VOL XIII. id Cents Month i Cents Copy, CONCORD. N.C THURSDAY, JULY, 24. 1913 J. B. S MERRILL, Editor and Publisher. NO. 3 03 ... i I Li. XoiLJiil'L BISHOP McCOT PREACHES POW ERFUL SEMI OX. Tha Children's Horn Diacnasad If! W ' UMH- . k.mM Turner- Preacnee. Routlna Baal nesa Tra naacted. -C oaf ere nca Will Close Work Ttday aad Adjourn s REV. W. T. AXBBIOHT. - Mount Pleasant, July 23. Tbe see - . r ond day 'a session of the Salisbury District Confcrer.e met at 8:30 and 'waa called to order by Rer. W. R. , ' a Ware,' the 'presiding elder,, who led in song and called on Rer. H. " M. ' Blair to lead in prayer. After sing- tag and prayer Bishop McCoy. took tbe chair and called for Rev. Harold , . Turner, of Central Church, Concord, who made a moat earnest and impres--. give talk to the Conference on tbe subject of family religion. At tbe T, close of his talk,"during which the conference waa deeply stirred, a nunv- "her came forward and pledged them ' .selves to erect family altars. Bishop McCoy and Rev. W. M. Bobbins spoke . .. briefly on the same subject.;-;-. 1 The principal feature of the morn ing session was in addition to Kev, Harold Turner's flue address, tbe re port of the committee, on the Chil- ... dren'a Home' at Winston-Salem. -x In i" ' .- the discussion of this report Rev, Dt. H. K. Boyer, superintendent' of the - Home, made a very interesting ad 'dress. ' Rev. H. M. Blair, editor of the North. Carolina Christian Advo- - cate, spoke very earnestly and aWy 1 on the necessity of religious litem t ure in the home.- ' ' ' At ; 11 ? 'dock , Bishop ' McCoy preached a very powful and profound " ' sermon from Prov23t7," "For as he thinketb in his heart, so is he,". The . Bishop said in part : Character is a resultant of things or influences with in and.jrithpuU A new born child is characterless,' but aa he V begins to , think his character :ia formed and i colored by;, the land of thought jna- - - terial his mind feeds upon. -Motlier.'s caress, makes; '.' indellible.; imprea . aion n theT tbild'a 'charaeterj and runs as threads of Isold through the whole texture of character.' ; .; As the( BTacksmith's muscle is built up with' reference to what he does, so does the brain build up and organ ise jfith reference to what it does. Man becomes what lie thinks. Tbe same tool is used by different persons for diametrically opposite purposes. ' One man would use a common hatchet 1 sto nail the roof on bis bone to shel ter his family, yet another would use , . the same hatchet to hrain bis energy. Sn men use their, fiod-given talents . for good or evil, according to their thinking. ; Wa quarantine our homes ' -- asrainst smallpox but welcome danger- 1 ous and poisonious literature into oar " . liomes, by which the thoughts of our children i are " poisoned," and turend to the evil. . ' -r. w'.f . In the .afternoon session routine business was transacted. . Tbe eon ." sideration pf the spiritual f state of - the Church was completed, . which ' v showed thedistrict to be in good eon- - ' dition.. - -. - ' - Rev. 4,P,:; Rogers,'' of Albemsrle, A J ' - made a very earnest and sugestive i . ' talk on the subject Paul at my-1 ' er," from Eph. 3:14-21. v : -i Mr. E.; Ac Cole, Jay leaded for-the 1 Western North Carolina Conference, , addressed tha conference very earn estly and at some length on the lay ''" menVworkin'thedistrict.eAil, The work of the Conference' is pro - greasing well and it la ' pronounced r- 4 -one of the best conferences held in fc . ; the" district for many yeara. A; It is thought the conference, will close to morrow: at-noon. .Jv.'Vr'" O ' Bar J. W. Moore preached at 7 :45 his i evening, delivering 4. Vary elo quent and: : thoughtful discourse rrom ""V Jeremiah 1 :4-10. " Tha Spirit's pres enoe was felt in the audience and ' v much interest manifested. ; 1 i Rev. W, R. Ware, presiding" elder, ' is serving-bis first year in the'dia- -, trict, but is already familiar with the , vork in evenr phase and detaiL Mr. t' - Ware is one of onr most earnest and '' cnlnna nresidinft elders and is at , ' home in the chair, presiding over his conference.. He is abundant in labors and is intensely interested in all the - work of the Church, and is not afraid . f Jiard work and always seems glad to help tha brethren. A Very large , 1 stare of the success of the eonfer , i ence is doe to his foresight, and his eseeutive and administrative ability. WlU FlnWi Hainan Oorraspondanes : - Today. Washington. July 24. The Senate t . lobby committee has planned to fln 11 isb reading tbe Mulhall eorrespond ; ' ence today. There is expected to be flrht bv attorneya of the National !'';, Manufacturers Association who' will i ; A amine Mulhall. -;. Attorneys ' for the Manufscturers y ' 'Association have announced that they " -nnld file a suit fof criminal .libel ' n.olnHt the Philadelphia North Araer ..an for the editorial atatement that the members of the association were in "criminal conspiracy. , farmers xnnox picnic; r - OLD SOLDIER EETJIHOH t Be Held is Ore at St Joan's : -: Church August . '"', Tb rcnaioa pienie of Co. H, 8ib Regiment N, C. Stats Troop of the CanfederaejLand tb Cabarrus Coun ty Farmers Educational Union of America will bold tbeir annual pie nie together at St. John a Cbureb, Cabarrus county, on Wednesday, the h day .of August, 1913. The pubhe MM VWUXmUJ IV CVIUf V LUC Joint pietue and enjoy themselves with tha old soldiers and tbe Farm- era' Union. The old soldiers are all I earnestly aolieited to be with us on this occasion. There will be refresh-1 meats served on' the grounds. -There I will be speaking. ' Tbe old soldiers have secured for their annual apeak-I er Mr. Morrison H. Caldwell, of Con-1 eord. and th - Farmara ' I'niiin has! tha nromisa for their annual address. I 4r.v j. m. remoenon, Biaie.-vice i nMaiAiit it Ik, Tarnitrt' t'ni.in tit I North Carolina. Tbesa two s-entle-1 men are wen known for their, good . tv l.: .. -..i.i; .;n l be well paid to go ont and hear what I IIKIf UVC W OH J. iUOTi mil erjirni . . ' . . I l M A .a., r Tha ..SI! oAtAat their own .ubjects to speak on. There will be music by the old soldiers Choir.-. There will be a business meeting of Co, H at 2 o clock p. m. The speak ing will begin at 10:30 a. m. The pubhe is again invited to come out with their families and ..bring with tbera fell filled baskets. The exer cises will be opened with devotional services. - GEO. E. RITCHIE, LUTHER LIPE, " ; REV. C. R. PLESS, ; Committee. Death, List Orowna in Binghampton Disaster. Binghampton, N. Y., July 23. The exact number of persons who perish ed in the fire in the factory of the Binghampton Clothing Company yes terday may never he known. The list of employes is in the .ruins. . Only half a dozen or the Donies recovered have been identified. . " . A careful estimate todav places the number, of those in the building at I Lord. I hasn't tasted a watermelon tha time the fire started at 111. Ofldis year. Please Lord, if you can't these only 53 are known to have been saved.- -Six dead nave been identities: ; i 13 bodies charred beyond recognition! are at the saorgue, seven injured are tn tha hospitals;. 4k HWjMWitU injured are safe at - their homes. Eleven vnava Been reported oy rei- lives as missing ana so omers are un - accounted for. One of tbe women who suffered terrible burns about the ubku uwu ivuoj .". vi ."""I injursa-.-wuiueu. u. nut .-apcirieu. iu recevor... , K?l ." " "J?? ie?.cn. . -a. . .. .. i th.t .TO!: ofveTal of ....... tt.. L..;i i! lost in. me center ox ne ouiiaingi 1J l- J WVUIU MVWl VU 1VUUU. Pour Young Women Escape. Atlanta, July 24. Because of the fact that the inmates - of Martha Home are -not required to wear their I tong to Gideon's Band your place u prison Uniforms on Sunday, - fourin Toronto today. More than a thous young women managed to escape from .nd Gideons, of members of the that institution Sunday - night, ; v ; At nil other, times during the week, the inmates are required, to wear ,a I attendance on. their first intcrnatipn speeial uniform, in which " escape ai convention. They come from all would be difficult, ven it they gotlpart8 0f the United States, from the outside the building, and so no 8pe-1 nrincioal cities of Canada as far west cial precautions are taken to guard them. But on Sundays they: are per - mitted dress in ordinary fashion. All four of the young women had been arrested and were being held on charges of misdemeanor. , . ' . Tonng Wifa Killed. Salisbury, July 23.MrS. Beulah Aldridge, the 17-year-old wife of Charles. Aldndge, was instantly KHi ea i iner nome. near oaiworuy uin evening by the. accidental discharge of a pistol. With her infant aitting in its cradle in the room, Mrs. Al-ag0 . ue Gideons purpose to . eon dridge. was putting the family wash-ti'e the' work untile every C guest ing away in a trunk in which W- voiver, was ..nep, wneu tn w.apoo waa dwenargea, pne oaii entering neri temple. When members of tbe honse- hold. ' hearing the report, rushed in they found bef dying, ; The husband's grief mounted to almost, insanity Schooner Wrecked at Sea. Y v; "Boston, July 24. With ; no word from : an unknown " four Cmasted whnAnnK .which v crashed into. freight Iteamer SloUrdvk.- during fog off Nantucket. Beared tailed . . .. . reveal f anV trace or the mysterious sehoone.. It is believed the schooner mav have e-one to the bottom. . Boston," July 24. Wireless signals received said that the school Deering was in distress It is believed that it is the vessel that struck the Slot er dyk. Americans in Mexico About to Lose . .. " Possessions. New York, July 24. Forty thous- and Americans in Mexico are about to lose all their possessions, said Mrs. Paul nudson, wife of the editor of the Mexican Herald. She said that many had been already reduced and that a large number were victims of bandits. : . . ; ..: rr fs Eac'T Wi3 Lire I" - - La ".'a f.:ur IZarruge.. v - V. . mi ton, ?, , It is reported that Lli-s J e . i!on and Francis B. Sayre l;l n'!s their home here after their runrnie. " . K. 0. PBX8S convention, ProcranuM of the Second Days Session. - Asheville, July 24. The second dav of the Press convention waa op ened with an address by W. C. DowJ, of tbe Chsrlotfe News on, "The Newspaper: It's Miasion." Rev. J. O. Atkinson, IX. D., editor of The Christian Sun, of Eton College, dis cussed ' Accuracy in Newspapers." "Subscription Contesta and rrem iume Do They Payt" waa tbe ques tion presented by O. O. Dunn, of The Xewbern Suit. . Clarence H. Poe. editor of Tbe Progressive' Farmer, wanted to know, What Are We Here Fort" President W. W. Finley, of the Southern Railway addressed .the con- vention on (be subject, "Relation of the Railroads to the Press in torn oi unity Development." '"The Newspaper's Part in Civic Government," was handled by D. J """ t"-"" Keflector. Each of the foregoing subjects were then discussed m a general way ov ine oeieKaxes. aner wmcn nu- J""' ."'"" " ."""" TKia artaimnnn aeirl tAiuirhr thai This afternoon and tonight the ed- 'n L a i.-S 1 - a - itnmol iior'tp u'lll ha anrartAlrtfln nf n rfcT' T"',. . 7h. : v. Z t ,. theater t)ty al the Majestic tliea ter, followed by a dinner at the new Grove. Park Inn and a reception at the Battery Park hotel. ' Ttmorrow the editors will go to Waynesville to spend the day. Newt Lee's Prayer Answered. Atlanta, July 2X From a cell in the Tulton county tower, Newt l.ee. principal witness in th Pliapan ease, has sent up the prayer of his life and it is going to lie answered. It wasn't for liberty that Newt prayed. He has given up hope of that for the time being, though his lnno- enca is admitted bv all. 11ns is what he prayed : 'Oh Lord. oii knows everything what has been anil will be. iou knows 1'se a poor innocent nigger. You knows, O Lord, dat 1st been locked' mi in dis hear jail srnce April, all .summer long, all through Ide watermelon season. And, Wn Iget me-out of here, den send nie jes lone ripe, red watermelon. v Thus uoor Newt Lee wrestled with I nig goul in tbe night hours, Who can UawtbatUbw. Ird did not hear his I humWand' fervent plea. Somebody neard it, for word crept out from the 1 :ail to t(le goi,citor general 's office. and thence to a kind-hearted Atlanta tad who h arranj;ed to send Newt Lee this morning tne nnest, npesi t wflterweion that money can ik., i n is uui tu i""-"; " from. He will believe the Lord sent Jt me lias siieut. u puwucm uwu-u ... - - v . least one luoceni, mem . . . , , Dngni nuur, Bibles A-Plenty.for the Hotels. Toronto,' Ont.2 July 24. If you be- I Christian : y Commercial , 1 raveling I Men 's Association, are in the city in ag Vancouver, and some from Great Britajn The sessions are being held m tua Metropolitan Church and will be brought to a close Sunday with public religious, services. . ot t ne least interesting feature of the con vention will' be the report showing the progress of the movement for sup plying the hotels with tree jsimes, I The report that shrdleutaoinununuu - ijhe report shows that more tnan zuu,- nnn Bibles nave neen piacea m no- t.u in the United States since Gift I movement was launched three years . 00ttV 0f very ; hotel America is guppiied with $ Bible, .King Lays 'Foundation . Stone. ; London, July 24.-Tbe King today laid the foundation stone for the hew Australian commonwealth buildings I which are to be erected on the Strand I at Aldwyeh. ; The building, hich is I to be an imposing edifice trom ,au thai arahitectural Doint .of view, is to a house tbe offices , of the high eouimis- to i sioner oi tne eomiuonweaiin uu i I . . .. i.i. .J il. arents or. tue several r ausiuu I States in London. It is also to Ben e . I aa headnuarters of the immigration scheme m which; JNew souin . wnies, and Victoria have just amalgamated, and it is expected that ultimately all - 1 emigration to. Australia will be con ducted entirely from this center.,.. Disorder in Copper Mine Strike, Calumet. Mith.. July 24. Many minor disorders marked the seeonl day of the combination lockout and strike at Ithe. Calumet copper mines district in upper Micrrrgan. There ara nearly eighteen thousand men, mrt't- ly foreigners, idle.; The compaiuci have doubled their police forces, Gas Tank Explodes. ' In Melrose, Mass., July1- 24, Scores ef Ttersons narrowly escaped injury when a eotylina gns tank exploded a railroad ar and crashed .througt the car to the station platform. r rt. hf I J , r ' .S V IIIS llWVliy V VI . 'i::iEY DEALERS! 80 IT IS REPORTED IN POLICE f CIRCLES TODAY. Man Who Has Baas, Spending Sever al Days Hera Solid ting Orders Tor Beer at a Greatly Reduced Price Turns Ont to be a Detective. He j Was Employed by tha City Officials' And It Is Said Succeeded in enring Evidence Against Dealers. - r do warrants oaye m ceeii a- i sued. Beware, beware, tew are, or you will be detected! In fart it' our good old, loyal and abiding friend, Rumor, is not at this moment flirting with tattlers, there has been some detect ing already going in. Real Sherlock Holmes detective stuff with all the Pussy Foot Pete (rimming dangling from it. 7 -L . v"A short," stout fellow, wearing a big, black hat 'and speaking with a Greek accent.' was the description rumor gave of the .detective man. "He is selling Budweiser for $7 a barrel and marking ' it breakfast food,1, cholera baseball bats,-just whichever the cus tomer desires, was another message the rumor contained. "It is truet',' the anxious and in terested populace asked upon hearing the reports of the detective's activi ties. Well, to state the' plain, uiicolmed facts about the matter, it is true. A detective has .been operating here. He has been watching, shadowing and becoming acquainted with the manner in which John Barh?yrurn is handled here. He came, he saw and he caught 'era. Af. leas r,t s said they are caught.' Anywajthere is a cunent report of general demoralization in the local whiskey market. Ten warranl8,,;duly filled . out and properly signed,, are ,reportc,l to be among the important papers in the . Ja ru,: ..p p. i;.. u.... r77,( I T 'Ithe traditions of the sea by substi- City Attorney Maness is also report- editorial n ed as having evidence Jus posses, , rot sion,r winch ,f .rumorreah, its w , M,. Dmw)s mv l)lmsfiK aiid heanl lure eorrecuy nas -orrn smiicem 10 cause citizens of this State to aid in improving the public highways and also of replenishing the coffers of the coffers of the public schools of the commonwealth. No warrants have yet been served and, until they are served, the real facts of the detect ive's discoveries will not be brought to light. Budweiser at a barrel is said to have been the bait that caught the thirsty ones. For the benefit of those not on the mailing list of some fluid selling house, which, by the way, are few indeed, il is proper to state that the usual cost of such a -grade of beer, delivered here is $13.00. But I an inside price. He gan soliciting, rep - 1S a traveling sales- roperly chaperoned rl,ny ctvAar the detictive had a came here and bei reseuiiui: iiiinscii. a iiaicuu iwica- " . , " j. man. He was properly chaperoned moil, ii p :i,: ftA, i.: ip aUQ UUBlIlirsa "an lunmiij,. blanks were filled with rapidity aml011 n Atlanta the detective sold the beverage at a ' Something had to give. way. tor , e Get-Rich-Quick-Wallingford rate. "nn s -vU' 01 A"n "T " X ? . nnf TtnUUlhlM ai tHItr flK till At In 1, 1.1 Yesterday he Jett town, tor some ..JL: . i... the minds of parties having dealings' with him. A the same time small but far-reaching hints became noised around that the city had a detective employed. Action followed action. Then it was discovered that the city had a detective employed. Then u .... i ,-:.. i .v uau a i Lin ri i uk ( ifii iiimiiiliii liiiiuii i nao am" ,,,.,1 i - c- to some) that a few people had been genuinely bamboozled by the fellow with the black hat, ureeK accent and inside price on beer. w-y.;, The warrants will likely be served tomorrow and interesting develop ments are booked to follow. Slit Skirt Shocks Town of .Wanning-' ton." ' . : . -Washington, N. C. July 23. The city is a bit dazed this atternoon. There's a reason, though: Washing ton saw its first reaLslit skirt this mornine. and although the majority of those who saw it, have recovered, still there are some who still ; look askance at every pretty young lady who comes down the street. .... Tha slit skirt was seen on Alain street shortly after 10 o'clock.. The young lady who woe the dress was . heavily veiled and ner lueniuy is still a matter of .conjecture. I lie "slit Was on -the right side ot the skirt -and extended to about two inches below the knees, v . Sauntering slowly up Mam street, she was first noticed by Police Officer Roberts. The officer took in the slit in a hurried glance, i He seised his hat with both hands and gasped des perately for. breath. Others took no tice, but apparently unconscious oi the sensation she as causing ' the mysterious lady continued on her way un the street and when last seen, was headed for the Atlantic Coast Line depot. ' ' ' " Pactory Jnspection Under Way.; BinghsmptonN. Y July 24. Five oniirat' invest ieat ions cf the overall on I factory are under way today. ,The death list is now ai smiy-nve. i , WHO'S WHO CONTEST ENDS. V.nrV Vnunt Tir Vwtm and Mrs. H. W. Calloway and Mr. Wada H. Clina Second. "The Who's Wlm ail erti.-iiii: cun tel 'rvndiirlcd by The Tim' and Tribnue closed Tuesday ni(jhl. A enmmittee l Imisiiicm, men msde a careful exainiiisiiiu nf all the nner sent in and after llx-ir work hail In concluded made t!.e fullim inn- re port: . "We, t he iiijiln m-mi-cI r.iniiiiiltee, And that I lie lis) Hiiljuiil t el liy Ml sr. Naney Young to lie eurreet and tin lists Mibmitted hv Mix 11. V. .y- wsv-aiul Mr. Waile II. ('line to eou- 8e-'tam only me rur eacli anil thev an- entitled to the prizes, the firet prize .of 10 lii Miss Yminu. and the second prize of to he divided eipuilly be tween Mrs. t'ulliiwav and Mr. t'lin?. "K. 11. BROWN. W. M. LINKER, "A. R. HOOVER." ANTI-AMERICAN SPIRIT IN MEXICO. Fonnented by Huerta. Courts Papu larlty of Jingoes. Is Endangering Mexico's Future. Paris. July J-t. That Huerta is foriuentirg an anti-American senti ment in order to court I lie popularity of the .lingi.es in Mexico is the de- "No Tax.'' , daration ot tlie nllieial manifesto, is mixt lire or 8l,e(l u.v Junta constitutionalists. Thev say Huerta is emlnngcring .Mexico x future as a nation. Mr. Daniels Goes to Bottom of the Sea. Los Angeles, t'al., J ul v . 12 J. Je seplius Daniels, secretary of the navy, ' went to the bottom of the sea soon 'after he arrived here from San Diego 'tonight. The descent was not made in a submarine, however, but ifi the ' banquet room of a hotel, where Mr. Daniels was the guest of the Los 'An geles Press club. ' Nearly 200 newspaper men osseni bled to honor the editor who is- now the mariner of President Wilson's cabinet, and . were the spectators ' when Neptune, uftei1 wrecking the mP 0 ''n'e!1 m aeereiar.i ue- l0,f l" "u . . , , and placed him on trial for violating Ilima.lr tk i,a..k to VV,,!. renrov- ing the old God of the sea for living in a place so wet, persisting in the use of such obselete terms as star board and port, and not referring properly to the hurricane deck as the roof of the ship. The banquet room was decorated to resemble a steamer, the ship of Stale, and' an arrangeemnt of light:, worked the illusion of sinking and afterward transformed the banquet hall into a semblance of the sea bot tom. Something Had to Give Way. Atlanta, July 24. For I he love oi: k" antl .r S,,"1 v' ot '.er ,'0"S,,U'," .f1'0 Mxmnw tlle ( M wl" e the Phagan minder ease are three al- flictionsc that cannot exist siniult Aiie- , . .. the Phagan minder case ure three nt- ",,,", . . . . flictionsc that cannot exist siniult Aue- n newspapers have only one front pae. So the Crawford will case has 1 ecu tentatively postponed, and the date " "J ' '1 " ,w'n" , the Hank case is called ' v A effort is under way to let the Frank case hang over until he weath- it," " '"' i. cution is rather susDicious ot the way the idea started, so that the post ponement may not materialize. Conference Called to Discuss Balkan Situation. London, July 24. An ambassador ial conference has been called for this afternoon at the foreign office to con sider the Balkan situation. It will be merely a preliminary account of the divergent views as to the proper dis position of Adnar.ople. . There are a lot of homes in which butter and " lard are wasted when anything is fried. All the grease re quired could b obtained by letting friend wife wipe out the skillet. 25 Years JULY 5th,; 1888 JULY 5th,.: 1913 ' AN ENVIABLE RECORD. v A quartet; of a eentury un der one irjanagenv nt Haj nev er had a suit, Has paid a div- :idend each' six months since organisation. "Has materially; aided in the upbuilding of Con. cord and Cabarrus County.'; , Stands ready to aid every legi- timate enterprise. ' If you de " sire a loan come and see us; if - you have money to deposit we ' want , joui1 account', whethc large or small, - , . :Tlie: I VVxLLIU iiMllvfllMMV - CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCISES AT CENTER GROVE CHURCH. Mr. Goodman Writes Interestingly About Pastor and People. Able Address by Rev. R. S. Patterson. Mr. Editor: It was your corre spondent's good fortune to attend Children's Day service al Outer tirove l.iilhciuu Church, iu No. 4 township on July 2llth. The exer cises weie of (lie highest order, con sisting of recitations and songs. They were the best trained children I have V.er seen. I do not know who train ed them, but who ever it was, the parents of those children are blest by having sucli il teacher in their midst. The crowning feature of the servic- !""n luajp.out bia Mexican pol es us an addreHS by fie . R. S. lt-1 ''-v "f,.'"r 8 conference with Ambaasa terson on missions. Mr. Patterson ' l,,r wiln. aud then call in the par- ' is a t'abaiius hoy, raised in the ('en-!,lv .''aders for their Consideration, ter (iroxe neighborhood. His address P"'1'8 as l'ractically decided upon to wns of the highest order and would ' ,lav- Meanwhile no news ' is ' being have to be heard to be appreciated. 1 1 ma,,? l,ubl"' eitner at '. the White, have never seen an audience pav elos-1 11,,,lse "' Slle Department. ' , It is) er attention to a sneaker, in- a sneak-1 er more enthused with his subject ' 7 i than was Mr.. Patterson. The pastor, liev. (' .A. Drown, is! both a good preacher and pastor a degree that is not easilv found com-. bined in one man. He makes every body feel al home the minute they enter the church, and his wife is just as much at home with the people as her husband, and the two combined are a blessing to any congregation. They love the people of ( enter drove and the people love them, t'ertuinly the Lutheran Chinch has chosen wise ly in placing Mr. Brown in the posi-, .ion of Caleb and Joshua when thev said : " l et cer ,.! ,vuua iu. land. (i. C. GOODMAN. Secretary Bryan to Head Mexican Commission. . Washington. July 24. It is report ed at the capitol that Secretary Bry an is being considered to head the commission to Mexico in an effort to net ns. mediators between the factions, Charges Against Representatives to Begin Monday. U ashmgto;.. July 24-The House j v,vinl wonnds m.eived bv State lobby committee wi 1 begin its exam-1 Poli(.eman Frber was neard the -T .tl'e1,Mi,,lllal f.wfenM following the assault, Henry giving . dav. , . . . . ' MEXICAN CITY " j ' TAKEN" BY REBELS. ' Federal Troops neeing.-Rebels Are', 'Tw f'J , , been brought against Henry, one by Advancing.-Twenty Millions Pe- H. WineInf 0f jGettysbiirg for -cos Borrowed. 12,000. and the other by Sergeant Mexico City. July 24. It is report. Kdward Carroll. T'. S. A., for 1.000. ed that General Carranza personally'. commanded the rebels who took the iity of Torren. The rebels' victory is said to he due to the wholesale de sertion by the federal troops. It is rcpoiied that a big force of rebels are advancing .on San Luis Potesi. The minister of Hnance stated that the government had borrowed twenty million pesos from Parisian bankers. An exchange speaks of the "new Bryan oil well.'' It is probably called Bryan because it flows so freely at the mouth. I ntKfS TUUK LHAlNL-c. TO MAKE Ji$0$$E Prices Will Tremble to Pieces on all Summer Goods. , When we say Summer Removal Sale you know what this means, eyery piece of goods from front door to back must move.- The cut price knife, has done some awful deep cutting. This will be your greatest opportunity to savt . money on thi best line of merchandise in Con st a very small cost.1 ' t , : ; " Every Summer Article in our store at a cut price. See circular and Times for prices. Sale Begins Friday Morning at 8:30 O'clock. H. :L. Pcia PRESIDOilTOr.? OUT IIDOG'Ji FCUGY, WILL HAVE CONFERENCE WITH AMBASSADOR WILSON. ' He Will Than Call Party Leaders for Consideration," This Waa Decided on Today. Ne New Being MUt . Public No Discussion of Mexican Situation in Congress., ; Washington, July 14. PrMideat unnersiooa tnal the rresident feas i asked the Senate and House to pre- . i. i . i ! vent any discussion of the Mexican . situation in would likely Congress, because -' it embarrass the adminis- - ,ration. Washington, Julv 24. Senator Ba- ' con chairman of the foreign relations loiiunittee. conferred with the Presi- drut today and admitted that media-. Minn by Americans might be a so ! iuh. .1, of the Mexican probleem, but said no policy would be adopted by Jtlic Aiiiericans until the President j confers with Ambassador Wilson." " . . ... , . Man h"ed W" BUhhlnf Hint It Gettysburg GiTsn Hanring. T Gettysburg, Pa., July 23. W..H. Henry, of Philadelphia, who is alleg ed to have stapi-ed nine persons at a . Gettysburg hotel during the recent anniversary celebration of the famous buttle, was given a hearing in seven of the cases today and held for court . in each, the uniform charge being as sault and battery with intent to kill. 4 Due case was dismissed through lha non-appearance of Frank E. Howe, of Baltimore, the person alleged to hava K...... . t I.K.,.1 an.l ,1.A ..;,!. ftdJMO hail tor further appearance. 'Kail was placed Tuesday at $3,500 : and immediatelv furnished .for ap- vi ''4.Ai'(''! ' court.-- ... : -'' ' . The stabbing occurred during ' altercation which resulted from a re mark passed about Abraham IJnoo'.n to which exception was taken by a veteran. . . Henry is a native of Virginia where his family is prominent. Shot Wrong linn. ;. Dover, N. J.. July 24. While hunt ing a man wanted for wife muider, ' the police shot at a fleeing man, and he dropiied dead. He Waa not the man wanted. ' . ' , - !r.o ( j Coo - i i : 1 1 i i if.' ! :;'i ' .1