c ami. Mill Ks' v v v . VOL XIII. ' .'" Genu Montb-4 Cnt Copy. CONCORD, N.C, MONDAY, JULY 2), 1913. J. B. SHERRILL. Editor and Publihr. - NO. 22 milt 7 V Jb ::::ira' ;?ts sl:c::i cxeted TEE law.- LOCKETTES WTN. Aged Ytcr Mate Tn MUei aa Hour Ipeond Out 12 Safeties. Manager -JOE, BLACKWEIDEK SHOOTS HIMSELF WITH PISTOL - Clark Leeds Onslaught Witk a Horn lu Aad Double. ' ".: The Loekeites continued tbir 'Win ning streak Satarday afternoon de feating North Charlotte by the score of 7 to 0. The locals had on their Dcsnita U Conditio ef His Aged And Spavined Mala. A old negro, who ta the data 44befe de war" had nerved , his Marstcr" faithfully, and who had auiee. by toe sweat ol ma lace through a long period of years, no- fW,tting elothet asd w.ded into the quired 40 nerw and a male, was dm-1 ::.! .,.. ,nrVM , Orferin. Ott Am Unuitted Leva m lM 10 lowm " M vengeance, cricking out 12 safetiee ... latO. . ' I j : n. - a n u r1!..!. lonng nu imi au- ine Jaiy ann was pouring oown WM the ehitf ,wattin(r gUr, Body, Indicting ProWMy Fatal la- rrid frat; Thi ' Jded , r the pellet over the palings - for n - ' IhMd" mttnmi alawlv. th revolution', . , !:. . i cvu. vv w. i " . . . I" . . iiauni arouna me circuit ana isier w , - 0I ,M ne I. i th rtetetv wagon i i.: . . Tonnf Street- and ShoU - Wert being hardly perceptible, , Efforts ait:mpl nrnel rr 1 1 .v. vi- .j .v. Tieorons as the - sweltering ntmoa- -y u vwjv ... 1..J k- . . . " " r: . a.1 i"; . r f led Boe ball and baa tne upper nana ra by tbe onver to inerenae tne OB th. .isiton M wv- AUred gait proved unavailing, toe wng-ear- m.A. i,.nm.ni ..t.h in l.fi I.J : t .1.. l,:. I - r"-""-"-" Grieving-over n unrequitted Wv. jr'rw "Vm ' "T?? ?' 5S lEffiU : thVe. a th. fbie of o.d. s"S - ; .u, th eontinnane 6f Bovement finally and eortiing out. just above nn. left I "7 " ? -r' t ... s. ...r.. . r I !,. e.iimlnCT umnut I icv til mi VI .U l UUUI w . . - e 1 . iL . .. ii . . . ... i. . l ii . tiBTinr oeen rairatnea vy u rei ne repor oune p sw own nru , , . - I V charfott. . hv M Mamria Baker. : whom -the """"-" --B - ----- .-. . on and Dieked no the rema. Just as Baker, n., p . Lfnr i m.rrv him. he waa about to deliver the command Lebaran, E.r 2h ' - . . i,.. 1 1 . .L. i i : wk i. r A . : j in., inu wauu hl liui wumi wiid lu I i. unci - ' A uutbicwu waa nuiuinuueu. aiwi - , an examination waa made r oi tnei-""- ,","f(u. - "B"IL ' nmnnJ ih nnff man waa takan to I board. Being . , aomewbat , familiar Torrence, If s.ii.Wv ni iJaMhi in th WhitoWA I with auch ' literary works as reading, I Spenee. cil ..tAiiln tnr tiiutmut I writinif and "'rithmetie. the old darkev I Baker, E., :ib His eondition is reported aa preenri- began employing bis knowledge of Lebaran, A., lb ons this morning. -v. " V ; .-. I the first named subjeet, and,- afterlWhite, 0.. ef . Th a nhnntinir fnl lowed Ja eourtahiDl manv attemots. ftnallv deeiDbered the I tiraliani. in . that haa extended over several weeks.! words: "Speed limit, ten mile an I It is reoorted that the Tonne man I hour." i -.' .Totala.. had made frequent proposals of mar-1 The negro gazed at his mule. The ... ti... i.l .nil fiinol : i v.. kj lijocaewea. iik" i. j .""j, -. i i uu ciciui o, .mi .-ui I Cook 2b Affections. Unshed EospitaL Condition Orava. out of three times up, Barnes garnered three safe ties and Allred two. Graham piteh- Tbe members of the Lorke team es as - very mueh diasatisfted with the attendance, only a small erowiUbeing present. The boys have -worked hard for a winning team and. now that they have secured one, feel that deserve the patronage of the fang. The score: AB.R.H.P0. A.E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mJISYil';:- Mil DDK BELIEVED THAT THIS A VESTS - ALL DANGER OF STRIKE. HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN IS KOW HALF OVER. Daring the Two Weeks Fast 1810 People Have Been Examined. In fectlon Light One half of the time set anite f - the hookworm and sanitary eampaini ( abarruK rountv has itaaHed. Dur ing these three weeka 1340 people land all you have to do is to Federal Board of Mediation Met To- ' day to Take Up Disagreement of Hasten. Railroads and Conductors And Trainmen. Railroads Prepar ed to Withdraw Their. Demands for . Arbitration on Other Points Than Wag Increase. NeV York, July 21. When the federal board of mediation met to take up the din (freemen t of eastern railroads and the conductors and trainmen, i( ia understood that trainmen, in utiderotood that the railroads were prepared to withdraw their demands for arbitration on oth er points than that of waje increase. The employe, believe that this action haa averted all danger of a strike. PRESIDENT APPROVES :- MR. BRYAN'S PLAN 31 0 5 24 8 2 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. aggrieved yesterday over bi disap- lingering only a few inches froin. the ' jwiiitment..' decided to end hia life, macadam, looked a pitiful object of ZrV1' lie hi reported as having a amall wetrineaa gone to despair. The old rK' " ehance for recovery. ' . negrw began to think. "Ten miles an u""' " TT,;," nMa ,A , honrt Can I make Hf! He- thought. PP'K -LEWIS LEE GOES TO .. I w u.j i.- Barnes, U,lb, - THE mmSStUXt. thinking : the Uw required that he p " . - ,jf - .Imaiw ten mile an hour" and being Slayer of YBUtkr":wf ? Uatwfdiur...ith the one-half horse PaPp- J- 8K Timea Convicted of Manslaughter power of his animal, he began to ' After Four Daya' Battle. - jaao yieiona of bis person encased be et. 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 13 Totals . 38 7 12 27 3 1 l vjnl. 10Tt, o.o f uwu aieei oan,-;W im urgau . u....u..., -"V " I k. l..trmm.ln.. hill TURKS ENTER ADRIANOPLE. came up.oy special .oraer vn. inai f " Rnrnm", W dnesday morning. The argument for-nothing cntter! ; If you ever did fV.;. ng d of eouusel was concluded ioday at 1 do anything doit now ''The words t.18'8" charge an hour later, j inak. I wouuer ot won au o7ZydhoUhr partnerlor 48 wouldsay 8ftyr Tney 0ccnpy eolnton .Times, an affair that happen -T .'-"ii,,: brother City After Brief Conflict ed about two month agor was eon-1 . . ij: jiv oiThe Turks have ... it. i laeaeona w un - tunnu. i uoniii i . --j ... ' r,uae"rl!LT::i' over theaaaubieeta he became frightj entered Adrianpple after aneJ ?on: : rr"7,rTT.Jr4et 'kaCTifiael? ffe" debated th. idea flt wit b the Bulgarian garrison ' JiaugDter. -juage James i,,oo,i ,vn,, . . . . .K.ndnnJ it says a Sofia, dispateh to the Times. the presiding , entei in. . nMeMary for him to Bashie Baaouks are burning, pil rteienaattt 10 serve a term -ioi nvei A A ." . u: nA nmm;ttinr atTftrntien. .niii I fftTIH in II1WD. . D UtU II CUM fJBUCU llllll I l m i? nrtenMR7 '"BI,: Ubanward. .- .The Bulgarian troops are advane- ' "u "l '""; , , . . , .... . .... l. in in an easterly direction ano fought, jiasea ,4a the history of tne ---. th?eatening eastern Rumelia county. , f our attorneys assisted tne ec,"r.-.w: Z7Z iZT Tu. "The events of the last few days. appeareu ivr me ihuhuhi. u c. .J4(i7 von Uv ' irood- mplete collapse of the authority of came up .by Bpecial Greeks essayed attacks on Friday and lis i .ii i .t. i: u..t i. ... i i naiuruav ' an aioinc me urn.-, uui . . I ...nf.n.M V.M VAI.IllttAn ued with rapid repetitions. The mule " ' m. m. I. 7 lutmrtA wih a inoArlv walk, but this D- wuu, v. -r;--".-;7""7.l'.u: j: ; MMrrwrna wttb house. - ri " . w i r ' mn iu liimiw. i nrMion ut lueHin -, - "Er.r"': nkadintrs and the severe applica- hTTth 1 rSSfa.f th. board the walk increased Re.idca of Mr. M. F. Fnrr Hit- riio i,.r tnA, Jin th invito a trot. Considerable distance was ; Tonne Son Severely Shocked and portant problem of ihe country church covered and the old darkey waa hope- 0thw Meiabera of Family Slightly ml ita futnnt Tt is doelared thrllul Until 00 Bay a policeman wiukiuk i . '. " . ... j. .t i iuin .i.n.ku I .Inmr h liilewallr ' 'Tim nolieeman I . , H.u.iW..u,v.Mv ."".'7,, . .'i.r , l -.a V...-l .1wm, .1.3ft ill Kansas abandoned and' deserted loofcea at tM muie. ine 100a carnea ; . -"""w". beeanaa of tack of interest in church fear and jOI but ruin with it. More o'clock lightning struck the residence work.; The. problem is. one that is speed waa necessary an necessary oi wr. . wt.i r , common to all of the middle West- now. Tha walk must he converted nue., -The bolt hit the chimney tn em Stt. s . . ' into a-allon. But how eould such the center of the house and ran down Th WnmntiilA" in deelartul t be I. in.tamnmhnaia h. hrnnffht about t through into the rooms, burning Mr. v , -'chiefly responsible for the decline Df The old negro knew that in all Mb Furr's 10-year old wa and shocking .-v - the ehureh in the amall eommunity. I acquaintance with that mule that the other members of the family. . The -Owing to, the eommg of 4he motor animal had never galloped and that shock waa , fett throughout the neign car to the farm, dutance haa become Uw behind him at trot was an borhood. - Tney boy s injury is noi such a small factor that th.rarmerUBUguai luxury. But he must gallop considered aenous, wuo owns a raaeuiue is tempiou Th. uim hn.rrf aaid ten miles. . : . " leave the little church in the country d the .1-. C04t wu lookine. Down! " Labor Leaden Meet by the Sea. and take hw' family Jo the larger k.ht th. ni.nk . tha thin Kndv Atlantic Citv. Ju1v 21.--Ju1t 2L house or worship in town, wnere n 0 the mule with all the force of the Members of the ; executive ; councU will bear a pipe organ and a better I .-... K.int if; Tk.ut. land other officials and prominent , choir, and ifhere the pewa "t- inei nd torn ,na beaten hoofs members of the American Federation tie; more comfortable. Aa a, result,! . ;,.. '. t.Bt . ffaiion of Labor rounded up in Atlantic .1 iw d.v.kl aAHMMvaiiittia haatrak I w I - , 3 'II J a.1 luoiir ruini cviikivkhiivim uva .. ri..x ;i .1.. a. 1 i.irv tihjhv ana win imnu ine MicaLor dwindled and churehea havbeen de- , pMt 0f the week considering the m- im.nary 1 . aerted.-H -: v irLm iL'laata' of ' mtb' and oats tere8t8 of organiaed labor in relation hn Servia, ' .r:-'.. .'t: "V to tne alleged disclourea, of .Col.lin sight. For a Protectorate Over Nicarauga in ; His Talk to Newspaper Men. Washington. July 21. The Presi dent expressed his approval of Mr Bryan's" tficarauguan protectorate plan in his audience to iw newspaper men..' He said that the Tinted States wanted to adopt similar protectorate plans over all South and Central American republic. He said that the agreements in each ease would be suited to the particular country and be submitted to that country before approval here. The President favor ed a eonclusien 111 Nicarauiruan treaty of a plan similar to the Piatt amend ment to the vuhan treaty, providing that the United States might inter vene if conditions in Nicaraugua war ranted it. The Fresiitent still thinks the cur rency biir wiB he enacted at the pres ent sessioB.; (He told the newspaper men that -opposition was to he ex Dected. but was dying down as a re sult of areffcl study of the hill. He eaid- heR tweosed with -the 'progress so far. GEN. CARL WOODRUFF'S' FUNERAL TOMORROW ave been examinetL 1 he infection for hookworm is still light, but there has been a icradual increase in tliiy feetiim 'during the iwst week, in fact it has been inn easing with each eek a work. The reason for this is simple. Persons having this disease are inclined to hold back throuich timidity or indifference, but as the ork progresses thev are persuaded by their neighbors to eome for exam ination. More and more of this class come with each succeeding week. Enough hookworm has been discov ered in this countv to stimulate the active interest of all its citizens in an endeavor to get every one possi ble examined. If this can he done the disease can be eradicated from the county before it gets s lasting foothold, and the treatment of the few cases now is easier than the reatment of a larjre number of cases in later years. The dispensary points for (his week ine and other railroads in an effort Purchased By a Newly Organized Cor-i tn reat-li a settlement -f the freight poration. Mr. Petrea Manager. 1 r"t- nstuii. Xnl a ?a'iifae!oj :ii iii'.-n' is mar.- ti; uenerai av semlilv will take up the matter at 1 lie extra session in September. - ' " f . T 1 . 1 .r . J ' ;il l u-.,....i; w di... . . ... . .... .. . -"aw. iwa.. roarnwe w aaauj- " -- 1 .......... . .v......... iuiniijf(i rur pin ni nui. .nr. 11. .m. Poplar Tent Church, Flowe's Store fPropst is one of the prime movers of and Concord. Containers may be had at any of these points; in Concord at nv ol the dnr; stores. Interest in sanitation is increasing. The measures to secure sanitation in several years, as manager. the rural homes are so simple that each day finds additional converts, all expressing a determination to look fter this important health matter. The examinations and infections for the county during the past week follow: Examined. Infected. if N0., Bunoiay .'WpMav. w ""J JS1S.' ..!L.J::r Martin H. Mulhall in the lobby jn- J "VY"1 v ...1.. : jf. J I VUHIMUUH V IUMUIjreu.rA.UMT ..nlinn ;n ho haU at T.nli flrnv.l "Ore 11CK8 ITOm IDO OOara Were piMSU . . .),.. ;.,. . fE U Church on Thursday August bt without effeet. ;Jhe old mule L come Mm the meetin?; wbicfa is 7tb; at-10 i. m. We request that the oroppea oaca 10 a waiK anu ruu Rrat that . the executive council fcwiday schools of the townaWp e to ehange. The old negro became has held since January, several of the - pient on time and take part in tht frantie., Jumping from the wagon lie regular meetings having been post programme. i . ' ; hitched the animal to a nearby post. pone& because of the illness of Pres- " We extend to all the Pastors it the uraooing a amau box 01 produce and, Ment aamners.' The arrangements Sundays schools of the township a tucking i with his hat under his arm.l for the next annual convention of hearty invitation to be present. We I be determined ta make that ten miles! the American Federation of Labor, have the consent and pleasure, of Kev.jan hour. Down, the sidewalk , he ran I to be held in Seattle next November, C, P." MaeLaughlm to deliver tne with all the speed at his command, will be discussed at the meeting. - Retired Brigadier General Died in Raleigh Sunday. Raleigh, July 21 The funeral o General Carl A, Woodruff, who died here Sunday, will be held tomorrow at 11 o'clock. The interment will be at oak wood. Brigadier General Carl A. Wood ruff, V. S. A., retired, died yesterday after an illness of some duration. General Woodruff was a distm euished artillery officer in the Union army during the Civil War, rising from the rank -of second lieutenant to that of lieutenant-colonel before the close of therwar for" gallant and meritorious services.'.' He came Raleigh and in 1876 married Miss Ef fle H. Haywood, who survives. He was a member of Christ Episcopal Church, was prominent in the club and social life of the city, He was 33rd degree Mason. ' THE BALKAN SITUATION. Porte Protests Against Atrocities. Peace is Believed to Be in Sight. Athens, July 21. It is officially re ported that Greeks- have occupied Petzovo, routing , the Bulgarians. There were heavy losses on both sides. Belgrade, July 21; The Bulgarian delegates this afternoon opened pre peaee negotiations at Mish and peace is believed to be London, July 21. r The sublime Porte, following ihe' rumored Turk- ibh re-occupation of Adrianople, uav forwarded to the Power a strong formal protest, demanding that Tur key be allowed, to participate in xhe next peace negotiations 5 oi equal terms with the Balkan States. It also protests against the alleged atrocities of the Bulgarians. eleven 0 clock address.- c M. N. PETBE-4'- , jiX t'. 1 - - - Presldept. L. VT. EARNHARDT,' - ' ' , Seeretary. keeping the gait up until he dropped Ion a warehohse sill weary and ex hausted, but with tha happy thoughts ; Overcash Reunion. tfPLa' BHUititl AitnHAank Miiiir mill it a a . I I' A nv IIUUOI UICl VOU ivuuivu; v aa f 11 .T7 rr9sVrainW rvX be held at EnochvUle, own eoun- fully within him. Great Eumn: Re x. . tUop XlcCoy ta Arrir. Today, , 1, " , " tt . iMsnop -j. , it. McCoy win arrive - . , s had than this contained in the great ,hi. 4ftern0on on train No. 7 ind - 24-page illustrated magaxine and , guest at the St. Cloud story section of the New York Sun- HoteL, IIe wi o Mount Plw . dav woriu.. Among mo many irw , k-u ' " feture" Jj?e? ?tw2 strict conference, and will return l ' ' V eT ThinP1 .7 ;mP.w,tn.tb to Concord Wednesday5 afternoon. fw t Vr York Troops, showing how . . , . . . ii.- j ! pwmi Th Frort ner e will go to Ramsaur to .things were done at PeekskilL The ... . " . ... . Most Photographed Little Girl in the United Mates little 0:a Na thalie Gills, who was kidnapped by her father. - Another story of "Eill, the Office Boy," and "The SecieU trf . Woman Detective'. Order next . Sunday's World in advance; : Help the' firemen by voting for v'o.sr I t friend at their lawn party. hold the conference of the Greens boro district.1 '.. ' - - :: ' Enrtoa anst taoot Attack Tarif t'JSL , Was'iinrton, July 21. The Senate got d n to t!ie real woi k of debating the t I I 1 t... y. f - -a tors Bur ton r I '' t are si U ' '.-J to occu- ry t t of t'..e "y in t.'acUi-jr the n re. ty,? Thursday, August 14tn: , tvery body is invited to eome and bring baskets of dinner. . Dinner will be served in tha mn. 'V The management will have a band and several , prominent speakers for the occasion. . : . --. '....; . We are going to have a good time. Everybody come.- - . 't''yf- C. D. OVERCASH, President. July 21, 1913. . - ':(, Is tha Huerta Government Tottering' Washington, July 21. Confidential State Department advices lead to the belief that the Huerta government in Mexico is tottering and is likely (6 fall within a short time. It ia said that the Revolutionists' activity is in. CAN T0U FIGURE - OUT " WHO IS WH0 1 ' $11.00 in Cask Priaea to Be Given Away. Murh interest has been taken in the 44 Who 'a Who" page published in The Times and Tribune last Th 11 rs- day. There were 34 advertisements. in which no names were mentioned. gues ; the names by reading the aU. To toe iersu furnishing the mul complete and correct list "of name, a cash prize of 110.00 will be paid. rr I lie econd beta list, ..00 will be paid. Each advertisement is numbered. The contestant should set down the p umbers of the advertisements, fol lowing that with the name of the rirm of which lie or she believes it implies. The lists may he submitted to tlii nice bv mail or otherwise until noon. July 22. One has euinllv as good cliaui-e in submitting lists in the last hour as in the Hist. Get busv. ,13 mi FOR APPOINTMENT AS WXCT ERN DISTRICT ATTORNEY. MaJ. Tweed Granted a Pardon' ty Command of State. Had Ei. 1 Sentenced for Sewn. Years f-r Murder in Second Degree, Hn bers of Corporation "' ConuBiaaien Go to Old Point. V ! "'- , LAUNDRY CHANGES HANDS. Kaleigh.' July 21. State Chairman Charles A. Webb, who is here today, said he thinks be stands - a. good -liame for Ihe appointment as West- 1 em district Attorney.. - ' Members of the corporation Com 1 missiiin left today for Old Point Com fort. Va., where tomorrow they begin. 11 conference with the traffic mana gers of the Southern! Seaboard. Coast A business deal was consummated . whereby Mr. R. E Rldenhoui- sold tlie! Concord Steam Laundry to a newlv (in county. 111 November, 1909, of . mnrdpi- in the twennd HmrrM nA mn.1 the new company and negotiated the 5 ((,m.H , year9 Wag , today deal. The-new company took charge 1 ,r,.11,.B,i a nin),ln h th Ktu fim. this morning with Mr. M. I), Petrea. i il ,e (iovernnr hvinr anneanul aa who has. been "with the laundry I'm : counsel for the defendant. Tweed did not kill the deceased, his brother , Kannapolis . 90 2 MU Pleasant. . . 138 3 Rimer ..... 34 5 Flowe's Store . . 98 5 Concord 301 21 Totals . . 661 36 The examination, medicine, litera ture and demonstrations are all free all three treatments are free. No per son is charged , for medicine or for by Rev. J. L. Bennett. anything else at the dispensary. The State and county appropriations have already paid for everythmg.--' The tune is getting short. A visit to the nearest dispensary may mean the best day's work you've done this year or will do. You can t afford to neglect this important health work. NO HOT WAVE LOOKED FOR DURING THIS WEEK. Present Pressure Distribution Appears Favorable for Prevalence of Mod erate Temperatures. Washington, July 20. No hot wave is looked for this week by the weath er bureau. "Hie present pressure distribution over the northern hemis phere," said the weekly bulletin to. apartment day, 44 appears favorable for the prevalence of moderate, or at' least not unusually high, temperatures ov er the greater portion o fthe country during the coming week. Over the south and southwest temperatures will probably be high at tunes, 'but not so high as during the week just ended. "As to precipitation, prospects are not wry favorable, and generally fair weather may be expected over all sec tions except the south Atlantic arid east gulf states, where occasional thunder showers are likely to occur 4,There afe no indications -of West Indian disturbance." Mr. Ridenhuur has not decided yel i ,jng it. The pardon was recommend- what business he will engage in. lleed by the solicitor and many officers haa been conducting, the laundry here and citizens of Madison, Buncombe for several years, and both he and counties. his family have a number of friends , who wish that they will continue their! THE HOME FOR THE residence in Concord. ' CONFEDERATE WOKEN. Fayetteville Selected at the Place- for , It. Durham Was Also a Bidder, Raleigh, July 2l Fayetteville waa selected for the Home for Confeder-. -ale Women by the commission ap pointed by the Governor.; Durham, was the other bidder,: The decision was unanimous in favor Of the Cape Fear towns' offer of $3,000 r and choice of three sites. It is announc ed that plans will be drawn and work on the building started as soon as poa. 'sibl?, . The site haj. not-yet .been se lwtect' The Legislature appropriated $10,000 . for. ; establishing and $5,00 yearly for the niaintainanee of the .: home. ..-''- '.-.".' - ,.. "Russellites" in Asherffle. Asheville, "July 19. The ; biggest convention probably in point of num bers that will be held in Asheville this year will be that of the Interna tional Bible Students Association, which will begin a week's meeting . Reunion at Hopewell Church. There will be a reunion of the members of Hopewell Baptist (Munch in Goose Creek township, Union coun ty, Friday, August 1st. The follow ing is the programme: 10 a. Tn. W elconv. by liev. Sam Long. x 10:30 a. 111. History of the Church, 11:30 a. ni. Address, by Rev. .las. Long. 12:30 mr Dinner. - ' J Roll call. p. m.- -Address bv Rev. Bruce Talks Benton. 3 to 3:30 p. m. Short former pastors. All members are earnestly request ed to he present. The public is cor dially invited. COMMITTEE. hri-e tomorrow morning. Daily gath erings will he held at the city audi- Mrs. Pankhurst Rearrested. London, July 21. Mrs. Pankhurst was rearrested as she was attempting' to attend a weekly suffragette meet- (onum, and already several hundred ing in the London pavilion. She had 1 visitors are here for the convention. - outwitted the Scotland Yard detect-1 is expected that by tomorrow a f- - ives last night in escaping from lier ternoou there will me 2,500 "Russell. , t ites here from various states of ! the country. Pastor Russell arrived Mr. Walter H. Savory, ot the Ins afternoon and will preach to- Mergenthaler Linotype Company, is! morrow afternoon .on "Beyond the , in Concord today. tirave." :r::y. i 'ir. IS THERE AN ULTERIOR MOTIVE On Part of Mevicans in Sending Felix Diaz to Japan? Tokio, July 21. The probable mis sion of General Felix Diaz, of Mex ico, in being sent as special envoy to Japan by President Huerta, is the subject of general comment here. It is believed that there is an ulterior motive, possibly negotiations of an alliance. '. . The way to gain a good reputatioal is to endeavor to be what you. desiro to appear.--Socrates. - SENATOR COOK RETURNS From Washington, Where He Has Bean Spending Several Days in Be half of Webb's Candidacy. ' Senator J;s P; Cook . has returned from Washington where he has been spending several days in the interest of the candidacy of Mr. Charles A. Webb, of Asheville. for district at torney of the western North Carolina district. , Senator Cook stated that he and the other friends of Mr. Webb were accorded the kindest of treat ment bv-Senator Overman and, that they were assvtred that the claims of Mr. ;Webb for. the position would have the most chrefut consideration before any candidate-was 1 recommend ed for the place. ' .' . - CtBS , ' The speed of Joe Wood, of tha Red Sox.. is not at all confined td his arm. He is showing up well at the bat and ere.fiin and many of Huerta 'a sup-f on the bases as well as doinjf some poit. ii are l..Lng away. , ' excellent pncuin, .5 . . : , 25 Years JULY; 5th, 1888 JULY 5th, 1913 AN ENVIABLE RECORD, ; A quarter of a century un . iat one manageav nf Haj nev er had a suit. Has paid a div idend each six months since " organization. Has materially : . aided in the upbuilding of Con. ! cord and" Cabarrus County. Stands ready to aid every legi timate enterprise - sire a loan eome j you have money ' want - your account large or small EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS Bargain Day at PARKS Summer Merchandise in odd lots must be closed out in some cases at a great sacrifice. . F7 ""t.' - ... ... Shirt Waists in white, worth up to 5, slightly soiled .... J5c $1.50 Values in Ladies'. Waists, high and low necks, your choice this week for ... i , ,'. , , 880 $1.25 Misses' Middies, Sale Price ;. 88c 60e Misses' Middies, Sale Price lit Odd lot Ladies' presses that sold up to $1.50, your choice 19c All Children's Dresses at cut price ........26c, 39c, 48c, to 89e v Big Sale on all Laces and Embroidery. - LaWat', ,..;-..,: le yd. and np. Ladmi and Misses Muslin Underwear at great sacrifice,- Sale ' Price ',,..;... 8c, 10c, 15c, 19c, 28c and P ' Wouderful Corset Bargains. .........:,., . '85c, 39c, 50c, 69c v Summer Parasols must go, Children's 35c ParasolaA. 19c Children's 75e Parasols .. ,'.;.'.; ,V.v..,. ...'is Sic 4 -Ladies $1,50 Parasols ..;..,.,...w,. 880 and np. , A." Dozeiv More Ladies Fine Dressy Dresses ihat.sold up to 7J0, V no.,two alike, your choice . . . . ; ,. .'. ; ,.;. .', . . . , $3.89 y All Millinery at Half Prica and less. " --;. Visit very section of our big store every dy this -week for Spe '':v?rrlal Qtuunet BMftintC ' '"' , " ' ! 4 :Ttkc Cc::::jt:::;:::!r-.'i ,to deposit we ; A II 1 1 I - I ' onnt - whether . I II iid . ILl L -, . " n f

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