,1 vv y -U biU library y YOUXIIL;.;. 43 Cents a Hoath-I Cents Copy. ) jj CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1913. J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publiaher. ; . NO 301 BO HI: 7 jw..ULt.D STt.k 'f ' ; - - , . say that jokes' wnx was . '. HOT INSULTED. 1 AiMtt That Jonee ' Himself Wu -- - Knocked Down, tad. That the Bath- ar Who Stmck Blow Wu Not . Member of National Guard. Inl- tUtioa aad , Referendum Pimm Ooouiiitsloa. - To Allow Uof Raleigh, July 17. Soldiers return - ing from Morehead deny the story of .- the fight of Jones, of Ooldsboro, and " member of t.-tbe National Guard They say his wife waa not insulted, and that Jones himself waa knocked ; down and the bather who struck the 1)low waa not a member of the Na r tional Guard.' The alleged atory was : aent by eorrespondenta who have been made to leave. Morehead City;1 ;v - ine initiative ana relerendum in ' the amended form- passed third" read T. . ins before the commission' 9 to 7V The - - amendment applies to bills or pro ' posed statutes and not to ehangee in ? - the constitution. Bailey ",of Wake, presented this amendment. Repre ' - sentative Moore crave notice that be 1 would carry the fight to the General Assembly.' -?- -. '' v. ".;f The amendment to allow the use of ; -the Bible in the public schools pass- ," fd II to 3. v , , By a unanimous, vote it was deoid , ' ed to strike out the word " Rebellion ' in the constitution- and insert i'fThe ' War Between the States.", TKS CHINESE QUESTION. . Birala the Japan ' QuaeUoa. likely te lavolvt the UniUd 6tUa la Trouble. . - . f ' . : Panama, July 17A Tb Chii 600 POPPY PLANTEM KILLED. In Settle Wit Soldien la China In Effort to Eradicate Dptam Cum. Shanghai, China, July 17. Staiis tics published. hero today by the situation which-has arisen in this government show tbat OOO poppy repnblic rivals the Japanese question planter and their employes . have of California and ia quit likely to killed io pifshed battle "with iuvolve lb United Statje mora or soiaiera in tttm pasi twelve montns lei', avriously before it w . M'.i.-i. aa a resnlt f tb new republican Thia ia the belief today of Panama government 'a energetic efforta to government officials. I eradicate the opium curse. In the New lawa, directed against the report mention was made or tne Chinese residents of Panama, re- stand-taken by President Wilson eently passed, together with official and his cabinet in refusing to awp decrees issued bv President Perras. port . the demands of American-ban- will praNicaliy legislate tb Vninesel w inaen m vuiaa ior reun out xt this section of Central Amer-I burseineot.o account of the destrne- ica, a spot where they have, been t ion by.tb tovemment of China of sceaouy growing m - numoera t iori n"ui vyy? ""l1" . wmvu manv veara. Failinr to et an v eat- they held liens.. The report declarees isfsetion from the Panamaian gov-1 that the administiation 'a action haa - . ... . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 t emment tne t bines tfepublie oas I xne woner in aireiigrnening tne appealed to Washington for - help ernsade against the opium evU. iit holds iW th United SUtaa - " ' must, see that the Chinese residents What Tie Conference Achieved, of Panama are given . commercial The agreement between the presi protection. - '-'."-V.!' ' , - denta of. thevEasMrn railroads and : The new . laws coma pretty -close their conductors and trainmen pro to taxing anything and everything vides that they arbitrate their dif a Chinaman in Panama -does. -The ferencee under the provisions of .the Chinese merchant claim' that 4hey NewIands-CIayton act creating a pay nearly 70 per eent of the import board of mediation and conciliation, customs duties of the country yet, The conference smoothed out dif under the new law, their chamber of ferencea of . opinion that had arisen commerce- here is (a be taxed $1,000 ia both houses of Congress aa to the gold a month .which drive it out of compositio'n of the board of media existence. ' v-.V.-'J'-"'"" . ' tion. . ' ' ' . .- The social and religion organisa- It provided a permanent commis ttons aie heavily taxed, the Chinese sion to deal, with railroad disputes, stores are restricted as to the class '.The Newton-Clayton bill .will of goods tbey Jiiay sell, the members J create the United States Board of of tne race- are, required to register Mediation and t cneiiiiation. frequently and pay a Zee each timet it will consist of a commissiner, a ad other restrictions are placed 1 with a salary of $7)00, appointed MISS BBAXSOIC EJTTE1TA1NS. ' VE0BO IS KILLED Kisses Ella and EUxabetk Andrew. Of Oreentboro, Baeoraaa at a De lightful Social Ertai. ' . V Umt Anna . Braason 'delightfully entertained a number of friend last evening at her bom oo Forth Union' street in honor of her. guest, Misses Ell and Elisabeth" Aadrewa, of Greensboro. Progressive i convers tion waa tb game of the evening, affording- pleasure "and enjoyment to the young people.- ' At the close of the gami guests of honor prizes, c re ton bags, wert presented te the bon orees, the presentation being made by Mr. Rslpu Sbw. Refreshments and punch were aerved, pnch being served by Mr; and Mrs. K G. Odell, Miestes Onnie Andrews nd Ellen Gibson and Mr. B. P. Gibson. Miss Branson's guests were: Misses Nell Herrings Msry Griffith. Mace Laffer tv, Alice Brown, AdeleTaud Mary Pemberton, Elisabeth Wood house, Msry Hartsell, Addle Nfrfleet, Ann Burton, Marie CaldweH.SMary Loo Morris, Johnsi Sims, Mary Bekner. Marv Bell, Janie Fetner and Eliza beth Poag; Messrs. Warren Moody, Ralph Shaw, Leslie, Correll, Jack Wadsworth. Gowan Pnsenbery, Jr, Harry Caldwell, Colb Morris, James Marshall, Gray ttost. naries wads worth. Jack Brown, Sidney Lowe, Robert Ridenhonrr Paul Means, Wat son Smoot. Lester Coltrane. Jr., Joe Young and Henry Smith.j; MAJOR JOHNSOH AnI) KINO TO BE BSC AXLED BY WHITE FOREMAN. W. 0. rarkar Attnaad And Dafaada Elaualf By TJea f a Pistol. Salisbury Post, 16th. almost npon their every move, The Chinese elaim tbat this is in direct' violation . of :. the Panamaian const itnt ion ' which guarantees equol iehts to the citizens of all nations. sistant commissioner, with An amendment was addnted whieh Ther also charge that when Amen- of $5.000 authorised to act by the President, and not more than two other . officials ot the Govern ment already appointed by the Presi dent. Thete- also will 'be an as- aalary in the Ibabeisbtjxo boad C HANGED . New Snrray Adopted Changinc ta Band to Ban Directly Into Harria- hnrg. A new suncy of the HarriHburu News' reached Salisbury today of I road ha been made and accepted bv a killing at Whitney late Monday af-1 the hoard of county comwissionerH, ternoon and the particular aa gatb-l which rhangea to the course of the ered by the Post are as follows : road from the national highway to I Mr. W. C. Parker, white man and Hamsburg. The roatf. according to one of the foremen for the Hardaway I the new survey, will leave the na Coostruetion Company, which i tional highway at Mct'lure's miKH- buildiag the -big dam for the South-ling and go to Harrixbuty. enterini; era Alaminura Company below Whit- the highway again at a point' beynml ney, had aonfe words with one of the the" town. negro men employed on the works I The former survey did not run hv and ordered the negro sway from the Harrisburg. keeping strictly to the place. When he did this the negro national highway, which wipe.) approached the foreman with a stick around the town. At the lime th and Mr. Parker stepped backward to survey was made the citizen of Har- get out af reach of the same and in risbnrg entered a protest, contending doing 0 fell over a piece of timber.! that the road should go straight into When he did this the negro sought I to town, thereby reacliiiii; a larger to take advantage of him and jumped number of people than it would bv on him; at the seme time drawing a following strictly to the national big knife from his pocket and pro- highway. Residents along the high m PREsionrr oi : not be a DOES NOT CONSIDER MEXICAN SITUATION AS ACUTE. It is So Given Ont at the Watt House Today. Senator Bacon Cam f erred With President Wilton To day. Wilson ia Not Inclined to Recognize the Hnerta Regime Da spite the Reported Request af the Powers. Washington, July 17. It Ms ind'tr' cated at the White House that the President does not intend to be hue ried into tiny solution of the Mexican Problem. Senator Bacon conferred Mir iiiii- , .. ... ..... r : . . a . 1 4l. ceeded to slash the man as be lay on way also appeared before the bnaH'",,u '. " , , i V M ,mT lu? three and asked that the route of the road "V uaiiou as acme, ana is noi lncuneu to recognize the Huerta regime, de spite the reoi'ted requests of the Hwars. . . in the ground, eutting nlm places, one time across once on the shoulder and across the! to adopts the national highway route. places, one time across the breast, I be not changed. The hoard decided , stomach. While this was in progress Recently the citizens of (Varris Mr. Parker managed to quickly draw burg began agitating the matter ! his pistol and began firing at bis as-1 again and presented their claims to. Mr. Durham Stands Four Sanar. sailant, shooting him five times and the board for the second time with charity and Children. killing him almost instantly, fort-line result, ss staled above, that the At the district conference at unately Mr. Parker is not seriously Harrisburg route was adopted. Mocksville last Firday Rev. Plato hurt. He was taken to Albemarle I Durham preached a sermon from the where bis wounds were dressed. ON ILL FATED TRAIN. 1 text 'Thus saith the Lord, return ye Coroner Frank Rummage summon- ' ! to the old oaths." and a wave of amr- ed a jury and investigated the kill-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Willeford Paasen- iiual enthusiasm rolled over the con- would give legislators six hundred I eahv Minister Dodge, acting orr in- commissioner s absence. ! dallara" for session and milnaee. and atmctions - from ' Washington, ap- For .'settlement of controversies not limiting session to sixty davs. Thia was adopted by a vote of 6 to 7-1 WILL NOT GIVE VETO ; POWER TO GOVERNOR.! Luisl stive Commission Xilla Tail Propoaed Amendment-to Conatitn- Raleigh, July 18. In session until . 11- o'clock, tonight the Legislative . Commission on Cons tifu tional Amend- , ments passed on final reading,-' ready for favorable recommendation to the . Legislature, proposal No. relieving the General Assembly of .consider' nealed to the Panama 1 government as they might arise, the measure he was promised that the laws would would provide for boards of arbitra be made less drastic but the matter! tion of six. or three, to.be selected was then allowed to rest. .. - jwitb the help of the board ofmertia The'laws of Panama do not per- tion and conciliation wherever nec- mit of a test of the constitutionality J essary. . of any hew law unless tbe "resident ' lllp tauer uoar wmu y, u and ma-eawnet ..disagree -on lbat. nu uisB5ieriiiciiiB am.... later. . There has been' 'no disagree- trators, . ment on the Chinese situation. 1 Awards made by the board would The-Chineso of: Panama and of be exeentea oyjue reaerai conns. , Central tAmeriea ai a a thrifty, ,in: j S'ltt'J; dustrious,- lot." They never-dflnx p iwrnpvrorofutj . T". in any. of the political affair of tue The " opening sessioir pt .tlje nais nations and their dollars have done bury district conference will be held much to put many of these nations jn the Methodist Church at Mount on a fir.mer financial footing, The pleasant next Tuesday at 2 p. m. The credit of. the Chinese merchants -of mogt 0f the delegates from a distance tion of loeal, private and special aett, p,nama T8nkg high with tbe whole- Lr4 x,ted to. reach Mount Pleas- . Aik Q : aii vavnnA anil i wariAn in. I . ... n i i o I . . alr . of tbe . United States from whom, they buy . heavily. THE TI0HT P0R ' DISTRICT ; ATTORNEY. ant bv noon- Tuesday. - Some promi' nent men of the Church are expected to be present to - preach and make addresses. There will be preaching every day at 11 a. m. and at night. Many Will co:ne from the country to -No. 9. on revenue and taxation, in- eluding requirement that poll . tax - "shall" and aot may'!.!: be levied; proposal No. ..34v as to ' judges and courts, with the bar " association amendment that the Legislature may provide tor emergeucy . luuges, pni-i - : 'v'-j , r . .. . j ... . ... . tiKu ,jh poaal No. 17,' making possible stab-l Intimated Mr. Oyemut WU1 t ' " "J-" ..he --.n.- v- r, be built in the chuteh grove on which ""r?r V y-'.-v-rr ?.vVrswvf -r "i to ad dinnelv The people of Mt iTf Z3.r 40iaJTf FrUnd. -y Pleiaant extend ah imitation for the to P.tV.,0cnor.Teto Pw.r.r U-l-.M-P ' kM, p.;'Anderaoii5 Waahing-1 ,nla of all demnomiriations to at- Thia leaves 10 proposal remaining .ni nf h flreensboro th omtermto. , to be. passed upon final reading and I jj ,w. Mnfa the following to that pa- Bishop J. H. MeCoy will hold the u . vuiuuumu. .v.- nni date of juiy itj: conference. He will arrive Tuesday, fl:J0. Thursday; morning.tt tJoveraor ., , .mf..u ;,i w uM the first day of the conference. Bish- Craig, ;it was atated on the floor to- - . ,,j.u on MeCov is a ereat-Drencher and Charles A. many people oi tne country win avail Their Opponents Draw Petition to , Oust Them from Office. Raleigh, July 17.-Tbe opponents of thei city commissioners) stated to day that a recall petition would be drawn immediately and put in cir culation. The advocates ef the recall are 'the former supporters of-King and Jolmsion but they failed to re ceive what they, expected jat the pie counter. " i Miss Bingham Entertain. Miss Mary Bingham waf hostess at a deiigbttui sewing party .mis raoi u- ing at her heme on Oeorgia avenue in honor of Mr. Morse, of Balti more, who is the guest of Mrs. J. F. Qoodson. Quite a numbec of guests were present Sand the gathering was most eniovable one. Jtetresbments were served during the, mornim?. Miss BinirlwunlS-jrAws-, besMt"' the hon- oree, were: Mesdames W. E. O. Robinson, W. W. Flowe. O. H. Richmond, P. B. Fetzer, Jr., A. G. Odell, Miss Eugenia Lore. Catherine Goodson, Edna. Cor rell, Wilina-Correll and Kate-Morri son. Accident to U. 8. Torpedo Boat Fan ning. . New York. July 17. The , United States torpedo boat Fanning reached the Brooklyn navy yard under its ortt steam, with the crew compart ment flooded. The nature of the ac cident is unknown, but it is believed it sprung a leak off Fire Island light ship. None are injured. ing, with the result tbat Mr. ranter waa exonerated, it being found he actei in self defease in the matter. MULHALL SOME MORE. gar on Train Which Killed Miss 'gregat ion and tears of penitence were have its report completed ror mm W VV -.t's 1 th.AilvM f tU hrivllBW of hear. Saturday morning and; : haomim!iaw JiurT?-; Srurii ibto dM.:iV?i. r-bl KDTFv"i (Vk, that he will preochh every day .f. the t - ; i - ! le fnrA inj uvm nther aim-1 conference. It ia understood that the Movernoa ... . w.i.kui I. wiiovod l.a uijnindtlie.poesiwe early uwu- - deflnUe .anderstaDding will be had l, : Williams, of Gainesville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Willeford re turned yesterday from Asheville, where they have been visiting for sev eral davs. Mr. and Mrs. Willeford were on tbe train which killed Miss Annie Williams, of Gainesville, Fla., Saturday morning. Speaking of the Charged that N. A. M. Wu aa Or ganisation . Chiefly for Political Work. Washington, Julv 17. The Senate tragedy Mr. Willeford said that the lobby eommitee is determined to young lady was struck while crossing probe all tbe feature of tbe workings I a small bridge about 20 teet long and of -the Council for Industrial De-1 10 feet hieh. He is of thf opinion fense, the National Association Man-j that she became frightenend and w as nfaeturer'a dummy organization. unable to iumD from the structure. An accountant will be put . to work I Her bodv was krocked down into the examining the books. Mulhall tes- gtream abollt I0 feet from the track. tilled that the organization collected Secretary 0f state Bryan and Sen- more man uair a iiuiuuu uoiir ator LaKe Lea 0f Tennes Wnt cnargea inai n w. ... passengers on thf train in every eye and about iw souls sought the altar asking for prayer. Mr. Durham is a preacher of remark able power, and stands four square for the old doctrines of grace. We say this with all the more pleasure be cause of our love for him, added to the fact that we once expressed some doubt as to his soundness ia the faith. He is a follower of John A. Broadus whom he regards as one of the mightiest men America has given to the world. nessee. were were in political Work.' Letters which read , today told of MuJUialja work i th-amDaim-o(19C&I "W, . Mulhall told how the Republican leaders met in April, 1908 at the cap. itol and decided to enact no Wore legislation renuested by (Roosevelt. He said Foraker told him tbat the al- l: -.1 A I. Aafamt Tf tnr Hie nrmination a that the newspaper Crtck Safe and Get 125.000 Worth of attacks on Cannon were 'engineered hv Roosevelt to kill off Cannon's presidential boom. Deny That Germany Haa Made De . , ,;.manda.. ,.. . .. 'TBerrmiily 17. The German for eign office denied that Germany has made anv demands on the United States for the safe guarding of for eign interests in Mexico. Way Mr. Bryan Lecture. His salary as Secretary of State is $12,000. His wealth is estimated at kmhi.uuu. Jewelry New York, July 17. Yeggmen racked tie safe of Rosenberg & Daneil. jewelers of Maiden Lane, early today, and escaped with jew elry valued at $25,000. STRIKE ON THE ERIE RAILROAD PREDICTED. Has been advertised oy .lecuiie . stm.lov Huinn ommtv. .Tolv! .u .tik inunnltntelv reaus as highest paid speaker in the , , ig the annual re-' - , Major Hewetson Killed in Monoplane. . Salisbury, Eng., July 17. Major A. Hewetson, of the Brttish army flying corps, was instantly killed when" bis monoplane eollapsed and smashed to the grouud from a height of "two hundred feet. ' a ne'e of a call for "the Legislature to meet in special session in compliance with the act creating the Amendment Commission,': Cliff Blankenshtp's Missoula team; . . . ..' -:n I which was a pennant winner last se. as. io wnom oenaior ; uverman ; wu, ' - Y - i... j' tLi. u. VIW,M -ltnnv. for t ie - Smoking Out Delinqnenta. Chicago Julv 13. Union ; ehaf- feurs who have not paid their dues complain to the police that ' stink twnonv oenaiovyeroia w. , . , . , ,, hrted ; 4hefi, taxifc Tr :r?v ri " UnU i.tioa thi yeal: ' ' The passengers are. complaining also. MISS SMITH TO WED. ' fchairman Webh i.'and'' his Sf riends who will eonfer with Senator Over- man will formally present the Ashe- - Mlaa'jaMai'. Smith, &rmtrly of villa man' indorsements and will ask - . irT .-TX. ! .!:.,; that he be appointed first because of tTlS hiaabUityaecpnaccountxf of Mexico, ;j 1 -d hi loyalty to the Democratic party, The -San Antonio Express of July and third,; upon his reeord- as cliair- - 13 contained the following announce- man 0f tbe State executive commit .. roentt - :"; r- '-'- . tee. " Mr, and Mr, Luther Bynum t-legg 1 . mhar nf telegrams were announce the engagementof iJheir meiv nihalf of Chairman Webb ' J , t C '' " aiat er ' ! ? (rom the tenth dishict and more; it va.u.eet. aiw puho ;'to'vyA rlaniKirk ;McKlella,rri $15,In.C no WILL BE GIVEN AWAY Representatix-e Tom Heflin, noted Alabama orator, will make an ad- Men Hurriedly Summoned When it Was Known That Road Would Re fuse to Arbitrate. New York, July 17. A strike or-'" der affecting the Erie Railroad alone 1 and Tatting- twit -'MBiiHMf'f ah-'-- Erie's four hundred thousand con ductors and trainmen was predicted -.. when sixty-five representatives of the , Erie's employes met in conference here today. The men were hurried ly summoned when the Erie made it known that it would stand by its re fusal to arbitrate. . . The-situation is acute because some employes' delegations insist that the railroads must recede from their stand that their demands be also consider ed by the arbitration board called to mediate in the strike. It is. under stood that the Erie will foe given un til tonight to agree to arbitration or w of Mini Reformd, Ceahnibju' Mexico ,'- - .the weddinjf to lake plae Sep : '. thirteen. is aaid;.iU he sent jonigl.)f and to- CHANCE TO SECURE CASH PRIZES BY STUDYTNO THE ; ADVER-1-?!!!. TISEMENTS OF FIRMS IN THE CONCORD TRIBUNE AND TIMES The selection bf a successor t5'Uia-l" :iPaluior nnrrle ia nreunted on th third Mere of todav's Tribune trict Attorney Holton will be of far inJ Timea jn the. 'Wha is 'Who" ipuxsle advertisement. ;HlJ i reaching importance n North t aro-t Thi. in nnmrtnnitv for voii to aeeure a eash award of either ten or . , . . .. a Ml'L.I.Uia DO.lllCB.- .JUC..HUWHUy - . tt., JII.m ,not Hrtrf Alt.' WhA la W nA v .-. ? - - i . IDS aooye announcement wiuv- oei----..r . j " c:. .mt " v . 'i ,v I tn. w. w: whether the ,f nonds of Simmon and - Tber ..... thirty font -advertisementSr, business men: of 'Ton c:ii. .'.-'.. J raA ; r..tiu .w.u upi. eord alone beinat represented.: jno wames are menuonea in any ot iue aa ,i...... no ...v. -v-.... . . l4! ' -'.- . . . .". , , . n.i .:n -!J cord, beintf" a daughter- of - the latelwrlur ; .. vertiments, nnnn eacn on-wtu De-ioona auggesuons mat wiu m t u W M Smith, and has a large nnm-I i Webb is a close friend ot twin uov. ; seeking, whether individual, firm -r corporation. Ue of friends here. Mis Smith d senator iinaion mm, There 'are jwo easn award. - . .J.,n f Ralsm rolWo. Win. mends 01 vuairman ston-SaUsra,-and took' ,a V finishing of these gentlemen are . ..hl .i w..l,inJ weliD i appoinimenv. . cu AMtaA mu i;m: u mn.; ; '"r. ""V- in the event tliat .two or more neopir are uea ior io nrsi priwineo ia a XvaA Ann f 4Um so. x WW. ouuwi vwufMwwu. ; aha Rcond DFiM win te annuueaa ana ine, loiai tio.vv win. d ? umneu ' "ha na a rnwnHitin nuuunv m:nuvi i niiiiaiiiv. miiiuiiu luduiuk vuuicnuw.v . v i, - e'onventiott" will be held at Fairviewl Each -advertisement is numbered. ITha'eoptestant should set down the immons, and the Therdiirw: ejh 'awardai J'S ." ' t ");-;;-;-sV Webb say both j0 the person furnishing the most complete and correct list of names, are trong for eagh pfiae of 10.00 will he paid. r; ;v V - v -M'.t '-''iZft?yU. J For the aeeond.beat list,.' $5.00 -will be paid.'.:i.:f v.: $yX'?J&Z. country. , His weekly publication, tne com moner, ia reported to be profitable, He has capitalized his travels into syndicate writings. While at the Chicago and Balti more conventions a year ago he wrote newspaper stories, for which he is said to have been paid ai.uvu a day. Has a large establishment, includ ing a farm, at Lineolnton, Nebraska, and another farm in Texas, devoted principally to onion growing, la building a winier nonie ai Miami. Fla. Rental of his Washington Home is between $3,000 and $3,500. Keeps few servants; lias an auto mobile and a riding horse. Has eliminated big item of dinner ariving expense, that of wine, and serves only spring water and grape juice. ... - ' Saskatchewan Murderer to Hang. Prince Albert. Sask.. July 17. Ar rangements are being made-for the! execution of - Emerie Kovoiach hefe tomorrow. Kovoiach and Lewis. Rata were convicted for the murder of Charles Brnggencote on, the night of February 11 last. " The murder was one of unusual brutality. me two men killed Bruggencote at the lonely ruined shack where they liver by beating in hi sbraine with a cudgel and afterwards cutting his throat anddriving him along a trail into the open prairie, where they . left the bodv. The two murderers were tried and convicted) at the May term of court. Rati is under sentence to hand one week-from tomorroyjor his I share in the crime. ;v v union of Confederate veterans in sev eral Piedmont counties. Use the Penny Column It Pays The- price paid Superior by the New'York . Giants for "Rube" Sehauer lias now been cut fiW $10, 000 to $7,500. most gifted vocalists in this section. - Milk Vast Be Pasteurixed. New , York, July -v 16. -Beginning tfday.milk of all grades aold in flrenter New York must be pasteur ised before being sold, according to the new regulation promulgated, by the Nw(York City of health, . 1 ' CriflpeLKarder Istery Ea2ea, ,f .- :;: , , Antli0ri.,;ji. ,, i - Wilkea-Barre, Pa.,- July 17.--Thc county authontw admitted tbat they are completely baffled by the Crispel ttmr' r fliystery. There are no clues and t:.i v now believe the murder will g) a on lit.-;. lved mystery, M..P. Church on Tuesday, July 29, at nurabera of the advertisementSj following that with the name of the" firm 10 o'clock a.m. I ask all the Sunday Uf which be or she believes it unpliea.r.- 'vw-.'r -? -.virAv. schools of the township to be pre- . The awarda will be made by judges wboa name wui ne announced iaier.:,( ent and take part in the music and An ollleial list of the names of the advertiser in the 4 Who iB jWho' .haa other exercises. The ;prograrnm) been made out and will be used by the judges. 4.1 1 ' :ii ;i will be arranged later.; . tf I , Use only one side of the paper and mat tne list as legioie ana nosi as i W. F. CANNON, rresirteni. possihJe.v um may D submitted to mis omcafly man or oin?rwiBe uuui noon, July 22.' One has equally, as good a enanee in suomiuing iists in Dr.'W. B. Dattora received a mess-; the last hour as' in the first., rv' '-M-l '?':.".'' .vv; : 5- age Monday morning ealling him to The awards will be announced at. the Alrdejne WednedoXv gl" , J".v . Tarrytown, Md.. on account of h is 23, and" the correct -names of the advertisers" and their Vusines will mother's illness. Tuesday, morning be published a ine jnDune and nmeg.one wees, irom louay, uune . a message 'came to the family an- All W should be addressed t V Who fa, Wha' Contest 'Managers, of , nouncing thf death 'of Mrs. Dutte'ra, The Coneord Time and Tribune. Mail 6r send to this ofliee. The puxsle she having ra' 1 ' ' betore me ig open to tne world and nobody is narred. uet ousy ai once ana iana arrival of her .i. fulihlmry Post, . '.'Who is Who.". 1 ' ' ,.v;:,'J4:;.'-1V-.-r.;--..v; ' ;'; -; OoTernor Take Montt'a yacatien. Raloiirh. Julv fi (iOVSmOr LTSIff will not be in the executive office af, ter July 26 until about September l.t . . w a am . . , ' . All . tie starts Juiy eo on hi buiouioo... trip over the Central Highway from the . Tennessee line on tne west io Beaufort and Morehead City on the Atlantic coast, and when this trip is made in company with quite a party of good road enthusiasts of the 8tate. he will take another, rest, period dur ing whickhe hopes to have more real I rest than he found it possible to get , while be was in Asheville. , . svv , ' Qutfielder Manntf ; ot the Boston Braves, has put himself in the honor list by making five hits in five times up in a recent game at Brooklyn. yye)))()i())(ee)K)l()t(e))t:xe! H. L. PARKS & CO. TO tyucMy Stfcra You are cordially invited to at tend our Fall Tailoring Opening held by ISAAC HAUBDRGER & SONS Merchant Tailors, Baltimore Displaying the only line in' America backed by real 1 ' . Merchant Tailoring. . i Their representative will be"; ; . with us to take' measures";,. : : : July' 17th; 18th and lQth, J li o . .,':

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