' m GHO),'0)3KI tftiil ' if- I a i i. i 4 M Ml la kM J JJB. JHERUEditor .nPtiblUhfer. .... CONCORD," C, MONDAY. JANUARY 12, 1914 40 Cats Montb I Ccata Copy. N(.jl5; i . 9on f : : ' . . -y fouxui. T l..,UUV VIII IU .Jackson TrainlM School Contj I'Ht rnn will EoMuicui'oifia.ii ; . -.."", ' I te jcrtTHl jHrorefor thWanu- Uo CONSTITUTIONALISTS WT 7 n m .jiri, ij4, bff imv io OUR TEOM OJINAOrffS fif YXpkirff jMl-.ViW'STi ...-; - 1 . "jdiet scot .us y tne solicitor and REPORT. Vfll Has her iuu win ruev a isoo natulan ri I m 1 2vMi of alt t'lnlaliAiii We, the undesigned appointed to visit and inspect the Stonewall Jark- Untfl Only 300 Are left Ml ton Mnnnal Training School, detjes arriaan for Ollnaxa. Villa Ex- P" "i we nv vimiea saia acnnoi amaoa W vju. v u- L.iu.. m.k, the following report ta Torreoa w so trnuwo oy f name thj Fedsra Isidio, Tex. ' : 1 1 i . ten rows, plenty of farm implement, in Rood shape. We fonnd sixty-five Iklva and, we. learn, that half of them Jo 13 fcthooV M"B' tihe-elf of them njf -fal lchfAr. aholii -tout hour dav...W And that. the. buildiiurs jar. well .kept and f bat the grounds are WW grealK 4tirtned. v a alM lean U. WaaW ram Jftll. !. ar!:5.r."..'r-T-M a gnson for Onnaga : " J - . ledpIOis 1UQ Sfil - .itO CimiJ - a . ClnnntT Home. o lurkiiv.w ?rfh?itu.;i.:.A-,wAiJ L rt Jan. 12. (Jerieral Villa? haa alnadr begun to advance CorfW itationaUati lf t ' pjinaK, tthis morf nC fob3,HKriAlM feafl for oni)3tltnhtJ'ew.Alil nntf only tiM'nialMmBiai:i we inigM at derl weS TTw'W Usforini rweD-three:Whit. r I Or rb7 W1 "UMirvM. Wlf II HWUTt """"" m-WHTT-iniiiwrii mm nM WHV ' . hut fmndred- federals, -probably must K-koned with. Gen. Villa denied ixeeution of Jaijfriiprisoners. at feyp i,je" i"1 ionsntuponauv.; ere are four thousand and. five soldiers and refugees in the outside this town. fifty pound . of pork, wenty-fiva cord of wood, fifteen tonft or coal, more or lew. . W'e found the JmUdinzsL' old, but in alean,onilojrtni8 faa-- aiiluD. i lie luuimvs BtT mir well take taken eare of. We wouM advise a separate dining room for the white and colored inmates, and also eonTVitrntion ramp outside tms town, i wmie inn w m.ir,, mm a Waff "the rtl1iiWwtUiab visited the ehieftaina announeeffl that, the losses chaiferig beg jfoavevio report that s niSnxra hatUt wer twenty Iwe jflbd twentv-iime idpnvicts eloven seven killed b4 iffr tlwe'feMrl IwtMjfe'iluuI eighteen colored. We also slain. . - "' " j ' i J (ten - Jtottnet thirteen lead 6f mules. Vltwo horse watons. one 1-horw wainnv 0ElfSO tr--REBELS roek; eruslier, .nc, road rpaeker, Otttpost Aol CrljCifipfe' one. water waon, four, iron a HfiS'l.Tlit w ieei narrows, iwo wtieu ' nucn Aftfr Brief f m,ilino dio. Tei,. Jan, fCTIigrTteliVM " ederai army with it. generals .""ii . 7a 7Zi erse1ean, comfpntable- JaiL M t; TSACHEU' MEETWO. Ai iaVVOwtral School Mszt Bat vdayw A Ward Froa tk Soyer- f The teackr't Cabarrus County bold tvrir r-f '" "-'y meet ing at the Central graded aehoool on Saturday. January 17. at 11 o'clock. (T6iT"book-ii!iad this-, year, in the mrsn&r sxlidy is Every Day Prob lems in. Teaching. JA fiumbex af teaeber have already ''I ot'Jtii boot Those who have not. can find the book on sale at White-MoTrison-Flowe Com yip" 'f'ltaM secure a copy, or have access Wa nook, ao that you will be able to answer the questions that may be asked, touching on first two chap- We lwojindtwojnndxsj . Besides the regular course of study, we are- planning for several declama tions aiU:readinps to be rendered, by ttscheW and stttdentsof oui county, a icW! wish.ddthia imordet to show all the, teachers, what ..some of - the sools'aW doiBe 'along 1he line of Uiteraryr.society work, i Also that it o:ay prove. an incentive tor teachers to' plaee- declamations ' and short ispeetuls r.in? the had of: their stu dents to, use at. spare time. '' ;f tefr leaelf dVt ermine tlie Aumbet f song books that is wanted in her .school and .come prepared to secure sameV' i ';-; j- ! A. .Btamber of obildrcn Will be pres ent: with these' we Duroose to eive a secondj third a'ndfonrth-eader lesson. The classes will be conducted by dif ferent 'teachers. Glad to have all primary teachers WA'irXPOvI thpiae Is eepTne quartd at Salvador Tflereado, who was i ; "V ' a-s ehlel tuiutary eomtqanoer, . ..... .. ., . hQJ, Bnd awt.iaH Hr tlUCfl fl(lC K, a a imnoftHibl for Major MeNa-K to HW . wK 9r on or - i , 'u " t.nks to ,he . 800i the iaii'ma dreidM colidifiofl.l'Thetah- Jifljrngiements-Ara bad.ber.be . A.inl. ianlfl ilia sfikf.la ltlf rederris,1whethprrthy ,J)Jc UTi-ii'i.mjiii' ivnhetariff;J)iiithe hadlTffse-otf tuuf Me wr. ihe.tool9.wlwn BWded; lier, lOEICfltBrnftPCniukMmi-w arVkriii s it shdu d ru- n;;n.r. j . . .. . LO. iUO wmmr. .ii.m , ttt fnnlwJ ..f tn'Or tUB nriSOll- is lastly desert. . - Lr.. ,, the shady or north . side, of m defexfetof , the-, fedarai army i.. hlliMinir. hadto 6en blankets .foll-ed only JeoUta tmv ar0fkemW hen complained of iB.ft'ch the rebel -dphing tXlhehlolfi. and looked as If they were dowjV staged to cJBTTn on the VcoR7Qnf) o. the : prisoners, .Tony Bom Btill ni a Hog-Kirs Coeditioa in Places. r( Scores of coniplaiixi have been fi)de concerning the condition of th 0AU8E LOSS OF 10,000.000 BALES 1f,ion1 uin,ry " Harrisbury :.reopIe are complaining, and justly so. ... Z'.cr1"- fiT KYrr1 er this important " ' ttretch of highway has been neglected rir,t.A4 .talFW W92:ondition while the road authorities iMatrors oct0B-4 Vie Value 0f nier two ooards or county eommis m . Ji. aioners, one of a Democratic political fw,ww,uvu. a WMriifcptario, ,nd tB, otber of ,he Re. liOas to Bouuam Farmers. If Al-jfuhhcan shade, are gathering together 3 .. auflieient information In (Wide where the road ought to ruu. ill k were not for the law restrict- lowed to Spread In South Carolina tha Loss te FiTa "Counties Alone Will Be S4SWJ.000 In Tour Tears Washington, Jan. 12. The boir weevil, which first Appeared in Texas in- 1892, is charged kh the loss of 10M,000;mleofiHon valued at' more - than. t0O,0Q0(W aince- ,tht 1 ujc, ine census Bureau ren'rt.l lug certain language from periodicals that go through the mails this paper eould give the opinions of s large jumber of citizens concerning the fpndition of this road. The way they yould burn, bristle and scortch would be worth risking a trip over this section of the highway to behold. I his report audi that if the h mv;i ulftri.;., t ; nr j i... i.u. allowed to spread in. South lUmimJu .k., j c..i, ,k.. t t.. tne loss to the cotton growers of five everything has been done alot it but lmpertant oottoiii. growing counties Ae proper thing, repairing it. While Inn. ... I U 1 '1 daa Aiin .. iuu uv i,uw,w in i4iur vnrs '-Mi n i JEROBfE ,WXLl TO flA en A Mum' . . readers with them." We want every teacher in the county to see this work. Only seVen-or eight 'were absent at iffTKu' mefeting. J. I earnestly rennet 'eifelrf Aihe ,tir''ie"pTesehf Saturday at U O'clock. D. S. LIPPARD, Superintendent. ,rJCM..Oatwu qreamory. The Hiekar cowesuoBilence of the Greepsbofb; "New 4 tbis . . Few- iiftftutiptt rliaS meant more to Uiekory' (luring fhe'i? period of op eitifnfli has tli Citawb eotuity creaie'.fi)r th,mo''ears this cream ery SasJW iu' oneratioiv and, dur ing the year just elosed, the increase otf bnsfnessj haa bVeilOQ per cent over lrrJJl.0Wi)J lelowi direct from liaBd sparafofs nd alutl,800 ffallqna are collected everj' week. This is, furnished byt.100 farnnrt and pro duced by alKiut 800 cows. -Iuring the month'-qf December, 17,000 pounds of btftter!aS.i'8hippe;4 4roui the creamt efy, .oUi as.far asf as" Baltimore and -rar.soutii as rionaa. , McTowen Will Probably Accept In- IWasinugtona Jan. 10.-2-The Obser- veV -eerrespohd'ent 'was told tonight tbt JiGoyern6r, Robert B. , Glenn would'W.ms'appointTOeiit 1 to the Bouridary '''Commission' ' and Manly McDowell- hjjt W ithe ; income tax ifjee inWt"ireekJa.tlUs(Ki.;',.'-.:- j friends iave'f interceded between SenatoP'Ovetma'' and Ml. McDowell within the last 48,-honfs and the ptos pej;tt "are bright f or a ettlemnt of tBeit dHIOenceAr .ient oi r. To Argue fof Thaw'e Extradition Vn- lei Requested by - jidgi Aldrich. New York, Jan, 12.-iwillian, Tin. rs Jerome said today tlmt he would "0t,f 4" Hnll'rc. Jo uw,ear in tlie federaKetmTt- knd-nv..itA-1-, Thaw's extradition . unless reiiuested to do so by Judge Aldrich. lie called the eomission's decision declaring Thaw sane a " tracreir?i r?td from Albany indicated rtlmt Attorney General Carmody will ave Tliaw ar rested if he crosses the Xf llnn.f.. Mine iniruer. A GREAT RECORD AU the Children Cocp'r4 Between the" Ages of 8 and Years Attend ing 8chool, Says Mr, long; . J. W. B. Lonf trn...,t n.,:L tor Concord under ithrf educational Jaw, has; completed his canvass of the city sine.. th law went imv.ejieei wst AlonOand states that every white child between the ages of 8 and 12 years whose 'parents lo not have a legal redson and excuse 5, to his personal knowleda-e. nhtend. ing -school. jfeDewell hi way' to Wushing- plained qf a lack 0? attention.1 Wa .hoar-and believe th the ridWlW)llllllpc eaHiaTn3SFwp.iOT..r-9tjt.-sjinlJ..giiew.-jan m ue near luiure. v mawew. Jhejeaejrw;fiafl yft,.nny Untwe think somethiirghcmMbei 50 rottnas pi emmHniiiou ior w d immediately for heating it bet- nan, . ;;?yr ''' ter and improving thelewerage. As utiitninvMiru iuu is now. it is not niy very, uncom fore gave Jhe order to eyaeuate, l--, but-W think dangerous h - AHlthe tederal soldiers antheii, bealth-; : American In all di! ml ,BT-I i.i aA F&Tste$' and. -records weU J.-.-.- . IKCDC. lUfSIO V. miy.w.vtuv.... Orowo, eommender ordewOSaajpi--!' fcayibeen, informed inipeetid the courf house and -lkept. : Thfir ant lots of Improvements tiers, threatened with aummaiy exe-rj cution by VWtf, nm? ilt w.A believed Be'tfaa'Wj the nfouceaineyrj f f fJJ atrth W. hi ' Waldiniian Hodery . 1 . " . Mofcanton, Jan. 10. A phone mes ' sage from Vakiese, email town just east df Morganton, and inhabited by WmdiniiianL states that the'entira ' force bf employee of the Waktnan Hosiety mill walke-'-Mhi morniqj on a itrike for ' in'.wfiges. The' icr" vnc jrefased. . anditfl ; troublb w ; men h . trouble s keep fflie Hon, it U once filled i end cfcntinu noon. A let states that th. quiet, with tjh serious of the ,tnsi -torkor the ey('MIr Tewjifa l ,ut ,.( owi -jat efw' -n -g J t ? -v ' a .no ey? will; fbe taade in thesnear f Thniiitrv commissioners are ntoT .tfh.tn'yA v.1ahb frtv mAil. now" it v vwuifiv i elinl solii house:' We -rekoro- u j f-i.i ilini Mmnfv AmmiBAioners Kill . a -rifioir nlared on aeh aide of Uhe Netional highway at tne-jfeser- voir' at 'KatrhaDolis. -tfjvfnieolnb '"ty w- t, Ju. 13. Tpe, els' St4WrWt Kri lteutef. flrH GAerale Castro anq ercaqo, , om-jrr, , d beiieve tbafcA-'Battlee' LeJMmtahoiMU, Jan. 12. brought here on-enaage oi venue irom Tula eouhK'ife ht, in 09rt today for its eon( fnair -1 ine ercpaani, Mrs. JMi"Ii'.t Is cliarged with comrtt5c :'MtnTietk pf her hus band, GhariehT Beuter, a prominent slainf in 'hi' ..lionie. orwMfty fiif; 1912, Mrf. Beuter 1vwavon viatod at 5 Iter first rji Send sentenced, to; life .!. prumet.'vTwe-'t litl'Ueged ae- compliecS aw; servg-"lif1erms w the pentenwry ; rii Federals and Rmmdnition in Custody of Border PatroL . ' Presidio, Texas. Jan. ll.-I-TweiiJv: ight hundred Mexican Federal sol diers' six generals, 200,000 rounds of ammunition,' two cannons, four large field pieces and 1,500 riviliaa refu gees were in the custody of the" Unit ed States Army border patroT today as the result ,of . (he F'Sdara vaqua-j iiuu ui yjumgn, .ueiico, ana me oci cupation of the Mexican village by Gen. Francisco jViJlftls1rekeJiifrces. ine distress or the refugees Is Intense, They have scant food, and.no. shelter. Men, women -and r, children, ,:,dogs. cmcHens ana cattle: are packed to gether in a space, covering several acres." About them ar! scatteredlll the goods and baggage brought from ; - i.. - . j; ujinaga. . - 1 New .York. Jau. 12. The, eleotrje ebarr'tf to $lhrve Hift ntepthwn. mW'Xf.HeAwkiriiSiathifhe chances appIM hfldvl! be tweei,Jthytwftf-tt-'thero8lclbat faeea -liahi'H BchmicK'i IMtjifoirmer priest andeonesssd murderer' ot Anna A'iTniunerwho-waa' brought' in--eourt-lqday tcyitand trial ferJhe Miwaeon JTOor.Ber .Ton, Washtiiikoni JirulVL'!? Although Margrc4 . W;4OB Si 1 he, Jlremdent's ! daughter,, ajie r eoorn to ass: .xor more coniideration thaii. any -one' else iH IB anyfhipg she does. 1 Only a lew days ago; (me eetviitf line, inthedietriot Ummiseioneir1 ? offlce-awaltlnjit ', kshanaovta see Oliver ; P.- ewman, annomtee. .. The' office bor-had not jeogVUed her,; g; the' waited tor.' a nail tOlUTiOr-more.juss use u uruiu- ary : cJtiiniiifA: : ; ';3iv ,1, , ) . - Conrt Tssuaies . ' Ti, RnMrior Court eonvena ihTs primlnal uvut wis eou H ita riuaj and rA-t too ir'rtcHs.i&iil tins morning, when the eivHL'toetattneias takcu'i ;!- involves t $100. -iisl t 5 . . Y. ' Th cues l 1 SI L 'oonclnded lesftsAhan fwo week ijresulted in disagreement of the turv.-'. It' was reported that tne jury stooq tU 0 1 tor R ysraw o. guuij oriiwrdetto-th nrit degree.- Honor ,1 Jionor .WftWa t Margaret LongrLil -Long, Mry . ; X'6leT.Ue..:l '' '.or,,Muri4l Sbian.lJ&i ritik-l.L Fufun eal, J" '--"ret 'ee-J niTiT. CaldweU'-lVnniii'- t,. DrlitJ 't .BxdaJEMirth:TrrS Kansas City. "Mo., Jan. 12. The rasa trDrrB.T&tk'Hyderho is Scuspe l D muraer o vi. . Swope; a millionaire philathropist, in innn come nn in 'court todav for M.r.iiii.aT . "rmT ..."vr- J; .i: ' si.2notrrwIyn"T.ritrial.l This WW W jne lounn tnai Of the ease, JfPicn. has auracwa wiuo i A, y, if, 1C'- .;.r j- atteio4;foirjt,vera -yeare. At ms first Irial Iff llyde was found guilty nd fcmttoneWo1 life imprisonment. The leeond Wearing resulted i a wie MaiW flth tbW' tM in, a Jury djsa,Atm?nl,w' J ne H. Orae.uwlioal myate iy -ehbT et"fcie Tfidenee '4At rvn-tc. to -pe ayiDT a e iuhius institute U fur le Tf, r jnsl civeed ;ar 3T;J in; the. United rw lanta T: leo'U t' ;cro Cee! rr J s f-re this has been going on the road has become almost impassable and there h no indication that it will be repair ed any time soon. Differences of Opinion still exists about this road, nd while the full goes on the mud holes grow deeper and larger. This road is a reflection on the management of affairs in Cabarrus eounty. It is a drawback to progress and business. Tt is contrary to the good road sentiment that lias been de veloped and nurtured in this county and a disgrace to its good road system. DEATH OF W. A. TBOXPSOX Confederate Answers Last Roll Call Suddenly Saturday Wight Mr. W. A. Thompson, a well known ciiisen or Missouri City, died sudden iy Saturday night at his home. Mr. toompson bad been in apparently Bwa neuin riurda,- and was in Con eoro naturday evening shopping and also attended the picture show. Soon after his return home he complained of being sick and died a few minutes later. His de: js attnbi led to heart disease. Mr. Tnomper native of this eounty and wa- ; 1 enrs of age. He was a Lonfederr ;. ic. ran and a mem her of Cabarrus tamp. He is surviv ed by bis wife and three sons. The funeral was held this mornin" am u am ann me inierment was made at Oakwood cemetery. 1 . :.,Vtfi Negro Attempts to Murder a Lenoir Lenoir, Jan. lLTolay about noo negro named Charles Parnett went to Dellingera' cafe and called. ,qaii 11 I. Cloer, who had gone there, in com pany with another man for dinner. As Mr. Cloer stepped out tbowor the negro reached in bis pocket for a. p tol and the former made. lor him. The negro ran a short distance Jfnd fired at Cloer. he. bU bitVing hm oq the left forearm near tbe. elhbw in flicting gainful wwu43i?fjhe oegrd ran ana -vjoec m " pursuit ai. ui assailant, who shot at him-- second time as be ran, but the ball went wild. In an instant there was quite a number of men in pursuit of " the negrqwhowas soon"appreliended, bao'- nUiEZTNG WEATHER '. 5- ,1 PREDICTED FOR WEEK ' - t- ' '-; Bureau Saya Heary Frosts Will Ex- tend to Bouthern Florida. Through .. Sooth, . - ' ;' 1 V'aShingtbriJ Jan. 11. Fxeering weather reaching down to Southern FloridSfiwai. predicted today by the Weather Bureau experts for a few days of the.week. . "The week will open," said the bulletin, "with a cold wave in the Northwest, that will extend through the upper Lake .region during Mon anl by Tuesday night oriWedBesaay morning' will reaeh the North Atlan.- tic States. There also will be heavy frosts and freezing temperatMrrsi Monday and Tuesday over the-Soutn Atlantic and Gulf States, and by Tuesday morning the frosts probably will ex-tend over the interior of South ern Florida. "It is not probable that high tem peratures will .be experienced during ' the week over the South, but over the North after the passing of the cold wave, there? will be a recovery to more moderate temperature. This will reach the North Atlantic States about Thursday, ,4A disturbance now near Southern Alaska alreadSy is causing rains on the Washington coast. This distur bance.' will cause rains and snows west of the mountains, but not much to the eastward until about the mid dle of , the week, when snows and rains may; be expected from Missouri and upper Mississippi Valleys east ward,!; reaching the Atlantic States Thnrsdav on Friday.. H is not prou- able that any severely cold weather Willi follow the present Alaska dis turbance.' Another disturbance will follow tha end of the week. Ai-a. ttm South and Southwest the! weather will be generally fair during the- week, and in tne rorin oocf tWerA will be no precipitation of consequence until arer tne uvaaie vi Ik itrAalr " ly beaten p and lodged JeiLi-- Q II. S. Hosnltal Skin Sft 'i Washington; Jin. 11 The7?avy Department- dispatches, said that Ad- miralvFletohee kad aenc te jtwispitai ship, Solace.TroW Vda CfuiHd Tam pico, as, another attack on Tampico is believed jbfmnending, MAY RETURN THE MONEY. Overman Will Introduce Bill Provid ing That $60,000,000 Tax Imposed en Southern Fanners' Cotton From 1866 to '68 ee Used fox Pensions. Washington. Jan. Overman will introduce bill Mon day providing that the $00,000)00 tax imposed on cotton belonging to southern farmers during the period from 1806 to 1868, inclusive be re turned to. the states and that it be used as a Pension for OnnMim soldiers; It is said that because pi the inability of the original owners or their heirs to establish their claims it is thought best to erive the jnonrv to the old soldiers in order that thero may be no hitch in the passage of the bill should it receive favorable nnn. sideratlon In committee. Senator Overman also introduced n bill to ; punish illegal lobbying and proyideHhat all lobbyists be register ed in order that Congress may know who is representing each and even interest who desire to influence lei; is lation. JNO. M. T ALBERT KILLED. Married,. Misa Pattie . Ross, of New London, and Went West With Bride.', Spehceri Ja'o:l0.Hlohn M. Talbert. a , native of. Randolph 'County, who four months azb married Miss Pattie 'Roavof. New L8ndtn,'aird with 'her wenfo-aWrnurto live, was elec- troeflt'wtile-'Working for a power plant itf that state New Year day. The body, accompanied hv a brother aud the widow, was brought hede and taken to New London today for burial - Samuel BS, Colley. aged 77. a Con- lederate soldier who took pride in exhibiting- a watch and chain made of bullets all of which had entered his body during the War Between tho States, is dead at his home near Sa lem church, this county. He had been blind and otherwise afflicted for several years. the jweek,' tiP't ' Library Report, hu'The following is the statistical re toorfi of the Library tor uecemoer. Books in Library, Dec. 1 . - 1,439 Books purchased . . PRESIDENT PASSES HERE TODAY ON HIS RETURN His Health is Completely Restored. ' Given Enthusiastic Send-Off. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 12. Se eluded in his private car, President Wilson passed through' here today en route back to Washington. His health is completely restored He was given an enthusiastic sendroff by the residents of-Pass Christian, CONGRESS MEETS AGAIN. i' fln4 . I f i t . i7 T Jit 1 ' leU rlrvtv LINGERS TOR TWO YEARS Af-J Ce A SXslXVU BHOTj1 It A :t .0 is Stated That Hs Maintained W! the End of His Coasciouj.LWe fkntC " HU Wife Shot Hia On the Trial She Was Acquitted!" Physicians Declare Grace's Death Was Direct ly Due to Uraemic Poisoning Devel ' "." oped From the Wound. Nc vwnan. (la.. Jan 19 ii4.:.... U-en an imal.d for nearly two Sean. lollOWinsr Ills llivalnrinn. .1, ... . .vw, duwhuk ni Ins Atlanta home rnn. .1. wealthy cluhinan, died here odar' A1-' though lirace declared hia f .i..j iT him for his hie insurance, she' was.', acquitted. I'liysiciaus declared that. , . his death lls directlv due to uraemic poisoning, which developed about the" '' wound. ' Atlanta. Cia.. Jan. 12 , lfllJ. - All question of the sincerity of .En. .. gtne H. Grace in aeusing his wife. of, . shooting him seems to have been 'nil-'." enced forever In the whisjier of Grace 1 as he lapsed into unconsciousness TSat- urday. "It was Daisy who shot me." . , Mrs. Grace 1ms been cleared in open court. The law has pronounced her innocent. The secret of the myste rious crime will in all probability re-n-ain forever a secret, but ofvonn-. thing there can no longer . be anv doubt and thnt is that Euoene Grace believed his nit'c was guiltv. 'I lost at the trial, and now f am lose my tone tight for life,'r thevdy J ing man is quoted' as saying, "but 1 will appeal from earthly courts to a higher Tribunal, and she will not come- clear then." , : At another time, while be was g-row- '"' " ing weaker, Grace is quoted as saying to members of his farailv. "She did ,.- She did it ! She sliot me and then left me locked in'ttie room to die. I am thinking of it all the 'time", and'1 it has eaten into by soul.'! 68 Books taken out by adults. . . Book taken out by children . 1,507 277 75 Leaders Hep to Terminate the Ses sion Before Midsummer. Washington, JaiiJ 12.--Tbe grinding legislative, wheels began again today. Leaders hope to terminaite the session Lbefore mid summer, but much legisla tion is on the calendar. , The Alaska railroad bill is before the Senate. The House will devote its main energies in the immediate future to the regular appropriation bills. ' i Ail. ! - . . . Borrowers added ....... w fotal No. borrowers i . T . . 1130 Visitors to reading; room . . uo H , : MRS. J. D. LENTA K.i.-.v ? .'r-,v;-;;ri'Libraran;' $ee the big ad. of The Pastime on send pag today, x "inn I , ,; Madero Backed ByJWaUrtPterce Co, j And Taft Unheld Diai. " n"ii; w. ami. n.-an.uu Department has on file the reports of investigations showing! that Jfif watert-neree Oil' Company' of1 the United States aided in financing the rcvcJutW of Frahcisso JLOMfedeYofi" j atrainst Porflrin . Diaz, vrtiich Karan I - m-, rr-y To' Adjust Intrastate Frekht Ratea itlca At: iliiilil .t i; i $ 'Warn ( -SKIN GAME Hf CABARW8. .-', Colored Fanner In Salisbury Saturday to Identify Man Now ''Serving Time. v- Salisburr Post. "; A well known colored fanner Of' Cabarrus is here today on what he; considers an important mission.' H. learned of the fortune telling trick" f attempted souio days ago on a Rowan ' :' negro framer in an attempt to swinn!: ! die him and in which a spool of thread.,, i was to ligure and ot the man being , sent to the" chain gang. He states that a one arm white man secured $20 from him some time ago in a fortune' 1 1 telling trick and in which. a; spool of,, :i thread , was used, the man after se- , ; curing $0 taking the end of the . thread eAd ' going away from 1 the ' ' house aflter: dark and was to return ' " but he h! not put. in his appearance ..i' yet., He went out to the .camp, this, , ; afternoon, to take a look at the man , . Fespermali', sent up for attempting a similar trick here, find see if he' -' ' the same man. .' -.-:;.,-.:,-..--' - ;-iif - :." '..., m: n: FROM THE STATE ' w '(' ,: CAPITAL TODAY. ! ' Three Football Men Not: Allowed to" "' A and M. Because They Failed to J u Keep Up Their Studies. CharterL' .Issued. v.jj, :,,;ir RMeih, Jan. 12. Fnllbnek Tenncy,; !i Halfback, Sullivan,-; td,v Lineman; :!?, Cook, of the A. and M. football teami.- -i -s are .not, allowed to return tJ.''cbsol i.-.,i,. this session on account of thir'ail,'l c) ure to keep up their studies., Tonney and : Sullivan are , two q the, playeiis hoJSs : whoi caused a severing, of 1 relations with the University and Carolina.ip iiow A charter was issued today to-thwaxi-.t TDobbin-Sills Slior eoBftJWtlsboro. ,S with 25,000 authorizedii andnSOddl Subscribed by C, L. .Dobbin(,R4 Ak.jjt 1 iWa and others fora shoe tore.bttain - "n?8!'! 'u'H',1 '"wij .'iH i'ii''Jjj,!lx---- at : a, I, Uk COMMISSION TODAYrj'o j od : m. 1 . . 1 Aaeso reports were made, by secretl w-j. i.',tiw-iu. " servieef -agents VtttHpriig otiUUi kiMUlu 3.4Mmti'mMt t nd hV tha than linanAan T ' I . Z . . . ... ' to Menoq. enfy LnBlWilsW MA4S.yht teaTnBderh;Jn.tiflalaat,i. :j.dJ nuaona report was based on AfflmteSink to hear protests othe.-,. i sayi ewdeiwertnat ef 4ksefetU.rXllI?JSL2". 'STo!" vice operaliyea on aire ertd4neeV t v. S? udent Taft, Secretary tc "T W1et' v1' I'M !r-P ;y'JMh tocabroE iuoouajr ua Auumuay. luoze i leave 'Oi ADeenco rocTfiyenr,- u wiring 10 iaco lesson s are' esnvutted i meet Mist Brown at " tBevtlks irmte- tomorrow evenintr' at 7:: a ni:ie 2QiU3S' per cent.' reductions. 'J" "J "" 5Jl4 the railroads in the Stale7 W?A refltisented by "eOMsl-and''"bmoials wfaherbic say ievileneert.4l!3hfiW!fetUeri' is statoAi In Feriner Preside wicitersham knew of the aid thoLw-..i -A it. cv.i .j I.TfcrjP11 W1! Iti dMitntfith.' eomissioirtIigJfterJ.y 4i.iii.JvlL(rt TienamDcr. ine eommission may enanco manrbntharfronrieding moral snp-Lu. s j.. .:n i.r.t Z.i ,n a . i .a - -p m line huh HiiiUD iiuu :nni ' iki 1 issii - ,7hl) asdi saoidgul ?ll) .t4': ,'r IV Ml 1MM1VIU D1QH1. IE ! BMH. Vl'T , 1 Y I ... ' " n?nvpreper. .- Pet BfoVn'l dancing shol'!h1.nel1IIilI, JamM.etmg 1 10 S J!W?.1Nfd?li'r'' K " 'ward' K. "Gfarnvm it in re- wv4 s. ooorwul M 6mdncfer at tha B-kiM . !4 PAcf 1o rmn'n -:. i" wki ' ua, ivuvus. si uua aavtu v m w bum m fiot'le has regainedHbie ln- .I r1-1 to X. :- '" '1 r 5 .7)1:.'- Mo 1 .'i . I v I i I j cr J A AY CT 1 4 .w4'' 1 nAAn nn T MT