Wed dington recently gave notice that the beer would be poured 09! and yes-j leraay tne deed was done. The liquid was poured into the wast pipe and is now mingling with the waters of the creek to the possible delight or tne nsnee, rrogn, tadpoles and crawflsli. - ; . ' j . Mr. Williams and Mr. Simmons.; Greensboro News. ' . . The Associated Pres. put the story j in these words: "After leaving the White House Senator Simmons call ed on Senator Williams ehairman, of the subcommittee,' and. told him of the sentiment for free cattle and free wheat. Then the subcommittee was sailed together and its former, action reversed." The Ney -York Sun, with a different news service., told the same story: "It was an nounced , yesterday that the sub committee bad adopted the other al ternative of equalizing ilie tariff burden by making both raw material and finished products dutiable. The subcommittee had vcted to impose a luty of 4 o cents a barrel on flour and n duty of 10 per cent ad valorem on meats, both of which were admitted free under 4he "house bill. The early hour's of today, however. found Senator Simmons, chairman of the finance- committee, at the White House, and when he came awey he announced , that J the ' subcommittee would; rescind its action and all , of the articles mentioned would go en the free list." ' ' v v I; ."'There is nothing 'stranger than the strange mutations of American poli ties: Not so, very long ago Mri Wil lians was reading Mr. Simmons cur tain lectures, to help the. North Car olina .Senator' keep his " Democracy straight. Mr. Williams was quoted in ttiis state to show how Mr. Sim mons :' was not a Democrat. Simmons. "roDing otriKa uonainon in West v' vtrginu. leston, .W. Va.j to complete session this, afternoon of the sub-committee, which is Drobing strike conditions. I ' ' i committee arrived at noon pre- Da-ed to examine witnesses, later m.kinir first, tour of mining sec opinion Supreme Court on Minnesota 1 . j-.. .. . ...... mm vaae. , , OTuahinirtnn .Tuna 1ft Th ATlnlv- , th MinnWa rate in . the ODinion of the Supreme-Court, re- vealed today that the court laid down instructions which are expectd to be a guide to physical valuation. The lual nhvsical Valuation. I vv : . '. 1 8unday Scnool Experts to Speak. Grand Forks, N. D.i June 10.-nSev- eraj not;ed experts on Suntfay School 1 management are scheduled to deliver School Association, ;.' which . opened here today for a session ertending over three days. Every section ot the State i represented by delegates of the various 'Sunday scnoois. Fire Destroys Big Apartment House. Svracuse. N. Y., June 10. Three hundred men and women were thrown . , mnA nllrrnwiv e8. I 111 M UU11IVI " J PSljA in gcantly attire, when fire There were scores of . thrilling rcs-1 Beef Trust Expansion. Washington, June 10 The mves- tigation by Secretary o State Bryan I . i.. loii luf irimt" e.X- of the American beef trust nansion to Argentine alleged to be underway because of thetarifl pro- j posed in a resolution Dy itepresenia; I tive O'Shaunessy, of Rhode Island. Ijjjjfljj, Balloon Lands at Municn. , nrm.nv. June 10. A German dirigible balloon, - sailing 4M.UMa.wi ww- r -, from Vienna, landed av-municn io- dxv - Count ZeDhebn remained in Vienna, where he was honored by Emperor "FranS Josef '. 'ifi Eleven Bids for State Bonds. Raleiirh. N. C June 10 The State treasurer has received eleven bids for State bonds, vrhich are to be opened i.l tomorrow at noon. It is believed the K. State will have ho trouble m selling Iher eredit at a premium 'iMfiin-msttft rrnf vmiiim rut. PHILADELPHIA 8TAKTED nr A WAOON TOBT.T FAO- Many Other Bnildings Destroyed. Fire Raging Fiercely at Noon. Score of Horses Burned. Loss Very Heavy. Many Firemen Over- . come. Philadelphia, June 10. Fire start ing in the Coble & Moritz waon fac tory is raging fiercely at noon, and is 1 ... .1 A 1 TJ 1 T V V I 1D""a'ng8' T y f8ctone" have bcen Several factories, eight buildings and cores of horses were burned. The loss is unestimated, though it is heavy. Many firemen were over- come. JUNE BUZZARD HERE. Tempsrature Causes the Populace to Shiver. " ' The June blizzard is on the job. The cool weather which arrived yester day remains with nipping force. Top fonts, moth ball odor and all. Lave been brought forth and together wit'i the licnvy hats are being used by many people today. The fold season at this time causes I lie weath;-r observers to come forth with I he statement that on June 6 of last year the weather.was equally as cold if not more So than it is now. A number of people recall the cold snap last year but failed to keep a record and no accurate comparison has been made. Clark Howell 'a Chauffeur. Atlanta, . June 10.-' A musical vendetta, or serenaded, for revenge, ' ' might be an appropriate title for this story about Clark Howell.- Mr. How ell for a long time had an excellent negro: chauffeur, a servant" in the family, who was such a good mechan ician and,: sq careful ; a driver, that the journalist overlooked time - and again a sad propensity the chauffeur had of becoming intoxicated when off duty. A dozen times or more during the past two or three years Mr. Howell paid him out of the jug where he had landed for nothing more serious than a plain but complete souse. At last his patience became exhausted, and he fired the darkey. Almost, immediately the man found a new job as a chauffeur, with one of Mr. Howell s own mends, driving a car equally as large as Mr. Howell 's and on the new car, to the coon's delight, was a musical contrivance, attached to the exhause, with big pipes like a steam calliope, on which any tune can be played, from ''Sil ver, Threads Among the Gold to Now every day at noon, just be fore he goes for his new master, the negro takes the car around - by the Constitution bnilding, gets a position in front of Editor Howell's; open window, and begins to work his cal lioppe. Sometimes it is "Nearer My God to Thee", or some other sad hymn tune, but usually it is the re frain of that .. once popular song, Aask Dissolution of Eastman Kodak Trust. . Buffalo,' N. Y., June 9. Dissolu tion of the so-called Eastman kodak trust was asked in a civil anti-trust suit filed here today by order of At torney- General MvReynolds. The federal government seeks the disso lution by receivership, if necessary, of -the Eastman Kodak Company of New Jersey, and the Eastman Kodak Company of New York which are charged with monopolizing the trade in photographic supplies in violation of the Sherman law. Ur is'the aim of the government to divide the assets and business of the two companies controlling . U per cent., of the business in the United States, into such parts as will effect ually destroy the alleged monopoly and restore- tree competition.:, ine petition in equity asks for an injunc tion forbidding the fixing of the re sale price of cameras, films and oth er natented photographis ' supplies This marks the Attorney General s first application of the recent decis ion . of the United . States Supreme Court denying patentees the right to fix resale, prices or retailers . 7 November Here. The eold weather "jinx" has been discovered. A. November is here, the register at the St. Cloud Hotel bear ing the following name: .''A. Novem ber, Baltimore.'.! . ' J. B. SHERRILL, lg; - TWO CAT TALES. Whereia On Felina Meets With Mis fortune and the Other With Death. Cats, mewing, mouthy, Murderous eata, play strange pranks and meet strange fates at times, as evidenced by stories of two Concord cats that have been going the rounds locallv for the past few days. A few nights ago the household of Mr. A. I.. Sappenticld on Korth Spring street was disturbed. Messrs. R. C. and W. A. Sappenficld, the two oldest sons in the family, were first to hear the noise. "It is a burg lar," they whispered to each other. Immediately they went forth to cap ture the intruder. The two elder Sappenfields and several little Sap- penfields went to the rear of the house, where the noise was heard. R. C. was armed with a pistol and shot gun while W. A. carried a re peating rifle and pistol and the little Sappenfields brought up the rear guard with pokers, andiroms, etc. Suddenly there was a sound. The young men stopped and waited with rigid expectancy. Again the noise sounded, plainly, distinctly. Again and again it sounded and suddenly it came bounding in their direction, bumping, bumping, humping as it bounded. The touch of a finger was all necessary to send slaughter, death, destruction by an avalanche of lead. But, behold! the noise bumped into one of the young men and the "burg lar" was discovered, identified, and greeted. It proved to be the family cat, whieh had suffered the misfort une of getting a tin can sc irely fastened over its head and was Imp- ping groping, bumping around in the dark, seeking aid, assistance, atten tion. A cat at Mr. W. A. Foil's house played a leading role in a double tragedy a few niht ago. The prowl ing, sneaking feline had wandered down to the barn on a rat-devouring pilgrimage. There is a big feed box in the barn, the door of whichoper.s by a spring. The cat succeeded ' in entering the feed box and there cap tured a rat. Alter the -eaptnre and killing had. taken, place the cat evi dently- attempted- to- jump from, .the box. In doing so the spring that closes the box was touched arid the big, heavy door fell, striking the fe line afirly and sending it back to the bottom of the box one life minus the nine all cats are commonly supposed to possess. Nex morning when the feed door was opened the cat was stretched in death and in its mouth was a big rat. The presence of the rat evidenced the cat's mission to the barn, although resulting in its death, had met witn victory victory to a murderous instinct. But its mission was not in vain for who, if any, will doubt but that the enactment of the double tragedy freed the barn of two undesirable, detestable pests the cat and the rat. Mr. J. F. Reinhardt Dies Suddenly. Charlotte Observer, 10th. Former State Senator John Frank lin Reinhardt, of Lincoln county, for sixteen years a conspicious figure in the North -Carolina General Assem bly, died suddenly while under an anesthetic on an operating table at the Charlotte Sanatorium yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The operation had just been com pleted, 'had required only fifteen min utes and was regarded as one of the most skil full of its kind performed here in a long while, when without warning of any untoward condition Mr. Reinhardt ceased to breathe. Before ether was administered by an expert the patient 'had been sub jected to a rigid examination, which failed to reveal any weakness or the heart whatever. There was no or ganic trouble which ccnld be detected by the three physicians in attendance. The theory is that there must have been a fatty condition of tho heart, without any valvular lesions. It is said that such a consummation occurs in only one case in 2,500. Had it not been for the peculiar turn which his . . , . i ... ii i case tooK, tne patient woum nave been up and out in a few days. Mr. Reinhardt was b years or age recently and had always enpoyed the best of health, witk the exception of the recurrence, of the trouble whicn resulted fatally. He had never before been ill in his life and when tne nurse tested his temperature with thermometer a few days ago he re marked that it was his first experi ence of the -kind. 'He was a man of fine physique, tall and vigorous, Porter Charlton to be Extradiated. : Washington; -' June 10. Porte Charlton, the boy - wife murderer. must be extradiated to Italy for tb crime at Lake Como three yeaTs ago. This is the supreme Court's ruling in affirming the decree of th New Jer sey conns: in tt"B8 viiauwu inaoeas corpuu iiuiv. NO. 270 HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN To Be Conducted in This County kf The State Board of Healtk. A campaign for the eradication ef Hookworm disease in Cabarrus coun ty will begin the latter part of June the exact date will be quoted later. Such a rampaign has been mad possible by the county commissioner who voied an appropriation to cover the local exiH-nses at their hist ni. 'inis campaign will be iu charge f Dr. V. P. Jacocks, of the Stat Board of Health, assisted by Dr. W. ('. Riddick, microscopist. Full details of the work, togetW with the itinerary, will be announc ed during the next week. Necessary to Whip His Wife Twle A Year. Atlanta. June 10. Whether an av erage of twice a year is a reasonable number of times for a husband to beat his wife, under the Georgia law, is the interesting subject that will come up in connection with the mari tal troubles of Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Lunsford. It seems that a husband lias con structively the riicht to chastise his wife, provided she needs an-.l he uses no undue cruelty, hut the iUestion of hew often In- can take a slick to her is one that has never been nired in court. Mr l.unst'ord admits giving his wife a semiannual thrashing, and de clares that if lie didn't do it, life wouldn't be worth living in their home. It seems that Lunsford is a very small man, while Mrs. Lunsford is a very large woman. She takes advantage of her size, he says, to bully him occasionally, and at the end of about every six months it be comes absolutely necessary for him, he avers, to assert his manly super iority and his position as head oi the house, by getting a stout hickory and bringing his wife to time. American Engineers to Tour Germany New York,. June 10. To foster a broader commercial spirit between American and Germany) a large par ty of the most prominent mechanical engineers of the United States, mem bers Of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, sailed for Eu rope today on the Hamburg-American liner Victoria I.uise to attend the-an nual meeting of the Society of Ger man Engineers in Leipsic. At the conclusion of the nutting in Leipsie the Americans will start on a tour of industrial Germany, visiting Dresden, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfort, Munich and other large cities. To Reduce Loss of Life in Mines. Birmingham, Ala., June 10. Means by which the loss of life in coal mines can bo reduced were brought out in the addresses delivered this . after noon at the sessions of the Mine In spectors' Institute of the United States, which is holding its national meeting here 'this week. Two hun dred mine inspectors are present. Ev ery coal mining camp of importance in the United States is represented. Reception Friday. Cards reading as follows were is sued today: Mrs. B. F. Rogers at home Friday afternoon, June thirteenth nineteen hundred and thirteen five to seven. Mrs. William H. Gorman. Mrs. Francis O. Rogers. Mrs. John F. Yorke. Building And Loan Stockholders Meeting. The annual meeting of stockhold ers of the Concord Perpetual Build ing and Loan Association will be held in the courthouse this evening at 8 o'clock. A'.l stockholders are re quested to be present. Important business to be transacted. H. I. WOODHOUSE, Sec.-Treas. Opinion of Attorney-General in Rate Case. Washington. June 10. "The ab solute definition of rights of a State public utilities commission," was the way Attorncy-Uenerai Mctteynoia today characterized the Minnesota rate case decision. Killing Frost Reported. Washington. June 10.-Killing frosts from southeastern Virginia and northward, extreme rigid - tempera tures in all the eastern States,- and ice in the Adriandacs, are recorded -tr, by the weather bureau today. , : , . Wrlott Observer t V ' ' The -many : will be glad to know that she is im-. proving after being ill ror six weeas , or more at the nome oi ner oangn-,; ter, jars, .vnantw uuv, u . Morehead street.. Mrs. McDonald had almost recovered from ber" ill-; ness when she suffered a relapse,"? r - -