i I Of! win flirrfv VCL.X1IL Ceo1 l!oni-4 Cents a Copy. CONCORD, N. C. MONDAYrJUNE.l6;i9ll U J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. : NO. 275 - CONCOSD PUXUO LtZ2AY III L JJ ' n- 'WILL SS WAITED DT COKO- - rfcCEAELT TODAY. ; The Pmidset B States to the Hews--Vpaper ea Tail IScinf Attar a Confemce.-Wltli Eecretary Mo- - Ados and Cludma Oven-The BUI Hot to So One-Ken Bill Washington, June loV-arrcney Has Dos and ii Doisf a Great EJn- following article on our library taken from the last issue ef the North Carolina. library Bulletin i .Lea than two years ftiro the Con cord Public Library waa opened in one room, a room which had teen ae cured free of Tent. 'Today the li brary owna its ova ' building "for which $3,200 has teen paid and there ie over 1,200 books on the shelves. It u doubtful If any library asso ciation in the State baa accomplished aa much in so abort a time as the Concord Library Association. - Ita success is another striking proof of what ean be dene by a few intelligent and enthusiastic workers when 'they i rotra busztls or ' v - 1 ; GiASSHOPPEEa. CATJQHT. AS la Calf, a E ay .This Was s Caleb la Oklaboms recently. -Mr. J. Frank Fink, of No. ft town ship, a few days ago received a let ter from bis nephew, Mr. A FwFink, of Headriek, Oklahoma- Among oth er things Mr. Fink said: .-. V" "Oar renters hare in about 150 acres of eotton this year and it is looking fine, I never saw eotton look better at this tima of year although if it doesn't rain pretty .soon I fear it will be ent abort. T "This country (and fa fact" all the western country) - is covered ' with grasshoppers this year. People are poisoning and, some bave-a kind of drag fixed to eaten tbera; some time they catch as high aa four measured bushels of those very small hoppers fa ft halfway, How is-that for catch ing hoppers f Should you tell your neighbors' this they might think you had windy nephew. However, it is the trotk" : v" ,-, : To Keep People From Trespassing on - . Railroad Tracks. Atlanta. June 16. In connection with the proposed effort to have grade crossing abolished by the Ueomi leg islature, it is interesting to note that the railroads have compiled careful statistic to show-that-whilepeople do " occasionally get killed on grsde crossings, a much greater proportion of the deaths are due trf the trespass ing of outsiders npon the track, where there haa been no Crossing at all, and. that a strictly enforced Jaw to keep people from trespassing on rail road tracks wouia save many uvea an nnallv. '. r : !' Vigorous measures most" m tasen - vmrcuni, uv u iraw w-.- M Rnm(, trv to mSRA rteODlO UUOer- msn was. v tie gave jne naum thL and but t be men and "7.: tuat ';im,j trJto i.nnot be 'clear that the currency measure will 1m thu result, of official unison and . sot s one ansa bill. THE DEAD MAM 13 BTTLL UHTDEHTmED. y legislation will be launched in Coo-1 really make up their miDds to do a " - ' gress this week, probaWv Friday, ft. I thing. r i : i- :f ?' "" -: '" lowing a" conference with Secretary jt A brief account of the work of the MoAdoo and Chairman Owen of tbel Concord Library Association nay be Senate banking committee, President lot interest and help to other library Wilson ao stated at toe oi-weeuy I aSsociattona. as tus iiorary outgrew conference' of newspapermen, f arty 1 toe one room u wtucb was nous cureney builders will be- invited, the J ed the question of - more commodious Fresidenv asserieu. - mw . imw usricrs. mcaon tij HTTBaiug Wi " .... .nl K..n .L. t ;l. i . J . J raauy tne uonuy asbocuuioo aectu eA to make an appeal to the people I of Concord. Since its organization the Association had been carrying on a' pubbe campaign; had been creat ing sentiment in favor of .the library and keeping : the library constantly L.i it. ui:- . F1..U V PtoplsIomoooiSMHWoBisw .i , 0, wl t.inUt tMIM, or child of 13i Eemaina, Bat rud a Cass ei Mhool age who did not know about Mistaken Identity. the library and its work. And this Th. unknown W who died Tuc was one reason the peoplo f . Concord . day nes, the Morrison place has not 5 " "SOT Seish v . . I porcaniv. reason; was inn me uorwj Bell Hams. .? f7 1 Kd made good It had done and was man from Kannspous looaeo av me i , ,. - ,iini : body and said tbat.be knew wnc Jne ot only he!ping to educate man in Cooleemee. ' He sneeeeded in - communicating with man whose-name .b tiim nf aeeinir the body. Sribe man I -.-i ii. - .Jvatitftpea and oiivileees : -whom name he save left bis home in I .t At)i tn . fw but all.' Hence the ' Cooleemee "several weeks ago and his npte 0f Concord willingly and glad- 'familv had ttot- beard i from .:him.l ivl contributed nearly -$3,000 to buy - -''Knowing tbt tW-KwutapoB -." I tn: offic..bnadiiig to be used exclu- Knew Kub umer u jymR ,Mv I uveij iw tuo umaij, ' ws v BSOWK-SALL WTDDrNO. Popular . Toug Couple Married La , Sumtsr, 8. JJ. " The followirie account at Che niar- riage of Miss Mildred JIU and Mr. Robert Brown, - taken . from a Sum ter, 8. C, paper will bewf interest to ths people here, when 'the bride bsa frequently visited, beiritf the guest of her nnt, Mrs. J A. Kimmons: f'Tbe. social-affair of the week -in Sumter was the inairinge on Weilnes day afternoon of Mis .Mildred Lee Hall, the daughter of Mrs. Minnie M. Hall, and Mr, Kobcrt Tillman Brown, both well knows, and papular young people of this city.1 ?V "The ceremony wis' -performed in Trinity Methodist Church snd is the first service of any kind, held in .the new church,' Which" is- not .yet cam. pleted. On Account of the unfinished condition of the building the decora-. Hons and preparations Could not be made elaborate, but the altar was dec orated with terns ana pottea pmnis and an improvised aisla as prepared for the occasion, ribbons and potted plants on pedestals being used iu its formation. ' 'The bridal party eiwered to (lie strniiiB of Mendelssohn wedding march, played bv Miss Julia Rowland. The bride came in on ths arm of her brother, Mr. E. Mnrr Hull, who Rave her away to the (room at the altar, ho entered with his best uinn, Mr. Perry M. Brown, front the pastor's tudy, on the right of the altar "Here the cercirtony win pei'torfmed by the Rev. D M. MoLeod, pustur of the church, who-used the lull and impressive" rinjr service ioC the Meth odist Church. 'in the -bresemv of i large lives. liw tWff the women ssweU; it had provided books footwalks with impunity," S LZZJl M f ,' 'et"n inspiration, and infer- gaid promrnent local official v dis .2 ?!:SJu BUuatlon here today. -It is shown that in the past the vcara 4.361 ocrsons were killed at hiirhwav crossings in ' this country. while throughout the nation in' the Hume time 17.861 persons were Rilled lr. hn tTn-V . Of . . t . f... v tk.ai.Ai.. ... tionn kn r.. . meaisteiv ieiivo"wim.i5 oi.iue .iraumnB tub , . v th4 nersonu killed, at nurnway cross- woint. makiplnefrtrip to Salisbury .mall balance was nsnraed.by the,U-J mow, ti,.n inoo were trespass- in tn automoDiie.-: Ajrivmg u him- i onir : SWWMWWU. . , fcro. Or the persons Kmea m omer isbury he-telephonea '' wi.wi -jnow-smTw vu.. ";ipoits alonr the tracK, l',40U were pf Bel $ Harris, that be would reach J brary could hardly have been wtotm. treBpa88ergf while only 392 were upon here on train JNo.-B eany iuis raorn-i t a tbe traeTcs on; legiumaie Dusinros. ''w ' . . a .- - j it.. AnfiiXWKS"-niiT' : Last Appeal for Becker. Albany, N. . Y., June 10. A last ' went to! view the body.', "As soon as ttyom ttto loQWl t'tbe remains he saw that it was si wise of mistaken identity and tnat.w wis noi on u - er.. He jwd; his .friends, returned tc n w--kV it v'o1wk Irain ' : .... a . i riMtnnrate aiana was uiouo um nnoK ouiiaingcoma nu.K - f ments Bisde bofore the boos ana om- M-u.uraWu. , v--.---r ---- 47nni thA tn rormer ew ioi wiko old roo in the Phifer building. The from death the electric chairfor 'new library-was formally opened to murder of the gambler, Herman Ros- the public March otn. 'mare are no eninai, cany on mo v n.n.1 rfnn.rfnUntl A JlPllVPrV rUUUl I lt. JlTli.. - - AUC h ............ and" librarian's offl'ireading snd were employed at the -instigation of reference rooms, ana i rewin rw tn eonvicwa fii:o "w"" . which can be ; used as : a. , children 'si waiting sentence , of jdeath -r in the w work room. - - - Mflth raIIr" at Sing ' Sing. with - OGSSSSTTB STEP. .Will Opt Itfes-tWer Ppsrt- zt in T.w T&aativ Over Ritnhift Hardware Store. -" ;- -- -1 There cannot" be ound in Concord Becker. It is generally? understood Krtrd large department store basl today ft nvoue ttraciv place than that )f the Court of Appeals decides - : ii T.uA mIIm i-n ..'imv.I ttMrtmhlte libra! and we extend -our ,rainnt Recker.' his- attorneys will ?f tk.-i.JL.iuw ivi. Rith-I hcBxtv coneratulations to the Library x.. Mg to the United States V ie Hardware stofe adjacent to the! Association to the .Hbrary Assoc!?- Sa eme Conrt: ot Washington. IS ir-klJl-. Pvthlnltin and to the citizens of Concord. . 5 , p. , , ii . v ,r lodge- roomi-and wUl open s ready-to. May the good wortg oon ana PfThS ITewspapets Trying tbs rnagan wear department there.. The room i per Land may tn uwary ri"""" . . . I ,1 ... I 1 nnw A r II TO Ulfl lfTV BUU MIUU- one or toe mow spacou . hio u. ..la.'tkw m 'and Weally located for this JMft oilennce to u ine jwie w . w J", J Eflrd'a store. Workmen .are eng&gea i munity. . , -- --. - - . ; : j today cutting n entrance to . U 1 5 -A . OT,w;., room, be enttanes to be made at the ;lAT.BBmASSlGM.tf, - rear of;-Eftrd?8'.-8toir'-the stairway ,S'--:' ;-''- r:v: r'-.' running up througfi omoe-; .pi i jim Mercantile Finn .Ttiif, RiUhie hardware Company. ; a. ML Tacnrt Trustee, i A, large 1 ot latest jr?anons p&T-. . case, having presenfed to the m laaies is; -7- ;.Aal for nKK nil the affidavits, the.newspa !vvT."-r---- . thW--ai0jwly MmiB(f A, M. aggart open to tne argumenra oi ..ftworuej. ana me . - h firm Ti.oto r.Rrt has already car. business wm oe eonuuetea w w 1 vv-rr- 0AA . ),. .k li 4rlv ,lf.nRa'B of the tii thA' lunmtu n norm uuhib-i'i.. T-r ; - ... , . - . ., t-'-..i.f"-Jt-..V I Atlanta June 46j,rtWliat Cuse At- Jant4 has -for' criminal courts, it must be "rather difficult for the .outside world to see, with the newspapers as all. the' functions of judge, lawyers and.'jurjs .- Having printed nntC commented oh in the papers all the evidence, pro end con, in the Pha- Hnn will be in charge pf experienced :-.flb tr. and cutters. Mr. Kay Eflrd, mshager f the stored stated this morning that hie bad purchased a large number of suits , snd that he hoped-, to hai the new department opened m ft soors ume at $100.. The principal part .ot tne accused man. assets, however, .are in unpaid ae- . ,r . , ..... it" All tha creditors will share : i - - Plaasad With the Ad.. alike. "- Vi"' ' v !"Hart'8chaffner ft. Marx, : the big' - v i ' , - clothing manufacturers of Wew K ore Bteftmer Tbxgbt to be . d rh:cgir0, fot whom H. L. Parks Calumet, Mich., June slbV-e-t; are the Conord agents, have . OLD TIMES AITS KW. The Old Granny of Fifty Tears Age Hevar Lost Patient Who Had Appendicitis, Alias Cramp Colic, ' Mr. Editor. ' Fifty years sgo all the doctoring was done by some old woman in the community, universally . lynown - as "Oranny," doogwood bark, bone-act, sheen' saffron and Rabipso - snake ' XAKBAPOLIS W0H. Defeated the Lock i tea Saturday Af ternoon by the Score of 7 to S. The grandstand at Kannapolis was filled with fans Saturday afternoon wbo cheered the Kannapolis baseball team to a 7 to 3 victory over the Lockeites, of this city. The Kannap olia ball tossers forged ahead in the early innings and by timely stick work, aided and abetted by loose n t...- L.l .w .. rooi were ner siana-Dys,.ana a never t. . . , . knew her to lose ft patient Append- m.;J n,.;. 1.1 , K u Ti.:.' rntia' ( no. cram d eolicT was lust as I .... 3 lw"8 llm seconT game 01 me season 1 common u.eu . , between the two teams and the series rushed oE to some nospiwi ana re-l- ja . ,. t , 1 t: a . r.iv. w .k. "" " - '-'"K , "l " " " . copped one game. neaiea .. w -uu ,otu ,ou -ur.T Th( me WM featured by the to put at, and wiU.m len ninnte8 you of Poole the Btick work of mess Of COllardS. . - ' . lllred and h' 'mtewine nf PattaniAi.. Fitt-E CC.IIT JS IXEUKa IS IKTEHSEBTWEEI THE rAOTIOKS. : . ' ., .!.. -. Operators Haft Berenty Witaeases te Befute Onarfe That They Shot TJp Holly Grove Camp With Machine Guns From as Armored Train. The Situation 'Extremely Serious.. Chsrlestown, West Va June 16. e h. ir;,i di. k. c-u: ' r. ' - 7- A ii j J iu- ' "l, witn seventy witnesses for the coal - operators to refute the aljegstiona of fa- heiwam-onlv .two in Somnson t?-;.iL iT," i-". ' ,llc miners mil we opersiore deUB-c , ;tv Thev depended almost, if ZZZrr' XTr" ""m Ua , er eV 8ho P tb .? ' - - . . . .. - .. , wuKKKim. , wiiu a macnine gun irom not entirely, on blue mass, . Tutt s pills and Perry Davis' Pain Killer to meet all surgical and . functional Celebrate Kaiser's Jubilee. Berlin, June 16.- gun from an armored train, the Senate committee continued the probe today. . Feeling is intense mi it . 1 L .. t ....... . 1 ... W-l , ... ... . , . . v jMt mi;i;.l ' reriin, June 10. ine ieies ccic- mo lacuwna. ms comguner disorders. But the doctors multiplied ... . ... . .. iu f.,..- . nnrAonti exceedingly and completely rou ed K-aiaAr.a Ihi a8 a result of the miners strike, it the old "grsnny," but Bhe is coming I ,. ., . .. .. declared todanr. Rrv twnion to nerseir again. n.ri; k 1 miner obeyed the strike order-sad Not since Jcnner s short cut to . , , , '.... ..refused to return to work. Tha m& ...1 nation is extremelv serious, and tron- lar toxin, nor Cook s discovcr' of the ' rat . . ble is not improbable. Washington, June 16. Senator Bo- nnmlier of' friend and vein- North Pole has domestic science made a greater discovery than was recent ly handed out U a chill ravaged sec tion by one of those old "grannies." If yon have the shakes all you've got to do when yon rise up in the morn- If. t"k' 7.' lL :Z T. Z iZ vi on the balcony. "hath": "Say not howdy when yon come, No fnrewel) when yon go, For I come not when T come. And I go not when I ro." r 111. R.hlAaB u-hnr. 7 00(1 ci.ltnnl liil. koH MthA rn hiu ', ra" member of the committee, re- Majesty. The thousands of people who thronged the vicinity of the pul acy displayed the utmost enthusiasm when the Kaiser and his family np- m.n r. almost certain that the steam-1 -u.n that firm aa follows in re- TWJTJRED nT GAS EXPLOSION ler Jesse Spaulding is lost jriththe d to their ad. in The Tribune and w . - , . - crew Of sixteen. She struck another TiineB,; . , . ,.( ; , WW of "Concord- Man Pftinfnlly steamer in ft beayy log. , MMje acknowledge receipt of The Wufa By Sloslw Shrer of May, 30th. :Tour ;adver- "' ; x tisemeni in uu sgowpiece, w Mr Gibson received a mes-l - Steamer Safe. , j work anj 8tands out prominently on !. !,; i.n.th.1 fiio,.iibA.. Wis.. June 10,--yvire- tha naro. .. It is well set no and pre- r Mr J 0 Gibson, had been serious-1 less messages front Soo indicated tnat Mntg attractive appearance.:: ; lv iniured in ft iras explosion in the steamer Sapulding reporwid lost, . s.;; S ,23.1 Tvoumrmanbad arrived safe. - - . ' k. rinal Bout of Itom r. ..-..v.v,..,-.-.. - . , . .. . . , , . - i t :m:: 1x7:.1 .. . r.-. WTklt. H Juaiiua, ui ..v. nresaens wiau n from Jolo-today told of '.tne ; nnai . And CianUto Tour the World. - . of lhe Morros on Mt. Washington, Jn -r10"ee."M Bagsag. The last entrenchment was Wilson Md Jim Calahan, the i White L&ptored after desperate v fighting tins afternoon that ne -,. him mA is strong for a Giants-White Sox tour wounded Mooros were reinforc. tk. trnrlri . DAcnnsn 11, may . j n . k.ftl. .'1 ", ------r , - , , eg lug lucre . "V( w in the creation of an international fort tU TOnt- The Americans were A "Lazy Husband Law." Seattle, Wash, June 16.- If any ( Vou wives of .the .Middle West ami East have lnxy hiuibandSj iiiiil if you want to see :cm .put, tOj work, and have the price, come" tin .eut here and bring your lazy spouses', with yon. The "lazy husband law'Hi became ef fective today. The county .commis sioners ara building a Blockade on 65 acres of land near Ballardtt suburb of Seattle. Here all husbaiidn con victed of "being lazy" or ot aband- oninK,'.Uoir wives and families-;, will be Dut to work -.elearjng. tlie iixty-fl ve acres- ol stumps ana rocne. - nno the husbands ore working on . the county tract, the wives will be paid $1.50 per day, and they won't even have to go to 'the. oniee' 'to collect the Salary. It will be sent to them. There are a number of lar.y husbands now "doing tiue" in the county jail and county officials are taking sjeps to learn if the law can be made retroactive so: incse men can oe im mediately put to work. The wives are. backing up -the county commis sioners in their project, saying-" they need the $1.50 per day." ' Trip Around the World. " The Young Ladies' finild of St. James Church innte all who rend these lines to take that "Trip Around the . World, tomorrow, Tuesday night The tour will begin at 8 o'clock on board a chartered trolley car, leaving the square at that hour for the first stop. The second car will leave about 8:20; the third ! about 8:40, "and the, fourth, if necessary, about 9 p. m. Four stops will be made during the trip, where refresh ments of Varying descriptions will be served. All is offered for the small sum of 25 cents. No other charges of any 6ther character, no 'tips,' no fees, " one single fare.,".. ' Bestaurant at Brown Mill Broken .C-Jtato. ' Dobbins' restaurant at Brown Mill was broken into last night by Albert Oianman. a 16-vcar-old boy ,irom Cooleemee. - Parties in an autompDiie passed the 'place and heard a noise and on investEatine found Chapman in the store. They held" him until Policeman Meyers arrived. The po liceman took charge of the youthful thief, bringing him to the city hall, where he was locked up. ., .. ' Chapman was given a hearing in the Recorder's court this morning and bound over to court under a bond of $1 .00. - lie was unable to give bond and was placed in jail. st: Within three daw time yon wiil feel like yon have been to a White house reception. I'd be clad if I Later in the day the Klaiser review ed the troops on tlic Potsdam parade ground and then came the threat af fair of the day, the scene before the throne when the twenty-live rulers of German States, including the kinrs of Bavaria, Saxony and Wutembuifr, paid homage to the emperor. The formalities closed with the jubilee turning from West Virginia, said probe as to the peonage charges against operators would be held in Washington within a few days. ORPHANS TO BE HEBE. conld get in touch with the editor of court, when the Kaiser aud Kaiserin the Observer, for the Inst UmC:! saw receiveu me npuciai uuioiikhuuui-s worn him he said he had something like numerous countries and the depuia- chills. He can be quiejtlv cured by following the directions already friv-i en. DOC. Mantco, June 1(5, 1013. STATE PBESS ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting to be Held in Ashe- ville. July 23 and 24, 1913. lions bringing congratulations irom the cities of the empire. A deputa tion headed by Andrew Carnegie pre sented. a. congratulatory address sign ed by many prominent America us. Thu Kaiser displayed-marked cordial ity towards Mr.. Carnegie- and. his two associates, Robert .S. Brookings, of St. Louis, and Jacoob G. Schniid- - The annual meeting of the Nortn .uuau. Carolina Press Association will be held in Asheville on Wednesday and Thnrsdav. June 23 and 24, 1013. A mcetintr of the Executive Class From Odd Fellows Orphanage At Goldsboro, to be Hero Friday Night. A class of orphans from' the Odd Fellows' Orphanage at .' Goldsboro will give a concert in the opera house Friday night at 8 o'clock. A class from this orphanage has been here several times before, and the little ones have always given a delightful . entertainment. This institution is now caring for 200 children. Go out and hear the orphans Friday night. . Iu addition to getting more than the,' worth of your money you will help' one of the most worthy institutions in the State. A0CEPJS.9AiL,j Mr. M. H. Caldwell has gone to Charlottesville, Va., on professional business. recently gone to Shreveport and was engaged in working with a machine operated by gas wnen me explosion occurred. He was gainfully burned his waist and. shoulders. A message from Shreveport yesterday stated that he had been taken to a hospital for treatment and that the t'livsieuttis were hopeful concerning Jiis. recovery. . league, thus forwarding Mr. Bryan L,nder General PeriBhing.. peace plan. cr:: I JS-iT.l I "TO it I- J..I.n. W. -.Cixk's-fitore rt , 'irr ht,i) fi-'-"- 1 and T v ' ' t. H.a tr h d.-i ' .. ,! t 1 1 m money w 'i I ve been niHifed ', ;f tlie t!ie'M csr w '1 t i- '2. Cork's 8 -rir.f- F f-r w?? A Eack Kumtr Prates About "Per- Johnstown, PaJ, June lB.--Deolar. LTst-r Cydlrt Tatally lajuritM Kep-o. Atlanta, June 16.-C. A. Cabe, a S-cra fatlway W1IC'T.V ing that temperance "lobbyists'? are 'r AtlJl T.1I fill V 111 I III CU SB- i a . TTT- ' a...a. ' 'an, n st h"-h s; t.i'u .1 s;-red oi u, fa aUy injured a , aegro M i Washington and every while ridipg aotorcy- f .,al t0 . yVition speed, w being held on a laW(,fBpprftsentatjWBarthold.of Mis- of . Violating "the -irrojir-ti-il'- A soarL .madea stirring plea for "pef- .! liberrv" at the "German Day" c' lebratJon here. . He denouncfld the Velb bil as unconstitutional, f New Company Chartered in Wilming .-. 'V-,,- '- ton. 'i.--s':r ' 'iJ." ' Raleigh, June -16. The Gerroama Manufacturing Company,: Wilming ton, is chartered with an authorised capital of $200,000, of which $100,000 is subscribed by C. MV Patterson, R-. W; Hoffss,V of ". Wilmington, . and George S. Pfttterson,"of Chicago. They will deal in - real estate, operate steam barges, etc. ; f", : .-. . ' " . , Get $7,000 for Having Windows Bmasaeu.., - .t- London,- June j I6.r-Tbe "King's , court this afternoon ordered ins jiay-j mcn't. of: $7,000. to West Eu mer chants .who sued rethicU Lawrenoos and Pankhursts as a result of a win dow smashing campaign. , . , . Wants McCombs to Reconsider. Washi-neton.; June 16. President Wilson today cabled William F. Mc- Vetcrir-f-ry As- Combs at PawsUo reconBider Die uc- i f c'Mu-cn- elination of the 1'ans mnanaoriai University 300 Years Old. Buenos Ayres, June lti.- The cele- Commit- bration of the tri-centennial of the tee of the Association was held in University of Cordoba, the oldest in Ashevillo last week to arrange the the western hemisphere, began at t or- programme of the meeting. The fol- doba today with a great gathering ot lowing is a tentative programme : delegates from famous institutions of Wednesday Morning, July 23, 9 a. m. I learning throughout the world Address of Welcome by Mayor ot founded by Fray Tejo de banabna Asheville. : in 1613,- the University "of Cordoba Response by Mr. James H. Cowan, is twenty-three years older than Har- ol the Wilmington uispnicn. vard, tne oldest university in JNorth President's Address. America. Many of Argentina's most Address by Mr. A. F; Oonzales, of distinguished men have been gradu- Colnmbin State. - ' ated from Cordoba, including Presi- Pnpcr by members of the Associa- Avellanda. tion and discussion thjoreon. Wednesdav Afternoon. Trollev ride, after-which a hall gamo will be witnessed. Wednesday .evening. Dutch luncheon and concert on Langren roof garden, which is on Mlm ninth floor of a six story build ing." - Tnursday morning. Meeting of Association, with ad dresses, discussions, etc. Thnrsdav Afternoon ana nignt. Theater Party at the Majestic, to be followed by a dinner at the Grove Park Hotel, and a leeeption at tne Battery Park. i On Friday the editorial party will be taken to Waynesville to spend the day." -TToBdniiftrters will be at the Lan gren Hotel, at which rate of $2.00 a day has been Becurea. f We are going to have a grand mect- ing. ii you miss it you wm w. wnj. Fraternally, J. B. SHERRILL, Secretary. Concord, N. C, June 16, 1913. Kaiaor'a Celebration Ends Tomorrow. 1 Berlin, June 16. The rulers of twenty-five German provinces came personally to Berlin to congratulate the Kaiser on his twenty-five years rule of peace. ; The celebration reach ed its heiRht at a State dinner to- night and will end tomorrow. Rev. J. A. McQueen, of Mprvea, Ac-" cepta Call to Pastorate - of Firoi " Presbyterian Church for the 8um- i mer.. .- v-v- :..- . ' Rev. J. A. McQueen, ".of Morvcn, preached yesterday' morning and ev ening at the First Presbyterian Ch urch. Mr, JtcOJuepn, has' been ..ten dered and has accepted a call to nil -the pastorate ot -the church duripg the summer months. Mr.. McQueen , will move to Concord , this week to take up his work.,; .-LL4. - 'j, : . , Qreensboro Company Chartered Raleigh, June IK ihe Tate Com pany, of. Greensboro, is chartered to do a merchandise business. The au thorized capital is $25,000, with $400 subscribed by Mnrry S-, Meta 8., and J. A. Tate. I Clean! Strong! Progressive!, CmmmJI af3 C wsssCafJ vera r. :.-c3 - 4 per cent 6n time deposits. 3 The 3 fit n ' - r ' ' ' ' 1 Great Big Bargems in Ready-to-Wear for All Week SPRING COAT SUITS, HALF PRICE. $18.50 Spring Coat Suits, Sale Prico $15.00 Spring Coat Suits, Sale Price $13.95 Soring Coat Suits, Sale Price Bin Colored Dress Sale . Worth np to $7.50, consisting mostly of Ratines, sizes 14', 16, 18, :; to 38 . See window display, your choice 4.95 ' Children's, Misses' and Ladies Middy Blouses, 75c to $L60 Val ues, Sale Price 39c and 8o Wonderful values all week in Shirt Waists at .... ,''.. .88e Muslin Undartvaar Special for Children,' Misses and Ladies, underprised at the gir-' ment .-'..........-.........-...- 10c, loo, 19C, 25c, np to 3e Gauze Yests, all week special at 60, ICa ari-XIe' r U w 3 . la j ' ' TC ' v 5 1 s t 1 1 . : i t i t rf h t. J' dbs received no r-' !y jr. .'omhs is. on a v

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