-3 vJy vv" iy . WrV liv vjj -S V-W VOLXJIL J B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1913. 40 Cent a Month CenU a Copy. NO. 336 com i::r:.3 OIOtOlTI MAX WHO 8E0T 10LICEMAN y. KILLED BY. MOB. , Joe McNeeley Taken Front tat Good J - - Samaritan EotpiUl is Charlotte About 8 o'clock Thia Morning By V About 10 Mm and Eia Body miod . With Bullets, Negro Alive Who ". confidence - that tbsir aim bad been deadly and that the object of their foray bad .been accomplished. (Bui when the poliro it at ion wss not i fled, the patrol tent down and tba negro ' body examined it was found that life was not extinct Ho was taken to poliro headquarters. " "' The grea teat zeitement -naturally prevailed in the hospital while the unexpected visitors were achieving their gruesome mission. ' i . . When the mob demanded to know which was' tba right one, Joe Mc Neely, whom they sought, pointed to another negro lying on a bed on the other lido of the room. "That's th mi,"e eried. I'Mt't the one you " 'Left By Mob, But Died at PoUce ' Headquarters About Boron Hours - Later.! People Indignant Over . Lynching, and it Will Bo Thorough ly Investigated. - '' -.. V'.'1 r "'. " . Special to The Tribune. '; Charlotte, Aug. 26. This morning : . about 2 o clock a mob of about forty men forced an entrance to the Good , Samaritan Hoapital and took tL ,nd able to .talk- He asked For tbe Lord's uke no," shout ed the other. "I'm not the one." , .: The intruders forced on of the officers, it is said, to say which one was MeNeely, in order that a totally innocent, man might not be. the vio tiltt. v.- '.i,. '-.'V Pe: sons" who were in the hospital say that those who entered it wore handkerchiefs over their faces - as masks. Only a portion of the attack ins naftv came inside. ' ' : ' At 3:30 this morning awneeiy waa from Joe MeNeeley. colored, earned him to the street and filled his body that tho old bandage across bis peck uea nis oouy . - . . 4W 1,. ij nr,v. with bullets. The negro shot Police-1 - - " " JTJDB SHAW HOLDING' -" XEtnUENBURG COURT. ' man L. L. Wilsotf at Charlotte last Friday and during tho fight with the officer was also shot and was undergo- the mob ontered and shot him to His Charg to the Grand Jnry Con death, r-'w'-Vm -'z: i'v auine: Only Three Minutes. ;.- Since the shooting Friday there bad ; Charlotte; - Aug. 25. In convening ' been no whisper of lawlessness and a' week's term of Superior court here on this account the officers bad taken this morning, Judge T. J. Shaw, of no extra precautions to protect the Greensboro, delivered a charge which prisoner. Only two policemen were for brevity has. rsrely if ever been " on guard, OIueers Earnhardt and more to tho point or. more, valuable Tarlton, and When the mob approach- nd full of meaning.' " ed thev offered 'little if any. resist- '.The delivery of the charge took nee. They drew their pistols on the about threo minutes and ki j:j .i n mA til. 1 couched in a few Words: negro's room waa aa:v'i:i,TWV,,a ffT- , S HM tli. meri who formed Ithe jury," said the eourt. "Judging the mob execute (heir plans that there from- the newspaper accounts and the i5 i z of th docket before mer what was no. lniuuauuu mm mejr 1 , . . . . tn, plated such a deed until the'firing of Jf H .rif. tfi Cd t I hinil vou.' look to the speech of tha tne BMpiwi" Tl..TntiL iwitnth. "orals and health and if - idly and hardly hadthe sound of the " ioformation call her shots died away before there was 1.0 ,g "room, - upon the streets S JTi'lJrc. tal5 itiy hotel and I will be glad, as .uion .the de walk w thvsix hul ets wiU ;Xfth0 solicitor, to give you any - in his body but still alive. Tho two inforBatioil desired. Gentlemen, yon - polieemen on guard sent in a eau to jflf t ' . . headquartetsi for an1nibttlaiwdr f-finitBneaBngpfi - the negro was taken M the police docket waa' inwseedings rapidly ; and headquarters, where he died about, 9 th: prc,jiiiso of much wd;k was given ' This is said ta be tbe first lynching 1 cide cases on the docket, the most im- c ' in the history 'of Mecklenburg-eouuty omnt Din8! tba ' the stftt ,g,lin8t and the people of Charlotte are great- yft. j. steyensharged with the mur- ' ly incensed, ' Much eritieism is being jer of Oeorge Smith. - " - ' made against the two' polieemen on -i- Stevens shot and killed Smith early ' " guard at the hospital, who are accused one Sunday morning in May, the act ,-of not making a determined effort to being the culmination of a -quarrel on stop the mob's entrance to the insti- a commissary ear of the;-Seaboard tution. - -. - t Airtiw, which, it is said grew, out Mr. J. Paul Lucas, editor of the of the refusal of Stevens, to sell Chariotte Chronicle, sUted this morn- Smith a package of eigarettes in vio- ' ing in a long distance .'telephone eon- lation of the town s Sunday laws. 4-' venation with a representative of this r?7- ' -n ariTTt ' - - paper 'that the people there were tk ,KEW BALE Of C0TT0M SOLD. demand that the lynching be ferreted L Tlrat Bale on. tha Local Marnet to the bottom and to denounce the I yesterday. "moh's lawless action. - . The drst bale of 1913 cotton was - The following is from the report of sold on the local market yesterday ' thm Ivnohino- in th latest edition of hv UV A R Pounds. The . bale , , this morning's issue of ; the Obser- weighed 487 pounds and was bought - ver. which arrived here several hours Hv ; If. A. Archibald,, buyer for ' later than the regular ditkmrij..A. Skipwith & Co., for liyz cents ine negro, woo naa oeen cuoiuru sound. Ihe coiion was prouueov - 10 preyeni a wiiimijr ut uw wi bn foonar xarm w " . cane, was in an upstairs room, guard- .,; ; it was irinned by . Flowe & . " ' ed by two policemen,' Officers Tarle- whii: f "Whitehall, free bf charge, . 'n ton and Everett Earnhardt."1. : this gin making a rule to gin the : About ; 1 o'clock this morning V. .t t.i..k ,, free. About all - was noted that groups of men were f t- wttoJi in the baia wa8 picked standing about on back streets. . But da Mr.-Pounds Uking a large -( the-fiwt ml wtunation : given; the lnmW 'f nand8 out to his,farm in , ' public that snytmng unusual nan oc- . m . vaQ Barly in tha morn. - - rrxD" a roBM. The Trthaaa Office the Tlctia af This - Tragic Accident Tatterday.' " Blsni! Down want boy and a form. . In a twinkling the greatest tragedy known to tbe mechanical de partment of a newspaper office had been enacted- Seveneolunma of type were scattered and piled in one conglomerate maa " Merlin Brum- ley, tho faithful and -competent ti tle pressman, -straightened -up and looked at the wreckage with despair stamped on his countenance. Marlin bad tripped and fell with the first mgse etaoi taoin taOin taoi aoin n page of The Tribune en route from the Jfrer" room to the makeup stone and the one false step wrought havoc with the better part of a days' labor of the force in Ibis office. Tbe spilling of' that page repre sented thousands -ef click- telicks of linotype' machines, the writing - of headlines, the editing of telegraph, reporterial leg work and typewrit ten composition, all which was At and ready : for the perusal of ' tot eaders wheu the ruthless ruination resulted.'.-1 News items rushed to gether in undecipherable fashion.. Vif.JJureta baeks dawn in bis present position President .-.Wilson will declare Harry Thaw sane," was the result of the mating of two aroriea. A . "The conference of bankers in Chicago discussed at length the co caine evil as it exists in t'oncord, de claring that cheap liquor was re sponsible for many crimes attributed to cocaine," was the result of an in terview with Ch4I Boger an the cocaine evil snd a dispatch telling of the bankers' meeting. iiei t. j:::;e ISTiLiVSiraS BATB HA&BT IS HEADED FOB MATTEAWAH. Thaw's Attorneys Art Divided ia De fsnse Plana. Thaw Taars Jeroms And Wanta to Remain la Canada. Thaw Kervona and Exoded. Je rom Says Whatever ' Defense ia Made tha End Will Be 'the1 Same. Matteawaa. '';.. - Sherbrooke," Ang.28. That Wil liam Travere Jerome is the nemesis of Harry K. Thaw,' is demonstrated more than ever todav.- Yeaterdav attorneys were united in- the defense plans, but today the defense is divid ed. Thaw is nervons and excited arid paces back and forth in hk eel). "Thaw ia headed straight back to Matteawan. ' He may fight here, or he may select to struggle in Vermont, but toe end will be the same, said Jerome. ' , v;. ; When Thaw heard this he sent for his lawyers and demanded .that they reverse themselves and keep him in Csnada: . - ---- . BIG ATTENDANCE AT . FABMEBS' CONVENTION ENDORSEMENT Of THE DRAINAGE WORK. 70RE8T HILL NEWS. Two Surprise Waddings Eatnreay. '' - -" - Persoaala. I The Opinion of Judge Clark ia the Mrs. W. L. Badeliff, of Washington. I Case Froai Cabama. U. aad Mr." and Mr. E. E. Brown. I Th Korth Carolina Oeolooiral and of Aeaeville. are viaiting at the borne I Economic Sun ey it sending out bul- 01 nev. a. u. naueaope tnu wees, Jletins of the recent decision of Ibe Misses Msdxe Wilkinson had Mm-1 Supreme Courl in the t old Wster nie Utley left tats morning for Besse-1 Drainage District Case. The bulletin mer my 10 spend several davs with Mrs. B. F. Coble. Mrs. C. C. Crouch has returned from a viait to relatives in Montgom ery, county. Miss Myrtie Petrea has returned irooi a Tiiu 10 ner aimer, Mrs. ueo. Boat, at Gastonia. Mra. H. C. R aimer ha returned from a ten days' visit to Mrs. George Uonald at Wilmington. Mr. J. E. Wright apent Sundav here with his family. Mr. J. C. Cook spend Saturday afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. Herbert Long, of Hope Mills. DOW OF OSS ISPOSTFOD preside Drainage Association. The bulletin contains the brief as prepared by Heriort Clarkson, L T. Hartsell and J. Lee Crowell, attorneys for the pe titioners and also the decision of Chief Justice Clark, which was in fa- for of the petitioners. The people of Cabarrus are familiar with the pro ceedings of this rase and the contents of the bulletin have previously been published here. However, the clos ing paragraph of Judge Clark's opin ion is such a strong endorsement of srrived in Concord Sundsy to spend I drainage work that its circulation in several weeks with friends. I sections where creeks should be drain- Mrs. Ueorge Bost, of Oastoma. is led should be fretiuent and unlimited: spending this week in Concord with her parents, Mr, snd Mrs. 0. W. Petrea. Mr. and Mrs. Colan Aired return ed to Concord yesterday from a week's visit to relatives at Albemarle. Mr. Lee Mills has returned from Wrightsville Beach, where he attend ed the State convention of the Juniors. Held at Raleigh Today. Big Crowd Also at Farmers Union Meeting. Raleigh, Aug. 26. There was 1 "Ten prominent New Yorkers fur- record attendance at " the ' eleventh nish evidence to indict. Murphy, I annual meeting of the-State Farm- Frawley and others and they will era' Convention at the-A 4 M. Col be. summoned befoie the judiciary lege this morning. Five hundred committee" as seventy-seven yonng were in the seats when it was called men stood the state bar examination to order. In the absence of Presi- at Haleigh today," read another. dent C, W. Spiuill, R, W. Scott, of Dispatches from London, England, 1 Alamance, was called to tbe chair and and Ashboro became . mixed" . and I afterward elected president. The ad read: "Ambassador Page has closed I dresses were made by Commissioner neeohation8 for an ultra fashionable 1 0f Agriculture Graham, President residence n the proposed Ashboro-1 Hill, President Scott and others. The Snlishhrv luirliwav provided tuel delegates are moat enthusiastic 1 lie commissioners kit Davidson county I sessions will continue three "days, can be interested in ,the matter.' I my.. .-J- TJnion.'? ml. - !.i 9 a omiir nai atminh I . . j ..1;.. .hrtnt Inaf'l'nnfed-I naieiiru, aiut. urim ukwuiu- erate flag caused thist "The Baleigli mer meeeting of the North t'arolina i.-t,oiv m.n.nDBn - ia trvinff -to I Farmers' Union .opened, in tlife jiudi- arranariii gtmeTsenes with IfiaHtorirnftjHrere -this morning with 250 v. - ' . M .aa: . , . . 1 w a, . TIT t I 3 in . t w - i. .. rl' I. .... 1 1 mr,l. lint 1 lie Da2 HaSTWen WW., rwe l aureraira- preueui,. mwt nu uc r. makinv everv effort to get a flag about 450 by night. It will continue and if successful the series will" be I itf: session three1 days. Six delegates played.",' -'- -.j. , tbe national convention at sauna, The wreckage was despairing, try- Kansas, will be, elected. A. O. Nel- ing, iscouraging. . But in the midst gen, pf Minneso, told this '-morning of the trouble there remained one how that little rural communities pro- consoling feature in the rorm or. I grassed on the co-operative basis and small paragraph 5 used as a filler Baicl that the creamery at Hickory nhioh undisturbed tnrOUffn tne snocain.. ennui tn fflnvtliltur in tills country. read: ?' It is better to have boomed I pregijent. Barrett will be here this and busted than never to have ooom-1 af ternoon ed at all." - Mr. Arnold Dennis, after spending I of this Stale. In Florida, the State several days here with his mother, itself has created a drainage district Mrs. Ida Dennis, left yesterday for I of four and a half million acres. This Black Mountain to spend several I system operating is many States has, days. From Black Mountain he will I bv the co-operation of landowners, 20 pistols as they hurled their leaden JW nmaPX fternoon. efleeiy, 'Msj. I. ; t-j. ..wi f amiur Onlv a few seconds, if at all, b- " rmYrZir t. fore the arrival of .the ob, it seems, the nm oaie on rl?T didtb. authorities at thl hospital rWtr.-SS ' suspect anything; untoward.; When first bate .r ' j" the crowd arrived, having' pursued fore last he excelled yeat s their wav through " the darkened ord, selling a bale August lr j , f streets of the negro etUemen,;,3lieyj.,'2'i:-fc.2 T " -...: . Tim'.V ' found the hospital i door" snnt ,and Senatorial Contest-May Be Bitter v k i .. .. , . -I Kn.i;al tn fii'Mnsbora News. - ? :a ,wJJeo-"l-i':4..:: v i.: ' j 'wbinon. Aug. -25. That the banged on it and called for Police- senatonal fight between nt' 1 man -Earnhardt. V 7- y-?r rman, E. J. Justiceof Greensboro, iw m il,i bona to. and orobably former Governpr Glenn ' night," repUed one of the colored wo- will be one of the bitterest campaigns - Jl nJ. .hamlv - v - k in the history of North Carolina, j? r. . '- A " ; V..1.4 ki.Ithe opinion of former. Sheriff J. r, For answer the man hurled his V -, K . r, u u .a. -.1 .:-i. 41,. -1,5.1. 1 Joraan, 01 reeuuuu, - side say they heard - them demand, ' Which is the right one f" 4' Show nee the right .one.'V,i The women shrieked in terror.: Never in the his . - tory of Charlotte had just such ; scene beeh enacted. ; . -.. " The two polieemen on guard level- , ed their, revolvers at the erowa and ordered them to stand back, but the senatorial fight will be a bitter one," that the former ahenff. 'Mr. iiusuee is active and aggressive man, and go 10 uurnam and Uoldsboro for a few daya and then return to his work. at Greenville, Rev. J. L. Rogers is holding a pro tracted meeting at Howell's Church this week. I wo surprise weddings occurred Saturday night. -Mr. Chas. Russell snd Miss Ollie Smith were "married by Rev. J. L. Rogers at bis home, Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. F. R. Smith and both bride and groom are well and favorably known here, NEWS FROM LANDIS. in Killed Half Bushel of Swallows Chimney. Personals. , ; Landis, Aug. 25. Miss Ruth' Mc Knight,, of Charlotte, who has been visiting Miss Lois Deaton, erturned BIG DAY AT SPENCER. Magnificent Parade, Spectacular Fire works, Baseball, Balloon Ascension, Trotting Ostrich and. Other Fea tnres. S;-ir'y- Rnencer. N' C.. Aug.. 26. Spencer I home this morning. is preparing for, the greatest Labor I Rev. J. F. Deal and family, of Dav celebration ever' held in the! Lenoir, and C. R. Deal and family, of State, September 1st, and committees Norfolk Va., are here visiting their have been hard at work lor 8a-weeKsifaW Mr. C. J. Deal perfecting plans for tbe same. Tbel fljj 0f chimney swallows that celebration win Degin wu """''twere migrating stopped nere a lew iter parade from Salisbury to parkevenineg an(j went it0 Mr. G. 0. and in which several thousand men tj , chimney. They were keeping will participate as weir at others. guch B noige he took some paper to there will be three bands of music in them out. Next morning he line and ,manyMloa s and oiner ni-1 d b t half bughel dead in nig trattions. This will take place Mflre place, having suffocated in the Bon" Lr'sl Mrs. J. A. Wright and daughters, cormiiuoua iw bvvMw. : -r--- of note isiree auracHons. d Indianapolis, Ind., who have been 6rnr ,W1U "k ii L ' IZ, ad here on visit to their relatives left will be: two balloon ascensione nd Mt Tnliannoli PEACE THOUGHT TO BE NEAR; HUERTA WAVERING. Ko. Ill and is sent out by State Geologist Joph , .Hyd, i Pratt, who is DeUTarin of p,,,,,, wfl u also president of the North ( arohna n11 m aage to Congress is Delayed Until Tomorrow. ia Probable That Hoerta Will Accept Our Mediation Plan Within Twenty-Four Hours. The United States Will Not Re cede From its Proposals President Wilson is Greatly Gratified at the Turn of Events. Washington, Aug. 26. Following a request from Gov. John Lind and through the Mexican minister of for- einn affairs from President Huerta. ricsioeni Wilson consented to post pone i lie delivery ot Ins address to Congress until 1 o'clock tomorrow. The White House issued a statement saying : "I-ast night about midnight after a conference between Pt-psiHonf Wil. son and the foreign relations commit tees of the two houses a dispatch came irom Mexico City, in which Mr. muu uiiuea wun seiior u am boa in requesting the President to postpone me delivery of his address to Con gress until Wednesday in order to artord the authorities at Mexico City an opportunity for further consider ation of the proposals of the United btates, in view of certain supple mentary suggestions by Mr. Lind.' It is learned that a hurried shift ui uir .uexican situation came as a result of new proposals containing tne following salient points: Immediate cessation of hostilities. Arrangement of a definite armis- "JIhs act is well drawn, and i based upon the experience and the statutes of other States, and up to date more than One hundred of these drainage districts have been organiz ed in North Carolina, with great ben efit to the health and in the increased school facilities and better roads. this new drainage system is aiding vastly in promoting the development redeemed a vost acreage. GOVERNORS MEET IN CONFERENCE. upon a five days' discussion of public problems of common interest and im- R V u Rkk;n. f j . nortance to the entire country. The UVUUUIO LICI 1VI U1CU lilt I - .... marriage ceremony for Mr. Tom Jar- vis and Miss Euniee Howell. The best wishes of their many friends follow these young people. PISTOL 'SNAPS, sAvnra : . " LIFE OF MANAGER GRAT. Virgil Carver, Whose Mind Seems Somewhat Unbalanced, . Canaes Panic In Columbia Western Union Telegraph Office. Dsenssion of Many Public Problems of Common Interest. Colorado Springs, Coy., Aug. 26. Tha nirtlv annual conference of Gov ernors assembled here todav to enter Mice between the warring factions, rrovisions tor an early and ire election President Huerta to make early an nouneement not to be a candidate for the presidency. conference is entirely non-partisan in character. Tbe Governors come from' all sections of the country and - i t ' , Peace is thought to be near and TT i ti f . . i . represent all shades of political belief. "ue" w"f""f- VT0Mme Governor McGovern. of Wisconsin, 6,' Gov'Ne.ofa.ud -7 Governor Ammons, of Colorado, con- . , , , nn ;.a nrnnne. stitute the executive committee of the conference. Others who are ex pected to take a prominent part in the present session are Governors Carey, of Wyoming, Baldwin, of Con necticut. Dunne, of Illinois, Hahna, Columbia, S. C, Aug. 25. The fail-1 of North Dakota, Hodges, of Kansas, nre of a pistol to fire probablv save 1 i Lister, of Washington, Clarke, of Manager J. VV. Uray, or the local! Iowa, Haines,, of Idaho, Major, ot conference in Mexico City will spell peace. It is officially denied that Mr. Lind has been recalled. He was eiven a free rein to use his own judgment in terminating his mission. pat on its. proposals Lind, Huerta, Gamboa and American Charge D'Affairs 0 'Shaughnessy are reported to be in conference at Huerta 's palace. The President is greatly gratified at the turn of event. He expressed the hope that he might never have to deliver his message to Congress. It is believed that today's Western Union Telegraph office from I Missouri, and West, of Oregon. assassination tnis morning when Vir-I The conference had its origin in gil Carver pulled his gun and snap-1 1908, when President Roosevelt call- ped it in Mr. Uray's face. Mr. Grayled the Governors together at Wash- Uucked behind his desk and made a I ington to discuss steps for the con- get-away out of the rear door, while Uervation of the natural resources of employes songnt the nearest place otlthe conntry. At this initial meeting tOei, , . I If waa AnniAaA tn mnlra tho nnfW- MR. PINK MORRISON IS SERIOUSLY HURT. Carver walked out on Main street, ence a permanent body and to hold nourisning ma gn and pulling tne ammal gessiong with the object of trigger until finally ,t went off, tbe Lxchan ing views on subject8 0f ge. ball narrowly missing a anessenger , promoting greater tbTe"ook in fJtL VZCoiwri5ZZ,- Drc., Ill mc I is locked up at police headquarters. Carver, who is said to be an em ploye at a cotton mill, had been to the Western Union several times in regard, it is claimed, to failure of the eompany to promtply deliver a message which came to him. In fact, it is said on the outside, that a mes sage sent him in March concerning either his father s serious illness or death, was delivered to him on Sat attaining greater efficiency 1 State administration. KILLS MAN WHO SAVED HIM FROM DROWNING Met With an Accident in Washington Yesterday. A telegram was received yesterday afternoon from the Llevator Con stating that Mr. Pinkney Morrison, who is in the employ of that com pany, was seriously hurt yesterday in Washington. Another telegram was later received from the hospital in wh'ioU ha hA Lvn tfllran fiftVinu' Kentnckian, Dragged From Ohio Riv- that he wag dangeronghT hurt and er Bnoota Keecner wnue n is ai nncongcioug. Snpper. Mr. Morrison' sister, Miss Estelle Taylorsport, Ky., Aug. . A 1 Morrison, left Jast night on tram No. rZ .a..aie. miliar ot h. Surveyor C, M. lllUm BlCK at nis granuiaiuer, air. a--, t... t.j:... naunuL' Iht diver I IS Very Tf: MI Corriher, near here. They have races athletie sports, all day barbe- a trained nurse from Charlotte, N. C. cue, and, the most- magnificent and She has typhoid fever. ; - , vu.. r j fjQTfto OF LICENSE. B-iTHMRpn in I ii in inn u. mn w.".v(i- - ti. .u,nini aMYaction ' ,wul ; ots Hurricane,'' :the ;trdttingj ostrich., Mrs. Settle Wanted it to Hannoniu jrho exceeds a race horse, pulling a . - With Touring Car. sdky driven ; by his .-owner. This Asheville, N. C, Aug. 25. Mrs. fonrA waa secured at great expense mi ciu ; nf a mnnMiran and comes' Jo penccn P!re ; "om leader of the State and a member of Jacksofiviller Florida. Everything wl tha Vanderbilt society set, did not rA mil 25.000 .'ceoole Will be Jierel,-,.. u;.10tin nf mnrnnn and to njoy the day -. Salisbury " ,wel1 wbit of the new automobile license as Bpencer umies you to in 0mbination with th black body help swell the crowd and .witness the . . d had the fis!are9 enam. biggest celebration ever held m worth eled whitei , The first time she ap Carolina. J. peered in public a policeman not . ; - ' - - - . . vanied in color combinations halted ,In the eourseof a drunken brawl ... ,, :cunt the maroon figures m Afiwe aani tru iwuhi vat mnn. aaiiu u v .. . i tuv - - ? r-lVnrha Wlv.'lt looki fSs for-lnear Harden in the northern action . an poggible color, combine nZr nin will tU in tbelof Gaston county: aturuay lion wUh the black body of my car, Iliva -uwwa aw 1 L waa . BiB ll rM 1 I . l A continues tor one weea, wni nave on phmi g earpenter 0f this son of the late Mr. L. M. Morrison, of NEW. SCHEDULE ON NORFOLK SOUTHERN. mar flnvernor fight bef pre the finish, and with these IVu tnan at ri vine for the - United imw. (J - - States senate,; I expect to see a" bit timei"' : ' ' ;.'"-""" ' z'Z,, lf T..I.H i!J ha heliAveK T. W. vpne-eance seekers leaped upon them0. , ',. . j w UfAlan are cer- and tore the pistols from their grasp. . t be eandidateg to succeed Gov 'Then," said a specUtor on the erm)T Cfiig jia -thinks there will outside, narrating his expenencs af- t least one candidate, but forward, -we neera ins cuuaiiig . Rickett and Mc Lean win en- t.r tha ntrht. Mr. Jordan does not think Major Sttdman will have se rions opposition Miss Ethel Eafley, sister-in-law or o-,.tr nf the Navv Jascphus Dan- anil for 15 v-nrs a tlcrk in the r-MTfrnont scrv'. , bus bn appoint U cl. rk in ti e nsvy library at a the chains as they brought him down the stairs.",; . , ,-., The rest must bavs happened in a very few seconds. A score of piRtoU flashed in the faint gas light and from the helpless form on the ground enme not even a moan. - ;; , , "" ipcn with which tbe mob ,; ( ";.! to those who It:." ' '", indU-ht thcit salary of 1 a y- ,. -r - . -IV.U I noon. , r rana jnauney w aiauu?. to death by w. o. uayis. , coin white, men and employes of the Har den cotton mill. .Davis was arrested and taken to the county jail At Gas tonia. When taken ny tne omcers ne oa in almost a drunken stupor and claims that be does not remember, any thing about the. eYime-rrv v-; x-l-Kr- Mi Kaltla explained io- the officer. Th hlixcoat agreed, but told Mrs. Settle. she would, have explain ber ideas of color harmony to the; judge. The law requires ' maroon figures on a white background to distinguish Ibis year 8 license nvm ." j j- . ,t ; stramre trairedv occurred here today 30 for Washinolnn tn lw u-illi her urday, so he claimed, and this worry when a man who had been rescued I brother. Up to this time nothing has is supposed to have temporarily un-lfrom drowning i the Ohio river a p- been heard from her as to his con- oaianeed nis mina. Inaared fifteen minutes later at UieUiH Unm. tViA mon n-lin hail BavoH hlK I If. f : p. 1.. 1 : 1 ... - . . , uuuia v. '' " w 1 in I . mvi risiiii iui nici i iivru in I lie next term vi uuiiiura muuiuu ui, .-j m.AwaA nth a nHo I r j j i. ... oi l. us Jl,4-C imw. tnu. .. vuuvuiu. auu iirr inu as m cauich eoun, nicn opens oepMHuoer -u- Th- th ch e made against m-r n Ihe Southern. He ia a largest number of murd cases in many courts, in nuir J hemse,-es to haye witnegSes of charges, of murder being five. All of .. ... ., 8,10otinJ the-prisoners are negtoes. one oe- ; . ing a woman, and rour ot tne auegea - - . T!",- " "2Z.uA ;.V: them and to get across the river, de- . JL Vi- n.nnA havinir hnlspite bullets sent after him. J Ji.nmiul i Onilfordl The victim' is William Zurelby, an UqUklllCU HH aia ,, : . , . A fm 1 . count v in August. - l"Seu ,' "N, aj..., nome is near me river. ue uiu inou nLjn! . .1 1 ti.- asn nnrt oon erou ww rniuips u -V" m.-'"r- V.J eroisinir the river from Delhi to Tav 3itov;swhor ... miutlneared this shore the skiff capsised. . w . i I LV. 1 1 1 m " AmrianiAna l! ova? mm tt that with the conditions imposed ny inei"""! ' .-""-r w j Treasury Department. Banks in sev- ehore, but he could not swim, and i .u; .Iraailv hava entlwould have drowned had not Zurelby ,u"" j . . , .. their list of seeuritiea to tbe Depart-1 leapea inio uie waier, uKm ruuF. t f .nnml mnA lhr an be-l DV D1S eouar ana tougni a sua rur ;n ...mini as tn their aeecDtabil-1 rent back to the shore, ,..n ,, .. ..,... , - xureioy went dbck io nis nome, and was at f supper with ."several friends when Phillips appeared. , He Of special interest is the announce mant of the marriage of .MifitMtfne Grubb, the eldest daughter of the late H. Clav Grubb. to A. J. Little, ; of 1 Marshville. The ceremony", was per Charged ' cwith assaulting ')i Miss I .a nra Freece of Faith neighborhood, Robert Earnhardt, a young-white Crtf. hT. .Th; eer.formed.i at the residence ' of the r0"" .AZiulA . n.r f tha'bridnV mother, Mw. Emma .Grubb, testimony against him, but appears J near Churchland, Sunday at 2 p. tn. demented and it is said recently spent ,0nly a few intimate friends of the . i -f -;,rU mnntha U a honnilsl familv were present- to witness the a iciiu i- .....,... ... . - . , for trentmcnt. ceremony.' ing u..iu Vanw kiJ 19 an oners- tive in the Loray MiU at Gastonia, was carrying a rifler according to the committed suicide at the home of his witnesses, and they charge that be parents, Mr. and Mrs vasper Maner.issio.ro Aareioy.. r , , at o0 0 C10CK atonuay uiuruiuu u cu un, j .iw,'in b mself through the neani ,"xes." repuea tne oia man. ... -. . .-i -a. n:...j.t.l nr:ii..i ...ii... ...J Ok;ilina iu With a & Caiioer nue. ajipviiw - vviiuuu puvuni i umip , ment in a love affair is assigned a alleged to have lifted his weapon and ik. a ha deed. ? , ,. - . lahnf hia rmcuir in the brain. - - iiio wfc -- - , -f. - : - I . He turned then and bolted tor the :.. -tSii..t nAiiAlr ' ilAiichtrr of I river, xij.. j if- j,h Rftaiick- of Wal l The only explanation for the trag lace, who was in Wilmington. on a'edy is that Phillips was made insane visit, "was struck by a trolley freight car of the Tidewater Power Company near Winter Park Saturday morn ing and was instsntly killed.. Her head was practically severed from tbe other part of her body. -.. . by fear during his narrow from drowning. " A "commercial laboratory baa been established in Triest at the expense of the city.- - . Running Time to Norfolk Shortened. Freight Cars Taken Off Express Traina. "V. . ' . :' Effeetive Sunday, August 24th, tbe Norfolk Southern Railroad will put into effect a new schedule for the night passenger trains between Ral eigh and Norfolk. The change will shorten the running time between the two points, approximately forty-five - minutes. Ibe most important fea ture Of the new schedule will be that tbe train leaving Norfolk at 0 o'clock , at night and also train leaving Ral- eigh at 9:30 p. m, for Norfolk will not have any freight cars in their make-up as has been the ease bere. tofore. , - s . The night train from Norfolk will arrive 6:30 a.- m. instead of 7:l'i a. m. ,a Passengers will be', allowed . to remain in sleeper uptil 7:30 a. u -., they will not be inconvenienced. The niehf train to -'Norfolk will leave Raleigh at 9:30 instead of 9:00 -o'clock as at present. The day train will arrive in Jtaleigh at 7:43 p,c m. Thomas Marshall; 'vice-president of the United States; William Jennm? Bryan, Secretary of State; Jo'opliiis Daniels, Secretary of the Knvy, r 1 William D. Wilson, ('-''' v ( ' bor, will all visit Knoxvi:: t . to see the National Con' ' - position and t (Mivcr s ! -