1 VOL.XM. Ct Mooth-4 tints ..Copy. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1913. : v -SlCil IStlj.-.Q) THE WORLD'S STTNDAT - SCHOOL OOHVEXTJOH. CIVIL WAB VETEBAXS - - ABE PAS8IKO AW AT Hundreds of Auericana Lava Tn rrooicioa .na m - Annul Oatier- ' win Be no Moro vim war nur- TiTOtt. . . Washington, June 12. Of the great army of veterans of the eivil wr, who passed in grand reriew before President Grant at the WhiU House to the number of nearly 2,000,000, at the close of hostilities,. ess than 25 per eent were alive io participate in the annual Thirtieth of May celebra tion laat month. Upon request of the United Press, officials at the pension office today looked up the records of veterans of war or the United Males. This compilation showed that on May 30th last, there were in various parts of the world 457,000 survivors of the civil war. On the same day here were less than 1.000 survivors of the Mex ican war. mere is noi me imiuu m a single survivor of the war of 1812 i L. - n.na.n. nfllnn 1-Af.nrf.K. hut " . m il. .u..l. ..,. r A moriran 1 o mo """ The fire was discovered by Labao " ' . wU1 attem, tne Zurich there are about 200 widows oi vet Little, . son of Mr. Little who li Other Arties represent-1 ere of the second war with Great nea;br, the-glare of . the : flames r,"e"'T; !t . -gJT. .re scheduled Britain who are today drawing pen- throutrh window causing him to '" . 4. m ua. 2urtclL.-STenta inc. ." Boston, llass June 1Z Hundred . c l. ..kl nrlra thmneed PXTOXLY OORSUJCED BT th Whiu 8tar iine jocks today and WITH ALL IT8 00HTEKTS. aava aa enthusiastie "Don voyage I to tne attamsnip vanopie teamed awsr for Europe carrying niuiijr OomraA Laat Kiiht at Lo-I the main bodv'of the American dla- ; fj 4kA4 tKKna Witk In the World's Sunday School 4Cust-Lo About 16.800, Witt In . whifh u to Mi next luraaco U Cover Abowt Ons-TMrd moaxh in Zurich, Switterland. Four 'Th. ASnmt-itor of BUbb hundred delegates sailed on the Can af m-', onie: wheb was snecially chartered JWMaalhooM, ,f 0Kwrffl, Was for (he trip , Netrly ,u of the States. - - XobW tad Sot oa rirt, but rirt and Several of the Canadian provinces . : were reiresented in the party. ! Wont Ont.-Probbly Bamt Partie. wee wpk prtv thugh itig the nftttv of American del- . ' " ' i. eaates and includes nearly all of tfie t 'w- y g . school association officials, - bolonainc to Little ft Turner, at Lo- D""u"71 .m.lll - ' . . . . . . i , i PAnrMwnu only wmw'"v --- . cost was destroyed oy ore tan nigui. - v , (f Ameriean on iTHE CITY CQARD vill i:ect to:;:ght awaki Ho gave Jh. dm. with d" while bis father ran to-the store. MrvLit-l " ' rBdian dele- tle crashed through the door of the ' r-" ftom Montreal store. tt the .hnt and smoke were P ' Saturdav and so stiflinsr as to overcome fell back exhausted.- the names gained- such headway that assistance frorti the neighbor -proved of little avail in checking them and (e storo Konun hub unn a mass of ruins. The store contained a vgenernl stock of goods- valued at $VM). al' was insured, for about one-third of the ' loss.'. The : store and stock of '. . . . flrot .nilinir next Saturday nwn ana ne "a . -.,k It lie SeCOIlll "II rnniiv " " is estimated that the total number of Americans at the convention will be not less than two thousand. Th. omentum at Zurich will be ti e eventh great gathering of its kiiid' that has been new unuer-Mi auspices' f the- World's Sunday cKiwil A uaw. At inn . Marion Law- kll llinil . A m i J . .. . L tin. iratiAiAl I rence, ot ioien. sions. , The average age of the civil war veteran is today 71. In ten years, pension office Officials declared today. the United States will be paying no more pensions to eivJl war veterans. In five years it is expected there will be no more Mexican war veieraus. In the last two years it has cost the Kovernment about $200,000,000 annu ally to pay pensions, and this year it eosts more owing 1o the new "dollar-a-day" pension law yhich has be come effective. Last year the outlay hnnt 1 54.000.400. which m a . . a- Ta ITT ie urHii : j;..,;...,a 1M1int . J" .t IlRIHie Vlini a" i tk2; ". :i:s&&.riAlJ. The'on vent ion will have its for- in tnr i numo uicuUUn :,.,. Ti. B The pro- .;..-. . j i M.inind win nave ior us sCM'"- n. robbed UM mem - apu " ... oi 1 j 1,a ' r umM : d f; eighi denco ?n oJrort was made dav, Sunday 9Chool specialists from eneraf advanCe in freight rates. The flr.-.r: IK -store.-When the store "fy" . ' y, , u :n n r : ' r r t,. was opetfeOiw morning A go " containing'pa was touni anu n. - Sunday School , Hoa - tlie Penn8Vlvania. and Dan- papers had been K o . ine ? Conquest of the World." iel wiUMd( 0f the Baltimore Ohio, pers were crowded inftH - the .tronK features of the' It the ;ntention of the railrowls. to ..t. roMb. Wi invention will be the Sunday schoo Interstate Commerce Comm.s- 1111 1 . - ut. BimM y f .. .. n w. tin nvo-rn nuic (Ice here. Kail Heads 'Ask for More Freight Boston, Mass., June 12. At the invitation of the Boston Chamber of roirmerce the presidents of three of the largest railroad systems of the Kast came to Boston lodajr to present to New England shippers arguments ;.. annm.rt of their Plan ior a suit with flve-minute roil ve mm . eoresenfWs ""Ti . r Tfairii - i SOU forty countries. 7. pi, voices under the leadership it Prof A. J. Bucher,. of Cincinnati, will be anrther feature. For tne h... - , .. .... ., ....I ,,0rt tn iomimio -"' r- Pedn m no neigitoonicoii im fnrtv.lii d eces. the thry that both the stores were ony "JB wi con. robbed and that th. fire was started Uno ot the ' s to Wde, the robbery. ' the nLE... will appears the ramme as speakers inciu Vincent. Neuisen 1 . 11. W. ! HiMi-raneed and shoos, paute, razoi-s . and Other jtforchandisa was-' niissing.'; "rfwo;:efroei-;'who worked 'on the Sf " eonstfuetion- forcoof ' theNorfolli Southern were near the place about Amrk and ansoieion Jrest on them. .for authority to make a general A. iwi: vent rraistfirtreight Tates m the territory east oi ne jiumw rivoi. nnH north Of the Baltimore and Ohio road. Before making the re quest to the commission the railroad excutives hope to convince the ship uers that the' increased revenue is essential to the oiaintainance prosjierity of the roads. of the Jobber, is .several emptj r snoe . y-'; " kifi" induit Bish-,' , - - "lJiMr License. ueorgew" V''-" HilIfl . H.rtgeU., ill: th morning. i..e T ' " - I' f Pittsburg. Dr. W. have- been identmod, oy - rr v u Fratlk -boxe Picked, up between nd Best- Milt this morning. nnxctt , nve urou .- - .i ... f v.ghviUe. r rann u. Shinn s.longing-to the shoe stock Jg , MJJ. Brum- in his store, OTtrimu CAUSED ' ; , I ;Bt INFECTED WATER. . Two ItallsA LiTrtif aton i Discover -in, Sourct of the Dread DtaoatV - :Bome, June 12. While the world at. snort.- pleasurO nd '' 'Yik. two ocieotisU of Italy hw been -.r.jf.-'.'.-i-a' 4:v.imtv' 'workinir and i . quitiiy iuw" have madr a great discovery w 'ft" baugK, of Philadeipma. Jarvis. of riiaaeium Warren, of Three Oaks, Mich. ','Trouserine" Nexfc June 12. Trousers that are not trousers, BKin skirts, but a combination of both- iuuiiy:ana -"rr. tie ,bllMd but popiuarasueu have madff a grea - - ; Hereafter modern women win w beftt only r ownoun- skn- Here rliimbia. S. C. June 12. Uover- U'nor Blease has addressed a letter to President Wilson asking mm io iu- atviirf the commissioner OI lnierum revenue not to issue any more licenses to parties in South Carolina as re tail liquor dealers. The Governor ho Prnsident to send a special tn t'onirresa asking Tfor the .,atmnt nf siichlf law if he hasn't the authority already to rormn me issuance of liquor licenses. "It does seem to me.'.' he said, Vhit ..mi could be of great assist ance to me in the enforcement of the ,. i ik. .nil frnml . Aanoei -..,,.!..' ;. :, - x licet, not "-- , - M- 1 . v.i - . A- 4 . :.;. nneneif. arfavo on the i ...trrA m tne nasi iron i ..r-- . iiaiv uu miuvivi. - .. i. , ii H.-at - fiianinHea ouit IwscourgeUn. -t.M "'"iu, and Bnallyl ' ration ilt thig state, except, the t uiind btfec in r,onM necessarv for the legal dis- en conquered andjnay rr th rctai, or M.tunv i i TDV.r. r" , I"" ' i rfrikin-i vet rtlisty K..llolegale hfUor business.' hpen eonstantiy increwiiuis. -1 uiis .... : i il ..ii bnAwc tnst miliaria w nn been conouered nd may bo regarded well, m liquor laws of this State if you would . .Tt.li-J &--. mnmiii. ..xttiiKir vAiir i 'iiit.hu. niairD m'"" lunn us, j - sioners of internal revenue not. to lioanu to anv person, Unn or Ki ma v MUCHTHTEXEST attached to SEOOKD ilfEETDSfO KEW ' SbAED. . - Various City Officers Will Bo Chosen, Among Them Boing Tax Collector, Clerk, Engineer. Member of Water . Board And. - Policeman. Specula tion as to tb Bosult. The boardf aldermen will hold their regular monthly meeting at the city hall this'ivening at 8 o'clock. Much interest attached to the meet ing by reason j that it is the second meeting' of theWw board and the se lection of offiqers for various posi tions under th eity government will be held. A.- eity tax collector, eitv eneineer. crty'ilerk, member of the water and' light board, chief of the fire department, and a policeman to succeed ex-Phi iceman Sloop will he elected. " As is well knpwri the political com: Dlexion of the board is mixed, being equally divided, three amermen oe ing elected on Jhe Citizens' ticket and three on the Democratic ticket. The mayor was ' elected on the Citi zens' ticket, wch gives the new municipal party! the balance of pow er. It is understood that, there are several candidates for all of the po sitions, men from both parties apply ing for the places. It the i itizns representatives n the board vote solidlv behind Jhe candidates from " . ' : . 1 1 i . 4 1 i.L. their party ; tnejf win iana wim ine assistance of the mayor: however, if there is a spll.t the Democrats will likely land their men. There are maty rumors or various nandidates and (who will be the se lection of the board remains under cover until 'the. toting lakes place to night. For eity attorney Mr. T. D. Maness appears to have the lead and judging hv the exoreasioW of opinion heard on the streets hi will land handily. For city tax collector tlte names of Messrs; O B Wtalt, CrFhik and w j Mnntiromerv. Jr.. are being mentioned with the chances favoring Fink. Mr. .1. Harvey llorton 8 name has heeri mentioned bnt Mr. Dorton T 1 C states that ! is not a canoinHie ui the place. - It is understood tliat me canaunurs for city engineer will be Capt. Q. K. Smith and Reeee I. Long. For city clerk the race appears to be between Messrs. Clarence ti. Har rier and W. J. W eddington. Tlirec names have been mentionea for the vacancv on the water and light board, Messrs. J. F. Goodman, ft v.A TTpsHpi- and F. C. Niblock. Mrr. Goodman is a member of the board and has served one term, his term of oflice expiring tonight. Chief of the fire department will -I. hA elected, the political wise ones naming John I.. Miller, the present chief and Assistant Chief Robert Sappenfield as the two most likely nnrlirlntp for the place. y If a successor to Policeman Sloop is elected tonight it is likely that Mr. THE LAW OK THE. . WATER SUPPLY MATTE. "Taipayinf OltUon'' QuoUa tko Law So That AH May Bos. To the Editor: In that my article of yesterday ap pears to have been questioned, and ; motives imputed to me other thatf for thr public health, to show where this matter rents, as regarding our water supply. I am advisedly quoting be low a paragraph or so from the Stste law. in order that all my reach their own conclusions, in that this law has not been carried out by those in charge of our water supply: Section 35. chapter 62. Public Uws. 1911, is in these words SOCIAL VSWB. ELWM j) 10 Ei.LD Ann Bridft Parties, Dance and Kocaption rem Calendar of tie Week. I Mrs. James W. Cannon. Jr., en tertained .very delightfully at four tables of Bridge yesterday morning at her borne on North Spline street in honor of Mrs. Forrester, of Atlanta, who is the euest of Mrs. Martin L. Cannon, and Mrs. F. O. Rogers. There were four tables of Bridge and and the game wa, .most interesting w j-j fT Addtt freshmcnts we;e sened. ( Mrs. Kjrl H. Brown will entertain OK LIKE BBTWEEK KOELDU . AKD -HAMLET. . ' at 'Bridge this afternoon at her home on' South Cniou street in honor of Mrs. Forrester, of Atlanta. Mrs. iRaiusaur. of Greenville, and Mrs. schools, hamlets, and "All towns, or industrial settlements which are now located or may be hereafter located on the shed of any public water supply not provided with a severage system shall provide and maintain .i reasonable system ap proved by the State board of health for collecting and disposing of all ac cumulations of human excrement within their respective junsoictio.i or eontol. Any one refusing or neg lecting to comply with the require- mets of this section snail tc gumy of a misdemeanor and fined not less than ten dolla.-s nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned tor not less than ten nor more than thirty days.' Knfinial bulletin No. 4, issued May, 1912, by State board of health, under the authority of sections 24 and 28.: chapter 62. Public Uws 1911. for the "Protection of surface water sup plies," promulgates among othor rules the following: Rule No. 11: "No dwelling house shall be built within two nuiiureu feet, and no privy for the deposit or human excreta shall be used within three hundred feet of any of said reservoirs, ponds, streams r.r"ii;intries. No bouse within ten miles of the water works intake shall be occupied as a dwelling., without having as an adjunct a stanaaio san ifnrv nrivv eauioped with waters nht nh iir other suitable receptacle. ik. .nnUiiti anu accumulation vi which shall be removed and buried at such frequent intervals to to pre vent any overflow therefrom on the uiirrmmdmur premises, Sontlnn 28 of chapter 62 defines the eutiro -water shed. as. fifteen miles of waterslied" above the waterworks intake. Section No. 31 of this cliap lor Uo nrovides that failure to obey tw relations, issued by the board of health, shall subject the offender to fine or imprisonment, ana secuoi. No. 37 also says it shall be the duty of the solicitor to prosecute "any person, firm, corporation or munici pality violating this law upon com plaint of board of health or any of its officers or of any individual in jured or likely to be injured. " This is onlv a part of the law, but these quotations frcm;it ought to lie ...m-iont to satisfy he public that somebody has blundered or taiien io do their duty, as these regulations were established over a year ago ana have not been complied with. TAXPAYING CITIZKN. Concord. N. C. June 12, 1913. villages. I Kellersbeiger, of St. Louis. Mrs. iveiiersoerger ana mm. ri rester will be the honorees at a Bridge party tomorrow morning giv en by Mrs. Martin L. Cannon at her home on North Union stieet, Mrs. B. F. Rogei-s will be at home tomorrow evening from 5 to 7 o'clock at -her home on rranklm avenue in honor of Mesdames F. O. Rogers, Wil liam H. Gorman and John F. Ycrkr. A party of young people, chaprr oued bv " Miss Esther Marshall en- ioved an informal dance at t';e Klks' Home last evenine from 9 to 111 o'clock. EVELYN KESBIT THAW AGAIN OK THE STAGE. Makes Her Appearance in London. First Time Since Harry Shot White. london. ' June 12. Mrs. Kvelyn Nesbit Thaw, in the Hippodrome re vue, "Hullo Ragtime," made her first publicly advertised stage appearance since Harry Thaw snol ana Kineo Stanford White in 1906. On the programme as Lvelyn Nes bit, the former American chorus girl, had no lines to speak, her only act al Kignt of Way.Offlcors of Xal eifk StaU Hoapital Elociod. For mer A. It M. Star Slfna,t Coach Wake Forest Ball Teaas. Only Tbrot Drujflt, kQ Kogroou, TmlU . Out Liconse to Sell WUakoy la Baloifk. ' - Raleigh, June 12. The executive committee of the Central Hospital baa . elected Mrs. Nellie Price, of Raleigh, matron, and W. T. Woodley, of Pas- quotank county,- steward. It is said here, on reliable antkori- ty that the Seaboard has pnmooa the money, land is being bought for additional right of way, and other preliminary arrangements havo been completed, for double tracking the line between Norlina and Hamlet. Frank M. Thompson, the farmer A. and M. star, has signed a sontraet to coach the Wake Forest baseball aBd fooot ball teams for one year. Only three druggists, all negroes, have taken oiit city license to sell liquor. The city license is 1200, and the State $300. The county may mane the license $300. The white managers will not take out license, saying it is impossible to do a legal gusiness at such a high rate of taxation., Funeral of Grand Viaier Held Today. Constantinople, , June 12. With ( nnstantinople under martial law being a tango dance with Jack ('lit- ( ,( members f the military league ford. The house was tilled but tne applause for Mrs. Thaw was per- nrni-toi-y. THE STATE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION Closed Ita Fifteenth Annual Session Today at Baloich. Haleiifli. June 12. The State Christian. Endeavor Clnvenlion tlos ed its fifteenth annual session today. Tlte convention elected Ih A. I). Mc Clure. of Wilmisgton. Picsidenl and accepted the invitation to meet next year in Greensboro. St. Andrew's Clure. of Winmington, President and the. banner for the best work during the vear. Rev. K. J. Harold, and Miss' Florence Ledbetter, of Greens boro, are first vice-president and sec retary, respectively. Great progress in the work in this State was shown. arrested, the funeral of tba:.assasai- n:ted Grand Vizier was held at 10 o'clock today with military pomp. . Thousands witnessed it. The people , are in a state of intense' excitement, fearing another revolution. A Mile of Suffragettes in Funeral, . Procession. Ijondon. June 1& Toe : Wmnarf's" Social Ami. Political -Union announced that V solid Mle of suffragettes will form; a funeral procession Saturday at the buiial of Miss Davidson, the Epsom Downs victim. Police preean toins are also being taken. . Pope Wants to Go to America. Home. 'June 12. "I want to go to America." said Pope Pius today. By the courtesy of the American Cin ematograph Concern, the Pope, his two sisters and Cardinal Merry Del Val watched motion pictures of American scenes f6r two hours in the Vatican. .-'':-( ':;'v:' i''.,-!" hna been constantly Moro;mohpy pernau-, r . nar1llg - - . n PiU on spent in taly or; tot V;. ' ? ; .! hf aomething , oov- " .jrr- . June 12. "l se a piruie, proclaimed Charlie Jackson, when arraigned i morning. He had been embarking, on a turbu- -n,l KnmKnWlinff De- Iiant sea oi uuur uu -eatur, street with voUeys of nautical Wowan Sentenced to Be Quartered . ' and Burnedv T, StatMville Landmark learned ;thin thA nast few days that Judge MrBhll Mabrv will be the choice of w .... riark. m his recent address the board for I lie position. before the North Carolina Federation . f Wnmpn's Clubs at Newbern, saia N. 0. PRESS ASSO'H Uw it is a matter ot record inai m rftMMlTTEE MXS. tw!a11 Mimtv a woman was seniein- ""v" - . . . J c j kA Ka nnartered ami ournea iui . j e ! il. M...JA .f ti.tr linsband. The date Tentative Programme Arrangou ir ni V " . . thi. event Forthcoming Mooting of th. JCZa cords Motor Cyclist Killed, Camden, N. J., June 12. Riding a motor cycle at high speed,. Frank. Getsingeir collided with a motor tnick and waa instantly - killed. Frank Apgor, of Lewiston, Pa., bia companion on the machine, tally hurt. was fa- Tfio Mine Strike Probe. Charleston; W." Vaw Jcn 12.-r-For-mer Governor dla'sscock waa the faav witness in . (he1 Senate . mine 8triar , probe. Ho defended the action of the State in substituting military law for civil in; the strike sone.. BIG VALUES ALL WEEK IN THIS The of Iredell do not show it. However, except an v Annoimcal eonuuiuu- v .-v r- - . ... Mlv. ,. -j v, oftherthofltalyandthoeare. 1'-";" to 3 of W and .bombarding 1 '""' - , alrAAl . rarv-StepS Wllliwv 7 niKIl neon. ... ,. fr nually. U :.r; ::meJ i,f ! ent ' The drapery idea, they say, is Yes, sir, boss, when 1 s'se on ihip- wimt r -'-Greek word, ipeuis, 1 . .carcely can ,1,0 attentive judge. North Carolina Prosa Association, A stieville- Citizen, 11th. f the county The executive committee ot the . , , . . . ;li. which dates back North Carolina Press Association met PJ burned in the fire which yesterday afternoon at toe wwgren , . ' he 0jd courthouse that hotel to draw up a tentative .progiam Tf tnj wWiiec for the forthcoming annual conven- . - w form. thA North farolllift ITess, as- """-"" .. j c R..n "l v.. ----- ... . , .. .. ion an.ialiiin wllirll Will 1 1. .vj ..A. OA Pnlans l.ang,-e.i un.y .. . . r- -- H ghmlld the entertainmeiii 01 . . . . T .1. " I j 17(W. the records ot Kowan be new aime u . ... . ;,.,. for county, or wnicn in ";.' snow 11. . I II MAMO nillMU I ...MA : leads to insanity. Sot.mo.en been jsubscnwa ouii Hicriai - j 1 in . . - - . . .. - "Well, no blaca pirate van hese seas we. will dock your ship Siociuiun. SStod. havi Hot ' oauaod b, Markot ,Dopraloi, fof inety' days in the stocka. ,gi.5 lV.i the Govern- whin.rton: June 12.--Tho atock ronouneed the judge solemnly. - - U i.i.VaVoiiion for tho care 01 ket depression did noi v r, , 4 Lnffi l-ft .-" i" notification of ,: th bankers of gttdden Death of Rowan County . ' -1 tholpiJ " oiPV.Wnd em M. rout., lived near " V wan to wok k remedy, and t hen w.X,etW)rW2i5tS Concordia Church, in Rowan eofity, !) - Crwarch baa beeo rewarded by the J A today that rt.,t Mmly , thi morning about 4 1 .iveWthat tbo diseas camo from withont a eonforence 'Lk T hfa home,'-Ho was in his - ; 1 ;ruT in tbTtflietod dttoH-. aonWItwMri" ltbSe retired-:About - , -which oontaw. muv j-- - . ,0 ne -, - . flect.d ! olt'ott- ""J.;,. : : aonnd ""ir.tWfeaw regarding bre.th r:W Amuil Kfllad lnPWIippl ,e.Vesr X , c !r.V" if of the ' Jhf The Wter 61. ion.' Th autuoru - - . n o ceed with a t'VJ rfeoted dis- w. iVU wd,tuabM ria of -.V. ;V v tiful districts of Italy ' i t.lru.k hia wire noiicea u "t fears: regarding a breathed WvUy? and heir she made fnnnn inni ne www. Fouta 'wa. 62 years Of age and . . -j - l:.' :pa ihrAA anna BIX iXUllM-" ' V , - .'' Battit, w.;i- , Jnne ' 12. As expected . 77. nnoml Penslun? The Americans took the;rebel . en Uenchments early tbis moming, ront r!" r.nfnv-aftera hand lo band and two daughlera, all married. ; The ted' a funeral will be; held tomorrow- at 11 o'clock t Cone-dia t'hnrcn ny nev. - ...i.A Tarada In Lisbon Jtmii.'.";: , t. -mh ing trironcUiy after i battle. ' - and Mr. TTavwood iDennis.. nobe-i 'Drnnia have returned from wc, k 's- visit .to. Dnrhm: . ",J?- Fttaar-MaxiroU Wtddinf ThU , Evening. s u. RarnarH Fetxcr left this morn Charlotte, whe: ho will be S .Y.-.-'" -?- XII.: U.n married tnis evening .m, .man j Uam.tl Mr. Fetier was aocompan- :.j v. Maimm. W. J.-Montgomery and L. M. Richmond, , who wllb u:. .itAnrlanU at, the wedding. The ceremony will take place at 8 o'clock ip the second rrcsnytvrisn vpun-n. .iciaiis in waa . aii aentenced to be "hung, acSan " " N 1 aS - . quartered," but it will bc It bWrd of trade, Fred C. news to most people that : . WJ Tcld and J. ll.rr.uLT'T the Ungren hotel, wenr "I ?ornl an? qu"4" uTl .VI tZ ,tab- new Grove Parle inn wnere luej isn t anxious io " taken on a tour , of infection by li8hed, but since the matter has been KinnAV. f The newspaiier k -ht p it would be interesting to men expresseH themselves as being as- know from-whrrecord Judge Clark tortishetl at t!ie wonderfiamconstrue- teg Thi8 isn't intended as a de Uon of the new hostelry.., The plans ial of the Btatement, . for Judge forMh " lci enwnauiuwuir yi v- Clark is well .".poewa .'v vt. u fa inn chide a visit to the Grove Park nn.tne landmark U seeking information, M.. Seelev having expresscu sire to entertain the vWtrs.j -Kfi.r returning to Grove Park the menibers t-to-mAto- tertained at lnnel.eon by J. 8. Roctor. of the- Ungren. -- vi -Z -; varla AcoopU ltuaaU'i Offer.' - .li.ne - 12. nvKCOKi hM ... .1.. . nuioaMan.stcrvinn to aruiirave i" m ' -- i . . Thi. naves th' ay . for peace, i m.hinra tn the effeot that l n . iinMir.: inc. muM mrmag;ate;.dres - ' j 'n,,id aoend the summor r".'.!!- ..r denied yesterday bv W. 8., Kennev,' manager of the inn.' ' ;'.",, .' , '.".' iv.. Maa Kot Yet tdontifiod, l'i Tho unknown man found dead Tuesday nigh near the railroad track . th. overhead bridge - has not , yet i iJantifiait other .than the name. Jo Palmer, appearing on bis trous- ere., tm ooay establishment of Btn nain u wiU bo kept, there several oays. i authorities are unable to coinuiuc.v with any one on account ot not knowing the man's former residence. Pli.B .h.va rinCMiea o iwMire i"v . a iava. honintr xnai ine imu. relatives will nK jnquinm " entity cai be traced in toai way. ' Ur Klb Morris is Ouffering a bad W' injured banhe injury being re- ceived wune cranKinn . - Corsets and Muslin Under wear. No. 214 Royal Worcester Special, a 1.50 value, sizes 18 to 30. Sale Price . . $1.00 Other good Corset values, special at SSc, 39c, 60c, 69c : 50c Value Brassiers . . 25c - Corset Covers 10c, 15c. 25c ladies well-made Pantsun . derpriced at ..lo, 25c, 48c Udies vShort Skirts 25c, S9c Indies Big Gown Bargains. Special at .. 60c, 69c, 89c . Infants' and Children's good Muslin Pants and V Bodies, .' Special at We, 16c Vranxe Vests, Cut Price . , . , r.' T:: : . 'a ',;.-.r -. Buttons Safety. Pins 214 SPECIAL ."..'..I 6c, 10c, 18 . ;, le card and up. ( ?le' ifd and p. Other great bargains in Dry (taoda MUlinerjr, and-foatf Suits. V Wa aro glad to nnr you. SI. L r, f X . t " 1 1 "f.

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